Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby raptor titanus3 » Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:26 am

Red diddn't have to travel far, he found a brook with flowing water and in the sun, he could solve two needs at once. He looked around his surroundings before bending down to drink. After drinking his fill he remembered the way towards a nearby game trail, and of course he was hungry this morning so he made his way down the brook and towards the plains.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:27 am

Eradicus continues on towards the scents of the gia and the dead heterodontosaur, seeming to break into a run at that point...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:28 am

"Maybe I can- nah, I'd be lucky if I only broke my legs" Aircrest thought, scratching at his bottom jaw. He was still peering down from the ledge, the billowing fog from the waterfall drifting infront of him and completely obscuring the view at times. "I guess the only way Im doing this is by walking along this ridge here, see if theres a more managable incline..." He growled, settling on the notion with a nod of his head. It would be time consuming, but it was a better alternative to plummeting to his death- or worse, falling and not dying, wasting away until the scavengers finish him off. He shuddered at the notion. Dying like that would mean his efforts for survival would be all for naught, and that his suffering would only prolonged by the will to live. He wouldnt let that happen to him, he'd make sure of it.

He started off at a brisk pace before shooting up onto a branch overhead, kicking off of it and onto another, effectively soaring over the rushing river before the cascade pouring into the basin below. He continued on his way like this, running across the branches and leaping onto others with the greatest of ease. Life in the trees made such feats second nature to the green raptor.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:36 am

Gothmog continued eating his prey, before a sudden scent befell his nostrils. It was distant, but distinct- and it did not smell like anything he had ever caught a whiff of. But he was certain of one thing- it was NO herbivore. Gothmog's beady black eyes narrowed before he slinked into the bushes, leaving his kill in the open. It was better than becoming another predator's meal....

Ba'al continued lumbering along from his location, sniffing the air as he went. Still nothing. "Damned herbivores... can't ever lvie somewhere convenient, oh no- always gotta go searching for'em," the gargantuan Tarbosaur growls to himself. He keep sniffing before he catches a whiff of something. It smelled like a hadrosaur... and it was nearby....
Last edited by Godzilla Forever on Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:55 am

Eradicus slowed himself down as he got closer and closer to the scent of blood, the smell now seeming to be right under his nose as he moved onwards.

In the center of the island, a pair of raptors slowly creeped along, followed by others, surrounding a lone, defenseless herbivore. In said pack of velociraptors were Lightning, the leader, Sabre, his mate and Valu, the lone hunter of the group, still without a mate...
Last edited by UndeadRaptor on Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Giratina93 » Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:59 am

The small herd of Edmontosaurs kept fleeing, the bull managed to get back nito the herd. As the herd continued to flee, he noticed that the largest young one was missing...

The female T-rex entered into the forest, the stench of death and decay filling her nostrils. It was a scent she was accustomed to by now, and it almost always signaled dinner to her. She moved past a large, green bush, to see the dead young Hadrosaur, lying on its side, with the Suchomimus from earlier hovering over it. "Your plan went flawlessly, though the Spinosaur roars weren't something you took into account, Monozu." The female T-rex snortred in happiness at the Suchomimus. "Well, my plans on hunting have rarely ever failed us these past three years, and the kills we get always seem to have enough meat for both of us to be content with, Blackside." Monozu crackled back, before he took a step back. Blackside, knowing that she was the first to eat her fair share, stepped forward, before bitting onto the mid-section of the dead Hadrosaur. She bit down on it a few times, then shook it viciously, ripping the carcass in half. She took the top-half, and began to tear it apart, while Monozu settled with the lower half of the kill... WIth this, both were content...

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby dinoman666 » Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:48 am

Bladetooth thundered through the forest, making little effort to use stealth. He smelled Hardosaur. Dead, apparently fresh. It was better to make a lot of noise and scare off the competition than to sneak his way in. The Rex smelled at least one other predator, a Suchomimus, and wasn't particularly concerned about having to fight the carnivore if he needed to...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Giratina93 » Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:57 am

Monozu took a bite out of the piece of Hadrosaur he had, and swallowed it, when his hearing picked up the sounds of a large animal making its way to where he was. He could also smell it, and judging from the scent, it was an adult, bull male T-rex... and it was making its way here. "Um... Blackside, I think we may have to relocate right about now..." Monozu growled to the female T-rex, who was digging into her kill, yet wasn't too busy with eating to hear her friends request. "If that's the case, Monozu..." Blackside grumbled, before she began to drag her half of the kill with her off to somewhere else. Monoz looked back at his half of the kill, contemplating on taking it with him... but then shook his head and went off after the female Rex. If he had dragged his half of the kill with him, then no doubt the incoming Rex would just follow the blood trail straight to him... better be safe than sorry...

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby dinoman666 » Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:07 am

By the time Bladetooth crashed through the trees and arrived in the clearing, Blackside and Monozu were gone. The Rex's blood-red eye scanned the area, but judging by the missing half of the carcass, the predators must have taken their share of the meal and fled. Good. He was in no mood to deal with overprotective predators right now. With a grunt, Bladetooth moved forward and dug in to the remaining half of the Hadrosaur, wrenching flesh from the carcass with ease...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Giratina93 » Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:16 am

By now, both Blackside and Monozu had dragged the front-half of the kill out of the forest and onto the edge of the plains. Here, the herds of plant eaters were very large, and there were a myriad of diffrent species. A trio of Plateosaurus were digging up roots and ferns off the floor to eat, while a group of Gallimimus froliced where the forest meet the plains. A herd of 40+ Iguanodonts were slowly moving along, heading toward the nearest source of water, with an odd Polacanthus moving at the edge of the herd. Both Monoz and Blackside watched the scene. To them, the scene was peaceful, espacially with the morning sun's rays giving the scene an odd orange tint...

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby TyrannoTitan » Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:45 am

"I think I'll go out to catch something for myself." Darkness growled after a few moments, pushing the almost completely skeletalized limb off his perch. Although the leg took the edge off his hunger, it wasn't enough to satisfy him fully. And with Crusher being a growing Rex, he couldn't ask for more, or Crusher wouldn't have enough to sate himself. Leaping off the ledge, the dark raptor took a few long strides forward, stretching his limbs, before heading into the jungle, looking for a compy or two...

Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Sat Apr 16, 2011 5:33 am

The green raptor landed on a branch hard, crouching down with the impact to displace his momentum. The branch shuddered from the blow, but because of its thickness it took the hit and quickly stabalized. Aircrest was panting, he had covered exceptional distance in a short period of time. He glanced over to his side, looking towards the ridge. From the tree, he could see that the rock wall seemed to wrap around the basin in a broad U shape. He could see the waterfall in the distance. All the way around, the drop was steep, almost completely vertical. " much for that plan" Aircrest thought as he lowered himself completely onto the branch, taking the moment to regain his energy and think.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Hopeflower » Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:42 pm

Steeltalon was crouched half-hidden just inside the treeline. Her gaze was fixed on a herd of gallimimus, looking for a young or injured one. Thus far, they all seemed healthy, and she knew that even a healthy youngster could outrun her when it came down to it. Suddenly, one caught her eye. It was limping on a swollen left ankle. Had it tripped while fleeing another predator? She felt her lip curl, baring her sharp recurved teeth. No matter. It was as good as hers. She just needed it to get a little bit closer...and then the chase was on. She couldn't let this one get away.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:59 pm

Ba'al smelled the hardosaur again. Now, however, its lively scent was replaced with the stench of freshly spilled blood. "Hmmm... one must have already gotten to it," the tarbosaurus growls aloud to himself. "Perhaps it is but a group of velociraptors.... should I take my chances and investigate." Ba'al ponders for a moment. "Why not. If something else found it, I'll back down and go hunt my own quarry..." The Tarbosaurus continues along, moving a nice steady pace, not seeming to be in much of a hurry.....

Gothmog did not mvoe form his location, glancing occasionally at his kill, but resisting to urge to go and rip a peice off....
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Iceking » Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:49 pm

Having walked on for several minutes, the scent of the Gali became stronger in Maloriak's nose. He slowed himself down as this happend, therefor reducing the amount of noise that he was making. It would only take one sound when the raptor got closer to alert the Gali of his prescense and the whole hunt would be ruined, forcing him to have to try and find another potential meal...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby TyrannoTitan » Sat Apr 16, 2011 5:25 pm

Darkness continued further into the jungle on a path of recently-crushed undergrowth, the dark raptor assuming this had been the path his companion had found and chased their latest meal. Reaching the stream not far from the cave, Darkness took a few gulps of the almost crystal clear liquid and glanced around expectantly, spotting a few compies drinking at the shallow end of the stream further upriver...

Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Sat Apr 16, 2011 5:48 pm

Once the raptor got his breath back, he stood up on the branch and looked down at the cliff face. Without the mist from the waterfall, he had a greater view of the basin. Staring down at the jungle below, Aircrest noticed something portruding from the rock wall. A series of out croppings stuck out of the wall, small plants and vines growing below and and on their sides. "Ah ha!" Aircrest barked before he stepped off of his perch, dropping onto the leaf litter, a plant rustling as he fell into it. Staggering out of the bush and shedding leaves from his body, Aircrest made his way to the cliff face again, focusing on the rocky platform closest to the top of the ridge, roughly 8 feet below the edge. He hopped down onto the ledge, landing lightly onto it. Aircrest then made the drop to the next one, and the next, working his way down to the basin.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:51 pm

Eradicus continued on, starting to see the carcass in a clearing, moving slightly faster, plowing down some lesser trees and maneuvers around the larger ones...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:19 am

As Crusher happily crunched on his meal, a pair of yellow eyes watched from the bushes, having waited till Darkness left before drifting out of the shadows, the Cryolophasaurus hissing as it stepped forward, streaks of blue and orange decorating it's crest, it's dull grey and green hide contrasted by the crest and head, all of which seemed to be alternately stripped orange and blue. Crusher looked up at it in surprise at first, baring his bloodied fangs at the intruder as he rose to his feet, straightening up so his head was directly facing the opponent, a rough gurgling growl rumbling in the young Tyrannosaur's throat, the sheer ferocity of the tone taking the Cryolophosaur by surprise, having not expected a Rex this young to directly challenge it's threat. deciding to try and scare the Rex off, the Cryolophosaur made a mock lunge at him, Crusher leaping forward, the Cryo stopping just in time to avoid the snapping jaws of the young Rex, the loud clap of the closing fangs sending an uncomfortable chill down the attacker's spine. what was going on? since when did Rexes this young get so confident? the last one this size to try and confront him ran the moment he mocked a lunge, yet this one seemed ready and willing to kill him then and there! deciding not to toy around anymore, the predator changed tactics, taking the Rex as if it were a fully grown predator, instead of an inexperienced juvenile. beginning to sidestep around Crusher in a large arc, he started searching for weakspots to exploit, Crusher's rumbling snarl an eerie reminder that not all was as it seemed...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Giratina93 » Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:34 am

"Scenes like this are quite peaceful, aren't they?" Blackside growled as Monozu dug into the half of the Edmontosaurus they managed to spare. The Suchomimus looked up, his entire crocodilian head covered in blood. "It really does seem kind of peaceful." Monozu hissed before digging his head back into the dead Edmonto. Blackside let out a reptilian sigh, before she lowered herself onto her side to watch the hards of herbivores going about their business. 3 years... three long years since me and Monozu meet each other. Alot has changed since then. The female T-rex thought.

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