Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:22 pm

Bate brought the ship in at different angle than Galaak, heading towards the crash site. He trusted the Ascatian to not follow them, even secretly, but he didn't really care. If he really was a simple explorer, he wouldn't be much of a direct threat to them. Zakai had said something about a "special gift" from the Cephian Admiralty, though he didn't elaborate. It could have been just about anything. Maybe a Swarmer cannon, maybe something as dangerous as one of the military's armored assault drones or Devastator suits. He shrugged off his thoughts and focused on landing near the crash. They needed a lead to go on, and the only one they had now was Kala's former ship...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby C S » Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Still a considerable distance above the ocean side metropolis, Galaak switched the flight mode of his ship to that of atmospheric flight. "Well...that is disturbing" He thought as he noticed the energy signature of the first craft made an almost uniform, steep incline that went all the way to the planet's surface. The hallmark of a crash. He could only hope that the pilot, criminal or not was still alive and not captured by the natives. There was a faint distortion of light at the craft's hull before it suddenly leveled out, silently and without the aid of the craft's boosters. He brought the ship down to just over the cloud level, using the large cluster of white as a cover while the active cloaking system was being prepared. In the mean time, he began to study the various details of the planet, such as the composition of the air and the average temperature in the region.
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:39 pm

Not far from the alley, a parked car was situated alongside the curb, its owner no where in sight. On top of the vehicle was a pristine metal boombox, strangely metallic in color, seemingly placed on the roof without the owner's knowledge that it was still there. In no time at all, one of the passersby noticed the boombox sitting unattended. The woman looked both directions, making sure no one was approaching the car, and reached for the boombox. The front portion, where CDs were placed, suddenly folded back, revealing a small saurian head, which immediately chomped onto the woman's outstretched hand. "THIS ITEM IS NOT YOURS." the muffled voice of the robot was barely heard over the woman's frantic screams, both from surprise and pain. The boombox, or whatever it was, still hanging onto her hand, the woman tried desperately to shake it off, but to no avail. "JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE LEFT AN ITEM BEHIND DOES NOT MEAN IT IS FREE TO TAKE." another voice said from beneath the car, as two tyrannosaur like robots stepped out, one kicking the woman in the shin, causing her to lose her balance and fall, banging the boombox noisily against the ground in the process, causing it to release. "VIOLENCE WILL NOT ABSOLVE YOUR CRIMES." the boombox called as it tumbled away into the street, voice growing fainter as it went. One of the other robots approached the woman as she lay on the concrete, cradling her arm. "LET THIS BE A LESSON IN RESPECTING ANOTHER'S PERSONAL PROPERTY." the robot said, pulling its head back before smashing it against the woman's, knocking her out. The boombox had, by then, returned to its normal form, joining its brethren near the unconscious woman.

Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby Giratina93 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:45 pm

TIffany reached the top of the stairs, befor eentering into her bedroom. It was a simple room, with a closet off tot he side and her bed in one corner. She collapsed onto it, before quickly falling to sleep... if she was lucky, there wouldn't be anymore interuptions... she needed the sleep...

Fate, however, had other plans.

As she drifted into slumber, the sound of the front door opening woke her up. She sat up, her tired teatures disguising a sense of fear and suspicion. Maybe she was just hearing things? No, she knew better than to suspect that. The last time she though it was but her imagination, she had nearly gotten killed. Mos likely it was one of Dr. Craven's latest experiments, sent to kill her and make it seem like an accident. She reached over and grabbed what looked like a magnum, but was actually a prototype model for a gun she was developing. She made her way back to the stairs, and slowly and quietly descended them. If it was one of Dr. Craven's robots, she would shoot first, and notify the police, as usual. Thus was the standard issue she had to deal it every other week or so...

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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:53 pm

Lacking a proper cloaking device beyond signal scramblers, the Cephian ship didn't hesitate to move in on the target location. The climate was warm and moist, but the Cephians' suits made that a moot point. They would be well-protected from the uncomfortable environment. The circular engines at the rear of the ship swiveled as the craft entered the atmosphere, arranging the craft into a VTOL-esque configuration. It let off a loud wailing noise as it lowered to the treetops in the marsh, but the sound didn't travel too far, and was easily drowned out by the bustling city noises off in the distance...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby C S » Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:13 pm

"8 O'clock, right on time" Kevin said to himself, looking up from his watch to the two buses lined up in front of Beach Side High. He always found the name of his school funny. It wasn't near to the famous beaches of Los Diamantes nor was it that high- it only had four floors. The school was actually three small buildings, one meeting the street, the two others on either side behind it, making a bracket shape. In the space between the three was a large green field with grass that was always neatly trimmed and a running track that ran along its perimeter. A tall black chain linked fence enclosed the entire thing.

Kevin climbed aboard the first bus, finding that only a few other kids had arrived as early as he did. He didn't mind though and made his way to the back of the bus, where he had ample room to stretch out and relax before the majority of the class arrived.

The distortion of light rippled across the rest of the ship, its outline being a prism like display of colors before subsiding. In seconds the craft had disappeared, and since it wasn't using its main boosters, its energy signature was negligible. Ascatian cruisers were renown for their speed and stealth features, meaning they were ideal for scouting missions or for low impact observations. Galaak found himself doing the latter in his line of work, observing and documenting the various planets he visited. He flew down the rest of the way knowing he was practically undetectable. His current objective now was finding a place to land where the natives wouldn't come across his transport.
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:25 pm

The Cephian ship settled down in a clearing a few dozen meters from the crash site, a large ramp appearing out of the seemingly featureless underside of the craft, lowering to the ground to allow Zakai, Selk, and Bate to step down the ramp, rifles in hand. Zakai stepped onto the soft, loamy dirt, and snarled in disgust. It really WAS a mudball. Big surprise there. "Selk, stay here and guard the ship," the bounty hunter growled. "Wait, me? Why me?" "Because Bate is a little more... level-headed than you are. As much I'd love to shoot that meddlesome Ascatian on sight if he sticks his scaly nose in our business again, I'd rather not risk political backlash right now, and Bate is better at showing restraint than you are..." Selk merely responded with an affirmative grunt, leaning against the ship's hull, rifle in his clawed hands. Zakai sighed and walked deeper into the marsh alongside Bate, heading for the crash site...

Meanwhile, Kala, staying at the back end of a nearby alley, watched a very curious sight unfold on the curb outside his hiding spot. He did not, however, risk investigating. Whatever those robotic creatures were, he'd rather not their attention. His suit's energy supply was already recharging, but he still decided that it was best to wait out the day before he moved on. These creatures seemed diurnal, so he would almost certainly have an easier time investigating at night...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby Hopeflower » Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:34 am

As Lydia moved on, she stopped in front of another cell. "Ah, sh*t. Sam, we've got another dead one in here!" she called, looking at what used to be a human. The face was completely distorted into some hideous mockery of a narrow canine muzzle. Pink-tinged froth still lingered at the corners of the black-rimmed lips. The mouth was wide open, revealing a bloody and bitten tongue as well as canines that had lengthened and sharpened. The eye sockets were empty - judging from the clawmarks around them and the blood and bits of skin trapped between and underneath the fingernails-turned-claws, the poor girl had gouged them out herself. Fur had begun to sprout along the girl's spine before the warring genes in her body had torn her apart. Her ears had been changing too, getting bigger, more pointed.

Lydia unlocked the door and went inside, gently turning the body onto its back. She laid a hand on the abdomen, feeling for the internal organs. Normally you felt some resistance when you poked at someone's stomach; that was the muscle, any fat there may be, and the organs. This girl's stomach was completely soft, yielding under Lydia's gentlest touch; in fact it felt rather like a water bed does. The abdominal cavity was obviously full of blood, and nothing but.

She rocked back onto her heels and blew a frustrated breath between her teeth. "Fox mix was a failure?" Sam asked, walking into the cell behind her, wheeling a stretcher. He winced when he saw the state of the body. They'd only injected the solution about a week ago. She'd started changing so rapidly they'd hoped maybe this one would be what they'd all been waiting for - a breakthrough. Instead it was another dead body to bury. "A miserable one," Lydia sighed. She frowned at the body as if it could tell her why some genetic combinations rejected each other so fiercely.

"Well, hey," Sam said as he stepped around Lydia and lifted the failed fox-hybrid's body by the underarms. "We'll learn more from our failed attempts than we will from our successes, at least for now. Hey, could you get her feet?"

Lydia picked up the girl's feet - half-morphed into paws by the look of them - and helped him place her on the stretcher. "Yeah, but that's because we haven't had any successes yet."

"We knew this was going to be difficult when we started our project," he reminded her, laying the girl's sheet over her before pushing the stretcher out of the cell. "Hell, we even knew it might not go anywhere. Dean seems to be taking to his animal well though. Maybe we'll actually get somewhere with him. What did we inject him with again? I keep forgetting."

Lydia shrugged, looking at the puddles and splashes of blood in the cell, not answering the question. "Maybe. I wouldn't get your hopes up though. He's puking blood like the rest, and nine days in, he's barely started to change."

"Slower changes are probably better," Sam said. He turned to meet Lydia's frustrated brown gaze. "Look at poor Olivia here. She changed too fast - her body couldn't cope with it."

She sighed. He was probably right, of course. "Well, we'll see I guess. I guess I just hoped - " She cut herself off, looking away, not wanting to sound childish.

"...Hoped that we'd have gotten somewhere by now?" Sam asked, guessing what she was thinking. "Don't worry. We have to be close by now. Hell, who knows - maybe the answer's right under our noses and we just need another set of eyes to spot it."
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby InfernalAngel » Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:15 am

There was panic everywhere. There was blood on the streets, dying or wounded pedestrians, officers, and SWAT operatives. Natasha considered this ample revenge. She had floolishly attacked the decoy armored cab.

"I told you so." Muttered her AI, Delta, mockingly as she sprinted into an alley, away from the crime scene.

Natasha was furious. She needed that package, it contained a module she needed for her armor.
"Auferre, trucidare, rapere, falsis nominibus imperium; atque, ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant."

"They plunder, they slaughter, and they steal: this they falsely name Empire, and where they make a wasteland, they call it peace."
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby C S » Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:34 am

The leaves fluttered about with a loud rustling as E-doch lowered into the marshland, barely slipping through a break in the tree tops. Ripples spread outwards across a large but relatively shallow lake when the ship neared, three landing skids lowering from the hull, two at the front and one at the aft. When the craft finally landed, the water level with just about creeping up the curvature of the wings. Yellow grass poked up from the water all around, swaying with the waves created by the cruiser's arrival. "It almost reminds me of home." Galaak commented with a chuckle before getting up from his seat. "E-doch, initiate bio-scans, and assess the technological level of this society. If there's an information network, tap into it and archive languages and forms of culture...if any exists here" He commanded before heading along the light-marked path that led to the metal wall, which then split apart to allow the captain access to the other sections of the ship. To anything that could get a look at the water, it was if there was a depression in the surface caused by the invisible craft
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby InfernalAngel » Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:04 am

"Too easy of an escape!" Bragged Natasha to her A.I. Moments after she said this, Delta suddenly set off an alarm in her heads-up display, and said flatly,"Hostile persuer detcted."

"What!" Yelled Natasha, miliseconds before a .50 caliber round from a sniper rifle hit her directly in the back of her helmet. She smashed instnatly into the ground. She had been caught unprepared. Delta began a damage diagonostics, just as another round hit Natasha in her left leg.

The Villanious cyborg screamed out in pain, "Delta, activate proximety sheild!"

As the A.I. prepared to activate the energy sheild, Natasha slowly began to stand up, risieng from her knees. The second she stood fully erect, a third and final bullet hit her square in the right shoulder. Already highly damaged, her suits sheilds drained, Natasha crashed to the ground. Her sheilds had momentarily turned off as the proximety sheild charged. She was safe for now, as the sheild surrounded her. Delta called ot her, but Natasha heard nothing. She saw scores of boots, along with SWAT riot sheilds surround her proximity sheild. But she was safe, and unconcious inside the sphere.
"Auferre, trucidare, rapere, falsis nominibus imperium; atque, ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant."

"They plunder, they slaughter, and they steal: this they falsely name Empire, and where they make a wasteland, they call it peace."
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby Giratina93 » Sat Aug 06, 2011 6:41 am

Tiffany slowly made her way down the stairs, the prototype gun in her hands. She could hear someone-or something- walking around on the main floor. Whatever it was, she was about to find out. As she stepped off th elast stair, she whirled around the corner, and aimed her gun, before gasping at what she saw.

Leaning against a wall was a young woman, one shorter than Tiffany by more than a foot, with red hair and pale skin. She had on a black trenchcoat and grey jeans, both of which were drenched in blood. Her face and arms were covered with horrible gashes those on the face still drippnig with blood. She looked up at Tiffany, a very faint smile on her face, before she dropped down onto one knee in exhaustion. The was breathing heavily, and more blood was dripping from her mouth.

Tiffany dropped the gun. This was obviously not one of Dr. Craven's attempts to kill her. Had it been, he would have most likely sent a robot or something else mechanical to kill her. But that didn't matter right now. " Oh my... Are y-y-you alright?" Tiffany asked as she hurried over to the girl's side. The girl kept her gaze on the scientist, and nodded, abit very weakly. As Tiffany helped her onto her feet, she could have sworn she saw the girl mouth the word "Food" out of the corner of her eye. She couldn't believe this. This woman had been horribly injured in some terrible accident and was bleeding all over, and not only did she think she was fine, but she also wanted food... Tiffany sighed mentally as she helped the girl into the kitchen. She would have her lie down on a chair while she would get some medical aid...

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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:15 pm

Zakai and Bate cautiously scanned the crashed Cephian ship. There were no signs of life near it other than the native fauna and flora. "Well, it would appear the sabotage DID work, but not as well as I had hoped," Zakai said. "Bate, get Selk on the com. Tell him to send out our automated Trooper. It's a bit more discrete than we are." Bate nodded and flicked on his com to relay the order, while Zakai stared at the crashed ship. I'll find you yet, Kala, even if I must burn this forest to the ground to do it...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby C S » Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:53 pm

Another part of the wall parted with an orchestra of clicking pieces of metal and the Ascatian pilot entered the room, which at first glance seemed pretty empty. As he walked to the center of the room though, the floor panels slid apart and a sleek, chrome workbench rose up. Lines upon lines of segments in the walls split apart soon after, revealing a huge stockpile of metal components used to make a huge variety of tools and devices. Only things not in pieces. One was a slender, silver weapon reminiscent of a rile, with a pronged tip. There was a semicircular gap in the barrel. The next thing was a staff of sorts with a dark gray serrated blade at one end and a cyan orb at the other. Galaak punched in a command on his command module, a mechanical arm lowering from the ceiling over the gun, plucking it from the shelf and then running along a pathway to the table, where it put it down with a quiet clacking. The arm then ran back to the shelf, plucking up a cylindrical object that was a chilling blue in color and then delivering it to Galaak. Taking the cylinder, he slipped it into the depression in his gun. It snapped into place and then began to spin in the barrel, making a ratcheting sound at first before evolving into a whirring and a hum. Crackling in between the weapons prongs were arcs of electricity, contained by them for the moment. Next, the arm retrieved the staff weapon, laying it down next to the rifle-like one. While the gun was called an Arc Accentuator, the bladed staff was called something more traditional in the Ascatian tongue, a Zerelion . The two weapons were the explorer's defense when ever he left his craft, never to be used unless a threat was unreasonably hostile.

Galaak turned his attention to his wrist device again, typing in a combination. With a few beeps, two openings on either side of the module appeared. From it came a crawling metallic coat that began to creep up the alien's arm, already forming a black glove on his hand. In seconds flat it had covered his entire body, the Nanotech Excursion Suit being a dark sapphire in color, with bits of black, such as the shoulder pads. On said pads were golden rings, and on the helmet was a matching pair, one on each side. The orange visor the suit sported was raised, Galaak's pitch black eyes still visible. He picked up the Arc Accentuator and put it over his shoulder, the weapon seemingly attaching itself beside the dorsal fin. He then lifted the staff, holding the black rod that had various purple symbols running along its length, forming an Ascatian sentence. "With honor, we go"

The explorer left the supply room, the door sealing itself after his departure. It was time for Galaak to set off into the alien landscape just outside his vessel...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:36 pm

Max and his group's movie soon started, and they sat back and relaxed as the credits rolled by....

Suddenly, signals began to come over Aya's radio. She soon answered it.

"Yes, yes?"

"The city's gone to hell!" the man on the other end said. "Multiple reports of the things from earlier attacking other individuals. Each case is similar to the one before: they were hidden, and seemingly attacked with little provacation. There's also a report of some armored psychopath shooting up the neighborhood. Multiple wounded and dead."

"Affirmative," aya said. "Where are the bots now?"

"Last spotted in an alley not far from your location. Also attacked a man who was recycling."

"I'm on it." She soon begins to speed away. "Anyone on the armored individual?"

"There was a SWAT team that was near his location, recent info. states he is in some sort of sphere, but he's incapacitated."

"How many officers are heading there?" Aya asked.

"About four squad cars," the man said. "Should be enough."

"Alright." The transmission ended and Aya was contuing on her way...
Last edited by Godzilla Forever on Sun Aug 07, 2011 2:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Sat Aug 06, 2011 6:19 pm

It didn't take long for Selk to summon the automated drone, informally called the Cephian Trooper. The drone had a slim, vaguely triangular metal body streaked with lines of glowing cyan color, about 4 feet in length and hovering about a foot off the ground. Four segmented mechanical tentacles tipped with three sharp claws on each, surrounding a single spike in the tip of each tendril, extended from the back of the Trooper's flaring, crestlike head. It also had two three-fingered manipulator arms dangling below its body. Its "snout" was actually a built-in sensory package and weapons system. Specifically, a Molecular Accelerator (MOAC) weapon that extracted water vapor from the surrounding air, snap-froze it, and fired the resultant super-hardened ice shards at supersonic velocities. Concentrated fire could tear through flesh and even armor plating at short range, and the weapon had infinite ammunition thanks to its design. In addition to this machine gun-like weapon, it also had a Molecular Arrestor (MOAR) cannon that, after a short period of charging as it gathered water vapor, fired a concentrated blast of super-cooled air that froze man-sized targets completely and caused larger vehicles and soldiers no small amount of grief. Without protective gear, an unprotected creature would freeze to death almost instantly and be shattered by even the smallest amount of gunfire. The Trooper was well-equipped for close-range guerilla tactics, though its Arrestor weapon would do little to truly harm a fellow Cephian (as the creatures were virtually immune to the cold). However, the blunt force and piercing damage of the MOAC would still tear through Kala's armor and flesh if the drone was close enough. Selk watched as the automated Trooper floated away at a leisurely pace towards the crash site, occasionally skittering physically across the ground with its tentacles like a gigantic spider...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby C S » Sat Aug 06, 2011 6:53 pm

Kevin's eyes snapped open once the chattering of his fellow students registered to him. Looking around the bus, he saw that many of the seats had been filled, with most of the class riding in the front and middle. "Whoa. Funny what you can miss when you zone out..." He muttered. The rumbling of the engine was faint this far back, but the vibrations through the seat let the boy know that the trip was about to begin.

The direct hull exit was obstructed, the shallow water meaning that there was little room beneath the craft that one could fit through. Galaak made his way into another room, though this one had two doors. One was the conventional door, leading out from the main section of the ship with the split-away walls. The other one seemed to be an airlock. A segment of the wall popped out and then slid slowly across with a low hum, coming to a stop with a dull thump that resonated within the metal plates and panels. After stepping into the airlock, the door shifted back into place. The light was dim in this room, with a single screen ahead of Galaak lit up green. An orange visor slid down, the Ascatian's face hidden underneath. E-doch, finding very little pressure difference with the exterior and interior of the airlock, opened the door without flushing or pumping air into the chamber. The side exit of the craft moved outwards away from the pilot then spread into two pieces that swung out, allowing the morning light to pour into the vessel. "Synchronize data banks to the Excursion Suit" Galaak said, various readouts appearing in his field of view, giving him constantly updated information of the outside world. The explorer stepped out of the airlock and out onto the invisible wing of his space craft, looking about the wetland that he had landed in.
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:42 pm

Zakai and Bate hung back to let the Trooper hover past as it approached the downed ship. A shimmering blue light emanated from its sensor package, panning slowly back and forth over the hull of the spacecraft. After a few moments, the light flicked off, and the Trooper turned in a direction, letting out electronic warbles and bobbing in place. Zakai nodded in satisfaction. The energy signature of Kala's unique suit, as well as his unusual scent compared to the native aliens on this planet, made him a cinch to track down thanks to the drone. "Bate, follow the Trooper. Let it do the tracking work. If it comes under attack, support it from a distance. When it pinpoints Kala's location, report to me, and Selk and I will move to assist." Bate nodded curtly and hefted his rifle. Zakai sent the Trooper a command signal and it dutifully floated off, tentacles trailing gracefully behind it. Bate followed at a more or less leisurely pace, keeping his distance so they both wouldn't be ambushed at once, if it came to that...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby InfernalAngel » Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:45 pm

Natasha awoke with Delta screaming in her ear to wake up.

"Finally!" yelled her AI as she stood. Natasha was still encased in her cicular proximety sheild, a SWAT team standing around her, weapons all loaded and ready to fire.

"Possible escape routes?" Natasha asked her AI. "Computeing." replied Delta, almost immideatly showing escape routes and plans of action on Natasha's HUD. Natasha contemlated each route. "Hmmm.... did you bring one of the shockwave gernades Delta?", said Natasha in a somewhat urgent voice.

Delta replied instantly, "Yes, but none of my possible escape plans involve shockwave gernades."

Natasha chuckled, "Im useing my escape plan Delta."

Delta sighed and said, "Will you ever listen to me?"

Natasha pulled out her shockwave gernade, and hit the activation button. Miliseconds alter, she thre it up, deactivated her proximety sheild, and focused all power into her sheilds. Once the gernade exploded, it knocked the first line of SWAT operatives into their colluges behind them. Natasha then revetred her systems to normal, dropped multiple flashbang gernades, and cloacked while the troops where blinded. Her suit was damaged and she needed repairs soon, or she could risk damageing Delta. With robotic persicion, she began to scale the nearest skysraper, her cloak still on. Below her the operatives where scrambling to locate her. An overhead chopper was searching rooftops and alleyways.
"Auferre, trucidare, rapere, falsis nominibus imperium; atque, ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant."

"They plunder, they slaughter, and they steal: this they falsely name Empire, and where they make a wasteland, they call it peace."
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby Giratina93 » Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:56 pm

Down the hallway, Tiffany opened up the door that led into the Kitchen. the Kitchen and dining room were joined as one, making it quite a large room in the apartment. There was a sofa placed at one end of the room, and on the other end was the fridge and ther kitchen stuff. in between were several counters, which had multiple stuff in them, and two tables with chairs set. Tiffany moved toward the sofa, helping out the bleeding woman. "You should lie down right here while I get some medicine and call the nearest hospital, understand? I'll be right back..." Tiffany said as the girl laid down flat upon the sofa. She simply starred at Tiffany, then blinked, as if to acknowledge what she had said. Wasting to time at all, Tiffany rushed out of the room and toard the bathroom, There was where she kept the medical wraps and pain killers...

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