Alien vs. Predator E-war

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby Iceking » Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:14 am

meanwhile, the rest of alpha's clan were stalking the other marines in the same area as their leader. many of the younger predators that had been on their first few hunts proved they could keep calm even though they were excited. then, two marines came closer and had their heads cut off by two smart discs that were thrown by two of the cloaked predators. another marine came over and when he saw the bodies, he froze in horror and this was long enough for a predator to stab him with a spear, killing him in seconds.
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Postby Anaclagon » Fri Nov 30, 2007 8:32 pm

Alpha regrouped with his clan members as they nodded...the xenomorph were in the larger skyscarpers and cetrain areas underground...signs of dead K-series showed as their forces were decimated. Multiple squads of Predators were to originally take out certain parts of the hive and re-group in the middle to kill the queen but a hive this large, had resoureces of an entire city proving that it would be no easy task. Using a secure area, Alpha and his group would rest on a skyscraper, abandoned and secure, for they they rested and then would move out again in the darkest parts of night...

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Postby Iceking » Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:09 pm

the rest of the clan knew that they would eventually hunt the predqueen that had been seen on the holographic screen back at the ship. for now, they rested, with two keeping watch for humans or xneomorphs that might try to attack them. the sun had almost completley set and for the humans, they would find it very difficult to see without any of their devices that caused lights to appear. for the predators, there wasn't a need to be concerned about the dark and it would even be helpful to sneak up on humans and kill the silently.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:37 pm

Alpha rose up and looked down from the rooftop and watched as hordes of xenomorphs poured from the ground, coming from a hole in the sreets. Alpha nodded to two other predators as they walked off...suddenly a few moments later, a laser of burning heat cut through the head off the horde. Then multiple disks were thrown, slicing through torso's of xenomorphs then 2 warriors were blasted by Shoulder Cannons as Alpha jumped down and swung his spear with great skill, slashing and knocking back hordes of xenomorphs. With there was nothing but bodies Alpha looked as his clan memebers appearaed...they placed then fire bombs along the sides and left...

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Postby Proceratosaurus » Sat Dec 01, 2007 6:03 pm

Name: Spear-Tooth
Class: Ravager
Background: This Ravager had a history of being one of the most vengeful of her type.

Spear-tooth was attacked by a predator when she was younger. It drove four spears through her jaw, which she uses like massive fangs. Later she was attacking a predator clan when she saw the predator that gave her the horrible deformaty. It was evadent becasue of its armour and the scars from the acidic blood of her on his hands. She grabbed him, tossed him in the air and bit him cleanly in two. That day the xenomorphs won and as speartooth got older she was highly respected by both species as an awsome warrior.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:30 pm

the bomb exploded, causing many xenomorphs to be blasted as the blasts caused a building to fall on top of the hole as well. Alpha then walked off and continued to move through the area and met up with more...they had done the same...They walked over to hordes of xenomorphs, they escaped from a hole and this bothered them greatly...annoyed and bothered they simply targeted them and fired their Shoulder Cannons,Spear Guns, Military Weapons or shurikens that quickly decimated the small force. Alpha growled and they moved on and headed back towards the main base where the others were re-grouping from their attack.

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Postby Iceking » Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:45 pm

head shredder was among those keeping watch at the enterance to the hive. today certainly had been rather interesting as a small group of runners, warriors and drones had now joined them as well as a new ravager. the sun had now set and there were lights in the sky(the moon and the stars). the predalien listened carefully and couldn't hear a sound that might reveal the location of an intruder. two of the warriors had crawled onto the ceiling of the cave and were ready to drop down if needed.
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Postby Anaclagon » Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:44 pm

It rained, deactivaring the cloak...Alpha jumped down as a marine, bloodied, with no arm and a 2 massive gashes across his stomach lay as he panicly looked up. Alpha looked at his, walking towards him, his cape dragging behind him as he prepared to kill him. Suddenly a xenomorph appeared, killing him by jumping on top of him from the building he was leaning on. THe xenomorph snarled and jumped foward but Alpha pierced it through the gut and then back stabbed a creeping xenomorph behind him. He swung his glaive, throwing the xenomorph off and then growled as he then swung his spear with master skill, slashing and smashing back young xenomorphs. Alpha looked around at the several bodies and then turned around...multiple runners were in an ally creeping at him. Alpha saw their green bodies in his vision and fired his Shoulder Cannons, the bolts of plasma, burning through its xenomorph flesh.

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Postby Iceking » Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:07 am

in another section of the same town, a marine screamed:"keep clear of the tail blades!" more xenomorphs were attacking and for the humans, this was going to be a long night. the xneomorphs lept forward and even though some were gunned down, more kept appearing and runners were approaching from behind. 3 humans were then pounced upon by the runners and killed with tail blades stabbing them through their skulls. two ravagers appeared and used their arm blades to slice the humans in half with almost no effort.
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Postby Anaclagon » Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:18 pm

Exosuits arrived and bombared the areas with brutal massive machine gun hands while more marines arrived to hold what ground they had left. Alpha looked around, his foes were dead but saw a injured a xenomorph fleeing. It drew a shuriken which pinned into in the wall, slicing through runners that appeared as well. Alpha however heard a sound as a ravenger appeared, injured from its shoulder and charged recklessly foward. It swung one of its blades but Alpha dunked and slashed through its legs and then spun around and slashes through them again as a blade flew towards his head. He rolled out of the way but was sliced in the shoulder. He ducked from duel slices across the middle and impaled it through the chest and then pulled it up and rapidly slashed foward and then slid back as it knocked it back with its giant arms. A blade came again but Alpha dunked and impaled it with his wrist blades and slashed through it but the acid came flying towards him and dodged it barely. Alpha then saw its weakned legs and fired his Shoulder Cannon, blowing part a knee and then apparoched the weakned xenomorph and slashed its skull off.

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Postby Iceking » Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:02 pm

dark blade glanced to the enterance of the abandoned drop ship. she was still inside, but noticed that it was raining. this didn't trouble the queen or her kin at all. her kin's numbers had been growing and there were a few of them that had been born from predators. one of the predaliens returned at that momment and was dragging an animal with it that would be useful for another runner.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:36 am

Alpha fired his Shoulder Cannons as two disks where thrown down the tunnel, killing multiples xenomorphs. a pred alien leaped from the cieling towards them but Alpha impaled it in midair and then screwed into the ground. Alpha dug his spear deeper into into the Pred Alien deeper. Alpha then walked away as his men followed. They walked through the dead mess of xenomorphs and got the was still raining heavily in the city yet they were behind a marine barricade. Alpha silenty made orders and his clan brothers spread out...they were going to take them out.

Meanwhile a xenomorph pinned a marine into a car and head bit him as they tried over run the barricade. Numerous turrents and smart guns, depleted the hordes as the xenomorphs snarled angrily trying to get through yet the marines held their ground...

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Postby Iceking » Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:46 am

inside the city, many people watched from buildings, making sure the doors were locked. it was now 12:55 at night and it was just getting worse. the xenomorphs kept coming even though many were killed and some of them were ravagers and praetorians. one of the praetorins spat some acid at a marine and the man's armor was disolved. this distraction was enough for the same praetorian to move in and make it's kill.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Dec 09, 2007 5:39 am

Elsewhere Harrison stood untop of a command tower, firing his sniper rifle, taking out the last runner. Harrison aimed again but numerous rockets destroyed a half dead ravenger. "Alright that takes care of that wave" harrison said as the K-series xenomorphs were decimated. Harrison sighed and look out into the darkness as F-15 flew over him as a large explosion appeared, miles away. "Another hive blown hopefully..." He thought.

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Postby Iceking » Sun Dec 09, 2007 4:17 pm

the human created predqueen looked about, seeing that many more humans were being dragged in. nearby stood several ravagers, ready to attack anything that might try to attack the queen. the hybrid was atacthed to her egg sack and she was laying eggs at a leisurly pace. some predators had also been caught and there were predaliens in the hive as well. it was clear that this hive was very strong and any attacks would be foolish as the queen herself would be able to kill predators and humans easily. the humans didn't know of the existence of this hive except for those who had been used for warriors. 2 more ravagers were now emerging from their cocoons as was a carrier.
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Postby Anaclagon » Wed Dec 12, 2007 8:50 pm

Alpha crept up and slowly impaled one through the chest with his wrist blades as his allies fired their shoulder cannons towards the outer watch guards. Alpha with used a whirl wind like motion with his glaive like spear, slashed through four marines as one broke into a sprint. Alpha growled and his allies nodded as Alpha ran in pursuit. The marine continued running until a spear gun was fired, going right through his right knee. The man limped away and leaned his back against an alley wall. The man breathed heavily as the rain continued to pour as suddenly a xenomorph above snarled dashed foward, brutally ripping apart.

Alpha arrived just to see it and fired his Shoulder Cannon into the xenomorph taking it out. Alpha then heard numerous hissing as several more xenomorphs appeared from the shadows, snarling. Alpha readied his Spear as suddenly a low roar was heard...Alpha ignored it and readied his spear as the xenomorphs ran off. He figured the hive learned not too foolishly run into his spear but suddenly a rogue Pred Alien was seen that came from the top of a nearby building. Alpha ran in pursuit.

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Postby Iceking » Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:08 pm

the sun was now starting to rise over the city, but the light was only on the horizon. all about the city lay the bodies of marines and xenomorphs alike. a rival predator clan had also been here recently and their bodies could also be seen to have been impaled by either tail blades or killed by inner jaw strikes to their heads. for many of the humns that were hiding in buildings, it seemed that dawn was going to take a very long time to come.
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Postby Anaclagon » Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:11 pm

Alpha turned only to see one of his 2 clan brothers being impaled through the neck as the other one was stabbing its wrist blades through the chest but the Pred Alien was holding it up. The hybrid it threw against a wall and then ran after it, grabbing it and ran right through an alley...the clan brother held on to the wall but unleashed a roar as the hybrid carried it away. Alpha angrily roared back and followed...

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Postby Iceking » Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:17 pm

as the predator(alpha) began to chase the predalien, several warrior and drone xenomorphs blocked it's path. behind them were two more ravagers that were eager to cut this predator into pieces with their blades. unseen y the predator, 5 runners were approaching from behind, vutting off it's escape. the xenos grinned:they were confident that this predator was now going to be killed.
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Postby Anaclagon » Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:21 pm

Alpha paused to stop as he could hear the roar off his comrade who sounded like he unleashed one final sound before being ripped apart. Alpha was eager to attack but looked around, above, in front of him, behind him. He readied his Shoulder Cannons, extended his wrist blades and readied his whip. He would also use any bombs and his Shuriken but he held on to his spear and looked around. To see if any would attack him but was prepared to counter back.

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