RPG Topia E-war

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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby Godzilla Forever » Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:25 pm

The Envoy of Fury bellwos angrily before grabbing the Rhino's head and flinging both of them to the ground. Unimpaling himself liek nothing, the demonic beast's fists glow red with fiery energy as he slashes the DAMON's body, slicing through it with ease.....

The Envoy of Knowledge is unmoved by the charge, halting the thing's charge, but still getting impaled. Upon freeing itself from its rocky armor, it bellows in pain and opens up a fissure within the Rhino's lines....

Blaze smirks before raising a magma shield to block the unnatural flames.

"Is that all you got?! C'mon, show me somethnig i haven't seen!"
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:29 pm

*Cuts DAMON in two* Hey, you guys alone really can't do **** to me! BRING IT ON!

Ranger: Is he insane?!

Ranger: Nah, he's just trying to save us and those creepers.

*The wolves soon all die and disappear, but the creepers get super-charged by the lightning that strikes them and keep on coming through the cave and massive hole, attacking relentlessly. The rangers in the area keep firing on the DAMON from under some type of roof the keep them safe from said lightning, whilst the two Spies in the room, despite supposedly getting killed, respawn and continue sapping the mecha raptors. The other Spies, finished the sableye, rush in to help out me and the rangers, while the 14 rangers in the chamber with Mara, Gira and Dsuknoir keep firing at him, making sure to stop firing so they don't hit their allies...*
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby Giratina93 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:03 am

*The pair of massive shades smash int Dusknoir, pinning him into the wall, the ghostly figure tries to free himself, but is unable to, his power to invisify and become intangible not working for some reason...*

Mara: And now, for the coup de grace!

*Mara charges right at Dusknoir, before leaping into the air, both her and my energies acting as one.*

Mara: SUPER!

*Once at the pinnacle of her jump, Mara's begins to heat up, before bursting into flames.*


*Mara aims her foot downward, before descending, the flames all gathering around her right foot as she streaks toward Dusknoir, the ghostly being's single eye wide in horror as he tries to free himself, knowing he's screwed.*

Both mine and Mara's voces, as one: KICK!

*The foot slams into Dusknoir, causing him to explode immediately, the ghostly reaper gives off a final groan on pain as his body tears itself apart from the resulting explosion, flames flying all around, Mara, having landed some distance away, turns around the shades land back on her face, as I seperate from her, both of us watching the explosions...*

*As the Raptor DAMONS keep up their attacks on the Abyssian demons, and the Rhino DAMON roar out in pain as they're obliterated, their cores teleporting away, Fiore watches the battle... until a sinister voice echoes through her mind.*

???: (Abandon your forces and retreat back here, Fiore.)

Fiore: (But master Akuro-)

Akuro: (If you know what is best, you will follow what I say... I will tell you everything once you arrive...)

*Fiore looks back at the battle, before sighing, the Vintage member vanishes, th eportals pumping out DAMON vanish, meaning there's no more DAMON coming out, in either the Abyss or Hell, those remaining there are stranded...*

*In Hell, the raptor DAMONS try to keep the Creepers away with fiery plasma shots, until they shriek i horror as the wall of fire that consumed their bretherin outside the Palace incinerates them as well, even their cores melted, the fiery wall not harming the Creepers, or G4E's group, or UR's NPC's...*

*The white rhino DAMON roars at BLaze, before opening it's mouth, 3 mouthed tentacles fly from the mouth, and right at Blaze...*

*The Hellian Army rejoices, they knowing what just happened, while TALOS heads back into the Palace, still seeking more targets...*

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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:14 am

Uh, the **** just happen?

Ranger: Did we... win?

Ranger: I think so.

Well, anyways, TT HUNT GO! Get that admin!

*The portal re-opens and the rangers rush through it with the Spies, only to get swarmed by flood forms. A super-charged creeper silently walks up behind Tina and hisses, before exploding, still not under my command yet. The remaining Spy and rangers walk up to me, as one's radio crackles and a voice is heard*

UNSC Marine: *Over comms.* Help, anyone! Flood everywhere! We're getting overrun here! Wha-no, noooo! Agh!

'Nother Marine: *distant-ish* Man down! They're all over! Keep firing!
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby Godzilla Forever » Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:14 am

Blaze slices two of the tentacles in half, but the last one latches on to me. Snarlnig in pain, the fire demons stabs at it with his swords....

Me and my NPCs turn to the super DAMON, hoping to help Blaze, fire, dark magic, and atomic energy slamming into the thing...

The Envoys and demons see the DAMONs retreating. Glad to have driven off the threat, the abyssal demons cheer with victory and head back to Craefr, as Pandemonium and the Envoy of Destruction enter a portal to Akuro's location....

As Immanis and Rukh approach, Fatalis senses them. He flings Formidonis towards the two, forcing them to roll out of the way. The poor Drake skids to a stop, and the three adopt a fighting stance, as Fatalis readies his blade.

Fatalis: Bring it.
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby Giratina93 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:31 am

*While Fiore DID retreat, the DAMON themselves aren't, they still on attack mode, the mechanical raptors attack the randomly rejoicing demons by hurling their own tails into their ranks, the tails explosing, wiping out many demons and harming the 4 present Envoys...*

And THAT, people, is how you defeat Dusknoir!

*THe two of us hear hissing behind us, we both turn slowly, noticing to our horror numerous DAMON ready to pounce upon us, but before they do, the wall of fire blows into them, wiping them out, the flames all begin to swirl around, before condensing, the flames turning into Persephone.*

Persephone: So this is what had been going on... Vintage attacking, and both of you managed to hold them off, with your friends outside? How nice...

*The Rhino DAMON howls in pain as the diamond shielding is destroyed, but the tentacle manages to reel in Blaze, the creature chomps down upon him...*

*Meanwhile, deep within the Dark Realm, a realm inaccessible to almost anyone, Fiore bows low as the massive cloud that is Akuro forms before her...*

Fiore: Master! WHy did you withdraw me from the battle, when we could have beaten them so easilly? All you need do is-

Akuro: Patience, child. Time is on our side. Right now, they must be thinking that, with Dusknoir dead, and the DAMON being defeated, that Vintage has been wiped out... And when they think that...

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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby Godzilla Forever » Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:38 am

Most of the demons are already in the pit by now, and the Envoys, using their great magic, create a barrier aroudn the pit's entrance, sealing it off for now. The envoys hold the line, fire, lightning, earth, and water buffeting the DAMONs in an elemental maelstrom....

Pandemonium and the Envoy enter Akuro's realm, the shadow demon obviously angry.

"You old fool! You had them on the ropesss, and you withdrew your reinforcementsss?! You are lucky you own thisss place, or you would be dead in a heartbeat!"

Tina, now in a berserker rage from seeing her eld friend beign mortally wounded, begins to glow purple with energy, as a beam of dark magic rips straight through the DAMON's chassis and comnig out the other side.


"Hoyl sh*t, Tina!"
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

"Would you hear my desire? To take this foul blade, and use it to blot out the light forever!" ~ Ganondorf
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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:49 am

Ranger: WE'LL go through the portal and help those marines on the other side! The rest of you, go help G4E and his NPCs, move!

7 other rangers: *in unison* Sir yes sir!

*The two squads split up, one moving through the portal, the other moving in and it's members begin to fire on the rhino DAMON, one pulling out a AT-4 and firing it at the beast. I charge in and drive the sword down at it's head, moving to impale it with the blade...*
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby Giratina93 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:18 am

*The Rhinocerous DAMON explodes from the raw energy, it's core however manages to teleport away...*

*The DAMONS all howl in in vain as they're torn apart by the malestrom of energy, none of them left, the entire Site having been ridded of DAMON forces, even the Abyss and Hell...*

Akuro: Dead in a heartbeat? You are ignorant, Elemental. For them to fight us, they had to join forces with their enemies. Now, the users and Craefr will be taking on Persephone... their forces will be divivded, but the time to stike will be during the Day of Darkness... I have already foreseen the outcome... time is necessary...

*TALOS leaps into the portal with the ranger squad, the Bio-weapon sensing the Flood on the other side and ready to deal with them...*

*Mara's face grows red as she backs away from me.*

Mara: T-This changes nothing, Giratina! You may have helped us hold onto Hell, but the next time we meet... you will suffer for making a mockery out of me!

Persephone: Now Mara-Darling... that's no way to treat a guest... Now Giratina. I have an offer for you, as thanks for your help...

*The Demon Lord hands me several tickets.*

Persephone: Those are for an event that's going to be going on here very soon... Be certain to invite your friends over...

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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:24 am

*The seven rangers leap out of the portal on the other side, guns blazing, as they fire on numerous flood forms coming from multiple directions. A warthog nearby explodes, sending the three occupants inside spiralling into the air, dead. The five marines left hold off flood forms coming at the back of the portal alongside a hornet. I twirl my sword around and the rangers stop firing, all coming over to me*

Marine: Don't let them ge-AHH YAH ARGH! Get it off me, get it off me!

Marine: Stop moving, I got it!

Ranger: Ok, don't let them through the portal! Got it!
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby Pyronychus » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:55 pm

*A loud clang resonates around the room as Ridley's tail collides with Switch's own, metal screeching across metal until it catches at the base of the Lili's blade. She sends both their tails crashing to the ground, then twists around and steps on the dragon's, pinning it as she yanks her own tail away, lights on both cannons pulsing, though she still hesitates to fire...*

*I back against the far side of the elevator, aiming the raygun at the door, the finger poised over the trigger shaking very slightly...*

*The compy is engulfed in bright light for a few seconds before its atoms are separated and it disappears from the control room...*

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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:14 am

The envoys return to the abyss, victorious, disappearing into elemental will-o-the-wisps.....

Pandemonium simply sighs.

"I fail to sssee your logic, Akuro. It makesss about asss much sssenssse asss pigsss flying. Why would they divide, knowing fully well that there isss a threat from not only the Tyrant, but alssso from Vintage?"

The Envoy of Destruction itself looks thoroughly annoyed as well, as if relfecting Pandemonium's emotions.

Tina rushes over to Blaze, whose flames were gone, save for a slight simmer.

"Tina- take Blaze back to the fortress. Me and Mortum will continue on."

Tina nods and carries Blaze in her talons, heading back to the newly built fort (though it is still empty)...
Last edited by Godzilla Forever on Sun Jun 12, 2011 3:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby dinoman666 » Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:58 am

*Alpha-Ridley slams one of his foreclaws into Switchblade's face with a brutal slash, trying to knock her away*

*As the elevator door opens, it reveals a relatively small control room, with Jack on a stool attached to the metal floor and tapping away at the console in front of him, back to the elevator. Two Denizens flank the stool, and seem surprised at the elevator's arrival. I immediately fire on the one near me, knocking him into the wall, as the second one prepares to draw his raygun*
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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby Giratina93 » Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:51 am

Akuro: Must I put it to you in plainer terms? With the DAMON seemingly defeated and Dusknoir dead, they think that Vintage has been defeated, or is atleast unable to operate. Since the enemy that united both the Users and Demons together is gone, they will now turn back against each other, only now, both side's forces are weaker than before. Once either side has gone down, then will be the proper time to strike again...

Um... why thank you-

*Both me and Persephone notice the air getting redder and redder, the air filled with electricity, Mara clenches tight.*

Mara: Get... out... ALREADY!

*Is sent flying from an electric-juiced punch from Mara, sailing past G4E and his group, I smash into a sole DAMON that had survived the battle, Persephone, sighing, snaps her fingers, creating a portal that send both me and the raptor DAMON to the Distortion World...*

Persephone: Mara-Darling.... why must you be so vengeful toward him?

Mara: THat look on his face... it reminded me too much of that idiot... the same damn look, the same damn scent, the same everything!

Persephone: I see...

*TALOS leaps out of the portal beside the Rangers, the B.O.W fires his rocket pod at the FLood, blasting many apart...*

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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:27 am

*A pelican flies towards the re-opened portal and soon lands, dropping off a spartan-III... the same one I had created in Reach, though different than the older version. The marines and rangers keep on firing on the flood, and the spartan does the same*

Rangers, go assist your allies on the other side of the portal! I'm going to the safe-house to stop the flood there!

*I teleport out of the area and pop up in the courtyard of the safe house, and pull out a DMR before firing it at some combat forms, while marines hold the line at the main gate...*
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby Godzilla Forever » Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:32 pm

"Yes, but G4E and hisss compatriotsss, UR and Gira, are quite the Genre Sssavy folk. They might know that thisss isss but a russse and try and find usss."

I pop up near UR, Mortum there too, both of us helping fight off the flood with ranged attacks...
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

"Would you hear my desire? To take this foul blade, and use it to blot out the light forever!" ~ Ganondorf
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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:42 pm

*I hack up some flood forms with my sword, sending torsos and legs flying everywhere. The marines fire on the weaker forms like infection forms swarming the area, carriers, and ranged forms. ODSTs fire on combat forms, tanks, and the other pure flood form.

The spartan pulls out an armed frag grenade a throws it, blowing up a few combat forms before getting back to firing on others alongside the remaining marines and rangers...*
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby Giratina93 » Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:07 pm

*TALOS keeps on firing upon the Flood, the rocket pod blasting any and all Combat forms apart...*

Akuro: This world is inaccessible by almost any means. The only reason why you are here, Pandemonium, is because I allowed you entrance. Besides. Only Persephone knows of my existance, and yet even she cannot reach me. Here, I am safe from all harm... Fiore, I want you to continue your observation on what goes on in Hell

Fiore: Yes, Master Akuro...

*Fiore vanishes instantly...*

*Lands in a heap back on the floating rock that the house is on, my NPC's all immediately rusk out to see what has happened, I get abck onto my feet, rubbing the now swollen cheek that got hit...*

Owww... she didn't have to hit me THAT hard, for crying out loud... Huh?

*Notices the now nconcious DAMON lying on the floor...*

Mara: Anyways... Vintage has been beaten back once again. In order to celebrate, wh don't we giv Hell a new name?

Persephone: For the hundreth time, Mara-Darling, we're not going to name it Britannia. As much as I'd like for that name to stick, I'm fairly certain the other demons aren't going to enjoy having Hell be changed to Britannia...

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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby Godzilla Forever » Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:10 pm

"Meh. You sssay what you will.... I ssshall return to watching the Abysssss..."

Pandemonium summons up a ball of shadow magic, turning it into a spying orb, and looks into his realm....

Craefr's visage suddenly bursts up in front of Persephone and Mara.

"It appears you were successful in your defennse as well. Well done, Hell queen. Perhaps you are not as incompetent as I expected."
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

"Would you hear my desire? To take this foul blade, and use it to blot out the light forever!" ~ Ganondorf
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Re: RPG Topia E-war

Postby Pyronychus » Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:05 am

*I hesitate for only until seeing the first Denizen go flying, then I point my raised raygun at the second Denizen and fire...*

*Switch grunts and is knocked a bit to the side from the momentum, releasing Ridley's tail. Vision momentarily flickers from the jolt before her systems auto-correct and she regains her footing, making a sudden mock lunge toward Ridley's flank, twisting mid-move and swinging her tail up, blade retracted, curving it around the dragon's neck before giving it a sharp yank downward and in the direction of the machine, trying to force him closer to Beryl's range of fire...*

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