Temporal Rift RPG

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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:03 am

The Knight did not make a reappearance, though the energy signatures inside the building were moving around a bit more, as if agitated by the fighting on the street. They obviously knew the humans had survived, and didn't liek it one bit.
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:31 am

Dietrich eyed the energy signatures clustered in the area, narrowing his eyes. "We need to move. Qvickly" said the man as he pressed onwards, tracking the signal leading him towards the probe, eying the building with an analytical eye. The rubble that had been blown off the side of the building now blocked half the entrance way, which, thankfully, was fairly wide. It did, however, mean it was darker inside the building. Dietrich's mask and built in adaptive vision system made sure he could still see perfectly fine, however...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby C S » Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:22 am

Jet engines screamed. The sound grew louder in the passing of a few seconds, chased by crashing and booming thuds. Through the warped, aged windows of an office building the orange and black blur was seen cutting through the air, the light of its exhaust shining into the abandoned rooms left to shadows. Small creatures scurried about the unused furnishings, their silhouettes outlined by the vibrant glow of warm fire for but a few seconds.

The level of the building Felicity passed erupted into dust and rubble. The debris exploded high above and over the desolate streets, raining down with a shuddering bellow riding on the wind behind the craft. Through the screen of destruction the automaton charged, bowling through the building it had struck with a vicious swing of a mace. Groaning metal added to the battle's orchestra of discord as the building started to collapse around the tether. The building bulged and flexed before its many floors came down on top of each other, tumbling down to street level and throwing a light gray cloud high into the sky.

In contrast to the smoke behind it, the machine was surrounded by a field of purple energies, glowing brightly as it pursued. A point of intense light formed in front of the monster and Felicity dropped into a banking maneuver, narrowly evading the surging stream of power that blasted past it. The afterglow lasted a few moments after the beam dissipated, rendering everything a bright mauve shade. The buildings that stood for a few blocks ahead had been cut down a major amount, leaving scrawny metal frames coated in molten materials where ruined monuments to urban decay once stood.

Felicity leveled out and soared over the buildings, scattering the purple mist that was rising from the destruction. The airlock's side door was open and Kane was standing in it, one oversize hand holding onto a handle attached to the ceiling above him. The other was holding onto his launcher.

"Subject's aggression seems to be escalating in ways that suggest deliberate malice as opposed to territorial defensiveness; this whole experience has been a strange and perilous exercise in understanding the many forms of sapience in this realm!"

Kane returned fire, the crimson ribbon flying at the automaton and crashing against its barrier. The energies crackled and danced before devolving into sparks and flashes of light. A deep roar came from the amalgamation of metal, and the pursuit continued as it had been. It was not easy work wrangling an empowered heap of scrap metal, but someone had to do it.
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby Giratina93 » Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:17 am

Having run all the way into the building entrance to make sure the Promethean Knight couldn't get to them, Yukari and Rebin stopped to catch their breath. Blood was on the ground, and the shrieks of the animal that had been dragged away were no longer hearable. It was a dangerous place to be, but they had little choice in the matter. Their goal was up ahead, they both knew that. "Well... spooky abandoned building with creepy crawlies in it... Not the worst thing we've seen thus far." Rebin tried to joke, but Yukari merely shook her head.

"Let's just focus on getting this done. I'm getting sick of being chased around all the damn time." Yukari said back, as they both began to work their way into the building, their weapons aimed and primed...

Up ahead, neutral eyes watched from the shadows. Prey coming right for them, but they already had their meal and weren't hungry. The eyes kept watch, however, curious as to what they were doing...

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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:43 am

"Keep alert. Vhatever attacked us has teleportation technology" warned Dietrich as he entered the building, the dull orange lenses of his suit-integrated gas mask igniting in a blaze of golden yellow, readings and energy signatures appearing across his HUD, the entire potential battlefield laid bare before him. One particular rift signature caught his attention, though it disappeared before he could identify it, seemingly vanishing without a trace. While it could easily be a negligible threat, the possibilities of what it could be worried him. He quickly discarded it however, convincing himself that it couldn't possibly be what he thought it was. Too far he assured himself as he walked through the large entrance hall, weapon gripped firmly in his skeptical hands...

The building looked like a corporate headquarters. The front desk was too small and simple to be a hotel reception. Strange 'chairs', if they could be called that, were placed behind the desk, and seemed to be meant to hold the user upright with odd, tendril-like harnesses and a curved spine made of some kind of plastic or alloy, it's faintly metallic sheen throwing off identification, elemental scanners drawing a blank. On the desk, two large glass domes protruded upwards, looking like some exaggerated 60s rendition of a desk-top computer. One was broken, jagged shards pointing upwards as a glimmering fluid seeped from one side of it and onto the desk, flowing onto the floor with a consistency that seemed somewhere between adhesive and viscous, refusing to split into smaller parts, yet wriggling as though it had little traction on the desk's polished surface. The other 'screen' was caked in dust, though a glow could be seen coming from within, though notably dimmer than the contents of the broken one, implying the glass was either tinted, or kept specific environmental conditions for the fluid within.

The rest of the room seemed considerably less alien to the outsiders, dull grey walls lined with dim white glowing strips, looking like an LED path-illumination system as one would expect in a cinema or other such establishment. The main light sources, dish-shaped dips in the ceiling, were long since extinguished, and in their place, large black orbs seemed to congregate in asymmetrical clusters, a few of them shifting and scuttling amidst their kin on occasion, seeming like fat, round spiders or beetles more than anything else. To the right side of the room, a long, dull corridor extended out of sight, cluttered with fallen cabinets and couches. To the left, a small door led to a room that Dietrich suspected to be a supply room, a stack of what looked like ancient packs of paper visible at a glance by the doorway. Further cluttering the room were several more of the stone-like crustaceans, huddled up in clusters of three all around the room, looking no less like rocks than the objects they strove to emulate. Perhaps the most disturbing sight in the room, aside from the creatures hidden in the shadows, feeding on whatever had tried to escape earlier, was the sight of thick red webs spread across corners around the room. Literally every angled surface in the chamber was caked in the gore-like viscous substance, and were this any less alien, Dietrich would immediately assume that it truly was what it looked like. Situation being as it was however, he disregarded that assumption, though the pungent scent of must and decay did make him doubt for a few moments if he was truly wise in that decision...

"That flying rubbish skip doesn't know when to quit!" said Jacob as he assembled one of his back up weapons, looking very much like a rocket launcher though three bright blue glowing cylinders could be seen located halfway along the length of the weapon. It was relatively primitive, but he hoped that would be a plus for them in this case. High tech weaponry had proven ineffective on the clanking chimera of clutter thus far, and its durability seemed only to increase as it smashed through obstacle after obstacle in pursuit of them...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby C S » Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:22 pm

"You can say that again!" Kane shouted over the sound of Felicity's engines and the clamor following them.

The two front nacelles angled their thrust vector straight down, one of them lowering the throttle while the rear engine pointed itself straight. As a result ship tilted over to one side sharply before the engines equalized their power, resulting in an aggressive aerial U-turn. The automaton dug many of its maces into the pavement, dredging up concrete, asphalt and metal as its attempt to anchor itself failed. It swung the remaining few it had to spare at the aircraft, its momentum dragging it ever so slightly out of range. The light that emanated from the weapons spilled into the craft for a few split-seconds, accompanied by the shrill howl of buffeted wind that followed in their wake, audible over the sound of the engines.

Columns of brown and orange water shot into the air along the craggy path of destruction, the network of pipes beneath the ground ruptured. The machine ripped its weaponized limbs out of the ground, sending giant blocks of debris skywards as it let out another roar from within the tainted mist.
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby Godzilla Forever » Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:24 am

Damian kept his weapon firmly in his grasp, scanning the area with both his eyes and his technology. They had managed to avoid that damned machine for now... but god knew when it would return, or if something worse would be coming for them. But he had no time to worry about this. The building they had wandered into was something out of a horror flick. A blood like substance stained the fancy yet alien walls of the facility. Whatever happened here, it wasn't good, that's a for sure. It didn't help that Damian's sensors were picking up movement from the walls.

"That's odd," Damian said. "The sensors seem to be picking up movement from the walls... but from where?"
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:11 pm

The sudden change in direction almost jarred Jacob from the aircraft, the super-soldier swinging outwards, his hand gripped the side of the airlock, his ATAT system kicking in as his feet locked to the side of the aircraft. Taking aim at the monstrosity, Jacob pulled the trigger, the cylinders in the centre of the weapon spinning up to the point they were a single whitish blue blur, a sudden refraction making itself visible at the tip of the weapon, anything seen through it looking as though it had been violently distorted as a rift tore through the side of the scrambling automaton, a 20 foot deep, 12 foot wide hole tearing into the ground behind it from the shot, a warbling boom tearing through the air in the aftermath of the impact as the Point Energy Cannon cooled down, the cylinders glowing a bright whitish yellow, the very air all around Jacob distorting from the temperature...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby Giratina93 » Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:32 pm

"Movement from the walls... just what we needed. let's just hope whatever it is isn't dangerous." Rebin said, as he slowly moved forward. Suddenly, there came a creaking sound. Both Rebin and Yukari stopped, their weapons aimed upward at where the creaking sound had come from. the sound continued, before developing into a groaning noise...

Then, the ceiling caved in, and both of them leapt back as something large came crashing down. As the dust settled, the large figure was rising up and shaking off the fall it had suffered, before twisting toward the group. What they saw was an insectoid creature, once closely resembling a massive Earwig, as tall as they were. 6 spear-like legs stabbed into the earth, and the massive pincer tail loomed over its head like a scorpion. 8 dark red eyes, more human than insectoid in appearance, narrowed at the sight of the humans before it. the head of the thing was curved, with two large mandibles clicking within the jaws of the creature. Twin leathery wings rested on the back of the insect, and fluttered lightly as it began to back away from the group...

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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:40 pm

"Hold your fire!" warned Dietrich as he froze, eyeing the massive insect as it scuttled away, noting the heat signatures of other, similarly sized creatures around corners and in darker areas of the chamber, a small handful of others visible lying in wait. They were watching them...assessing the risk they posed..."Zat thing is not alone...Don't give avay our advantage too soon or they'll know vhat to expect" he explained, though it was quite obvious his gun was trained on the insect as well. "Proceed. Vith. Caution" he warned as he slowly began to press onwards, tracking the beacon as he went. This building was surprisingly well insulated. It was as if it was specifically designed to be protected from external scanning.....it sounded like a weapons development firm...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby C S » Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:25 am

"Jacob!" Kane shouted. "Nice shot!" he thought, but the sentiment was buried swiftly underneath the surge of panic that came with the solider dangling from the hull plating of his vehicle. Felicity, through his remote orders, came to a hovering halt in the sky, balancing on a cushion of its engines' exhaust.

A stream of gas and energy spewed forth from the hole blasted through the machine, the water around the automaton flashing to steam and adding dark shades to the bright miasma spreading out from the monster. Its jaws snapped with each feral snarl and bellow, the impact of metal against metal echoing throughout the place of battle. Nearby buildings collapsed inexplicably, obscured by the smokescreen.

It shambled out of the haze, the machine's jaws parted to reveal its crushing and shearing bite to its airborne foes. One half of its body was glowing, but not with a concentration of Rift energy. Its black and brass shell was visibly hot, the air rippling from heatwaves. The ring of white light spread out from the blast wound, mangled internal workings grinding away at the peripherals of the damage zone. Gas continued to pour out from the automaton as it growled and shouted, two of its limbs on that side of its body now buried in the rubble behind it. Now with only four limbs left and three devoted to keeping the machine standing, the tether was crippled.
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:36 am

"This thing's not giving me another shot for a few hours. Finish it!" called Jacob over the roar of Felicity's engines and the crumbling metropolis around them, the man daring not re-enter the vehicle just yet, needing to stay outside for longer while the weapon vented the immense amount of heat built up within it. Jacob himself was glowing with the heat of the weapon on his shoulder, his armour only surviving because it was specifically made to handle it. This gun was something usually mounted on tanks back home, never seeing portable hand held use due to the fact it would vaporise the very firing crew needed to operate it. While it was undeniably the strongest weapon in Jacob's Rift Dimension Arsenal, it was also the one with the most potential for collateral damage...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby C S » Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:46 am

Before Kane could even say "On it!", an orb of energy started to form in the monster's gnashing jaws. Sparks and bolts of electricity leaped from the hole in its metal body, taking on characteristics of fire when they hit the open air. Puffs of violet flames lit up the gas leaking from the tether and in seconds the area around it was burning. The fireball expanded, sweeping across the buildings, blowing out windows with a terrible scream. Felicity angled backwards and sped away from the outer limits of the explosion's wave.

The automaton, a black shadow surrounded by the sea of amethyst, let out a deep, droning noise a human ear would identify as laughter, dark and ominous. Fear, Kane supposed, shared common traits across realities.
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:03 am

Jacob simply watched in silence as the machine seemingly cackled in its final moments, the man's eyes narrowing. There was little more he could do to the dying tether now with his weapon expended and his remaining equipment inadequate for the job. Looking at the damage and the flames that now threatened to swallow it up though, it seemed its fate was sealed...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby C S » Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:12 am

A burst of light came from within the sheets of flame. "Oh what now-" Kane muttered. An instant later he was bracing against inertia, Felicity dropping altitude abruptly as the spiraling plume of fire passed overhead, the fires spreading through the sky in a cone shape.

Felicity was off again, flying evasively. The object the flames followed arced around, leading the figurative blazing pack enveloped in a purple field of energy. A mace, from the one limb that the machine was not using to stand. It hurtled across the decimated skyline towards the orange and black ship while beams of white and purple erupted out of the inferno.
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:20 am

"Bleedin' hell, why won't you get the ******* point?" said Jacob irritably, shifting a free hand to the assault rifle hanging round his neck, triggering the Rift Snare. The whitish purple orb hurtled forward, cutting off a beam right ahead of the mace and absorbing the energy being fired towards the Felicity, the energy within pooling until it had been amplified a hundredfold, a perpetual explosion going off in its core as the Mace flew right into it, the subsequent blast caused by the Snare's forced destabilisation causing a shockwave almost powerful enough to knock the Felicity off balance...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby C S » Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:39 am

And just as Felicity was sent teetering precariously through the air, the fires below were beaten down by rushing winds. A lingering volatile light remained where the mace met its demise, hanging above the city and showering it in a beautiful, yet haunting glimmer. That glimmer, as Kane's suit was so eager to inform him as he was tossed around by the turbulence, was a source of lethal Rift radiation. The toxic essence of the tether would drift along with the wind currents, as chaotic as they were, fallout to reach other places far and wide.

The automaton, seizing its chance at victory, began channeling another surge of power into itself. The light from the fire diminished in intensity as the very energy that the unnatural flames burned with was taken back into the machine. The lavender tongues were drawn to it, spiraling around it in a storm unlike any human eyes had seen before.

Just as the energy reached critical levels, the ground itself voiced its opposition. For the creatures that had perished due to the actions of the automaton did not go quietly. Through their innate connections, different forms of the same kind of life, they communicated, the images they saw before their deaths reaching a collective consciousness as one. They told a story, one which the consciousness reacted to with swift, and violent retribution for the perpetrator.

The scarred ground of the city heaved, dust rising out of the epicenter of the inferno. The tendrils of that which lived underneath reached upwards, each as monstrous in scale as the automaton.
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:37 am

"...This isn't good. Kane, can you get us further away?" asked Jacob as he watched the city itself being torn apart by the massive entity beneath in it's rage against the machine...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby C S » Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:20 pm

"Let's see if I can get us righted first, huh?"

At that moment, Kane's fingers were flying across the keys on his suit's on-board terminal in an effort to compensate for what the ship's autopilot could not. "Computers are damn good," he thought, "but not perfect." The fires were nearing, the lavender light crawling across Felicity's hull and spilling into the airlock chamber. Readouts started to appear on Kane's view screen interface, various graphs reporting ambient emissions. A few select particles - some of the more dangerous of the Rift's anomalous forces - were beginning to spike. This so-called "Dead City" was going to remain as such for a long time, Kane thought. Only the most hardy of things, organic and machine alike, could withstand prolonged exposure. Or, at the very least, the most hardy of the things he and Jacob experienced so far. The phantom they met gave them tidings of doom. After experiencing this hardship, Kane was more inclined to consider its words.

But brushing aside foreboding warning of the uncertain future, Kane focused on rectifying the situation with Felicity's flight. His fingertips tapped on the keys and the engines swiveled about, bursts of flame shooting out of them in jets that stabilized the ship's chaotic swaying. With the ship leveled, the engines whirred up and lifted Felicity away from the burning streets. Kane breathed a sigh of relief, sitting back in his seat.

Through his view screen, he saw a smoke trail wafting up from where the automaton was standing, the edge of an enormous sinkhole visible to him. "Twitchy: the undertaker."

It was then he questioned whether or not the strange organism was one of those hardy things that could survive such a poisonous environment. In exposing itself to the surface, had the mighty creature guaranteed its doom? He couldn't say, at that moment. Before, he would have dismissed the notion. Now, he wasn't so sure.
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Re: Temporal Rift RPG

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:49 pm

A Watcher drone floated over the hole the monstrous insect had created, peering down as if it was confused as to what had just happened. Letting out a warble at the sight of the humans, it turned and quickly floated off, discs folded behind it and orange lights flashing in alarm, as ignorant of the native creatures as they were of it.
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