Realms of the Dragons RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby Iceking » Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:00 am

dark scale had been keeping watch when he picked up the scent of a rival male of his species. the dragon rose to his feet and lumbered out his cave. he spoted the intruder and saw that it was younger than he was. dark scale growled in a rumbling voice:"leave my terriotry or you can expect to be injured! if i spot you in this area again, i will not let you leave so easily as this time!" the terrified rival looked at the owner of the voice and nodded, taking flight and flying to find another area that would be safer territory than to be in an area close to this older dragon. dark scale watched his rival flee, thentook to the air himself and began to fly in the direction of a human village, darkness falling over his terriotry.
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Postby Doc 42 » Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:55 pm

Jacob woke with a start, the nightmare explodeing out of veiw being replaced by dusty feilds. He blinked and straightend up, looking out at what was once a green feild. Gasses realeased when the Dragons arrived killed alot of vegitation... just another crime to add to the list... He hled his head in his hands, once again running over the past months events for the twentith time... Those back stabbing GDEA ********... The worlds population was furious with their governments lack of progress, so they were delighted to support the GDEA generals once the coups started. Every country had a differnt GDEA general placed as supreme ruler. Britian had survived the catstrophe purely thanks to the progress made by the DDASF. Ireland wasn't so lucky. The DDASF's main research facility stationed there was destroyed by a combination of GDEA sabotage and revenge strikes made by dragons. Right after the coup, almost all contact with britian was blocked, soon after Ireland became isolated.

Jacob rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up. His unit was being driven by bus to London for unkown reasons. At least he wouldn't have to fight anyone there, the main cities were completely dragon proof.. He slowly sunk back into sleep, not wanting to think abou things
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Nov 10, 2007 9:08 pm

the massive black and silver Wyvern snarled, it's rich red eyes scanning the scenary around him. he was standing in the middle of a wrecked village. it hadn't been a victim of his power. it was too intact to be his work. he walked through the wrecked streets, snarling lowly. the signs were too obvious....this was a Dragon's work. in the Northern English lands, he had come across alot of Wyverns and a few Dragons, most of them now dead by his fangs. with a snarl, he walked through the ravaged streets, some of the fearful cries being heard nearby making him grin. some humans deserved to tremble in fear at the might of the Dragons and Wyverns. after what they had done to this world, they deserved it...
Last edited by The Kingpin on Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:25 am, edited 8 times in total.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Nov 10, 2007 10:51 pm

Anaclagon roamed through the New York Skies. A fierce roar echoced through the streets. He swooped down, firing a line of fire into a row of buildings, they were all already burned and already destroyed. While there was still many people alive...they were forced to live in sewers and were forced to search the upper layers. Anaclagon knew this...the massve Black Dragon landed and looked around. He wallked as he rammed his head into a building and continued on as his tail smashed into another. Anaclagon roared and fired another jet of fire down the middle which cut cleanly through buildings.

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Postby Doc 42 » Sat Nov 10, 2007 11:44 pm

Things may have been bad in the world, but for Jacob, things had goten a whole lot worse. When they arrived at head quarters there was no sister waiting for him with open arms, instead. Later, the general told him that she was missing inside a Dark zone, along with over 150 others. Either survivors of the dragons attack, or releif workers. He was crushed, she had promised not to join up. There were several organisations dedicated to quickly providing aid to those effected by Dragons. All communication with the area was down. For reasons unknown, even radios were jammed. He wanted to lead his team out there right now and hunt down the dragon responsible, there was a chance she had survived. Sadly the general wanted them to stay back untill things could be sorted out, namely equipment and personel. So Jacob was sitting by his desk filling out paper work on what had happened in Austrailia. The keybord making groaning sounds from the strength and anger with which he typed.
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:13 am

One-Horn flew over to Africa,landing in a village. He bellowed,impaling huts on his long horn and throwing them,squishing humans and destroyed other huts. He rampaged through the village,his rock hard skin making the human's spears break on impact. Snarling,One-Horn slowly walked through the destroyed village. He came to see a small human child cowering behind a pile of debree. He looked straight at it,blinked, andleft it alone. He spread his wings and took off over the plains...
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:15 am

Anaclagon looked over his vast territory. In time, family arrived. Cousins, brothers, sisters arrived under his protection. Anaclagon was the largest of his family and it was his duty to protect them even though he clearly knew his family memebers could defend themselves. Anaclagon circled the area, looking around.

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Postby The Kingpin » Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:42 pm

Typhoon snarled as he walked forward. he spotted the cause of the destruction; a young green Dragon. it had a long, whip-like tail and a serpentine neck. he snarled at it, a plume of smoke coming from his nose as he aligned himself with it. it screeched at him and attacked him with a fireball, which he dodged by jumping, using his wings to give him the extra lift he needed to dodge it. he landed and unleashed a hellstorm onto his foe, before charging, ramming it back. it was left sprawled on the ground, pinned against a building, the lower floor wall of which was beginning to buckle under the building's weight. with a cruel grin and a snarl he swung his tail around his side, hitting the Dragon in the face, covering a wound caused by his largest tail spike with acid, as well as hitting the wall behind it. as it's skull began to show from the acid's corrosive nature, it's ear splitting screech deafening just about anything within a kilometer of the scene, the building finally collapsed, coming down on the Dragon's body, crushing it. as the dust settled, Typhoon grinned at the sight of the Dragon's limp body, it's skull crushed under a rock. when he kicked it off, he saw the shards of it's skull still being consumed by acid. with an amused grunt, he turned and leapt up, taking off, and landing on top of the massive university that was in the town. with a victorious roar, he unleashed a plume of flames, marking his dominance to all other creatures. he would not take it as a territory though. he preffered to roam. life was more exciting that way. he leapt into the air, letting off a roar and flying off...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Doc 42 » Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:25 pm

Jacob was dozing on the couch when he heard a few knocks on the door. He didn't answer them. Instead rolling over and trying to sleep. The knocks came again and he heard a voice "Get the hell up Jake or I'll blow down yer fuppin door!" Realiseing who it was he shouted "Calm down George I'm coming!" He stood up, rubbing his eyes with his hands and staggered over to the door, opening it. Standing in the doorway were two of his comrades and fellow DDASF elite dragon hunters. They were in uniform... He mumbled "Wass goin on?" George saluted and said "Permission to kick your *** all the way to head quarters, commander?" Jacob ran a hand through his hair and mutterd "Permission denied, now what the bloody hell is going on?" The two men looked at each other and said "Err we'll let command fill you in, all you need to know right now is that we got dragons to kill!" They pulled him towards the army hummer on the street below and drove off towards headquarters...
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Postby The Kingpin » Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:55 pm

the ashen skies were temporarily covered as the massive grey, tribal patterned Wyvern flew over the fields of northern England. Typhoon was hungry, and looking for food. scanning the grounds below, he spotted the corpse of a dead Dragon, massive holes in it's side. with a snarl he dove down, landing near it and starting to feed on it. he noticed something: this Dragon didn't have the teeth of a carnivore. instead, a battery of grinding teeth and a beak marked the characteristics of a herbivore. The Herbivores are coming out.....gooooooood thought the massive Wyvern as he fed on the flesh of a kind of creature he hadn't tasted for over 2,500 years. finally something better than these tiny sheep and cows to eat...perhaps now life would improve...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Doc 42 » Wed Nov 14, 2007 7:11 pm

As Jacob drove to head quarters, far away in Northeren England, the tinest red light blinked on from inside a huge dusty plant. These feilds were barren, hardley any green left, so this big dusty plant fitted right into the dark evening surroundings ...

The red, fish eye style image zoomed in again, bringing the massive beast into full focus. A square slid down across the computers veiw, locking onto the wyvern. Insantly, information started scrolling down the side of the screen, msot of it useless. Finally a single number came down the screen, flashing pleasantly. Another message poped up reading, "Id match confirmed" "Target, accurired"
After a short pause, in which the computer sent a message to the command center in charge of it, another message blinked onto the red screen in green writeing "All systems going active" After about 30 seconds, a final message appeared "Phoneix online"

Back at DDASF head quarters, two people were huddled around a single computer. One of them, a woman, picked up the phone lying at the other side of the deserted office and spoke into it, barely concealing her excitement "Its found him!
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Postby The Kingpin » Thu Nov 15, 2007 4:55 pm

a plume of flames engulfed the town as a massive red Dragon flew over it, destroying the buildings beneath him in rage. another one of his sons had been slain. now, only two remained, and both had recently left to live on their own, despite their father's disagreement and worry. as the massive Dragon tore through the town mercilessly, his rage being fed by the pained screams of what survivors still lived in the villages within the massive Dark Zone that was his territory, he wondered whether they'd ever learn not to meddle in his affairs...

a snarling roar boomed through the sky as a massive black and silver Wyvern flew past yet another charred village. he reached a series of mountains on the northern edge of England's border, and decided to find himself something to drink. he knew from experience that the best place to drink was at the springs, and a few thousand years ago, the spring he was heading for was the most plentiful supply available. sure enough, when he arrived in the heavily forested area that had contained it, he saw the break in the rocks were a constant flow of crystal clear, pure water was pouring from. he lowered his massive head, and began to drink...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Anaclagon » Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:42 pm

Anaclagon snarled and flew towards the New York Harbor, flanked by male cousins. There was a large family of dragons, possibly about 15, each in different stages of life. They wanted New York but would have to fight to defend it...Anaclagon roared and then unleashed a massive powerful river of fire which hit a burning am elder male, to slow to avoid and plummed into the harbor the flames, engulfing him and burning him right to the bone in seconds. Anaclagon then flew down the river, firing two fireballs which missed but it spreaded out the enemy family. Anaclagon flew up behind two young dragons, Anaclagon head butted one out of the sky while Anaclagon snatched one up in his jaws. The black dragon finished his meal quickly with his powerful jaws as his cousins held their own...they brought females and children down which were easily defeated. There was much as 5 adult males left, rest were dead. Determined and stupid they flew foward but Anaclagon flew foward, smashing his body into a smaller one while one of his cousins dealt with him as Anaclagon flew over one and bashed one over the skull with his tail. One got passed and was swopping down towards a group of humans who came to watch but was blasted by a river of fire which torn through his back, and caused him to smash right through a building, dead.

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Postby Doc 42 » Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:50 pm

Once again, the huge wyvern filled the red screen. On a cliff over looking the forest and spring where its target drank, the same massive bush sat. A long green barrel, preturding from the vines, whirred and clicked as it changed its aim slightly. On screen, A crosshair flashed across aligning on the beasts neck, slowly moving around to find the weakest spot on its armour. After nearly a minute of slight changes in its aim, A razor sharp shell burst from tip of the cannon. Not a single plume of smoke or flash gave away the machines presence as the shell raced towards its target, miles away from the cliff. After nearly 7 seconds of flight, the shell slamed right into the wyverns neck, exploding in a flash of light. The tip of the shell peirced the armour, instantly injecting tranquilser mixed in with poisen
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Postby The Kingpin » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:05 pm

Typhoon roared angrily was hit with something in his side. he thought, based on the direction it hit him from, that it was to his right. another ear splitting roar came from him, actually causing the calmer bits of the stream of water to ripple and causing droplets of water to leave their place, the few birds in the area taking to the air terrified. beating his massive wings, he took to the air, and kept his right side towards the source, flying quickly, becoming a nearly untouchable target, as his eyes scanned the area for the attacker...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:30 am

Anaclagon and his family what remained of their enemy foes. They would last for a while and the meal was satisfying. Anaclagon finished one more chunk of meat and then looked at his mate. The black looked at the eggs as he left, leaving the tunnel and then made his way to the surface and flew up into the sky, circing the Empire State Building for a while before landing and began to walk around. He snarled viciously at the groups of terrified people who were on the surface looking for supplies...

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Postby Doc 42 » Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:02 pm

Suddenly, there was a loud clanking of gears humming from within the bush. The bush split into two and seemed to fold backwards, revealing a four legged machine, The bush camoflauge was connected to two shell like arms which joined the main body at its front shoulders. The cannon was placed on its back and rapidly folded back out of veiw. The talon like claws on its front feet retracted out of the ground and it reared up on its hind legs. Within the shell like arms, two massive turbines powered up and vents opened on top, beneath the bush. The machine started lift into the air. When it was almost 30 feet off the ground, 6 multicoloured panels slid out from the base of its back. Its beak like head had a large red visor line for an eye. More of the multicoloured panels slide down from its wings. They were solor collecters. The Phoenix could live almost idependantly as long as it had them intact. They also provided the bounus of making him look more like a living creature rather than a war machine. Many dragons had died because they tried communicateing with it first...
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Postby Ravenger Lizard King » Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:08 pm

Name: Savage
Age: 8000
Species: Unknown ( may change later )
Length: 350 ft
Height: 200 ft
wingspan: [if it's a dragon, and if it has wings] 100 ft
Weapons: Has giant, very powerful jaws which is known to crush the strongest of material. His main and most poweful attack, is a massive flame breath. It's green in color and does devastating damage, known to incinerate anything in a matter of seconds. This flame-thrower like weapon can be charged and its power potential is unknown as it can be adjusted. It's massive body can be used as to crush targets and its giant tail also is used to crush targets. It walks on two feet and it's arms can used to slash targets.
Appearance: ... dZilla.jpg
Personality: Agressive, Ruthless and Brutal. This massive Dragon is one of very rare giant dragons...their massive size is used for intimidation and are easily reconizqed as one of the most powerful dragons. However, their massive size is at a cost as they can hardly fly at all, flying only when a child and their speed is slow, running almost impossible but are still able to swim. Savage like its name itself, destroys all it consideres a threat, it often ignores smaller targets and it moves from one place to another, destroying humans and dragons alike. However they are respectful and cautious to each other, showing only respect to their species and families are often very tight. Their massive size means they also eat anything consited of flesh and often eat and kill other dragons. They are few but very often leave their trail of destruction noticable.
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Postby Anaclagon » Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:15 pm

Anaclagon looked around, the city was filled with humans yet their locations unknown and it was not common when a group of Marines tried to rescue them, they were easily dealt with. His family stayed in New York, keeping it secure as they began to strech their territory further, expanding a little over the city and their enemies met intense and brutal encounters that ended shortly as it was not long till there were numerous dragons young and old, securing the territory.

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Postby Ravenger Lizard King » Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:34 pm

Savage opened wide its jaws as it shutted down on a body of a small dragon, very's powerful jaws crushed the frail little body compared to his. He shook it and then swallowed it whole. Savage releashed a terrifying roar as it fired its flame breath right into the mother's body, the green flames engulfing and incinerating it into ash. He then moved on, walking slowly as its rectractable wings layed hidden as it moved on, it's massive feet crashing giant footprints, shaking the earth underneath it. By his left and his right, he had his 2 younger and smaller brothers. They were all giants but Savage stood above them as they walked, slowly but surely through the empty wide open fields. The nest they destroyed was layed in the open and this trio took advantage but they were still hungry and they walked through the fields heading towards a city...hungry for food and thristy for destruction.
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