Godzilla E-war: The Return

Combat oriented RPGs. Less story, more action.

Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Jan 17, 2014 7:43 pm

Mecha-King Ghidorah detected the incoming beast on sensors, but wouldn't be able to bring his primary weapons to bear in time. Instead, the cyborg as much as he could before activating his energy shield right as the plasma beams hit. He hunkered down behind the shield, letting the beast close in while he remained protected for the time being. As much as MKG loathed fighting this close to a monster made of rock and lava, he wasn't defenseless, and he was eager to demonstrate that fact to his attacker up close and personal if necessary. Strange... eagerness was not like him. MKG didn't think too hard on that fact, and instead continued to wait as the flaming kaiju barreled towards him.

Arandar had taken cover behind the buildings yet again, darting between structures at random intervals so that Titan couldn't predict his movements as easily as last time. He was smaller than the mech, even on hind legs, which usually put him nose to nose with other foes, but he was much, much faster. He easily outpaced Titan's own rotations, carefully watching the new weapons spring up onto the mech's shoulders. Deciding to test the waters again, Arandar paused for a brief moment when he was behind his foe. With a snap of his head, there was a burst of cold air, and a large icicle-like spike, about the size of the kaiju's own head, shot from his jaws. The projectile covered the distance between the two fighters in less than a second, and proved it was far harder than plain ice when it slammed into Titan's upper back. The spike didn't pierce his armor as far as Arandar desired, but it stuck fast, and that was good enough for him. He was already back in hiding when the spike shattered with surprising force, releasing condensed, freezing air as well as scattering smaller shards of the razor-sharp "ice" in every direction... including into whatever innards of the mech the spike had reached.
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Doc 42 » Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:05 pm

Titan's array of point defense guns opened fire on the icicle with lasers but weren't enough to stop the projectile completely. Two troopers who were investigating electrical damage caused earlier were caught in the shattering ice blast, falling to the ground and screaming in pain, peppered by fragments which had bitten through their armor. Their suits detected their distress, activating their medical beacons and automatically injecting them with pain killers. Bleeding heavily, one of the troopers who was still able to sat up and began groggily assessing the damage done by the impact and reporting to engineering. He knew it was paramount that he collect as much information about what had happened as possible before he passed out from blood loss, he could recover later if in the medbay if they survived the battle, for now the mech was still at battle stations. Before help could arrive, he felt his arm give away beneath him, and he fell back against the floor, losing consciousness soon after.

Titan's weapons quickly opened fire on Arandar. Its head mounted plasma projector opened fire, it's beam scoring down the monster's flank. At this range it was easier to track Arandar, who had to cover far more ground to keep ahead of the mech's torso. It turned half way and then rose it's left arm up and out from it's side, locking onto Arandar's upper body and opening fire, the projectile of molten slag one again erupting out of the barrel in a cloud of burning plasma at super sonic speeds.

The Captain cursed and ordered out of the bridge "Set course 290, we need to draw it out or drive it away, be prepared for CQC"

Titan began plodding away on it's original course, further out of the city, it took slow deliberate steps. While Titan was generally slow to react, it's actuators were capable of fast violent movements given enough preparation, as shown with it's earlier punch. It currently had a side on aspect to Arandar, exposing as little of it's upper body as possible, but if the monster approached, it would be well capable of wheeling around for a right hook punch.
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:22 am

Arandar screeched as the plasma slammed into his flank, knocking him astray once again. This time, the beam was far more painful, and the kaiju just barely managed to dart to cover before the follow-up shot hit him as well. That attack had not gone as planned, so it was back to plan A. His glow turned red again, his thermal signature skyrocketed, and the monster slipped off, circling around the mech from cover as best he could. He remained at a safe distance, ready to avoid any more cannon fire thrown his way...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Jan 18, 2014 2:16 am

the beam only intensified as the range shrank between the two monsters, and in moments, they were all but within arm's reach. Slamming the beast's hefty tail against the ground, cracks erupted into sight across the top of the club at its tip, dust, debris and pulverised surface materials wafting into the heated air surrounding the two monsters, as it lunged forward, breaking the beam's focus as its arms swung inwards from both sides at the Ghidorah...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Doc 42 » Sat Jan 18, 2014 11:52 pm

Titan's head rotated, attempting to track the monster through a combination of thermals and the Mass Sensor. One of the sensor officers shouted out "Target lost! Scanning!"
One of the other officers near Kang piped up "It's at 158.23 degrees"
The scan jumped to the specified angle. "Oh, target on screen."

Even without thermals and the penetrative vision of the Mass Sensor, the marines stationed in the bunkers could still hear the monsters footfalls and the sound of it pushing through wreckage. Titan rotated it's chest around, raising it's right arm instead of left.

The Captain remained deep in thought. The monster had just the right combination of armor, speed and firepower to prevent Titan from being able to engage it effectively. There was no way to just close in and kill it like they could do with other foes, and it wasn't as suicidally aggressive as the Wasp that attacked earlier. They had left most of the bigger buildings behind, but there was still plenty of structures around for the creature to use as cover. It wasn't showing any sign of losing interest in them; they needed a plan to deal with it. But how could they form a plan without the slightest clue of what it was they were even fighting?
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:24 am

As soon as the beam's stopped, Mecha-King Ghidorah's shield suddenly dropped, and the oncoming beast was greeted with a hail of HEAP missiles that erupted from the cyborg's armor-plated chest. At this range, the kaiju was incapable of blocking the attack, while MKG's own armored wings swung outward to meet his opponent's fists. There was a mighty clang as rock met metal, and the cyborg dragon strained to stop the monster's limbs as best he could The backwash from his missiles wasn't particularly harmful to his Space Titanium armor, but he didn't use another volley. Instead, he lowered all three heads and swung them upwards at the same time, creating as close to an uppercut as the armless dragon could manage. The heads clocked the kaiju in the chin with enough force to knock him back, powering through the intense heat of the attacker's body to do so...

Arandar continued his stalking, pausing only to occasionally survey the Titan's path as he walked off. Instead of continuing his harassment, the kaiju growled and circled around to the front of the mech, before seemingly retreating further into the ruined city, directly in Titan's path. Whether or not it continued its pursuit would be interesting to see...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Doc 42 » Mon Jan 20, 2014 5:57 pm

OOC: Titan's heading is leading out of the city, directly away from the city center. At the moment, the largest buildings around it are medium sized apartment buildings and the like. The city is situated in a valley, along a river and Titan is intending to climb out of the valley, up to the high ground. As it progresses, the buildings around it are going to get smaller and smaller as the city gives way to urban sprawl.

One of the strategic officers voiced his frustration "If we could only identify what it wants, we might be able to set a trap for it!"
Another spoke up, dryly "Are you that dense? It only seeks our destruction. Its obviously not a naturally occurring biological creature. The natives, the humans, must have some part in it's existence, and are probably using it as a weapon against us."
Another, silent till now, laughed and jeered back, pointing out the lack of support the humans have given to the monster, and how unlikely it was that they would employ such a beast. The tactical situation did not correlate with any of their theories.

Titan continued on it's course, plodding through small buildings and veering around others, keeping it's scanners oriented towards the monster's general direction. To have any chance of killing it, it would need to immobilise the monster, and that couldn't be done with it's primary weapons. It had other weapons, but it needed to draw the enemy in close to use them.
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby dinoman666 » Mon Jan 20, 2014 6:18 pm

The buildings around Arandar were getting smaller and smaller as he moved ahead of Titan, and he quickly realized that an ambush would be exceptionally difficult. Instead of trying to find a place to hide in the sprawl around him, Arandar continued to follow the path Titan was evidently taking, which led up and out of the valley the city was situated in. High ground would give the mech an exceptional advantage, but it would do the same for him. He scrambled towards the edge of the city, wanting to get out of the valley as soon as possible, in order to bombard Titan with near impunity...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby The Kingpin » Mon Jan 20, 2014 9:00 pm

The HEAP missiles blew holes in the monster's armoured torso, molten wounds leaking across his chest as tendrils of molten rock spread from his fists across the cyborg's wings, heat building up rapidly as the bludgeoning weapons clung to the wings, the head being knocked back by the blow before swinging back down, lower jaw practically folding into the skull, the massive saber-like canines of the beast swinging down into the base of one of the secondary necks, pouring magma into the resulting wounds as the beast lifted a leg onto its chest, latching on to the Ghidorah firmly as the wings were pulled sideways, the monster trying to tear them clean off the cyborg's body...
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Re: Godzilla E-war: The Return

Postby Doc 42 » Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:20 pm

As Arandar moved further way, it got progressively more difficult for Titan's crew to track it's exact position. They powered down the mass sensor, the beast having moved outside it's effective range. They still remained on high alert, the mech keeping a steady, slow pace.
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