Isla Sorna Stories Profiles

Profiles for the dead.

Postby Cole » Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:20 am

A Main Character

Name: Jerkbeak

Age: 42

Species: Compsognathus

Gender: Male

Length: 16 inches

Height: 1 foot

Weight: 4-6 pounds?

Personality: Remember having that one or two relatives who were never happy and always in a bad mood? The ones where you did EVERYTHING in your power to try to make today the happiest day of they're lives but they still acted all mean and even pointed out how stupid you are for trying and simply pissed on you for being a good person? The Kinda relatives that you now just hope they to do the world a favor and crawl into a hole and die? That's what Jerkbeak is like.

Negative, bad tempered, always one to point out stupidity or faults, CRUELLY honest, always has a name to call someone, always smart enough to be near a hole or around somewhere too small for most predators to follow so he can continue to jerkishly insult them. He is the mean ol' hermit with a surprisingly BIG temper!

Appearance: He is dark green with some black stripes going down his head, neck and back with dark colored eyes. good camouflage in the overgrown New York City MUCH to the dismay of larger dinosaurs!

A Main Character

Name: Swiftspitter

Age: 7

Species: Dilophosaurus

Gender: Female

Length: 8 feet

Height: 5 feet

Weight: 90 pounds

Personality: Not a fan of being alone, easily intimidated, Though also shy and often does not make eye contact with other or larger predator dinosaurs. Though with her very minor mutations, she has NO idea on how powerful she really is. (Venom potency-wise)

She has no friends due to her shyness and there is not ONE creature that can say hello to her without her jumping nearly 30 feet (exaggeration) in the air in fright suddenly. No one can explain why Swiftspitter had such a submissive personality, though it can be due to a memory such as abandonment...

Appearance: Having dark green and dark grey skin. She blended in perfectly with the Isla Sorna jungles and overgrown world of new York City. She already has good camouflage. She is also notable for her dark eyes and brightly colored frill of bright reds, yellows, and greens.

If she had any scars on her, it would be those on her tail, where some predators have managed to bite her as she tried to flee from them, only to be forced to finally spit at them in self defence.

A Main Character

Name: Bloodrain

Species: Giganotosaurus

Gender: Female

Length: 55 feet long

Height: 21 feet tall

Weight: 10.4 tons

Age: 35

Appearance: Massive and fearsome. Although an impatient and blood thirsty creature, her skin is darkish green splattered by thick wavy black stripes going from muzzle to tail tip with a dark creamish/tanish underside gives her near perfect camouflage. The only thing giving away her position when it thick brush being her sinister orange eyes. Her body structure involves a thick armoured head with thick and large muzzle and brow ridges (spikes?) and small spikes going down from her nose tip all the way to her tail tip, she is also known for her slightly longish black fore claws. Due to numerous fights, she is covered in light scratches and bite marks and a few nastier ones on her legs and back of the neck.

Personality: Sinister and bloodthirsty. She is also known by both family and mate for her non-cowardly bullying (though they are thankful she never uses her teeth on them) and habit of getting a kick out of killing other creatures. She is a confident and high morale combatant who does not give up easily and has her fair share of experience in fighting. Due to her impatience and habit of attacking too soon. She is considered a little too blood thirsty to hunt medium and small sized creatures and often attacks other carnivores and slower herbivores. (Although she does not confess this. Her mate is a better hunter than she is.... Though when she DOES make a kill. It's often bigger than her mates.) Although not to much of a picky eater, she does not eat her own kind nor does she feed them over to her children..... Though that does not stop her from attacking and killing them for kicks. Although she does love her family and mate. It's is very obvious that her children get the special treatment and attention as she is surprisingly motherly and gentle with them, not anyway like how she behaves towards he siblings and mate.

Although bloodthirsty, she is intelligent and by no means an idiot. Being a mother, she would never dare attack anything she considers too dangerous or too experienced unless they happen to harm or attempt to harm her children. She can also plan ahead and plan now if need to be and sometimes she can surprise you on how much of a thinker she really is....


Yet Another Main Character

Name: Scarface

Age: 6 Years

Species: Giganotosaurus

Gender: Male

Length: 11 feet

Height: 4.2 feet

Weight: 280 KGs

Personality: Because of where he and his family range, (Somewhere in the northern San Fernando Mountain Range near the Gorge and Great Beach) he has never heard of many other super predators or even Crusher to be exact. So he pretty much firmly believe his mother as the most opposing force on the island. Which is far from the truth. (though give the kid a break. He is not even that far into life to know much about anything) He is also a bit of an adventurer much to his mother's dismay and such habits of lead to trouble. (Such as the large scare running down the left side of his muzzle)

Scarface has an attitude and has a habit of butting heads with other dinosaurs, (Most notably his siblings) but he is a good ally to have and is very trustworthy. He is also not well known for choosing his battle and his big mouth sometimes makes problems the more worse than they have to be.

Appearance: One of the most notable feature of his orange eyes with he obviously gotten from his mother, another would be the long scar running down the left side of his muzzle. He claims he got it fighting a raptor while adventuring one day, but in reality he likely got it from a fall or sliced it on a sharp rock. His is dark gray and black colored and is also noted to have a dark blueish/purplish tongue. Though no one knows where he got that trait from. (It certainly is not from his mother)
Last edited by Cole on Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:19 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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Postby Alpha » Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:58 am

Name: Orion Dead
Age: 5
Species: Allosaurus
Gender: Male
Length: 9 feet
Height: 2 feet
Weight: 90 lbs
Personality: Intelligent, Fast and Agile, He likes to live in group with other Allosaurus since he is still too young to be on his own, when there are problems, he will run if he needs to, because he's still a rookie when it comes to fighting.
Appearance: His appearance
Last edited by Alpha on Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:49 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby The Seeker » Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:27 pm

Name: Dusk
Age: 5
Species: Carcharodontosaurus
Gender: Male
Length: 18ft
Height: 9ft
Weight: 2 tons (p.s. i don't really know much about weight so you could correct me if you want)
Personality: He is bold, cunning, and vicious when he wants to be, he is also caring and compassionate of allies and other carcharas and knows when he should get in or out of a fight
Appearance: ... scolor.jpg
Description: The fastest and smartest of his siblings, he was the first to set out on his own, but he and his younger sister keep in their father's territory and keep in touch with each other until they are large enough to get their own territory and so they will always be at another's side when something happens
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Postby raptor33 » Mon Nov 30, 2009 9:27 pm

Name: Chaos (Deceased)
Age: 17
Species: Velociraptor
Gender: Male
Length: average
Height: average
Weight: average
Personality: Intelligent, Fast and Agile, but not much of a "pack-hunter." A loner, Chaos doesn't care a compy's foot about his pack being destroyed. All they did was slow him down...
Appearance: he looks like a typical raptor

Name: Doomsday (Deceased)
Age: 37
Species: Spinosaurus
Gender: Male
Length: 45 ft. (15 meters)
Height: (i dont have any reference for this)
Weight: 7 tons (7 tonnes)
Personality: Aggresive Doomsday would rather kill first, ask questions later. Being so agresive, he is often hindered by his outright savagery.
Appearance: He looks like a normal spino with a jet black sail.

Name: Whitethroat (Deceased)
Age: 58
Species: Parasaurolophus
Gender: Male
Length: 66 feet (20 meters)
Height: (no reference)
Weight: 15400 pounds (7000 kilograms)
Personality: Submissive, shy, but also calculating and calm, Whitethroat leads his herd. He is the oldest male in his herd and often has many challengers, all of them young fools who underestimate his abilities.
Appearance: Black stripes, black legs, a white underbelly, throat, and snout (hence the name), and a somewhat checkered pattern on his tail.

Name: Fyre
Age: 25
Species: Baryonx
Gender: Male
Length: 20 ft
Height: 14 ft
Weight: 1,700 lbs

Personality: Murderous and intelligent, Fyre had a rough past, most of it spent running from larger predators. With deep hatred for all the other carnivores, he believes Baryonx are superior.

Appearance: White-skinned with red eyes, Fyre has a long scar running down his side.
Last edited by raptor33 on Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby slashmaster101 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:05 pm

Name: Redclaw (died randomly)
Age: 20
Gender: male
Length: 23ft
Weight: 2,000lb

Personality: shy toward predators over 40 feet long but aggressive to anyone smaller then him


Name: Nightscale (died of sickness)
Age: 50
Species: postachusus
Gender: male
Length: 20ft
Weight: 4,000lb

Personality: hate's all raptor's for no known reason.

Appearance: ... 848509.jpg. but black

Name: greytalon (was killed by crocodiles)
Age: 20
Weight: 1,900

Personality: like's other raptors and is social

discription: just like reclaw

Name: chomper
Age: 40
Species: Giganotosaurus
Gender: male
Length: 55ft
Weight: 8 tons

Personality: aggressive and supicious towards other super predators.

discription: A light grey giga that has a reputation for being a effective and quick killer

Name: blackcrest
Age: 15
Species: dilophosaurus
Gender: male
Length: 15ft
Weight: 200lbs
Personality: a calm and thoughtful carnivore
Description: a dark green dilophosaurus with a unique black crest with blood red stripes.
Last edited by slashmaster101 on Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:31 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Postby MaledictisUmbra » Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:37 pm

Name: Umbra
Age: 20
Species: Spinosaurus
Gender: male
Length: 55 feet
Height: 20 feet
Weight: 6 tons

Personality: Very agressive to any preditor smaller than him, and most any prey species he encounters. He is also very patient, being an ambush predator. He's not good at making too many different types of stategies, but the main stategy he uses (the crocodile strategy) serves him well.

Appearence: His main body is a dull, palish brown color to blend in with the bottoms of bodies of water. His sail skin is mainly clear, with the blood vessels making it look like a plant with spider webbing on his back. His eyes are a pale yellow look, with round irisis.
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Postby UndeadRaptor » Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:13 am

Name: Chopper
Age: 5 and a 1/2
Species: Velociraptor
Gender: Male
Length: 6' 9''
Weight: 79

Personality: Is a dedicated leader, willing to put his life on the line for his siblings and pack.

Appearance: Chopper has a darker coat than most TWL velociraptors, reddish brown colored eyes, and his quills are naval blue at the bottom, and turn white at the top.


Name: Brute
Age: 4
Species: Velociraptor
Gender: Male
Length: 7' 2''
Weight: 83

Personality: As his name states, he is the brute force of the pack, and is the brother of Chopper.

Appearance: A typical TLW Velociraptor, sporting a kinda reverse coat, orange coat, creamy stripes, and a jet black underside, and he sports sky blue eyes.


Name: FlameJaw
Age: 4 and a 1/2
Species: Velociraptor
Gender: Female
Length: 6' 11''
Weight: 74

Personality: She is the Alpha Female of the pack, always watching out for danger, and cares alot about Chopper's and Brute's siblings.

Appearance: She has shining green eyes, a striped tail, and a brown coat and underside.


Name: Snake
Age: 1 and a 1/2 weeks
Species: Velociraptor
Gender: Male
Length: Current: 1' 5'' Adult: 6' 4''
Weight: Current: 23 Adult: 73

Personality: He's as stealthy as a snake, and can take any reptile down that is 5 feet longer, wider, and taller than him in thick grass without a problem.

Appearance: He has hazel eyes like his mother FlameJaw, and his lower jaw is orange with a flame pattern like hers (hence the name,) and the coat coloring like his father, only difference is that the stripes are better suited for hiding in the thick brush.


Name: Wolfe
Age: 1 week
Species: Velociraptor
Gender: Female
Length: Current: 9 and 1/2'' Adult: 6' 7''
Weight: Current: 18 Adult: 74

Personality: She bares the strength of any average modern day wolf, yet, she is very kind and protective to her younger brother, Snake.

Appearance: She Sports reddish brown eyes like her father, doesn't have a lower jaw with orange coloring and a flame pattern, but has a coat mixed between her mother's and (for some random reason) Brute's.


Name: Eradicus
Age: 32
Species: Carcharodontosaurus
Gender: Male
Length: 43' 7''
Weight: 8.3 tons

Personality: Eradicus is a kind and social carnivore around his own kind, and is alone, on a small beach on Sorna at the southern tip. He can easily get set into a rage if something does one fatal mistake around him, and will fight until either him or his opponent is dead.

Appearance: Eradicus is a dullish tan color, with brown stripes going along his flanks and legs. His eyes are a greenish brown color, and one of his pupils looks almost the same, indicating him blind in one eye. A three-clawed slash mark goes down the right side of his head, being a dark pink color, the wound not new for the Carcharodontosaur.
Last edited by UndeadRaptor on Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:56 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Postby PeacefulChaos » Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:34 am

Name: Ripto
Age: 3
Species: Velociraptor, those seen in Jurassic Park ///.
Gender: Male
Length: 12 ft.
weight: 180 lbs.
height: 6 ft.
Personality: Due to a particularly rough past with an old pack, Ripto now travels alone with his four chicks. His old mate had left, and does not have another mate. He is a general, and total goofball. His four chicks are Sheila, Rhynoc, Bentley, and Elora.
Appearance: ... over91.png

Name: Sheila
Species: Velociraptor, those seen in Jurassic Park 3.
Age: less than a year, 3 or 4 months. (SIDENOTE: I will be having Sheila grow older and bigger as time goes on. She is Ripto's chick.)
Gender: Female
Length: 2 or 3 ft
weight: 1 or 2 pounds.
height: a foot or 3/4 of a foot tall.
Personality: Confident, may become a dominant female, generally dislikes other females. She respects those who are higher than her.

Name: Kujo
Species: Stegosaurus
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Length: 40 feet
Height: 18 feet
Weight: 5 tons
Personality: Kujo had lost his original herd long ago, and is currently a lonely soul looking for his real herd to be back.. However, they all seem to be gone, and Kujo is stuck wondering, wandering alone in his own world. "Kujo" means (according to several sources) "complaints" or "troubles" in Japanese.
Appearance: ... stream.jpg (as well as a size comparison compared to a human)

Name: Amynta
Species: Apatosaurus
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 15 feet
Length: 70 feet
Weight: 30 tons
Personality: Amynta means "defender" in Greek. She will eventually make her own herd, however, for now, is a lone, graceful female looking to defend herself from Isla Sorna's obvious dangers.

Don't worry, I will not have an NPC army (i don't mean that literally.. I read the rules), xD. If I give Ripto a mate, Kujo a herd, and Amynta a herd, the important ones will be PCs that I submit profiles for.

The velociraptors and the Stegosaurus are based on JURASSIC PARK standards. Not real velociraptors or stegosaurus, obviously.
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:26 pm

Name: Ein (E-en)
Age: 28
Species: Charcarodontosaurus
Gender: Male
Length: 43 ft.
Weight: 13.3 tons

Personality: Ein is a savage. He will not hesitate to resort to cannibalism if needed. He's a ferocious fighter, having even been so far as to kill his own sibling and steal their territory as his very own. He isn't actually the smartest of predators, mostly relying on brute strength and his horribly past good luck.

Appearance: Image
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories Profiles

Postby 1234sdf » Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:05 pm

Name: Bloodtooth
Age: 15
Species: Tyrannosaurus
Length: 22ft
Height:9ft at hip
Weight: 4,000 lbs
Personality: Cautious when near other carnivores (except compies of course)
Description: Bloodtooth is a teenager in tyrannosaur years, as a result he has yet to shed all his feathers.
History:Used to have a pack of 2(his siblings) but was attacked by a saurophagnax,only he survived
Appearance:Thinner and leaner than adult tyrannosaurus, has feathers on tail

Name: Venom
Age: 12
Species: Dilophosaurus
Length: 18ft
Height: 5ft
Weight: 750lbs
Personality: Vicious
Description:Venom always hides in the shadows,waiting for small dinosaurs to come close enough for him to blind it with spit and and leap for it's neck.

Postby SniperSaurus » Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:40 am

Name: Ripjaw
Age: 18
Species: Tyrannosaurus Rex
Gender: Male
Length: 53 feet
Height: 20 ft
Weight: 9.3 tons

Personality: An agressive hunter, he prefers to hunt on the plains, respecting other Tyrannosaurs, but can also turn violent if provoked.

Comeing from a succesfull line of Tyranno's who have fought and hunted, and defended their land since the beggining of Ingens site B, Ripjaw is bred to fight, while also a little headstrong, a trait he recived from his grandfather, one of the first rexs on the island.

Name: Enria
Age: 18
Species: Tyrannosaurus Rex
Gender: Female
Length: 51 feet
Height: 20 ft
Weight: 9.2 tons

Personality: Normally unaggressive to other Tyrannosaurs, respects others territory.

History: Born during a difficult time for Tyrannosaurs on the island, the raptors had a population explosion. Only one of Enria's brothers survived. She, her brother and parents had attacked a main velocioraptor nest, killing almost all of them, but costing the lives of all but Enria.

Name: Bloodfang
Age: 11
Species: Velocioraptor
Gender: Male
Length: 6' 8''
Height: 5' 3''
Weight: 81 pounds

Personality: Normally unaggressive to other Velocioraptors, very social, hates most other predators to due the intense compettition for food. He is an expert of stalking and ambushing.

Appearance: Basic JP3 Raptor, but instead of Blue hes Darkgreen.

History: Born on Sorna, his mother died before he was hatched, and he was the only survivor of his clutch. His father, the alpha male, thought of him as more of ap est than a son after he found a new mate and eggs. Once Bloodfang was large enough to fend for himself, Bloodfang left the pack, now dying without another adult Alpha male to lead. Bloodfang is currently looking for a pack to join.

Name: DeepTredder
Age: 57 years old
Species: Megaladon (Charcharadont)
Gender: Male
Length: 58ft ft
Weight: 43 tons
Bite force: 18.2 tons per square inch.

Personality: A bloodthirsty killer, only thinking when he feels the rare emotion of fear.

Appearance: Mottled gray and black with a white stomach, covered in the scars he reicived in his life from countless marine reptiles and parasites.

History: an early part of INGENS marine Predators program, he was created from the DNA of The great white shark, and the contents of a mummified Megaladon brain. Showing the instincts of his ancestors, his is a bloodthirsy behemoth who attacks all objects large enough to satisfy his hunger. He may be one of the only Megaladons created by INGEN due to the chaos the fallowed his creation and confinemt in marine labratory on Isla Sorna.

Personality: Quite and cunning, Dawntheif prefers ambushing his prey or scavangeing eggs and carrion. Dawntheif is not very fond of large predators, but perfectly comfortabe around smaller scavengers, like Compies, etc, unless theres food involved.

Appearance: Mainly Darkgreen with black stripes running down the side pf his body, with Errie yellow eyes.

Name: Dawntheif (Killed by Bloodsail)
Age: 2 Years
Species: Eoraptor
Gender: male
Length: 3.4 feet
Height: 2 feet
History: Dawntheif was born on a small island, (or should I say sandy outcrop with a few trees) located next to Isla sorna. There he prayed on lizards. insects, and occasinally any marine life that washed up onshore.
There on his island with a few other Eoraptors, he had belived himself to be the biggest living land predator. That all changed the day the tide lowered enough for him to swim across the the huge island looming in the distance, without being eaten by marine reptiles. The moment he got there, he new the only way he would survive, was with speed, agillity and cunning. For the predators and prey here were massive, some with teeth the size Dawntheifs body.

Name: Siren (Killed by Bloodsail)
Age: 3 Years
Species: Eoraptor
Gender: Female
Length: 4.6 feet
Height: 3.4 feet
Weight: 63 Lbs
Perosonallity: Very curious, accepting of most any animal her size that isnt prey. Calm and gathered, she is intelligent for her kind. The one thing she lacks is sense when defending her eggs. If a a large carnivore came too close, she would impulsivly call out for her mate and begin biteing the leg of the allosaur.

Discription: Almost identical to her mate, being the typical color for her species, except for the bright green strip running from her snout to the tip of her tail, marking her as a mature female.

History: Siren was born into a clutch of 8, 5 of them surviving to adulthood andd now breeding and maintaining territories around the island. She has just recently laid a clutch of six eggs, fathered by Dawntheif.
Last edited by SniperSaurus on Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories Profiles

Postby zero » Fri Oct 08, 2010 4:45 pm

Species: spinosaures
Gender: female
Length: 50 feet
Height: 17.6 feet
Weight: 4.5 tons

Personality: Eclipse is protective by nature. She is highly aggressive to those who threaten her, her food, or her friends. Otherwise she's very calm and makes a habit of surrounding herself in friends she feels comfortable with. She's a vengeful creature, and will not let an attack go unpunished.She is a roamer by nature, but tends to keep near the center of the island.

Appearance: Eclipse is dark blue, with a white underside, extending from her lower jaw to the tip of her tail.Also she have a yellow eyes.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories Profiles

Postby Ins3kt » Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:10 am

Name: Silverquill
Species: Velociraptor Sornaensis
Gender: Male
Length: 12 feet
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 77 pounds
Age: 6 years

Appearance: Silverquill is covered in feathers, something absent from members of his old pack. These feathers form a strange, glinting silver. He also has quills on his neck, which move according to emotions. These quills have a reddish tinge to them. Overall, he looks very birdlike, alot more so than other velociraptors.

Personality: Silverquill is very clever and inquisitive. He always thinks with knowledge and has a lust for it. He is warm hearted and will happily show his selflessness many times. He also was legendary in his old pack because he ate so little. In comparison to other velociraptors, he is quite thin. Just a few says before [I was writing this] he was seperated from his pack in a stampede. His sense of humor can be a bit ironic. However, he has never hunted big game before in his life, alone or with a pack. Now that he is alone...

Name: Ghost
Species: Velociraptor Sornaensis
Age: 9
Length: 13.7 feet
Height: 6.7 feet
Weight: 177 pounds
Gender: Male

Appearance: Ghost is gray with a some downy covering in places on his body, which is also gray. Ghost has full blue quills.

Personality: Ghost has a stone cold heart. He is an expert hunter and has taken down practically every game known to raptor, save for large carnivores. He always hunts near game trails (yes that was a request for ISS to go back to Isla Sorna)
"Mankind has become so enthralled, so captivated in killing one another, that he forgets- if the enemy is in range, so is the attacker." - Ins3kt
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories Profiles

Postby brandonskywalker » Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:20 pm

Name:Blue Death
Species: T-rex
Length: 39
Height: 18
Weight: 5 Tons
Personality: Brave and intellgent , but often takes risks to make sure of his survial. Hs parents died when he was 2, he knows the area well.He will help any T-rex in need,and has a tast fore spinosuars he only fears one dinosuar on the island and it is crusher, he hopes to make friends with crusher one day.
Description: A blue T-rex with black tiger stipes on his side
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories Profiles

Postby Felixsmith » Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:03 am

I hope it isn't to late to join or anything, i'm new and found this very interesting.

Name: Terrence
Age: 45
Species: Sauroposeidon
Gender: Male
Length: 105 ft.
Weight: 55 tons

Personality: Terrence was a very wise dinosaur. He always had a level head and though things through, never was too worried or scared. He was respected by most other herbivores for his wisdom and his immense strengh too. Terrence didn't like to fight and would go for diplomatic reasoning first, but that didn't mean he wouldn't - or couldn't fight. He sometimes felt like a guardian to the smaller animals that had a hard time defending themselves.

Appearance: Terrence had the same build as any Sauroposeidon, giant body, long neck, whip-like tails. He was a brownish color and his body was filled with scars and bite marks, and etc.

Re: Isla Sorna Stories Profiles

Postby jasonguppy » Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:16 pm

Starting here, if im allowed to join now because this is the only living Dino RPG.

Name: Sakro
Age: 25
Species: Sinornithosaurus milleni
Gender: Male
Length: 3.5 feet
Weight: 3 lbs.
Personality: Very calm, and collected. He lives in a hollow tree by the shore of the island. When he was young he was orphaned by a carcharodontosaur, he does whatever he can to annoy them now. Scoffs at land dwellers.

Appearance: He is very healthy, fully feathered. His venom glands allow him to inject his numbing venom at close range. He has a scar on his jaw and the tip of his left sickle claw is broken.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories Profiles

Postby Galaxia » Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:38 pm

Just to add I am sorry if the name Razorjaw already exists on the rpg if that is the case I did not look hard enough for it
Name: Razorjaw
Age: 15
Species: Daspletosaurus torosus
Gender: Male
Length: 30 feet
Weight: 2.7 tons

Personality: Aggressive to those who get in his way,Razorjaw would happily push you aside if you were smaller and got in the way of a meal, or worse view you as a meal

Appearance: Image
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories Profiles

Postby Velkan » Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:09 pm

Name: Jaws
Age: 47
Species: Spinosaurus
Gender: Male
Length: 65FT
Height: 25FT (30FT at top of Spine)
Weight: 11 tons

Personality: Ruthless, cold hearted, and not very bright. He takes advantage of other theropods, and fears Giganotosaurs because they are almost the same size as him

Appearance:Normal Spinosaurus with three claw marks on both sides of snout, and a gash on both sides of neck

Name: Scar
Age: 45
Species: Giganotosaurus
Gender: Male
Length: 55FT
Height: 25FT
Weight: 10 tons

Personality: Stealthy, cunning, and intelligent. He trusts no other theropod dinosaur, not even his own kind

Appearance: Normal Giganotosaurus with a scar on his right eye, and three gashes on his right side

Name: Hunter
Age: 40
Species: Carcharodontosaurus
Gender: Male
Length: 52FT
Height: 23FT
Weight: 9 tons

Personality: Intelligent, friendly, and admires Giganotosaurs power

Appearance: Grayish black with healed scars from protecting his territory from other Carcharodontosaurs
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