Space E-war Reloaded

Combat oriented RPGs. Less story, more action.

Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:09 pm

The incoming plasma fire shimmered off the ship's shields, giving the Marauder precious time to choose its targets, the AI combat suite instantly identifying the most dangerous threats. Locking onto the three most immediate threats, the shields went down as they ended their sweep, ion cannons striking all three, whitish beams seeming to connect the ships with the Marauder momentarily before they were engulfed in massive blue-white explosions, molten craters appearing where they connected, one ship having taken a blow to the cockpit, the other to the engines, a third hit right at the centre of the ship's hull. The rocket behind the Marauder, meanwhile, was responded to with a burst of autocannon fire, tearing through the warhead and detonating it before it could close the gap. As the ship's energy signature rose gradually, the guns shifted their focus to the remaining two fighters, the Marauder accelerating as it began to pull away from the vessels, all the while moving into a gradually expanding orbit around their charge. As the bombardment began on the vessels, a cluster of missiles erupted from the Headhunter's ship, scrambling as a blinding white glow lit up their exhausts, all of them locked onto a single target; the main ship...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:58 am

Two of the escorts spun through the air, trailing smoke and fire. The last was heavily damaged, but not outright destroyed, its hull scorched and marred with gaping holes filled with sparks and damaged internal components. Nevertheless, it banked widely and angled its nose upwards, engine flaring up as it began its ascent. It was far slower than it was before, structural integrity as low as it was, it could not afford to blaze through the atmosphere, lest the compromised hull be shredded. In departing, a small payload was released at the rear of the craft, several small metallic spheres dropping behind it.

The other two fighters swooped after the Marauder, deploying their own payloads as they flew. They were specks against the blue sky as they fell, dark shapes that covered a large area. All at once, they deployed spindly antennas, their misdirection systems activating. They saturated the combat zone with an overload of signals, rendering the missile targeting systems unreliable. The missiles veered off course, chasing the cloud as the devices rained down on the forest below, the fighters themselves breaking off and flying wide arcs around the mercenary ship. They were doing a myriad of winding maneuvers through the air to make targeting them difficult, yet staying in range to distract the automated defenses.

Their effort allowed the main assault vessel to compensate for their target's movement, its many guns aimed at the priority systems. Two of the heavy guns fired at once, a noise like cracking thunder going off high above the land. Hurtling through the air were super-accelerated slugs of metal with rifling applied to the heads of them, making them spiral through the air. They glowed hot from a combination of launch and friction, meaning that when they slammed into the Marauder's topmost hull plates, they vaporized the armor and continued onwards, slamming into the system being prepped for use and exiting through the other side. Other shots were directed at the ship's wings and engines, bright golden streaks cutting across the Marauder's curved path.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:19 am

By the time the scramblers had been deployed, several things had happened. Lances of light speared through the sky, ion cannons taking out one of the remaining fighters as it lined up briefly with the cross-hairs, the autocannons meanwhile tearing the already damaged one to shreds, its slow pace keeping it from maintaining the degree of avoidance its comrades had thus far enjoyed. The ion cannons proceeded to split themselves between the remaining fighter and the main ship, autocannons firing in bursts whenever the fighter approached their reach, coordinating themselves with the ship's radar and firing before it entered their field of 'vision' in order to intercept it or cut off potential escape paths, hoping to corral it into a position that would allow the ship to hit it. Meanwhile, six of the ion cannons aimed at the main ship, leaving the other two to deal with the fighters should it prove necessary.

The Cyber-Warfare suite locked onto the main ship, junk data flooding their systems and scrambling its weapon control centre, the Marauder disrupting the targeting system and throwing off its aim sufficiently enough to avoid one of the rounds, the other hitting the shields. The barrier flashed brightly, dissolving a split second later, already drained from the previous hits, the vicious blow plunging through the ship's rear plating, shaking the ship with the resulting blast. Alarms blared as damage reports appeared on the cockpit screen, showing the damage. The round had torn through the plating near the tail, mangling the power lines connecting the reactor to the right engine exhaust. "WARNING: ENGINE ONE DAMAGED. REROUTING POWER. EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN IMMINENT" sounded throughout the ship. Khuurava cursed furiously, the sound somewhere between a feral snarl and what could be vaguely identified as some form of speech. Knowing his time was limited, Khuurava immediately had the ion cannons open fire on the main ship, beams of white smashing into the ship's hull and detonating, as the Ionic Rail Cannon's targeting system engaged and locked on, the gun's solid armour plate sliding back as t he gun rose from within, the massive weapon glowing as it locked onto the target. Khuurava kept the Marauder at an angle, maintaining the gun's lock as thoroughly as he could, a high pitched whine sounding out over the head, trailed by a low pitched boom.

The round hit almost immediately; moving at several dozen times the speed of sound, the inter-stellar weapon was far, far more powerful than anything in-atmosphere needed to be, the round all but obliterated the ship in a spectacular blue-purple explosion, instantly reducing the ship to slag and shrapnel purely by the speed, scale and mass of the projectile. The remains of the vessel rained down to the earth below as the round kept going, knocked off course but still moving, soaring out of the atmosphere and into low orbit, only slowing as it reached the edge of the planet's gravitational pull, a smoking trail the only thing to suggest it had ever been there; the remains of the burning debris of the ship painting the scene of the attack.

By now, the Marauder was rumbling and shuddering, systems beginning to shut down as a count down appeared on the holographic display. Khuurava struggled against the systems, thrusters kicking in under the ship to slow its decent as the weapons retracted, landing gear extending as he searched for the nearest plain. The engine's high pitched roar was reduced to a slowly deepening whine as the ship all but literally glided in for a landing in a nearby plain, the ship landing roughly, reinforced landing gear straining under the weight as the thrusters flickered and died, the vessel sliding to a rough halt as darkness engulfed the ship's interior...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:37 am

The sole survivor of the engagement peeled off, arching widely and pointing its nose towards the sky, burning away from the ground. It was speeding up towards the far reaches of the atmosphere, trails of condensation forming at the tips of its large wings. The information its pilot carried would be a new development for the powers that be. The new arrival was not like the others dispatched so readily in the past. It was a powerful military-grade craft, meaning that the resistance was escalating once more. New countermeasures had to be instated to keep the unwanted from creating complications in the plan. In spite of the losses, the objective was completed. By the lack of notable energy signature, the fighter ruled that the intruder was sufficiently disabled. It would join the other wrecks that dotted the surface.

The fighter was a dot moving across the sky by time the purple scout ship emerged from the rock passage. Its Seeker pilot was immediately made aware of the battle that took place in his absence as he flew over where the Marauder used to be. Smoke was in the air. Debris was visible on the ground, scorched and battered, the remains of missiles and pieces of hull. A stretch of the forest was now ablaze, giant flames adding shades of orange, red and yellow to the purple expanse. All around him he detected the latent emissions of the six unidentified ships amidst nonsensical data and signals. Ciphering through the muddled information, Ecliptor sought the Marauder's trail. He found its energy signature which allowed him to project its flight path, though it was drastically abnormal. There were energy spikes where there shouldn't have been along with diminishing readings, evidence that the ship was seriously damaged. Ecliptor flew his ship toward the field where the Marauder touched down, making a note to himself.

"If Khuurava-Commander lives, he will be very displeased."
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:25 pm

"Open up you damned...dysfunctional...pile...of ****" snarled the Khurakra as he forced open the half-parted door to the engine room, heading to one of the sole active control panels within the entire ship. White light spilled from LED flashlights on either side of his visor and across his chestplate, supplementing the advanced night-vision provided by the suit. Sparks flew on the other side of the massive chamber, separated from him by a heavily reinforced window, a hole visible in the ceiling over the spot where the 8-foot-wide angular pipe had been severed. A low snarl came from the Khurakra as he assessed the damage. Even assuming the repair systems could patch it up well enough to make it space-worthy, That was still going to be expensive to replace. And now he wasn't even sure Ecliptor was still around to help cut down the repair costs...

The Headhunter approached the dull red control panel, reading the damage report thoroughly. Luckily, only one of the engines was damaged. As far as actual mobility was concerned, he could still technically fly it, assuming he could thoroughly isolate the damaged section from the intact area. The problem lay in trying to do so with the risk of other ships attacking him on his way out. He was no fool. He knew that those were not your average corporate security ships. That was armament on par with military ships. The fact they managed to take down the Marauder with what was essentially a single well aimed shot was testament to that. He had to find other means to get his ship out of this place. First thing was first...he had to get the basic systems back online and try and re-establish contact with Ecliptor. with that objective in mind, he set to work, typing in commands and overrides, trying to get enough power out of the reactor to reactivate the doors so that he could get out of this overly expensive prison of a ship...

It was a good 15 minutes before the systems finally responded, Khuurava having had to activate and deactivate things in a sequence to avoid bathing the ship's interior in radiation. But at last, it was done. With a flicker, the lights came on within the ship, and the doors were reactivated. For now, it would do. Giving one final command, he turned away and headed to his private quarters, as the ship's self repair module began releasing nanites to begin patching up the damage...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Sat Jan 25, 2014 8:10 pm

While Khuurava was reactivating the Marauder's power distribution, Ecliptor had landed the scout ship beside the vessel, tucked underneath the starboard wing. It touched down near a strip of dredged up grass and dirt. The blue Seeker appeared from one of the scout's hatches and dropped down to the ground, his large eye pointed up at the Marauder's lower hull. Panning his head from side to side, Ecliptor did a preliminary scan of the hull to get a read on the level of damage the ship had sustained.

"Results: one major point of damage. Matter phase-shift suggests heat-based weaponry. Lack of chemical residue and radiation suggests ballistic weaponry as opposed to directed energy."

As Ecliptor started to climb the landing gear, he made a note to himself about the nature of the weapon that crippled the Marauder. A ballistic weapon powerful enough to utilize heat to puncture armor without vaporizing its own rounds was highly unusual. To learn more about such technology appealed to his nature. But before he could do his studies, he had to find his partner-of-convenience. Dead or alive, as the case may be.

Once in the lower recesses of the ship, having crawled through its service tunnels and alcoves that were not meant to be service tunnels, Ecliptor came across a maintenance panel on the wall. Devices like it were powered down until activated by the user to cut down on unnecessary power expenditure and they did not offer as much utility as a regular terminal, but in this case, it would help him run a diagnostic on the status of the ship.

He booted up the panel, finding that the electrical systems were unreliable, for its small screen flickered for a short time before going black again. Ecliptor raised his hands, his array of tools sliding out from his finger tips. After taking off the panel, connecting himself to its power source and accessing its system directly, he detected numerous disruptions to key systems, including the reactor. In doing so, he came across the shutting down and reactivation of key systems in systematic fashion, along with override codes.

"Khuurava-Commander lives."

Ecliptor backed out of the system and fixed the access panel before attempting to bring up the mercenary's comm-link.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:42 pm

As Khuurava reached his quarters, a signal came up on the comms. "Ecliptor?" growled the Headhunter as he pushed aside the chair that had been at his desk, approaching the holovision display and glaring up at a small camera hidden between the holovision and the extension of the wall overhanging it. With a flicker, the retinal scanner confirmed his identity, a hand outline appearing on the holovision. Putting his hand to the screen, it bleeped once more, the display sinking into the floor as a duratanium door split open, letting the Khurakra into his private armoury...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:21 am

"This one has information to report as to who called us to this planet," Ecliptor said, immediately getting to the point without wasting time asking about how Khuurava was doing. Whether or not the Khurakra was injured was his concern alone, not the Seeker's. All that mattered to Ecliptor was the fact he still lived to work as a mediator with the factions of organics in the galaxy. It was to be expected by now, the level of callousness between the two. Both were machines, but it so happened that only one of them was synthetic. "Where is that one located?" Ecliptor went onto ask, making his way down the darkened hall, green light running along the walls as he walked.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:37 pm

"Personal quarters. Meet me in the cargo bay" responded Khuurava absently as he was picking some choice weapons from within the armoury, mind preoccupied with images of death and destruction, the Khurakriidi Headhunter mentally plotting the destruction of the ones who had brought down his ship. Reaching one of the panels, he entered a code, unlocking yet another of the various display cases lining the walls, extracting from within spare parts and stockpiles of ammunition, placing the clips and slugs into mechanised ammo pouches dotting his armour. Putting on the GOLEM cloak, he attached it to fastener clamps on his shoulder, which proceeded to run round the front of his chest, meeting centre over his collar bone, making sure the cloak was securely positioned. He then took the GHOST cloak, rolling it and wrapping it around his neck, letting it fall halfway down his torso like a high tech poncho, overlapping the GOLEM cloak. Equipping his main weapons and placing them in their weapon-jacks on his back, he proceeded to pick two weapons cases placed at the foot of his weapons display. Aside from the letters K.S.F. stamped on the side of them, nothing could be seen to discern their contents. Mandibles clicking in satisfaction, the Khurakra turned away from the display and walked out of the armoury, which promptly closed and sealed itself behind him. With that, he made his way out of his quarters, heading towards the elevator which would take him down to the cargo bay. Behind him, all unnecessary systems began to shut down, the drop in energy consumption intended to make detecting activity within the ship almost impossible. It was clear from the current situation that they had assumed him dead or dying. Otherwise, a search and destroy party would've been sent. He wanted to keep it that way...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:30 pm

Ecliptor made his way straight to the Marauder's holds and arrived there after a short foray through the ship's transport chutes. It took longer than it normally would with the system offline, but the Seeker managed well enough and emerged from the wall unit, hands gripping the edge of the entrance, his body following sinuously afterwards. He dropped down onto the floor of the darkened room. Not even the emergency lights were active. Ecliptor switched his vision mode to compensate for the low light levels, what sparse illumination there was to be had amplified many times, the room taking on a light whitish-green tinge as a result in the Seeker's artificial eye. What he saw was absolute disarray. The various crates and boxes were scattered about the hold, overturned or resting at angles across the floor.

"Cargo clamping systems offline," the Seeker added to his mounting to-do list.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:00 pm

A rumble rang out through the cargo bay as the APC started up, lights igniting across its front, illuminating a portion of the cargo bay. A low mechanical whine came from the elevator as the doors parted, Khuurava walking out, a faint red glow shining from the lenses of his helmet visors. A hiss came from the back of the APC, the doorway to the inside opening up, Khuurava tossing the two cases inside, confident they were well protected enough that the contents would not be damaged. He glanced towards the Seeker silently, gesturing towards the APC, before climbing in, heading towards the driver's seat...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:07 am

Ecliptor cocked his head, servos in his eye unit whirring as he zoomed in and then out on the APC. At least it was able to weather the unplanned descent, the Seeker thought. It was after all, a military grade transport vehicle. It was more of a threat to the surrounding containers than they were to it despite them coming loose fully stocked in the bay. As he walked towards it, Ecliptor began sorting the information he gathered on the hidden broadcast station for the Headhunter. After seeing the Marauder in the condition it was, Ecliptor had no question as to how so many of the others recruited for this mission ended up as being marked as deceased on the manifest. Khuurava was more than likely counted among those missing in action now.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:25 am

As the APC rumbled to life, a hydraulic hiss filled the cargo bay, the clamps closed around the axles coming loose and folding into the floor. It was for good reason the vehicle hadn't budged despite the rough landing; a multi-purpose set of braces on the ground were attached to a mounting platform that came with the APC for long distance transportation. When engaged, the vehicle was unmovable short of the ground it was attached to caving in or coming loose. With the braces attached directly to the ship's frame, the odds were high that Khuurava would be dead if so much damage was done the APC came loose...

As the display lit up in front of him, Khuurava clicked his mandibles thoughtfully. All the systems seemed functional, though it was no surprise. This vehicle had an exceptional field background, surviving IEDs, High explosive projectile weaponry, and even getting caught under collapsing buildings. It was time he went out and found out a bit more about his enemies...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby Anaclagon » Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:15 am

"Magnificent…isn't it" Grand Admiral Piett uttered in complete awe of the colossal space station before them. It all makes sense the Admiral thought. The Grand Admiral had long pondered privately why Revan was given The Eclipse Class Star Dreadnought and that the Emperor himself did not use it as his vessel. With its incredible arsenal along with its planetary shield slashing super laser, not even the Executor Class Star Dreadnoughts could match the Eclipse. The Eclipse was by far the Empire's most powerful weapon, until now. Revan talked little about the battle station despite being clearly aware of its construction, in fact he hated it. Such a vast battle station seemed so impractical yet that was its purpose. The Covenant or Rebels or any other foreign alien civilization would likely be in awe of this technological terror and avoid conflict with the Empire entirely if it was made operational. Piett eyed the end of Eclipse's bow taken note of its formidable super laser that would have slashed through planetary shields in a single shot or even annihilate an Executor class but compared to the Death Star…it was nothing.
"Enjoy retirement men. With the Death Star complete, the Imperial Navy becomes nothing but an over glorified police force" said one Imperial officer commenting when he saw the station. The battle station was 160 kilometers wide, armed with countless turbo lasers, laser turrets and ion cannons that would have hammered any enemy capital ships that got too close. With numerous hangers such large enough to house Star Destroyers, the Death Star's added protection of thousands of various TIE fighters ensured maximum security. "It would be impossible to hide. Enemy forces would know this was coming and be given more then enough time to prepare." Revan thought, another comment on its impartially. The fact it was capable of even moving on its own was a feat by itself but considering it was designed to be able to move throughout Imperial space and that it gathers such attention that perhaps hearing of the arriving battle station would be enough to end battles before shots were fired.

Revan would leave control of the Eclipse back in the hands of Piett as he boarded a shuttle towards the Death Star. The Death Star would soon be completed but upon hearing of its progress, the Emperor at last gave Revan a new order… prepare the Death Star for his arrival. Knowing him, the Emperor is likely impatient, the Sith Lord ponders as he arrives towards the main hanger. He just can't wait too play with his new toy…

Revan exists the shuttle and to his disappointment a gathered assembly of stormtroopers who salute him at his arrival. "Wasted man power" He thinks as the Sith Lord immediately walks past the bowing Imperial Officer who grits his teeth, nervous. Realizing Revan kept walking the officer followed him "Lord Revan this is an unexpected pleasure, we are honored by your presence"
"You may dismiss with the pleasantries Commander, I'm here to put you back on schedule" Revan said.
"I assure you Lord Revan my men are working as fast as possible" The commander replies, surprised as the Sith's walking pace.
"Then perhaps I can find new ways to motivate them" Revan coldly replied.
"Lord Revan this station will be operational as planned" The commander hid it but he was irritated at the Sith's insistence
"The Emperor does not share your optimism" Revan responded, having not once looked at the Imperial officer.
"But he asks for the impossible… I need more men…" The Commander comments. All these requests started to built a growing fear in his heart, there was a reason for this, he knew it…
The Sith paused, bringing his walk to the a top before pointing towards the several cargo transports that just now entering the hanger. As the pair watched, the doors opened as groups of slaves consisting of criminals and traitors of the Empire poured out and rushed towards the construction sites by stormtroopers.
"There's your men. If you have anymore excuses you can tell the Emperor personally when he arrives" Revan states as he returns his gaze towards the commander.
"The Emperor is coming here…? We shall double our efforts!" The commander exclaims, now truly realizing the seriousness of the situation. Revan glared at the man through his mask, making his point before departing deeper into the station to get a better idea of just how far progress was being made...

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:05 pm

The glow of flames against the alien sky fell away as Khuurava drove across the strange landscape, the burning trees left behind along with the Marauder. In time, only the pinkish smoke marked where the chaos had ensued, all other details hidden by the topography and distance. Hills rose up, ditches dipped down and ridges spanned across. The only constant was the sound of the APC's motors driving the wheels across the land, suspension undulating across every bump, kicking up the lightly colored sediment and hard rock in its passing.

The APC traveled over land and the land spun underneath it. The sky over Aurora gradually darkened as the two displaced wanderers drove farther away from the crash site. It was a lonely expanse, desolate and untamed. Only sparse plants, low lying shrubs and the likes, were observed outside of the spiral-forests. There did not seem to be any animal life to speak of, oddly enough. It was especially odd for Ecliptor, as such an ecology was unsustainable from what his kind had gathered. Unless the spiral trees evolved to jettison their seeds vast distances, there was no way such a forest could exist without something to spread their seeds.

The dead land became very irregular even farther on. Pockmarks spanning tens of yards started becoming frequent. Then there were the metal panels that were mostly buried underneath the dry, cream colored dust. It all escalated from there, for soon whole carcasses of felled aerospace vessels loomed ahead of the APC, embedded into bare rock and buried in dirt, capsized in all manner of ways, dented and broken. Many of the larger ships, the ones that 'survived' the plummet to the ground to be recognizable in any way, were perforated with holes with jagged, molten edges in the hull.

It was a graveyard. Others recruited from star systems near and far met their doom in the metal wastes. The radiation from their still-running engines poisoned the lands when they crashed. Some exploded utterly, scattering the debris for miles and miles. Others were simply decaying, their housings breached and leaking hazardous energies and chemicals into the environment. It would be centuries... or millennia even, for the environment to recover from such a disaster.

The APC had sufficient shielding to keep the hazards outside of its hull, however. The wreckage also allowed the Seeker to complete his analysis of the enemy's weaponry. Breaking the hours of silence finally, the Seeker reported,

"Confirmed use of Matter Phase-Lock weaponry, Khuurava-Commander. Enemy weapons produce fields of exotic energy around their rounds that allow ballistic weaponry to exist in states where solid material would otherwise terminate into plasma gas. Allows for immediate firing of capital cannons without the warning emissions of a charging directed energy weapon."

The blue machine made an electronic warbling in place of a thoughtful hum, his singular eye flickering. "Conclusion: enemy weapon systems are designed for decisive incapacitation of targets but are unfit for direct combat. Requires conventional escorts. High resource consumption to construct these weapon platforms."

He paused.

"Weapon systems, construction, and functionality can only be explained by the Energy."

He held his clawed hands in front of him, both rotating on their wrists, fingers splayed. He conjured his power, the glowing white orb of pulsating miasma casting its light upon the interior of the APC cockpit.

"Results of this finding: currently inconclusive."
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:11 pm

The Headhunter considered what Ecliptor had said, weighing the odds of this technology being retrievable against the risk of attempting to do so. It was beyond his knowledge with weapons systems, which was saying a lot, considering his training and experience as a mercenary. "If possible we would be wise to try and retrieve the blueprints for that weaponry. I can think of several buyers who would pay a small fortune for the technology" hissed the Khurakra as he navigated the massive APC through the wastes, the vehicle rumbling as it leaned and rocked over the rough, uneven terrain, weaving between the scorched husks of vessels ranging from the cutting edge to the ancient. the creamy desert contrasted with the pink-purple sky as the sun disappeared beyond the horizon. The APC's engine remained level and surprisingly quiet, regulating power to meet the needs of the vehicle in order to advance, but limiting it so as not to give off any more of a thermal or auditory signature than need be. Even with the stealth-centred features protecting the vehicle, every little helped in such a scenario. Khuurava was thankful that the ground at the crash site wasn't especially soft; it would be much more difficult to detect that he had survived and departed the damaged ship, and were anyone to spot the APC, they would have no way of identifying a place of origin...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:40 pm

"This one thinks using these weapons against the enemy takes priority," the Seeker stated.
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:05 pm

"Yes. But corpses will not help pay for the repairs to my ship. Thusfar-unknown weapons technology will" responded the mercenary, his statement simpler than he would've made it a year ago. His time with the Seeker had trained him to speak briefly and directly, more so than even he had done in the past...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby C S » Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:02 pm


Another pause.

"This one can attempt to emulate phase-lock technology for handheld use."
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Re: Space E-war Reloaded

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Nov 22, 2014 12:06 am

"If you can replicate it successfully, do so. They won't expect their own technology to be used against them. At the least, it will make dispatching them easier. At best, the confusion will break their organisation and give us time to dispatch even more of them" responded the Headhunter, his body rocking in response to the APC running over a particularly large bit of debris...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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The Kingpin
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