Top 10 stupidest video game weapon concepts

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Top 10 stupidest video game weapon concepts

Postby Godzilla Forever » Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:38 pm

As we all know, there are many cool weapons in video games. However, there are some that I find impractical, out of place, or simply ridiculous in concept. Here are my top 10 stupidest video game weapon concepts.

# 10. Hunting Horn (monster hunter series)- It's a giant flute with spikes on it. How are you gonna kill a monster with THAT?

# 9. Gunlance (monster hunter series)- I was interested in this weapon but it was simply a failure. It's a shotgun with a bayonet on it and a shield. Not to mention it's pathetically weak.

# 8. Gunblade (Final Fantasy VIII)- Wow. Just wow. A pistol with a sword for a barrel? How lame is that?

# 7. Ring Blade (Soul Calibur III & IV)- A killer hoola hoop. Need I say more?

# 6. Keyblade (Kingdom Hearts Series)- It's a freaking key!!! Execpt it's really big!!!

# 5. Torque bow (Gears of War series)- I love this weapon. However, it is really stupid and out of place. A bow hundreds of years in the future? Seriously?

# 4. Needler (Halo series)- While it is certainly a beastly weapon, it looks like a porcupine with pink needles of death. Very cheesy indeed.

# 3. Krato's chain blades (God of War Series)- As cool as they are, you'd have to have some serious skill to make this weapon work in real life.

# 2. Switch axe (Monster Hunter Series)- Interesting concept, but I'm jsut not buying the usefullness of such a weapon.

# 1. Slinghot (Metal arms: Glitch in the System)- You are a robot on this super advanced planet, and the best weapon they can give you is a slingshot? seriously?

what're YOUR top 10 stupidest weapon concepts in video gaming?
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Postby Giratina93 » Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:23 pm

I can't think of 10 right now, so I'll do top 5.

5. Cane (Sly Cooper). You are one of the greatest thiefs the world has ever known, and all you use is a CANE? For crying uot loud...

4. Great Sword (Mh Tri). Now, I have seen many people use the great sword to an astonishing effect. Only problem? THey either do it online, where there's three other people to distract the monster, or with an Alateron weapon, which tends to be insanely powerful. Otherwise, it takes too long to charge it up before your dead meat.

3. Magmum (Halo 2/3). It was an awsome weapon in Halo 1, but then Bungie nerfed it to the point of uslessness... Give me my fuel rod over that weapon.

2. Rocket Launcher (Turok Evolution) Yes, it's an ultra-powerful weapon, but the design just looks... meh. THat, and it takes too long to load up. The Boar fire option, though...

1. Hyper Beam (Pokemon). An ultra-powerful move that deals absolute havok on whatever hits it, so long as it's not immune or resistant to it. What keeps it from being a gamebreaking weapon in the meta-game? a one-turn recharge period, allowing for your foe to swap out into a counter, or to boost up with a DD or SD, allowing them to sweep your team. FAIL!

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Postby raptor33 » Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:50 pm

Note: The Keyblade is an impact weapon. Your supposed to bash them with it. Its not a sword. Its a club decorated to look like a key. Besides Oblivion is f*cking AWESOME and it has a sharp edge. I dont know how a key has a sharp edge but I like it.

My top 5 worst weapons?

5. The 7mm rifle in virtually ALL hunting computer games. 3 shots on a semi-auto kind of defeats the purpose.


3. Xemnas' Etheral Blades in Kingdom Hearts 2. Sword coming out of the guys hand made of nothing but magic? Shouldn't that go through you like a flashlight?

2. The X-Bow in Carnivores has the longest reload of all weapons in that game. Although its really powerful its aim kind of sucks too... and it has some SERIOUS wobble.

1. Lightsabers. Sure they're awesome. We can even make a real lightsaber. But it can't cut stuff. BOO! WHATS THE POINT OF A LIGHTSABER IF IT DOESNT CUT STUFF!?
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Re: Top 10 stupidest video game weapon concepts

Postby Ins3kt » Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:22 pm

1: Commando from Modern Warfail 2. The ability to leap 6 galaxies to knife a guy just doesn't seem balanced to me.
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Re: Top 10 stupidest video game weapon concepts

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:05 pm

I find most of the comments here are mostly shortcomings or opinions on the players' parts, though R33's complaints about the hunting rifles is true, fair enough. GF, addressing the Gunlance, might i point out that the strongest monsters in the game have been solo'd by people with gunlances.

there isn't a modern weapon capable of matching the silence of the bow. even silenced weapons will give off a noticable plink sound at best. the bow is absolutely silent, and in the right hands, an incredibly lethal weapon. many modern day professional hunters use bows instead of guns, as a matter of fact.

have you ever used a professional slingshots? they're lethal. trust me on that one. it's a common weapon used by bedouins here to kill street cats, and on a professional scale, larger targets [i do not endorse their actions, but i have to admit, it's effective]

as for Gira...

regarding the Hyper Beam, that's called balancing. if they didn't, it would be a game breaker. and in any case, IIRC, most pokemon that use Hyper Beam are extremely powerful anyway, and can be highly effective against enemies even without it, unless they're especially trained FOR Hyper Beam spam. though to my knowledge, there aren't many of that kind...

I've seen people solo Fatalis [all three] with GS', and in some cases, they managed to pull it off untouched [though that's extremely rare with Fatalis, it happens ALOT with other monsters. Los is a prime example].

R33...fair enough. though people have modded games so that Light Sabers do cut. in games it's explained off as shallow cuts. not deep enough to sever limbs and such.

Ins3kt....It only speeds up and increases the range of stabs. makes you bolt for your target when you knife him. and Commando Pro allows you to drop from any height and not take impact damage, IIRC. fairly decent. but then, these are perks meant to enhance gameplay. if they didn't exist, MW2 would be Counter Strike Source with more weapon options...

I'd love to contribute to the list, but quite frankly, i can't remember a bad weapon at the moment.
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Re: Top 10 stupidest video game weapon concepts

Postby Giratina93 » Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:27 pm

... I just got chewed up...

Yeah, I agree with the balancing issue for Hyper Beam-esque moves, and I've learned to master the Great Sword since I originally put up that post... It's just that, in actual Competitive battling, Hyper Beam's as usless as Slaking... they both seem good on paper, but allowing a Scizor or Dragonite to get up a Swords Dance or Dragon Dance while you recharge could mean your upmost demise. It's actually very usful ingame... just not competitivly...

Anyways, I've come up with two more usless weapons... just three more to go.

1. Assault Rifle (Halo series). Yes, it's the weapon you usually start out with, but it's still rather weak. WHile it does get up to 300+ ammo, it's just not a very good weapon. Anything it can do, virtually any other weapon can do better.

2. Sword &Shield. (Monster Hu nter series) Now, the ability to use potions without putting your weapon away is rather neat, plus you can shield yourself, but the damage output of the S&S is just... very small. I've tried to master the combos with it, but it takes FOREVER for me with a fully upgraded Nardebosche to kill a Diablos, while with the fully upgraded Tusk Lance, said Diablos goes down in 7 or so minutes. Yes, S7S is VERY useful in sleep bombing Ala, but other than that... the rest of the weapons just do a far better job than the S&S...

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Re: Top 10 stupidest video game weapon concepts

Postby Ins3kt » Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:22 am

One epicly useless weapon:

Plasma Repeater from Halo Reach.

Seriously. What. The. Hell.

It got nerfed so bad its not even funny.
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Re: Top 10 stupidest video game weapon concepts

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:23 am

@ KP: Well, I just find it kind of a weird idea. The bow I understand for stealth, but in GoW, there sending in SHOCK TROOPS with bows. It kind of defeats the point. As for a slingshot........ never new that. But i'm saying that when you have rocket launchers and laser ugns, you'd think they could give you better than a slingsot.
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Re: Top 10 stupidest video game weapon concepts

Postby Alpha » Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:38 am

Ins3kt wrote:One epicly useless weapon:

Plasma Repeater from Halo Reach.

Seriously. What. The. Hell.

It got nerfed so bad its not even funny.

Funny thing is, I just hear that from people who don't know how to use it.
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Re: Top 10 stupidest video game weapon concepts

Postby dinoman666 » Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:04 pm

Yeah, the Plasma Repeater isn't that bad. It's weaker than the Assault Rifle for some idiotic reason, but in games like Elite Slayer that doesn't really matter anyway...
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Re: Top 10 stupidest video game weapon concepts

Postby Ins3kt » Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:47 pm

Needle Rifle is prownage. The highest breed of it.
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Re: Top 10 stupidest video game weapon concepts

Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:51 pm

I believe the topic is "stupidest video game weapon concepts". If you think the needle rifle is "prownage", obviously it doesn't fall into this category.

Keep it on topic.

Re: Top 10 stupidest video game weapon concepts

Postby Alpha » Tue Nov 02, 2010 5:30 am

A weapon I can't stand for life is the Plasma Launcher, I would like it more if it didn't arched over long distances and if it didn't took so much to load.
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Re: Top 10 stupidest video game weapon concepts

Postby raptor titanus3 » Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:17 pm

Now you may not believe this but the rocket launcher from Borderlands for me are just used for turrets and cash flow I hardly ever use them at all, hell I rather use a sniper rifle to take down a turret, but Rockets in that game have very little A-O-E and it drives me nuts
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Re: Top 10 stupidest video game weapon concepts

Postby raptor33 » Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:08 am

6. The bow in minecraft. The thing has serious drop over pretty damn short distances, it makes a loud WACHAPING noise, and it the weapon is in pernament shoot-from-the-hip mode. did I mention it takes 3 string to make? string you could use to get a fishing pole for FREE FOOD?

7. food in minecraft. its not really a weapon, but its a sad excuse for a medpack if its anything at all.
bread (huge effort, long time to wait for it to grow) = 2.5 hearts
raw fish restores about 0.5 hearts. not really gonna save your life is it?
grilled fish (almost free food. only thing you lose is 10 seconds) = 2.5 hearts
pork (wastes your swords but for the sake of time...) = 1.5 hearts
grilled pork (the only food that is actually worth getting) = 4 hearts
mushroom stew/soup (mushrooms were very rare until the Nether came out) = 4 hearts
apple (only found in dungeon chests or by mods, rare beyond all rare) = 4 hearts
golden apple (8 gold blocks plus an apple. thats 72 gold AND AN APPLE. RAAAARE!) = FULL HEALTH

8. Buck's Numerous plant weapons in Ice Age 3 game (I wrote I guide...)
spitting plant = a bbgun you squeeze to make it shoot. hurah!
leechwes = grenades of a toxic plant variety. and they dont like to lock on properly either.
mushroom bazooka = well, what do ya know, exploding mushrooms!
vine = your basic weapon with some really lame combos. the earthquake doesnt even hit them half the time, and barrel roll is really cool, but goes too slow.
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Re: Top 10 stupidest video game weapon concepts

Postby raptor titanus3 » Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:19 am

Another weapon I hated long ago was the Neumatic piston (or hammer for short) from unreal tourney left click (which is normal fire) is basiclly to hold down the piston for a deadly strike if you make contact with a bot but those bots are smart and won't just stand their and get a full charged piston to the face and they'll just spray you with lead while back-tracking and the thing makes a ton of noise when fully chraged so an ambush is nearly impossible (jumping down on people tends to work but there are hardly any places like that) right click is no better it's a half charged kick that needs perfect timing to land or else it fails to do anything. Give me the chainsaw over that piece of junk
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