Rate the Last Movie You Watched

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Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:11 am

For those wanting to review a movie without making an entire topic about it. Reviews can be detailed or basic. People should warn readers if their review has spoilers.

How to Train Your Dragon: 10/10.

Yes, I watch Pixar/Dreamworks movies from time to time. Perhaps it is a nostalgic thing, but I can appreciate a movie regardless of its intended age demographic (There's a line, of course...). I can say with complete certainty that I adored this movie. Its funny, visually great, memorable, and quite epic. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good movie, regardless of age. The only downside is that it is quite short, at only an hour and 45 minutes if I recall correctly.

Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby Shadow » Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:38 pm

Night At The Museum 2


I love this movie. I just love it. Kahmun Rah adds the touch of hilarity to it by his lisp, and the humour is quite hilarious. Sort of the things that would and could go wrong, and he takes it as it comes. Such as when his army of the underworld is sent back he just stands there and states ' Well, this is awkward.' and then tries to kill the protagonist x3

I just love that movie. The quotes are halarious, and I'm laughing all the way through.
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby raptor titanus3 » Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:40 pm

The Secret of Kells 9/10

It's a cool cartoon movie done in the same style of samurai jack simple but highly detailed it defies logic by that statement but in any case the story follows the activities of a young boy in England during the days of the viking raids as he learns many different things including bravery, friendship, and how to make those highly styled illustriations in old books, explaining it doesn't do it justice though it's on netflix instant acsess so my only demerit is how quickly it seems to go by (it's not a long movie in the first place)
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby Sheriff Hoyt » Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:55 am

The Human Centipede (First Sequence)


I had some snacks while I was watching it and I didn't feel sick at all. :D
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:40 pm

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows (Part 1): 8/10

Very funny, some awesome action, but the story is quite confusing, even if you saw the other movies (Though I imagine reading the books would make it easier). Definitely a must-see for any Harry Potter fans, the movies or the books.

Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby Hopeflower » Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:19 pm

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1


As a long-time fan of both the books and the movies, I have to say the latest addition to the franchise more than lived up to my expectations. Ralph Fiennes was fantastic as always in his role as Lord Voldemort, and looking back, you can really see how Rupert, Emma, Daniel, and many others have grown. Though the storyline would confuse people who haven't read the book, its a movie anyone can enjoy nonetheless. I personally loved it from beginning to end.
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby TyrannoTitan » Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:28 am

Scott Pilgrim VS The World: 9/10

Great action, very funny, easy to understand, and has a very unique style. The only real complaint (And this is really just splitting hairs) is that the plot is very simple, which is a good thing and a bad thing. Recommend it to anyone who likes a good action movie.

Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby Sheriff Hoyt » Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:16 pm

The Blind Side


How could some people claim to hate this film? Even if they think it's overly sentimental or not great, it certainly isn't bad. It has a lot of heart.
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby Godzilla Forever » Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:41 am

LotR: The Fellowship of the Ring

10/10. Still awesome 10 years later.
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby C S » Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:50 am

How To Train Your F*CKING Dragon. 10/10

Oh the age of animation, you had your golden age and silver age, but seems to have skipped the bronze age, plummeting straight into the dark ages. That is, until this movie came out- this GEM- that is. Animated movies of this caliber, I have missed them, as I grew up with them. Comedy that comes natrually with the story, while having an awesome story all together. Its a simple, but satasfying tale, with execution drawing raw emotion. Even though I knew everything would work out in the end, there were times where I felt the characters were in actual danger. This movie manages to be cliche yet new at the same time. Wrap your head around that while I slip into a slumber of sweet dreams
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby Godzilla Forever » Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:12 pm

District 9. 9.5/10.

A touching, rather dark movie that helps us understand the world and ourselves better. Also has some awesome fight sequences.
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:43 am

The Crazies. 8.5/10

good movie. interesting though overused story, execution is good. managed to make you get attached to the characters. a survival/horror movie [i use that title as a nod towards the gaming genre, as that and this tie in so well it's almost seemless] at the heart, it doesn't pretend to be something outstanding. something i respect. it's a movie up to par with what it claimed to be, and is fairly satisfying. the sequel will be interesting...

EDIT: to avoid double posting, i'll add the last two films i've seen since this post was originally posted and comment:

How to Train your Dragon. 9.5/10

Very, very good film. it was animated, sure. it had that epic feel of the old Classics we've all grown up with. that nostalgic feeling i'm sure we all know but can't describe in words. the only complaint i have is that it was too short and they haven't hinted at whether they intend to make sequels. in that regard, i fully hope they do. the characters in this movie were just too well designed to just end it with one movie. it deserves a good, well made, worthy sequel to continue it. i'm sure that many others who have seen it would agree they don't want to see Toothless, Hiccup, Astrid and the others just cease to continue on into a sequel. at the same time, i got a distinct feeling something of this quality could go the way of Toy Story and PoTC. a trilogy. here's hoping that's what happens...

Law Abiding Citizen. 9.8/10

Mindblowing movie. extra points for being one of the kind that makes you think. this is one of the best suspenseful movies i've seen all year. it's no horror or anything like it. this movie is about a man whose been wronged by the justice system....and sets out to correct it the only way he knows how: to bring it to it's knees. the intelligence of the movie is impressive, and while it doesn't beat the super blockbusters of the last couple of years, it is by no means small time. Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx have done an outstanding job at performing in this, and i highly recommend this movie to anyone who likes thought provoking movies. for more information i'd suggest checking it's trailer on youtube.
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby Sheriff Hoyt » Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:54 am

Stephen King's Thinner


Creepy and occasionally gruesome film about a corrupt obese lawyer cursed by a gypsy into losing a deathly amount of weight. Though not outright terrifying, it delivers some of its scares pretty well.
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby Giratina93 » Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:46 pm

The Expendables= 8.9/10
MORE DAKKA! MOAR! That's pretty much the jist of the film, as well as it having an all-star cast. Too bad Chuck Norris didn't join in... then it would have been pure epicness.... It's a great throwback to the good old 80's films, with it's excuse plot, thin character development, and MOAR EXPLOSIONS! Somewhere out there, Michael Bay is watching this movie, and tearing up...

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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby HorseGal » Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:35 pm

Tangled- 9.5/10

I went to go see this movie with my friend on Monday. I have to say, I was really impressed with this Disney movie. It is about the tale of Rapunzel. The characters were wonderful, the villain was amazing, and quite believable with her motives, and the animation and design reminded me a bit of classic Disney, even though it was all in CGI. I was really impressed with Rapunzel's hair, and out it flowed so smoothly. I must say, Disney did a good job with this fairy tale. It managed to make me cry at a few parts as well. Also, I must say, Flynn Rider is one hell of a cool (and cute) dude! The songs were also quite enjoyable, and pleasant. I may buy the DVD when it comes out. Good on you, Disney!
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby LV-426 » Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:01 pm

Aliens 10/10

One of the greatest science fiction movies of all time. This film is both terrifying and thrilling at the same time. The last hour is non stop action which keeps getting more and more intense. The characters are memorable and well written, especially Bill Paxton's Private Hudson. The weapons and Vehicles are cool and look great. The aliens have never looked better and the Queen is one of the most menacing movie villains of all time. This movie is a non stop roller coaster ride, that will leave you at the edge of your seat until the very end. Also this has to be one of the most quotable movies of all time, I mean there are so many great lines to choose from.

" Game Over Man, Game Over"
" Hey Vasquez have you ever been mistaken for a man?" " No, have you?"
" Why Don't You Put Her in Charge?"
" I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit, It's the only way to be sure"
" Get Away from her you *****!"
" I keep this handy for close encounters"
" Stay Frosty"
Get away from her you *****
Game Over Man, Game Over
Stay Frosty
Were in the pipe five by five
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby Hopeflower » Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:39 pm

Alpha and Omega: 9/10

Yeah, the story's been done a thousand times; the peasant falls in love with his princess, an omega falls in love with an alpha...yada yada yada, stuff happens, happily ever after. But this movie was really well done. First time I saw it was with a friend and we both loved it, and I loved it the same the second time around. There were moments I thought I'd die laughing, moments I thought I was gonna break down in tears, and even the odd "O_o ....what...." moment. Old story, yes, but classics have lasted for a reason, and I think Alpha and Omega will be one of those movies I look back on with a smile ten years from now.
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby foxman666 » Wed Dec 29, 2010 10:09 pm

dead snow 9/10

a finish ( i think ) nazi zombie movie ( yes i said Nazi zombies) i saw the english dub that is on the dvd if you can get past the lips and voices arnt synced up perfectly its good . very goary and funny in parts . it fallows some of the horror movie deaths like the blond dies 1st then the fat guy and so on and so on . There is the classic part in this movie that is in zombie movie where the humans fight the zombies and the humans f*ck sh*t up with a chainsaw and other things . they did change a few things like if you get bitten by a zombie yeah in this movie that dont happen but hey what can ya do still a good movie in my book at lest
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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby Godzilla Forever » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:01 am

Predators. 8/10.

While certainly a bit lacking in character development and what exactly the predator blood feud IS, it packs in the firepower and has some entertaining battle scenes. Not to mention it contains (so far):

The first predator decapitation filmed (TWICE!)
Probably the only time you'll see a predator fly

All in al, a good romp for predator and action fans alike.
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

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Re: Rate the Last Movie You Watched

Postby PeacefulChaos » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:31 pm

I've last watched two movies..

Blood Diamond 9/10

oh my GOD. This movie is INTENSE. It's intense and is in fact educational in a way- It's about the Sierra Leone War during the 1990s and teaches some valuable lessons, actually. It's an action movie with a political rim, and a touch of romance- but not that much.

Inception 10/10

Leaves you wondering what the h*ll you just saw. Enough said.
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