Dinosaur Island RPG

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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby dinoman666 » Wed Nov 02, 2011 2:16 am

With little to interrupt them now, the two territorial carnivores stared each other down, neither of them moving by this point. The mere sight of this pair of prehistoric titans simply glaring at each other was awe-inspiring, and the tension was palpable.

That is, until the third contender entered the fray from behind Sue, smashing through the trees at incredible speed.

A second Spinosaurus had appeared, only this one was surprisingly larger, if that was even possible. It was far brighter in color, too, with orange-and-gold scales covering its slim, but muscular, body. The sail on its back, taller than its counterpart's, was a shockingly bright display of green, red, and blue streaks that seemed almost to glitter in the sunlight. With a screech only somewhat deeper than the first Spino's, this new arrival bore down on a very surprised Sue from behind, snapping its crocodilian jaws shut around her tail. With a shocked bellow, the Rex spun, wrenching herself free. The first Spino took this opportunity to finally strike, lunging forward and headbutting Sue in the flank. The Rex stumbled, smashing against a tree as the two Spinosaurus, now working in concert, moved to flank their dazed opponent...

Dodgson's jaw dropped at the spectacle. That Spino shouldn't exist. They had specifically bred ONE, a female, to prevent overcompetition and keep the island stable. Clearly, a certain head scientist had been bending the rules...
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby Giratina93 » Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:16 am

Persephone was enjoying watching this spectacle. All the pain and grief Sue had given her and the rest of the mercenaries up until this point... no wonder watching her get double-teamed by the two Spinos was oh so satisfying. If only there was some popcorn for her to snack on... Suddenly, even while watching this amazing fight from the safety of the tree roots, she was now thinking back to before they had gotten on the boat... she could have sworn that Jenkins had said there was only the female... her suspicions of the insane scientist were beginning to resurface once more...

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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby Iceking » Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:28 am

A look of suprise came to Rick's face for several seconds when the second Spinosaur arrived and attacked Sue. He recalled that Jenkins had mentioned there being only one Spinosaur on the island, yet that had clearly been nothing more than a lie. He muttered to himself:"How many more of these did you create, Jenkins? That's something you're going to have to answer."
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:39 pm

Jacob watched the fight unfold silently, ever wary of another change in the situation, running the various scenarios in his head as he waited for things to play out...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby raptor titanus3 » Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:31 pm

Hiero immedietly thought back remmebering they had supposedly made only one creature with a tall sail, now there were two. "This brings both questions and extreme anguish, rather than have two forces waste themselves on each other now a powerful third had apeared and was in alliance with one of them" he thought. They couldn't hope to survive them both in the open, and not in this swamp. Hiero left his sanctuary to try and singal the others to run while the running was good. The question there was how to do it without getting eaten or stepped on.
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby dinoman666 » Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:00 pm

It seemed Jenkins had a similar idea to Hiero, as the scientist skittered from his cover and waved at the rest of the mercs' hiding spots, shouting, "Follow me! There's dry ground this way!" Barnes, certainly not just going to let the scientist leave on his own, quickly followed, waiting until the battling dinosaurs had turned away from his hiding spot. Dodgson was surprisingly eager to move as well, despite doing a poor job at slogging quickly through the knee-deep water...

Sue spun to face the two stalking Spinos, bearing her knife-shaped teeth in an aggressive, rumbling snarl that would have scared off just about anything else. Unfortunately, the mated pair of Spinosaurs had the advantage, and they clearly knew it, neither of them budging. With a bone-rattling roar, Sue lunged forward, jaws wide and aimed for the female Spino's head. However, the Rex was simply to slow, and the female Spinosaur took a single stride backwards, dodging Sue's snapping mouth by a few feet. At the same time, the male struck, swinging a mighty forearm at Sue's head. The beat's massive claws scored a direct hit across the right side of Sue's face, the cut surprisingly shallow, thanks to the Rex's armored scales, but easily piercing her vulnerable eye and tearing it apart. Sue let out a hideous howl, the first one that sounded truly pained to Barnes since they had arrived on the island. He almost felt bad. Almost. Sue staggered backwards, shaking her hefty head wildly and spattering blood across the trees while the two Spinos circled again, more than patient enough to wait their foe out...
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby Iceking » Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:20 pm

Seeing Hiero and Jenkins motioning for the team to move in addition to Barnes and Dodgson following the scientist, Rick quickly worked his way out of his fighting spot and followed, never taking his gaze to the fighting dinosaurs. Questioning Jenkins on how many more Spinosaurs were on the island was still on his mind, but he would worry about that once they were out of the swamp and far away from the Spinos and Sue. He heard the Rex give a pained roar and thought "I'm hoping she gets killed. That'll mean one less predator for us to be looking over our shoulders for." Had Sue not been constantly pursuing them, he would have felt sorry for the Rex after hearing it's pained roar...
Last edited by Iceking on Fri Nov 04, 2011 4:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby C S » Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:32 pm

The river abruptly became as rough and churning as the sea surrounding the island as the titans stomped about. The Humdinga rolled slightly as it hit wave after wave, splashes of white flying out from the vehicle's sides. Before long, it was hidden among the mangrove growth further up river, the noise of its engines drowned out by the giants before fading all together.
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby Giratina93 » Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:46 pm

Persephone looekd around very carefully, before she bolted fom her hiding spot and after the rest. Hearing the roar of pain from the titan almost made her feel sorry for Sue, but then again, it was hard to feel compassion for the super-persistant predator that had been trying to eat you every so often...

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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby dinoman666 » Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:16 pm

Barnes risked a peek over his shoulder as he ran, spotting the battling titans behind him. Sue had fallen on her side and was flailing madly. The female Spinosaur was a little too eager and lunged forward, only to be rewarded with a kick to the chest from Sue's powerful hind leg. The claws of the foot left only a shallow cut in her hide, but it was enough to deter the already-injured Spino from attacking again. The male, however, was a little more cautious, circling at a distance and looking for an opening, knocking the Rex back down whenever she tried to get to her feet.

That was the last thing Barnes saw before the mangrove trees began to thicken, blocking his view of the scene. Focused on getting away, he turned back to see where he was going, following Jenkins through the rapidly diminishing water. Dry land was close by, it seemed...
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby Iceking » Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:16 pm

Rick, following Jenkins and the rest of the team further into the large number of trees, noticed that the water was getting shallower. He continued to hear the sounds of the Spinos and Sue fighting, but with the trees getting thicker, there wasn't really any point in trying to look back even if he had wanted to. With the water getting shallow, land couldn't be far away and hopefully, somewhere they could go where large predators couldn't reach them. Rick still wanted to know how many Spinosaurs Jenkins had really created on the island and if he had made more of the other large carnivores than he had let on, but those questions could wait until they were far from the three large dinosaurs behind them...
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby Godzilla Forever » Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:51 am

Maxwell had long bolted from his hidning spot, looking for the others. As the thundering titans of terror fought each other, teeth gnashing, claws slashing, and feet kicking, Max hunted for his allies. He soon spotted Barnes and follwoed as fast as his feet could carry him....
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:25 pm

"What do you think the odds are Sue'll gut the pair of them in a second?" asked Jacob lowly, a small smirk gracing his typically cold expression as he watched the Rex get manhandled by the two Spinosaurs...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby C S » Sat Nov 12, 2011 7:25 pm

"No idea" David answered as he peered out from the cover of mangrove roots. "No bets are safe when so much strange **** has happened already" he added after, his senses on alert for anything that might be biding its time in the surrounding swamp land...
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby dinoman666 » Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:38 pm

The two Spinosaurs eventually resigned themselves to simply giving the exhausted Sue a few brutal stomps for good measure, until she finally lay still. She was still breathing, but the beast was bruised, battered, and scarred from the two larger predators. This seemed to satisfy them, and they turned away, attention back towards the other intruders to their domain: the humans. The beasts sniffed the air, searching out the nearest and most obvious scent of human, or at least the foul smell of the metal thing that had attacked the female earlier. Its scent was stronger, but erratic, spread through the air in every direction. It would take time for them to pinpoint its location...

Having journeyed a safe distance from the battling titans, the mercs stopped to rest, Jenkins doubled over and trying to catch his breath. "I... haven't... had... that much... exercise... in... years!... Heh..." he muttered. Barnes ignored him for the moment, focused on the remaining soldiers. He did a mental breakdown of casualties so far. Including Johnson, they had lost five people on the island now, and he'd be d*mned if any more met the same fate...
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby Iceking » Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:20 am

Rick sat down on the ground, exhausted after the trek through the swamp to escape the Spinosaurs and Sue. He hadn't forgotten his new found suspiscion of Jenkins, but was too exhausted for the momment to say anything and decided to let either Barnes or Dodgson ask him questions first. After they had gotten safely away from the large dinosaurs, they hadn't heard any roars from Sue, which the merc hoped meant that she had been killed...
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby Giratina93 » Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:51 am

Persephone as well sat down, but she, having undergone the vigor of Westpoint training before, was in the condition to question the scientist. "SO Jenkins, mind telling us why there's a male Spinosaurus here as well as the female, when you said you only created one?" Persephone asked the scientist as she turned to face him. Either this island had been a sanctuary for Spinosaurus to survive on, hidden from the project going on here, and only now showing themselves, or someone decided to make themselves an extra Spino for fun...and knowing that Spinosaurus only lived in Africa, she knew which one of the two was the correct answer...

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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby Godzilla Forever » Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:00 am

Max was all too winded from all the running he had jsut endured to bother talking. He jsut saw a trio of Dinosaurs have a rumble in the middle of the jungle, and his friend nearly got eaten. He simply sat down on the floor and breathed heavily. he reached towards his back, but then he remembered: he dropped his damned backpack to escape from those beasts! Thankfully, he had four clips of shotgun ammo in his pockets and about twelve bullets for his magnum, but that was it- when he ran out, he'd have to use his ******* knife. And that was suicide.
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby C S » Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:06 pm

"Well would you look at that. Looks like the queen ***** of this island just got dethroned. It took a giant lizard and another, even larger lizard, but it finally happened" commented David before he sat back in the Humdinga seat. "Jenkins' still out there with the others though. In a swamp..." he added. Whether or not one was on the scarce patches of dry land in the marsh, they were always out of their element, and this swamp just happened to be home to creatures no one had seen in millions of years. The group was in grave danger, and not just from the plans of a deranged maniac.
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Re: Dinosaur Island RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:17 pm

"We can hunt them down in a minute. First we need to make sure we're not looking behind our backs while we're tracking them. Get ready to floor the accelerator. We're going to give these two-legged crocs a victory gift" said Jacob with a smirk as he took aim with the Humdinga's turret...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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