Ghost stories

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Ghost stories

Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Wed Jul 04, 2007 9:10 pm

Ghost stories are cool! so might as well give us some of yours!

I've got a funny one!

A woman's husband died and she went to go see his body. She saw he had a blue suit on. She told the guy in charge "May I have my husband in a brown suit? He'll look much better" She said "I hope its not too much trouble"
The guy said "Oh no Ma'am no trouble at all!"

The next day the woman comes back and sees her husband has a brown suit on. She tells the guy "You sure it wasn't hard?"
"No Ma'am!" He said "All we had to do was exchange his head with another dead body!"

This is one I've heard before so it might not be excatly how I heard it
"I attack you: You did something wrong. You attack me: ...You did something wrong."
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Postby C S » Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:05 pm

thats not a ghost story. THIS is a ghost story.

one day, at a carnival, a manager of the game "ring toss" rigged the game so players would lose. the object of the game was to throw rings on to cans. the ring goes around the can and you get a prize. thing is was the ring and te can were the same size. when the carnival opened and a crowd was formed at the game, the manager said he would give away 2 prizes for one ring to go on the can. players tried and tried but the rings just bounced of the can. when one player was about to give up, an old man walked up to the game and threw the ring. the ring hit the can and fell into place around it. in disbelief, the manager said "THATS IMPOSSIBLE!" the old man replied "Really? Why is that so?" the manager said "BAH! do that again!" the old man threw another ring and ounce again won. "That would be 4 prizes i presume!" the man said. the manager mubled and gave him the prizes. he gave the prizes to 4 players who had been cheated out of their money. he played the game and gave his prizes to all the players. when the man was about to win a prize for himself, the manager closed the game booth. he said "you should only play for one you know!" the man said "what goes around comes around and your not goin to like whats comin for ya!"

the next morning, the carnival owner opened up the closet that he keeps his jacket to find the game manager with a game ring in his neck and he was hanged with a note that says "You should never cheat any one, because with a life of bad deeds, your bound to get one your self"
Now look behind you......there is someone you should never over look....

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Postby DI7789 » Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:27 pm

Hm...thats a nice story, here's mine:

A family move into an old house, there is the husband, he is furious with his daughter for going out with someone he doesn't approve of, the wife, who supports her daughter, and the daughter, lets call her Jane.

Jane has a large argument with her father and eventually, her boyfriend dumps her, all three are furious at one another. The next day, Jane goes to see a neighbour, an old woman, for advice, but all she gets is a warning:

"Be careful, 25 years ago a girl quarrelled with her boyfriend here and the boyfriend burned down the house, killing the girl's entire family, then he committed suicide and people believe his ghost haunts your house..."

Jane listens, then later that night, as she slept, she felt a presence near her bed, she wakes up screaming and a small chair nearby creaks, as if someone is getting off of it, but the room is empty apart from herself. Her mum arrives first and she comforts her daughter, soon after the father arrives and believes that it was her ex-boyfriend. Later that night, the neighbour, feeling very concerned because she has heard the screams too, he hid behind a tree and watched the house.

After midnight, the neighbour still hasn't left, she sees a figure wearing a hoodie and jeans, run to the front door with a can of petrol in their hand, the neighbour calls the police, assuming it to be the ex-boyfriend. The figure lights a match just as the police turn up, they order the person to turn around. The mysterious person obeys.

It is Jane, she flips back her hood to reveal that her eyes were bright blue and glowing, they lit up the ground in front of her, she puts out the match and is arrested.

It is here that the story ends, so what really happened? Was she being controlled by the ghost, maybe that explains her eyes, was she angry at her father, did she feel alone now that her boyfriend had left and decided to take her revenge? Decide for yourself...
"Its like I was attacked by some kind of...dinosaur"
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