Space E-war

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby Zephyr » Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:32 am

Suddenly several more imperial ships crash dived from the tyranids that had breached the hangar, even though they had taken longer to make their way in. The hivemind's telepathic voice spoke to the crew of each ship, We are the undying body, the eternal slaughterer, you kill us but we will always return in greater numberes you can no defeat our endless horde. The crews were panic stricken and became demoralized by the prospect of defeat and being devoured by the tyranids.

(time for your admirals to encourage the troops Anac)
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Postby C S » Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:44 am

A massive grey ship with a retangular prism front, spherical middle with a halo, connected by to metal bars to the out side of the sphere, spun idley. At the back were massive thrusters, which currently, weren't even being used. A flaming humanoid form walked down a grated hall way. The floor clanked as his feet made contact with the metal. This was an Xordian. He had burgandy, scaly skin. His head was somewhat like an alligator. He stopped when he came to a door. A laser petruded from a small black dome ontop of the door. It scanned the Xordian and he walked into the beginning of the retangular prism section. the main weapons chamber. The bars channel a current that went into the halo and was shot out in a spiralling matter. Smaller yet quite formidable laser guns lined the hull of the vessel. It easily dwarfed a star destroyer and was slightly smaller than a super star destroyer. The flashes of weapon fire glowed on the ship's exteirior. A screen lowered from the chamber's ceiling, showing the barrage of fire and explosions in the distance. At the very beginning of the vessel, the metal plates moved fowards and then split in 2, one part going to the right,the other going to the left. Half of the metal in front of the ship moved to expose a super strong windsheild. The room which was granted the power to see into the battle feild was the main bridge. The Thrusters blasted to life, a rippling effect (if you saw a water mirage on a hot highway, thats whats happening) spread over the ship. The vessel moved towards the fighting
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Postby Doc 42 » Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:47 am

Ricardo was blown away from the enraged Carnefex. His jump jets automaticly slowed him down but the landing still hurt. He slammed into the ground, rolling across the ground and slamming into the dead husk of a Tyranid. He tried to stand, his legs shakeing. His suit was trying to keep his body active despite his numerous injuries. Around him the battle continued, but by now he was slowing down from exhaustion having spent over an hour performing acrobatics impossible for any human
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:48 am

The Admiral stood unphased and in that instant the troops felt nothing...The Sith Troopers felt no fear. An unknown and cloaked figure mentally aided the men through the Force power, Battle Meditation. They would fight better and more effectivly...

"Sorry Lord Revan, we've been delayed in the outer rim but were here now" A voice that the men in the front lines just smiled. Several Imperial Star Destroyers appeared with different types of ships, while not as strong or big as an Imperial Star Destroyer with them here, the enemy would no longer be able to board ships..

Revan himself grinned. "So the 402nd has arrived...alright...Admiral have the Boardside cruisers fire nonstop at the enemies transports and at the middle of their forces. Have the corvetts protect the hangers and stay close to the main ships. Have the victorys peirce through the enemy lines and cut a hole down their throat...have the regular Imperial star destroyers rain hell on what remained of them," Revan said.

Motivation lifed, they did just that as the Impeiral Star Destroyers fought back, destroying numerous ships as thousands of lasers and missles smashed and decimated the enemy ships while blasting them so they could not regenrate. The broadside cruisers barraged the enemy fleet with numerous missles blowing ships apart while the corvetts defended the hangers and used their rapid guns to fire at the spores and any peice that remained of an enemy ship while the Victory Star Destroyers advanced down the middle, firing..taking the fight to the enemy.

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Postby dinoman666 » Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:49 am

Scuttle-Basher regained his composure and turned to face Ricardo, baring his teeth in a dreadful snarl. With a roar, he fired his Bio-Plasma straight at the super soldier...
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Postby Zephyr » Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:52 am

The great thorny spires stood surrounding a large hole in the earth. Within, the spores had constructed an underground hive and tyranids began to scurry into it the battle was drawing to a close, nut it was the first of many attacks the tyranids would make. Eviscerator to mad his way into the hive colony. More and more tyranids made their way in gaurding the zoanthropes as well. Here they would construct a hive tyrant with their genetic material they had collected...
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:56 am

What remained of the Imperial Ground Forces had fled a long time ago...only the gunships and heavily wounded troops made it out to return to their posts. 800 dead in the feirce and bloody battle. As for the Imperial Armada, they were ready to end the fight themselves and were not ready to flee themselves but they still continued to battle on...

Revan still eyed the young Jedi ready to strike when the time called as his men were surrounded with numerous troops...fighting back was pointless...

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Postby C S » Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:59 am

A star destroyer blew into flames, taking out smaller ships in the process. The halo around the Xordian ship glowed gold, many spiraling beams collided with the doomed fighters in it's path. The smaller gun shot lasers in the offensive ships, easily destroying the small vessels and damaging Star destroyers easily.
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Postby Zephyr » Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:59 am

The hiveships dissappeared into hyperspace, a temporary detour to replenish their numbers while those on the planet stayed to keep a hive and base for them to come back to...
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:03 am

The Impeiral Armada had stopped firing...a single ship against the entire Amrada.

"Admiral I'm leaving this to you..." Revan said through the comlink.

"Yes my lord..." The Admiral said. With a sigh he stood at the bridge and sent a transmission to the unknown ship. The Armada had "won" this battle but of course there was always that second enemy.

"This is flagship of the Dark Lord of the Sith...we demand to know who you are and why your attacking our ships" The Admiral said in the transmission which then transfered to the Xodian ship.

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Postby Doc 42 » Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:07 am

Ricardo braced himself, taking the blast straight to the chest. He was blown backwards, smashing it into the dead Tyranid. On his hud, his sheild symbol turned red and the computerised voice informed him "Critical damage, shutting down primary systems..." He fell limp, utterly exhausted and injured...
3 surviveing super soilders were chargeing through the horde of Tyranids towards the colony. As they sprinted through, the Tyranids seemed to colapse as if being killed by an diesease. They used weapons from knifes to shotguns and rockets. If any Tyranid noticed them and tried to fight back, it was usually killed within a second. One of the Carnefexes noticed the 4 of them and swung a scythe towards them, They four men all jumped or ducked it and the scythe tore a homurgaunt in two. They knew that they just had to get to the coloney, and then there work was done. A spike impaled one of them through the chest and lifted him into the air. another of the massive beasts swung his massive claws towards them, trying to crush the humans. A grenade was blasted into its head, blowing it off his shoulders. As they reached the entrance to the colony, they wall jet packed into the air, arming every explosive they had, enough fire power to blow most of the whole area to hell. They fell down into the colony and the bombs detonated...
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Postby C S » Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:07 am

Clicks and whistles were audible as a reply. Suddenly a high pitched wine sent any one un protected into a forcefully induced sleep. "You are in property of the Xordian empire. If any one else in consious to hear this, you will be terminated. The sound of a blaster going off and an explosion was the end of the transmission
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Postby dinoman666 » Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:10 am

Scuttle-Basher had left the scene once Ricardo was killed, stalking off before the bombs had dropped and escaping in one of the retreating Hive ships.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:13 am

With that...all of the power in the engines were diverted into the shield and and fire power. The massive Amarda moved stayed where they were as they looked at the lone ship, furhter powering their shields and firepower at the cost of their speed lost but moving was no problem.

The massive, seemingly infinite Amrada stayed where they were as several of the broadside cruisers fired their missles towards the Xodian ship, the fast moving and dangerous warheads finding their mark as the broadsider cruisers moved foward while the Imperial Star Destroyers stayed where they were.

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Postby C S » Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:18 am

The invisable sheilds glowed green as the wepons exploded in vain. as long as the halo spun, the ship was impervious. The many lasers move into place, each threat was highlighted red in the targeting consouls. Suddenly in a strom of red and blue lines of light, many threats bursted into flames, fragments falling to the nearby planet.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:36 am

Delpoying a new a weapon...several giant black pads, about the size of a regular house flew between the middle of the Sith and the Xodian ship. Suddenly a massive and powerful forcefield was set up, protecting the Imperial Amarda. The new weapon would go on, protecting the fleet as the High Ship commanders analyzed the Xodian ship...

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Postby Raptor Llama » Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:38 am

Randy jumped out of the way as he landed swiftly. He lunged his saber toward the Sith's head, his other arm force pulling...
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Postby C S » Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:39 am

Suddenly a high frequeny was shot out, jamming weak technological signals, leaving some ships stranded. The massive ship simply rammed into the small pests, the sheilds protecting the ship.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:44 am

However Revan dodged the move barely, the blade, cutting through the top of his armor as The Sith Lord cut the young Jedi across the right side of his right body before The Sith Lord then force choked him...lifting him up in the air and slammed him into the wall and force pushed him again down the corrider.

"Give up Jedi...your no match for my power..." Revan said.

As for the Admiral they had gotten some info. "That keeps moving we cant do anything...I doubt that thing can survive a full shot from the Super cannon, the cannon would just rip it apart, if it cant rip continents apart so can the guns on our ship..." The other Admiral said.

"No, have the fighters torepdo the enemy ship and have the Broad Side cruiers barrage it with missles. Wrost comes to wrost, were using nuclear war heads..." The main Admiral said as they watched as their plans went into motion.

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Postby Raptor Llama » Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:48 am

Randy force chocked Raven back, as he knew this force move, as he knew some of the dark side. He kept on chocking until the neck go red, then released. He ran up to him, turned on his saber and put it at the Sith's neck. He said, "The dark side will never prevail."
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