Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:03 am

The Allosaurus matron soon reached where the trio were hidden, eyes narrowed as she stared through the undergrowth that made up their shelter. "Come out, you three" she growled, her tone clearly unamused. Blade was the first to respond, tail pulled around him tightly, trying to make himself look smaller and more vulnerable...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Hopeflower » Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:48 am

Alira followed, shrinking under her father's amber stare. She swallowed hard and forced herself to look at the blood on his fangs. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean..." she trailed off, her heart sinking when Xanthe's gaze slid from her to her companions and back. Without a word, the former alpha demanded both silence and for her to think long and hard about what had just happened. What could have happened. The confrontation could have gone much, much worse - she could be staring at the gore-splattered maw of the Tyrannosaur, having lost a friend or a sibling.

Cirrus, for his part, was completely unable to meet Xanthe's eyes. He'd realized the same things, but quietly simmering anger reared its head instead of guilt. It wasn't his fault his sister was a complete compy-brain. He'd tried to get her out of here, hadn't he? It figured that he'd still be in just as much trouble anyway.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

"The future is always uncertain and painful but it must be lived." ~ Unknown
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Jul 10, 2015 5:00 am

Aurora was not so content as to let a silent glare do the talking for her. "Do you three realise what could have happened if that Rex had a pack of its own? If it had been brave enough to attack despite there being two of us? If it had decided to attack anyway instead of retreating when it had?" growled the female as she looked down at the trio. "Blade, I did not survive on my own for several weeks carrying you around, pack-less and having to risk my neck just to find enough food to keep us both alive, just to end up killed because you and your nest-mates decided to venture out into the open" she added as her harsh gaze shifted to her son.

"We've barely had a chance to settle in here, our old pack has dissolved because it was too dangerous to find enough food with all the predators there...And now here you are throwing yourselves right into the path of whatever predator decided it wouldn't mind eating Allosaurs for lack of something better to eat" she hissed as her gaze shifted to the other two as well as Blade, making sure all three got an even dose of the scolding.

"No more adventures out of my sight. No running off. No venturing into the open. And when I call you, any of you, I expect you all to be back in front of me. I'll not have you throwing yourselves into the mouths of predators simply because you think it'd be 'fun' to go adventuring. Back to the nest. Now" she snarled, seething. Blade didn't dare say a word. He knew when to hold his tongue, and this was one such circumstance where saying anything would make things infinitely worse. It didn't help that he had seen the difference between the Rex and his mother, and knew how dangerous it could have been for her if Xanthe wasn't there as well. And so, reluctantly, the young Allosaur turned back towards the treeline, heading for the nest...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Hopeflower » Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:48 pm

By the end of the blistering scolding, Alira was all but crouching in submission, staring at Aurora with wide, miserable blue eyes. She nodded, unable to find the courage to speak. Her brother curled his lip and turned away as soon as they were dismissed, stalking past Blade in stiff-legged, silent anger. Body still carried low, Alira hurried after them.

"That's a lesson they won't forget in a hurry," Xanthe remarked. "I should find Devaki and warn him about the danger." He turned to leave the way he'd come, at a much slower pace.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

"The future is always uncertain and painful but it must be lived." ~ Unknown
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:07 am

Aurora nodded in response, turning to follow the youngsters back to the nest. "If you need help with the Rex, let me know. Three allosaurs are better than two, and Savarna could use a break" she offered the older male. She didn't say it, but she also recognised she was younger and more agile, and thus, an advantage in a fight with a Rex, as she could manoeuvre around it more easily than either Savarna or Xanthe...

Crusher, meanwhile, followed his nose towards a familiar, yet unfamiliar sight. A ruin...One of the remnants of the 'humans' that Ripper had told him about. This one was located not far from the heart of his territory, and a sniff of the air revealed the distinctive, yet almost imperceptibly faint, scent of Ripper, floating from the structure. At its heart, a massive tree rose over it to shade the entire building, branches punching through crumbling stone and what seemed to be veins of reddened material, what a human would recognise as rebar. It was a poetic reminder of nature's ability to overpower any force, no matter how great.

His footfalls shook the earth, the spongy forest loam yielding beneath the behemoth's three toed, taloned feet. In his adult years, he found that leaving massive footprints in his wake was something unavoidable, a tell-tale sign of everything from his size and age to his fitness. It was an annoying give-away to one who had learned at an early age to read every track left behind, but such was the way of the world.

As mossy earth gave way to hard, unfeeling concrete, he found the earth crumbling as small clouds of dust were kicked up with each step. He could still remember when ground much like this could handle overgrown carnotauri falling face-first into it or slamming into the walls without flinching. Now, it was brittle. Nature always prevailed...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Hopeflower » Wed Aug 12, 2015 10:00 pm

The former alpha nodded, glancing at his son's retreating form. "If Cirrus gives anyone trouble," he rumbled, "send him to me. It's about time we had a chat about his attitude." The unspoken before Devaki decides enough is enough hung heavily in the air. Though older than his oldest son, Xanthe would have no power to stop Devaki from throwing Cirrus out. He wasn't sure he had the ability to even try, these days. His prime years were just about behind him

The snap of a twig was all the warning the rat got before it was snatched up by the young hunter. Shaking her head vigorously, the raptor cut off her prey's shrill squeal with the snap of small neck bones splintering. Viridis dropped her catch and pinned it beneath a clawed foot, keeping her profile low while she first scanned for competition, then tucked in. Still recovering from her illness, she was often ravenously hungry and still slept frequently.

"Nicely done."

Viridis froze, then relaxed as the speaker stepped forward. "Thanks," was her long and productive reply. She didn't know what to make of Steeltalon, with her crimson eyes and black quills jutting awkwardly from her head and neck, but the half-mutant had yet to become violent to any of them. At least, she claimed to be half. Despite her scarring, the pale raptor appeared far too calm to be related to the mad, tainted water-addicted beasts that reared their heads now and again.


Snapping out of her contemplation, Viridis realized belatedly that Steeltalon was looking at her expectantly; waiting for the answer to a question she'd missed. "Sorry, what?"

"I asked if you'd seen Silver," the half-breed repeated patiently. "I was hoping for a better look around before it got too dark. I don't want to settle here for the night if things look crowded."

That was understandable. By sheer luck, they'd found a stream that ran deeply enough that it wasn't likely to dry up in the heat. If things were continuing to worsen elsewhere, they might find themselves dealing with more than the small, tentative pack could handle. "She was checking for crocodiles, last I knew," Viridis growled after a moment's thought.

Steeltalon grunted. "Sensible, but I doubt we need to worry about that here, at least." She was gone as quickly as she'd appeared, leaving Viridis no less uncertain of the older female. The mention of her adopted daughter also had Viridis thinking, not for the first time, about her mother and father. She sucked in her breath at the expected but still sharp pang of loneliness. She missed the old, gentle Siri. She missed Inculta's stern attitude while he taught her the lessons she'd need to know to survive. She even missed Mwuaji - though he was as tainted by and addicted to the water as the rest of Riptide's pack. But above all else, Viridis missed when it had been easy. They hadn't been treated well by Riptide or Vertigo, but they'd had the protection of a big group. All they'd had to do was keep their heads down and keep out of Vertigo's way.

Here, they weren't even a proper pack yet. Citlali never said a word, though she seemed friendly enough with Silver and tried to engage Viridis in their games. Tarik was just as weird, thinking Citlali was saying things when she clearly hadn't. Astus - poor Astus - was wearing himself thin trying to keep an eye on Steeltalon.

"She's no good," his voice muttered as though thinking of him had summoned him. Viridis almost jumped. "She'll kill us in our sleep just when we let our guard down."

Viridis huffed a sigh and shook her head impatiently. "I told you to take a nap," she growled, turning to meet her uncle's black glare. "You've been on watch for the past three nights."

"And I told you it wasn't happening," Astus snapped. "Not while she's around."

"Look, I'm as uncomfortable with mutants as you are, but that's no excuse to go and neglect yourself. What would I do if you got yourself killed, being so paranoid?"

His eyes widened briefly, then narrowed into furious slits. "Did she threaten you?"

"No," the green raptor snarled, losing her patience for an instant. She forced herself to take a deep breath. "No. I meant I'm worried about you. So go rest. Please."

With a drawn out hiss of frustration, Astus left too, and Viridis was left with her kill and her thoughts.

Quite some distance from the bunch, a smaller pack was steadily working on tracking down a meal. Siri, Inculta, Mwuaji - and at their head, a noticeably scrawnier Vertigo. Skinny, but no less dangerous, and perhaps even more unbalanced. After her several year long absence, she'd shown up again one night, blue eyes glaring down at the smaller Siri. The black female had nearly lost her mind, sure she was seeing a ghost.

The "ghost" had quickly proved herself corporeal and reclaimed her alpha title by kicking Siri square in the face.

"Starting now, no one questions me," Vertigo had announced to the others in a snarl.

"How about questioning your disappearance?" Mwuaji had snarled back, stepping forward to defend his pack in a surprising display of bravado.

The empty socket where a green eye had once glittered stood as a firm reminder of the reward he'd gotten for his briefly-lived courage. His muzzle was scarred where her talons had dug in as she'd stepped on him, pressing his face into the dirt to silence his pained cries.

"Have I made myself clear?" Vertigo's silky hiss had carried easily in the sudden stillness. Siri, nursing a deep cut that was dangerously close to her own eye, and Inculta, frozen in shock and horror, didn't dare make a sound or breathe until Vertigo turned away, satisfied.

Now she led them, but to where, none of them had a clue. Nobody voiced the question in case Vertigo's cruelty was turned on them instead of the one raptor she hunted without mercy. Or would be hunting, if she had a clue where Steeltalon had fled to. On they trekked, hunting when necessary, driven on by the pale mutant.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

"The future is always uncertain and painful but it must be lived." ~ Unknown
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:28 am

That may happen sooner than you think thought the female as she responded with a nod. She kept the thought to herself for now. She had sworn to watch over and guide the youngsters when she asked to stay with the former alpha pair. She would not yield to the trials presented to her by a rebellious juvenile. Not until she was certain she had no sway over him. For now at least, he reluctantly listened, even if the tiny, momentary gestures he pulled, the tiny, nigh imperceptible snarls, the aggressive glares he shot at Blade and Alira, showed that he shifted blame off himself every time he made a mistake. It was little surprise. She had dealt with other young males in the pack that acted similarly. Not quite so early, admittedly, nor quite as bitterly. But it changed nothing. He would learn his place in the pack and keep his attitude in check, or he would feel the repercussions of his actions. If not her, then his father. And if not his father, then his older brother. The pack had only survived so long before its dissolution because everyone looked out for the good of the pack. If someone stepped out of line and endangered that, they were as much to blame as any threat that attacked them more openly...

"Interesting, isn't it?" hissed a familiar voice as Crusher's head hovered outside one of the square holes in the ruin, peering in at the rubble and wreckage that filled the structure, much like that which he had waded and wandered through in his younger days. The smell of blood wafted from within, as well as the distinctive 'wrongness' that he had come to associate with mutants.

"Hm?" rumbled the giant as his pupils dilated to take in the light, leaning his head closer to the structure, shading his eyes from the light so he could see more clearly. "How such an old place, such a terrible place filled with terrible things, has become the focus of so many after all this time of being forgotten" explained Ripper as he stepped out of the shadows. His black-striped, rust-red plumage was matted in places with blood, though notably not his jaws, the elder having been quite careful not to let any of the invaders' blood get near his mouth. "There was a time where one could rest in there for days and never worry about anything but the occasional Compsognathus or Thrasher wandering by to get his daily 'drink' from that pit of filth behind this place. Now? I had to kill three scouts who were wandering through my home" hissed the Elder Raptor bitterly.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Hopeflower » Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:13 pm

As soon as they were out of Aurora's line of sight, Alira sighed heavily and slumped, the end of her tail almost brushing the leaf litter. "Too close," she muttered. "Too close." She drew into herself, not even reacting when Cirrus growled irritably in reply.

"You should have thought of that before you wandered so far into unfamiliar territory."

Devaki paused in his tracks and cocked his head at the far-off but approaching deep rumble. Xanthe was calling him. That was something he wanted the chance to learn from his father, now that he had help patrolling the territory - announcing his presence to other Allosaurs from a distance. He'd probably have learned it in time, when Zuri was back to being in a less delicate state, but who better to learn from than kin who had so much experience with being an alpha?

While he waited for his father to reach him, Devaki's thoughts turned toward their...guests? New pack members? He wasn't sure yet if they'd be sticking around for a while. They'd needed a home, but what was enough to support a small pack might strain under the needs of five more big predators alongside a handful of hatchlings. There was also no telling how long Zuri would tolerate them once their eggs were laid, and no telling how long he'd be willing to put up with his younger brother for that matter. Cirrus reminded him a lot of himself at that age, but he couldn't remember having challenged Xanthe's authority so openly. Young males would be young males, he supposed.

But that didn't mean Devaki was going to indulge his attitude just because they shared blood.

That was perhaps the biggest area where he and his father differed. Xanthe was willing to put up with a lot for family, and didn't often resort to violence to get a point across to the youngsters of his pack. Devaki had no such reservations about beating Cirrus into submission if it came to it.

"What happened?" the dark gray alpha asked when Xanthe came into earshot. He smelled of blood, but didn't move like he was injured.

"Rex," Xanthe grunted, falling into step beside his son. "It decided it could make a meal of our three young ones. We took care of it."

Devaki cocked his head and echoed, "'We'?"

"Aurora got there before I did, thankfully. I would have been too late."

A thoughtful rumble escaped the younger male. "I can see why you've kept her around."

"You wondered?" Xanthe asked, faintly amused.

"Well, she'd said it was her job to watch the little ones, but I wasn't sure how one would keep an eye on your three." They shared an amused snort, briefly commiserating over the trio's ability to attract trouble. "Now I know better," Devaki concluded. Growing serious again, he growled, "The rex left?"

"Yes. I made sure of it, but perhaps we should check again to make sure it hasn't come back."

"It couldn't hurt to do another sweep," Devaki decided after a moment's thought.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

"The future is always uncertain and painful but it must be lived." ~ Unknown
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:53 am

"Don't" snapped Blade sharply in response. "You're just as much to blame as any of us. You were out there too" he added a moment later. He was frustrated over what had happened, frustrated that he had made his mother think such things, frustrated that he'd put her and the pack in danger, but most of all, frustrated that Cirrus seemed dead set on denying any guilt on his own part...

Alira followed at a distance, her hearing trained. She couldn't pick it all up, but her hearing was definitely sharper than the youngsters thought. All the better. It made keeping track of their behaviour and thoughts easier...

"Scouts? Whose?" rumbled the Rex with a tilt of his head. "Displacement. A large, loosely grouped collection of mutants...taint-drinkers. They're spreading out and moving into every one of these places they can find. They already claimed one in the swamp Thrasher retreated through the other day. They also claimed a large cave system" explained the Elder. "Displacement? Such a strange name. So should I expect a pack of Raptors to be wandering through my territory any time soon?" inquired the Rex. He didn't bother asking if Ripper knew. Ripper always knew.

"More than just Raptors. Their ranks are varied...Large and small, Mutant and non-Mutant" responded Ripper gravely. A low snarl followed. "Why would non-Mutants help them?" rumbled the Scarred Rex. "Fear. Many of them have been scared into thinking the only options are to fight for them, or die" hissed the rust red Raptor as he walked onto a fallen stone pillar, rebar bending awkwardly around a hole in the wall that could not have been made by any dinosaur. "I didn't spend years trying to avenge my family and take back my home just to be attacked by mindless monsters" snarled Crusher through narrowed eyes. "It's not a choice we have, I'm afraid. Their actions are not the work of the mindless. Mad, definitely, but also dangerously intelligent. And what I've learned seems to imply they're going to keep expanding. Before long they'll be all over the island. Ironically, the only thing that kept them out of this territory in the past was Thrasher, a mutant himself. He refused to yield to their demands, and had a tightly knit family and allies to make sure no one could force him into it. But now that he's gone...You'll have to confront them eventually" explained the Elder...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Hopeflower » Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:11 am

Cirrus' snarl rumbled in an echo of his father's - not quite as deep yet, but every bit as tinged with danger. "I came out here because Savarna was worried and asked me to track her sorry hide down." He snorted and lengthened his stride to leave them behind, hissing over his shoulder, "See if I bother next time."
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

"The future is always uncertain and painful but it must be lived." ~ Unknown
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:54 am

"Or you could've used your head and mentioned it to my mother. She is the one to keep an eye on you, Alira and me. You're no more capable on your own than either of us are" retorted Blade. "And it still doesn't change the fact you blame just about everything that happens to you on someone else" hissed the young male...

"I'm not used to being defensive. How would I fight something like this?" growled Crusher with a tilt of his head, the Tyrannosaur noting how the Elder adjusted his footing every now and again to make sure not to put too much strain on the crumbling ruin. It was more brittle than he thought.

"I'm working on a solution...Obviously guarding it isn't going to work. Too few of us to do so, and we don't know how many may come to try and force their way here. I think the best way to solve it would be to taint the taint. Make it poisonous...Or at the very least, undrinkable" explained the Raptor as he flexed his claws, examining the wicked talons on one arm thoughtfully. "How would you say we do that?" inquired the Tyrannosaur. "You're clever enough to figure that out, Crusher. Think about it; When would you decide that it wasn't safe to drink something?" hissed Ripper with a smirk. "Well, if something big enough had died in it, I suppose. But this stuff's arguably more poisonous just as it is than any pool tainted by a rotting corpse" responded the Rex. "True, but in principle, it still works. They survive because this poison takes its time...It's like a Dilophosaur's venom...Or like Nighteye's Troodon pack. But with a couple of corpses in there...We may manage to turn it into something...deadlier" suggested the Elder...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Hopeflower » Mon Aug 17, 2015 4:00 pm

Alira hopped back a step when Cirrus whirled. This wasn't something she wanted to get caught in the middle of - and she certainly didn't want to add to the trouble they were already in. Aurora was still right behind them. And very likely still very angry. "Guys, don't - "

Cirrus, all but nose to nose with Blade, hissed over her, "Need I remind you that when things happen to me, it's nearly always because of one of you two? I didn't almost get us all eaten more times than I can count. I didn't find the biggest spider web in the jungle and throw it on myself. I didn't want to come out here in the first place!"
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

"The future is always uncertain and painful but it must be lived." ~ Unknown
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Tue Aug 18, 2015 2:59 am

"If you're so worried about spiders, maybe you don't belong in the forest. Go live on a shore or riverbank somewhere" hissed Blade in response, the small, bristly spikes on his neck standing vertical, only for a rumbling snarl to erupt behind them. "Keep this up and you'll both be living on a shore. Or have you forgotten Devaki doesn't owe you two anything and could throw you out or worse if you made a nuisance of yourselves?" came the female's sharp, clearly unamused voice over the two's hostility, stepping out between the trees with an almost unnatural grace...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Hopeflower » Sat Aug 22, 2015 5:48 am

With her body held low, Alira scurried out of the way. This time she'd done nothing wrong, but she still needed to keep her head down. Now wasn't the time to be pushing one another. She glanced from one young male to the other, silently willing them both to take a step back.

Whether he caught the silent message or not, Cirrus curled his lip and turned away. If they'd been alone, he would have held his ground and all but dared Blade to make a move. But they weren't alone, and even he recognized that they'd pushed Aurora about as far as was safe. Let alone whatever Devaki's reaction was going to be.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

"The future is always uncertain and painful but it must be lived." ~ Unknown
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Aug 23, 2015 2:19 am

Blade gave the other male one last glare before shifting his gaze elsewhere, knowing he'd overstepped his boundaries. His mother was clearly not pleased, and it was quite likely he'd continue to feel her anger, even if muffled, for several hours yet. But he did not regret his decision. Cirrus had grown increasingly abrasive on his nerves over the past couple of years, and now it was reaching a point where he had less and less patience with his attitude. It didn't help that Cirrus tended to take his frustrations, anger and general foul mood out on Alira, to whom Blade felt closest out of everyone else in the newly formed pack, bar his own mother...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Hopeflower » Sun Aug 23, 2015 4:59 pm

The black and red female, not daring to rise out of her half-defensive stance, gave Blade a faintly pleading look - don't keep pushing him- and hurried past the other adolescents. She almost expected to feel Cirrus' sharp teeth close on the tip of her tail, despite the scoldings. Small scars, pale against her dark hide, stood as a testament to how fierce his nips tended to be. She heard him snort after her and start to follow again, more slowly. It didn't bring her any relief. A bite avoided now was a much harder bite in the future, when Cirrus thought he could get away with it.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

"The future is always uncertain and painful but it must be lived." ~ Unknown
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby slashmaster101 » Mon Dec 28, 2015 3:48 am

Chomper stalked closet towards the Grove of trees, all of his bulk now tensed and ready to spring forward.His taloned feet balanced his weight on his toes, to make a stealthier approach. Scenting the air, the giganotosaurus noted that the scent of blood was recent and the intruders scent was very fesh, meaning that they had recently departed. Nudging his way forward into the undergrowth, the massive carnivore was greated by the sight of a freshly killed, juvenile edmontosaur, ragged slashing wounds covering it's flanks and neck. The stomach cavity of the herbivore had been emptied of any nutrient rich organs and meat. The lack of raptors, however was what troubled Chomper the most instead of the loss of a prey item. Scanning the clearing, the Giga noted a small trail leading towards the river that flowed through his territory. Guessing that the intruders had gone to wash down their stolen bounty, the larger predator quickly shoved his way past the surrounding foliage and approached the carcass. Placing one,large taloned foot on the edmontosaurs upper foreleg, he then grasped the body's neck between his jaws and pulled the head clean of the cadaver of the hadrosaur and threw it across the clearing... a clear warning to the utahraptors that they're little hiding spot was no longer safe. Snorting with pleasure, chomper then simply turned around and departed the way he had entered the clearing
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Re: Isla Sorna Stories: Rebirth

Postby Dinosaur1993! » Fri Dec 06, 2019 10:18 pm

Miles ran through the underbrush, occasionally stoping and looking around. The hypsilophodon was always on the lookout for danger, especially since he was on his own.

i seem to be in the clear he thought as he stopped at a small creek to take a drink.

Unbeknownst to him, he was being watched by a Spinosaurus and a Giganotosaurus.

*Anubis and Ratchet POV*

Anubis stalked the hypsilophodont from the jungle, he was in the mood for a small morsel. The spinosaurus was getting into position, ready to lunge forward.

“Should you even bother?” Ratchet growled. “I mean a hypsilophodon isn’t that big of a catch.” The Giganotosaurus hissed.

“Never pass up on an easy meal, Ratchet.” The spinosaurus turned towards his companion. “Besides, I need a light snack” he hissed softly.

*Miles POV*

Something wasn’t right. Miles didn’t know what, but he could sense that he wasn’t alone.

Suddenly, without warning, Anubis lunged forward. Miles barely managed to leap out of the way. Miles made a run for the tree line. Once he reached the trees he would be safe, the super predator wouldn’t be able to fit. The Hypsilophodon ran as fast as his little legs could carry him. Unfortunately for Miles he wasn’t really paying attention and tripped.

Miles could see the super predator looming over him, about to close its jaws around him, when suddenly he decided to do something insane.

“Wait!” He barked. “Before you eat me, I ask only for one favor, let me plead my case!”

To his surprise the spinosaurus stopped.


Did the hypsilophodon just ask a favor from him? He’s heard prey beg before, but this was something else entirely.

If the Spinosaurus could laugh or grin he would have. This was just bizarre.

“Hey, Ratchet, come here! This Hypsilophodon wants to plead for his life!” He barked.

The Giganotosaurus lumbered over.

“He wants to do what?” Ratchet growled.

“Plead his case.” Anubis chuffed. “I’m going to indulge him”

Anubis then turned towards the Hypsilophodon.

“Alright little one, go on.” He growled.

Miles looked up at the pair.

“In exchange for me life, I’ll be your slave.” “I’ll do whatever you want me to do, no matter how ridiculous or how absurd.” “Plus, i can be your informant. Spy for you”

The two predators looked at each other. Both were confused, but also amused.

“You know, usually, I would just eat you right here and now, but today is you’re lucky day, I’ll accept your offer Hypsilophodon. But just know this. If you piss us off, you’re lunch. Got it?” Anubis growled.

Miles nodded furiously.

“I understand, thank you for being merciful!” He squeaked.

“What is your name?” Ratchet growled.

“Miles.” The hypsilophodon squeaked. “What are your names?”

“That’s Anubis, and my name is Ratchet.” He growled.

“Well Miles, welcome to our little band.” Anubis growled. He then motioned for th Hypsilophodon to follow them.

Miles got off the ground and quickly followed them.
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