Space E-war Excerpt

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby Anaclagon » Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:30 pm

Deep inside Revan's personal chambers aboard his flagship, the Sith meditated on his mission. Its been weeks of constant hunting for a single man. Time and time again their Jedi has evaded them but with opening eyes, the Sith could now finally feel he was getting closer. A small alarm echoed in the room, Revan was being summoned to the bridge, disrupting him from his thought but it meant little, Revan knew what it was about..

In the bridge..
"We have received information from Captain Antares upon his discovery of a planet that may contain our fugitive" An Imperial officer reported. "The planet is known as Auora, our records indicate that none of our forces have ever had the pleasure of encountering this lovely system way out of Imperial space." The group that gathered consisted all of the finest officers in Revan's Armada as they discussed once more a possible course of action.
"Lord Revan with all due respect this seems like a waste of time. Every time we've investigated a planet we believe that holds our Jedi we find nothing. We've already engaged in our fair share of aggressive reactions with locals who did not take too kindly to our actions" One officer said.
"We've been making the same mistake over and over again. Look at all the systems we've searched..." Piett stated as he pointed to the holographic table, pointing at every planet they had encountered. "We know for a fact that our fugitive has only taken residence in only some of the planets we've encountered. The man is unpredictable yet he's smart enough to know we are coming and he's continued to throw us off. We've been moving the fleet as if we were at war but let us remind ourselves we are hunting only one man. Our tactics must change"
"So what do you have in mind?" Another officer questioned.
"I'll take a transport along with some ARC Troopers and Commandoes and investigate this planet for myself." Revan stated, surprising most if not nearly all of the officers.
"My Lord thats the type of mission that seems beneath you, why not let one of the Alpha ARC Troopers lead the mission instead?"
"No. Any remaining Jedi that still live are alive for a reason and besides..." Revan paused for a moment as he stared at the holographic table. "The Emperor has requested I take him alive. He says its best he takes a look at the Jedi that has caused us so much trouble. The council is dismissed" Revan added on as he left the flagship's command bridge. Piett then turned over to a nearby console and placed a message to Captain Antares informing him of Revan's inevitable arrival.

With quick preparations an Imperial CR-20 trooper carrier emerged from the Imperial flagship and jumped into hyperspace towards Aurora...

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:19 pm

"I plan to" responded Khuurava calmly as he headed up to the main shop, leaving the place behind him swiftly as he made his way for the Marauder, the ship's engines generating a low whir as they idled, waiting for the moment the ship's master chose to have it move into action...

a mechanical chitter escaped one of the golem-like beings as it pointed an arm forward, a green bolt shooting forward from what could only be an arm cannon, the ground exploding under several soldiers as more and more of the stone sentinels moved in, several quickly providing their own weapons to the fray, the firefight entering full swing as explosions and destabilisation surrounded the Covenant soldiers, almost insuring that they focused more on retreat than retaliation...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:27 pm

Now that their leaders had safely escaped the collapsing cavern, the remaining Covenant soldiers fell back in as orderly a manner as they could manage, only making potshots at the strange golems as they made their escape up the tunnels. Several Phantom gunships had arrived to hover before the tunnel entrance, bombarding the rocky entryway as the last Covenant troops made it back out into the open. The explosive plasma bolts of the dropships' main cannons were more than sufficient to finally collapse the entrance of the tunnel, weakened already by the arrival of the golems that had attacked them. The Covenant had their prize, and they were happy to leave the temple's mysterious guardians buried beneath the mountain once more.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Sep 14, 2013 11:41 pm

several green plasma bolts soared out in response to the bombardment, a cluster of explosions engulfing one of the gunships in flames before the cavern was finally sealed...

Meanwhile, the Marauder set off from it's landing spot in the rebel base, stealth systems remaining active as the ship ascended into low orbit, beginning to conduct surveillance. Ecliptor had been sent to gather data on the Covenant, while Khuurava went to gather what he could of the mercenary bases...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:32 am

The Phantoms didn't bother sticking around after the first dropped, and after one of the craft had picked up Parg Vol and his guards, they departed back to the Covenant ships parked overhead. The Covenant camp and their Harvester remained on station, keeping an eye on the mountain. Though they doubted the golems would pursue to the surface, the Arachnids were still an unknown. They clearly had not established a hive near the buried temple, but perhaps deeper underground, directly below. They would be making another scouting trip soon, to make sure the Arachnids were good and dead.

The two Covenant Corvettes remained stationed at the camp to prevent any attacks on the camp, while the Battlecruiser, with Parg Vol and the Forerunner artifact onboard, fled the scene and retreated back into orbit to rendezvous with the Ship Master. He would be very excited to see this gift from the gods.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby Anaclagon » Tue Sep 17, 2013 6:31 pm

The lone Imperial troop carrier emerged out of hyperspace resembling a civilian carrier if anything. It was fairly small capable of only holding 40 infantry and 2 Dark Troopers. At this point in time, this carrier made much more sense then anything else. It wasnt long for the carrier to find the lone Venator Class Destroyer in the area, communications between the two ships began immediately.
"Lord Revan I was expecting a Star Dreadnought not a mere... trooper carrier" Captain Antares began, rather surprised at the insignificant vessel that glided through space nearby.
"Captain Antares I hope this... Aurora is all it makes out to be. You were rather confident to believe this may be the area" Revan responded.
"Of course Lord Revan... and our data indicates our search area is narrowing to the point we have our fugitive backed into a corner and I believe we found our corner"
"Any intel on any possible... disruptions" The Sith questioned.
"We've kept our distance for sometime though we believe a foreign force is planet side and we do have Imperial probe droids on the planet surface investigating"
"Very well. Maintain your distance, attract little attention to yourselves and scramble TIE Phantoms towards the planet for closer investigations. I'm going planet side and see what this planet as in store" Revan commented as communications ended between the two.

The Imperial trooper carrier proceeded to accelerate further towards the planet as several TIE Phantoms were released from the Venator Class Destroyer acting as temporarily escorts before breaking off as the carrier approached the surface.
"You think we'll be attracting any attention?" One of the ARC Troopers asked as he placed his helmet on his head in preparation to move out as soon as the ship touched the ground.
"Possibly but the TIE Phantoms will serve as bigger distractions if needed and this vessel is rather small and rather simple, if we are detected they'll assume we are just a pirates... unlike the last times, we are going to be rather subtle" Revan replied as he took a gaze out a window to take a peak at the planet's surface as it descended lower towards the ground.

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:03 pm

"What's wrong?" asked Tanya as Markus looked up, realising he had his fingers pressing against his temples, a notable pain pulsing in his head as he narrowed his eyes. "They've found me. A Sith is near. A powerful one" said the man lowly, Tanya glancing towards the Tac Map. "Watchtower, check the grid. I need to know if there are any ships entering the atmosphere" said Tanya. "But Tanya, last time we did that we almost lead the mercs straight to us! We'd be sitting du-" "No buts. Do it. If what's coming is what I think is coming, the mercs'll be the least of our problems" responded Tanya, the man on the other end going silent as the Tac Map lit up with a bright green border, as the Watchtower station hacked into the Mercs' scanners to find out just what it was that was approaching...

Meanwhile, elsewhere, the Marauder flew in low orbit, monitoring the merc installations through passive scanners and high definition cameras, identifying the general make-up of the bases one at a time. They were scattered, separated by large stretches of desert, canyons and badlands, as well as large lakes of what sensors indicated was liquid sulfur, among a myriad of other toxic components....
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Sep 20, 2013 12:49 am

The Covenant fleet had detected the Imperial Star Destroyer's arrival, and was not pleased with the intrusion. They had warned them away once, but this time would be different. While the Ship Master remained onboard the cloaked Supercarrier, with the Battlecruiser loitering nearby while they waited for Jul 'Mdama to contact them--the artifact took precedent, after all--the Assault Carrier and second cruiser turned and made a beeline for the Imperial ship, with the larger ship sending a hail. While they did have their prize, the Covenant were still eager to warn away intruders while they waited to find out just what to do with the artifact in question.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby Anaclagon » Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:57 am

"Captain Antares, Covenant ships approaching!" an Imperial officer called out as the alarms within the lone Imperial Venator Class sounded off as the captain of the vessel was now faced with a decision. The captain approached the holographic table within the bridge as he attempted to sort the situation out in his head after taking in the available data. "If I call in reinforcements... then the Jedi will definitely know that we have arrived but if I retreat, I'll leave him without any aid at all in a foreign planet..." The decision on what to do raced in the captain's thoughts. "Are there any vessels approaching the trooper carrier?" The captain questioned as he began to pace back and forth.
"No sir and I believe our TIE Phantoms remain undetected and are still on their scouting mission" An officer replied.
"Captain we have to move quickly. If we are to retreat now is the time" Another officer reported as the time to act rapidly approached.
"Forgot it... We're outnumbered and unfortunately outgunned. This Venator Class won't last long against two of their vessels, especially the Assault Carrier. Send a message to the approaching Covenant... I have to try and delay them while we prepare to retreat but before we do that, Revan has to know." The captain answered knowing any attempts to fight back would get them destroyed.

A transmission was sent to the following Covenant vessels. "Incoming Covenant vessels, we have no intention on interfering with your business, stand down we are not looking for a conflict"
"Sir our coded message is being sent to Revan right now they'll probably be aware of its existence but it should take some time for them to decipher the code" The captain nodded lowly as he stared out the bridge windows, waiting for the inevitable..

Back at the planet surface the Imperial trooper carrier quickly began to make its decent. "Land the ship in those canyons over there, that should provide a suitable hiding place in the meantime while we sort out this hunt." Revan commanded as the pilot responded accordingly as the ship moved into position to land. The Sith Lord however paused for a moment as if sensing something, his expression hidden through his mask but he simply turned around to face the gathered Imperial soldiers behind him. "Looks like we found the right place."

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Sep 20, 2013 3:30 am

The two Covenant ships took up positions nearby the Star Destroyer, weapons primed and ready to fire at the slightest hint of provocation. After a short pause, they gave the Imperials a very curt reply: Imperial ships, you have five minutes to leave this system, or we will open fire. Already, the lateral lines of the Covenant craft began to glow an angry red, a visual signal of prepped Plasma Torpedoes (if the radiation spike the Destroyer's sensors no doubt picked up wasn't evidence enough).
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby Anaclagon » Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:18 pm

"Keep it brief and prepare the jump to hyperspace back to Imperial territory" The Captain Antares ordered as the coded Imperial message was finished and sent to the lone Imperial trooper carrier. The Venator Class began to turn away from the cruisers, its engines prepared to push the ship into hyperspace. The clock was ticking but they should be ready to flee on time...

"A covenant assault carrier and a cruiser... that's easily several thousand covenant units on this planet at the very least and you know their numbers can easily double if not more depending on the unaccounted for covenant units likely on the planet" The lead ARC Trooper called out as he turned away from the coded message from a nearby console as he looked towards the Sith Lord who stood at the entrance of the cockpit. "We don't have enough time to flee this system and this transport will be destroyed in seconds if we're found. We have a mission to do and I intend on finishing it" Revan replied as kept his attention towards the canyons they were approaching, hoping for a suitable place to land.
"We'll be stranded once they leave. And if we try calling reinforcements from this vessel, they'll likely pick it up and know of our location." The ARC Trooper Captain.
"Then Piett better be prepared to engage the Covenant. We'll deal with how we'll get out out of here once we have our Jedi." Revan added on, putting a cease to any discussion about escape plans. The 60 meter long Imperial Transport settled down towards towards the base of a canyon, the location would be rather adequte as they were not in the open and quick scans of the rock formation showed the coast was clear. The troopers inside readied themselves to move as the ship settled down, Revan himself stood at the entrance, ready to leave first.

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:59 pm

The Covenant ships remained locked onto their Imperial counterparts, waiting until they literally couldn't target them anymore due to Hyperspace before turning away. They kept their sensors active, however, well aware that the Empire was known for its trickery...

Jul 'Mdama, via hologram, and the Ship Master, as well as the silent but attentive Parg Vol, stood on the Supercarrier's bridge and examined their find, which floated in a small anti-gravity field projector. "I believe it is a blueprint of some kind," the Ship Master explained. "One of the data discs the Alliance humans are so fond of. However, this one is in incredibly good condition, moreso than any that have been found before." Jul leaned forward, clearly interested. "We must open it, unravel the secrets within," he growled. The Ship Master nodded in agreement. "Of course, Jul 'Mdama. However, there is one problem..." Jul narrowed his reptilian eyes, and the Ship Master hastily continued. "You see, we simply do not have the ability to decode this disc ourselves. All technology for that purpose was destroyed or lost after the war with the Empire. Fortunately, there is another option." A few taps on a console, and another hologram appeared, this one of the space station orbiting the planet. "This... corporation," the Ship Master said, obviously disgusted, "is our best option. They will have the facilities we need, I am sure of it." Jul nodded in agreement. "Then you will take the station by force and use it for our goals. But what of the Arachnids? Have they been dealt with." The Ship Master slowly shook his head. "No, unfortunately. The guardians of the buried temple hampered our goals, and we are not sure if there are more near where the Arachnids have gone to ground. But I assure you, we will find them soon." Jul straightened, and pointed a finger at the other Sangheili. "I expect these two goals to be accomplished, Ship Master. Do not fail me." The Ship Master simply knelt before the hologram, and moments later it disappeared. The Sangheili had his orders, and he was expected to follow through.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby Anaclagon » Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:26 am

The Imperial ship finally took its jump to hyperspace, fleeing back to Imperial territory. Captain Antares lowered his head as he departed knowing they had left Revan and his men behind. Eventually they would need to return, with more ships and men and do whatever was necessary to retrieve the Sith and his team yet after the last war with the Covenant, he wasn't very willing, many Imperials weren't. Antares in the depths of his mind recalled how the wars to fight off foreign enemies and then legitimize the empire were one thing but he knew deep down, The Emperor was preparing for a war of annihilation.

Revan surveyed the landscape after scaling the canyon walls, flanked by two ARC Troopers. Their ship lay at the bottom of the canyon, it would be difficult to spot and with its power system running at a very minimum, the chances of getting found would be low. "We can't go around this place looking like we are especially if the Covenant around" Revan stated as the the two ARC Trooper officers he stood with glanced over and nodded.
"Unfortunately. With limited man power and likely dealing with two enemy sides… we've found ourselves in a difficult situation" One of troopers replied as the trio of men stayed gazed at the landscape. "We have enough supplies and equipment that we should be able to hold our position should we engage any enemy scouting parties. If worse comes to worst we may have to abandon the transport." The third member replying.
"If we do that then communications with the fleet become impossible." Revan responded, staying silent for several moments before continuing. "Alright back to the ship, we'll review what limited data we received from initial readings and then we act" Revan added on, motioning the troopers to scale their way back down the canyon walls.
"Well they won't recognize you if you go like that." The Arc Trooper Captain commented as Revan disregarded his armor within the barracks of the ship, his attire now consisting of black robes and a cloak, even the mask that covered his face was ditched. "I'll take a speeder bike and do some recon. Once I leave, we limit contact." Revan responded as he walked out of the ship with the trooper behind him, the pair discussing any last minute instructions and details. "You'll be vulnerable by yourself" The trooper commented again as Revan approached the readied speeder bike that was set up for him. While a regular clone trooper wouldn't comprehend it as much, seeing Revan unmasked and open left the higher thinking clone in deep thought. Without the armor and his face concealed, the Sith looked almost vulnerable on the fact that his human face was now so exposed. "Maybe" Revan responded as he saddled himself on the speeder, the crowd of Imperial soldiers watched. A slight smirk appeared on the Sith's face "Then again I'm sure I'll be able to handle myself. You are in command now Captain" Revan said as he placed his hood over his face and took off down the canyon leaving his squad of men by themselves. Scanners have indicated they were in a good spot… all was left was for Revan to see what he can come up with himself. As the Sith traveled forward he glanced down at the speeder's computer having identified several hot spots of what he assumed was local activity and while they were all sizable distances away, Revan intended on hitting every single one of them if it meant finding his objective.
Last edited by Anaclagon on Mon Oct 14, 2013 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Sun Oct 13, 2013 11:19 pm

Sunset over the arid dunes of Aurora. Heat waves rippled across the meandering sands even as the alien day came to a close. Thin, dried husks poking up from the ground swayed with a weak, dry breeze. The sky was alight, a bright red blanket over the desert of silver and gold. At the regions beyond the waning sun, the colors of the sky ranged from orange, yellow and purple, but in the area it dominated, red was all that could be seen.

The sun's last light ran across the sand, making tiny crystal shards scattered along the ground sparkle and shine. Sparkle and shine, that is, except for the shadow of the synthetic, who had his back to the dipping star. In his hands was his rifle, drastically altered from the lackluster weapon that first besieged the Covenant. Bumps and ridges defined the body of the gun, leading to a smooth and sleek barrel with a large iron sight at the end of it. Glowing nodes at the rear shined with the power of plasma.

The blue Seeker stood at attention, scanning the base from afar with his robotic vision. His sights were magnified, skimming across the Covenant camp and watching the soldiers go about their duties, planning. Against the glare of the setting sun, he was invisible to them, and they could only wish they were invisible to him.

But even the elites, with their active camouflage, could not hide from that which seeks.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Oct 30, 2013 8:53 pm

The wail of wind filled Khuurava's ears for a few seconds before his helmet's sound filters adjusted to cancel it out, the Head-Hunter plummeting from the planet's lower atmosphere towards a sand dune on the perimeter of a mercenary base. Just as the final two hundred feet approached, Khuurava spread the cloak attached to his armour, ridges forming along its form as it took on the form of wings, the Khurakriidi soldier gliding to the ground and landing in a roll, his feet splaying to get the most traction, the Mercenary immediately drawing his railgun and ascending the dune to get a proper vantage point. It was time to cause some chaos...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:10 pm

On the ground, the Covenant infantry were all busy evacuating their camp, retreating back into a continuous stream of Phantoms that carried them back to the safety of the ships above. Plans had changed: the Arachnids had not been seen since the initial attack by the Warrior, and they seemed more intent on hiding, no doubt gathering strength. However, dealing with the space station would require as many available ships as possible, and once the Covenant had established a base of operations there, they could could handle the Arachnids with far greater ease. And so, the Corvettes hovering overhead picked up the soldiers groundside, and one used its anti-gravity beam under the ship to sluggishly drag the Harvester back up towards the Corvette itself.

Meanwhile, in space, the Covenant ships were now making their way towards the Kron Enterprises space station. The Supercarrier was still cloaked, just to give them an extra advantage, and boarding parties were already being prepared for delivery to the station in force. But first, they needed to test their defenses. The ships moved in close, to see the station's reaction to the intrusion.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:17 pm


That was the sound that immediately followed a massive explosion in the heart of the Mercenary base, shards of blue-edged semi molten shrapnel soaring a hundred feet into the air and exploding outwards in every direction, tearing apart a half-dozen Blue Sun mercs in the process as large chunks of the massive fuel cell imbedded themselves in APCs and buildings all around it. Alarms went off and soldiers scrambled, as far in the distance, Khuurava chuckled maliciously, an eye glaring at them through the scope of his railgun, the Head-Hunter hiding under his stealth cloak against the dunes, completely invisible to everything and everyone around him.


The hyper-accelerated semi-solid depleted uranium slug tore right through the target building at such speed that it turned the wall at the point of impact to plasma, sparking a violent detonation as it passed through, bringing down the building around the support beam that had been pierced, a second one on the opposite side of the building suffering similar damage. It took only a second for the building to collapse down the middle, a rumbling pile of high grade tungsten-carbide panelling and electronics equipment amassing in the centre of the mound, the crushed bodies of a few unfortunate mercs barely discernible amidst the wreckage. Mounted turrets around the base began to scan for the source of the attack, Khuurava keeping them guessing by hitting the turrets further away from him first, giving off the impression that the attack was coming from the other side of the base...

As the ships attempted to approach the Station, a signal crackled through their comms, made up entirely of static. It used an entirely different frequency from the ones Kron Enterprises had used in the past. A panel could be seen, to those ships fitted with optical sensors, to be rising out of one side of the massive installation. Within, a pulsing purple light was visible, and beyond seemed to be the interior of a massive hangar, easily big enough to fit several medium-sized Covenant ships despite their own vast size. So far, no sign, aggressive or otherwise, seemed to be given by the station. Only acknowledgement of their approach...or so it seemed...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:04 pm

Curious. No signs of attack, or even attempts at communication, and the static seemed to match the odd signal the Ship Master had detected before. This was either the quickest surrender in history... or an obvious trap. None of the ships moved in, though the smaller craft got a bit closer. A single Phantom, burdened with primarily expendable Unggoy troops, departed one of the Corvettes and swooped towards the purple light, and the hangar beyond. It drifted into the station, looking for an open landing zone, and hovered there for a moment, scanning the interior of the hangar cautiously.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:53 pm

No reaction came from the massive facility. The hangar was empty, every surface within the vast room completely flat and smooth. No maintenance vehicles could be seen, no crew moving around within, not even a docked ship awaiting deployment. It was as if the entire hangar was deserted. As if that weren't enough, there was no trace of a vital sign anywhere within the kilometres-wide facility. For all intents and purposes, it was deserted...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby dinoman666 » Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:57 am

The Phantom pilot informed the Ship Master of the situation and dropped off the Unggoy scouts, along with a Sangheili overseer to keep the skittish aliens moving in the right direction. Something was off here... an abandoned space station that had previously contacted them was unusual, to say the least. The Ship Master's first hunch was an artificial intelligence, which rubbed him the wrong way regardless. What could an AI possibly be doing all the way out here, manning a space station in the middle of nowhere? Protecting the artifacts here? Entirely possible, and he intended to find out...
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