Mastermind E-war

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:24 pm

The destroyers charged shots in their main cannons, while their larger defensive weapons on the tops of the massive vehicles attacked the enormous ship above them. The carriers opened fire on their attackers, a coupel taking servere damage but continued towards the planet itself. The cruisers focused primarily on the ships attacking the fighter and bomber squads, along with the escorted dropships...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:41 pm

The end of a carrier ship was suddenly engulfed in an explosion, concentrated fire on its thruster from one of the Orakian vessels destroying the engine. The severely damaged ones were also crippled by the barrage, the power of the beams slowly diminishing as the charge was being depleted. Explosions dotted the Haelbram's hull, rocking the ship as it moved into position. Still, it pressed on, the spires unleashing their pent up fury with deadly accuracy. Some beams were aimed directly at the weapons firing at the battle craft, destroying them in a flash of light and flame. Others slammed into various ships in the fleet, primarilly the destroyers, taking out a few main cannons. A few cruisers were also hit. Though they werent destroyed, the attacks from the Iopteryx and its supporting ships quickly finished off the critically damaged.
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:00 pm

The destroyers' main guns soon fired off, hitting those ships bringing down fighters, bombers and dropships. A cruiser began falling from space, wrecking into another one, causing an large explosion, the shockwave coming from it a split-second later rocking all ships in the general area. The carriers continued returning fire despite the losses, some now in the planet's atmosphere...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:02 pm

The Haelbram turned so that its right side was facing the fleet below. It angled itself to the side, the glowing cables suddenly becoming a lot brighter. Not even a second later, the main cannon fired, blasting torrents of energy down into the enemy formation. The full force of the blast was felt by the destroyer, which was engulfed in flames around where it was hit. Surrounding ships were caught in the explosion that resulted after, with the spire cannons firing at the survivors. The Arenoira and the other vessel pursued the fleeting carriers, concentrating fire on their engines. Now that they were in the atmosphere, destroying the ships' main thruster meant they would either crash onto the planet's surface or survive the descent and be stranded...
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:13 pm

Remaining destroyers and cruisers turned their focus on the ship above, seending bolts of lasers and some large beams of energy at it from their main cannons. A carrier soon went down along with another, both crashing into the surface of the planet, only one not exploding to bits, however. The other carriers flew from the planet, trying to get out of it's gravitational pull so those aboard wouldn't suffer the same fates...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:16 am

The Haelbram shuddered from the large beams that slammed against its hull, yet the lumbering titan of a battle ship did not let up, the spire energy cannons raining down streams of green light and bombarding its attackers. It was aided by the four other ships, which were now circling the battle like slow moving sharks. The Arenoira and a fellow craft split up from the other one. They continued to hound the surviving craft, one blasting away at the engines of the ships while the other charged their barrage, poising itself to finish them off in one fell sweep. The remaining ship started heading for the surface, harvesters ready to gather the prize of the Orakians...
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:23 am

The few remaining ships within the fleet started turning from the battle, still firing off shots at the enemy ships to try and bring them down. Those that could still jump into hyper-space soon did, leaving those still left to fend for themselfs. The surviving crew of the downed carrier were beginning to set up inside of it, preparing for anything to come inside of it...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:38 am

The Orakian ships let up their attack, some of the fleeing shots hitting their mark, but were nowhere close to bringing down the vessels, though there was damage to be repaired. Damaged hulled plating, a few patches where panels were blown clean off, things like that. The last casuallty of the battle were the carriers that were shot by a fully charged barrage, the blasts ripping apart the crafts whether they were about to jump into hyperspace or not. With that, the Orakian exploration ships unleashed their harvesters to gather the spoils, the the Haelbram's thrusters flared up, propelling the craft back to a small rocky planet a bit closer to the red giant.

The Orakian ship above the crashed carrier also unleashed its harvesters, the vehicles soaring down like bees. The bright white beams were fired and swept across the scrap metal from the crashed vessels, while many swarmed the surviving ship. There was no need to attack it further, it was already crippled and most of its defenses inactive. The harvesters simply fired their beams onto the hull and started to gather the raw substance of whatever was broken down, be it the ship or the survivors inside...
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:43 am

The survivors soon noticed what was happening to the ship, while one shouted, "abandon ship! We'll be done for if we stay!" The admiral of the fleet lowered his head as he and the other survivors started to return home. Explosions started happening near the engines and bridge of one destroyer due to it's power core taking a hit, the vehicle exploding a moment later, sending those around it off course, a couple crashing into large meteors moments later...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:51 am

In mere minutes, there were large, gaping holes in the ship's hull, with other small breaches growing. The harvesters continued their mission without fail. Anything that tried to leave the craft would simply be caught in the many beams bombarding the ship and converted. Anything that stayed in the craft would watch as the walls were being broken down around them. It was a nightmarish situation any which way.
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:53 am

A few soldiers tried running out of the ship through a hangar bay, and were gone in mere seconds due to the beams. The others stayed and waited for whatever would come next, not wanting to be victims to the harvesters like the others. The fleet soon made it to their homeworld, the few warships that they hadn't brought there to greet them...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:05 am

As the harvesters continued their salvage, the Orakian ships had opened communications with each other to discuss what was going to happen now. "While this harvesting operation was not...ordinary, we have secured a great deal of resources, from the actual operation and the battles after" One aboard the Iopteryx said. "Ineed" The Arenoira's captain agreed. "After this battle, they will be wiser to attack us. We let their survivors go twice. The third time, we will not be so kind" The captain of the Haelbram messaged. "What we need, we get. None will deny us of what we need to acquire"
"We let them live in the mutual interest of life. For now" Another from another other ship added. Despite their ruthlessness and practice of raiding planets for resources, the Hai'Orak were a life loving race, which is why the the Iopteryx avoided killing the natives during their operation. It was only when the natives attacked did the operation turn violent
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:11 am

Commander Hurko soon signalled the admiral, saying, "what were you doing?! I didn't give any direct orders to attack those creatures! Yet, you take my army, MY fleet, and go lose almost everything!" "I'm sorry commander, but the ki-" "They did nothing other than take reasources from our homeworld! I might have requested for the patrols to shoot those beings, but I never said spark a war! It was just one village of people, not our entire race!" the two argued over their long-range communicators, the emperor listening closely to every word. The survivors on the carrier began to start fixing up dropships to leave the planet they had been stranded on, while others tried making sure the harvesters wouldn't come inside the ship itself...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:16 am

The Viereen slowly descended onto the volcanic world, its long range sensory equipment detailing the battle some distance from the planet. The craft touched down in a valley, surrounded by towering, blistering mountain ranges, with a few apparently dormant volcanoes within. Immediately the Vespid began to get to work, engineers taking out various equipment to begin a small settlement, while armed personnel stood guard, unsure if there was any wildlife on the planet...

Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:21 am

By now, the outer hull had been stripped away, with the harvesters now breaking down the interior. Hallways and corridors were being broken down quickly, with some parts near the aft and bow in extreme disrepair by now. As the harvester beams broke down the craft, its own structural integrity was reduced. It wouldnt take long before the parts of the ship damaged from the crash started to fall apart.
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:24 am

Carigus pilots and engineers shielded their heads as rubble began to fall, while soldiers were crushed alive in the lower decks of the ship itself. "Admiral, you are to come down here so I can speak with you personally! You will also be stripped of rank and removed from the navy!" Hurgo said over his communicator, as the admiral simply closed it down before beginning to walk towards the ship's hangar...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:28 am

Harvesters that had filled their holding capacity pulled off from the ship, a majority of the vehicles pulling off from the attack and flying back to the Orakian ship lingering overhead. They would empty their gatherings into the ship, and once empty they would go back to work. For a short while, the ship was safe from the overbearing attack.
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:34 am

With that small time they could use, engineers and pilots leapt into dropships and soon flew out of the ship itself, and were soon escaping by using their hyper-drive boosts. The admiral soon was walking up to a dropship, before getting into it, two pilots ready to take-off from the ship's hangar-bay...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:44 am

As the dropships left the stricken vessel, they could see the few harvesters that didnt have to empty the stores. The vehicles continued to salvage the wreck while waiting for the bulk of the force to return. They would only last a few moments, as they were blasted by the main craft's spire cannons as they tried to leave the planet, the Orakians on the ship not about to let their attackers report back to their homeworld.
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:47 am

A few dropships from the cluster managed to escape through hyper-space, but the others were either destroyed by the attack, or crashed, killing most, if not all of the survivors in them. The admiral's ship soon broke through the Carigus homeworld's atmosphere, heading directly towards a large landing pad in the capital city, near the emperor's home itself...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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