Space E-war Excerpt

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

SEW redacted posts 2

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:38 pm

"Yes, there will. Just try and be patient. You are free to take test subjects from those we engage. Otherwise, they're off limits. Attacking your employers is bad for business" responded Khuurava, before his ship was suddenly pulled out of Hyperspace with a jerk. "What the-" he started as he activated the stealth systems and monitored the passive sensors for signs of what had forced them out of Hyperspace. From what the sensors gave back however, only a small energy source, barely detectable, came up. Far too weak to be the culprit. "I hate it when they hide" he grumbled, before launching a probe, which quickly moved to investigate the energy signature...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:43 pm

"Against this one, evading a sector sweep is futile. Should this one deploy, Khuurava-Commander?" Ecliptor responded. He knew he would need his rifle for something!
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:41 pm

"Go ahead. Just try not to kill anything that isn't shooting at us. We need to establish friend from foe before we actively go into combat" responded Khuurava firmly...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:08 pm

"Khuurava-Commander; you have no allies. Calculations show that a great majority that you encounter will, in fact, want to kill you-"

The impacts against the Marauder's shields came from seemingly nowhere at all, rocking the vessel. They struck out at many directions, the blasts rippling across the barrier of energy surrounding the craft, flames billowing in the vacuum and lighting up the shadows. Primed missiles, weapons which gave off no energy signature as the components needed to function were all on board the warheads, complete with their own nuclear engines. By time the signs of their activation reached a target, it was most likely too late and the atomic explosions in addition to solid kinetic energy were the bane of shields and hull alike.

Ecliptor fell into a crouch in the aftermath of the attack. He rushed up to the control panels, his singular eye panning across the instruments and readouts. An ambush. One with innumerable odds. Two heavy class ships, possibly stellar destroyers and a fleet of fast cruisers, which fanned out into a formation similar to a net, a wall which every bit of space was covered by a gun...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:16 pm

Khuurava snarled as he moved to the console, pushing Ecliptor aside as he hit several commands in rapid succession, moving holographic bars around and typing away at commands on the keyboard, the ship's engines roaring to life in powerful pulse thruster blast that launched the ship down towards the planet's surface, a cluster of countermeasures being released in it's wake that threw off it's trail temporarily as the ship shifted it's angle to be parallel to the planet's surface, in low orbit, the Marauder rocketing through its atmosphere at high speed, aiming for the other side of the planet and out of reach of the guns currently bearing down on it, the ship's own weapons emerging and activating, though staying in standby mode for now to avoid giving away the ship's location, the increased radiation coming from the light side of the planet helping mask it's location...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:35 pm

Ecliptor made a series of complex electronic tones and whistles as he was thrown, gripping the cockpit wall and scaling it, crawling forward to peer down at the ship's controls and windshield from the ceiling.

The ships fell back into the distance, blued out by a thickening atmosphere, clouds soon obscuring the far reaches of space all together, stars and other planets drowning in the light of the system's red sun. One thing however, refused to be hidden away. A gigantic space station that looked vaguely like a dumbbell loomed ominously over the planet, visible at the very edges of the Marauder's cockpit screen.

The structure had several extensions branching off from the dark gray and black surface, streaks of golden light faintly visible. Which meant that out in space, the light was a blinding, sun-bright white, implying a massive power source being utilized.

As the land grew ever closer, it was clear the Marauder was over some kind of badlands, a sandy expanse that gave way to rocky dips, canyons, plateaus and arches. Thundering across the dead landscape was an enormous locomotive, running not on track but the manipulated gravitational field of giant silvery pillars which defined the route...
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SEW redacted posts

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:42 pm

Khuurava looked at the area below through visual feed , studying the area for locations he could put the Marauder down, as he kept an eye out for occupied areas in the region. "This is Arcspire Central, calling Marauder. Please respond" came a voice on the comms. "The hell?" grunted Khuurava as he listened. "Code 09 Omega. Respond, please" came the voice again. "This is the Marauder. Go ahead" responded Khuurava, recognising the passcode given to him. "Move to these coordinates. Your approach will be hidden once you reach the perimeter" responded the contact. As the coordinates reached him, Khuurava redirected towards the location...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Space E-war Excerpt

Postby C S » Sun Dec 23, 2012 4:37 am

The Marauder was making its final approach when Ecliptor exited a port at the underside of the craft. His magnetic grip kept him firmly attached as he crawled out, panning his green eye across the ground. His visual input was keener than the most perceptive bird of prey. Though it was far off in the distance and hidden in a craggy hillside, he saw what appeared to be a base of some sort, small shacks set up outside of the caverns in the tan rocks. Ecliptor spotted a multitude of people and vehicles assembled at the "courtyard" of the operation, the flat land that a winding dirt road up the incline led to...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Dec 23, 2012 9:16 pm

As the Marauder roared across the badlands, closing in on the town, the vehicles and people in the courtyard cleared out, making room for the craft to land. Dust was kicked up as the ship hovered to a halt over the courtyard, descending as it spun around to face the lowest side of the town, the ship landing in the centre of the town as dust, stones and other debris were kicked up by the anti-gravitational field and pushed aside, panels unfolding under the ship, decent sized wheels making up the landing gear. Shortly afterwards, other panels unfolded, revealing long, thick spikes, the tips of which began to glow white as the heat of the engines and stealth systems was vented through them, pointing directly downwards as the ship landed, the spikes sinking into the ground smoothly, turning the rock and sand in the immediate vicinity into molten stone, the ship touching down with it's wheels soon afterwards, as metallic plates unfolded between the tires of each of the 6 hydraulic shafts that made up the landing gear, the plates acting like 'feet', stabilising the ship's position on the ground. As the engines powered down, the people watched in silence, many still hidden in their homes, a few returning to business as usual, and some approaching the craft...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:20 pm

Ecliptor climbed down the strut of a landing gear, flipping himself over when he came to the wheel which was many times his size. From there he dropped down onto the rocky ground. He looked up to the beings nearing the black and gold ship and saw that they all had weapons on them of various builds and functionality. For the moment, they were pointed not at the ship, but the blue plated Seeker, the ones wielding them holding them at chest level, looking down the sights and closing in cautiously. It was a huge mistake to threaten a Seeker, Ecliptor especially. He had a mounting body count to serve as testament as to what happens when he is threatened or otherwise insulted. The only exception to this deadly tightrope were other Seekers...and Khuurava of course; the sole reason being that the Khurakra was a Seeker in everything but form. He shared the cold efficiency and ruthlessness of the machines.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Mon Dec 24, 2012 11:02 pm

As the leader of the group approached, an audible hiss was heard from the main cargo-bay under the ship, a ramp rolling out onto the ground as Khuurava stepped out, turning to face them. "Stand down. Trust me, you're in more danger than he is when your guns are pointed at him" warned the Khurakra mercenary as he walked up to Ecliptor's side. "So you're the Merc Markus hired. Why am I not surprised you're a Khurakra?" asked the rebel leader, a woman who looked to be in her late 20s or early 30s. She had pale tan skin and shoulder length hair that seemed a blend of blacks, browns and dark reds, all of them natural shades, and her eyes were an icy silver shade. She was wearing a modified Synch Suit; a skin-tight black and silver outfit used by mech pilots to neurally control high powered mechs. Along the back there would no doubt be oddly shaped metallic plate segments that aligned with her spinal column, allowing her to link directly with the Mech. Over it, she had what looked like more regular attire; a short, sleeveless light leather jacket that reached just above her midriff, beneath which he could see straps belonging to gun holsters and the backpack she wore over the jacket. From her hips down she wore what looked like low-rise beige jeans, torn and tattered from the wear and tear they no doubt sustained throughout their lifetime of use. Over the jeans were more straps, some holding on holsters of various side-arms and blades, and buckle-straps lines the sides of her pant legs. In her hand was a 6-barrelled plasma assault rifle; similar to one Khuurava owned, though hers seemed more built for a suppressive role than precision strikes, contrary to Khuurava's preference in weapon capability. Beside one of the buildings, a 20 foot tall combat mech stood, currently vacant, Khuurava guessing that the woman in front of him was the pilot. Four smaller mechs could be seen partially hidden between various buildings; possibly to give them the element of surprise in case of an unexpected attack. On the roofs of some of the buildings, snipers watched patiently, monitoring both the Merc ship and the perimeter of the area, wary of threats...

"Simple. We're among the most adaptable and effective soldiers in the galaxy. Fast, strong, lethal. To expect anything else would be an insult" responded Khuurava. "Huh. Confident, are we?" commented the woman. "No. Just observant of facts" responded Khuurava simply. "Huh. Cocky. I like that. 'bout time someone round here showed an attitude like that. Most of these chicken ***** just crap themselves at the mention of Kron Enterprises" responded the woman, before offering him a hand. "Tanya Pierce". "Khuurava" responded the Mercenary as he shook her hand, taking note of the word Medusa stamped on her Synch-Suit sleeve; the operating designation she and her mech most likely went by. In the crowd of soldiers behind the woman, Khuurava noticed one of them was whispering furiously. Reading the man's lip movements through the visor over one eye, he quickly learned what he was saying. '...Dude, this guy's like....Satan crossed with a Yautja. Is Markus crazy?! Everyone knows this thing works for the paycheck. How the hell are we supposed to trust him?!'. Khuurava gave a quick, warning glare at the whispering human, mandibles clicking in thought as he considered blowing his head off, before deciding against it. Glancing back at Tanya, he cleared his throat, continuing. "Before I can accept the mission, I need to find out what we're up against" responded Khuurava. "You'll need to talk to Markus then. He's crazier than an overexcited Salarian on a sugar high, but he's the local expert when it comes to 'insurgent activities' as the suits call them. He knows their operations inside out, upside down and sideways, though he has a habit of missing details unless you're yeah. Be specif-" explained Tanya, only to be interrupted by what looked to be a short obese Salarian. "Yourwarissofuckin'fullashiiiit!" babbled the amphibious alien as he ran past, barely as tall as Tanya's midriff, the woman sighing as Khuurava eyed the strange alien confusedly, sidestepping a couple of dog-like creatures snarling hungrily as they pursued him. "And that's the overexcited Salarian I told you about. Morlak" explained Tanya with a shake of her head. "I see" responded Khuurava as they walked towards one of the larger buildings facing the square, honestly unsure of how to react to such an odd occurance. "Before you ask, yes, that is a common occurance, and no, that isn't the last strange thing you'll see while you're here. Welcome to Aurora; craziest place in the galaxy" said the woman with a chuckle...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:33 am

Ecliptor pulled his rifle off of his back and dropped into a crouch, lining up his shot on the chubby alien. Within the Seeker's amplified sights, Ecliptor was able to make out the smallest stain of food in the brown, tattered leather clothing the Salarian wore and the tiniest dust particle he kicked up on in his passing.

"Oi man! What you think you doin'!?" one of the rebels said in protest. Ecliptor looked back at the sun-darkened man whose attire seemed unfitting for the arid conditions of the badlands. Bulky pants and boots, a black overcoat over a dirty T-shirt, a red baret and once-clear goggles now coated in grime.

"Eliminating the erratic, rotund organic." said Ecliptor flatly.

"You can't do that to Morlak! He's already got the dogs on his ***!" the man replied, motioning with his long barreled gun to the atrocious beasts which chased after the Salarian.

Their bodies were fleshy with scarcely any hair. They were yellow with deep brown mottling, bony ridges running down their spinal column. Their heads were bulbous and split into three parts, the bottom two pieces being two halves of the lower jaw.

Ecliptor seemed to consider this, cocking his head and making a low electronic chirp and warble. Before long however, he went back to aiming, calculating trajectories and other factors into his shots. His rifle's retort echoed across the badlands several times as he picked off the alien animals and dropped Morlak from several yards away, the Salarian's rear end spraying blood into the sand.

"No Morlak! He was so young! Had so much to live for! So...******* fat!" the rebel exclaimed

"The Morlak will live. This one had to bring his fleeing to an end."

"By shooting him in the ***!?" the rebel said hotly.

"Affirmative." Ecliptor replied.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Tue Dec 25, 2012 4:17 pm

"Crazy?" A Kig-Yar dressed in a hodge-podge uniform stalked up to Tanya. "I'll tell you what's crazy: you haven't invited our new guests to my shop yet!" He cocked his head at Ecliptor's unusual behavior, but didn't seem too broken up about Morlak. "Well, that thing isn't allowed, but our new mercenary friend is!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:31 pm

"Last I saw, YOU were still charging US for your wares, despite us being the only thing keeping the suits from blowing your brains out" said Tanya acidly as she eyed the jackal. "Oh. By the way, that 'thing'," began Khuurava as he shifted his gaze to the Kig Yar, staring down at the creature. "Is part of my crew. I would expect you to refer to him by his name; Ecliptor" he finished, mandibles clicking against the rough plates that made up his 'cheeks'. He made no comment on the ban on Ecliptor's entrance, agreeing that Ecliptor was a walking disaster for a merchant, but knowing he'd get there anyway, if his curiosity drew him from the other surrounding points of interest. "Get Morlak patched up; expenses on me" he stated as he shifted his gaze to Tanya. "Generous, considering the fat **** can't seem to shut up. But fine. Your choice" said Tanya. "Eh. Ecliptor has no need for a salary, unlike regular crew, so I consider the expenses of having him around as the necessary alternative...within reason, of course"...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:13 am

The Kig-Yar rolled his eyes. "You guys get a discount, you big baby," he replied. The Jackal scratched his reddish head spines, then stuck out a hand to Khuurava. "Sar, at your service, mate! Come by some time 'fore you go on your job, and I can hook you up with some very high-quality equipment!" He coughed out quietly at the end, "No refunds," before giving what passed for a disarming smile among his species...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Thu Dec 27, 2012 1:17 am

"So why the ***?" the rebel went on to say, resting the barrel of his gun upon his shoulder. He was having a conversation with the Seeker while the others spoke amongst themselves.

"You said the -designation: dogs- were only after the Morlak's posterior. I have eliminated the -designation: dogs- and whatever interest they might have had in the Morlak." Ecliptor replied.

"But I did not really mean they were after his ***! Though...on second thought maybe he had some food in his pockets. Then they would have been after his ***...and his sides..."

Ecliptor raised his rifle to shoot again and the rebel voiced his protests rapidly. "Nonononono, don't shoot! I take it back there is nothing else to shoot at! His *** was enough!"

"Acknowledged." said Ecliptor, who then stood up and stowed his rifle on his back, much to the rebel's relief.

"Jeez, no wonder your handler said not to point a gun at you!" he said.

"Khuurava-Commander is not this one's handler." the Seeker said curtly before turning his sights upwards. He was picking up on a garbled transmission, the source of which must have been some distance away, being scrambled or disrupted by the hilly landscape.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Wed May 01, 2013 11:47 pm

The Ship Master's work at the Alliance colony had been short and simple. He hadn't even needed to send in many ground teams, and his only losses were Unggoy. They could be replaced within a day. The entire operation had been quick and clean, and every last human in the small colony town was dead. The Ship Master was quite pleased with this development, only for his attitude to sour when he discovered from his ground teams that the "artifact" the humans had discovered wasn't all it was cracked up to be. In fact, it wasn't an artifact at all, merely the coordinates to one. Fortunately, it was in the same system. Unfortunately, the location of the artifact was less than ideal. Another inhabited planet, though not within Alliance jurisdiction... or any jurisdiction, for that matter.

As if that wasn't bad enough, by the time the Ship Master had recalled his troops back to the ships, he had picked up a signal. Another ship entering the system, but upon closer inspection, it wasn't the kind of ship he had expected. The Sangheili clenched his fists as he watched his holographic displays. "Damn... Arachnids..." he hissed. Wherever those creatures went, trouble always followed. And this particular Arachnid Transport was heading straight for the target planet. "Quickly, into Slipspace!" The Ship Master ordered. "We must intercept that transport at all costs!" The last thing he wanted, the Ship Master thought as his task force jumped into Slipspace, was a damn cleanup operation...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Mon May 06, 2013 8:11 pm

Glancing between the departing Kig-Yar and Tanya, Khuurava raised a brow, one mandible clicking in an expression that, alien as it was, voiced his curiosity well. "Eh. His gear ain't bad. Expect the prices to be daylight robbery though" she warned as she put a hand on her hip. Khuurava snorted. "I don't think that'll be a problem for me. I can be....persuasive, when needed" growled the Mercenary, to which Tanya laughed. "Yeah, I'm sure you can. Just try not to kill him when you do, hm? Expensive and cheating though he may be, he's kinda our only source of firearms on Aurora" explained the woman with a smirk. "I'll try to keep that in mind. No promises though" responded Khuurava bluntly. "Anyway, time you met Markus. He's the head of our operation here" said Tanya, turning away and nodding in the direction of a large building facing the massive landing zone....
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Mon May 06, 2013 11:14 pm

Tracking the Arachnid "ship" was an easy enough task; the creatures weren't subtle in the slightest, and the Transport was making a beeline straight for Aurora. The last thing the Ship Master had expected, however, was just how massive the beast was; much larger than the standard Transports the Sangheili had seen in the past. His task force wouldn't be as effective as he thought. Fortunately, he still had the Supercarrier on loan from 'Mdama, which was over twice the size of the Super Transport. That should be more than enough, the Ship Master thought as his gigantic new toy jumped out of Slipspace above the planet, almost directly in the path of the Super Transport Bug. His own task force watched from the sidelines, several hundred kilometers away from the showdown.

As predicted, the Arachnid ship swerved out of the path of the new obstacle in its way, swooping slowly, albeit rather gracefully, to the side and under the Supercarrier. Blue flashes emanated from the beast's sides, sending arcing lines of plasma through the vacuum of space to crash into the larger ship. Its shields absorbed the cascade of enemy fire with relative ease, the glowing light underneath its prow revealing its own intentions. As the Super Transport, apparently realizing its attack was having little effect, attempted to zip underneath its opponent, the Supercarrier fired, a brilliant purple beam of plasma firing straight down from the ship's nose at its target.

The Transport's organic thrusters suddenly swiveled slightly to the side, the giant Bug abruptly changing direction mid-flight. Due to the creature's massive size, it did not dodge the attack completely, but the Ship Master was still incensed at the unexpected move, watching as the Energy Projector blast, instead of cleaving straight through the Super Transport's carapace, instead "grazed" the Arachnid's shell. Even so, the beam carved a good chunk of the Transport's side out, leaving a massive, melted hole in its side, near the rear end of the Bug. One of the beast's legs, folded up against its belly, was rent free, tumbling lazily through space as the creature let out a silent scream of pain. Its thrusters flickered weakly, and the creature turned away, still making a beeline for Aurora, much to the Ship Master's surprise. He knew the Arachnids were persistent, but after a hit like that? Something important was on that Transport, that much he knew now.

"Fire everything!" the Ship Master barked at the Supercarrier's commander over the com. "Do not let that thing make it planetside!" Unfortunately, his orders came too late. Even as the Supercarrier bombarded the retreating Transport with plasma torpedoes and pulse lasers, the Arachnid ship continued its suicidal descent, pieces of its carapace breaking off and trailing behind it as it took fire. The beast began to glow orange as it entered the planet's atmosphere, rocketing towards the surface on the crash course. The Ship Master ground his fangs together in displeasure as he tracked the Super Transport Bug's descent. This was going to make his job significantly more difficult. Tracking and destroying every last remnant of that ship, hopefully before its surviving cargo escaped, would be a chore in and of itself...
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Wed May 08, 2013 12:51 am

A crowd had formed around Morlak, medkits and other bags and containers resting on the sand. From them, the small band of rebels pulled out all manner of surgical tools, syringes, bandages and strange forms of spidery machines. The cries and spasmodically strung together curses that came from the obese Salarian showed that the whole experience was an unpleasant one to say the least.

Not only did Ecliptor lack guilt for what he had done; the whole fiasco was ignored. It might as well not have happened, according to him. He was facing away from the mess he had created, his one large eye staring off into the horizon, waves of air rippling across the tan dust and pebbles. He panned his head slowly and methodically, the signal he picked up on cutting in and out seemingly at random. There would be a few seconds of vague clarity before the transmission gave way to nonsensical electronic tones and static.

"Data retrieval: inconclusive."

The blue robot swiveled his head around, his neck doubling back with impressive flexibility that he was looking directly behind him over a shoulder. He studied the movements of the refugees and concluded from their relatively casual dispersal and behavior -ignoring those around Morlak- that they were none the wiser to the entity. Their scanners weren't able to pick up on such a weak trace. It was all for the best, Ecliptor decided.

"Lack of organic interferance: initiating investigative procedures."

With that, the Seeker's stealth field manifested. His energy signature disappeared from tracking equipment and though he was still in plain sight, he started to take an inconspicuous and roundabout route towards the edge of the rebel camp...
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