First thoughts on hearing about the Aid flotilla

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First thoughts on hearing about the Aid flotilla

Postby Doc 42 » Mon May 31, 2010 4:11 pm

Last night, commandos boarded the humanitarian aid flotilla bound for Gaza, via helicopter, in the dead of night. Figures at the moment say around 19 dead.
Very first thing that came into my head:

CoD4-first mission
"Weapons Free"
I swear, it sent an ice cold shiver up my spine...

This is pretty serious stuff. So far, official word from Israelis is that they came on board peacefully and were shot at. The Turks videoed it and claim they came on board, shooting first asking questions never. Contact was lost with the other ships when the commando's boarded them, so we have no idea what happened on any of them yet.
Undoubtedly, more information will come out very soon as people escape and are deported home.
This isn't a political conversation, I'm not looking for angry debate.
Just Your first thoughts?
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Postby The Kingpin » Mon May 31, 2010 8:53 pm

Seeing as Israel has been playing the victim for a while now, saying that everyone and their dogs wants to shoot them, i wouldn't be surprised if they shot first...paranoia at it's finest...

there was an explosion of criticism by a Jewish university professor scolding Israel for their actions, and for sympathisers using the holocaust as an excuse (this guy's parents were both killed in the holocaust, but still, he's against all the maddening events that are being pulled by the Israelis and their sympathisers as of late).

now, assuming for a moment that the Turks in the Aid Flotilla DID shoot first. why would they? the explanation for that side of the story is simple: the commandos that were onboard stumbled across weapons, and were shot to try and get an advantage before they got shot.

but again, considering Israel has effectively blockaded all help going into Palestine, bombed the city with all sorts of weaponry, including what is suspected of being White Phosphorous, a forbidden weapon due to it's inhumane nature, AND are refusing to even consider giving even a portion of Jerusalem [one of only two holy cities (the other one being Mecca. Medina isn't really counted as a Holy City despite it's significance in Islamic history) in Islam and one of the central components of a peace treaty and an end to violence between Palestine and Israel] or halt expansion on land that has YET TO BE DESIGNATED as Israeli or Palestinian despite how vital that is for any negotiations to be made [hey. Palestinians are trying to set up a country for themselves. how can any deals be made if the Israelis are eating up said country before it gets off the ground, during peace talks?]

i know i've kinda gone off the flotilla subject. but yeah. despite the actions of extremist elements, i do believe this may be more Israel's doing than a genuine attack by the flotilla's crew on the commandos.

biased? some would say that. true? i believe so.

before i can give a solid opinion on who i think is responsible, we need to see the video...

and yes. it does remind me eerily of the first CoD4 mission...
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Postby Doc 42 » Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:40 pm

I believe the Israelis are claiming some of their weapons were taken and then used against them, as opposed to having found weapons.

I think it is quite likely the turks attacked them, armed with whatever they had. Simply because, if I was on a ship, tired, wanting to fall asleep, it's in the middle of the night, suddenly there's heavily armed black op's pointing weapons at me. Chances are I'd panic and assume my life was in danger. When commandos confront you in YOUR ship in the dead of night, it's unlikely they stopped by for a chat. they could have done that at day. The timing of the attack is the crucial piece in my opinion.

and KP, you missed the point of the topic; your first thought :P
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Postby C S » Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:00 pm

First thought "Who's the jackass who ate all my chips!?" (As that was on my mind when I read this topic yesterday)

First thought about the topic: Comandos: "We only wanted to try out our new 'black ops greeting program!"
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:37 am

From what I gathered, the Turks didn't have weapons, as in firearms. When the commandos repelled down to the ship, the Turks attacked them with metal poles though, they have video of that (Supplied by, SURPRISE, the Israelis).

FFS, the flotilla was there with humanitarian supplies, and they claim it as a vestige of hate or something. Its obvious the Israelis are full of sh*t. Plus, they boarded the flotilla in international waters, which is illegal. They also have video before communications went down with the ship, that showed that they already raised the white flag and surrendered, yet you can still hear gunshots in the background.

Bad enough, the US and Israel are asking for an independent investigation, rather then the UN investigating. Not to mention that their whole blockade sh*t is illegal and inhumane.

Postby Doc 42 » Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:30 pm

The UN are capable of, nothing. They have achieved, nothing. Why do they exist? Not really sure. It makes people feel happier though. :/

And yeah, that's the scary part. Video of the turks saying they've surrendered, yet there's still shooting. And that's before the radio jammers went on.

Also, the flotilla was still some distance from the blockade itself, they weren't in the 'exclusion zone' yet. By all means, it is piracy.

Also, you have to love the spin doctors.
"An armada of hate"
yup, sounds like humanitarian aid alright.

Over all, the whole thing is pretty scary. There are a good few Irish people currently detained over there right now, with no crime, and the only ones being left free are the ones who've waived their right to appeal. meaning they can't say anything about what happened. Just accept the Israeli version.

I heard word today though that they might be released.

I want that blockade broken. So fricken badly. The other day I was just praying for some American admiral to go rogue and sail an aircraft carrier through.
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Postby The Kingpin » Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:45 pm


the UN is going the way of it's predecessor. that one [dunno the English name. learned about it in Arabic. a pre-WWII UN] collapsed when WWII started and everything went to hell, and it was re-established as the UN after WWII was over....

The Israelis attacked the flotilla in International Waters, as TT said. well out of range of the blockade. what they did should without a doubt be punished...harshly. lives have been lost for no damned reason. the Turks weren't even armed. so we're not only looking at piracy, we're looking at first degree murder on a political scale.

armada of hate....propaganda ********. Israelis trying to cover their asses after they realised they'd been busted...a bit ******* late now...

i sympathise with everyone whose got relatives, friends, or even simply countrymen in Israeli hands. a large amount of what they're doing is a direct violation of human rights. brings the whole holocaust story into perspective, IMO. ok. so Hitler massacred thousands of their parents, grandparents, even in some cases brothers and sisters. does that give them the right to inflict similar inhumane acts on the world? i can't make up my mind on what this kind of behaviour reminds me of.....but i can say that it's utterly ridiculous. if ANY government in the world had even a shred of decency they'd confront and politically oppose Israel over all these crimes as severely as possible....

I have other ideas on what should be done to them, but that wouldn't be fair considering not everyone IN Israel supports their government...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:02 pm

An update: Supposedly, the next aid flotillas bound for the blockade now are being escorted by Turkish military forces.

Sh*t's about to go down gentlemen...

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:19 pm

at long last...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby C S » Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:16 pm

KP, your thinking of the Treaty of Verailles

Ironically to your argument, had the US senate approved that plan, WWII wouldnt have happened. Weird, huh?

In other news, Im still going "wtf..."

An illegal blockade? That isnt reason enough to go "Ok, cut the bullsh*t"?! It takes people being captured and killed?! What the flaming sh*t
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Postby Doc 42 » Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:06 pm

Tyrannosaurus Titanus wrote:An update: Supposedly, the next aid flotillas bound for the blockade now are being escorted by Turkish military forces.

Sh*t's about to go down gentlemen...

Do you mean the Rachel Corrie? That one ship which was delayed? It's Irish flagged, so that would be a surprise.
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