Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

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Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:30 pm


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The Rules:
1 ) No magic [EG: trike eats a plant and finds he can breath fire...], or anything that would probably be impossible to do for a dinosaur [EG: Brach swung on tree vine and yelled like Tarzan]
2 ) No killing off other player's characters without the player's permission, unless that character is anonymous, with no real details.
3 ) No human vs dinosaur war [EG: Tanks, military choppers, military fighter jets...etc.]
4 ) No power playing of any kind. This means using unrealistic scenarios and ailments to make your dinosaur better than others. Mutants are allowed (increased size and strength, at the cost of intelligence), but nothing other of the sort can be used if it gives a character an unfair advantage.
5 ) The age limit for any dinosaur character is 43 years to begin with.
6 ) Try to provide detail in your posts.
7 ) No dinosaur armies will be tolerated. Some small alliances are allowed, but no rallying armies to attack someone.
8 ) Don't make the dinos too human. Don't make them use things like [Cool. Funky. Wussup?...etc], and instead of typing [Dino said "..."], make it [Dino growled/hissed/snarled/barked/bellowed/roared]...etc.
9 ) You are allowed to choose any dinosaur or prehistoric reptile (Between start of Earth through end of dinosaurs) that you can think of as long as it is real (we will be checking to make sure the animal is real) and the sizes are right. This does include Sea Creatures that are NOT allowed to go out of the waters around Sorna
10 ) OOC Only posts will NOT be tolerated. posts must have in character activity. any violation of this rule will result in the offending post's immediate deletion and an RPG Owner's warning, which, should the owner request it, CAN be pushed to a full Site-scale warning should the staff deem it appropriate...
11 ) No members participating in the RPG are allowed to have pre-made history with other members' characters without the owner of said character's permission. (Example: You can't have a history with Crusher unless you ask The Kingpin first).
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:38 pm

Green eyelids peeled apart, revealing amber eyes that looked up at the purple sky above. The bright golden rays of the dawn sun were reaching over the sea of green that was the jungle treetops. The leaves he was nestled amongst fluttered in a soft breeze. Aircrest raised his head off of the mossy branch he spent the night on, dew running down the back of his neck and off his sides, when suddenly he grimmaced. His head was pounding, as if he was sent hurdling into a tree trunk and slammed his head against it. He shook his snout from side to side before getting to his feet, a low growl escaping him. He arced his back in a long stretch, loosening his joints, which cracked with the motion. His throat was awfully parched, and the glistening dew on the surrounding leaves only reminded him of that. Aircrest turned to the right and looked down at the tangle of branches below, a cluster of leaves and vines. He hopped off the branch he was on onto a lower one, then an even lower one and so forth, making his way down the tower of timber until he had to drop down to the leaf litter. He landed on the ground soflty and in a crouch, standing up and making his way to a nearby creek. "Im sure the headache will go away after a nice drink..." He thought, trying to ignore the pounding in his skull.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:33 pm

trickle. trickle. trickle.

That was the sound that currently echoed all around him. trickle. trickle. trickle. The young Rex sighed as he got up, giving up on his attempts at rest, walking towards the stream that had been the source of his troubles, lapping up mouthfuls of the cool crystal clear liquid, the beams of light punching through the partial canopy leaning over the overhanging rocky ridge dancing off it's surface in a rhythm that seemed almost too perfect for a world like this. the calls of tropical birds and monkeys of all kinds echoed in the forest around him, as the faint rustle of leaves and grass nearby hinted the occasional Compsognathus running after a lizard, striving for it's morning meal. the young Rex smirked, licking his lips as he thought of that last fact. perhaps that Compy was in for more than breakfast today...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:44 pm

The torrent of noise emanating from the surrounding jungle was almost relaxing to the raptor. On his perch, which was situated in one of the few sun-touched parts of the entrance to the cave, Darkness was completely at ease. The ledge, which was several feet off the ground, was a favorite spot of his, allowing him to soak up the sunlight of the early morning. The sound of crumbling caught his attention, the raptor watching with one half-opened eye as a compy darted out of the cave with a large cave spider in its jaws. With a low grumble at being disturbed, the dark raptor shifted into a more comfortable position and resumed resting.

Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:06 pm

The vegetation thinned out a few feet away from the creek and the soft trickling of water lingered in the area. The water flowed down a shallow mound and into a broad pool which led into a stream several yards away. The sound was soothing and undisturbed. Aircrest slipped through the surrounding brush with a quiet rustle from the plants as he momentarilly disturbed the leaves and made his way to the clear, flowing water. He dipped his snout into the shallows and started to quench his thirst. The smooth pebbles and stones in the river held his gaze as he drank. They were a collection of all sorts of colors, dull reds and browns and even light yellow. Aircrest raised his snout once he had enough water, his headache easing after the cool drink. "What a relief..." Aircrest sighed as he turned away from the creek, heading back into the undergrowth in search of a meal.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Hopeflower » Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:25 pm

The foliage at the edge of a clearing rustled, shaken by more than just the slight breeze. A pale snout poked out of the vegetation, nostrils quivering as the young predator sniffed the air cautiously. The rest of the head emerged, then the shoulders. The raptor was pale gray, almost white in color, with black streaks along her spine and flanks, and black speckles dotting what space wasn't striped. Many faint scars marked her skin, as well as one in partucular that stretched the length of her side. Black quills were prominent on the back of her head and neck. Eyes the color of newly spilled blood took in the female's surroundings before she stepped forward, clearing the treeline. She paused, flexing her stone-gray hand claws before she crossed the clearing and lowered her head to the deep stream that crossed this fairly large space.

This was her home of a few months now. She had stumbled across it quite by accident, but it had provided an excellent place to lie low and remain undetected. Steeltalon raised her head, droplets of water falling from her lower jaw as she looked around. Somehow, no matter where she went, no matter how far she ran, she still felt hunted. Like prey beneath the claws of the predator.

Trying to shake these thoughts from her mind, she lowered her head again. She was beginning to feel the hunger pangs again. As a lone hunter, she had to stick to what it was within her skill to catch. She had only hunted last a day ago. I wonder how long I can keep going like this? she wondered, closing her eyes as the stream's gentle current splashed against her muzzle.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:32 pm

The sound of heavy rustling almost made the dark raptor fall from his perch, lifting his head to spot the source: A second compy had arrived after the first escaped the cave, and now the two were practically throwing themselves through the brush over the half-dismembered cave spider. With one sharp growl, the two were set sprinting away, the subterranean arachnid now laying on the jungle floor, abandoned. Satisfied with himself, Darkness laid his head back down, a smirk on his reptilian maw...

Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Giratina93 » Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:45 pm

A low, rumbling sound echoed through the forest, soft at first, but then glowing louder and louder. Along with it was the sound of the undergrowth being trampled across, trees crashing down, and numerous footsteps. A small herd of Edmontosaurus was moving through the forest's edge in search of food. Although creatures of the open plains, Edmontosaurus tended to also occasionally venture into the forest for the tall palm trees that grew near the edge. The herd of 8 adults and 3 young ones moved forward into the trees. Large, bulky creatures, an adult could easilly get over 55 feet long and weigh over 6 tonnes. At that size, few predators would dare try and take one head on. Their skin was a pale yellowish color with green stripes running along the back. The lead bull honked, to tell the others that they were nearing their destination. The rest of the herd was in an oval-shape, and in th emiddle of the oval were the 3 young ones, the largest of which was half the size of the lead bull. The herd pressed forward, toward a grove of palm trees. As they moved toward the grove, numerous bushes were flattened, small, thin trees less than 15 feet high were pushed over and stripped, and numerous small herbivores like Dryosaurus and Gallimimus got out of the way of the giants, only to reconverge behind them and eat the vegetation the herbivores had bowled over...

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Godzilla Forever » Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:50 pm

The sounds of the ambient jungle surrounded the young and naive giga. Scurrying heterodontosaurs and microraptors dodged between the bushes and shrubbery, as Gothmog's eyes darted back and forth. Shadows moved in the shrouded forest, the sheer number of them making counting them next to impossible. Gothmog took two more steps forward and sniffed the air. It was a good time to go and look about, the young giga thought. The giga moved a bit mroe out.

He always loved the sounds of the jungle, the howls of its inhabitants, and the awe-inspiring locations one could find in this place. However, Gothmog knew that he could not stay in this location forever: he would need to find his own territory. "Always scope out the terrain as you pass by, young one," his mother always said, "for one day, you will need to move out on your own."

"If only that day had not come so soon," Gothmog groans to himself, obviously saddened. He missed his mother. He missed the warm embrace of her flesh as they settled down for the night. He missed her powerful voice in the face of imminent danger. He missed her knowledge of the world, and all the care and love she gave to him for him to become big and strong, "Like your father," she would say.

But the past cannot be undone. "I must continue on without her," Gothmog growls. "Perhaps I can make her proud, even in passing."
Last edited by Godzilla Forever on Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:17 am

A brown and cream colored lizard rested on a low lying log, taking in the stray rays of light that penetrated the jungle canopy to warm itself up for the day ahead. It was being watched with hungry eyes from roughly five feet away. Aircrest carefully moved through the undergrowth so as to avoid alerting the lizard to his pressence. It might have been sluggish in the early morning, but any slip up could mean it having a better chance of getting away. Aircrest made sure to keep his foot steps silent as he approached. Before the lizard knew what happened it was snapped up in the green and black raptor's jaws. Aircrest tipped his head back and worked the lizard down his throat, opening and closing his mouth rappidly. Once done, Aircrest ran his tongue across his lips and went on his way. While a lizard wouldnt be enough for the entire day, it helped keep the raptor's hunger at bay for the time being
Last edited by C S on Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby UndeadRaptor » Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:28 am

Near the southern-most area of Sorna, the sounds of multiple items being crushed under the weight of some heavy predator could be heard as he moved along, guarding a kill. The occasional thud was also, but rarely, heard by creatures close to the carchar, but feeling the ground shake around the area it was walking through was more common...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Iceking » Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:42 am

The raptor's jaws parted in a yawn as he got to his feet, seeing the sun now shining in the sky. Maloriak had been asleep in an area of thick vegitation to both be hard to see without a close up approach while he slept and to keep himself safe from the medium sized predators that would like to eat a creature of his size to take the edge off their hunger. He turned to the opening he had used to enter his resting place and walked to it, intending to both leave the area before a large predator showed up and to find himself a meal...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Giratina93 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:47 am

The herd of Edmontosaurus neared the grove of palm trees they were seeking. The grove was in the middle of a clearing, and had a large group of over 40 tall palm trees.The highest of the trees was 35 or so feet tall... not all enough to keep the leaves from the hungry herbivores. The bull approached first, rearing upon his hind legs to reach the closest leaves. The duckbill bit onto the nearest leave, before yanking back, ripping the leave from the tree. The herbivore backed up, bfore dropping back down onto all fours. It slowly began to chew the leaf in its mouth, with the lower jaw grinding the food side to side. Other members of the herd also came to enjoiy the feast. Numerous leaves were yanked off the trees and devoured, some of them falling to the ground, where the young ones picked them up and devoured them. Normally, Edmontosaurus travelled in large herds in the hundreds, but on this island, herds were far smaller, due to a lack of needing to migrate, and the lack of such huge numers on this island. As the bull continued to eat, he put both his front feet onto the now stripped tree he was eating, then slowly began to push on it. The tree began togroan and crack, before finally being pushed down onto the ground. This enabled the Edmontosaurus to head deeper into the grove and get to even more leaves... As they fed, they were unaware of a pair of eyes watching them from the shadows...

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby raptor titanus3 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:48 am

Redtalon awoke cold and slightly groggy, he had slept in a large grove of trees that stopped the sun and made it hard for predators to enter but the trees were spaced just right that he could slip inside, he was lucky to find such a space but the area was not suitable to inhabit with larger predators living nearby. Red lifted his head and yawned, lossening his jaws as he started to awaken he also proceeded to rollon his side and stretch his long powerful legs reenvigorating his muscles. He then rolled his legs back under him and stood up stretching his arms and taking in a deep breath to clear his head. Finally he walked out of the shield of trees and began walking for a nearby water source to quench his morning thrist.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Godzilla Forever » Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:20 am

The young giga lumbers out from where he had been staying for the past few days: in the ruins of his mother's old home, that had been destroyed during a second stampede. He darts his eyes about, looking as a small dilophosaurus scurries out of sight. Drool dripped from Gothmog's mouth. He was hungry and he knew it. He sniffed the air, and, once finding a scent that smelled similar to a heterodontosaur, began to head in a certain direction....
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Giratina93 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:34 am

As the Edmontosaurs continued to lay waste to the groove of palm trees, the lead bull picked up a terrible odor. the stench smelled like decaying garbage, but to the Edmontosaur, it signaled only one thing...


The Bull began to bellow out loudly while on his hind legs. It was a deep, throaty call that caused the rest of the herd to begin looking around cautiously. The adults began to circle around the young ones in a protective circle, while the bull began to scan the area, in search for the Tyrannosaurus... but there was another scent mixed with it that worried the Hadrosaur even more...

The scent of a Spinosaurid...

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby UndeadRaptor » Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:46 am

Eradicus continued on, the carchar writhing in pain from the scar he had gained earlier in battle against a spinosaur. He had been blinded in his left eye when the blow was taken, but none the less ignored it, continuing on to patrol his territory. He stopped for a moment and growled, picking up the distant scents of a giga and a heterodontosaur, before continuing on in that direction...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:30 am

Compies darted back and forth in a clearing, launching themselves into the air and snapping at the bugs that shot back and forth to evade the small predators. They were swift and precise and a few skilled ones were able to clamp down on dragon flies midflight. While they were busy with insects, the green raptor was watching them intently from the undergrowth, waiting for the right time to strike. He wasnt going to lose his opportunity because he was spotted by one of them and they scattered. His eyes panned over the scene, making sure that no stray eyes were so much as glancing in his direction. Finally, he struck, shooting out of his cover and slamming his jaws onto a compy that had just leaped after a dragon fly. It let out a horrified squawk as the others shot off into the foliage, Aircrest lowering it to the ground and pinning its lower body with a foot. He then twisted his head, snapping the compy's spine and ending its struggle before he started to tear into its flesh.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:44 am

A deep bellow resonated through the barren field known as "Death Valley" in the early morning as Bladetooth made his daily rounds. A pair of raptors, one red and a smaller green one, stirred from their resting point under a rocky outcropping, providing shade and cover from the elements. The red raptor, Stoneclaw, got to his feet groggily, yawning in the morning sunshine. He moved out into the light and laid back down, trying to warm himself up before Bladetooth decided to come by and "check" on them. Stoneclaw glanced over his shoulder at his brother, Howler, who didn't move. With an angry bark, he snapped, "Howler! Stop wasting space and get up! We're going to have work to do soon!" His voice was harsh, as usual, and Howler tried squeezing his eyes tighter. "S'too early..." he mumbled. "Yeah, and I bet Bladetooth will take that as an excuse," Stoneclaw growled back. Seconds later, Howler was on his feet, busily climbing the rock to get as close to the warming sun as possible. Stoneclaw rolled his eyes and looked away. "Getting closer to the sky isn't going to help, rockhead." "You don't know that," Howler replied as he made it to the top and crouched. "Oh, shut up," Stoneclaw hissed back. "You'll give me a headache. Again..."
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Giratina93 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:56 am

As the herbivores began to panic and look around for the threat, a lone tyrannosaurus emerged from the forest. She was a medium-sized female, about 40 feet long, and 14 feet tall. The color of her skin was a chalky black, and her underside was white. Her throat was a dark red color, and her eyes were small and focused. The female T-rex advanced toward the herd, but, oddly enough, without any of the stealth or sneakiness of most predators. Instead, she seemed to simply advance casually toward the herd, the morning rays reflecting off her hide. She stopped when the herd of Edmontosaurs turned to face her, and began to form a wall between the T-rex and their own young. The female hissed in irritance, but didn't lunge forward. She knew that at her size, she could still face serious injury from a large Edmontosaurus, should one decide to try and send her packing. The bull male honked at the T-rex, as a warning to back off, or be trampled to death, but in th eback of the bulls mind, the scent of Spinosaurid still lingered- no, it grew stronger... The male Edmontosaurus looked around quickly, while the rest of th eherd starred down this seemingly suicidal T-rex. Just where was this scent coming from?

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