Isla Sorna Stories RPG

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby C S » Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:03 pm

Hazel took a breath of relief when she found her way back to the burrow. Never before had she been happy about a small hollow among the roots of a tree. It was quiet in the dead of night, which she didnt mind at all. She assumed Selena was asleep somewhere, and decided she would follow suit after her eventful day. "We're back, Rose" She growled to the blind raptor, yawning afterwards.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:34 pm

The following morning Crusher stood amidst the trees, watching his family, the water from his drink at a nearby stream still fresh, droplets still dripping from his chin as he smiled at the sleeping family. Rampage had never looked so at peace, surrounded by her children, family, knowing that they were no longer separated. it was a heart warming sight. Serena, having grown over the last month, was now almost twice the size of the average Raptor, but was still small enough to comfortably snuggle up against her mother's flank. Hunter lay beside his mate, his tail curving round, his body wrapping round her own, their heads resting side by side, peace in their expressions. it pained Crusher to interrupt their blissful slumber. but life would not wait for them. if you fell behind, you stayed behind. the Patriarch walked through the well worn path between the trees, to the edge of the nest, crouching as he nudged his son awake. the young male looked up, grunting as he woke, eyeing his father, nodding almost immediately, already knowing what it was his father wanted of him. as Crusher straightened, the young male yawned widely, rising to his feet and walking back the way Crusher had come, to the nearby stream where he and Fury had learned a valuable lesson, so many years ago...

the young Rex walked up to the stream, eyeing the ground, spotting the massive footprint his father had left, smiling as he remembered. stepping forward, he set his own foot in the print, noting how despite his size, Crusher's footprint was still not filled. he eyed the print, and his foot, for a few seconds, his thoughts lingering on it. it described his life fairly accurately. despite his size and power, and the somewhat decent reputation he had built for himself over the years, he still lived in his father's shadow. he was still primarily known as Crusher's Son. he was not a personality of his own in the eyes of most. he was still just a branch of the behemoth who fathered him. he would one day have to correct that...but when, remained to be seen. pulling himself from his thoughts, he lowered to the stream, lapping up the cool liquid, wetting his dry throat, before plunging his head into the chilling water, lifting his head, water pouring off his skull as he rose again, the Rex opening his eye, smiling. Why hold such glum thoughts? It was a new day. it was time he lightened up. smiling, the Rex headed back to his family, spotting Crusher's gigantic silhouette edge away along the beaten path towards the edge of the territory, the young Rex staying behind, laying in a crouch beside his mate, vigilant, but comfortable, as he waited for Rampage, Lightning and Serena to wake...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Godzilla Forever » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:48 pm

Lestrus turns to her children and says, "Alright, young ones, it is time for us to head out into the jungle and go hunting. You shall come with me and you will catch your first prey." "Yes, mother," both young Carnotaurs say, Pyrus saying it with sarcasm in his vocie. Lestrus ignores it and heads out with them, Odin staying behind with the other Carnotaurs in case someone enters their territory....
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Iceking » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:43 am

Opening his eyes, Maloriak saw that it was now morning. The raptor got to his feet, scenting the air for the dromeasaur from the other day as he did so. The scent did not reach his nose, which meant that either the dromeasaur had not followed him and was now somewhere else, or it was simply downwind from him. However, Maloriak doubted that the other creature was downwind, because it could have easily found him during the night and done whatever it's intentions could have been...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Galaxia » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:07 pm

Razorjaw's eyes lazily opened as he awoke to feed on the rapidly rotting corythosaurus carcass.He had spent most of his time awake eating his fill of the kill he made the previous day and the rest of his time making sure no scavengers tried their luck stealing meat from his kill,so far we had kept the compy's away with the occasional roar but he knew that once he had eaten all there was for a predator of his size to find enough to eat he would leave the kill and surrender it to the smaller animals,and then even the "decomposer's" such as bacteria to finish the end remains,he knew very little of this process,only that smaller animals were always trying to steal small bits of meat from his kills.

After drinking from a nearby creek Razorjaw,with both his hunger and thirst needs filled,rested back under that shady tree.But the meat on the corythosaur was running out and anyway Razorjaw had to patrol his territory to check on such things as the food abundance and to check for any rival predators that might wander into his territory.
But for now all that was in the future,something his kind couldn't think ahead to very well. Acknowledging this the great predator closed his eyes and fell asleep to the chorus of calls from the creatures he shared his world with.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Iceking » Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:11 pm

Bluestrip was walking through the jungle, currently following a scent. The owner of the scent was an iguanodon and the scent wasn't faint enough to be hard to track, though it wasn't very strong at the momment either. The rex had woken up several minutes ago and the first thing on his mind was taking care of his hunger. Once that was done, he would return to his territory and do a patrol until he felt thirsty, which he would take care of easily when the time came that he couldn't ignore his thirst any longer...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby C S » Fri Apr 01, 2011 1:17 am

Hazel awoke later than she normally would, when the sun had risen considerably over the horizon and was bathing the island in golden light, the sky shifting to blue from the dawn red and purple. She yawned stretched out as much as she could laying on her side down in the den. Her feet pressed against the Earthen walls when she stretched out her legs and her bedding of ferns and other small plants rustled as she rolled and righted herself. She headed out of the den in a crouch and stood up to full height when she was out from her root hide away. She arced her back as she took in the early morning air and felt the breeze. Her stomach pained her for food, and she'd oblige soon enough after greeting the others for the morning
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:17 pm

Howler continued to crouch next to the tree, hiding his snout in his claws, muttering to himself, "It was just a joke I didn't mean it I'm sorry sorry so sorry..."
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Pyronychus » Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:07 am

The olive raptor gave a small nod, wincing slightly again as she took a few cautious steps to the river's edge and crouched down, dipping her elbow into the current and splashing cool water onto her flank with her other hand, all the while thinking about what the elder said. She wasn't sure how best to keep calm in a crisis, and supposed it would simply come with practice and time. Rhojis glanced at each raptor, still unable to shake the unsettling thought. His eyes lingered a bit on Howler, the gray raptor not quite sure whether he felt concerned or confused about his packmate...

For the last couple of hours, Rhojis' thoughts had been split between the task at hand and their meeting with Ripper. He still didn't quite know what to think, and honestly, felt too tired to decide at that moment. They'd been walking downstream since they parted ways, and the raptor was starting to feel genuinely tired. He knew his sister was probably even more fatigued, though she did a good job of hiding it. Even though he didn't have a good view of the sky, he noticed their surroundings were getting slightly lighter and realized they must have been out all night...
Last edited by Pyronychus on Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:02 am

Chopper and most of those remaining in his pack were wide awake already before the sun had risen. Currently, Flamejaw and her hunting party were dragging a kill back to the nest as the others awaited for their arrival, watching over the four younglings there.

Eradicus, on the other hand, was already tearing into a kill near his territory, finishing up what he could eat. Soon, his head emerged from the corpse and the charcharodontosaur roared out once, stomping away from the mountain and crushing parts of the dead herbivore as he went out in searh of water...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:37 am

The trio of Carnotaurs thundered out form the wasteland in a quick burst of speed. Lestrus took in a big whiff of air before quickly turning her head to the right. "That way. Crippled Ouranosaurus. A bit big, but I have faith in you." The two younglings nod and the trio heads into the jungle....

Gothmog lets out a loud yawn before sniffign a bit. He shakily gets to his feet and heads into the jungle to feed....

Old One Eye patrols her rather small territory for easy prey...

Kronos and Lehra had long finished their prey, and had begun patrolling their small territory...
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Hopeflower » Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:52 pm

Selena was already up and gnawing at a half-eaten compy, cracking the small, thin bones between her teeth with ease. She gave a nod to Hazel, glanced at the still-sleeping Rose, and went back to her snack.

Thorn lifted his crested head from the leaf litter and yawned, shaking his head to wake himself up more. He turned his attention to the two females, letting his gaze linger on Haze's injured leg, trying to judge how long it would take to heal. With a low, rumbling growl that almost resembled a groan, he got up and stretched. He knew one thing; he'd need to hunt again, or revisit his kill. But the second option wasn't really a smart idea. It was too far for him to make the journey there and back before he was missed, and with all those bigger predators that had been on and around the beach, it had probably been stolen by now. With a last glance at Switchblade and Haze, he slipped out of the den and began his hunt.

Siri, Viridis, Astus and the rest of the pack were all sleeping deeply. Inculta was awake. Standing at the mouth of the cave, he stared off into the distance with a brooding expression. Only the day before, Viridis had come to him and Siri with a request to join Fatalis, Sylicora and their pack when he returned. Siri had been borderline shocked to hear that their only daughter, who had barely survived to leave the nest, wanted to leave the pack and become a member of another. Inculta had simply stared at her through unreadable amber eyes and told Viridis he needed to think.

Well, now he was thinking. And he had nearly reached a decision. Fatalis had shown remarkable skill during the attack on the oviraptors. He had proven himself more than competent. But the dilemma Inculta faced was not simply letting his daughter go. It was letting her go when he had the suspicion that a few of the oviraptors had survived their raid, and were waiting for their opportunity to stricke back.

But Viridis, he reminded himself, was not a hatchling anymore. She was an adult, and could make her own choices. With a nod to himself, Inculta's mind was made up. He would let Viridis go when Fatalis returned. Siri wouldn't like it, he knew. But they had to face the facts; Viridis was no longer happy here, and they couldn't keep her here against her will.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby C S » Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:04 pm

"Good morning" Hazel growled to Selena, returning the nod and then looking to Rose. Her eyes softened when she looked at the youngling. She remembered what she wanted to ask her the day before, and she hoped that it wasnt too personal an issue for Rose. Her empty stomach called for her attention with another hunger pang. She looked back to Selena and contined "Im going to get something to eat, be back later."
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby dinoman666 » Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:10 am

As if in response to being watched, Howler simply curled up more, continuing to mutter quietly to himself. His good eye was blank, staring off into space...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Galaxia » Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:04 pm

Wasn't too sure about the territory as I don't know the proportions of Isla Sorna,if the size of the territory is too big or anything like that I can edit it too your specifications
Razorjaw's eyes opened slowly,after eating the last meat of the corythosaurus he wouldn't have to eat for a while now.So after taking a quick drink from a stream he set off to patrol his territory.

In the bygone times of late cretaceous Alberta the Daspletosaur family's were apex carnivores of the land,the only thing that even mildly would have been seen as competition were the Gorgosaurus of which they shared their open world with.While a closely related species of tyrannosaurid the Gorgos were more closely related to the Albertosaurus,an animal that would outlast both species by only a few million years.The two species of tyrannosaur seemed to live together quite well,one of the few known examples of two tyrannosaurid species coexisting.

On Isla Sorna things were different, territory's held by Razorjaw and indeed all but the largest carnivores on the island,were smaller than those they would have had when their species originally roamed the earth.

This did not concern Razorjaw much though,as he knew nothing of the position as top predator his kind had once had,territory was territory.Razorjaw's territory spanned close to 360 miles so he had to travel around quite a lot to make sure there was plentiful food and that he was the only carnivore hunting that food.Things seemed fine,the herds grazed peacefully and undisturbed,there were no scent marking to betray the presence of another predator who thought the land belonged to him.

Although with all these signs that all was well Razorjaw still kept patrolling,just be be sure.
He would do this until he started to get hungry or thirsty again,although if it was the latter he would continue after this need was filled but if hunger struck he would do one more check and then go and look for food.

He kept up his patrol for anything that might spell trouble but nothing he found told him that there was anything wrong,the sun was setting so after a few more checks and a roar to ward of any intruders that might have escaped detection he marked the borders of his land and walked over to a clearing in a small patch off trees and lay down on the soft and trampled vegetation,his mind finally settling he dropped off to sleep, satisfied that he was still the ruler of this area.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Hopeflower » Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:52 pm

Selena nodded. "Good hunting. Be careful," she growled, not really sure why she added that last part. Sure there were plenty of bigger predators around, but Hazel didn't seem as reckless as Aircrest when it came to danger.

Ruby lifted her pale green head from the flank of her sister and yawned widely. She shook her head, crimson eyes blinking rapidly to get herself to wake up faster. When her vision was mostly clear of the sleep-fog, she looked around. She'd fallen asleep in a tight ball with the rest of her siblings. She'd been resting her head on Blackstripe, who was doing the same on Whitestreak's back. Fire and Ice were curled tightly together, black and white pressed so close that it was hard to tell where one of the small raptors began and the other ended.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby C S » Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:31 pm

"Thanks" Hazel growled before starting off into the jungle to secure a morsel, her snout pointed to the canopy and her nose taking in the scents riding on the wind.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:16 am

the Tyrannosaur strode through his territory in long, willful steps, the Rex moving towards the source of sounds he had heard over the course of the previous night. He was not pleased with the prospect of intruders on his borders. the calls had been a combination of those of pain, and others of combat. a fight had broke out on his borders. he intended to find out what....and eliminate the aggressor. As chaotic and uneven as his road had been...That very chaos formed a comforting constant for the Tyrannosaur. A standard he had learned to embrace...and exploit...

As he reached his borders, the trees ahead of him swayed, red eyes staring out at him, fangs glinting as a malevolent, confident rumble reverberated from amidst the trees. at the beast's feet, lay the corpses of a Giga, another Rex and a Spinosaur. Crusher sighed, closing his eyes, calm washing over him. At end...

The Elder watched from above as the raptors slept, noting Fatalis asleep beside them. his body had been scratched up, and the beginnings of what looked like an uncomfortable bruise distorted the fine curves of the younger Raptor's skull on one side, bulging slightly just behind the eye. Ripper decided he'd stay silent, and watch what happened, before deciding on how to move forward. an almost unnatural shimmer on the horizon drew the Elder's attention for a moment, the Raptor sighing peacefully. There was hope yet...

Fatalis stirred tiredly, still drained from the fall in the river the previous day. his eyes flickered open,the raptor yawning widely as he eyed the others, barely a couple of feet away, huddled together. he couldn't help but feel proud of the young raptors. despite losing both their parents, they were growing into fine hunters and impressed him with their work as a pack. they also had a trait many packs lacked; kindness. he made a mental note to pay them back for their hospitality as soon as he was able. and with that...he would also make right all his other debts. his family...his friends...and with a shock he realised......his packmates...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby Pyronychus » Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:20 pm

"Whoa..." Rhojis heard his sister mutter from behind and to his left. He turned his head in time to see her hop over what looked almost like a small but deep burrow half concealed under a fern bush frond. "Almost didn't see that," she commented to no one in particular in a low, tired voice, continuing to walk on with an unusually vacant expression. Seeing this, Rhojis came to a stop, watching as Sylicora kept going for a few seconds before she noticed he wasn't keeping up. "Problem?" she muttered, turning her exhausted yellow gaze on him. "Yeah," he hissed, shuffling over to lean against a tree. "I, for one, can't do this anymore. We need rest. Look, the sun's over the horizon. We've been going all night." Sylicora's jaws opened in a wide yawn and she sank almost automatically into a crouch near another fern bush. "What if something sneaks up on us though?" "I'll keep watch for... as long as I can stay awake. You guys get some sleep." Sylicora had already crawled into the shadow of the ferns and let her tired, slightly sore body fall limp on the mossy leaf litter. "M'kay..."

Meanwhile, Haze stirred in her sleep, letting out a soft, almost inaudible growl. The compies... they were everywhere, jumping down on her from the trees, nipping incessantly at her ankles. The gray Lili shifted, as if she could somehow make the dream change just by moving, and felt a sudden pain in her injured leg as she rolled too far, straining the fractured bone. She jerking awake with a low hiss and hastily moved back to a comfortable position, blinking up at the trees in a combination of pain from her leg and from a bright ray of sunlight streaming down through the canopy. It took her a moment to clear her mind of the unpleasant dream and remember where she was, at which point she glanced around at the other Lilis... no, Lili, singular. Switchblade was still asleep, laying exactly where she was the night before, looking as though she hadn't moved an inch, but Thorn was gone...

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories RPG

Postby dinoman666 » Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:34 pm

Howler hadn't spoken a word since they started moving again, lagging a short distance behind, staring at the ground with a blank expression. Suddenly, however, he finally spoke, his voice hoarse. "No... Rhojis, go ahead and sleep. I'll... I'll keep watch..."
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