RPG Requests

RPGs of varying sizes and genres. Enjoy!

Re: RPG Requests

Postby UndeadRaptor » Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:45 am

TT: That's an idea I'm going to agree with... now... to post in the RPs some more.
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby Giratina93 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:46 am


Okay, okay. in all seriousness, I like that idea... but... maybe not in the Warhammer universe... I dunno... maybe a ... Mario setting? :P

J/K! I like this idea. I can go with the Warhammer universe... this gets my vote.

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Re: RPG Requests

Postby dinoman666 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:48 am

Sounds interesting to me. Granted, I only know a lot about the Tyranids in terms of the 40K universe, but it still sounds cool.
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:57 am

Good to see it has some interest. There is a pen and paper RPG set in the 40k universe called Dark Heresy, dunno if any of you heard of it. Its basically DnD type **** minus the miniatures. While I think that style of stuff isn't for a site such as this, I intend to take the theme of it (a group of Imperial officials sent to expose and destroy heresy) and make it into an RPG we are more familiar with.

I'd have to make a really long list of terms/technology so people who don't know much about 40k know wtf I'm talking about.

Re: RPG Requests

Postby dinoman666 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:00 am

That'd be pretty useful. I know SOME stuff about the Space Marines and such, but nothing specific.
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby Godzilla Forever » Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:17 am

Sounds like a pretty good idea. I'll wait to see when more deatils are up if it'll be worth my time, though.
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby Galaxia » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:45 pm

I know nothing about Warhammer but I think this could make a good rpg if some effort went into making it
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:16 pm

K, ganna develop the idea a bit:

It is the 41st millennium, and there is only war. Humanity stands on the brink of annihilation, faced with heretics, mutants, and aliens that all threaten to consume the once-proud Imperium of Man. Many of their citizens, and even their most powerful warriors, turn to heresy and daemonic powers to escape the grim reality that mankind must face. Others are consumed by rampant alien destruction, while others are used as pawns in the schemes of powers they cannot begin to understand. The Emperor of Mankind, humanity's only hope for survival, has remained inanimate on the Golden Throne for millennia, guiding humanity through the Astronomicon while simultaneously battling the forces of Chaos. Although, even now, he is the corner-stone to humanity's survival, without his wisdom to guide them, humanity only choice is to survive by any means necessary.

You are part of an Imperial taskforce employed by the Ordo Hereticus: a division of the Emperor's holy Inquisition designed to root out and destroy heresy amongst the Imperial population. You and your colleagues must investigate rumors of heresy and, if they prove to be true, destroy them in the name of the Emperor. The Emperor protects.

Common Terms
Note: This does not contain all of the terms used throughout the RPG. Refer to this site for additional information.

The Imperium of Man - The unified Empire of humanity, one of the most numerous sentient species in the galaxy. The Imperium was united under the rule of the God-Emperor, and although some other pockets of mankind exist, most have either rejoined their brethren or died resisting the Imperium's advance.

The Emperor - Also known as the Master of Mankind, the Emperor is seen as a god by the residents of the Imperium, and for good reason. The most powerful psyker in existence, he united mankind after their galactic empire was shattered during the Age of Strife, which left many pockets of humanity scattered throughout the galaxy, cut off from each other. After unifying Terra, which was then known as Old Earth, the Emperor joined with the Adeptus Mechanicus, the technologically superior remnant of humanity that lived on Mars, and created a massive fleet of ships that could travel the stars, in addition to an army of the strongest genetic warriors mankind had to offer: The Space Marines. After conquering the remnants of humanity with the aid of his Space Marine legions and the Primarches - the genetic children of the Emperor created to lead the legions - the Emperor returned to Terra to perfect warp travel for all of mankind. His favored son, Horus, the Warmaster of the Imperium, turned to Chaos and started an enormous civil war known as the Horus Heresy. At the climatic battle of the war, which took place over Terra, the Emperor and Horus fought in a titanic struggle that resulted in the death of the Warmaster, but also fatally crippled the Emperor as well. Dying, but unwilling to abandon his race, the Emperor's Golden Throne, which was to access the ancient Eldar Webway, was made into a life support system, and the Emperor was entombed upon it, forever cursed to live out his days in agony, not quite dead, not quite alive, to protect and guide mankind.

Heresy - The belief in anything but the Emperor, any insults or defiance toward him or the Imperium, as well as tampering with the Warp (unless done by sanctioned Imperial psykers).

The Warp - Also known as the Immaterium, the Warp is an alternate dimension made up of energy. The laws of the materium do not apply here, and as such, it allows for much faster travel throughout the stars by those who can navigate it. The Warp was once a neutral place, but after the continued use of its energies for violent purposes, it was corrupted and polluted, and became the home of the unholy Chaos Gods. Daemons, the spawn of these terrible gods, constantly stalk its recesses, waiting for unprotected pyskers to make their presence known so that they may consume their souls and possess their materium bodies. Most Warp travel by the Imperium is done through the raw Warp itself, with only psychic barriers between the residents of the starships and the horrific predators of the Immaterium.

The Chaos Gods - Also known as the Ruinous Powers or Dark Gods, the Chaos Gods are immensely powerful beings that dwell within the Warp, and each represents a negative aspect of the lives and emotions of mortals. The four gods are as follows: Khorne, the god of blood and violence, Tzeentch, the god of change and sorcery, Nurgle, the god of death and decay, and Slaanesh, the god of excess and pleasure. They continually meddle in the materium through their daemonic agents, corrupting, destroying, and consuming anything they can reach. They are seen as the great enemies of all life, as it matters not who wins in the materium if the Chaos Gods have their way: All life will cease if the barriers between the Immaterium and the Materium are destroyed.

The Imperial Guard - The basic foot soldiers of the Imperium, the Imperial Guard are the most common form of the Imperium's military might. They act mostly as guardians of conquered worlds, acting as the policing force of a planet as well as its means of defense. The arsenal of the Imperial Guard includes billions of ordinary guardsmen, small and large weapons alike, as well as vehicles that range from the small but swift Sentinel walkers to the enormous, building-sized Baneblade tank.

The Space Marines - Also known as the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines are genetic super soldiers used by the Imperium of Man in their conquest of the galaxy. If the Imperial Guard are the Imperium's army, the Space Marines are its Special Forces. Each Marine capable of destroying entire platoons, they are the pinnacle of Imperial might. Encased in formidable power armor and wielding a wide array of weapons, with hundreds of vehicles and other mechanized units at their command, the Space Marines are a force to be feared. Space Marines are divided into many different Chapters, with only a few thousand Space Marines per Chapter.

The Adeptus Mechanicus - A technologically advanced remnant of humanity that was discovered on Mars, the Adeptus Mechanicus are masters of all forms of technology, and produce the most complex and devastating machinery in the Imperium. Many of the members of the Adeptus Mechanicus augment their own bodies with cybernetic implants, becoming stronger, smarter, and significantly more strange looking in the process. While they don't usually have their own military, and instead supply the Imperium with weapons and vehicles, the Adeptus Mechanicus is in charge of one of the most devastating military divisions in the Imperium: the Titan legions, which are legions of skyscraper-tall machines capable of destroying entire worlds. The Adeptus Mechanicus also have a religion of their own: The belief in the Machine God, called the Omnissiah. It is the only religion accepted in the Imperium beyond the belief that the Emperor is a god.

The Inquisition - The Inquisition is a secret organization of the Imperium's elite, and are the highest ranking division in the entirety of the Imperium, most outranking even the High Lords of Terra, Terra's governing body. The Inquisition is tasked with protecting the souls of humanity, and has Ordos, or divisions, that attempt to understand and destroy heretics, xenos, and even daemons.

The Eldar - The Eldar are one of the oldest surviving races in the galaxy. Few are left after the Fall of the Eldar: An incident that killed almost all of their galaxy-spanning civilization and gave birth to the Chaos God Slaanesh. The Eldar, a swift, agile, mysterious race often operate in the shadows, rarely sending their already dwindling numbers into battle. Most Eldar live on massive Starships called Craftworlds, which are the equivalent to a planet in size. Others, called Exodites, live on harsh worlds, but they do this by choice, in fear of becoming complacent again, which caused their Fall.

The Orks - The Orks are a sentient, space fairing civilization of barbarians. They live only for battle, and have no fear of death, unlike the other races. Ranging in size from the small, dog-sized Gretchen to the immense, 10+ foot tall Warboss, the Orks come in very different sizes and shapes. Their equipment, including their vehicles, are very crude, and look like they are a bunch of metal welded together, mostly because that actually is the case. When Orks are together, they generate an immensely powerful psychic field, which none of them can use to its full extent, and few seem to know its even there. Its effects, however, are quickly made apparent: The technology the Orks use should, by all physical means, not work. But because of this psychic field, their makeshift guns can fire, red objects will go faster, and their tanks will not fall apart, all simply because they believe it that way.

The Tyranids - The Tyranids are a terrifying race of xenos from beyond the Milky Way Galaxy. They travel in immense fleets of biological ships known as Hive Fleets, where they move from world to world consuming all biological material in their path. They use this biological material to spawn even more of their numbers. This use of biomass is what makes them deadly effective: If a world's defenders die in the defense of their world, they are weakened, but victorious. If Tyranids destroy these defenders, even at innumerable lose to their own forces, they can reclaim any intact biomass, from their own forces or the defender's, and repopulate. Tyranids range from the football sized Rippers to the towering, building-sized Carnifexs.

Chaos - Chaos is the faction that represents those that serve the Dark Gods, both mortal beings that worship and fight in their name, as well as the daemons that work on their behalf. This includes many Space Marine legions that defected during the Horus Heresy, and those few that did afterward, along with many Imperial Guard forces, as well as ordinary civilians. They are stationed in the Materium in a place called the Eye of Terror: The birthplace of Slaanesh, which weakened the fabric of reality to the point that the Warp began to bleed into the Materium. This weakening allows the forces of Chaos a place of relative safety in the Warp.

The Necrons - Necrons are zombie-like automatons, and are the oldest surviving race in the galaxy. Originally the Necrontyr, the Necrons lived a miserable existence under an oppressive star near their home world, the radiation of which kept their lives short and painful. After discovering a being of pure energy feasting on the star that gave them so much trouble, the Necrontyr contacted this being, which would be known as one of many C'tan, and gave it a "living metal" body with which to emerge into their realm. More followed, and the Necrontyr thought of them as Star Gods, and worshiped them. Convincing them to attack their hated enemy, the Old Ones, creators of the Eldar and Orks, the C'tan readily agreed, finding mortal souls far more appetizing than what they got from consuming Stars. One C'tan, known later as the Deceiver, convinced the Necrontyr to leave their organic bodies and construct ones of "living metal" to match their gods. Unbeknownst to them, in their new forms, their minds were heavily suppressed, and they were made into slaves of the C'tan, which used the new Necron race to scour the galaxy of all life. After an outbreak of Enslavers, horrible creations from the Warp, killed off almost all life in the galaxy, including the Old Ones, the C'tan were forced into hibernation, or they would starve, sending the Necrons into tombs where they would reside until the galaxy was populated once more. More and more Necrons continued to awake from their tombs, ready to scour the galaxy once more.

The Tau - The Tau are a relatively young race to join the fray as a galactic power, and as such, aren't as cold and ruthless as the other races. Possessing advanced technologies rivaling that of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Tau field a wide array of battle suits and other advanced weaponry. Their primary goal is to unite the galaxy under the belief of the Greater Good, and have already allied with other races, such as the Kroot and Vespid, in their cause.

This covers the basic outline of the universe this takes place in. I'll add definitions for weapons at a later time, if its accepted.

Re: RPG Requests

Postby raptor titanus3 » Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:45 am

I like it, but I don't believe I'd be apart of the Space Marines or the Ordo Hereticus. Maybe a staunch and crude Guardsman or a bitter and yet loyal Comissar, or maybe a force of evil :twisted: Though to be honest my favorite race tatically is the Tau, as the saying goes: "Yeah we suck at Melee, too bad you'll never get that close :mrgreen: "
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:49 am

Orks, man! They're so awesome that just believing it'll work makes it work!

Pretty cool, might join.
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby Giratina93 » Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:01 am

Oh yes... I might just join in this... I already have a character planned out as well...

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Re: RPG Requests

Postby TyrannoTitan » Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:24 am

Players will be restricted to certain types. Space Marines will actually be off limits, since the players will be going after relatively small bands of heretics, not entire worlds festering with heresy. Space Marines would be overkill and there'd be no sense of challenge. It would mostly be Guardsmen/Psykers (one or two at most)/techpriests. I'll define the different types like I did with the other stuff.

Re: RPG Requests

Postby Giratina93 » Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:26 am

Oh well... So long as one of the orks uses the phrase, "NEVAH ENUFF DAKKA!", then this RPG will be made of epic win...

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Re: RPG Requests

Postby raptor titanus3 » Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:52 pm

Gira, The Emporor is Dissapoint :mrgreen: yay internet referance
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby Galaxia » Sat Sep 24, 2011 4:25 pm

Seems like the idea is developing well,and credit to TT for another well made take on the advancing idea
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby dinoman666 » Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:51 pm

This seems like a dumb idea, considering the Space E-war and all, but what about a Mass Effect RPG?

I know, most RPGs based off of specific franchises are usually frowned upon, but the Mass Effect universe is so heavily expanded upon, with a variety of worlds, alien races, governments, technology, and other such things, it seems ripe for such a thing. After all, the only thing ever focused on in the games proper is the story of Commander Shepard.

Even other media, like comics, mostly focus on Shepard and the Reapers. However, taking a quick peek at the "Cerberus Network" new flashes that used to appear on Mass Effect 2's Main Menu screen show that so many other things are going on at the same time, in every corner of the galaxy. An RPG would be a great way to expand upon some of these. Characters could range from civilians and soldiers to mercenaries and agents for secret groups like the Shadow Broker or Cerberus. There's actually quite a bit of potential to be had, once the backstory is laid out.
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:29 pm

you are right. it is a dumb idea :P

like you said, SEW's there for everything Space-related. hell, you already introduced several ME races into the RPG via your ME plots.

Only problem is SEW is inactive. But that's due to participants, not due to the E-War itself.
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby Doc 42 » Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:28 am

I don't think you guys quite get the idea. its not supposed to be a "here's a world with **** going on" rpg, but a "you and your buddies are on an incredible joooouurnneeeey <3" RPG
Which could be fun. Jury is still out.
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:56 am

the beauty of a 'here's a world with **** going on' RPG is that the latter idea fits into it, as you can see in the following 4 step plan:
1) assemble group
2) plan to mangle said **** going on
3) ???
4) profit!

and the best part is, it can apply to ANY situation, from a Wedding wrecking plan to a plot to destroy an empire or **** over some evil overlord's plan for world/galactic domination :P
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Re: RPG Requests

Postby Doc 42 » Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:34 pm

Except that it's more likely to be fecked over by people who don't feel like playing ball.
By creating a more limited RPG, you can preserve the emphasis on what the plot is really about.
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