Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby slashmaster101 » Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:06 pm

Not far from where Berserker lay resting, across the river the brush parted and an old battle-hardened warrior emerged from the jungle. It was a Styracosaurus, who's hard life showed on his thick skin as claw and jaw marks stretched across his body like a tapestry of pain, the most impressive scar looked like it would match up perfectly with the jaws of an adult Tyrannosaur. Stepping further outwards the Cerotopsian took more notice of the large carnivore sleeping across the small body of water and watchfully moved toward the river to drink
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Kiryu Gwangi » Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:12 pm

Berserker raised up his head as he watched the Styracosaurus. The Tyrannosaur wasn't hungry at the moment, but he was ready to defend himself if the ceratopsian decided to charge. Slowly, Berserker lowered his head back to the ground, but he still kept his eyes on the Styracosaurus.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:56 pm

"My poor, poor Spectre. They've treated you so terribly all these years..." rumbled Zephora lowly as she lay beside the one surviving piece of her mate, laying her head by the half buried skull, closing her eyes as she lay solemnly beside where Spectre had likely lay before his body was torn apart and scattered to parts unknown. The female lay there in silent mourning for her mate, the rush of emotion that gripped her in the wake of the discovery of his remains silencing whatever she had to say for several minutes. "Never again" she growled firmly once she'd regained her focus, her eyes opening as her gaze rested on her son. "You're right, Crusher. No one should be forced to go through what we did....Not your young, nor Thrasher's. But promise me one thing" she growled, her tone plainly stating it was less a request and more of a command; the last she would ever burden her son with. Crusher tilted his head, having an idea of what his mother was going to say next, but giving her the satisfaction of saying it herself. "If Thrasher ever threatens us again, now...later...a decade from now...don't let him leave with his life. He is not the kind to let others live in peace...I doubt he will let us be just because you fought him off...If and when he chooses to attack again...that will be sufficient reason to finish avenge your father and brothers" rumbled the female, Crusher nodding respectfully. "If he's fool enough to show his face in our territory or the surroundings ones, I'll kill him whether it's by your request or not. He's received the only mercy he'll find from me. I still want him dead...The decision to let him go was made only to safeguard my family from future repercussions" rumbled the Scarred Rex firmly, Zephora nodding faintly in satisfaction before resting her eyes once more, losing herself in thought beside the worn skull of her long deceased mate...

Sarraya glanced between Zephora, Crusher, and the two siblings that had taken to speaking near the edge of the clearing in muffled tones, not wanting to disturb the elderly rex's moment of peace. "You really are something, Crusher" growled the female in a mixture of disbelief and amusement. "Hm?" responded the male, tilting his head curiously, though Sarraya failed to elaborate, instead turning away and departing back through the trees, heading out to claim a chunk of turf for herself. "Morphena, could you keep an eye on the place for now? I need to do a patrol and lay down our borders" he growled, Morphena nodding before giving Sarcus her attention once more, Crusher departing after Sarraya, hoping to catch up with her and get an answer before she went beyond the borders he intended to claim...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby slashmaster101 » Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:57 am

When the Tyrannosaur raised its head, The styracosaur paused from his drink and snorted as the head was lowered again before quickly refreshing himself and ambling back into the jungle, pausing slightly to scratch an itch on his shoulder, using a nearby tree trunk before continuing on his way
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Kiryu Gwangi » Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:48 am

Berserker watched the Styracosaurus leave, before slowly standing and walking in the opposite direction. He needed to get back to his territory, but chose not to go in the Styracosaurus' direction. The Tyrannosaurus walked through a series of trees as he went through a different route towards his part of the land, occasionally sniffing the air to see if there were any other theropods nearby.

Berserker came upon a small trail between the trees, the dinosaur deciding to follow it, walking amongst the vegetation at a calm pace.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Lucianchildofthemoon » Sat Oct 18, 2014 3:35 am

A dull murmur of bird calls and busy insects fill the tropical forest with a sense of peaceful coexistence. All seemed well in the heavily vegatated undergrowth of Isla Sornas island interior. Under the shade of one the islands massive trees lay Clovus. The 30 foot monster of a Ceratosaur was resting his large frame after an unsuccessful hunt no more than a day ago. An unsuccessful hunt always put a damper on the large predators pride due to his multitude of successes in the past. Growling in self loathing for not anticipating his next step, caused the dryosaurus he had been stalking to prematurely flee the clear he had staked out hours before. Raising his massive head off the soft ferns he had made his bed, Clovus made a sweep of his immediate surroundings. No movement. No worrying scents. All is as it should be... Except I'm starving. Thought Clovus, his stomach clarifying his internal monologue even more so. Deciding he has rested enough, Clovus rose to his clawed feet. At full height the forest looked excessively different. Letting out a low growl the Ceratosaur trudges off in search of food. Swaying in between the massive and dense forest Clovus begins tracking scents distinguishing between recent ones and ones not even worth smelling. To his surprise the pod of dryosaurus were still grazing in the immediate area. Clovus came to the realization after finding multiple scents and fresh signs of fern consumption in his part of the forest. Locking on to the forging pod of dryosaurs, Clovus begins to feel the thrill of the hunt rise within his heavily muscle frame. Salivating in anticipation the Ceratosaurus passes silently through the underbrush a ghost within the ferns...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:28 am

A low growl rumbled in the throat of the scarred rex as he walked amidst the outlying trees of a stretch of jungle on the edge of his territory. The fluttering of avian wings mingled with the calls of tropical birds and tree-dwelling primates, the lively, high pitched callls and low growling howls contrasting with the bugling bellows of distant hadrosaurs, creating the primal symphony of the island. The Tyrannosaur took in the scents of his surroundings, identifying from smell alone hundreds of creatures on his vicinity, most of no concern to the likes of him. The relative peace was alien to him, a pleasant metamorphosis from his previous, hardship-filled life. It gave him time to think; to reflect on his day, on his situation, on his life. And reflect he did. He hadn't managed to get an answer out of Sarraya, the female apparently needing time to think. That being said, it seemed she was no longer annoyed at his decision to let Thrasher live, probably because their mother approved. As for him, the rex now set his mind on a singular goal; to lay down the borders of his domain, and tear whoever dared cross them to shreds....
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby slashmaster101 » Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:58 am

Upon the open plains of Isla Sorna, a monster stalked. The large grey Giganotosaur known as "Chomper" was hunting, his chosen prey; a lone Camarasaur that he had separated from the main herd that frequently foraged in his territory. Growling low in his throat the therapod moved ever so closer, waiting for the perfect moment to strike
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby saurus172 » Thu Nov 06, 2014 12:41 am

On the coastal plains of the northwest part of Isla Sorna, a few herds of various herbivores were feeding, hadrosaurs cropping off low lying vegetation like bushes and shrubs, ceratopsians browsing on the woody branches of saplings and older trees, while a small herd of puertasaurus stripped the leaves off of the canopy. Unknown to all the herbivores, someone was watching them. Someone big. Someone hungry. A giant dark shadow with darker jagged stripes running down its shape was slowly circling around the entire group, staying in the shadows. The massive tyrannotitan kept on moving counter-clockwise, keeping his one good eye on the herds. He locked on to his target. Suddenly, he charged out of the brush! The herds scattered, the hadrosaurs honked and trumpeted in fear, milling around while trying not to get crushed by the feet of stampeding sauropods or getting impaled by the horns of galloping ceratopsians. Ravish raced forward, slamming into his chosen victim: a large male torosaurus. The herbivore bellowed in pain, many of his ribs broken from the impact. The torosaurus spat our blood, turning his massive frilled skull toward the growling giant, his horns lowered, his eye spots flushed in a threat display. Ravish roared, slamming his tail against the toro's face, sending it skidding several yards away. Dazed, the plant eater didn't even notice the tyrannotitan attacking until it was too late. Screaming, the herbivore struggled helplessly as the tyrannotitan crushed its neck. With a thud, the body fell, its flesh quivering as Ravish roared in triumph before tackling the corpse, his great maw tearing massive chunks of meat, tendon, and bone off. In the shadows a Inostiancevio was watching, waiting his turn to feed.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Lucianchildofthemoon » Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:47 am

Honks and chirps escaped the small vocal cords of dryosaurs as they searched a small clearing for food in the large forest. The small dinosaurs were after ferns and other low growing plants that were easy to reach and that were common on the island. However, the pod of dryosaurs were unaware of the growing danger approaching downwind of them. Not even a day ago this same pod of dryosaurs had been ambushed, but to the predators dismay did not leave with a kill. For some unforeseen reason the dryosaurs were unusually relaxed, not even stationing a sentry to keep watch over them while the rest fed. This put Clovus the ceratosaur on edge. surveying the surrounding forest for other predators or armored herbivores, the ceratosaur saw it. Standing off closer to the wall of forest then the Dryosaurs stood a gigantic stegosaurus. From what Clovus could tell the stegosaur was old but that didn't make him any less dangerous. The herbivore weighed thousands of pounds more then him and if it wanted to do damage it would only take a well placed tail swing and Clovus's time on this island would come to an end. Clovus was not deterred however, the pains in his stomach would not allow him to turn down this amount of prey. Clovus knows if he is careful he can outmaneuver the stegosaur and catch a dryosaurus before it can even counter attack. Salivating once more in anticipation the large theropod stalks deeper into the dense undergrowth of the forest inching his way towards a pair of dryosaurs. They had drifted apart from the original mass and were getting dangerously close to Clovus's position. Stopping in his tracks Clovus watches as the dryosaurs forge closer and closer till they are finally within a strides reach of the ceratosaur. Tensing his calves the primal addiction that is the hunt courses through the seasoned predator. Lowering his large frame into a crouch, Clovus tenses. The dryosaur that the ceratosaur targeted wasn't facing him and would not be expecting the crushing embrace of the predators powerful jaws. And suddenly Clovus lunged forward. His large body launching forward upon the unsuspecting dryosaurus. The rest of the pod began fleeing into the surrounding forest, screeching in primal fright. Clovus's jaws close on the dryosaurs mid section before its screams could escape its throat with crushing force Clovus felt the small dinosaurs spine snap and ribs crack under his force. Shaking his head viciously Clovus felt the life leave his prey as its blood dripped from his ebony jaws. Taking the carcass into the underbrush he leaves before the stegosaur could even react...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby saurus172 » Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:50 am

Ravish tossed the torosaurus' bloody liver into the air, downing it in one gulp. Rumbling contently, the gigantic tyrannotitan clamped his bloody jaws on the toro's tail, sinking his steak knife sized teeth in deep. With a powerful shake of his head, he ripped the entire tail off and sending the rest of the carcass crashing several yards away. 'Time to enjoy some peace and quiet... as long as that pest leaves soon' the carnivore thought with a low rumbling snarl, seeing the Inostiancevio already dig into the corpse, even as the one who made it was watching from less than a hundred yards away.

Gorgon the gorgonopsid barely glanced at the black theropod, heading straight for the torosaurus. The mangled corpse still had delectable choices, ripe for a polar bear sized scavenger. Snapping his jaws at the growing crowd of compys and other smaller creatures muscling in on the food. "Get near meal, you pay," he growled, already snapping up an overly brave or incredibly stupid comp nipped his rear leg, barely penetrating the thick skin with its needle like teeth. Swallowing the tiny reptile, he then began to chase the scattering creatures, forgetting the kill as he found the prospect of an easy hunt.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby slashmaster101 » Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:32 pm

As the Camarosaur ambled along trumpeting out in hopes of finding its herd, the Giganotosaur stalked ever closer growing worried that the Sauropods calls would attract scavengers and potential competition, deciding that now would be the best time to strike the Giga attacked, letting loose a roar that sounded like a cross between a bellow and a hiss the theropods claws raked across the Herbivores side, leaving large bleeding gashes, As the Camarasaur bellowed in pain the Carnivore lunged forward and chomped down on the Sauropods neck, cutting off its cries and air supply, now Chomper would simply have to hold on and wait.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:28 pm

The rex had begun picking up the scent of another predator in the area as he made his way through the jungle along the edges of the vast game trail running through his prospective territory. While it was still too soon after defeating Thrasher for him to be sure this scent didn't belong to a straggler, he did know that the scent was fresh. It had left its mark in the night. The scent was that of an Acrocanthosaurus. A male, in his prime by the smell of it, and in very good health as far as he could tell. Odds are the sudden disappearance of all Thrasher's allies and acquaintances had emboldened the beast. The Scarred Rex snarled lowly. He would have to remedy that...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby saurus172 » Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:35 pm

Ravish turned, bored at the gorgonopsid's attempts to catch the speedy scavengers. He quickly dug a divot into the earth and set the tail in, covering it with foliage and dirt before walking on. He growled deeply, stopping near his borders, seeing claw marks deeply engraved in a tree's woody flesh, sap oozing lazily from the slashes. He studied the marks, sizing up whoever made them. The marks, two sets of three, were about as high as his shoulders. That meant whoever did it was a slightly smaller, but equally large theropod. 'Intruders will not be allowed in lightly...' the giant tyrannotitan's brain thought as he let loose a thunderous roar before following the scent trail of the intruder, his claws clutched tight, perfect for ripping apart prey. Or foes.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Lucianchildofthemoon » Sat Nov 22, 2014 10:02 pm

Clovus carries the limp and lifeless dryosaur a few hundred yards away from the clearing before he decides the threat of the stegosaur was not a problem anymore. dropping the dryosaurus to the ground with a soft thud, the large Ceratosaurus pulled the corpse into a heavily vegitated area as to eat his meal in peace. Once there, he tore into the soft belly of the dryosaur. Tearing out the vital organs and tender meat from the now open cavity. Hunk after of hunk of flesh is devoured by the large carnivore. Within no time at all most of the Dryosaur is either bone or scaly skin. Making a rumbling almost a pur sound from his full throat Clovus reveals how content he really is. Satiated, the Ceratosaurus stretches his muscular frame before laying down in the ferns and other plant matter surrounding the carcass ready to sleep off the meal. Suddenly a glass shattering roar pierces the tranquil lull of the forest Clovus calls home. By the sound of it, the Ceratosaurus knows its a good ways off from him. Snarling in irritation Clovus wonders what cause could possibly make a predator make such a obnoxious sound. Snorting Clovus knew that any territorial super predator would zero right in on the would be show off, prepared to dish out a punishment. From expierence and the scars on the Ceratosaurs torso and neck he had experienced battles for dominance. Over his years he found surprise was the best weapon to use against his enemies. Laying his massive skull back on the warm forest floor Clovus closes his eyes intent on sleeping his full stomach off...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby 134Wolf » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:26 pm

As he moved silently through the dense underbrush, Xypher watched his prey carefully. A lone, injured Dryosaur was looking for something to eat, after it had been attacked by something the previous day while Xypher was asleep on a low tree branch. All he knew was that he had an opportunity that would put an end to his hunger, which seemed to be his only problem at the time. He moved to the edge of a bush about 10 meters downwind of the Dryosaur. He planned his movements carefully, as he didn't want to scare off his only prey within his immediate area. Still young and not fully grown yet, he needed all the food he could get his claws on. He poised himself to leap out, but as he did so, a twig snapped underneath his foot. 'Crap...' He growled to himself, and figured it was now or never to go and get the meat his body desperately needed. He lunged forward, crashing into a bunch of vines hanging from a small tree next to him. Even with the warning, it was too late for the Dryosaur. He was on top of it in seconds, his jaws clamping down on its neck as he jumped on its back and rolled it over on its side, somewhat on top of him from where he landed. He twisted his head and neck, snapping the small dinosaurs neck. Relieved, he looked around and smelled as he quickly got out from under the kill and stood up, in a low crouch. Nothing in the immediate area to take his catch, he concluded, and began pulling the dinosaur away towards the relative safety of the tree branch he had slept in the previous night...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Pyronychus » Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:48 am

A cave. Little more than a dirty hovel in the side of a hill, its entrance held open by the dried roots of a disheveled, half-dead tree. Blood. Everywhere, blood, inside the cave and out. Tiny fragments of tiny carcasses littered the dirt floor. Although they had been left there, untouched for almost two days, the stagnant air still carried the stench of death as freshly as the moment the tragedy occurred.

Tiny eyes. So small they could have belonged to a compy, come to salvage what few edible bits were left. But the eyes weren't of a scavenger. They glinted, weak and scared, from a crack in the furthest, darkest corner of the cave, formed where a large root had forced its way through the compacted dirt wall. The eyes belonged to the last surviving inhabitant of the cave - weak, starving and utterly defenseless but for the tight crevice she had pressed herself into when the scary ones came. But even before the scary ones, the infant creature could sense that something was wrong. The big ones who cared for her - gave her food and protected her and the other small ones - went away. Then there was a horrible uproar outside. Screeches, howls, desperate cries of rage and agony. She hadn't seen what happened. She was too afraid to look. When all went quiet, she simply huddled amongst the other small ones as they sought comfort in each other. But soon the scary ones came. She and the others tried to hide wherever they could, but the crevice wasn't big enough for them all. So one by one, she watched as the other small ones were plucked away in the grip of giant claws, and ripped apart. The infant creature was confused, hungry and traumatized. She was so young and weak from hunger that she could barely stand, and had hardly dared to move since the scary ones finally left.

Nestled in the crevice, she waited for the big ones to come back. So little time she had spent with them. So new was the tiny saurian that she hadn't yet learned to speak - hadn't even learned her name. Several times she had chirped loudly for them, hoping they would hear and bring her food. But as the hours and days passed, her calls grew softer, weaker, more pitiful, until finally, she stopped. The big ones were not coming back...

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby saurus172 » Wed Nov 26, 2014 2:34 pm

Ravish slowed down his footsteps until he was at a crawl, crouching low, his taloned feet softly crushing the undergrowth as he moved. He stopped, seeing a decent sized hump sway and lurch through the vegetation. He chuckled to himself,"Seems someone got to my happy bush." The bush, hidden well from herbivores and predators alike, was a intoxicant. Like catnip, it made whoever ingested it's leaves a shambling mess, their reptilian brain in a numb state. A rather hilarious thing until it wears off and leaves ya with a headache that feels like a brachiosaur was sitting on the bridge of your skull.

The Tyrannotitan crouched lower to the ground, his legs muscles tensed. He pounced, charging at the tipsy dinosaur. A shriek of absolute fear tore through the smaller predator's mouth as she fell to the ground, a massive taloned foot on it's chest, the foot alone the half the size of its head. "Who are you and why are you here?" Ravish snarled, his steak knife fangs bared close to the poor creature's eyes. It mumbled something. "What did you say?" he roared, lightly grabbing the carnivore's snout, pricks of blood appearing where the claws pierced the scaly skin. "Is that really you Ravish?" she asked, a look of fear and shock plastered on her face. "Do I know you?" Ravish replied with a question, releasing his hold on the lightly intoxicated dinosaur.

"No, you were just a hatchling." She stared at him with big, light blue eyes. "But a sister never forgets."
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby 134Wolf » Wed Nov 26, 2014 6:55 pm

Finished with his meal, Xypher quickly leaped down from the tree, saving the other half of his catch for later. As he hadn't gotten a chance to drink in a while, he decided to go searching for a stream. He headed off at a decent pace, not quite running but not walking either. He quickly came upon a cave, smelling of blood but figured it was just someones kill. Only he turned around again because the cave smelled strongly of blood. Not just someones kill. It smelled like a large fight was held in the cave, many scents mixing within, but the main one was blood. Curious, he went inside, following the scent of blood. He entered, and what he saw stunned him.

Blood, everywhere. He smelled the scent of various Raptor, Liliensternus, and a few Compys as well. The ground was littered with egg shells, and small body parts of what seemed to be extremely young Raptors or Compys, and there were a few blood trails that led out from the small cave, the roots and vines pulled off of cut away by something. The trails were mostly washed away outside of the cave, as there had been a small rainstorm the previous night...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:27 pm

Splintered light passed through the trees leaning over the river. The lazy current carried brown water down the gentle slopes to the ocean, winding with distance back and forth. Sharp bones jutted out from the muddy shores on either side. The skeletons here were complete specimens, as if the creatures that once lived had all congregated by the riverbanks to die by will.

That was far from the case. Scarred bones, broken bones, bones punctured with teeth and claws, they all told a story of violence. Contorted skeletons, mangled skeletons, skeletons stained red with fresh blood. The display had only grown over the years. This was the metaphorical river Styx: the waters of the lost and damned.

This was the territory of the Gravedigger.

The megaraptor had on his claws, a carnotaur. The bull-horned predator was hooked by the throat, droplets of blood idly running down the megaraptor's fingers. Blood pooled up in the creature's palms and ran down the sides of his hands, running over the soil and collecting at the bases of it's previous works set along the banks. Red stained the aged ivory. The stench of death hung heavy in the air.

The carnotaur was dying slowly of suffocation. Its boxy snout parted with every attempt at a growl and snarl it made. Its eyes were glassy. Its hide was in some strange transition, the earthy colors its scales had taken on in order to blend into the environment blending with dull grays and tans. It, like so many others, came to the Deathbed in search of an easy meal. It met the Gravedigger. It's struggle was over, but the message it was to leave had yet to be written.

The river bubbled. Striations at the surface indicated the approach of a submerged newcomer. They grew as the dark shape beneath the water became more pronounced, nearing the top of the river until it broke the current. A suchomimus stood hunched in the water, just a few feet away from the bone-littered banks of the river. Its hide was a blend of dark and light reds, swirling stripes wrapping around its body. Bony humps extended off from its back, the growths similar to the spines of a spinosaur's sail-- without the sail.

"I do not like to be interrupted. You know this," the megaraptor growled lowly. His back was to the newcomer as he put his devilish claws to use on the deceased carnotaur.

"It is not an interruption," the suchomimus, a female, responded. "It has come to our attention that we have lost one of our leaders."

A loud crack, that of snapping vertebrae, went through the air, a quick and striking noise that was replaced with the sloshing of the moving waters in its immediate absence. The megaraptor swung its bulk around, dragging the dead carnotaur with it. Its back was folded in on itself, its underbelly pushed out in an unnatural manner. The Gravedigger met the gaze of the suchomimus and put a painted talon on the underside of the carnotaur. With one swift slash, the smaller carnivore's entrails were freed.

"I do not care about how you occupy yourself, Eurn." The suchomimus hardened her gaze and curled her lips to reveal her wicked set of teeth, further altered by her exposure to the taint. "I do care about the future of the Displacement."

"Our victory is already assured." Eurn picked up the larger portions of the chunks spilled before his feet in one hand and let them flop into his waiting jaws. He proceeded to gulp down the meal greedily.

The suchomimus snarled. "It is that kind of thinking that has resulted in our loss, Gravedigger. A leader, his underlings and the pool have been lost to raptors. We cannot drink from it without being poisoned by the corpses left to the ravages of the swamp. The disease and parasites in them..."

"The pools are a poison in of themselves, Tresh. They are a test to separate the weak from the worthy." Eurn continued to eat.

"Thrasher was there--"

"Thrasher has fallen. The news of his fall has spread far in a short time. You are not as good a messenger as you would like to think," Eurn replied curtly.

Tresh recoiled with a hiss. "Even if Thrasher failed, the mere presence of his being at the pool should have deterred the raptors responsible. It does not make any sense."

"And you want me to hunt them down?" Another bony crunch as Eurn bit down on one of the carnotaur's horns.

"Make good on your title, Gravedigger." Tresh made a warning rumble in her throat.

"You are in no position to give me orders, river-dweller." Eurn turned away from the newest addition to his collection, glaring at the suchomimus. "Raptors are not suitable for my work. Too fragile. Nothing to show for the effort." The megaraptor snorted dismissively.

"Gravedigger," Tresh growled, her patience thinning, "you have so much already. Territory, no want of food, little to challenge your reign. Any other predator would be run out of their holdings had they decided to make a game out of killing, leaving their kills to waste. But you..."

"The Displacement has been kind."

"Then do us service, Gravedigger. Before we turn our backs on you. Before they take issue with you and you join our leader in death."

"Such veiled threats!" Eurn laughed. "You do not stand a chance against an experienced killer like myself, Tresh. A bunch of raptors will pose no threat!"

"There is reason to believe they are in the employ of the tyrannosaur who ousted Thrasher, you fool," said Tresh, and Eurn's good mood soured instantly.

"Would you resort to lies to drag me away from my home!?" he accused the suchomimus with a grating growl of rage. He stalked towards the other mutant, bloodstained hands grasping at the air threateningly.

"Good. You still have sense enough to worry about him." Tresh started stepping away from the angered megaraptor, gradually sinking into the river. "You know what you must do," she said before departing, slinking into the current and diving down beneath the surface, her ridges slipping beneath the dirty water and disappearing by time Eurn's feet plunged into the river. He stared down it, tail thrashing in anger at the messenger's gall, and the implications of her statement.

The mutant megaraptor hissed and stomped away from the Deathbed, heading into the thicker vegetation away from the banks.
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Bae Fish
Bae Fish
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