Isla Sorna Stories RPG

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Hopeflower » Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:11 am

Rose kept herself as flat as possible, not wanting to take a nasty blow from a low-hanging branch as well as not wanting to slow Hazel down. Fear was pounding one message into her brain; hide. "We need to get somewhere it can't reach us," she hissed, not even knowing if Hazel was listening.

Thorn meanwhile was leading Switchblade straight for the place he'd been calling home since he left Flick and Stone's pack; a huge tree whose roots arced high above a shallow stream, the earth beneath the thick roots long ago washed away by the stream when it burst its banks. Now they formed a sturdy root cave. It was the safest place he could think of at the moment, and when they made it there Haze could rest and let her leg recover.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

"The future is always uncertain and painful but it must be lived." ~ Unknown
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby C S » Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:31 am

Hazel only made a grunt to acknowledge what the young raptor had said. The jungle was thickening again as she moved away from the coast, a blessing and a curse all the same. She needed to watch her step, lest she find her feet tangled in the undergrowth and find her way through the shrubs and bushes. All the while she need to compensate for the added weight on her back. Despite the obstacles, the dark brown female knew that the chase wouldnt last much longer, once she was amongst the timber titans whose leaves blocked out the sun and whose roots created winding fortresses in the ground they bored into.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:37 am

As the terrain became progressively more difficult to navigate, the carchar began to lose interest, not exactly about to break its ankle in pursuit of a single raptor. With a grunt, the large creature turned away, heading toward more open territory...

Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby C S » Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:05 am

Hazel began to slow down as the Carchar's foot falls receaded, and in time she began to calm down, breathing heavilly through her nose. She lowered herself to the ground, laying on her stomach for a moment to rest. Even with the relief she felt that the ordeal had ended, she was still ready to speed off again should the Carchar- or something completely different- came after her and Rose.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:40 am

How could I have left them? What if they didn't even know...what if they were...the Lili trailed off in his mind, not wanting to think about it. Even with such thoughts pressing down on him, he kept going. He felt horrible about what he did...but that was how he always lived. He put himself above others, as that was the only way he knew how to survive....

Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:13 pm

"That's because you've only ever seen me angered" rumbled Crusher simply. "You pursue a larger predator through the jungle, in the dark, simply because the scent is familiar? Is that really wise?" growled the Patriarch as he eyed the Giga curiously...

Fatalis shook his head slowly. "I honestly can't say..." he hissed...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Godzilla Forever » Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:56 pm

The scent registers in Gothmog's brain after that statement. "B-but.... that's impossible..... you.... you were grey when I saw you!"
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

"Would you hear my desire? To take this foul blade, and use it to blot out the light forever!" ~ Ganondorf
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:16 pm

"Not all is as it appears, Giga. what good would my more....well known...appearance, be to me while hunting? I'd be seen coming long before i was in range to strike" rumbled Crusher calmly...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Pyronychus » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:18 pm

Rhojis glanced at Howler, looking uneasy but nodding nonetheless, knowing they'd all benefit from a short break. "Yeah... Just for a bit..." Sylicora hissed, immediately lowering herself to the ground to rest her legs, heartened by the fact that they had found a way across the river. She shot a glance at her brother, who somehow still looked restless even as he too leaned against a tree for support...

The green Lili swerved between trees and slipped through low growing vegetation, following in Thorn's footsteps, not knowing where they would end up, but only hoping that whatever they had heard wouldn't find them... or Rose and Hazel. She strained her ears, trying to hear its thundering steps over her own rustling, but the sound appeared to be subsiding...

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:21 pm

Howler appreciated the rest and laid down as well, but kept an eye on the river for any signs of another Deinosuchus lying in wait nearby...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:00 am

Gothmog lets out a low growl before he begins to move a bit forward, clearing away a bit of the shrubbery. "If you say so, rex...." The giga glances back at Crusher, his yellow eyes locking with the rex....
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

"Would you hear my desire? To take this foul blade, and use it to blot out the light forever!" ~ Ganondorf
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby C S » Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:05 am

Aircrest snapped his head about as he heard rappid foot falls among the shadows, the pattering coming from his flank. He stopped walking and stared into the darkness, his eyes narrowed and his muscles tensed and ready to react. Nothing. All was still. The sounds of the jungle never ceased. His nostrils flared as he tried to pull in a scent from the air, sniffling loudly. His illness really had returned with the veil of night. Aircrest growled, irritated before looking forward again and walking off. Again, he heard the noise, this time moving up along side him. There was a rustle as it shot past a bush. "Alright alright, if you want to tell me something you dont have to be shy" He barked into the undergrowth. "Its not like I will sneeze on you... on second thought-"

There was a lot more movement now, other creatures hidden in the shadows running about, surrounding him. "Wonderful" Aircrest thought, looking down at the floor. He put his foot on a rock that was nearby, rolling it back and forth as if he was suddenly preoccupied with it. "Well dont I feel special!" He growled, not looking away from the rock. "All of you came out here? Because of me? I dont know what to say!" He said, as if he really was flattered. All the while, he was waiting. His ears were trained on the sounds around him. He may not be able to tell what was around him, but he was sure as hell able to tell when they were going to make their move. Sure enough, one of the hidden took seized the opportunity to strike, shooting out from the shrubs. Aircrest swung his body about towards the direction of the noise and jumped straight into the air, swinging his legs forward. He slammed into his attacker, seeing nothing but a blur and acting on his impulses. His back hit the ground, so he kicked up at the creature that was over him, slashing at its underside while knocking it back. He rolled back to his feet and lunged while it was winded from kicks to the chest and stomach, clamping his jaws on the closest thing- its arm. Specifically; its wrist. Before he could follow up on the attack, he felt a powerful blow to his side, sending him staggering away, though several gashes were left on the dinosaur's arm. Regaining his balance, Aircrest caught a glimpse of his combatants. Other raptors. The one he bit was yellow with black and white stripes and spots, while the one that joined the fight was black with yellow splotches on its sides. "Dont tell me you two are related...Ive had my fair share of dealing with ******* duos..." Aircrest growled before throwing himself to the ground, barely dodging another raptor leaping at him. It landed a few feet away from Aircrest and spun around to look at him as he rolled to his feet. This one was grey with red stripes running down its tail. "If three's a crowd, what does that make four?" Aircrest said with a snort, glancing at all three of the raptors. The one that had knocked him away was now hissing at him. "You'd best leave, raptor" The grey raptor growled, its voice feminine. "And why is that?" Aircrest asked, shooting a glance at the female. "Funny. I didnt know intruders had a right to stay in claimed territory" She snarled sarcastically. "...What?" Aircrest growled, cocking his head. "Let me guess, you didnt smell the border mark?" The black raptor hissed, also a female. Aircrest responded to that by breathing through his nose, deliberatly making a loud sniffle. "My nose is not fit for duty as of late" He growled. "This entire thing was just a big misunderst-" He began to say when suddenly he heard rustling in the distance, the sound getting louder quickly. He turned his head towards the source of the noise, barely able to see the new arrival before it slammed into him, sending him staggering once more. He tripped over the roots of a nearby tree and hit his head hard on the trunk... then a root when he fell. "Windwhip!" The grey raptor hissed to the newcomer, a pale raptor with blue stripes along the sides of its body. "What!?" the raptor barked, revealing it to be a male. "What the hell was that!?" The yellow raptor growled, waving his clawed hands at Windwhip. "I heard about the intruder wandering through our turf and I came out to help!" The raptor hissed. "Except he wasnt a threat!" The grey raptor snapped. "He was just sick and didnt know better!"
"...What?" Windwhip growled, looking to the green raptor on the ground. He muttered in a low tone, something Windwhip thought sounded like "Never fails" before groaning. "He doesnt look too good..." Aircrest heard the black raptor say before he blacked out
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Hopeflower » Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:03 pm

"I....I see," Ruby growled, glancing at her younger siblings. "You didn't see Darktalon at all, did you? He disappeared at around the same time as father did..."

" it gone?" Rose asked, unable to hide a tremor in her voice.

Thorn soon arrived, slowing and finally stopping at the entrance to his root den. He looked around, hoping that Switchblade had kept up with him.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

"The future is always uncertain and painful but it must be lived." ~ Unknown
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby C S » Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:54 pm

A soft crumple was heard as Hazel dropped the chunk of meat she had been carrying all this time onto the leaf litter. "I think so" She growled, trying her best to keep her voice from trembling and just managing to do so. She learned a long time ago that the best way to reassure a youngling was to keep calm and composed, even if the situation was horrible. In a bid to get Rose's mind off of the passing threat, she nudged the meat over to her side and growled "I brought this back for you, incase you were hungry" She wouldnt blame the raptor if she refused. Anyone would lose their appetite after an event like that
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Pyronychus » Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:56 am

After a few moments, the gray-green Lili brushed past the last of the foliage between her and their destination, coming into view of the root cave and padding to a stop, panting lightly. She paused momentarily to glance back, listening for signs that they had been followed, but could hear nothing. It appeared whatever it was had given up. Breathing a slight sigh of relief, she looked back at the others, catching Haze's eye for half a second before the pale Lili looked away. "Thanks for this, Thorn," Haze hissed quietly. "I owe you... again."

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Godzilla Forever » Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:38 am

Night..... a blissful time for a female allosaur to hunt. Silently, the aged queen of her realm stalks a trio of kentrosaurs. The stegosaurs were ignorant to the threat that lurks within the shadows of the jungle. Saliva dripped from Old One Eye's maw, before she leaps out of the shrubbery, claws outstretched to strike. The kentrosaurs stand their ground, tails brandished menacingly to scare off the far larger Allosaur. Old One Eye roars loudly, trying to startle them into retreat, but the dumb brutes refuse to break their stalwart formation. Seeing she could not do much to them but lose her other eye, the grizzled queen heads back into the jungle, the prey victorious.... for now.
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

"Would you hear my desire? To take this foul blade, and use it to blot out the light forever!" ~ Ganondorf
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby dinoman666 » Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:50 am

Howler was just about to stand up when he heard a rustling from the other side of the tree. Before he could check what it was, it came to him: a head of a Dilophosaurus emerged from the undergrowth, baring its fangs at Howler. "You should run now..." the Dilo hissed, and Howler let out a bark of fright and sprinted towards the ford. With a furious roar, the Dilo emerged from the brush and charged at him and the other raptors...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:01 pm

Fatalis shook his head slowly. "Afraid not. Most of the ones who were on the island were scattered. I ran into a few recognisable ones...but that was luck" hissed Fatalis, his head pounding relentlessly, images of three Raptors entering his head for an instant, but too fast to identify them, the Raptor hissing in pain as what felt like a mental dagger tore through his mind...

Crusher began to circle around the Giga, making use of the trees to make access to him difficult, keeping the Giga's flanks exposed should the need to attack come. "What happens next is yours to decide, Giga. Do you want to risk a confrontation? Or would you prefer a less painful resolution?" rumbled the Rex...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Godzilla Forever » Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:02 pm

Gothmog rumbles low. The giga hungered for combat, but in this current position, that would be suicidal at best. Thinking it over, Gothmog responds, "Whichever keeps me in one peice would be the preferable one."
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

"Would you hear my desire? To take this foul blade, and use it to blot out the light forever!" ~ Ganondorf
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:24 pm

"Very well" rumbled Crusher simply, navigating through the trees with surprising grace for a creature of his size, returning to the path he had carved on his way here from his territory, moving towards his own territory's borders. it was time he did some investigation. hunt down traces of his brother. he simply couldn't be dead. he had survived without a trace for far too long to let Crusher believe he wasn't doing the same now...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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