Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:34 pm

In the shadow of the forest, a sprawling river carved a path through the heart of the island towards the ocean. Trees hung over the sides of the river, so tall and wide that their branches almost overhung the entire river, only a narrow gap between them allowing light to pass through. The afternoon sun was veiled by a thick sheet of clouds spreading across the island, the rumble of thunder in the distance heralding darker weather. Over the mountains that snaked their way across the vast island, a thick haze had begun to spread. The air was heavy with humidity, and many of the island's native species of birds had already taken to the tree branches high in the canopy.

Alongside the river, a large tyrannosaurus slowly stalked amidst the trees, gleaming yellow eyes glaring through the forest of living pillars, pushing through the thick green curtains of foliage. Vines and branches bent to give way for the tyrant, the scarred rex tracking the marks left by another predator. A sick, repulsive monstrosity whose very existence was an affront to the natural order. It had entered land that had not belonged to it, and Crusher knew all too well the danger of letting one of these distorted creatures get too close.

The scent of blood and decay was heavy in the air. He had been tracking it for a while now. Prey of the Acrocanthosaur, or of something else, he could not say. But he did know that it would be a magnet to the repugnant carnivore he currently hunted...What better way to catch it than use its hunger against it?

The Irritator wandered the edges of a river further North. He had known this day would come. Thrasher's recklessness and arrogance had brought about his downfall. But Rake was nothing if not cunning. He had planned contingencies for an incident like this. Means through which he could safeguard himself and continue his schemes. Contacts, paths, safe spots he could use as shelter, he had thought of everything. He was also no stranger to the over-reaching powers that influenced the island. The rumours. The myths that, day by day, seemed to be proving themselves to be more than such, and he, perhaps more so than any and every creature on this island...was perfectly positioned to take advantage of it. Hissing lowly in self satisfaction, the Irritator pushed on into the trees, leaving the riverside behind him. Thrasher's companions that lingered would be looking for him. Looking for revenge. The Scarred Rex's scent was in the heavy, humid air. Danger surrounded him, and he knew that staying by the river would be to invite an untimely death. No. He would stay in the forests. In the dense treelines, out of reach of those powerful enough to do him harm...

Farther West, another predator roamed the jungles of Sorna. A giganotosaurus. An older beast with a legacy spanning nearly four decades. He was one of the progenitors of his kind; a father to many of the gigas that roamed this island, many of them ignorant of his identity or existence. At one time, he had been considered by many to be the most powerful and dangerous creature the island had ever seen. But that was long ago, at a time when the island wasn't littered with disfigured abominations with more strength than sense, when his only foes were natural beasts with natural flaws. Early on, he had attempted to use their strengths against them, his body warping and expanding to proportions that he had not dreamt were possible at the time. He had not come out of it unscathed however. With the power and size had come a terrible cost; He could feel this poison, this sickness, eating at his mind. He was wise enough to stop before he could be ensnared, saving himself from a fate worse than death. But the damage was done. Forgetfulness was a growing foe, and his mind frequently drifted into reflection. He had long since chosen to abandon the fight for territory or title. His stature and reputation still afforded him enough respect that many gave him a wide berth. Now, in the later years of his life, he wanted little to do with violence aside from the obligation of hunting. Let the young and the foolish fight over this rock. In the end, what difference did it make who held the title? What difference did it make whose name it was that terrified all who heard it? In the end, nothing changed. The dark brown, grey striped giant pushed roughly through the jungle, bitterness making him irritable, and irritation drawing his ire upon his surroundings. His horribly scarred hide told the tale of a predator who had fought many a battle and slain many a foe. His head alone was more scar than intact flesh, five different sets of Spinosaur claw slashes criss-crossing his muzzle, obscuring most of whatever patterns he once had adorning his snout, little more than the glimmering amber eyes glaring into the darkness that started to spread across Sorna, the first drops of rain beginning to dampen the canopy above...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:01 pm

Eurn's talons tore at the ground with every footfall that fell upon it, the Gravedigger of Isla Sorna moving with purpose, nostrils flaring. He smelled rain coming.

The raptors would know just a while longer of peace, wherever they were. These rainstorms tended to be longlasting, but as soon as the downpour cleared up and the scent trails returned, the hunt to find these enemies of the Displacement would be a short affair.

For now, the megaraptor's course of action was to head for the spawning pools of his altered kind. He realized in hindsight that he should have found out which pool fell from Tresh, but the suchomimus was already out of his range, traveling through the island's waterways. She would not be too keen on finding him again, meaning he'd have to check up on each of them.

He'd spend the duration of the storm getting as much ground covered as he could. If only he knew where his heading was taking him, maybe he would have stayed clear of the aged goliath. Or not; perhaps his thoughts would be instead focused on the giganotosaur as opposed to his other objectives...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby 134Wolf » Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:13 pm

Sczarn lifted his enormous head off the ground, awakening from his previous slumber. He rose to his full height and reared back, letting a goliath yawn out, sending his presence to everything around him. He began taking in scents around him, looking for any form of prey. He caught on to a scent, but not one he desired. He walked into the jungle, not worried about the creature he smelled behind him, as if was still a ways off. He had recently heard that some of Thrashers old territory was up for grabs, as he had been dethroned by a Rex, of which he hadn't heard the name as of yet. He strode off towards the center, not too far away from where he had slept the previous night. It would be about a half hour to an hours' walk, depending on what way he went, but he didn't mind. He had nothing better to do as of now...
Last edited by 134Wolf on Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:23 pm

The giant paused as another scent reached him; one he had not picked up earlier. His lips instantly curled into a snarl. Wonderful. Just the things I didn't want to deal with he thought as he tried to pinpoint the scent. With the weight of the humid air and the smell of rain acting against him, he found it increasingly difficult to pinpoint the source. That being said, there was a slight breeze, and it stood to reason that he was downwind of the creature whose scent now assailed his nostrils. Pausing amidst the trees, he chose to observe; to watch for now and wait for this wanderer to reveal itself. Up ahead, between where he hid and where the wandering Megaraptor seemed to be, was a fairly clear patch with limited tree growth, the area large enough that it could have been a fire, though the limited size of the space, only about 80 feet across, suggested a sudden end to the flames; a mid-summer shower, perhaps? It was difficult for the goliath to rationalise, and with that, he realised his focus had drifted from what was important; the mutant currently somewhere up ahead...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby 134Wolf » Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:32 pm

As Sczarn walked inland, he caught a scent coming in on a slight breeze. He couldn't tell if it was the same one from before, as he didn't get a good whiff of that first one. He couldn't pinpoint where this one was coming from because of the extremely humid air and the breeze now somewhat counteracting it, but he figured he was safe from it, for now. He continued towards the land that was up for grabs, not wanting to stop too much on the way, lest he not get any land and have traveled a half hour inland for nothing...
Last edited by 134Wolf on Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:48 pm

Eurn thundered into the clearing and stopped just past the treeline. He turned his head from side to side, surveying the area as the aged titan's scent wafted over to him, the shifting winds heralding the coming rain mixing the scent trails but hinting that he was not alone where he was.

It was interesting company to be had, though. Another mutant... but not one he was acquainted with. His maw parted as he let out a call, seeking the stranger.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby 134Wolf » Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:04 am

Sczarn was getting hungrier and hungrier, and he was tempted to stop and hunt before claiming is new-found territory. He convinced himself otherwise, and trudged on inland...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:08 am

Silence answered the Megaraptor. At this distance, the giant knew it could smell him. But that didn't change the fact that he wanted no part in dealing with the creature. Instead, the goliath stood in silence, observing the creature that seemed to think that running out and calling would illicit a response. Were he younger and shorter tempered, he would probably have charged out and ripped its head off on the spot. Instead, he watched. He waited. He chose to let the other creature's movements define his response...

Much farther to the South-East, over a day away from the Giganotosaur, Crusher continued his patrol. His hunt. The scent of decay led to a beached Pliosaur, much farther inland than the rex had ever seen them. It had paid the price dearly, laying on the bank of the river, flipped on its back, its entrails torn out and ribcage broken open, the bony underside of the animal pried open as though it were little more than an unpleasant distraction. Over it, a black scaled, grizzled looking creature tugged at its flank. Uneven bumps and ridges dotted its hide, half-developed scutes running on either side of a jagged and damaged spine, wrapped in muscle that seemed almost too big to be natural. The creature's hide was covered in scars, and, as it thrashed its jaws to tug a piece of the pliosaur's leathery hide loose, the Rex spotted jagged fangs, growing in all sorts of unexpected directions, the animal's mouth a splayed cage of blades, the animal's once-green eyes having an eerily milky look to them, hair-thin pupils barely discernible against the green-grey backdrop. This was the intruder. A revolting mess of an animal that could barely be said to be the same species as the other Acrocanthosaurs that roamed the island. The Tyrannosaur had no intention of letting it live...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:14 am

"Has age inflated your pride, old timer?" came Eurn's next statement as he continued out into the barrens, peering out all around him for signs of the giganotosaurus. "Pride is a dangerous thing, to us big and small."
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:21 am

"No more than it has dulled your wits, new blood" rumbled the Giganotosaurus bitterly as he glared from amidst the trees. The towering plantlife heaved and groaned as it was pushed aside, a ground-shaking thump causing pebbles jump in the giga's immediate vicinity. The beast's long, scarred, blade-lined muzzle pushed out of the treeline as amber eyes glared down at the smaller theropod, reading its actions, its posture, its tone, gathering as much on the creature before him as he could. "You know nothing, but assume everything. That is far more dangerous than any measure of pride" growled the predator, twin puffs of vapour spilling from the giant's nostrils...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:27 am

"You accuse me of assumptions?" The Gravedigger aligned the ridges along his head with the giganotosaur, looking up at the scarred goliath with solid blue eyes. "What then, do you call what you're doing?" the megaraptor challenged, his heightened aggression only restrained so. Making his show pieces by the riverside was a good way to vent it, but it was so easy for his wrath to build...
Last edited by C S on Sat Nov 29, 2014 1:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:36 am

"I draw conclusions based on obvious facts. You run into the open and call to a creature you don't know, whose intentions are a mystery, and hope that it is not close enough, fast enough or of the inclination to lunge out and rip your head off. You failed to detect a creature twice your size, standing amidst a bunch of trees. And again, you assume I have inflated pride, when I have none at all to speak of. I never assumed...I just used what you gave me to build an image of what you were" growled the giant, his tone the tired drone of one who was sick of dealing with unsolvable problems, in this case, the numerous generations of upstarts he had encountered in his time. He heard the aggression in the Megaraptor's tone, and he knew from its scent that it was not a stranger to violence; the smell of blood was strong on it, from numerous sources and within a short stretch of time. Too short for them to be meals...A creature that killed for pleasure. It was something that would draw disgust from the giant, were he not so used to it already...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:41 am

"Altered-kin, fast, strong or no, you are no worry of mine," Eurn replied, as if correcting a youngling's mistake. "As I am no concern of yours, if you heed what I say. The Displacement grows, and our unaffiliated altered-kin stand to be incorporated..."
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Pyronychus » Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:48 am

The tiny pair of eyes glinted amber from the deep shadows of the cave, widening in fear at the sight of the approaching creature. A scary one! The infant pressed herself as far into the crevice as her meager strength would allow, letting out the tiniest squeak of effort in doing so...

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby 134Wolf » Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:54 am

The small dinosaur scrunched itself deeper into the crack, and Xypher continued to crawl forward. He stopped, as it looked at him with tiny amber eyes. This wan't any ordinary Compy, he thought to himself. This was something he had never seen before. He slowly began to stick his claw nearer and nearer to the crack and this new dinosaur, his claw almost about the enter the crack with it...
Last edited by 134Wolf on Thu Nov 27, 2014 1:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Pyronychus » Thu Nov 27, 2014 1:20 am

The hatchling panicked at the sight of the scary one's clawed hand, slowly looming closer to her hiding place. She squeaked frantically, kicking her fragile legs against the dirt in vain, trying for all she was worth to squeeze further back into the crevice. But the claw kept coming. Closer, closer. Her fear quickly rose to acute terror until, in an act of pure instinct, the cornered hatchling awkwardly jerked her orange-crested head forward, diminutive green and gray jaws snapping weakly at the clawed finger.

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Nov 27, 2014 1:21 am

"Altered-kin. Such a....quaint name for a collection of slaves, desperate for their next taste of the tainted waters" rumbled the Giganotosaurus, eyes narrowed as he considered the creature's threat. "You enjoy your....delicate language. Altered. Displacement. Unaffiliated. Incorporated. Decorating faeces with flowers will not change what it is, young blood. You seek to pull together a horde of creatures ranging from the mildly intelligent to the mindless and violent. I may share the taint of others you know, but I am not so weak that I will bow to it, nor to any who use it as the uniting element in their fold. Not when I would be standing at the side of creatures that kill for the sake of killing" he added, the Giganotosaurus dismissing the Megaraptor's correction as irrelevant...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Thu Nov 27, 2014 1:31 am

"Your mind escapes you, old timer," Eurn responded simply. "A demonstration of superior judgement is in order."
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby 134Wolf » Thu Nov 27, 2014 1:39 am

Xypher pulled his hand back as the little thing bite on to his hand, not doing anything harmful, but showing its two orange crests and making him realize what species the thing was. He had an instinct to take it in, a burning at the back or his head to not let it suffer like he had, alone in a very harsh world. He decided he would start by feeding it...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Lucianchildofthemoon » Thu Nov 27, 2014 2:15 am

a single large droplet of water landed on the sleeping Ceratosaurs snout. Opening one eye in annoyance Clovus rose to his feet. Groggy from the light nap and rudely awaken by mother earth he decided to do a sweep of his small territory. Walking off into the dense foliage Clovus works his way around the perimeter of his lands. The territory Clovus calls home runs a small circle within in Isla Sornas jungle interior and is cut in half by a small river. Most of the prey items that call his territory home are Dryosaurus and other small herbivores along with stegosaurs and kentrosaurs with the largest prey items being Camarasaurus. Clovus doesn't hunt the big sauropods often but he will gladly snag an unsuspecting youngling if it isn't being watched. Velociraptors are the most common intruders Clovus has faced and one of the most annoying. He first started tangling with them a few years back after the small carnivores had realized how plentiful the prey animals were here. First they came in twos and threes but lately he's been seeing packs of five roving around the perimeter of his land. This worries Clovus, causing him to snarl as he carefully maneuvers around a recently fallen tree. Raptors are smart and he knows this which means the previous ones that Clovus scared and injured may be looking for retribution. Snorting the Ceratosaur continues down an abandoned game trail, the sky growing dark with rain clouds...
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