Space E-war

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby Raptor Llama » Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:24 pm

Turrents fired at the bombs, making them explode, destroying the TIE's that dropped them. Then the ship was getting ready to enter hyperspace, as they would rip right through the TIE, and possibly the ship that they came from...
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:27 pm

The turrents continued to fire and fire, pounded at the shields as they aimed for the turrets and cockpit. There was only four left out of the 10 TIE fighter group as they continued to fire as the Dark Lord of the Sith himself was back at the bridge, awaiting news...

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Postby Doc 42 » Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:28 pm

Far away from the Sith lords private battle, an imperial station awaited its death... 16 medium sized drone ships flew towards, their specilised weapons preparing to target the enemies. Behind them, 3 super drones flew along gracefully, their spider like arms aligning to their targets. Drone ships were what made the human fleet so dangerous. Without the need for any life support systems or crew houseing, the ships were kitted out for battle and battle only. Normal drone ships were average in combat against enemy ships. However, the super drones were another story. These beomoths were capable of tearing battleships to shreds with their complex weaponary. Even after sustaining critical damage, they were 60% combat effective. Out of range of the star destroyers weapons, The super drones powered up their rail lasers., 4 massive arms glowing bluee on each ship. they blasted their lasers forth, the pulses of blue energy slamming into the targets sheilds. One of the star destroyers was hit by three consintrated blasts. Its sheild flickered and a massive explosion erupted out of the ships front. The smaller drone ships flew into range, arming their weapons and realeaseing smaller fighter ships
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:37 pm

"My Lord! we are recieving a cry for help. An Imperial Station of the outer Rim, far off from the main station is being attacked by unknown ships...we have to return to the main cluster of stations and defend the area, if we lose those stations we might have to abadon the war effort here for years!" The Admiral said.

"I have no choice anyway...The men here need to rest and we are not on true battle form anyway. You have the news Admiral...pull the Amrada back to Battle Station Imperial..." Revan said.

"Yes my Lord...Pull the fleet back towards the Imperial Main Battle Station and have the Grand Admirals ready for combat, crews prepare for battle. Upon reaching the base were heading straight over there!" The Admiral yelled as the entire and seemingly infite Armada, flew into hyperspace...disappering.

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Postby Doc 42 » Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:01 pm

The drone ships realeased a torrent of lasers into the reamaining star destroyers. One of them was torn assunder as a blue beam of energy ripped through its middle section. The middle super drone closed in on the space station, its weapons independantly tracking and fireing at targets. The squid like fighters swarmed over the enemy ships fireing cannons and pulse lasers. The fighters tenticles which gave them the squid like appearance not only housed beam weapons but could be used to latch onto surfaces, so they were used mainly for breeching larger ships and killing the crews inside.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:11 pm

The space station and the broad side crusiers stood close together...

The broadsider cruisers fired barrages of missles into the ships, firing rapidly...working together to easily blast the smaller ships to peicies. While facing danger, the Space Station did fight back with Turbo lasers and Ion cannons...the ion cannons damaged shields while the lasers themselves damaged the hulls..

The Sith Armada arrived back at the core of the bases and repairs and ships were repairs and so on...preparing for the next battle.

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Postby Doc 42 » Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:40 pm

OOC: The fighters are based off sentinals from the Matrix

The middle super drones main cannon started chargeing up, a haze of purple swirling around its middle eye. With a loud echoing thud, a blue bolt surged foreward, slamming into the space station. A blinding explosion flashed through space, a hole opening up in its sheild. A bunch of fighters flew through the hole, many of them being shot down the stations turrets. The survivors folded back their wings and landed onto its hull, clamping on with their tenticles. Their white lasers activated, cutting into the hull and trying to burrow in. Another of the star destroyers exploded in a blinding flash as a its reactor was destroyed. The drone ships were receiveing heavy casualties. One of the spidery drones was hit in the side by a massive blue laser, it swirved off course before crashing into another drone, explodeing...
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:47 pm

"Dispatch all fighters! we are not going down without a fight!" The commander said as he bravely commanded forces.

The TIE fighters and TIE bombers attacked the enemy fighters along the space station. They attacked in groups firing rapidly.

The Tartan Corvetts rapidly fired their 20 point lasers cannons, diverting power from their shields and engies to the weapon power as the weapons were fired rapidly towards the other ships...firing quickly as the ion cannons from the stations weakned shields so the turbo lasers can do the damage.

What remained of the Star Destroyers fought together, empyting their fighters as they battled with the medium sized cruisers, divering their power from the engines to the fire power, increasing their immense firepower, using both turbo lasers and and ion cannons.

As for the broad side crusiers they fired from a safe distance, bombarding and barrging their foes with vollies of missles...if the space station was going down...they would use their one last final weapon...

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Postby Doc 42 » Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:52 pm

One of the Sentinals cought hold of a TIE fighter with its tenticles. the mechanical monstrousity activated its heat laser and cut off the Tie fighters wing, causeing the fighter to spiral away and crash into the space station. one of the Super drones angled away and started returning fire at the bombarding cruisers. Fireing pulses of green energy from its many weapons. The sentinals on the space stations hull quickly made a weak point and started tearing their way through, almost ready to break into the ships interior...
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:00 pm

"Commander, the bsae wont hold!" The captain yelled as he fell down as the Space Station started to fall apart.

"Then we go down with the the last weapons...unleash the nuclear war heads!" The Commander yelled...

As the Space Station gaveway, the Nuclear bombs flew out from the space staion heading towards the core of the enemy fleet. Then suddenly a massive explosion errupted from the weapons as the Space Station rocked from the power from the nuclear weapons...any remaing Imperial forces were destroyed nearby and anything else that remained kept on fighting as their very lives ended..

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Postby Doc 42 » Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:28 pm

Many of the cruisers were destroyed in the atomic blast but the Super drones sheilds held strong. The sentinals had breeched into the ship and were slaughtering the crew. One of the sentinals tore its way into a smallish room, grabing an imperial trooper with a tenticle and then flung it into the wall, making a metalic screech
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:13 am

The commander was heavily injured as he struggled to press the self destruct button. The captain who was could move more held a better chance layed next to him...behind them was several dead Imperial Soldiers who were killed from fallen debris as the Station itself got ripped apart.

"Do it Captain.." The commander said.

"All the da-data...elminated?" The captain said.

"Everything...Those ******** will gain nothing and Lord Revan will come...and destroy them alll..." The commander said as the captain approached the cousle.

"It's an honor..." The captain said as he pressed the button as the reactor to the Space Station blew up, everything inside was incinerated as the station blew to pieces, rocking everything outside of the station.

The massive Armada was loaded up...back to the seemingly Infite with a better crew...Sith Warriors now throughout the fleet...the 501st was refitted back to combat status...joing them were the Grand Admirals along with the council of Sith Lords that personally served the Dark Lord of the Sith...Leading them was the Annihilator as the massive Armada began to move as the ships flew into formation.

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Postby Doc 42 » Sun Feb 10, 2008 4:23 am

The Drones took no survivors. Any ships which survived where boarded and the crews mercilessly slaughtered. once the deed had been done and nothing but torn and wrecked metal was left, the drones retook formation and began the journey back to the human war colony in the distance...
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Feb 10, 2008 4:36 am

The massive 501st Armada flew from space, the massive seemingly infite Armada of what seemed like an endless river of Imperial Star Destroyers, followed the Annihilator as the Dark Lord, Revan stood at the bridge as usual...

"Admiral" A voice called in the bridge. "Yes captain?" The Admiral asked as he walked over to a computer with radar. "Sir, I think we found something" The captain said. The Admiral with another Commander watched, awaiting the news.

"One of the Probe Droids found the wreckage for Battle Station 7104, its the best lead we had" The captain said. "We have thousands of probe droids all over this damn Solar System...if we were to follow them all..."

Revan walked over. "Found something?" The Dark Lord asked. "Yes my Lord" The captain said. He pointed over to a massive bunch of wreckage that hardly was reconizable on the large computer screen. "That's it...that was the lost station" Revan said. "My does not look like one of our own it could just be Rebels..." The Admiral was cut off.

"No, that was the lost station and whoever attacked it must be nearby, bring word to Admiral Tharwn and ready the men.." The Dark Lord replied. "Yes my Lord" The captain said as he ran off...

By the time the fleet has arrived...there was nothing left...nothing but pieces. By the looks of it...The Imperials fought hard to the bitter end. Radar searched the surviors and any footage was taken was short but the Imperials continued to battle. This...this defeat took an effect on the Dark Lord himself...

Amazed? shocked? fearful? No...the Dark Lord sought revenge for this...The Armada began to set out probes in any direction...they were ready to burn worlds, devastate fleets and slaughter armies..The Wrath of the Empire was to be felt...

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Postby C S » Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:10 am

The Xoridan ship had called a sease fire now floating infront of the super star destroyer. The halo had slowed down. Suddenly, some metal in the front of the vessel moved into the ship, leaving a circuler hole. What seemed like a teslacoil filled it shortly after the hole was opened. The radio frequensy of clicks and whistles reached the enemy. A sudden flash from the tesla coil was the jamming wepon of the vessel, leaving the ship floating around without any power. It would wear off, but it would be atleast a half hour for the basic systems to come back on. The vessel then turned around, a blast of green flame sent the Xordian ship sailing through the vast space.
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Postby Doc 42 » Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:50 am

The remaining drone ships flew down onto the colony base, landing into various docking points. A brutal dust wind blew ferociously. The rocky planet was in-hospitable. Most of the humans in the colony stayed in their ships. Beyond that, the base was used mostly as an outpost for storeing Drones and maintaining control of this sector. Above the planet, three human crewed battleships hung, un-moving in space
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:45 pm

"What the hell was that!" The admiral demanded.

"Send crews over...get back the emergancy systems online, order all ships to remain defensive poistions around the Annihilator" Revan responded. Unless the the two forces were working together...this would prove that they had more enemies then wanted.

Eventually power was restored but the fleet stayed motionless.

"Dont worry about that lone ship for now...its powerful but we havent engaged in a fully blown battle with it. Have the probe droids found anything about where that fleet that attacked the station.." Revan asked.

"No my Lord, at least not yet, they could not have gone far and as from what they have seen...they used Super Soldiers i believe on the ground, these fighters are basically like our ARC Troopers as from what we have gathered from looks from the space battle, they use I believe droids, hard to explain but they also infiltrate ships and tear it apart from the inside...had they had more firepower, they could have held prehaps. They used varities of ships, using the corvetts to defend the Star Destroyers while Broadside cruisers shelled enemy ships with missils" The Admiral said.

"Regardless...were going to catch the enemy off suprise and burn them on where they are.." The Dark Lord responded. "Yes my Lord.." The Admiral then walked of..

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Postby Doc 42 » Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:56 pm

The War colony, telusa beta spotted the small ship on its scanners. It was quickly revealed to be automated, no crew.
Above the planet, ringing the colony was a network of 24 ion cannons. The automatic defense system engaged and the ion cannon closest the strange probe shifted round, its three flaps opening up fully. It lit up and then fired a pure blue beam of light at the probe. The impact blew the probe to peices, blasting its shattered and flameing wreckage back the way it came. The ion cannon powered down, the scanner resumeing its normal operrations...
In the main control center on the ground, the humans were examineing recording of the attack on the space station. They watched through the eyes of a sentinal as it ripped its way through a reinforced doorway, men clad in black running from it in panic. It moved foreward, walking on four tenticles while a fifth slammed down on one of the men, pinning him. The admiral who had ordered the attack shut off the video feed just as the Sentinal was about to fire its heat laser. Drones were rarely used for more than just crippleing targets. But this was a matter of shock and awe. They needed to show their new enemies just how ruthless they could be....
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:22 pm

"Admiral" The captain said...he knew the results...finally.

"Found something?" The Admiral asked.

"Yes, we've found a colony, the probe droid has little data on it but it was destroyed upon sight" The captain responded.

"You sure thats it, it could be smugglers or civilans" The Commander said next to the Admiral said.

"Found something" Revan asked as the Dark Lord walked over...the crew operating on the main bridge watched as the dark Lord walked over...this situation was similar to the one earlier and the relationship between Revan and the Admiral here was taking a bad turn..

"Yes, we've found the base, there was a match...some of their ships had been similar to the ones that attacked our lost station" The Captain replied.

"That's it, the fools are there, bring the fleet towards their planet and set it ablaze" Revan commanded unless you have something to stay Admiral" The Dark Lord asked as if he sense the Admiral's feelings. "No my Lord.." he replied.

"Then Do it" Revan said as he walked off as the Admiral looked hatefully towards the Captain...twice this has happened and each time got worse as even the Admiral himself felt he was slowly walking towards his death...The fleet entered hyperspace and headed towards the planet...

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:27 pm

Native Name: Barak-Zvu
Enviroment: Swamp
Regions: The entire planet is covered in swamps, oceans also taking up half of the planet's surface.
Dominant Species: Makrura
Technology Level: Very Advanced.
Animal Life: Large cow-sized beetles inhabit the planet, mostly eating plants and dead animals. The most dominant predator on land is a large species of snake, only it has small sets of legs under its lower body. In the sea, there are giant fish/crabs, having the legs of crabs and body of fish, also having the eye stalks of crabs. The most dominant predator there is a giant, long necked whale creature.

Name: Makrura
Description: Humanoid lobsters, having 5 sets of legs near the tail, its upper body upright like a human's, having two large claws, one being larger then the other, and smaller claws for more delicate work.
Diet: Omnivore
Natural Abilites: Hard armor, large crushing and slicing claws. Speed varies from creature to creature, some being small and fast, others being slow and enourmous.
History: An ancient species, the Makrura have been on their planet for ages. They had evolved from Earth-like crabs, easily taking over the primitive planet after they used their intelligence to its fullest. They are very advanced, their cities standing out from the swamps of Barak-Zvu. They have many colonies out in space, having taken over or completely destroyed planets. They are more tyranical then friendly, enslaving or destroying a species rather then leaving them alone. They have developed the use of lasers; high intensity heat used in a stream to burn and explode on contact. They continue to expand, taking more and more planets, searching to take over as much land as possible to continue their race throughout history...

Name: Rku-Nagu
Gender: Male
Species: Makrura
Description: A medium sized Makrura, he wears steel body armor at all times, being a target by many of species. He has one large, battle scarred claw, but otherwise is a normal Makrura.
Unique Traits: None.
Tech: Enhanced steel body armor, a claw cannon (When in battle).
Homeworld: Barak-Zvu
Bio: The Makrura leader, Rku-Nagu is tyranical, yet forgiving all in the same. When faced with a hostile force, he will order his forces to destroy them without mercy or regret, sparing none. But he will, if possible, save the homeworld and re-populate it with other species they have collected over their years of space exploration. He is a skilled fighter and leader, having won many battles over other hostile creatures, both as a leader and a soldier.

"I want all planetary defences online for as long as it takes to secure the planet. Once the battle begins, I don't want to hear that they invaded and destroyed our home world." Rku-Nagu growled, staring out the window of a custom made ship, the ship itself shaped like a crab, the ship's "claws" housing powerful cannons used to defend itself in space. Many of the Makrura vessels were in the shape of their ancestors, their shape said to honor their previous history. "All long range cannons are online, targetting systems already scanning the surronding space, Sir." a Makrura commander growled. "I want troops on the ground, and I want the fighters in the air. We have to be ready for anything." Rku-Nagu groaned. "The fleet is ready, sir. Crusiers are standing by, as well as the defence." the commander growled, his long eyes looking expectantly at his leader. "Then we should get moving. I want to be there in 24 hours, commander." the Makrura leader commanded. The other Makrura nodded, using the radio to alert the other members of the fleet that they were ready to begin. Soon, the ship lifted into the air, Rku-Nagu able to see the other enourmous cruisers, as well as the crayfish-shaped fighters, all willing to die for their cause...


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