Dinosaur Island RPG Profiles

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Dinosaur Island RPG Profiles

Postby dinoman666 » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:58 pm

Profile Template:

Physical Description:
Preferred Weapons (if any):

(Keep in mind, most of these characters will be mercenaries, and therefore will have some form of weapons training.)

Name: Lewis Dodgson (...what? :P)
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 160 lbs
Physical Description: Dusky, short blonde hair with blue eyes and a rather pale complexion. He wears glasses and prefers a faded blue suit with a red tie when on business. He is a bit scrawny looking as well.
Preferred Weapons: Dodgson has little weapons training, but he does know how to use a pistol. As such, he keeps a Glock 23 handgun with a 15-round magazine in his briefcase at all times, along with several more magazines.
Personality: Dodgson is a reclusive man, and more importantly, he can keep a secret, a good trait for his job as OBS representative to the U.S. military. He respects human life, but he's utterly ruthless when it comes to preserving his own life and work.
History: Dodgson's history is mostly classified by the U.S. government. His cover is that he works for the FBI, when in fact he is an employee for the OBS, and the project lead for Project Resurrection off-site.

Name: Lieutenant James Barnes
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 200 lbs
Physical Description: A hefty, burly-looking man with slightly tanned skin, brown hair and piercing green eyes.
Preferred Weapons: M4A1 with SOPMOD kit and Close Quarters Battle Receiver (30-round magazine), Beretta M9A1 pistol (15-round magazine) and, knowing a bit more about the situation on the island then the mercenaries, a nine-shot Mossberg 590A1 Shotgun with a Military Enhancement Kit.
Personality: Gruff, Barnes is still a bit of a Drill Sergeant to his men, but he's well-respected. Very down-to-earth, he likes to approach a situation calmly and with tactical grace and skill.
History: Barnes is very much a military man, and it's hardly a surprise that he is already a Lieutenant in the U.S. Army (technically, he's part of USASOC, specifically a member of the Special Forces, AKA Green Berets). However, he is also partially in the know about Project Resurrection (one of the few). He is not fully aware of the prehistoric creatures involved, but he knows about the OBS and their "animal experiments." He has been ordered by his superiors and OBS representative Lewis Dodgson to keep the mercenaries on a tight leash during the investigation on the island, something he is more than willing to do.

Name: Dr. Andrew Jenkins
Gender: Male
Age: 46
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 155 lbs
Physical Description: Pale skin from hiding in the island's research facility for six months, long, graying hair on his head, and a large salt-and-pepper beard. His eyes are green and very alert despite his age.
Preferred Weapons (if any): None, though he has weapons training.
Personality: Jenkins is eccentric at the best of times, always willing to have a good time in the name of science. However, he disdains cruelty, particularly to animals, and his loyalties to Project Resurrection as a military endeavor are questionable.
History: Andrew Jenkins' history is classified for obvious reasons, though he was likely a simple (and brilliant) genetic biologist before the OBS found him. Recruited onto the Project Resurrection team, he led the project from the island and was second only to Lewis Dodgson before everything went to hell. The only apparent survivor of the incident, his story seems to check out, though his innocence (and most certainly his sanity) is still questioned. In fact, there may be more to this crazy old man than meets the eye...

Name: "Sue"
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown; all dinosaurs on the island were age-accelerated when born, though Sue was likely one of the first to be resurrected.
Height: 20 ft at the hip, 45 ft long.
Weight: 7 tons
Physical Description: An exceptionally large female Tyrannosaurus, she has the blood red scales of all of her species' females, but is also heavily scarred from fights with rival predators. Her eyes are an intense yellow.
Preferred Weapons (if any): Teeth and frighteningly powerful jaws.
Personality: Hard to classify, though Sue seems particularly territorial and aggressive, even for a Rex.
History: Sue was one of the first dinosaurs successfully created by Project Resurrection, and also one of the first to be genetically altered as a weapon. With thick, armored scales that can resist even high-caliber rounds, a slightly heightened intelligence matching that of a domesticated dog, and an enhanced "biological lock-on" that causes her to track and pursue targets across vast distances for days, Sue is the ultimate bio-weapon. Had the disaster not happened, she likely would have been a fiendishly powerful psychological weapon of war to support the United States in any ground engagement. Now, however, she savagely protects her territory from all intruders, and will not hesitate to chase them from one end of the island to the other if she must...
Last edited by dinoman666 on Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:05 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG Profiles

Postby Godzilla Forever » Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:18 am

Name: Maxwell Smith (deceased)
Gender: male
Age: 32
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 230 lbs
Physical Description: A rather large and bulky man with short dark hair and dark brown eyes. Wears a cowboy hat and has a tendency to wear dark shirts and wears cargo pants. Has a large backpack that he uses to carry supplies in the event of something catastrophic.
Preferred Weapons (if any): Has a bizarre affinity for close combat. He prefers himself a benelli M4 combat shotgun, and prefers the use of a S&W Model 29 as his sidearm, or, if not possible, a combat knife.
Personality: He can be brutally honest, but can also be extremely understanding. However, when in conflict, he shows little emotion besides anger.
History: Little is known about Maxwell's past outside his former history with the italian mafia. He cares very little to talk about his past, but speaks poorly of it if one annoys him enough about it. He hopes to redeem himself from his shady past through mercenary work, but has had little luck (for obvious reasons).
Last edited by Godzilla Forever on Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:53 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG Profiles

Postby UndeadRaptor » Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:28 am

Name: Riley Jacques
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Height: 6' 5''
Weight: 164
Physical Description: A slightly bulky man with a partially visible mustache and beard, light blue eyes, solid black hair, and a scar over his left eye, which an eyepatch covers.
Preferred Weapons: AK-47, combat knife, colt 1911
Personality: A kind and slightly friendly man, often joking about something even in the greatest situation. Can sometimes be stubborn or even a great threat to anything if something tends to go wrong.
History: Born in Canada, Riley was a good kid at his time, knowing both English and French, usually speaking in a European accent when talking. Other than that little infomation on a mostly unknown past, he has no backstory.
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG Profiles

Postby Iceking » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:38 pm

Name:Richard "rick" gibson
Physical description:Average size, has light green eyes and brown hair. Frequently wears jungle camoe.
Preffered weapons:M4 carbine, Berreta 92FS and a combat knife.
Personality:A person who isn't particurlarly chatty, he is none the less still a generally friendly person and respectful to those higher in rank than him. However, once someone gets on his bad side, he can hold a large amount of dislike for them for some time.
History:Born in Texas, he is one of the more recent people to have been sent to the island. Before joining the army, he heavily considered being studying marine bioligy. Beyond this, he hasn't revealed too much about his past.
Last edited by Iceking on Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG Profiles

Postby raptor titanus3 » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:40 pm

Name: Hiero Masaki
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 145 Ib. (with gear 200 Ib.)
Physical Description: A soft, young looking face that gives others the impression he lies about his age. An average frame with thin but strong musulature. Black hair, brown eyes, and a number of scars and scratchs from hard training routine and from other conflicts.
Weapons: Wields a Galil with underslung masterkey shotgun and laser sight, secondary is a python magnum with fast reload ammo, he also carrys the machete of a S.O.G. marine killed by his father in the Tet offensive
Personality: Unpredictable at the best of times, almost insane at the worst. Hiero was forced through the rigors of severe disipline even as a young child. It has turned him into a very uncaring man and the one expression on his face is that of hatred. A hatred for life, a hatred for the weak, a hatred for his enemies.
History: Hiero was the second son of a veteran NVA sergeant, he trained his two sons to be soldiers like him so that they attaine postion in society. From a young age Hiero had to compete with his year older brother Tenmo, to earn the very right to eat. They were trained long and hard, if they failed a task they diddn't just loose the chance to eat they were also whipped and forced back into the challenge. Hiero began to gain ground on his Brother until his father pit the two boys against each other in a bladed fight, Hiero diddn't want to kill his brother but Tenmo did not share his brother's mercy. In the end Hiero was the survivor, but it killed him inside. After several more years Hiero left home at age 19, to escape his madened father. He became a merc. and these past years all he's done is do what the man paying him tells him. He has done many things, many of them violent and bloody but this may prove to be his ultimate and final challenge.
"We all go about our daily lives, waiting for the next big thing, the next cool trend, even the smallest bits of info on anything happening, but what we're really waiting for... is for something interesting to happen to us, thats what draws us to the rich and famous... we want to be like them... I don't, I'm fine with who I am... and you should be too" - RT3
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG Profiles

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:53 pm

Name: Jacob 'Cutlass' Spencer
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Height:6 feet 3 inches
Weight: 90 KG
Physical Description: tall, gaunt faced, black haired man. usually seen with sunglasses on. he has a shallow beard, moustache linking up to the beard and curving along the jaw, kept clean cut whenever his situation allows. typically wears a black T-shirt [though it is visibly blocky around the torso area as a result of the body armour worn underneath] and thick, dark grey and black camouflage cargo pants, along with a pair of full fingered black leather gloves, thin enough to feel through but sturdy enough to offer some protection. over that, he usually wears a light but sturdy black leather trench coat. his cargo pants have many pockets, in addition to a belt that's equipped with 4 small pouches, carrying things like utility knives, maintenance tools and a flashlight, among other things. his coat has several pockets in them, equipped to carry various items of value.
Preferred Weapons: he has a silenced H&K P2000 handgun on a shoulder holster, in addition to a combat knife with a built in compass, in the other shoulder holster. slung from his shoulder is usually an H&K 416 with twin clips and night vision scope. he has 5 grenades, saved for emergencies. His backpack carries other equipment, mostly utility stuff for specific purposes, though the exact details he keeps to himself.
Personality: Calm, collected, refined, and tactically-minded. a quiet man by nature, he doesn't talk much. He has operated in various locations around the world, among which was Afghanistan and Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Formerly a soldier with the British Armed Forces, serving in the SAS, he now works as a mercenary. or so he says...
History: His history is blurred by various layers of movements from one place to another, never remaining in a single place for too long, and rarely if ever speaking of his past. All that is known officially is that he is a former British soldier and SAS member, that he served in Afghanistan and Iraq in the Gulf War, and that he signed up for the job as soon as the offer appeared, and has been out of contact up till the movement towards the island.
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG Profiles

Postby C S » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:05 am

Name: David "Grizzly" Roman
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Height: 6'2
Weight: 208 pounds
Physical Description: A man of muscular build, its no wonder why David is called Grizzly. While his body isnt a bulging mass akin to a body builder, he has respectable strength and is willing to use it when guns arent an option. His skin is a light tan in color, his hair black and of medium length and he wears a sleek black combat suit, form fitting with four large pockets on his thighs as well as a belt that has many compartments and straps to hold his equipment.
Preferred Weapons: Dual millitary grade knives, silver blades with serated edges invaluable for silent kills. They are seen hanging from his belt. He also carries a black and silver TAR-21 assault rifle that rests on his back, its strap slung across his right shoulder. The compartments on his belt and suit hold ammo.
Personality: Witty and determined describe David's character. He gets the job done without fail while able to poke fun at his situations.
History: Extensive training and a few high priority missions are part of David's past. Like most mercinaries, he isnt allowed to disclose much about his past dealings in his line of work
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG Profiles

Postby Giratina93 » Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:36 am

Name: Persephone
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Height: 6ft 1
Weight: 145 lbs
Physical Description: Persephone is a tall, darkly-tanned woman with a rather nice figure and long, shoulder-length white hair. She's not the strongest person out therem but she has great stamina and is quite fast. She wears a brown shirt and dark blue jeans that have large pockets in them to help her contail whatever she needs. She also carries on her back a small camo backpack.
Weapons: She carries on her a Magmum and a small Crossbow, the former only used when absolutely necessary, and the latter which is in the backpack, ready to be assembled at almost anytime. In her pocket she has a 3 inch knife, which helps out in close quaters fighting...
Personality: Persephone is quite the friendly woman, but she is almost always tired and rather lazy. She can make friends quite easily, but she isn't the smartest person around. She LOVES reptiles, perhaps due to their "lazyness"...
History: Persephone was the sole child of a australian farmer who moved to Washington State sometime in the late 1990's. As a child, Persephone loved to read about reptiles and Dinosaurs, so she knows quite abit about them. Also, she loved to construct wooden crossbows and boomerangs during her Applied Science class in Highschool. She attended Westpoint at age 19, and (miraculously) made it all the way through it to the end. Other than that, little else is known about her.

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