Pirates of the Caribbean RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby raptor33 » Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:44 am

Kidd rolled farther back from the kick, the downward strike from his foe hitting the deck, before Kidd lunged for his opponent...

The crew were relentless, tearing their foes apart. But then soon fell from the incoming sniper fire. The first mate took a shot at one. who fell overboard. Satisfied, he turned around and saw a solider in his way. Firing point blank at the guy's head, the first mate countinued on, managing to shoot down a few snipers, as the rest of the crew fought on, pressing onwards.
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:55 am

John stepped back, quickly pulling his sword out from the ground as he parried his foes strike away but instead did not pursue a counter attack. "I'm rather impressed with your bravery or maybe its your stupidity. Do you honestly think you can win? you pirates are all the same" John stated. John's skill with his sword was said to be the best in the navy but not only was he good in the actual fighting, his ability to stay calm and break the will of his opponents was also another thing. The Admiral narrowed his eyes, ready to defend an incoming strike but also wanted to see if he could break down his enemy..

The British Soldiers having underestimated the relentless assault of the pirates had no choice to rush in reinforcements from the bottom of the ship to the battle. The battle was a stalemate but the British had no intentions on letting it drag on, they had to stop this battle as quickly as possible. In an effort to break the pirate's advances, crew members away from the battle turned the cannons on board the deck and fired them at their own pace right into the top of the deck of the enemy ship as well as towards a large group of enemies. While they may had been risking some of the lives of soldiers, the cannon balls were being fired in mostly enemy directions where few comrades were in danger of being hit.

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Postby raptor33 » Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:29 pm

The first mate noticed the incoming cannon fire and ran up to the enemy cannons and shot the crew there. "Play fair now, or I'll blow ya ter pieces, by teh powers!"

Kidd swung for his opponents legs, but punched his foe in the face instead, ignoring the retort from his enemy.

The crew split up, as to avoid much damage from shots aimed at the group, forcing the cannons to aim for them indivdually. This gave them time to tear through the British soliders, heading for where the captain was dueling...
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Postby Anaclagon » Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:09 pm

John stepped back as he smirked from the blow. "Good shot" The Admiral stated confidently but seemed unfazed for the most part as he walked slowly towards the pirate as he stepped forward and turned his back towards his enemy before spinning back forward to face his opponent as he slammed his sword across the middle with the heavy power shot. The spin added to the momentum of the sword and this allowed greater power to knock even the pirate captain backwards.

The British Soldiers kept their ranks and took advantage of the opportunity. Now that the pirate crew was more spread, the soldiers worked together and their unified efforts would have easily worked better then random individual attempts. The longer reach of the muskets allowed the soldiers to hit their foes before their foes hit them with their devastating bayonet.

The cannons stopped firing as the crew drew their weapons and engaged the enemy. British snipers who took cover in the mast continued to pick off targets one by one. After some time, it became obvious where the leadership lie and it wasnt common for shots to be taken towards the pirate's firate mate, should the pirates attempt to take out the snipers, the soldiers on dock would proceed to take advantage of their distract and take them out accordingly.

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Postby raptor33 » Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:08 pm

"You're a hell of a lot better than the last one, I'll give you that." Kidd sneered as he was knocked back, before he charged forwards to slash for his opponents throat...

The first mate managed to reach the duel, and took aim at the enemy, only to find his ammo supply gone. Drawing his dagger, he countinued to fight the British soliders, as the crew was being mopped up by the enemy forces...
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Postby Anaclagon » Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:02 pm

John grinned with confidence and lightly bounced on his feet for a moment, staying calm and feeling rather pumped in his current duel as he eyed the incoming strike as the Admiral counted with his sword accordingly, parrying the strike again. Seeking revenge from the previous shot, the Admiral stepped forward as he fired off a right hook right towards the chin of the pirate captain in retaliation from the previous shot he had taken earlier...

The British Soldiers continued to fight as they pressed on, trying to finish of their enemy for good. Snipers fired off their shots from the mast and the soldiers on the deck fought accordingly and fighting together. The savage of the attack of the pirates were relentless and rather hard to counter but eitherway, this was their territory..their boat and it wasnt like they were push overs themselves. The soldiers did their best, trying to make sure their Admiral continued on with his one on one duel...

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Postby raptor33 » Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:41 pm

"You'll pay for that...." Kidd grinned before slashing his opponent across the face, as well as kicking him in the leg.

The first mate, seeing this, just sat on a barrel, throwing his gun at a solider behind him, allowing the pirates to kill the man. The first mate just sat there, enjoying the show...

The pirates were thinning out, but they fought as hard as ever, tearing through the British ranks, three running up to a cannon and wheeling it around, then firing at the British soliders, just as they had done earlier.

((Hey, real quick, I'm a on your ship, or are you on mine? I think we may have moved a bit while fighting, so even though I boarded you, you may have ended up on my ship... you get my point?))
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Postby Anaclagon » Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:59 pm

OOC: the british soldiers didnt move, they stayed on their boat defending it. same with my guy

John moved his head, barely avoiding the slash but received a cut along his cheek. He also gritted his teeth as he received the blow to the leg. Unprepared for the blow, the Admiral stepped back...the pirate surely was tough. The Admiral then shook his leg as the pain slowly went away as the Admiral then charged forward and began a lethal onslaught of strikes from multiple angles with brutal strength, hammering at the Pirate's defenses with his mighty sword, trying to overwhelm the pirate with the devastating attack...

The sniper changed directions and proceeded to fire their weapons on the pirates who begun to use the cannons. The very deck of the Invincible was pure chaos indeed as soldiers from the bottom of the ship rushed to deck to help out. The new reinforcements from the bottom of the ship helped reinforce the soldiers on the top as well as strengthening their numbers topside.

Considering the Invincible was much larger then the pirate vessel, it had a much longer crew and more soldiers aboard which roughly game the British a strong advantage. While reinforcements helped with the main battle, others secured the cannons to ensure the pirates didnt use them again..

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Postby raptor33 » Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:21 pm

Hammered by force of the blows, Kidd could barely keep up, backing away as he blocked the lethal strikes.

His first mate saw this. He was busy reloading a pistol he found on the deck of the ship, and as soon as he had a shot, he aimed at the enemy battling Kidd, and slowly moved forwards for a better shot. "You there! Drop teh sword nice an' slow." He called, clearly aiming for the enemy...

The pirates took heavy causalties, but they took many British soliders with them, and the remaining pirates advanced upon the dueling enemy captain, tearing through British ranks as fast as possible, the enemy havig been effectively cut in half.

They think he's a captain... >.>
As they have no way of knowing he's an Admiral, because British don't wear thousands of fancy pancy medals and crap that let you know, now do they?
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Postby Anaclagon » Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:28 pm

OOC: right, no biggie

John ended the assault as he eyed towards the pirate aiming the pistol at him. The duel had been interrupted and thus all "standard" rules had been thrown aside at the moment. John smirked lightly as looked at the first mate eye to eye. "Interrupting the duel? How typical...you can all put your weapons down and surrender or shoot me and have those guys up there, shoot you" John stated as he motioned his head upwards, reminding the first mate of the multiple snipers that were up high in the mast with their weapons pointed downward at the situation. "Put down your weapons and live or you continue to fight and all of you die, your choice" John continued as he kept his sword by his side as he returned his gaze towards the captain, taking note that he seemed like the captain and he was most likely the one who would decide what to do.

British Soldiers all around stepped back, taking note of the brief pause in the fighting. Catching their breath as they prepared to fight once more while others proceeded to quickly re-load their muskets..

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Postby raptor33 » Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:52 pm

"Ifn' you think we'll surrender, then you're mad. We know what happens ter pirates like us when they get caught, an' so do you." The first mate said, still aiming at the enemy, knowing they wouldn't shoot before he did, as then they'd be out of a captain AND ammo.

The other pirates noticed the many snipers, and those who had pistols aimed for them, but nobody fired. Kidd spoke, "Well, seems we appear to have a draw here, now don't we? We shoot, you shoot. We all die. Admiral, remember when you killed my father a few years ago? He said you'd pay with your life." He paused, then began again, with steel in his voice. "Today is the day I fulfill his dying wish. FIRE!"

Those who had oistols fired at the snipers above, while the first mate shot the Admiral in his leg, wanting Kidd to finish the man. The crew with swords proceeded to attack the British crew, and they regained the upper hand, as even those prepared, can still be suprised.
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Postby Anaclagon » Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:19 pm

John stumbled and cursed as he dropped to one knee, the pain radiating from the shot burned put the Admiral in agony as he eyed the pirate captain still clutching his sword. The Admiral knew that honor was useless here as it ended a long time ago. The Admiral prepared as he clutched his sword, fully knowing what the pirate captain intended as he slowly reached towards his holster..

Several snipers fell from the mast, having been shot but the pistols themselves were not meant for such a use as the muskets by the snipers were more accurate and more designed to the role as they opened fire, blasting pirates, taking out pirates with firearms while other snipers aimed towards the first mate and fired..

British Solders who managed to reload in time opened fired at the pirates who foolishly charged in with swords. The soldiers aim was accurate and brutal, effectively diminishing a pirate charge as multiples dropped. The pirates who proceeded to charge in were also then nailed by the wall of bayonets waiting for them. The longer reach of the bayonets enabled the British to hit the pirates before they could be hit.

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Postby raptor33 » Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:47 pm

The first mate is shot through the skull, falling over dead, as many of the crew were also killed by the British muskets.

Kidd walk forward deliberately, raising his sword above his head, ready to strike down at the Admiral's skull.

The crew, decimated, just barely manage to hold on, fighting harder than ever, fighting for their lives against the larger British forces.

OOC: -deleted-
Last edited by raptor33 on Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby UndeadRaptor » Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:34 am

I guess i'll join up.

As Frank was relaxing in the old tavern, drinking some rum, and cleaning his flintlock, the town drunk came rushing to him with a chair in his hands, and almost took his head off. "Aye, 'nother good bar fight I see?" thought Frank. He punched the man in the face, grabbed the sides of his head, and slammed his face down onto the table he was at. Then, another drunkie jumped from his chair, pointing his flintlock at Frank, but he was already throwing the knife stabbed into his table at the drunk pirate.

Soon, everyone was beating each other up one way or another, two men ran towards Frank at each of his flanks, but stepped back at the last second, causing them to crash into each other, then he threw one to the ground and shot the other. Frank suddenly heard some british soldiers heading to the tavern, and he dived into a barrel, and hid.
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:12 pm

John raised his sword in defense and blocked the blow from his downed position as he then planted solid kick right into the belly of the pirate with sufficient force that would be enough to bend the pirate over, even for a few moments as the John moved backwards lightly as several soldiers proceeded to slowly walk over, ready to disarm and take the pirate captain hostage.

Despite having taken many casualties, the British were finally mopping up the situation. Pirates who resisted were killed but those who could be disarmed and weakened were then being captured to be taken as prisoners. Public executions was one thing but at times pirates had some uses being alive at the moment..

The battle was practically over but the many dead both british and pirate lay scattered among the ships deck..

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Postby raptor33 » Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:04 am

"I've no further quarell with the British. You've won." Dropping his sword, Kidd waited to see the Admiral's reaction, and that of the British crew, as he muttered to himself, "What mess have I got myself into now?"

Actually, you missed my very latest post. It got deleted for not waiting for a reaction from you, so there is up above.... editted to fit the new situation.
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:36 am

OOC: I think I see what's wrong...my bad, i'll just post accordingly

John narrowed his eyes as he slowly stood up as several soldiers rushed over, helping the Admiral on his feet. The Admiral stared at the unarmed pirate as he slowly caught his breath from the intense battle. The British Admiral looked around eyeing the dead as his gaze lowered, taking note of the familiar faces he saw dead lying on the deck.
"Lock the rest of them up...search for our wounded...kill theirs" John ordered after taking some time to review the situation.

"Yes sir" Several soldiers responded as suddenly one soldier raised his musket and hit the pirate captain from behind with the butt of his musket with enough force to knock the pirate captain unconscience..

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Postby raptor33 » Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:08 am

Kidd fell over, seeing nothing but black, whilest his remaining men were killed. The last thing he remembered was feeling stupid for letting the British Admiral go, then a whack on the head.

OCC: Not much room for detail when you're knocked out, is there?
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:36 am

OOC: been there done that...lol

As time went out..Kidd would find himself in a dark cell. Any of his possessions were out of sight. Besides him there lay a figure, unrecognizable to the pirate captain, a complete stranger. The small window that provided only the source of light from the outside beamed into a small part of the cell. The area was mostly dark and the stench was terrible. Outside the cell was a small stable and one armed guard who was napping in his chair, having gotten bored on duty. Kidd wasnt the only prisoner as there was multiple other cells with other criminals inside but they all stayed quiet..

"Hey you...you awake yet?" A dark voice sounded from the laid out body of Kid, the figure who sat against the stoned wall of the cell glared at the only other figure alongside him...

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Postby raptor33 » Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:59 am

"I hope I'm not." Kidd replied curtly to the figure. "Name's Kidd, I may as well learn yours if we're stuck in the hole." he finished.

OCC: Also not much room for detail when replying to a character whilest locked in a small space... I'm sensing a pattern here...
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