Godzilla E-war: The Return

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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Giratina93 » Tue May 21, 2013 6:03 am

Ontop of the mountain, a sole eye opened up. Blight rose his head up as he scanned the area around him. What a sleep... it felt good, getting that kind of rest... He looked over to the charred body of Kumongua, the dead spider's scent drifting into his nostrils. Tasty as it smelled, he perfered actual flesh to eat, and not hard exoskeleton. With that said, he was hungry now, and he would have to find something on this planet to eat. With a powerful flap of his wings, the dragon took to the skies, flying off of Mt. St. Helens and toward the coast...

Deep beneath the surface, Squama was still thrashing about from the horrible pain in his eye. The hell? How had he let that... THING get such a hit on him?! It was pathetic, a disgrace to a true serpent like him! But he couldn't risk fighting that thing again... it was done so much to him... he needed to recover his energy, to heal his wounds...But still... it made his blood boil. His eyes narrowed as he tried to subdue the pain... if only it would go away soon...

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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Doc 42 » Sun May 26, 2013 7:55 pm

Titan lumbered out of the downdistrict. A shell exploded off a building right next to the enormous mech, showering the street with dust and concrete. Another suddenly burst in mid air, some 50 meters away from Titan, shot down by the mech's point defences. Titan's shoulder bunkers had their roofs opened, the Dantan's answering back with their own artillery, pounding the human positions nestled in the distant hills.

Kang, stationed on the weather deck on Titan's left shoulder, watched as the situation unfolded. The city was sunk into a valley, clinging to a meandering river. The humans had heavy artillery about half way up one of the valley walls, and had several division sized units closing around Titan's position. The artillery fire clearly wasn't aimed at outright destroying Titan, it just wasn't dense enough to make an impact past his point defences. No, the artillery's purpose was to draw Titan out into the open, under the pretense that the humans lacked the fire power to bring it down. Reconnaissance had shown the makings of an ambush, probably aimed at bringing Titan down in a single swift strike. The Dantan's course of action was obvious. Walk straight into it. The ambush was undoubtedly a commendable plan, and one which may have had a chance of succeeding, had the humans been given the chance to gather intelligence on Titan in more detail. As it was, they had essentially funneled the majority of their forces into a shooting gallery.

An alarm wailed from within the mech's interior, increasing the mech's alert level, demanding the crew prepares for full contact. As Kang lowered himself through one of the access hatches, he felt the frequency of the ship change ever so slightly, the constant vibration through it's hull becoming a fraction more intense; the reactor was being cycled up, preparing to accommodate Titan's plasma projector.
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:20 am

The roar of massive engines could be heard over the Amazon as Horus was seen soaring up into the atmosphere in the aftermath of a destructive clash with the Kryll. His armour was streaked with acid scars, many of them glowing white as nano-bots worked to repair the damage. They would take a while to repair, but the nanobots were highly efficient in their duties, sealing off and isolating damage zones to avoid any remaining acid from reaching deeper than need be, while shifting the quarantine further into the damage zone as the immediate edges were repaired. To the casual bystander, it would look like the glowing wounds were closing themselves up, albeit slowly. The Sentinel's Global Threat Detection Network; the web of former DHARMA satellites that dotted the planet's orbit, was issuing warnings. His ally, the Cyborg guardian that identified itself as Spinnerax, had been damaged in a conflict with an invading mech. The anomalous entity whose traces he had detected earlier, was spotted by one satellite crossing the Atlantic at considerable speed, heading towards the island of Bermuda, where another monster, which Spinnerax had previously intercepted, was spotted. It was as if the anomalous entity was actively moving to intercept, something unusual for a monster. Then again, if this was what he believed it to be, it wasn't too surprising. He himself once had that ability...until DHARMA robbed him of it...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Godzilla Forever » Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:38 am

Near the Bermuda Islands, a crimson shape could be seen flying over the horizon. Across the sea flew the massive form of Bagorah, his bat-like face and massive pinions spread wide, casting a menacing shadow across the water. The massive bat's eyes soon spied a beach ahead, signaling land for him to rest at. Though the land was in no pristine condition, enough survived here for a creature to feed, though it may not necessarily be on meat. Bagorah, however, was in no shape to kill and pillage. The massive wound inflicted by his encounter with Spinnerax and the lack of suitable sustenance he had found had taken its toll on the ailing form of the red beast. As the shore came into view, Bagorah began a sudden, graceless descent. With little to no strength left, Bagorah's bright red form soon crashed face-first into the sand, his enormous form leaving a massive rut in the salty earth. The beast groaned, his limbs feeble, and his breaths weak and raspy. He tried to get up and walk, but he could not; the impact wounded him further, and he was too tired to will up the strength to move. With a moan, Bagorah fell to the ground, drool dribbling from his maw. This was a beast on his last legs of life....
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Giratina93 » Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:19 am

A giant shape lumbered across the beach, on the endless search for food. Brown fur interlaid with crimson skin took the full force of the sun as the massive creature reared up on it's hind legs and sniffed the air. it looked like a bear, yet it had an armadillo-like shell on its back, and a long tail swishing across the sand. the beast's tongue dangled from its mouth as it swerved from the left to the right. There was something here... something to eat. Scavenging for carcasses and hunting had proven to be a near fruitless endeavor, and if this lack of food kept up, it would have to swim somewhere else... and Gulodus hated the water.

Suddenly, there it was. Up ahead, there was something lying there. Something large, dying...edible. Dropping down on all fours, the mammalian monster charged across the sand, each step churning it up as it raced toward Bagorah's dying body...
Last edited by Giratina93 on Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:51 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Godzilla Forever » Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:41 am

The dying form of Bagorah heard the approach of the mammalian beast. The crimson bat tried his best to will up the strength to move, but he had expended all of his energy to get here in the first place. The beast clawed helplessly at the sands, unable to pull himself forward, drool dribbling from his gaping maw. The bat's long tail wiggled helplessly, creating a triangle in the sands, as Bagorah opened his mouth in an attempt to unleash a sonic yell. Nothing came out but a very loud croaking sound though, as the dying creature's form became completely dormant. His breaths went from swift, pained, and raspy to slow and monotonous, signaling the end's approach. The bat's eyes became glazed and misty-colored, as his eyelids slowly began to shut...
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:12 am

Gulodus didn't have much time to get to his prospective meal before something seemed to explode in the water on the other side of the island, a massive metallic monstrosity soaring out of the water and landing on the shore with an earth-shaking thump. A rattling mechanical snarl came from the monstrosity, glaring across the shore at the two monsters. It's armoured hide seemed constantly churning, damascus-steel-like patterns writhing below the solid surface of his armour, water droplets seeming to flow and shift off the armour along the lines of the patterns even in spite of the flat surface. Its face was an odd blend of a wedge and a skull, an armoured mask extending from what looked like a helmet, it's brow, eyes and nasal cavity stylised as a skull, four glowing red eyes glaring at the armadillo and it's bat-like victim. below the nasal cavity a flat surface extended downwards, the 'cheekbones' of the mask slanting inwards to create an eerily humanoid skull-like appearance. As the snarl grew louder, the mask seemed to split, it's pointed, wedge like chin becoming more notable as jaws lined with fangs and glowing whitish orange with sheer thermal energy were put on display. The Warmonger had been led to his latest victim....and had received another in the process...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Giratina93 » Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:21 am

With Damaar's appearance, Gulodus whirled around, the bear-like creature rearing up on its hind legs. Someone else had come for his meal... an intruder. The tongue that hung out the mouthed suddenly withdrew into the maw of the beast as it let out a deep, booming roar that resonated from his bowels. He was in no mood to share this kill with another monster, especially after going so long without food himself, and there was something about this intruder that seemed... unnatural, almost alien to the monster. The thick tail thudded against the ground as Gulodus roared once more, trying to appear as massive and intimidating as possible, both arms held out wide, the massive sharp claws on both ends glistening in the sunlight. He towered over Damaar, and more often than not, sheer size and intimidation was enough to drive away most intruders...

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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:45 am

All the attempted intimidation did was give Damaar an open shot at the beast's chest, a clattering cacophony of a roar tearing across the former holiday resort's sky as a stream of grey muck shot forward and splattered across its front, the sticky, glue-like material spreading across most of its torso. An ear splitting metallic screech was heard as Damaar crossed his wing-blades and slashed them across one another, before folding them on his back once more, his shield twisting on his arm as he took a combat position, demonic read eyes glaring over the full sized shield at his opponent...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Giratina93 » Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:49 am

The gunk wasn't going to hit him, though. As quickly as he could, Gulodus dropped down onto all fours as soon as he saw the projectile being fired, the shot just barely flying above his head. Had he acted any slower, it would have hit him for sure. The bear-like creature growled, and then charged, clawed feet tearing through the sand as he barreled toward Damaar like a runaway freight train with frightening speed, 170,000 tones of muscle and flesh about to bear down on the war machine...

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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:14 am

The monster's tumbling charge was countered as Damaar rammed his shield's base into the earth, tilting it just as the tumbling Armadillo collided with it, kneeling under the shield's edge as it acted like a ramp, sending the beast soaring overhead and slamming into the water, Damaar twisting around, bladed tail whipping behind him as the twin-bladed tip dug deep grooves into the earth, forming a semicircle behind him as he faced where his attacker had landed...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Giratina93 » Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:24 am

Gulodus landed with a splash in the shallow water. The kaiju had managed to land on his feet, and though he hated the water, it was better to land in the shallows than in the deep dropoff. He whirled around, and glared at Damaar circling around him on all fours, trying to find a weakpoint, an opening, anything to take advantage of. This was certainly an odd creature, unlike any he had ever seen before... If it moved, he'd react and counterstrike it as hard as possible, and as fast as possible. .

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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:44 am

A loud rattling sound rang out as Damaar's secondary limbs rattled against the back of his shield, the Warlord striding sideways with his opponent as he shifted back onto the beach and further inland, an eerie chuckle-like rattle resonating in the otherwise sealed maw of the Living Machine...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Giratina93 » Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:54 am

Gulodus's jaws hung slightly open as he kept his eyes firmly locked on Damaar. That shield... could he punch through it and get at the monster behind? It was the old dilemma he faced when he was eating kaiju-sized insects... some of them had tough exoskeletons that seemed impossible to pierce through... but he had done it nonetheless... He reared up on his hind legs, and spun around, bringing his massive tail right into the shield, hoping to either knock it out of his hands to allow for the followup strike , or bash it in...

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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Jun 27, 2013 6:14 am

Damaar, seemingly taken by surprise, was knocked forward as the tail slammed into the side of the shield, as well as his back, the Machine seemingly heading for a fall on his face, just as the shield rotated and locked into a position parallel with his arm, the monster slamming both arms into the ground as his wing-blades twisted on their joints, becoming makeshift legs as they bored into the earth, a wad of grey liquid splashing against Gulodus's chest just as he straightened to face the upside-down Warmonger, who then rolled forward once more, back onto his feet and around to face him...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Giratina93 » Fri Jun 28, 2013 5:03 am

Even with the goop splattered across his chest, Gulodus seemed to ignore it. It wasn't hurting him at the moment, so whatever it was, he could afford to deal with it later. Right now... As Damaar was turning to him, Gulodus's tongue shot out of his maw like an arrow, piercing the war machine through the right shoulder like an oversized insect husk. Sparks and fluid flew everywhere as the tongue receded back into its mouth as fast as it had shot out.... It didn't like the taste. it was far too off for it's liking....

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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Jun 28, 2013 5:32 am

The scorching hot mercury-like liquid that lay below the surface burned the monster's tongue for the brief time it had embedded itself there, the Warlord snarling irritably as the scorching liquid spilled down his unfeeling pouldron, cooling and being reabsorbed by the churning surface of the metal plates as steam and smoke trailed faintly from the wound. It's eyes glared bitterly at it's opponent as a narrow beam of whitish energy shot forth from it's mechanical maw, colliding with the bear-like kaiju's slime-covered chest, a massive explosion tearing across it's front as the slime revealed it's true nature as an adhesive explosive. Flesh was flayed and shredded, the shockwave of the blast blowing the monster off its feet as the Mechanical Monstrosity advanced. Around it, a faint blackish haze had begun to form as it's environment was decayed and sapped of life, the ash-like remains of lifeless trees floating on the wind on energy currents around the beast...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Giratina93 » Fri Jun 28, 2013 2:51 pm

Gulodus howled in pain and rage as he was flung onto his back. That had been unexpected, and it had cost him dearly. Blood dripped down his chest, his tough skin rendered moot by the explosive slime's power. Such an attack like that needed to be avoided at all costs... next time, he would make sure not to make the same mistake. His tongue burnt and flamed from the liquid inside Damaar. That also had been an unexpected turn. This monster was not edible, plain and simple. However, he still had a few surprises in store for the Warlord. As Damaar approached, Gulodus curled himself up so his ruined chest was protected by his tough armored hide, his tail also curling up around him, before he rolled backwards, away from the approaching Damaar. Suddenly, he stopped, then uncurled slightly so his clawed hands dug into the soil, then propelled himself forward, curling back up as he rolled right toward the Warlord as fast as he could...

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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Jun 29, 2013 1:15 am

Snarling in irritation, the Warlord once more slammed his shield into the earth, this time tilting it forward towards the armadillo monster, bracing himself as the beast collided with the shield with a resounding bang, the shield kicking up earth beneath and behind it as it was knocked back slightly by the impact, feeling to Gulodus as though he had just slammed head on into a solid wall, stopping him dead on the spot, the Warlord's greater mass making sure he didn't budge. Lifting the shield, Damaar rotated it on his arm, lining it up with his lower arm as he swung powerfully to the side, knocking the armoured beast a good hundred metres away and down into a group of abandoned houses; among the few on the island that were still intact, a deep groove forming in the earth as the dazed monster tumbled away, Damaar's blades unfolding as he decided to stop toying with his opponent...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Giratina93 » Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:07 am

Gulodus uncurled from his ball, shaken abit by the blow. he wasn't used to being stopped and thrown like that... Shaking his head, he once more began circling Damaar, this time moving more slowly, as if he were already getting exhausted and careless. However, it was a ploy, hoping to get Damaar to attack first. His body was sunk low, protecting his underbelly from anything the Warlord could do to him, and the powerful tail swished against the ground, stirring up sand...

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