Animal RPG

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Animal RPG

Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:15 am


1 ) No magic.
2 ) No killing off other player's characters without said player's permission.
3 ) No Human - Animal wars (Hunters/Poachers can be used as villians and such. Tanks, Helicopters, etc are NOT allowed)
4 ) No OOC only posts.
5 ) No Animal Armies.
6 ) Interspecies relationships (Friendships, allies, etc) are allowed from now on, to add more options to the RPG. Animals of different species are allowed to travel with eachother if such a bond exists, and if it makes sense (A herbivore and carnivore helping eachother would be unlikely). But, of course, this does not mean two different species can become anything MORE like friends, which is just common sense.
7 ) Do not make Animals sound too human (EG: Wassup? Awesome. Freaken Sweet.). And instead of "said, says, etc", use words like "Chirped, Growled, Barked, grunted, etc".
8 ) Land, Air, and Amphibious animals, with the exception of ANY Artic Animals, are allowed for player use. Aquatic animals are NOT allowed in this RPG, but can be NPCs in some areas such as streams or rivers, if the instance makes sense for such creatures to be there.

The RPG takes place in an African Preserve, having four main sections: Forest, Savannah, Desert, and Cliffs, each section having a natural transition into the other. Examples would be the desert: As you get closer and closer, the soil starts to become dry and the plant and animal life begins to change, finally reaching the desert itself. Being a preserve, the animals are unable to leave the area. The Preserve itself is large; Large enough so that all predators can have their own territories without constant conflict, and the animals have the illusion of the wild, rarely seeing the edges of the preserve itself. The preserve is in the middle of the African Continenet and is therefore NOT connected to ANY ocean.

Length (If a "Long" Creature):
Height (If a "Tall" Creature):
Wingspan (If a winged Creature):
Last edited by TyrannoTitan on Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Postby TyrantTR » Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:31 am

May I join TT?

Name: Savage
Age: 22
Species: Grizzly Bear
Height: 8 feet tall when standing
Weight: 525 lb.
Personality: Fast and aggresive. Utilizes all of his abilities for the hunt, but is also very sociable. Well, when he isn't haveing a conversation with prey. His powerful fore arms suport him to a rather proud look, and that just begins to describe his attitude. Insults get other creature's nothing but a quick death.
Discription: A regular Bear only a bit bigger, it's arms look as if they are pure muscle, and his head is just terryfieing to anything resembleing prey. Like all Grizzly's his lip hangs out giveing a black line just below his bruttish teeth. His fur is shagging, makeing him look fat but under that fur is amazing muscle, perfect for mauling prey that just won't die.
Well James Bond Chinchilla and Monsta Pacman gets old after a year or so of absence. >_> Methinks I'll leave this blank until I come up with something to put here.
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Postby Hopeflower » Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:00 am

Name: Night
Age: 10
Species: Wolf
Height: 3 feet at the shoulder
Weight: 100 lbs.
Personality: Prefers to hunt and live alone. Because of this, most of Night's hunts end in failure. Loves to practice climbing the cliffs she makes her home.
Discription: a white female wolf with a muzzle tinged with silver and one black foreleg.
Last edited by Hopeflower on Sun Sep 26, 2010 6:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

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Postby C S » Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:10 am

Name: Gold Beak
Age: 10
Species: African Fish Eagle Eagle
Height:2 feet
Wingspan: 6 feet
Weight: 300 grams
Personality: A stealthy hunter. He stays up in the trees and keeps to himself. He is social to his kind. Has a deep love of fish, obviously because he's a fish eagle.

Gold Beak cocked his head. He heard something flopping around on the yellow sand below. He side stepped on his perch, a branch on a giant tree in the presserve . He made a small wordless chirp. The flopping started getting desperate. Gold Beak opened his beak in a glad expression. He made a sharp screech that echoed. He spread his wings and swooped down in a burst of speed and snatched up a silver fish in his talons. He landed on his perch and started peeling the scales of the fish and started eating the meat.
Last edited by C S on Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby dinoman666 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:54 am

Name: Redtail
Age: 4
Species: Golden Jackal
Length: 42 inches
Height: 20 inches at the shoulder
Weight: 30 pounds
Personality: Like all jackals, he's sly and cafty, always wanting to get a free meal. He does, however, have a habit of complaining when things don't go his way.
Description: His fur is pale gold and brown-tipped, with green eyes.
Last edited by dinoman666 on Fri Mar 13, 2009 1:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Shadow » Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:23 pm

Name: Kita
Age: 12
Species: King Cheetah
Length: 7 feet
Height: 4 feet
Weight: 520 pounds
Personality: Voracious and very fast. A fairly good hunter, mainly being succesful in chases. Keeps to himself and always thinks before acting.
Description: Link
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Postby Hopeflower » Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:33 pm

The wind howled over the cliffs, the gray stone warmed by the hot sun. The place seems deserted. A flicker of movement disturbs the peace; the tip of a white-furred tail twitching as its owner watches a fairly large rabbit leave the safety of a hollow. As usual, the animal has to hunt for a meal. Slowly, it stands, its silver-furred muzzle seeming to shine in the sunlight. The rabbit rears up onto its hindlegs, not yet seeing the danger. The wolf is an unusual one, and as it moves, its left foreleg is revealed to be black. This wolf is named Night, for the way she prefers to move when the shadows of the evening are long and she is well hidden. And, once again, I have to dig for my meal, Night thinks with a sigh as the rabbit flashes back down its hole. She has no idea of why she's alone like this, she only knows that she was brought up alone after her father and the rest of the pack left for better hunting grounds. Night lifts her head and looks around for a moment before returning to her prey. She longs to see her father again, like she did when she was a pup...but she hardly remembers him now. Night wants her parents back so they could hunt together, among the cliffs where they are at home...there are fewer places to hide on the savannah, while here she can slip into a crack or crevasse and be instantly hidden from enemy eyes. Her instincts are fighting with each other. Should she try to find her father and a mate, or stay here? The female wolf shakes her head and continues scraping at the rabbit hole with her blunt claws, determined to eat something soon.
Last edited by Hopeflower on Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

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Postby Doc 42 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:01 pm

The first post has been edited so please re-read.

Name: Tornado
Age: 11 years
Species: Grey Wolf
Height: 39 inches at the shoulder
Weight: 150 lbs
Personality: Lives alone in the forest but doesn't confine himself to it. Without a pack he can't maintain a sizeable territory so he mostly wanders, returning to the same spot frequently. He is easy going and is very tolerate to strangers, not going as far to trust them immeidiately but not being hostile either. As a grey wolf he isn't built for the african enviroment but has adapted well and makes do with what he has.
Description: heavily built wolf with Yellow eyes, other than that he is like this pic Image

Tornado padded along through the dense forest, his stomach growling. He winced and continued to move, searching for prey... He hadn't found food in a while and was getting increasingly hungry, maybe today he would have better luck, or maybe he wouldnt. He snarled at the thought and lept calmly over a large clumb of roots, scenting the air.
Last edited by Doc 42 on Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Iceking » Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:02 pm

name:shred claw
species:African lion
length:10 feet
height:4 feet
weight:330 pounds
personality:is calm and is treats all of his pride well. he is agressive to intruders that clearly want to take over his pride, but will not harm cubs.
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Postby C S » Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:27 pm

Gold Beak flew off after finishing the fish. He flew over the yellow sand and landed ounce more on a tree. He shook and scannned the horizon. The clouds were abit dark but not ready to rain. Gold Beak chirped and made a small short screech. He opened his wings and flapped, shedding his feathers of dust snd small pebbles.
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Postby Hopeflower » Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:38 pm

Night finally clamps her jaws around the rabbit's hind leg and drags it forcefully out of its hole. She finishes the struggle with a swift bite and begins to tear at its flesh. The last time she last ate was a few weeks ago, and that had been scavenging off a lion's kill. The female wolf looks up, sensing she's not alone. A pack of hyenas are eyeing her kill hungrily. Night snarls loudly, showing her inch-long canine teeth. The scavengers back off a bit, and Night returns to her meal. She's not about to give it up. This is the first time she's fed well in a while.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

"The future is always uncertain and painful but it must be lived." ~ Unknown
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Postby Iceking » Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:47 pm

in the tall grass of a savanah area, a king was surveying his terriotry. he didn't bother to get up as he was on a rock that was 6 feet tall, allowing him to watch many things from a distance. a group of lionesses had gone off on a hunt and shred claw expected them to return at any minute with a kill. he would always take the first share as he was the ruler of his pride and the femals and young would take what was left afterwards. shred claw turned to his mate, brown streak and could see her looking after their 3 cubs who had been born a month ago. soon after, the hunting group returned and they had brought down an old adult zebra. shred claw walked over to the females of the hunting group in 4 minutes and they back off, knowing he would claim the first share. the pride leader settled down and began to feast on the neck of the dead zebra, his teeth easily piercing the skin.
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Postby Hopeflower » Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:05 pm

Night splinters a bone with her teeth and heaves herself to her feet. At four hundred pounds and four feet from her shoulders to the ground, she's a formidable opponent. The white female turns and leaps up onto a ledge, slipping into a large crack in the rock and vanishing from view. This is her den, her home. Here, she knows almost every inch of her remarkably small territory. Inside the little cave, it's damp and cold, but it is sheltered from the fiercest winds and storms. Night climbs back out of her den and lets out a long, low howl. She's calling for fellow wolves who might want to make a pack. She pricks her ears and listens intently for a return call.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

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Postby Iceking » Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:46 pm

shred claw fnished eating his fill after fifteen minutes. the pride leader then moved away after tearing off a large piece of meat from the zebra's back, planning on bringing it to his mate. the other members of the pride moved in and the lion cubs began to chew on any piece of meat they could find on the corpse of the zebra. shred claw returned to his mate, in the secluded shrub area twenty minutes away and growled to her:"i have brought you something to eat." brown streak ate the piece of meat, enjoying the the taste and when she finished, she nuzzled her mate and growled:"one day, the little ones will learn how to be skilled hunters."
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Postby Hopeflower » Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:54 pm

After a while, Night sits down again, dissapointed. "Perhaps no one wants to join a lone wolf," she whimpers softly to herself. She turns and slips back into her den again, resting her head just outside it. Maybe it is my fate to be alone for the rest of my life, Night thinks, yawning quietly and watching the herds of zebras and gazelles wander past.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

"The future is always uncertain and painful but it must be lived." ~ Unknown
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Postby dinoman666 » Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:49 am

Redtail heard the howl as he trekked across the savannah and decided to invsetigate. "Maybe there's some food," he thoguht to himself as he crept along, heading in the direction of the howl.
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:51 am

I'll join as a wolf, Always loved them.
Name: Maka
Age: 13
Species: Grey Wolf
Weight: 123 lbs.
Personality: Maka lives with a pack of 5, living near a lake, in a formation of rocks. Like caves or burrows.
He'll let strangers enter, but he'll get agressive when he smells danger in them. He usually patrols the territory with 3 of the top males in his pack. His mate,Swift,occasionaly helps out while hunting for food.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:59 am

Name: Tyretros
Age: 5 Years
Species: Lion (Maneless)
Length: 9 Feet
Height: 4.3 Feet
Weight: 600 lbs
Personality: An energetic, yet experianced lion, Tyretros is a loner; having decided to leave his father's pride, not wanting to fight him for leadership. He relies on speed and agility to take down prey and defend himself from larger predators, predators including other lions, Tyretros being a target only because of his youth. He is a calm fighter, able to serious when needed, but a mostly easy-going creature. He is plagued by his family's history, being related to the man eaters of Tsavo, the maneless lion always at risk of being killed by humans out of fear, even in the preserve.
Description: A strong, young male maneless lion, Tyretros's pelt is a normal yellowish tan color, common even with his species of lion. His eyes are a dark blue, a color that made him unique out of his siblings and pack mates. Even though his species is called "Maneless", the evidence of a mane is still there; a streak of hair running down on either side of his chest, connected at the center. The streaks start at the back of the neck, but the start of the streaks are very thin, barely visable because of his normal fur.
Last edited by TyrannoTitan on Sat Mar 08, 2008 6:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Postby Hopeflower » Fri Oct 05, 2007 1:05 am

Night yawns, the warmth of the day beginning to make her feel sleepy. She howls again, a friendly call in case someone had heard her.
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
"Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." ~ Bob Ross

"The future is always uncertain and painful but it must be lived." ~ Unknown
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Postby dinoman666 » Fri Oct 05, 2007 1:08 am

Redtail paused at the call, but then continued onward until he came across some strange place with a little cave. He cocked his head, waiting for something to happen...
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