Godzilla E-war: The Return

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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby C S » Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:15 pm

Shortly after the space dragon attacked the mech, Spinnerax darted by, a spinning drill being slashed across King Ghidorah's chest. The attack was so swift that the distracted monster had no way of seeing it coming, nor was it able to avoid another slash that came from behind and across its back as the space wasp circled about, coming to a stop several meters away off the dragon's left side, horn glowing. He only assisted the mech because it hadnt attacked him while he was in space, assuming this dragon was a common enemy of theirs...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:20 pm

King Ghidorah, more in surprise than pain, when Spinnerax attacked. In a fury, he spun about and fired his Gravity Beams at the cyborg as he stopped...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:41 pm

Below the surface, the first two weapons of the DHARMA Defense Force mobilised, one resembling a gigantic black Minotaur, stone-like plates covering it's large, frighteningly muscular arms, a long whip-like tail swinging behind it, cracking loudly, glowing spots visible on it's head, chest, and shoulders. metallic panels could be seen lining it's spine, and the area around it's upper torso was encased in black metallic panels. a long gutteral roar came from the beast, it's eyes glowing an eerie shade of red. beside it stood a massive serpent. it's head looked saurian, though two sabre-like fangs extended from either side of the tip. it had a large, Cobra-like hood, the base of which formed the root of the head and 'neck', two more lesser heads extending from the base, on either side of the hooded main head, each one having a differently shaped head to the other. a rattling, hissing snarl could be heard, the Serpent seeming to writhe within it's own coils. metallic panels lined the hood almost completely, leaving it permanently spread. it's body was anaconda-like, long, thick and muscular, at the very end of which was a long, rigid, lance-like spike in place of a tail-tip. unlike the dark grey and toxic green patterns that adorned the body, the spike was red, fading to white at the very end. two massive blast-doors opened up before the massive beasts, leading to an elevator that would take them up to the surface. Brahman, the Minotaur beast, and Hydra, the Serpent, moved forward, mobilising at DHARMA's will, their weapons systems engaging in preparation for the fight...

The Railguns had risen from beneath the camouflage, hidden amidst the foliage of the jungle, but fully charged, awaiting orders. the cannons were on the other side of the island, all across a mountainside, the ones in close proximity to the monsters kept locked down, their movement speed too slow to be able to intercept the monster's movements during a clash...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby UndeadRaptor » Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:18 pm

'Hunter' hissed as he fell, letting out a screech just before crashing into the water. For a moment, it seemed the beast was gone, but soon erupted from the water, speeding upwards towards Kori Khan faster than a jet fighter, crashing into the ice king a moment later...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby C S » Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:19 pm

The cyborg wasp suddenly stopped beating his wings, plummeting to the ground as the beams shot overhead. He hit the ground with a tremendous quake that kicked up a dust cloud. Moments later his glowing red horn flashed at the pointed, recurved tip, a thin spiralling ray of crimson blasting out from it and into the golden dragon's body
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:43 pm

King Ghidorah hissed again as the beam hit him, but it didn't seem to stop him, and the hydra unleashed more bolts of energy from his three fanged maws, the area of the beams making it exceptionally difficult to dodge one without running into another...

Mechagodzilla turned when it detected large energy signatures, as well as seismic activity, from one of the structures behind it. The mech turned, wondering if the human natives were going to try something...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby C S » Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:07 pm

The monstrous wasp's form suddenly became a blur, the dust cloud created by his landing suddenly blown away as the wasp shot off again, the crackling beams of electricity only scoring glancing blows against the creature's hide. Spinnerax arced around in his flight hammering one of the drills into the side of King Ghidorah's right head as he passed, smashing it into the middle head and the middle head into the left, dazing all three and leaving the dragon open for Mechagodzilla to attack...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:27 pm

"Attack 154" said the Officer, assuming control. He had had enough of HQ's idiocy. they had the chance to get some benefit out of the confrontation, and he had no intention of wasting it. "But sir, orders were to-" started the Coordinator directing and synchronising the monsters and defenses, only to be cut off by the Officer. "I am your superior officer, your Commander. You can do as you're ordered or suffer punishment. Now I say again, Attack subject 154!" he ordered, the Coordinator conceding to his commander's wishes...

As the order was sent, rocky panels lifted up and folded to the side, camouflage giving way as a series of Railguns emerged from amidst the dirt, rock and foliage at the base of the mountainside, targetting systems locking on King Ghidorah. a loud electrical whir was heard as the Cannon wound up, a 100 ton Space Titanium Kinetic Slug being rammed into the cannon's barrel as a bluish glare ran along the cannon's length.

The shell slammed into King Ghidorah with enough force to level a large town, the sonic boom being heard immediately afterwards as the slug collided, blowing the monster off it's feet and across the remaining surface of the island, leaving him to skid to a halt at the end of a long, dusty, mangled trail, overlooking a cliff over the ocean, the weapon going into cooldown mode as the second in a series of seven cannons wound up, scattered randomly across the mountainside to make targetting them difficult...

Meanwhile, a large panel was pulled away a few hundred metres from the base, Brahman leaping forward, The Minotaur beast's total size probably barely half the size of King Ghidorah, though it was unphased by the beast. behind it rose the Hydra, eyes locking on the beast as it glanced towards the earth, unleashing a streak of green-yellow flames at the ground, the earth itself breaking down at the corrosive blast as it burrowed underground, disappearing from sight...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:57 pm

Dazed, battered, and confused, King Ghidorah lay there, his three heads still trying to figure out what had happened...

Mechagodzilla saw the two monsters emerge, and saw Hydra disappear underground. Mechagodzilla took the opportunity to scan Brahman:

Designation: Cyborg of unknown species.
Threat Level: Unknown.
Clearly under control of Earthling natives. Likely hostile. Recommend extreme caution.

Mechagodzilla, in order to find out what this new arrival's goal was, let out a metallic screech, in order to get the Minotaur's attention. Even as he did, he lowered his shield, prepping weapons in case the monster attacked...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby C S » Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:06 pm

The cyborg wasp slowed to a stop over to the disoriented hydra before allowing himself to drop down onto its prone form, the barbed ends of his legs stabbing into the dragon despite its hard hide. He swung his spinning drills downwards, stabbing one into the creature's chest, the other into the base of the middle neck. The creatures of this world had incredibly powerful weapons, that much he knew now. They were far from defenseless. He'd have to finish this fight quickly if he didnt want them to aim their guns at him...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:19 pm

King Ghidorah didn't seem to react to Spinnerax's presence, until he stabbed his drills into the hydra. They failed to truly pierce his hide deeply enough to wound (though they would have eventually if they continued to spin), but they certainly woke him up. And now the cyborg wasp was right where Ghidorah wanted him. Spinnerax's body suddenly seized up, jerking spasmodically, as millions of volts of electricity flowed from King Ghidorah's body and right into the cyborg. With a furious screech, the dragon's heads reared up, the outer heads clamping their jaws onto Spinnerax's arms and pulling them free. The heads suddenly, and powerfully, heaved backwards, carrying the cyborg with them. Their fangs continued to electrocute Spinnerax right up until the moment they let go, letting him fall over the cliff's edge. However, even as he was thrown, the middle head fired a Gravity Beam that slammed right into the wasp, sending the stunned Spinnerax flying even further...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby C S » Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:29 pm

Spinnerax let out a strange noise, a bellow distorted by electronic warbling and clicks as the electricity flowed through him. He'd have to expell the excess power, and knew just how to do it. It would be dangerous, but it was his only hope to keep from shutting down due to overload. The hydra's last blast twisted the wasp about in the air, righting the wasp. Before he plunged into the ocean, the beast locked his arms to his side, drills pointed back and fired off a powerful vector beam, shooting off with a flash of blinding light, nowhere to bee seen when it dissipated....
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:32 pm

Satisfied that Spinnerax had been dealt with, at least for the time being, King Ghidorah sluggishly got to his feet, staring over at Mechagodzilla, as well as the new monster. Despite his fury and indignation at the humans' attack, we didn't strike back just yet. Instead, he merely watched, though one head watched the dragon's rear side, just in case Spinnerax came back for another round...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:50 pm

a droning roar came in response from Brahman, the bull-like beast glancing towards the Ghidorah, it's eyes glaring brightly as large chunks of the surrounding environment, mostly made up of large boulders, collided with the Dragon at easily over twice the speed of sound, each multi-ton boulder being smashed against the Space Dragon with a force measuring over 20 times their actual mass...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sat Apr 30, 2011 12:59 am

The Lord of the North snarls at the blow before slashing the dragon across the face twice with his sharp claws, drawing blood.....
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:25 am

'Hunter' releases a powrful roar a moment later, attepmting to use the concussions it gave creatures around the dragon to his advantage. A second later a large stream of flames come from the alien's mouth and burn the flesh on Kori Khan...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:43 am

The force of the colliding boulders made King Ghidorah stagger back, stumbling over the edge of the cliff and vanishing from sight, his furious screech echoing over the island...

Mechagodzilla stared at where King Ghidorah had been a moment before, then turned back to Brahman. The humans' motives seemed good-intentioned if they were going after the space dragon, but what if they just considered it another monster to destroy? It wasn't willing to let down its guard yet...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sat Apr 30, 2011 2:05 am

The ice dragon is stunned by the loud roar, shaking his head to recover, but is burned by the intense flames. Growling in anger and pain, Kori Kahn breathes ice into the alien dragon's face, threatening to freeze its head solid if its does not back down.....
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sat Apr 30, 2011 2:21 am

'Hunter' shakes his head and backs off, before flying away, but not before slashing Kori Khan's face again. The alien dragon had sustained many wounds, but would eventually recover and seek revenge on the ice king he had faced. For the moment, however, he had to go back and monitor the Serag's progression through the city of Tokyo and other parts of Japan...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Iceking » Sat Apr 30, 2011 2:52 am

After swimming for an hour after he had left Madagascar, Sauron made landfall in europe, walking out of the water and onto a beach. He had chosen to come ashore at one of the less populated areas on the continent mainly because while the human mechs typically didn't go after monsters who roamed less populated areas, they still weren't something to underestimate. The second reason was that he would be more likely to find a meal in peace if he didn't go near the more populated areas...
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