The Fantasy RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby C S » Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:03 am

Brimstone trampled over a crouched worker who was hiding in a bush, flames finding life on it's clothing, but it was ultimately Gallant's blade, driven through it's back that brought about its demise. Another tried to run, Gallant swinging his blade at it, the body flying off of the sword and at the fleeing worker...
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Postby Doc 42 » Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:37 pm

The sound of pounding hooves joined the screams of the workers, a platoon of Industrialist cavalry arriving, clad in steel armour with rifle's, spears and swords slung over their backs and mounts. They drew to a halt, aiming their weapons, their captain giving the order to fire. The remaining workers dived to the ground just as the bullets whistled over head, whittling into the line of undead, knocking some over but doing little else. The captain lifted up his visor, taking in the sight of the approaching monsters. He holstered his rifle on his back and drew his sword, shouting "Blasted undead! Swords out! Send them back to the grave!"

The cavalry let loose a battle cry and drew their swords, charging forward as one....
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:45 pm

The undead collided with the cavalry, making no real move to protect themselves or get out of the way, most of the front line being made up of unarmed undead workers that were being raised by the necromancers. A few large, completely skeletal soldiers, larger then an average man, lumbered toward the horsemen, the lead skeleton swinging its massive mace at one horse, the bone-shattering strike hitting its chest, causing the rider to be hurled off its mount and into a stump...

Ragnok dove out from behind a large bush, his claymore stabbing into the side of an armored horse, the death knight being dragged forward as the horse collapsed violently to the ground, causing all three beings to tumble over the ground for several feet...

Postby C S » Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:48 pm

Gallant raised his sword and pointed it at the new commers, a bright blue ord with a light gray mist around it formed and then jettisonned into the ranks of the cavarly, the orb of freezing energy slowing down the movements of them all, leaving them fodder for the undead..
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Postby Doc 42 » Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:37 pm

The downed soldier struggled to his feet, bogged down by the heavy armour. He lunged forward, swinging his sword at the death knight...
Along side him, the cavalry's charge was lost to the freezing spell, where they had originally ploughed through the animated corpses, now they had to fight them off with sword and spear. The soldiers facing the large skeletons used spears to try and keep them at range, stabbing and trying to disarm them... A few mounted troops near the rear used the rifles, aiming over the heads of their comrades and trying to pick off the necromancers controlling the undead...
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Postby C S » Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:43 pm

Gallanat swung his blade up towards the sky, a blue beam shooting up and above the tree line. It arced down and slammed into one of the rifle men, his body freezing over from the point of impact. Raising up again, Brimstone let out another roar and then slammed back down on the ground, running behind the undead and then leaping over them, landing among the ranks of the humans. Swinging his sword, Gallant decapitated one of the soliders before sending it through the chest of another...
Last edited by C S on Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:58 pm

Ragnok parried the blade with his own, kicking the soldier back, springing to his feet a moment after. Holding the claymore in one hand, the death knight punched the Industrialist straight in the nose, causing it to stagger, bringing his blade up before swinging it down with both hands, the weapon sinking deeply into the soldier's shoulder...

The undead continued to pound against the humans chaotically, not seeming to mind their injuries, while the large skeletal minions acted tactfully, avoiding blows before swinging their massive weapons in retaliation, a mace colliding with a rider's own weapon, blowing it off its mount completely...

Postby Doc 42 » Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:18 pm

The captain of the platoon rode forward towards Ragnorok, angling his sword and swinging to run the monster through...

The soldiers around Galant lunged at him, one stabbing his mount through the shoulder with a spear, the fallen men being replaced by two more almost immediately. They had him surrounded now...

The rifle armed soldiers continued firing, firing in 3's to maximise the chance of a hit, targeting the necromancers...
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Postby C S » Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:21 pm

Brimstone rears up and immdiately let flames blanket the men infront of him as well as moving his head from side to side to spread the fire, while Gallant happilly hacked away at the mortals, blade slicing into their bodies like paper and leaving those attacked bleeding and traumatized...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:32 pm

Ragnok pulled the still-impaled human toward him, causing it to smash against the legs of the horse as it neared, knocking both rider and mount to the ground, the collision also jarring the corpse loose, which tumbled away with them, Ragnok left in a crouch...

The necromancers were practically surrounded by the more useless undead, which acted as meat shields for their demonic masters, who quickly took cover behind more suitable objects.

Suddenly, one of the riders that surrounded Gallant was launched into the air, claws impaled onto his back as Vanthryn's mount swerved in the air, hurling the Industrialist at the others that threatened their ally, causing them their horses to stumble and for some, fall, with the collision...

Postby Doc 42 » Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:42 am

The captain struggled up, clutching his sword carefully, staring at the monster, waiting for it to make the first move...

the industrialist cavalry was beginning to waiver, a combination of the flames and the monstrous gryphon finally getting to them. However, they still fought on, the men surviving the wave of fire lunging forward, impaling the knight's steed with their pikes, the riders along side the death knight fighting defensively, blocking the monsters strikes more than making their own.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:47 am

Ragnok smiled through his heavily scarred plate helm, noticing the Industrialist's uneasiness and quickly enjoying it. The death knight charged forward with long strides, sweeping his claymore down and then up, attempting to uppercut the human...

Vanthryn's mount hovered above a few riders long enough for the elf to strike out with its blade, slicing into a rider's shoulder before one of the gryphon's talons raked its chest, causing it to slump on its mount...

Postby C S » Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:01 am

Brimstone let ou an enraged whinny, but didnt feel pain for obvious reasons. The horse let out a sulpher rich smoke in a snort, then charged foward, trampling over those attacking him with spears, while Gallant struck down who attempted to flank them with his blade..
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Postby Doc 42 » Thu Aug 06, 2009 11:20 am

Crackles of gunfire rose from the back of the battle, bullets whizzing into the gryphon, the soldiers trying to shoot the flying monster down. The horse riders used their pikes to keep the demonic horse at bay, jabbing them into its chest, it couldn't charge forward if it was impaled onto a spear point...

the captain sidestepped and swung his own sword down, attempting to block the claymore into the ground...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:03 pm

Ragnok's sword clashed with the captain's, causing both blades to move down, Ragnok pushing forward, kicking the captain in the stomach before pulling his sword back up in front of him...

Vanthryn directed his mount to take evasive maneuvers, the undead gryphon lacking the usual cushioning that undead had, though many of the bullets simply passed through its form through spaces between the bones...

Postby C S » Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:35 pm

Brimstone jumped back, the lances sliding out between the spaces in his skeletal body, more flames bathing over the site towards those who dare attempted to block his reign of terror. Jumping off of his horse, Gallant began taking on the soldiers on his own, slashing a few who were preoccupied with the undead and had their backs turned to the knight of death...
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Postby Doc 42 » Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:52 pm

The captain stumbled back, wincing in pain, but he kept his sword up, moving forward while keeping the blade out...

Along side the battle, 4 riders manoeuvred through the trees, circling around the fighting, aiming to try attack the necromancers behind the main undead...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:17 am

Ragnok lashed out with a hand suddenly, his raised sword distracting the human before it was too late, the quick gauntletted strike stunning his enemy briefly, enough for him to swing his sword up toward the human's stomach...

Postby Doc 42 » Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:52 pm

The captain was thrown back by the punch, unprepared for the strike, being too slow to parry it...

The flanking riders broke back into the battle once more, from the rear this time, storming the necromancers and trying to catch them off guard...
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Postby The Kingpin » Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:14 am

The massive black Demon Lord watched the battle beyond with a smirk, watching as the thousands upon thousands of black dots on the battlefield clashed against eachother violently, oblivious to their iminent destruction. a malevolent smirk crawled onto his demonic/draconic features as his blazing, fiery eyes narrowed. "It is time, Valroz....Lead our forces into battle...Destroy Them!" rumbled the Demon Lord to his Commander, before giving the two Purple Dragons serving him orders to conceal his departure...he had a plan in store for the enemy...but he wanted to ensure his actions did as much damage to their morale as possible when he did it...
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