Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Lucianchildofthemoon » Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:10 am

The scent stung his nostrils, potent and musky the creature lurking in the murky flood waters was unfamiliar to the large Ceratosaurus. and that put him on edge. Stalking forward as quietly as he could through the water Clovus keeps his head on a swivel watching for either the potential prey item or the potential threat. Suddenly the water began to shimmer and bubble notifying the predator that something was moving under the water. Suddenly Clovus knew what was coming at him. Almost invisible in the flood waters heading towards him was a very large crocodile. It was large enough to injure Clovus but not large enough that he couldn't handle it. Growling the Ceratosaurus prepares to pounce his claws gripping at the loose jungle floor waiting for his opportunity to counter the crocodilian. Quickly the crocodile covered the distance between them in couple of seconds. Clovus didn't know what drove this crocodile to attack what was obviously a larger foe, whether it was starvation or madness the Ceratosaur didn't care. He was hungry. That was when the crocodile struck Lunging out of the water with surprising speed, but Clovus was ready for him. Side stepping to the side careful to avoid any fallen trees the Ceratosaur lunges at the crocodiles now exposed neck. Latching onto the large crocodile Clovus clamped down his jaws, blood almost exploding from the force of the bite. The crocodile thrashed about trying to free himself, but it was all in vain. Hissing his last breath the crocodile went limp in Clovus's large jaws. Dropping his next meal into the shallow flood water Clovus begins ripping into the crocodilians abdomen viciously searching for the best parts to satiate his growing hunger...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Pyronychus » Sat Dec 06, 2014 3:05 am

The hatchling Lili let out a chirp of surprise as she was scooped off her feet, suddenly finding the dirt cave walls moving by at terrifying speed. In a trice, she was out in the forest, watching trees and undergrowth flash past. She squeaked again as the big-clawed one unexpectedly jumped, moments later feeling rough bark against her belly. She scrabbled at the branch with all four limbs, somehow finding purchase and clinging on as securely as her minute claws could. What just happened? The tiny creature had gone from quiet and content to fearful and confused in a matter of seconds. Pressing herself down close to the branch, the hatching let out a long, distressed wail, the sound louder than the size of the source would suggest was possible...

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby 134Wolf » Sat Dec 06, 2014 3:45 am

The Lili began to wail as the earth ran beneath them in a muddy river of dirt and stones. He watched as the cave they had been in moments before got swept away, collapsing under the power of the earth river. He decided that they weren't far enough up the tree, as his tail was getting splashed with the splashing dirt river. He gently pulled the Lili off of the branch, and carried her up the tree. Once he felt high enough to be safe, he laid the Lili down on the branch and covered her with his head and chest to make it feel safe...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Pyronychus » Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:56 am

The infant creature couldn't stand the noise - thumps and vibrations reverberated through the tree as the relentless river of liquified earth coursed below. Snaps and cracks of breaking low-growing vegetation filled her ears from all sides. The mud flow itself sloshed and rumbled like a monster from her darkest sleep-vision. Her tiny heart beat like a dragonfly's wings as she began to shake visibly. Unable to hold back a series of soft warbling cries, the hatchling closed her eyes and curled her slender neck around behind her back, pressing her crested head against the base of her guardian's neck, seeking what comfort she could in the situation...

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Dec 07, 2014 11:41 am


A snarl.


Eyes parted open as pupils narrowed. Another snarl.


Rising to his feet, the Irritator glanced towards the source of the sound.


The dark grey-brown Suchomimus snaked through the flooded forest, seeking out the smaller Spinosaurid.

"About time you showed up" hissed the Irritator, reddish eyes glaring from amidst the heavy foliage near the forest floor, the beast rising to stare up at the much larger predator. "Watch your tongue, Rake. Thrasher wants you dead and I am half tempted to drag you to him myself" warned the Suchomimus, an aged male that looked very much the portrait of pain and suffering, rivalling the Irritator's own battle-scarred visage. "You kill me and you'll never get your son back. For now, you do what I say, when I say it. Be a good little Sucho and I'll help you. Step out of line and you will not see him until it is far too late" warned the Irritator, drawing a frustrated growl from the larger predator. Good. He would behave himself.

"In case you haven't noticed, there's a new power worming its way into control on Sorna. Thrasher used to be one of them, but since his defeat he's cut himself off. This group call themselves the 'Displacement'. They're intelligent, resourceful and very, very dangerous to those who get on their bad side. They are raptors, Rexes, Spinosaurs, Troodon. They count members of all species on this island among their ranks. The one thing that all members of this group share, is their mutation; their use of the pools. You know the ones. Thrasher used to go to one regularly back when he still had the heartland territory" explained the Irritator as he paced. "Why should I care?" rumbled the Suchomimus, lowering his muzzle so that it was mere inches from Rake's own, long, conical fangs glinting menacingly. "You should care, you fool, because it is quite probable your son is in their possession. And no, they won't tell you where he is no matter how nicely -or lack thereof- you ask. They are creatures of negotiation. One thing for another. Anything less and you will only end up with a slit throat...or a slit son's throat, if they even suspect that your connection is becoming troublesome" hissed Rake. "And you know this, how, exactly?" rumbled the giant before him.

In response, the Irritator moved his tail, pushing aside one of the bushes, revealing the badly broken body of a mutant Utahraptor. It looked for the most part to be normal, though its hide shimmered an odd colour, its fangs were a bit too long, its talons a bit to large, feathers lining the back of its head, its arms and its tail. Its feet were crushed, its body covered in gashes that looked shallow but undoubtedly painful, and its tail was smashed in no fewer than five different places, each segment bending at a cringe-inducing angle from the segment before. "I can be...persuasive, when I need to be. Now, if you want to learn your son's location, you are going to have to learn to be patient. I will arrange for one to 'stumble' across you. You will infiltrate their ranks. Offer yourself to their service. They are seeking out allies now, so they will not turn you away. After that, you will take on a few jobs. Do what they ask. I will be watching. Once we know more about their plans, we will be able to figure out how to track down your son. Don't try and do it alone. They will suspect you if you are too direct. You are one of several I have among their ranks. You will each relay information to me, and I will use it to learn what we need to know to move forward" growled the Irritator calmly. "And why are you so interested in them?" gurgled the Suchomimus. "That is my business, not yours. Now, get moving. You are to head North-west, to the mutant pool over there. You will be intercepted. We will speak again once you have been...recruited" ended Rake as he turned away, leaving the Suchomimus to his own devices...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby C S » Sun Dec 07, 2014 5:16 pm


Amber eyes stared down from above.


The rain continued to fall. The scent trails were all askew. It took them longer than he expected to find one of these.


The water that hid the roots of trees was a rippling, murky sheen underneath the treetops, the green of leaves broken into truncated fractions that moved across the surface with every moist breeze, distant footfall and flow. The bits of gray sky that shone through the jungle canopy made the waters look glassy.

Trickle. Droplets ran down his body onto the branch he stood on, falling from there into the floodwater underneath him. It rained onto the trees and from the trees, it rained onto the drowning ground. Aircrest was still amidst the rays of light that stabbed into the shadows like spears.

They did not know he and the others were around yet. The splashing water every time they moved hindered their hearing. The wet air diluted their sense of smell. All they had to their own was their eyes, the acuity of which depended on what they were and the factors that played major roles in their lives thus far, and their deprived sense of taste. It was not easy hunting prey in these conditions. Not that prey animals were frequent around these parts before the storm. They were hungry and it showed.

This was the life the troodon promised Hellfire, Aircrest mused with narrowed eyes and a displeased frown. The only reason why they did not turn on each other was because to do so would be playing right into the greater plan of the mutant scourge. The mutants carried out their extermination from without and did the same from within. Those that accepted the terms were allowed to live longer under the mutant rule, but only just. It was not mercy, it was deliberate punishment--torture, even.

They did not break any more than they already did, however. They did not resort to killing each other in the grips of starvation. They suffered together, they would die together, a feeble last stand against the powers that put them in this dire mess.

Commendable, Aircrest decided, though pointless in its current form. When the mutant overseers came back and saw that their prisoners had consigned to dying one by one as opposed to slaughtering each other in mindless savagery, they would laugh and then have more take their place. The new ones would strip the thin, frail corpses clean and then begin to starve when only bones remained. Maybe this time there will be a victor amongst them, one so ruined that it would consent to the corruption and join the Displacement as one of their own...

The raptor snorted. He would give this poor collection of predators and the few armored plant-eaters a more meaningful way to strike back against these monsters. It was time to build up a defense against them, and the ones who they let live were a prime first choice. They knew from experience that the promise of mercy was anything but.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby slashmaster101 » Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:16 pm

Chomper snorted, the rain was interfering with his sense of smell and making him drowsy, and at the current time of day he couldn't afford to sleep or let his guard down. His territory was a prime hunting spot for large plain hunters such as himself and he was constantly patrolling and repel intruders and competitors, just the other day the Giganotosaurus had chased off a trio of Utahraptors that had been causing problems within the herds that roamed within his turf. Rumbling at the thought of the smaller carnivores coming back the large Theropod rose to his feet and began his patrol, pausing to cover the Camarosaur remains with scattering of dung, one method he found that worked to repel scavengers.

Farther away, not too far away from Clovus, the large Styracosaurus grazed on the lush vegetation that surrounded him, snapping branches and making a fair amount of noise, confident in his ability to repel any would-be attackers, having survived many harsh years on his island home.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Lucianchildofthemoon » Thu Dec 11, 2014 11:36 pm

Clovus froze mid chomp, a small piece of the liver he'd been swallowing dangling between his jaws. Turning his large skull towards the snapping of branches, the large Ceratosaurs eyes lock onto the source. Standing before him was a large Styracosaurus grazing on the vegetation around it, even though it was half submerged in flood waters. Cautiously Clovus continues to feed, keeping a wary eye on the large herbivore. He knew of these prey animals, very well in fact. A few of the scars gracing his hide are from Styracosaurs, he wasn't going to let his guard down. Swallowing the large chunk of flesh in his maw Clovus sticks his snout back in the dead crocodile, feeding his hunger...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby saurus172 » Fri Dec 12, 2014 1:47 am

A low bellow told the shunosaurs that it was time to leave the flooded lands for places drier and safer. Toklo let loose another bellow and walked toward the interior of the island, followed by his mate and the rest of the decent sized herd. All twenty or so members, young and old, were leaving this safe zone for greener pastures as did the other herds earlier. The bluish sauropod gave one last look at the mountain near the game trail before continuing on. Blue Eyes and Ebony watched the last large prey and good friend leave their small territory before starting to move down the rocky side. There was still smaller, but much harder prey to eat still like gallimimus, pachycephalosaurus, or even kentrosaurus. Much harder to catch without getting trampled, impaled, or with broken bones.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby slashmaster101 » Mon Dec 15, 2014 5:59 pm

Styrke paused in his feeding, the scent of a carnivore filling his nostrils despite the constant rain, that pattered on his frill and ran in streams off of his beak. Shifting his gaze without moving his head, the Styracosaurus saw the Ceratosaur feeding on a crocodile not too far away. With a snort the Ceratopsian tossed his head, further displaying his defense's before continuing to feed on the lush, wet greenery.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby 134Wolf » Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:59 am

The small Lili began to wail quietly, and rested its head on Xypher's neck as it did so. The lad continued to run like a river beneath them, a dirty, brown river sliding across the earth. He scooted forward, covering the small Lili entirely, trying in vain to comfort it. The noise of the river of earth was a deafening, terrifying combination of grinding rocks, stones, twigs and branches, and the sliding dirt. It was slowing, though not nearly safe enough to wade in, but it was a good sign for Xypher. He rested his head down on the branch, and closed his eyes. He knew it would be over soon.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby slashmaster101 » Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:34 pm

Chomper stomped towards his territorial borders, intent on marking once more to display to others that he was fully aware of all happenings that went on within his territory and that he wouldn't allow for other predators, specifically smaller ones, to hunt his prey, on his land

The Styracosaur continued to graze though he was slowly making his way towards the plains and away from the feeding Ceratosaur. To any creature watching it was strange how the Theropod and Ceratopsian were able to calmly eat in such close proximity, but both had preoccupied stomachs and plentiful food so, while it was uncommon to see, especially on Isla Sorna, it wasn't an especially rare occurrence.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Lucianchildofthemoon » Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:16 pm

Clovus chomped down once again, pulling another large chunk of flesh out of the deceased crocodilian. As the Styracosaur wandered off away from him the Ceratosaur stood to his full height swallowing the bit of meat in his jaws. Clovus could feel his belly filling with the crocodiles flesh and decided he was full. Trudging through the swampy flood water, the large Ceratosaur headed for less flooded ground to rest his full stomach. crossing to where the Styracosaur once was, Clovus hissed pulling himself out of the murky flood water...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby saurus172 » Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:34 pm

With the large and easy(ish) prey gone, left for places greener, Blue Eyes and Ebony didn't want to go after to the creatures left, wanting to snatch prey from neighboring territories. But they didn't dare do it, in case of death. So they continued on in their search of descent prey, ignoring the rotting carcasses along the waterways for the moment. A high pitched chirping told them a group of Psittacosaurus were nearby, not unusual in their land as the primitive ceratopsians loved the fruit that fell from the trees in the southern section of their territory and after the storm, fruit was in abundance. With a quiet hiss, the pair stalks toward the prey...
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby slashmaster101 » Mon Jan 12, 2015 2:35 pm

Chomper paused, the scent of Utahraptor filling his nostrils, Rumbling deeply in his throat, the Giganotosaur followed the scent trail which appeared to be leading into a grove of trees just inside his borders. As the colossal carnivore approached the grove, another scent aroused his suspicions... that of both blood and the faint trace of eggs. That meant that the smaller predators had set up shop and intended to stay.

Stryke continued on his way, occasionally pausing to snap a branch off of a small tree or bush, causally gorging himself as he continued on his way, the flood waters swirling around his feet.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Hopeflower » Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:50 pm

A slight rasp of breath was the only warning the lizard got before sharp teeth closed around its middle. Alira shook her head vigorously, snapping the smaller creature's spine before it had a chance to put up much of a struggle. The young Allosaurus puffed her chest out with pride; she was finally getting used to hunting in this new territory. It had definitely been a weird couple of days, especially considering it had seemed a bit too easy getting Devaki's trust.

Alira narrowed her eyes thoughtfully as she juggled her catch into a better position to swallow it whole. Maybe trust was the wrong word for it. Defending his mate and territory couldn't be easy for Devaki, and taking down bigger prey alone, without suffering any injuries, would fall under "next to impossible". Having another few adults around would be ideal - if Devaki knew he could keep them in their place...which was where Cirrus was a problem.

A quick toss of her head and her prey vanished down her throat. Despite everything, she loved her brother dearly...but she also couldn't deny his boldness would eventually push Devaki's patience to its limits. Cirrus wouldn't live long enough to become alpha material if he kept it up.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby dinoman666 » Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:12 pm

Under normal circumstances, Bladetooth wouldn't risk barging into Allosaurus territory when hunting. Considering the last one he met mangled one of his arms, the Tyrannosaur was understandably agitated about their species. But this was a fresher territory, by the smell of the border markings, which meant he could risk stealing a bit of prey from them while the herbivores were still sticking close by. That was the plan, at least.

Until he spotted the youngster, that is. Far too big to be a hatchling, and too small to be an adult. An adolescent Allosaur would be a good meal. The Rex's muted coloration kept him to the shade of the jungle, his bulk hidden rather well in the trees. Bladetooth was no master of stealth, but he figured he could get close enough to charge before she spotted him and ran off. Best to pick her off now before she alerted any nearby adults. He'd have no choice but to leave the area for good once they realized he was on their territory. A little revenge before that happened would be nice.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Hopeflower » Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:24 pm

Farther up the border from where Alira stood, unaware she was being stalked thanks to the wind, Xanthe lifted his head sharply. Rex scent. It was probably some distance away, but it was still far too fresh for his liking. His lip curled, amber eyes narrowing as he immediately clicked over from marking the territory to protective father mode. Even if it wasn't trespassing, the other predator needed to be warned off.

A crash and a snarl made Alira jump. She turned to see Cirrus half-propped against a vine-covered tree, apparently having gotten caught up in his haste. "There you are," Cirrus barked. He angrily yanked his foot free of some clinging ivy with an irritated snort. "Savarna is worried sick about you," he growled, stalking over to her as soon as he regained his footing, "and you've been out here the whole time?"

"I'm fine, aren't I?" Alira grunted, not meeting his eyes. "You can go and tell her that."

"I told her I'd bring you back. What are you doing, anyway?"

The black Allosaur snorted irritably. "I was exploring. Then I got hungry, and now here we are."
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:04 pm

Bladetooth was a patient enough hunter, but he was more than a little bit disappointed when his potential prey was abruptly joined by another of her kind. Must have been able to smell him, even if the females could not. Fortunately, there were no adults, and they would stand no chance against him. The Tyrannosaur inched ever closer, sticking to the shadows, peering out at the pair of other predators quietly. He needed to wait until they were distracted, then he could lunge, maybe catch one by surprise.

Bladetooth never backed down from an easy meal, after all.
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Hopeflower » Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:37 pm

In the distance, much heavier footfalls than those of the two adolescents could faintly be heard approaching. Cirrus tossed his head impatiently, flicking a few leaf scraps off of his hide. If she wouldn't listen to him, then at least one of the adults would be able to talk some sense into his sister. He looked around uneasily, hissing under his breath, "Would you at least show that you have more brains than a hatchling and explore deeper inside the territory? This is"

"You worry too much." Nevertheless, Alira took a few steps toward him, away from the scent marks. "Relax a little, Cirrus. Even if anything did happen, the adults would hear and come running."

"But would they get there in time? That's the question," Cirrus muttered darkly.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

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