the past of a non mutant and his foes

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the past of a non mutant and his foes

Postby Iceking » Sat Oct 20, 2007 4:45 am

this fan explain the past of red eye and how he became enemies with red crest, jagged eye(the raptor) and blood jaw. red crest and his allies became enemies with red eye for more reaons than just the fact that red eye was a non mutant.

chapter 1:the begining of his life

in a clearing that was surrounded by many large trees, there were exited sounds of raptors communicating with each other. the cause of the excitment was in a moss nest where five eggs were located and one of them was moving! ten minutes passed and the hatchling raptor was getting closer to breaking it's way to freedom from its egg, having caused a crack to appear on the top right side of the egg. then, the hatchling broke away a large piece and the adult raptors close by could see it's face. the hatchling's eyes were a dark crimson whilet he head was a dark blue. eventually, after much effort, the little male raptor finally broke free of his egg and looked about at his parents as well as the other raptors close by. the father, sneak flame, named his son red eye and the mother, blue tip, thought that this name was wondeful. meanwhile, as the raptors of the pack looked at red eye, a pair of light red eyes watched, observing the hatchling and the parents. the owner of the eyes thought to himself:"you won't live as long as your parents, red eye. i'll make sure of it. i'll let you live, for just a little longer." then, the owner of the eye's moved away very silently, not intending to be discovered at this time. once the time came, he would show himself.

chapter 2:learning more of his surroundings

red eye was ssitting in his nest, waiting for his parents to return. it had now been fuve days since he had hatched from his egg and he was curious of his surroundings. he often roamed about the clearing under the watchful eyes of his parents and of the sentries when his parents were hunting with the rest of the pack. the little hatchling often had long conversations with some of the older hatchlings and his parents usually returned after what seemed like a short amount of time to him. the crimson eyed youngster was good friends with leap claw, a hatchling that was a week older than he was, but still not as large as the adults. leap claw had yellow colored eyes, his body and head were light orange and his tail was black. during the afternoon one day, red eye squeaked to leap fang:"i can't wait until we can both go on hunts with the rest of the pack." leap fang squeaked:"it is exciting, but my parents have told me that even a small mistake during a hunt can lead to the pack not getting any food."

chater 3:first day wandering about

it had been a month since red eye had hatched and this time, he wanted to go out and explore as long as his mother or father went with him. at first, the two adults refused, but their hatchling refused to give up and eventually, sneak flame agreed that he and his son could go for an hour long walk out side of the nest. red eye was excited and though he wanted to ignore the words of his father, he knew that it was best to listen to advice that might be useful for when he was fully grown. sneak flame growled to his son:"red eye, there is much you need to learn and it can help save your life when you leave the pack. i have already told you some of this before, but large predators such as rexes could be hiding anywhere in this jungle and to most of them, they see us as their next meal. you must never leave the nest without your mother or i being with you because you could easily get lost and possibly starve to death, or end up being food for the compies." the youngster nodded and made sure that he stayed close to his father, enjoying the walk, but also being catious in case something dangerous was nearby. then, a rustle in a bush was heard and snaek flame growled for his son to stay back in case it was another predator looking for a fight. instead, it was only a small compy and it was quickly killed and eaten by the adult raptor. with this, the two raptors began to return to the territory of their pack, noticing that the sun was setting now.

chapter 4: a meeting of the foes

at a cave that was five miles away from red eye's nest, a raptor was returning. however, it wasn't a normal raptor as it had quills on the back of it's head and compared to a normal raptor's scent, it's scent was strange. red crest was smircking to himself, having killed a raptor that was an all of sneak flame. two more mutant raptors appeared and one of them growled to red crest:"did you kill azure hide?" red crest hissed:"yes. with one less non mutant in our way now, the island will soon be rid of those pests and mutants such as ourselves will be the strongest raptors alive." blood jaw and jagged eye grinned, enjoying the thought of attacking the next of sneak flame's allies. with this, the three mutants walked further into the cave, knowing that their leader would want to hear about this. after 15 minutes, they stopped walking and a voice hissed:"is azure hide dead, as i want him to be?" red crest growled:"yes, father. i killed him and now sneak flame has one less ally alive." the voice growled with noticable pleasure:"good. soon, i intend to kill sneak flame myself. once he is dead, his mate and red eye will be the next ones to die." then, the owner of the voice walked forward and showed himself to be larger than the three raptors before him. the enourmous mutant was known as crimson fang and he was 10 and a half feet long, 6 feet tall and 100 pounds. he was red crest's father and none questioned him when he gave them an order. crimson fang was crimson and black on his body while his legs had some gold on them mixed with grey and his tail was pure black.

chapter 5:first kill

red eye was in his nest, waiting patiently for his parents to return. they had gone off on a hunt and said they were soon going to teach him how to hunt. the sentries were keeping watch, not letting anything distract them as even a small distraction could be enough for a hidden attacker to take them by suprise. after an hour, sneak flame and blue tip returned, blue tip carrying a compy in her jaws. the female dropped the compy into the nest for her son to kill. the compy was injured, having a broken leg and it's expression was that of pure terror. as the small carnivore tried to escape, red eye closed his jaws on it's throat and refused to let go. after a few minutes, the compy stopped moving and the crimson eyed hatchling could see that it was dead. sqeaking with excitment, red eye began to eat his kill as his parents watched with pride.

chapter 6:a monster of a raptor

shadow claw moved through the jungle, planning on finding himself a gali to eat. uknown to the raptor, he was being stalked by an unseen creature that was pleased to find him not aware that it was being followed. the stalking beast was in the trees, moving quietly and at the same time, grinning to itself when thinking of what it was going to do. shadow claw continued on for another 20 minutes until he spotted a lone gali grazing on a bush. he stopped to wait for the momment to strike, but the wait would prove to be the one that would result in his death. silently, the unseen raptor dropped down and and landed on the non mutant. crimson fang snarled:"you may be an ally of sneak flame and his pack, but even that will not save you! sneak flame's son will die along with his parents and pack!" shadow claw growled in shock:"why? what has sneak flame done to you?" crimson fang snarled:"he is a pest that stands in the way of my plans for my pack to become rulers of the island! seeing as i don't want you running off and informing sneak flame of my plans, farewell!" with this, the mutant slit the throat of the other raptor and with a cruel smirck, lept onto the low branch of a tree and was in the trees once again, heading back to his lair which was to the east.
Last edited by Iceking on Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:19 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sat Oct 20, 2007 4:49 am

Interesting story. If the raptor watching him is indeed one of his three now slain enemies, then they are way older then him, which is something I did not know.

Still, good story so far.

Postby Iceking » Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:51 am

i've added chapter two now. i'll be waiting for comments.
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Postby Anaclagon » Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:11 pm

Intresting story IK, curious on what happens next.

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Postby Iceking » Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:52 pm

chapters three and four are up. i've now revealed red crest's father.
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