Zombie Outbreak RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby Iceking » Wed May 05, 2010 9:41 pm

Robert whirled around when he heard the wall smash and saw the Nemesis straighten up. After seeingt he distance between him and it, he knew that there was no way he could out run it. Raising his gun and taking aim, he fired a shot at the single eye of the beast while backing up, trying to get the beast into a position so that if it raised a fist to attack him, he might have a chance to slip under it's before it could strike, although given how fast he had seen it run, the chances of being able to move before being hit seemed very small...
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Postby The Kingpin » Wed May 05, 2010 9:50 pm

The Nemesis snarled as a bullet hit it in the upper cheek, just under the eye, before lunging forward, a fist colliding with Robert's shoulder, blowing him sideways and onto the floor, a low, angered snarl coming from the Nemesis as it walked forward slowly, intending to finish it...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby Iceking » Wed May 05, 2010 9:52 pm

Robert hit the floor with a loud thud. Even as he began to get uo, he knew now that there was no chance of him killing the Nemsis. Taking aim again, he fire once more, the shot hitting the Nemesis closer to it's eye than the last...
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Postby The Kingpin » Wed May 05, 2010 10:00 pm

the Nemesis snarled as the shot hit it right under the eye, the beast leaning back as one hand came up over the eye, as an enraged roar came forth, the beast walking forward and swinging an arm into Robert's gun hand, knocking the handgun out of his grip and leaning forward, wrapping a hand around Robert's neck, the grip easily powerful enough to suffocate him, though it was only for a few moments, the beast tossing him back down the hallway, landing right on top of the upper half of the eviscerated zombie, the crows scattering and leaving the building as the torso jumped, Robert skidding back and slamming into a wall as the torso tried to shuffle towards him, the Nemesis turning to face the human, now unarmed...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby Iceking » Wed May 05, 2010 10:12 pm

Robert slammed into the wall, the breath knocked out of him. Once he could breath again, he looked up at the Nemesis and said:"What are you waiting for? Finish me!" His gun was too far away, he was too winded to run and he knew that his end had come. However, despite the Nemesis looking at him and having injured him, Robert felt a calm come over him...
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Postby The Kingpin » Wed May 05, 2010 10:20 pm

the corpse on the ground grasped at Robert, but still being too far away, the Nemesis walking forward, crushing the zombie's head underfoot, the corpse letting out a shudder before finally falling still, the Nemesis snarling at Robert beforegrabbing Robert by the neck, heaving him up into the air with the left hand, the right letting out a squelching sound, before a greyish purple tendril shot forward, ripping right into Robert's chest, a heavy dose of poison being pumped into the man's body, the blow intentionally non lethal, the Nemesis dropping the man, injured and in extreme pain, enough to cause the man to scream out, but not enough to kill him, the Nemesis then turning away. it intended to watch this human suffer before it mutated. it snarled at him over it's shoulder, before walking out the door the zombie torso had been thrown through, walking out into an alley...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby Iceking » Wed May 05, 2010 10:23 pm

Robert screamed as the tendril tore into his chest. Laying on the ground, his breath came in gasps. He heard the Nemesis's footsteps and it's snarl, but he was in too much pain to move his head...
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Postby dinoman666 » Wed May 05, 2010 10:57 pm

Nick frowned at the corpse. "Thank God for that," he muttered, following Vergil into the store...
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Postby Iceking » Wed May 05, 2010 11:17 pm

15 minutes later, his vision was starting to go dark. Robert could still see the shape of the hallway and the ripped in half body, but darkness seemed to be swalling them up. A few seconds later, his vision went dark and now he saw only darkness as he now lay seemingly dead. Unknown to Robert in his final momments, he would rise again soon, but not as a human...

Ooc:If KP has a problem with the FF, I'll edit the post.
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Postby The Kingpin » Thu May 06, 2010 10:57 pm

The Nemesis snarled as it watched the human's last life signs finally fade. grunting, the beast turned away, intending to track it after it had mutated and started hunting. when the time was right, and the creature had developed through mutation...The Nemesis would come back...and kill or consume it...the increased mass that would result from the mutation would more than make up for the loss of quality genetic material...it would give the Nemesis all the sustinence it needed...

Vergil walked on into a hallway, halting as he reached the storage area. "This is where we split up. i ran that way, out the back of the storage area and ran into you a little bit later. no idea where Renfield went though...or even if he managed to escape the creature..." Vergil trailed off at the end of the sentence as the thought occured to him. he lost the beast after leaving the mall....it hadn't chased him until a while later....could it be the creature caught Renfield and killed him before continuing it's pursuit of Nick and himself? despite the fact he would intentionally end a man's life through the infected or through his own actions from time to time if the situation called for it....he shuddered to think that he could've killed a man who didn't need to die, just by running into him earlier...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby dinoman666 » Thu May 06, 2010 11:36 pm

Nick frowned and was about to reply, when he heard insane laughter, and not from Renfield. It echoed from the hallway behind them, and Nick spun around. "Sh*t, we've got company!"
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Postby The Kingpin » Fri May 07, 2010 12:16 am

Vergil turned to face the hallway, leaning against the wall and taking aim, his eyes narrowing as he looked down the hallway,gun at the ready...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby dinoman666 » Fri May 07, 2010 12:34 am

A shadow, short and stunted, skittered across the hall, and Nick opened fire with his Desert Eagle, however, at the current range, he wasn't likely to hit anything. However, the thing, whatever it was, didn't reappear, though it's laughter still echoed down the hall. "Vergil? You see it? I think we've got a Jockey on our hands."
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Postby The Kingpin » Fri May 07, 2010 12:39 am

Vergil nodded silently, though was interested by the nickname. why Jockey? he thought. he took into account the various attributes of real jockies to figure out what connection it might have....most outstanding connection being horse riding....but how did that connect to the zombie?
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby dinoman666 » Fri May 07, 2010 12:56 am

Suddenly, the laughing began to fade away. Nick relaxed his firing stance, but only a few moments later did the laughing return... behind them. The Jockey had apparently taken the most obvious route into the store: the door. Nick spun around, but it was too late. The zombie leaped from behind a shelf and slammed bodily into Nick, clambering onto his shoulders and savagely yanking him away from Vergil. Unable to do much more than shout for help, Nick stumbled farther into the store, the horribly mutated zombie, with its deranged, maniacal grin and insane laughter, latched onto him and riding him around like its namesake, all the while trying to claw at Nick's face...
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Postby The Kingpin » Fri May 07, 2010 1:06 am

"DAMN" snarled Vergil as he spun around, drawing his knife, unable to risk shooting Nick accidentally, running at the two and leaping forward, the large combat knife stabbing solidly in the Zombie's back, breaking through several ribs and splitting one of the spine vertebrae...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby dinoman666 » Fri May 07, 2010 1:09 am

Still laughing, the Jockey fell off Nick, grabbing Vergil's outstretched arm with its clawed hands, trying to drag him down with it, even as a second zombie, this one a horribly disfigured female human, most of its mouth eaten away, scampered through the hall's doorway, a stream of greenish-yellow liquid dripping from its partially-dissolved jaws, hissing as it hit the floor...
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Postby The Kingpin » Fri May 07, 2010 1:25 am

Vergil pointed the beretta in his hand at the Jockey's face as it dragged him down, pulling the trigger, the shot going right through the skull. "Nick, get the drooler!" he said...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby dinoman666 » Fri May 07, 2010 1:34 am

Nick spun and raised his weapon, but immediately cursed and ducked as the zombie hawked a loogie of the liquid at him. The liquid splashed against the shelf, melting through it like a knife through hot butter. The Spitter charged forward with a squeal, only to have the end of a crowbar smash into the side of its face as Renfield seemed to appear out of nowhere. The Spitter collapsed, stunned, and Nick put a round into its damaged skull, finishing the creature off. Renfield grimaced, dropping his crowbar as some of the Spitter's acid, which had stuck to the makeshift weapon, ate through the metal surprisingly quickly. More of the acid pooled in a large quantity around the Spitter's corpse. "Working in tandem... It's good to know my children are learning. Unfortunate that they must be put down..." Nick raised an eyebrow. "I'm still wondering if I should thank you for that wonderful timing..." he said, lowering his smoking weapon...
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Postby The Kingpin » Fri May 07, 2010 1:50 am

Vergil holstered the weapon, wiping the blood on his blade off on the jockey's somewhat intact clothing before sheathing it, glancing at Renfield. "Surprised to see youin one piece, Renfield. the beast that chased us disappeared shortly after i left the mall...i was almost certain it had come back for you" he commented...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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