Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Sep 16, 2017 5:58 pm

"It is a sort of milk that is a bit sour," explained Faruq, realising they'd lost the verger. "It is often had as a complement to a lunch time meal in Thimeyra, and is a bit thicker than ordinary milk. It has a tendency to put one to sleep. In a sense, it is the antithesis of qahwa."
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby C S » Sat Sep 16, 2017 7:29 pm

Natalie nodded along a tad vacantly. The phrase sour milk did not carry a positive connotation to it, and paired with a thick quality, Natalie's gut response to what she heard was a visualization of a pail of spoiled milk, which naturally did not sit well with her gut. She kept a straight face in spite of the minor discomfort, being able to reason it away soon after by assuring herself that Thimeyrans did not partake in bad milk as part of their lunchtime traditions. Natalie's stomach settled and she took an easy breath before sipping from her cup. With the qahwa over her tongue, a flash of fresh concern had her eyes go wide when the realization set in. "Qahwa staves off sleep?"

"But who wants to fall asleep after lunch?" Evisa asked in the process of setting her cup down in order to pour out another serving. She handled the kettle and the spoon deftly with her one hand, as though it took no thought at all. Natalie was deeply troubled by the potential implications.
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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby The Kingpin » Mon Sep 18, 2017 6:52 pm

"You would be surprised, Evisa. In the desert, noon and the early afternoon are often too hot for one to be outside or active for long periods. So we usually rest after lunch, and continue our work in the later afternoon," explained Faruq matter of factly, noting the way she kept her hand occupied, before shifting his attention to the verger.

Beshayir addressed the matter before he could speak, however. Murmuring quietly in what one could only describe as prayer, she spoke. "There's a reason people drink qahwa in Thimeyra. And why I wanted some now. Thimeyrans know it as the drink of the pious. Priests and the devout volunteers at the temple drink it in the last hours of the night, before sunrise, to help them concentrate. Some of them lead group prayers, others have to clean the dust away from the doors and windows of the temples, sometimes they need to polish the bell chains, the candelabras, the reliquaries," she explained, trailing off as she considered the things that were done there that she didn't know about. "A temple is a busy place... I spent some time there helping, when I was little."
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby C S » Mon Sep 18, 2017 8:28 pm

With a half-smile, Natalie responded, "I can relate. It goes to show that while faith can vary, for each one with a house to worship, there are people dedicated to keep them looking the best hey can." A slight glance to her cup was followed by an internal affirmation, that she would not stray from her tasks when she entered the rotunda. No time for doubts and insecurity while she had the qahwa in her. In some roundabout way, Evisa made due on what she promised.

Yet, Natalie furrowed her brow and looked sidelong to the viking making steady progress of her second cup, seemingly disconnected from everything else. Her response to Faruq had been an easily missed grunt and shrug that was to be taken as 'fair enough'. How was someone so driven and full of energy going to be affected by the desert drink, in such quantity? Natalie could not help but be wary when she knew that Evisa was a light before first dawn. She turned to Faruq. The elf struck her as having some unplaceable knowingness, and she hoped that he had some inkling of her trouble.

"By the way... how much of this is the normal amount to drink, just out of curiosity?" Natalie broached.
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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Sep 27, 2017 7:31 am

Faruq hummed lowly, giving the question some thought. "It depends on the thi-...Strength. The strength of the brew dictates how much of it you should have. For this? Not more than two. Otherwise you will have considerable trouble sleeping at night."

"But the milk will probably dilute it enough that it's more like three," commented Beshayir matter-of-factly.

"Ah. Yes, that is probably true."

The trilling of the avian dragoness outside was a wordless reminder that they were running short on time. Or perhaps it was just Ceridwen voicing her annoyance that she wasn't getting to taste what all the fuss was about. Beshayir wasn't really sure.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby C S » Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:27 pm

"I think she's getting lonely," Evisa commented offhandedly, setting her cup down again. Suspecting that she intended to drink more qahwa despite what was just said, Natalie piped up with, "If that is the case, I say we start cleaning up and putting wares away."

Evisa stood where she was without so much as twitching a muscle. Her hands were set apart from one another, holding her frame against the table while her legs were crossed. In such a pose, one would have thought that she was earnestly studying a map, or a sprawl of writing. The reality of the situation, that Evisa was giving a small ornate cup this level of scrutiny, was so bizarre that Natalie's underlying concern ceased being so. Her face beginning to contort in panic at this unexpected turn in the viking, Natalie reached out and held Evisa by her segmented pauldron.

The verger then tried to shake the viking to snap her out of this strange trance of hers, but no matter how much she strained, even with the addition of her other hand after putting her own cup down, Evisa was as solid as the rocky elementals she cared for.

"Ha! There it is," Evisa proclaimed, shooting straight and jostling Natalie in so doing. As Natalie began to stumble and fall backwards from the start, Evisa's arm went out to hook around her shoulders in an unorthodox embrace. Natalie was limp and hopelessly confused, supported solely by Evisa's hold on her while her arms and legs drooped.
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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby The Kingpin » Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:38 pm

"There...what is?" asked Faruq, taken by surprise by the statement. He hadn't known the viking for nearly as long as the others here, even if her name was frequently mentioned within his sphere of actual acquaintances. The side effect was that he did not know what was and wasn't normal for the woman.

"Something in the qahwa?" asked Beshayir, wondering if a beetle had made its way into the brew somewhere along the way to Brodudika.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby C S » Thu Sep 28, 2017 12:30 am

"Frenetic... kinetic... in the qahwa," Evisa said to the others. The verger in the crook of her arm stared ahead blankly. It took a moment longer for Natalie to appreciate her current circumstance, and a smidgen more for her to bring her feet back under her and stand on her own.

"Excuse me?" she said, undoubtedly voicing what the elves were wondering as well.

"The energy in the drink," Evisa clarified. "I suspected there would be something there. It took some concentration and careful tasting, and I found it."

"... But it's supposed to keep you awake," Natalie retorted, her expression crinkled with her bewilderment.
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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby The Kingpin » Thu Sep 28, 2017 6:00 am

Faruq's brows raised at the explanation, taken by surprise. "A substance must have energy to give energy, yes," he said.

"Mana?" suggested Beshayir thoughtfully. She recalled what Septimus and Syria had taught her about the innate affinity of substances for magic. It had come up when she asked why Septimus decided to get Desrium an entire barrel of honey as a gift.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby C S » Thu Sep 28, 2017 6:21 pm

"I don't know... if it is, it's not the kind of mana I'm used to. But I'm no expert on magic, so who knows?" Evisa adjusted her hold on her helmet between both her hands before sharply turning her head, drawing her hair into one fluid trail behind the motion. She slipped her helmet on before the individual strands could separate and waft away as was their nature. "What I do know for sure is that we're working on dwindling time to get where we need to be, and we haven't started putting cups away."

"Um." Natalie blinked. The shift in Evisa's condition was abrupt enough without her rephrasing what was said earlier. Natalie held her tongue when it came to pointing out that they hadn't because of the viking's strange behavior, however. It was so uncharacteristic of her that Natalie felt there was something more at play, albeit the cause appeared inconsequential now that Evisa was back to her old self. "Er... yes?"
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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Sep 29, 2017 5:12 am

“You can leave the cups here for now. I intend to be here for a little while longer. I’ll take them down with me when the time comes,” stated the Storyteller reassuringly as he took the kettle over to the table by his seat. “Good luck with your classes, Beshayir. And I will see you both later,” he added knowingly, as though he had already planned his next meeting with the verger and the viking.

Drinking the last of her cup of qahwa, the young elf stacked it with the other two before turning her attention to the Storyteller. “Thank you for the Qahwa, Amii Faruq!”

“You’re welcome, Beshayir,” responded the older elf, his expression softening at the pyromancer's endearing choice of words. It wasn't everyday that someone addressed him as though he were family. Especially in this place. "Feel free to come back for more anytime."
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby C S » Fri Sep 29, 2017 3:09 pm

"You're very kind," Natalie said as she offered a shallow bow to Faruq. She held the pose for a few seconds in anticipation of Evisa sharing her gratitude as well, which made the woman's silence all the more palpable. Natalie turned her head to peer over her shoulder with a puzzled look on her face. "What's happened now?" her expression seemed to say, and Evisa's viking visage offered no answer.

In the shaded confines of her helmet, her eyes were narrowed and her lips were set stern. Evisa stood tall and tense. "You're certain about the cups?"

"Oh for goodness' sake," was Natalie's unspoken exasperated response. She hung her head in tandem with a quiet sigh.
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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Sep 29, 2017 3:36 pm

"Positive," responded Faruq firmly. Were this a Thimeyran guest, in his Thimeyran home, he would be offended that she had asked. But these were people of other lands, of other cultures. She couldn't be faulted for her response. "Now run along, all of you. There is much too much to spend one's time on to waste it on an old elf in an old house."
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby C S » Fri Sep 29, 2017 5:14 pm

"But helping out an old elf--" The lady of Light halted her retort at Natalie taking her hand as she rose out of her bow. She simply watched as the verger tried in vain to tug her along to the door. Natalie failed to extend Evisa's arm fully, much less make her budge from where she was standing.

"If you truly are human in spite of your appearances, then he will outlive us both, Evisa," Natalie said in between her small grunts of effort. "... Not to mention the more... taxing burdens of his station," she added during one last effort to move the immovable woman.

"Oh fine," Evisa conceded halfheartedly, unconvinced but unwilling to impose where she wasn't wanted. With that, she waved with her free hand to the elder elf. "Take care of yourself, Faruq. I've got some plans for the future of the city I've been meaning to run by you city-authority folks, so that'll be something to talk about when we do cross paths again."

Then without fanfare, Evisa took a step towards the door and ended up taking Natalie's lead, forcing the verger to fall in line with her with a surprised yelp.
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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Sep 29, 2017 8:34 pm

It was telling that the last expression Faruq saw on Beshayir's face was one of uncertainty, concern and yet, amusement, all at once. She gave a quick wave, and rushed out the door behind the two, leaving the Storyteller once again alone with his thoughts. He took a look at his cup, then the kettle, and sighed. Another drink was the order of the day. And perhaps, a book that wasn't dry history.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby C S » Fri Sep 29, 2017 11:40 pm

As the day progressed the sky over Brodudika and the neighboring territories was occluded by wintery clouds of blue, silver and gray. Sunlight snaked through the layers that blocked it, creating patches and rivers of light that contrasted with the cloudy shadows. Another bout of rain to follow the previous night's, foretold by the heavy and moist air that blustered through the city's streets and alleys. Those that were already where they had to be could count themselves fortunate to have nothing to do with the rain. Those still populating the open squares and pavement had ample warning to seek warmth and shelter. Those who had no choice but to venture through the downpour looked ahead to the inevitable as part of another day's work.

As per usual, the Paladin was a passive observer of the city's motion in combing the sprawls. Of course that came with the usual regulated surprise that bystanders had when they noticed him among them; his arrival on a street corner preceded by the curious thumping of his metal feet against the background ambiance and the flicker and glimmer of red against windows and any other reflective surface. The darkened day amplified this effect. The city locals were as accustomed to the phenomenon as one could be, but Brodudika was a community of wanderers, and so there would always be the new face that caught a glimpse of the storied armored being. Inversely, no one could ever tell what he was looking at any given moment.

Desrium was always watching with his unblinking eyes, privy to small stories that went overlooked otherwise. That morning, he saw Viho's furred student leave one of the common houses on her way to meet the helpful dwarf, and he thought about the many barriers between her and the other inhabitants of Brodudika. Though she could not communicate with anyone directly, she was able to provide for her own living and trade currency for her needs just like any other. The same could be said about the city's infamous courier, independent in defiance of her age. They were among so many others making their way in this world. Some, like him, could not help the attention they drew to themselves.

In particular, Desrium considered Morialus, Grama and Hex.

He did not see them on his walk, but he could sense them. They were near enough to glean the events of the city by way of osmosis, the nature of gossip, yet distant enough that they would not impede on anyone's sense of normality. It appeared self-evident that this was a deliberate calculation they had made, and one they were used to making. With this in mind, Desrium believed he could piece together what had brought upon the inexplicable change in the elementals, the fickle beings that they were. Unforeseen consequences were not always unwelcome outcomes, however. An emphasis on defense in the face of an uncertain threat was wise.

If only it were that easy to fortify a city. Nevertheless, as long as the snow turned to rain to preface the coming spring, the day upon which the plated wall would be completed drew ever nearer.
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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby The Kingpin » Fri Oct 20, 2017 11:27 pm

It was some time later that Ceridwen had settled enough from the early morning events to relax. Relaxation that she did not usually find in the company of humans. Not after the last time she had been on her own in their company.

Unfortunately, leaving was not an option she had the luxury of having. Even if she didn't care for the young elf in her charge, she had promised Septimus she would watch over her. So with that complicating things, she had to get creative.

It took her a little while of searching through the city to find an area that was at least somewhat isolated from the rest of the city's denizens. It came in the form of one of the spires overlooking the city. While she lacked the size or physique to coil around it like some fairytale drakes were prone to doing, she was able to perch herself atop it with some careful positioning. With her wings spread and stretched forward to maintain her balance, she began. The humans, elves, and other folk below waded through their dull, monotonous lives resigned to a repetitive misery the point of which she could not understand, much less appreciate. But she would not let that impose on her peace. Her singing, and the tranquillity it brought with it, she would most certainly impose upon them. Taking in a deep breath, she began, filling the ears of all who would listen with a musical chorus that seemed to melt away time itself.

The trilling of the dragoness's song on the wind in the upper district of the city was one that passers-by had grown to expect over the duration of her time here. They could not have known her reasons for wanting to sing, nor why she seemed especially invested in it this time, but no one seemed to be in any hurry to interrupt the peace that came with the song, and even the promise of dour weather seemed to do nothing to shake the pleasant mood that came with the Hueilin's performance.

It had the unintended effect of distracting everyone, Ceridwen included, from the rapid approach of one of Brodudika's more renowned guests, the Son of Storms closing in on the city at high altitude, only the momentary glint of dark scales against the grey backdrop giving any indication of his imminent arrival.

The dragoness's crooning song trailed off into silence as the larger dragon's shadow passed over her, the realisation only striking her when the darkness she perceived behind her closed eyelids passed too quickly to be a looming storm, though the gust that followed his passing did much to give credit to his moniker. And much as storms were wont to drive others to move to shelter, so too was Ceridwen driven to move, though for more benign reasons. Leaping off the roof of the tower she had chosen as her perch, the dragoness took flight in pursuit.

The buffeting of taut membranes was punctuated by a periodical thump as the Scholar's wings beat powerfully, passing like a phantom over the City of Friends and leaving only a gentle gust in his wake. The Hueilin Emissary banked steadily into a wide circle around the grounds on the outskirts of the city, noting the glowing light coming from the nearby woodland and guessing the cause. The dragon chose to bleed off some of his speed and altitude by continuing to circle the city before moving for a landing, and Ceridwen, now hot on his tail, saw fit to follow suit. She did so in silence however, the Thunderkin not quite ready to relinquish her solitude to the chatter of heroes and the matters that concerned them just yet.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby C S » Sat Oct 21, 2017 2:08 am

Out of sight and oblivious to the return to familiar tracts, the Daavenian mage performed her mental exercises in the sedentary comfort of her bed. The fabric walls of the satchel were made to be opaque and solid, acting as shutters to suitably darken Syria's quarters and to remove any and all extraneous stimuli. After starting the day on a grim note, the mage felt no inclination to turn covers and study the pages in between them. Yet where her studious mood failed, Syria filled time by flexing her mind in the way Septimus taught her. A soft green light raced back and forth underneath Syria's closed eyes while her head rested on her pillow in serenity.

Down on the ground, a heavy haze hung over a field of damp yellow grass, matted down by droplets and pelted by steadily falling raindrops. The trees were sparse at this turn, a place just off the road to the burgeoning city. Here, another form of serenity was being actively eked out through the rigors of action and dedication.

The Lady of Light went through her forms against her unyielding and simultaneously obliging opponent. With one foot planted behind her for balance and strength, she drilled swift punches into metal palms without a single pause. Desrium held his open hands out in front of him just under the full extent of his reach, and shuffled them without rhythm or pattern. Evisa's eyes glared through the apertures of her helmet, tracking the metallic blurs to the best of their ability. Her fists shot out, trailing light from her knuckles like comets in formation. Her misses traced waves of rippling heat and steam in the air. When her fists struck true against flat plate, the impact sounded no less than meteoric, roaring with explosive force and shining bright.

Much like the elementals under her care, something had brought about quite a change in Evisa. When she crossed paths with Desrium in his rounds, she'd just begun to exhibit the peculiarity. It was a fabric of intense magical energy comprised of a geometric weave that constantly shifted in kaleidoscopic fashion. The patterns were a striking pale light in the sunbeam radiance that overlaid Evisa's scaled armor, and they caused rainbow fractals to manifest in the cold, gray weather. Recognizing that Evisa was in desperate need of an outlet when she could not articulate why she had become that way, Desrium offered his service.

There was little alternative at that point, Desrium noted. She had obviously sought him out. And so, over the duration of this impromptu training session, Desrium came to be enlightened of Evisa's yet untapped potential. He said nothing of it. Up until now, he had said little about anything, really. Outwardly, all he did was sturdy himself against the kick of Evisa's blows when they landed, locking his metal joints and leaning into the explosive flares and the blistering shockwaves. Otherwise, his shining palms were taunting beacons to the viking woman that moved out of place just before she could match them with the ridges of her fists.

Frenetic and kinetic was the Lady of Light.

Pensive and resigned was the Stalwart, whose red gaze lifted into the overcast skies in anticipation of seeing what he'd already perceived.
Last edited by C S on Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby The Kingpin » Sat Oct 21, 2017 8:21 pm

The Son of Storms levelled out once he was almost at ground level, gliding over the sparse forest towards where he saw and heard the telltale signs of Desrium and Evisa duelling. Their activities were easily picked up over the ambient peace. A firm wingbeat launched him upwards and halted his forwards momentum, the dragon coming to a stop mid-air before dropping straight down to the forest floor, the impact kicking up soil, twigs and dead leaves around him. Lifting his head up, his neck craned into that unmistakeable S-curve for which his kind were so well known, the dragon's sapphire gaze floating over the pair before him. A small smile crossed his draconic features, the two together holding the key to the latest of his curiosities, even if they did not yet know it.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Re: Lore of Leyuna RPG (FRPG)

Postby C S » Thu Oct 26, 2017 10:16 pm

Without the armored being's attunement to all things magical, Evisa's reaction to Septimus' appearance and subsequent landing was wholly human. Her ears were occupied by the banging and sizzling that her hands produced, so she did not hear the ruffle of wing membranes tugging at the air, and the dry rustling of spindly treetops caught in the dragon's wake. Her vision, made keen to follow Desrium's speedy motions, did not glean the hint of a shadow looming over her. There were too many clouds in the sky to accurately judge these things and Evisa had grown accustomed to the rainfall being the sole factor the sky had for her. It was only when the earth shook beneath her, and droplets defied their conventions by leaping out of rippling pools, that Evisa's deliberate pose snapped into a wide stance to absorb the tremor. Her hands ceased their flight and, while still balled into fists, went out to either side to steady her bearings. Desrium, unsurprisingly, was unfazed and simply put his hands behind his back.

The Paladin saw Evisa's bladed helmet jerk when the shake passed -- the lady fixing him a look for a split-second. He could guess what had gone through her mind then, and he was all but assured that it was no flattering sentiment towards him for not bringing the change of affairs to her attention. Something Evisa remedied herself by pivoting on her heels to face Septimus, the soles of her scaled boots splashing about on the wet grass.

"Hello again, Sept--"

"Oh, it's about time! With how much he likes to talk about you, it's long overdue that we get introduced to one another, faceguard to face," Evisa declared, taking marching steps towards the Scholar and leaving Desrium to the role of an onlooker. She tilted her head back further and further the closer she got to him. Ceridwen was downright petite in contrast.
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