Godzilla E-war: The Return

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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:03 pm

a boom sounded out over Costa Rica as the DHARMA mech soared overhead, closing in on its borders before plummeting from the sky, flipping so that its feet aimed downwards, landing a short distance ahead of the encroaching Kaiju in a kneel, before rising to its full height. A series of hydraulic hisses and mechanical whirs could be heard as it moved, the machine slamming its fists together twice, metallic booms sounding out before it swung its arms to its sides, assuming a combat position ahead of the Monster. The machine's hull was a dull grey, highlighted by streaks of white, the DHARMA crest visible on the chestplate over the concealed entrance. It's head resembled a downward pointing chevron, with a wide segmented neck providing protection to the electronics beneath, the front of its face decorated by two vertical slits, outlined by four glowing red vents, within which the optical sensors were located, matching the eye like quality of the design. On the machine's forehead, the DHARMA Cobra Base logo could be seen, and on the pointed edges of the chevron 'mask', short spike like protrusions could be seen, housing the tertiary communication arrays. Beneath them, spotlights and cameras allowing the mech to record the combat from its own point of view for further analysis at a later date. The machine's torso was fairly ordinary in build, not particularly massive, nor slender, matching the general shape of an above-average human, though the angular shape of the armoured plates over the body beneath helped enhance that silhouette into something considerably more dangerous. Considering this was one of DHARMA's lower tier mechs, it looked no less formidable for it...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Mr. DNA » Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:20 pm

The keen sense of smell of Axejaw picked up the scent of metal long before his beady eyes could spot his mechanical opponent. The kaiju thought little of it at first, mistaking it to be a building or a vehicle. Food was his primary concern; meat, flesh, and blood. He had no interest in whatever metallic structure lay before him. Axejaw continued on his path, confident that he was safe for the time being.

Only when the figure of the DHARMA mech reached his view did the theropod halt in his track. A growl of concern rumbled from his throat like thunder, sending nearby birds scattering from the noise, though to anything of his size the growl was hardly audible. Caution was soon replaced by the territorial instincts of an apex predator, and the lean monster angled his head towards the jungle floor. A powerful roar ripped from his gaping maw as his chin brushed the canopy, bending nearby trees as though they had been hit by a hurricane. The monster shifted his stance, crouching into a low defensive position. His tail swept high overhead, slowly waving back and forth to warn the opposer away.
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:43 pm

The mech paid the monster's threats no heed, beginning to move closer as the rest of the numerous lights decorating its form lighting up with the darkening evening sky. The mech's stance seemed poised for a counter attack, as if expecting an inevitable act of aggression...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Mr. DNA » Wed Sep 18, 2013 1:55 pm

Seeing the lights on the mech flare to life as it stepped closer, the predator moved forward, his body still low to the ground in a semi-crouching position. He began to circle, strafing the mechanical titan as he moved ever closer. Each thunderous footfall was accompanied by a ferocious snarl, and the creature's lower jaw stretched impossibly wide, brandishing the axe-like structure of his upper jaw. The beast was too aggressive to back down now, but he would prefer to intimidate and scare his metallic foe away than risk a fight.
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:01 pm

The display went ignored by the machine, it's pilots careless for it's attempts to threaten them. Halfway through one such jaw-gaping display, the mech suddenly leapt forward, tackling the beast, metallic fist clenched as it's shoulder went on a collision course with the monster's face, depending on sheer shock factor to gain the advantage...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Mr. DNA » Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:33 am

But the Axejaw was ready for such an assault, already crouched down with its knees bent in order to spring away at an instant. As the metallic titan before him threw its body at him, the theropod leaped to the right side. The mech flew past him and collapsed face first into the jungle, toppling several trees with its heavy landing. Landing beside the mech, the monster quickly spun around and lunged towards the machines exposed back before it could rise. It's heavy axe-like upper jaw swung down to hack deep into the back of its neck...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:39 am

The mech reacted swiftly, spinning to one side as the monster attacked, taking the blow to an arm as the elbow smashed into the monster's face, the mech rolling to the side and rising to it's feet, taking on a defensive position, a notable dent visible in the arm that took the blow as a low mechanical drone rang out, sounding like some alien fog horn as the machine hissed with the preloading of hydraulic pistons and dampeners, the systems kept on standby being activated as the threat level was re-evaluated...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Mr. DNA » Mon Oct 14, 2013 3:36 am

A low growl escaped his throat as the Axejaw leaned back, its body low to the ground. The creature splayed left leg out, focusing his weight on that particular limb as he swung around. The mace-like tail smashed into the mech's ankles, ripping open a few gashed as it went and tripping the metallic titan. The Axejaw's right leg, which had swung around with the rest of the monster during the spin, slammed back down into the ground. Circling towards the direction of his opponent as quick as he could, the beast let loose a ferocious snarl...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Mon Oct 14, 2013 9:53 pm

The Mech hit the ground lightly, twisting to catch itself as it flipped to its feet as the monster charged, only to throw itself at the beast with a balled fist, a deafening crack being heard as metal met mutated bone, the fist slamming into the monster's lower jaw and blowing the monster backwards, the machine hissing as energy vents shimmered across it's form, helping siphon away the heat of the machine's core...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:39 am

Mecha-King Ghidorah was quick to start springing to life, heads raising and status lights flashing along the cyborg's armored torso. The central head's eyes glowed with life as well, and the beast's back-mounted jets ignited, slowly but steadily raising MKG into the air and out of the hangar. As soon as his immense frame was free of the confining facility, the cyborg reoriented himself and blasted forward, making a beeline for Morocco, and his apelike target. Weapons diagnostics were already being run, MKG fully prepared to greet the kaiju with a heavy bombardment. There was no need for "honorable" tactics here; the creature had to be destroyed, plain and simple.
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Jan 01, 2014 2:40 am

Meanwhile, in the arid Western Sahara, flames roared over what was once a bustling Morrocan city. Most of the area had been evacuated to the capital, where a massive wall and powerful defences had made monster invasion significantly more difficult. other parts of the city had been converted to military fortifications and weapons development labs; an attempt to regain hold on the region from the various monsters that now plagued the planet.

This monster however, had made that hope little more than a dream. The fiery simian had emerged from beneath the city, turning its core into a molten pit so hot that the surroundings ignited within minutes of the beast's arrival, turning into a fire that now consumed the entire city. What was once a powerful military base was now a smoldering ruin, the last few weapons still firing at the beast being responded in kind with a fireball or glob of molten rock. A gurgling snarl emerged from the massive gorilla-like monstrosity as it rolled its shoulders with a rumbling crunch, a chunk of its stony hide breaking down the middle to reveal the molten core beneath, the monster seemingly oblivious to it.

It's upper body was mostly like that of a gorilla, though its head was a hybrid of a gorilla, a smilodon and a bear, with canine teeth significantly larger than any modern beast, glowing yellow with heat, like it's nostrils and eyes, flames spilling from both as it growled lowly. It's arms were massive, ending in what appeared to be massive stone clubs, only a momentary flexing showing that in fact, the base was made up of five thick stony fingers. Its hind legs, in contrast to its ape like torso, arms and head, seemed more like those of a theropod dinosaur, long enough that it could conceivably walk on its hind legs comfortably, and thick enough that they would easily handle its weight. Seemingly running with the theme, it's hind end extended with a long, armoured stony tail, looking almost like a more rounded, scute-covered crocodilian tail, as heavily armed and armoured as any ankylosaur. Across its joints, dozens of cracks revealed burning cores, revealing the beast as quite likely being liquid from within. With a jaw that seemed crossed between a gorilla, a smilodon and a short-faced bear, it was undoubtedly a frightening sight to behold for any soldier. Though, as it strode unopposed through the city in a cloud of smoke, its eyes beacons in the darkness, it was quite clear that there were no soldiers left to cower in its shadow...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:21 pm

Tracking the beast was easy; not only had it left a massive trail of destruction behind it, but the monster's significant heat signature would be nearly impossible to hide. A cursory scan by Mecha-King Ghidorah, by now hovering over the beast's location, in a small city a few hundred miles west of the capital, revealed why: the creature seemed to be literally made of lava and rock. Already, a plan was forming in his mechanical brain. He would need to keep his distance; this target was likely lethal up close.

Regardless, MKG was eager to make his presence known, and greeted the molten monster with a barrage of HEAP missiles as he swooped lower and strafed over his target. Hopefully, the concussive force of the projectiles would break off parts of the fiery beast's stony hide and weaken his natural armor...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:08 pm

A roar erupted from the beast's jaws as the explosions peppered its back, magma flowing onto the surface where the blasts had caused sufficient damage, though already the holes were being closed up with cooling magma. Burning eyes glaring hatefully at the cyborg, the monster swung an arm at the Ghidorah, the tip glowing orange, then yellow, then white as it lined up with the monster, an explosion engulfing the beast's fist as a beam of plasma lanced explosively across the Ghidorah's underside, space titanium armour glowing white from the heat...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:14 pm

Mecha-King Ghidorah was intrigued: the monster's molten core provided it with a natural regenerative property. That would prove interesting to surpass. The cyborg's attention was quickly diverted, however, when the plasma smashed into his underside. He screeched and wheeled around, quickly a good distance away before landing with an earth-shaking rumble. He turned to face his foe, now grondbound and capable of blocking the beast's ranged attacks. His armor was already beginning to cool down, but MKG wouldn't be able to handle repeated hits of that kind of power. Time to play it safe. Another salvo of missiles, and another, streaked towards the molten monster, the cybernetic dragon quite content to pepper his target from a distance for the time being. He needed to see how fast the monster's regeneration was, and if he could overcome it with sheer firepower...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:52 pm

The angry beast swung its arms together as the volleys came at him, violent explosions consuming the missiles before they got to him, the beast slowly closing the distance, seemingly undeterred by the cyborg's weapons. It's ranged offenses were powerful, and the machine seemed primarily built for distance combat. But no matter. It would soon lose that advantage...and should it try to take to the sky, it would soon find its wings clipped. A gurgling, bubbling snarl spilled from the beast's boxy muzzle as a plume of flame and smoke puffed from his nostrils. If the cyborg thought it could win so simply, it would soon find out that it had made a fatal mistake...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:25 am

This would be more complicated than expected, but at least the monster was nearly as slow as he was. Mecha-King Ghidorah was not deterred by the creature's steady advance. Instead, he greeted the approach with his Gravity Beams, lifting the apelike beast into the air, before pushing him backwards and smashing him unceremoniously into the ground. He was large and heavy, and could only be lifted slightly, but his own weight proved to be a disadvantage as he was slammed backwards into a partially-collapsed building by another burst of Gravity Beams. He may have been able to block the missiles, but he was all but helpless against the dragon's true power.
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Doc 42 » Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:30 am

The machine lumbered on, it's steps steps chiming out rhythmically with mechanical timing. The skyscrapers fell away to apartment blocks, which begun to fall away to the haphazard urban sprawl of small shops and residential buildings. The eerie whistle of an incoming mortar broke the beat of the giants stride. The shell burst dramatically in mid air as it was shot down by Titan's point defense guns.

The road ahead was clear, buildings innocently leaning along it's flanks, as of yet untouched by the chaos that had befell the area.

Kang walked quietly through the bridge, the control officers spoke in clear direct voices, guiding orders throughout the entire mech, the tension on board palpable. He moved around a console and slid into an unoccupied chair, buckling himself in and watching the main screen hanging overhead. It panned around showing the abandoned settlement outskirts, stretching all the way out to a habitation area in the distance. He picked out a particular voice amongst the murmur. "Te'resh do." Prepare to engage. It was the captain. Activate Mass Sensor, orient right, track hostile forces.
"Do Assh!" Tracking! came the response from the targeting officer.

The screen flashed black for a moment, before pulsing yellow as the sensor calibrated. Soon, the skeletons of buildings could be seen materialising on the display, yellow shadows standing out amongst the black. The display went out of focus as it adjusted once more, and the buildings spidery shapes became duller and transparent, revealing the human ambush laying beyond. For about 300 meters down the road, and out to 700 meters, lay hundreds of human elements, armored vehicles and infantry, all hidden in and around buildings or in the storm drain. Their plan could be guessed easily. A simple but audacious ambush aimed at focusing as much fire power onto Titan as possible at the same time. Had the ambush a chance to spring, it might have been successful, but as it were, it had one vital flaw. They had underestimated Titan's sensors, and now it all lay bare in front of Titan's emotionless gaze.

The captain spoke again "Te' resh." Engage
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:07 am

An explosion of debris and dust engulfed the area as the monster tumbled and fell to its back. A low rumbling growl emerged from the cloud of dust as a pillar of plasma smashed into the Draconic Cyborg, the beam lancing upwards from its chest, clearly aiming for the heads of the Cyborg as the volcanic monster strode forward with his remaining three limbs, intent on destroying his assailant as he had done countless others...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:23 am

Mecha-King Ghidorah staggered back a step as the plasma beam slammed into his armored torso, screeching in rage. Instead of raising his shield, which would not be able to hold back the energy weapon indefinitely, MKG simply fired his Gravity Beams and Triple Laser Beam, simultaneously pushing the volcanic beast backwards and blasting the source of his plasma beam over and over again, intending on interrupting the attack before it did too much damage...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:03 am

The beam suddenly cut off as the cyborg retaliated, the wreckage of several collapsing buildings concealing the monster as it retreated to reassess the situation...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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