Godzilla E-war: The Return

Combat oriented RPGs. Less story, more action.

Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:21 am

Mecha-King Ghidorah "chased" the volcanic kaiju with his beams until the beast had retreated out of range, and hissed furiously. He stomped in the general direction that the monster had run off to, scanners active for any signs of movement. He kept his distance, not wanting to be surprised up close without at least some fair warning first.
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Doc 42 » Fri Jan 10, 2014 11:48 pm

Titan's weapons pounded the human positions. There was nowhere they could hide, Titan's Gamma cannon effortlessly cleaving through buildings and vaporising the vehicles and soldiers hiding behind.

Kang observed the destruction through the weapon ports of Titan's right upper chest bunker. There were two howitzers belching shells into the battlefield either side of him. He sat in a firing hold, a comfortable cage like structure, allowing shooters to take cover and aim steadily even in the midst of Titan's sometimes erratic movements. He scanned over the battlefield using his visors magnification. A deep howl echoed through out the mech as Titan's primary capacitor begun to empty, it's head mounted plasma cannon opening fire, scoring a vicious beam of ionized gas across the valley, obliterating artillery positions. The other Dantan's in the bunker were either furiously reloading and aiming weapons or else calling out new targets. Kang could see this battle was already won. The alert level on board had already been downgraded, allowing a portion of the crew to relax and take care of themselves for a while. He congratulated the firing crews and excused himself, lowering himself through the access hatch. It took him into a large fortified pipe, the pipe connected all the forward bunkers to the main armory and munitions storage. In combat, these pipes were used to traverse the mech quickly, and were fitted with numerous hand holds along the walls. He jumped from hold to hold, moving towards the center of the mech and the crew section. He punched his way through into the mess hall, leaving the pipe behind. The room was dark and quiet, just a few murmurs could be heard over the drone of the reactor and the rattle of gunfire. A number of souls were sat around tables devouring meals.

A few silent salutes acknowledged Kang's presence as he walked into the room. The creature comfort areas of the mech were less spartan than the combat bunkers and tunnels, with room to walk around in. Emergency hand holds were still available in the roof and floor just in case. Above the mess hall were the crew quarters, essentially a wide open room with sleeping bags suspended from the roof; a tethered hanging position was the easiest way to cope with the mech's constant foot falls. The entire complex was noisy and dark, and the crew tended to spend as little time in here as possible. Kang moved through it quickly before entering an access shaft that would lead up to Titan's head. He climbed up, past the officers facilities and into the head's swivel mount. The mount also helped to cushion the bridge from the inertia that rocked the rest of the mech. He authenticated his access and pulled himself through the hatch, instantly feeling off balance as the rythmically stomping of titan's movement was dampened. He pushed up his visor, as was customry on the bridge. The bridge was relatively calm, only the upper level was active, with 4 consoles managing Titan's rampage, the captain giving it only idle attention. The rest of the officers were spread around at various tables bickering.

He immediately came across the commodant and greeted him with a salute "Ko Tai erari-" He begun before the commodant cut him off "Ah ah ah, Kang! Engleesh only on the bridge remember!" Kang stumbled over his words briefly "Sreshti- uh, sorrows, commodant, yes speak like enemy, know enemy."

The commodant nodded, pulling some sort of horrific alien expression that he called a 'smile' "and act, as enemy!"
He tapped his head with a finger "Brain as enemy and you can destroy enemy!"
Kang nodded again and the commodant acknowledged him smugly, apparently satisfied.

Kang moved on, trying to make his way up the upper bridge, evading horrible re-creations of tea parties and a particularly unnerving video entertainment program being watched enthusiastically by the other officers. "Ahhh yes! This actor is my favorite! You can see how he slaughters the camera so effectively with his language!" The others all chimed in agreement. "Oh yes, oh yes!"

Suffice to say, Kang did not like the bridge. He eventually found his way up to the active consoles. The operators spoke in hushed native when they needed to communicate, avoiding the captains ire. The weapons commander spat out "Kre'do Trfap!"
The captain loomed over him from his command chair, speaking in a dark tone "What was that, sword officer? I did not understand."

The commander recovered "uh, sorrows Captain, low on ammunition in the Gamma cannon. We are destroying things faster than we can generate more shells."

The captain thought for a moment and then merely nodded, indicating to carry on. It wasn't an issue.
Kang exchanged pleasantries with the officers and then sat down with the navigation officer, where he could be of some assistance at least. While Kang had a relatively junior role as a ground officer, his expertise was important in path finding, and navigators often relied on he and his fellow officers when it came to making judgements about what to assume about the Terran environment.
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:01 am

The clamor of battle and Titan's destruction were not ignored; there were many kaiju who spent their time sniffing around the ruins of human cities, tracking the scent and seeking further devastation of the creatures. Arandar was one of them. His plated, serpentine body was winding around ruined buildings, following the sounds of gunfire and explosions, instinct drawing him closer to the battle. A fiery red glow burned, seemingly from within his body and revealing itself as Arandar's armor flexed and bent, or when he opened his crocodilian maw to bellow at the sky. He would not bother with stealth; his prey was busy fighting, apparently, and would be distracted. An easy chance for a surprise attack. This strange metal behemoth he saw in the distance was familiar, much like others the humans used to fight the kaiju infestation. He would have to be careful. Arandar peered between two ruined skyscrapers at the distant mech, and snorted as he slunk closer and closer...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:09 pm

A crackling rumble sounded out as the building closest to where the beast was last seen began to lean, the base cracking as the heat signature around the area rose exponentially, the high rise breaking apart as it began to collapse in a massive cloud of dust, debris and smoke, further obscuring the area, though the beast showed no sign of appearing. With the city being as broad as it was, it offered many places to hide; a fact the volcanic beast seemed to be taking complete advantage of...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Doc 42 » Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:07 pm

Titan's foot crushed down onto the roof of a residential building, pancaking it. The mech continued to plod onwards. Occasional bursts of rifle fire would rattle into the streets below from one of the bunkers, as the various marksmen fired much anything that moved. The front facing howitzers were still firing the occasional shell, targeting any military units that were still fleeing the scene. Gusts of steam still wafted up from the barrel of the gamma cannon, and Titan's head mounted plasma projector. The weapons had quickly wiped out most of the arrayed forces, without giving them a chance to react. The attempted ambush had only managed to inflict light damage on Titan's armor before being swept away. Human air assets were still a threat, but appeared to have retreated.

A marksman in titan's right shoulder mounted bunker scanned the city behind them through the holo sights of his plasma rifle. He had his optics set to thermals, to help pick out human heat signatures that might be scurrying through the dust clouds left in Titan's wake. He continued scan and then froze, when suddenly a mystifying shape appeared, as large as a building, but it's details were washed out by an intensely bright signature flashing intermittently all over it, making it impossible to discern what he was looking at. He quickly adjusted his optics, changing from thermals to visible light but he only got a glimpse of what looked like a tail disappearing behind the building. He called it out over the radio.

Titan's bridge was still awash with 'intelligence gathering' with the lower deck having been turned into a 'dinner party' several officers acting out the roles of guests, making enthusiastic discussion about 'television'; they were simulating what were believed to be key human rituals. Kang was still situated in the upper bridge, where actual work was being done.

As a ground officer he was patched directly into the security channel. He begun relaying reports to the rest of the command staff. "Trafto-" The captain gave him a stern look. "..arr..Multiple reports of an unknown contact between about 120 to 170 degrees, large, mobile and currently concealed by dust and structures. As they spoke several video feeds cascaded onto the main screen, displaying the views offered by the sensors currently facing the angle where the mysterious shape was seen from. Nothing immediately appeared on any. "Power up the Mass Sensor. Orient 110 degrees, scan slow." ordered the captain.

Titan continued it's march, it's single eye beginning to glow a pale yellow. The machine's head began swiveled till it was facing over it's right shoulder, it's eye brightening as the Mass Sensor powered up.
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:27 am

Mecha-King Ghidorah instinctively twisted his middle head around, blasting the crumbling building with his Triple Laser Beam and blowing it apart well before it fell to pieces of its own accord. Better safe than sorry, after all. While his natural eyesight had some trouble piercing the cloud of smoke, the cyborg's electronic sensors were a bit more effective. A heat signature like this kaiju's was impossible to hide without lighting everything around him on fire as well, and if that happened, MKG would not hesitate to fly out of range and resume a distant bombardment again...

Arandar kept low when he spotted the mech's head begin to spin in his direction, slinking behind buildings like a gigantic cat. He let out a low, rumbling growl as he stalked his target, tail slowly flexing and curling above his head like a scorpion's. The pincer-like structure at the end of the limb had the same fiery glow between the prongs that the rest of his body had as well, and it began to intensify in brightness as the kaiju worked his way to a suitable position to open fire on Titan from a safe distance...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Doc 42 » Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:40 am

Kang spoke with more urgency this time "Getting reports of loud growling... similar to the cyborg from earlier"
The captain punched his console, elevating the alert level. Most of the officers below scrambled to their proper positions and began monitoring the mech in greater detail.
The Mass Sensor reached it's minimal power level and the the greyscale image once again flashed across the main display, adjusting as it scanned through the buildings. A blurry figure began to appear behind one building. "I think that's it..."
The Mass sensor brought the figure into focus, revealing the monster behind it. The captain recoiled, exclaiming "Good grief! Kill it! Orient 130! Fire Fire fire!"

Titan stopped in it's tracks, it's torso beginning to rotate around to face the building Arandar was hiding behind. The machine begun to raise it's left arm, Gamma Cannon charging...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:34 pm

Arandar fired well before Titan could get a lock on him. There was a flash of red, a streak of light, and a massive fiery explosion as the high-speed fireball launched from Arandar's tail smashed into Titan's torso. The kaiju had lowered his tail after the attack, and was already scuttling away, weaving between buildings and trying to circle around his mechanical foe to attack from the rear again. Arandar gave a rattling hiss as he moved, watching Titan carefully to see the extent of the damage inflicted on the mech...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Doc 42 » Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:29 pm

The explosion sent reverberations rattling through the entire mech. Pain was an irrelevant concept to the machine and it completed it's maneuver, the gun barrel of it's gamma cannon pushing the smoke aside. Weaker pieces of metal and make shift armor rained down around the impact
in flames, knocked loose by the pressure wave, but the hull remained intact. A spattered scorch mark ringed a crater of glowing metal, slowly sagging and cooling, where it had melted by the intense heat of the attack.

The bridge felt the entire mech shudder in the wake of the hit. "Damage report!" the third officer commanded from the lower stations. A glamour of voices responded, affirming various sections of the mech hadn't suffered any internal damage. He shouted again "Type of fire analysis!"
After a brief pause one of the weapons officers responded, "High yield incendiary attack, delivery unknown"

The captain was confused by what had hit them, the projectile had moved too fast, even for the mech's sensors, to properly ascertain what it was. They would need to examine the data in greater detail later. The display panned across the city, tracking the monsters progression even has it passed behind buildings. It was moving too quickly for the Mass sensor to make out details clearly enough to choose an optimum target. A targeting reticle slid across the main display, indicating the cannon's current sighting. It was purely for the benefit of the captain and other officers watching the battle, the gunnery officer had his own separate sighting and control mechanisms.

The captain thought to himself briefly. It's movement suggested it was a biological creature, and he decided to make an assumption on it's anatomy based on such.

He spoke up gruffly "Leg the runt. Drop it and let's get a proper look. Fire."

The tip of the Gamma Cannon seemed to erupt, lighting up the cloud of smoke that still remained from the fireball moments ago, the flash casting Titan's massive silhouette within the haze. The fiery projectile of molten slag rocketed forward on a tail of burning plasma, punching straight through the side of an office building like paper and hammering into Arandar's rear upper thigh.
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:05 pm

Arandar's own fiery body protected him from the intense heat of Titan's cannon, but the blast still caught him off-guard, the kinetic impact enough to trip the kaiju up. He bellowed in rage as he crashed into a building, spraying a gout of flame from his gullet to wash the entire area in a blaze. It was a good cover, blocking line of sight while Arandar dislodged himself from the wreckage. Growling, he launched another high-speed fireball with a snap of his tail, this time aimed at Titan's cannon. The weapon was accurate and disruptive; definitely not the reptilian monster's preferred enemy.
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Doc 42 » Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:13 pm

OOC: The text between asterisks is just flavor text, and is safe to ignore if you're just interested in the action.

"Good effect on target!" Cheers broke out on Titan's bridge, the main display split in half, showing a visibly light image along with the mass sensor view. Smoke and dust clouded the area but they could see the fiery glow given off by the monsters body illuminating the gloom.

The monster's retaliatory attack struck before anyone could call it out, the bridge shuddering once more and listing to one side by the off center attack.

The fireball smashed into Titan's under arm, jarring it and setting portions of it ablaze, but only caused superficial damage to it's actual structure. Titan's left arm, hand and gamma cannon mounted on it had made it through the fight with Spinnerax relatively intact, so it's outer hull was still entirely composed of space titanium and was able to withstand the pressure exerted by the blast.

Gun operator Drex'tol B hung grogily onto a safety rail, shaking his head, disorientated. Numerous Dantan's lay around the gun operation compartment, sprawled out over the 'ground'. In an environment like the arm, the ground was wherever gravity decided it was. There was a warning light flashing on the wall, the wall behind which the cannon itself was located. Someone was shouting into the radio in his ear. He suddenly came to, realising what had happened. They'd been hit, the impact had jarred them so much it had given him a concussion and either killed or knocked unconscious the rest of the gun crew. The warning light indicated an obstruction in the gun barrel, the 'prepare for firing' light was also flashing on the alert panel. He realised he was the only one currently active, and they were preparing the Gamma cannon for another shut with the barrel still obstructed. He cursed and immediately double tapped his radio call button, instantly cutting off any other chatter on it for a priority message, before alerting the gun command as to what was going on, calling for reinforcements, and informing them as to the state of the rest of the operators.
He didn't bother to check the others for vital signs, there wasn't enough time. He could hear actuators moving somewhere else inside the mech, presumably they were preparing for another attack before attempting to fire the cannon again, that would give him some time.

He grabbed a power cleaner and quickly opened the gun hatch, climbing in and shutting it behind himself. The air inside the cannon felt like a volcano. He glanced towards the muzzle, seeing the streets below through the smoke, they had the cap open to let it cool faster. The gun had been fired a lot during the battle with the humans, hence why it was causing obstructions now, it needed time to cool and recover.

A glance in the other direction showed him the plasma chamber, the main vent leading to the reactor was sealed. A quick search revealed the obstruction, molten metal clinging to a pair of accelerator rails along the barrel. He let himself drop a few meters, catching onto another rail to get a better angle and then readied his power cleaner, aiming and blasting the molten metal with it's jet of air, sending it spattering away from the rails. The metal cooled as it fell away, causing it to rattle down the rest of the barrel and out the muzzle. An obstruction like this was serious, it would short circuit the rails, making it impossible to fire properly. A siren sounded throughout the cannon complex, he glanced over his shoulder to see a huge cylindrical plate of tungsten sliding into the barrel and sealing off the plasma chamber. That was the slug was the ammo the cannon fired. Crap. He frantically finished the last of the cleaning and made his way back towards the hatch. He heard the frame around the slug begin to warp and shift under the increasing pressure of the plasma being pumped into the chamber.

When firing, the plasma fuel would detonate, annihilating the tungsten plate, and then the plasma/tungsten mixture would be accelerated out the barrel by the rails. All it meant to Drex was that the Gamma Cannon barrel was currently a very bad place to be. He reached the hatch and threw himself back in, quickly closing the door behind him.

The captain continued to direct operations on the bridge cooly;
"Spin up the gravity gun, extend field actuators. Lock onto the building it's in."

Looking on at the inferno with Arandar at it's heart, Titan raised it's right arm exposing it's palm. The circular dial of it's exposed gravity gun suddenly flashed with intensity, the superfluid inside spinning rapidly, twisting under magnetic forces. The entire arm vibrated visibly with inertia of the movement. The field manipulators along Titan's fingers lit up, extending the field produced by the gun outwards, taking hold of the building Arandar lay below.

The captain roared out above the din of the bridge; "now, BURY it!"

Titan's fist closed mechanically. The ruined building's remaining supports suddenly cracked, crushing themselves, the building's whole top half seemingly pulled towards titan, the structure beginning to collapse fully onto the monster below
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:30 pm

In the time it took for Titan to prepare its gravity gun, Arandar had managed to wrestle free from the damaged building. He didn't need to glance up to know the building was suddenly falling towards him, however, and sped forward, away from the building. With a furious screech, he sprinted past the mech, the glow of his frame cooling to a bright yellow, from head to tail, as he did so. He spun, now "behind" Titan, and screeched again, a flurry of electricity spewing from his crocodilian maw and arcing across the mech's Space Titanium frame. The electricity visibly crackled around Arandar as well, but had no effect on the beast, instead shooting into the ground or merging into his attack as it seemed to come from under his armor plates. Fire was not quite as effective against the machine as Arandar liked, but perhaps electricity would be a better option...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Doc 42 » Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:09 am

Titan's torso and head attempted to track Arandar as he passed by. The electricity sunk into Titan's armor, spreading throughout the mech's electronics wildly. Some of Titan's more sensitive and less protected consoles exploded, injuring their operators. The electricity was disrupting some of Titan's limb actuators.

The bridge was mostly protected from the attack, being at the top of the mech.

Titan's head was still able to move, turning and locking onto Arandar, the plasma projector opening up and firing it's plasma beam Arandar's head, trying to disrupt it's concentration and end the lightning barrage.
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:44 am

Arandar was forced to halt his attack when the plasma projector fired, rearing up onto his hind legs instinctively as the blast exploded into the ground where his head had been a moment earlier. Taking a couple shambling steps backwards, the kaiju quickly returned to all fours and charged forward with a bellow, leaping and smashing bodily into the mech's torso. He was on his back legs again, front claws scraping furiously at the Space Titanium alloy, electrified body shocking Titan as Arandar attempted to shove it backwards. He snapped and hissed in a primal frenzy, tail lashing and smashing apart the asphalt and concrete of the ground around the two battlers as the monster put all of his fury into the assault.
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Doc 42 » Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:11 pm

The claws dragged through Titan's armor, scouring off the patchwork repairs and ripping gashes through the hull. The mech held strong, many times heavier than the monster trying to tackle it.

"Losing control over upper body actuators captain!"
The bridge clamored with noise and movement as the command staff frantically tried to keep the situation under control.

The captain roared out "Divert power from non critical systems into the upper actuators, get this thing off of us!"

Titan's reactor pushed into over drive, trying to suppress the disruptive effects of Arandar's attack. with a surge of power, the crew regained control of Titan's right arm.

"Chambering attack!"

One of the high level control tech's took manual control of the arm, pulling it back and leveling it with Arandar's head. The arm's gunner lay in an internal pod, along the forearm's length, where he had the best view of where it was aimed, he quickly keyed in the appropriate trajectory, targeting the monster as best he could.


Titan's right arm suddenly jerked forward like an unleashed piston, barreling down towards Arandar like a freight train, aiming to punch it on top of the head and drive it into the ground. The Torso actuators already moving to position it's left arm mounted gamma cannon to follow up.
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:43 pm

Even in his scrambling frenzy, Arandar was well aware of the arm raising to strike him. Instead of continuing his assault, the kaiju pushed off of Titan's chest and rested on his back legs as the punch swung downwards, missing by mere meters. Roaring furiously, Arandar lunged forward again, jaws clamping down onto the now-lowered limb and yanking savagely to the side, trying to lower himself back to all fours and scuttle backwards. He was aiming to either throw the mech off-balance, or simply wrench the arm off entirely. It didn't really matter to him which happened first...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Doc 42 » Wed Jan 15, 2014 10:08 pm

With Titan's huge advantage in size, the machine was able to hold firm against the monster's attempts to dislodge it. It pulled it's arm back up, lifting the monster's head up with it, exposing it's underbelly and obstructing it's vision of Titan's Gamma Cannon. It's left arm actuators spun smoothly, quickly drawing the cannon up and firing a point blank shot into Arandar's underside.

Facilitating the the complex movements and responses required to react to and control the fight was a difficult task and the bridge was a constant clamor of movement and noise, with the Captain calling out orders, which were then disseminated quickly to the correct areas of the mech by the chain of command. The command staff used precise wording so that there was no ambiguity in what the captain intended when calling out an order, each officer knew what needed to be done to carry out the maneuver in a cohesive fashion.
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:20 am

Arandar let go of Titan's arm and howled in rage as the cannon blast knocked him onto his back. He flailed angrily for a moment, tail lashing madly and launching arcs of lightning at the mech to keep it stunned and distracted as the kaiju righted himself. With a guttural snarl, Arandar lashed his tail again, the razor-sharp outer edge of one of the prongs slashing across Titan's chest with the horrific screech of blade against metal. That attack, too, was electrified and, apparently satisfied, Arandar sped off, taking cover amongst the buildings once more. This time, his glow dimmed further to a bright white, and the beast's body temperature seemed to drop precipitously on Titan's scanners, even as he disappeared into the surrounding landscape...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:54 am

Amidst the crackling roar of fires and the rumble of collapsing building, a distinct sound rang out through the city. A bellowing drone rang out amidst the smoke and wreckage, a barrage of earth-shaking tremors being heard just before the beast all but soared out of the smoke, closing the distance in moments, fists erupting with plasma beams as it attempted to strike the monster before it could resume its gravity beam barrage...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Doc 42 » Fri Jan 17, 2014 7:18 pm

The Dantans took advantage of the lull in the fighting, the combat engineers emerging from their bunkers and patching up the hull breaches and gashes opened up by the monster's claws and tail with temporary quick hardening foam. It wouldn't hold against a determined assault but it would keep out any environmental hazards like fire or gasses. Other troops took the advantage to remove to bring the wounded to the dedicated medical bay, rather than leaving them in the bunkers where they were getting in the way. There wasn't much the marines could do against a foe like this except take cover and try to survive the battle. Command, however, still had them on standby to engage with anti armor and demolition weapons should the opportunity arise.

Drex and and the replacement cannon team had already entered the Gamma Cannon gun barrel and were rapidly cleaning out the latest blockages, this time there was 10 times as much molten debris. The cannon wouldn't be able to keep up it's current rate of fire, it was going to keep jamming as the fight continued.

Titan's shoulder bunkers firing ports begun to slide open slowly, the Dantan's setting up heavy anti-armor guns, replacing the artillery they had used against the humans. The anti armor guns were heavy duty versions of the plasma rifles used by the ground troops, short ranged but capable of punching above their weight by several orders. They weren't normally mounted so high up on Titan, but the decision had been made that the lower bunkers were too vulnerable, being within reach of the monster when reared up, so the weapons were hoisted up as soon as they got the chance.

Despite all this work, the crew was ready to take cover at a moments notice. Anybody in transit between areas would just have to hold onto a wall grip for dear life, and any equipment could be fastened in place as well. The Dantans were conditioned for these sorts of combat situations, and were able to hold on instinctively whenever Titan was moving outside of it's usual bounds, even if they were rendered unconscious.

Kang picked up several reports from the marksmen posted in Titan's shoulder bunkers. "Captain, spotters report a shift in the enemy's thermal signature..."
One of the lower deck officers voiced confirmation, briefly putting the output of Titan's infrared sensors on the display, showing the retreating beast's cooling form as it disappeared amongst the buildings.
The Captain spoke "Re-focus the Mass sensor, orient 20, scan right, medium speed. Officer Fix, I want the Gamma Cannon primed and ready to fire in under 40 seconds. Officer Gratral, is the net launcher ready to fire?"

Gratral responded from the right arm over view module "Yes commander, I made sure they prepped it before the CQC."

The Captain continued "Excellent. Ground Officers make sure your troops are ready for EVA."

Kang quickly got to work, contacting his NCOs and giving his orders.

The mech lifted one leg and took a lumbering step forward, resetting it's footing. It's Mass Sensor hummed back into life, powering up as the machine prepared to scan the buildings for the monster once more.
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

Trophy art by CompyScavanger
Slow Posters Club
Doc 42
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