Dreamer E-war

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby Shadow » Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:29 pm

He stared back at the turtle, piercing yellow eyes going right through the Koopa, the lightning struck again, illuminating his face again and with the next flash, he was gone. Swopping low across the gorund, he encircled the encampment slowly, maybe the low 'swoosh' of his tail as he passed by, but other than that, nothing at all hinted to his prescence there. He hissed slowly, and the Rain came down in sheets, matching his hissing.
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Postby raptor titanus3 » Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:56 pm

Just then Warrior paused setting up his tent and looked up to his left noticing the Dragons presance, "We've got a problem," came his thoughts as he got up facing the general area where he sensed some unknown power being the Dragon's Dream recacting to both Philosopher and Yuna's Dreams causing all three to glow mysteriously and rather ominously. "Why is my Pocket watch glowing?" mumbled Phil as he revealed the device from his breast pocket as it shone bright in it's golden metal. "My word, Yuna that gem in your forehead seems to be glowing too!" said Phil as he discovered he wasn't the only one.
"We all go about our daily lives, waiting for the next big thing, the next cool trend, even the smallest bits of info on anything happening, but what we're really waiting for... is for something interesting to happen to us, thats what draws us to the rich and famous... we want to be like them... I don't, I'm fine with who I am... and you should be too" - RT3
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Postby Shadow » Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:05 pm

He stopped in his tracks, a red glow averting his attention, he glanced down, and saw the small ankh hung around his neck. He stopped in midflight, inspecting the small stone picec, with a brilliant Ruby Gem in the middle of it. Or at least that's what it seemed like. he glanced back at the pocket watch, then at the gem, and he deduced the three were connected somehow. However, they didn't look too friendly. He edged in closer, lightning striking down, lighting up his body and head at all different angles, his runes and the ankh both glowing al lthe way through, his jaws opened, and a low rumble came out, and at the same second, a boom of thuunder orlled across the clouds.
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Postby Giratina93 » Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:39 pm

"So it seems..." Yuna calmly spoke as she turned to face where the giant dragon was, her words directed to Phil and Warrior, Hookbill was by now cowering beneath a bush, being of no help whatsoever. The jewel on her forehead glowed with a steady red color as power began to surge into Yuna's hands. "If the dragon is truly hostile, then let it attack first... Only then will we be able to see if it truly wants to fight or if it's just curious..." Yuna said, her face showing still no emotion, but inside, she was excited. Now she could test her strength out on more than just catfish...

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Postby Shadow » Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:54 am

The dragon circled around the group, watching them, eyes gleaming in the lightning flashes, which were now coming down at a steady pace, striking trees everywhere. he glanced around, not noticing the severity of the storm until now. His 23 metre long body coiled and swam through the air, though his head and chest stayed level, his tail swung around behind him, propelling him forward. He darted in to attack, and swooped back out, encircling the group again, spotting the turtle cowering in a bush, he glided over and inspected it, taking valuable notes about the turtles carapace and size etc, he nudged it gently with his snout, inspecting the hardness and thickness of it. He turned his head to the three humans, and roars, though this was a small roar, and the lightning had ceased briefly, it had started again. he circled the group again, making another mock lunge at the striped human, then he looked at the gem on the girls forehead, and his eyes shone with something.
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Postby raptor titanus3 » Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:29 pm

"Thats not what I would call friendly behiavor," said Phil after dodging the first lunge. Just then came a request from Warrior " Permission to engage and disable the threat," "Well of coarse you have permission but I dou..." Phil cut off after the dragon lunged at Warrior. As the dragon attepted to pull back up, Warrior made an incredible jump and grabbed hold of the Dragon's underside.
"We all go about our daily lives, waiting for the next big thing, the next cool trend, even the smallest bits of info on anything happening, but what we're really waiting for... is for something interesting to happen to us, thats what draws us to the rich and famous... we want to be like them... I don't, I'm fine with who I am... and you should be too" - RT3
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Postby Shadow » Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:49 pm

He shook his underside with surprise at the human latched onto his stomach, swooping down low and ramming himself into the ground, the human taking the full brunt of the impact. Obviously not hurting the human, or him, but making it let go of his underside.he flew out of reach of the atheltic human and roared at it, lightning streaking down from the sky. In his claws formed a single sphere of energy, and he releases it a few dozen feet off, purposefully hammering a point home. His tail swirled around behind him as he eyed the hostile human angrily, preparing to take it down before it could hurt him.
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Postby Giratina93 » Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:56 pm

Upon being nudged, Hookbil cried out in terror, the koopa dashed toward Yuna, cowering behind her. The girl sighed as Warrior and the beast fought each other. She had realized it was just curious ehrn it nudged Hookbill, but Warrior had turned this into a battle, and since words would fail to resolve the situation, she would have to fight too... her hands began to crackle with electricity as she flung two large white pheres of electricity at the dragon...

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Postby Shadow » Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:01 pm

He swept his head to the side, narrowly avoiding the electric spheres, and he opened his jaws wide, and a large white beam erupted from it, slamming down on Yuna and co, the beam lasting a few seconds, as the Sky Dragons attention turned back to the hostile human that had challenged him. He swooped in low, and upon nearing Warrior, he twirled round, slamming into the human with his tail, he recoiled slightly, hissing, his eyes narrowing to slits, though they still produced the faint yellow glow. His markings shone bright yellow, even in the rain.
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Postby raptor titanus3 » Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:51 pm

As the Dragon tried to whiplash Warrior he braced for the impact from the tail and skidded on the ground He then Lunged with incredible speed and impacted into the dragons face formed a club with both his hands and slammed the dragons head with such force that the Dragon recoiled from the impact obviously not defeated by the hit but probobly has a headache for it's troubles
"We all go about our daily lives, waiting for the next big thing, the next cool trend, even the smallest bits of info on anything happening, but what we're really waiting for... is for something interesting to happen to us, thats what draws us to the rich and famous... we want to be like them... I don't, I'm fine with who I am... and you should be too" - RT3
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Postby Shadow » Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:07 pm

His head knocked against the ground, yet he felt no pian. Adrenaline coursed through him, as he launched a single sphere at Warrior, the orb slamming into the human as he hissed in slight surprise. This human was not to be underestimated. He soared high into the sky, and lightning courses down towards the ground, he dropped down in a dive bomb, heading staight for Yuna and co with incredible speed...
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Postby Giratina93 » Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:30 pm

As the beam was about to collide with them, it smashed into an electric field, the gem on Yuna's forehead glowed even more brightly as the electric barrier clashed all over, jolts of lightning striknig out from it. Yuna closed her eyes and concentrated, several bolts of lightning struck from the flield at the dragon, zapping him all at once, msot of the bolts having been aimed at the head of the beast...

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Postby Shadow » Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:05 pm

He rammed into the shield at full speed, gravity preventing him from stopping, he smashed through it and knocked all three off their feet, he came out of his dive bomb, tail flicking from side to side, it was almost as if the electricity had doen nothing to him. He roared, and a bolt of lightnig smashed down into a tree, setting it a aflame. His eyes narrowed, and another sphere formed in his hands, this one being hurled at Yuna, he identified her as the biggest threat, with the warrior human a close second. He hovered a good 20 feet in the air, truning this way and that, making it hard for him to be struck without a lucky shot.
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Postby Giratina93 » Sat Aug 28, 2010 7:36 pm

Yuna landed on her feet, the girl, seeing the sphere flung at her, leapt to the side, the sphere slamming into the ground behind her. Her eyes narrowed as several electric spheres formed in her hands, ,before she hurled them at the great sky dragon, the spheres seemnig to home in on him...

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Postby Shadow » Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:01 pm

He hissed at the spheres homing in on him. He dove, causing 2 of them to slam into each other and explode, while he dive bombed the ground, causing the third sphere to explode into the ground. He whirled round and launched his beam again, this one aimed at Yuna, though it hit a tree behind her, completely obliterating it. He rose up to half his height and hissed, as he soared int the air again, dive bombing Yuna yet again though this time he performed a loop, smacking the girl with his tail, sending her flying backwards. He nearly slammed into the ground from the spin, but righted himself and rose up into the sky, watching both the hostile humans warily. This would not be an easy fight.
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Postby raptor titanus3 » Sat Aug 28, 2010 11:40 pm

Remarkably Phil had sped off behind a far off mesa in a matter of seconds, Warrior on the other hand was sticking around for the fight and something rather disturbing happened, He cracked a smile! Warrior then lept at the dragon semi-headbutting the dragon in it's general throat region of it's body. Warrior diddn't give it time to counter attack and jumped off the dragon's body into the air expecting it to try and strike him out of the air
"We all go about our daily lives, waiting for the next big thing, the next cool trend, even the smallest bits of info on anything happening, but what we're really waiting for... is for something interesting to happen to us, thats what draws us to the rich and famous... we want to be like them... I don't, I'm fine with who I am... and you should be too" - RT3
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Postby Shadow » Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:06 am

A white beam erupted from the dragons mouth, Warriors attack having involuntarily knocked it out, it slammed into the human, knocking him out of the air. He whirled around, and mock lunged at Yuna, as he retreated up into the sky, he came zooming back down and rammed into her head first, he used the momentum to curve back around, shaking his head, he tried to block out the slight dizziness.
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Postby Giratina93 » Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:48 am

Yuna, still recovering from the dragon's first attack, leapt into the air, the dragon passing underneath her. The girl landed on the sky dragon's back, immediately having dug her nails into his flesh. massive jolts of electricity coursed from her hand sinto the beast's fles, cuasing the skin to bubble and sizzle...

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Postby Shadow » Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:19 am

He twisted round, violently shaking, trying to get the girl on his back off him. He roared at her, the noise deafening, bolts of lightning erupted from the sky, one of them striking both him and the girl electrocuting them both with thousands of volts, lighting up them both. He fell to the ground, body smoking, though he wasn't hurt, he questioned what had happened, his eyes closed and he concentrated.
When you want it the most there's no easy way out
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Postby Giratina93 » Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:30 am

Yuna kept her grasp on the great dragon, the thunderbolt not harming her either, but instead energizing her, far more violent shocks of electricity surged from her hands, which were beginning to turn into the claws of a sea dragon due to excessive ammounts of power. Yuna knew that the thunderbolt had given her far too much power, and if she didn't discharge it through her hands fast enough, she'd transform...

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