SubAqua Station 1. -800 Meters

Have you got a game, book or movie you'd like to make a story out of? Want to expand on a story or plot that stopped? Have an original idea for a story that you want to post somewhere? Here's where to do it. Basically an RPG where one player controls ALL characters in the story.

SubAqua Station 1. -800 Meters

Postby Doc 42 » Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:23 am

SubAqua station 1. -800 meters...
An Alien vs Predator Fan fic....

Chapter 1
Adrian woke with a start, hitting his head off the locker above him. He shouted in pain and held onto the small cut, curseing himself for his stupidty. He rolled to the side and dropped off his bed. His vision was blurred from the knock. He looked around, blinking through the haze of orange that was the walls of his quarters... He held onto his bed side table for balance, almost knocking a picture of a strange silvery black shark off its stand. He had been dreaming about the surface again... What it was like... In his dream there had been a big long feild, there was a sun above him, shineing brightly. At the end of the feild there had been a forest full of dear and other animals. He hadn't actually seen the deer but somehow he knew they were there. But above all, there wasn't any windows, the sky wasn't rippleing and there was no constant humming of electronics.

He snapped back to reality and started to pull on his clothes. They used to wear uniforms but after awhile Mike admited that they were pointless and allowed everyone to wear their own clothes at all times. He wished he was living in that dream... Instead of being stuck down in Subaqua station 1. 800 meters below the surface of the ocean. He had been born down here. Supposedly his mother worked here and died in an accident but he didnt see any proof of her ever having even been here. Chances were she had dumped him down here. He grunted to himself "Don't kid yourself Adrian... Your down here for life..."
He finished pulling on his hoody and he walked over to the door of the room, sliping his keycard into the slot to unlock it. The keycard opened everything connected to him, including his diving suit so it was vital that he had it at all times. He walked down the brightly lit corridor, shutting the door behind him and making sure to hear the lock click into place. As he walked, a squid like creature floated past the window, following him. Outside the other window he could see a different connecting bridge which led the messhall. He passed a passageway to his left which led to Jennifers Quarters. As ussual, she was up before him. He passed through the next doorway into a small hub. Over 12 people lived in this section. 6 bridges stuck out from the center and there was two rooms on each bridge. One man and one woman to each bridge. Mikes idea of super political correctness. He got along just fine with Jennifer but some others werent as lucky. At that thought he glanced across the way through a window at compartment which had thea massive chunk ripped off the end of it. The whole bridge was flooded. Adam and Dorris had gotten into a fight over Adams stero being too loud and it ended with them somehow blowing an oxygen valve. It landed both of them in the hospital wing and everyone else had to hold their breath for a few seconds.
An extremely exhausted looking Jacob wandered out through one door and stretched, muttering "Oh hey Adrian... I can't beleive Mike is making us get up so early over this thing" Adrian replied "Tell me about it... I mean, its not like we have found the only scarlet shark in history.." Jacob rubbed his eyes and groaned "Well its the only one we've found in like, 4 years so I would geuss there isn't that much of them... And Mike thinks this one could hold the key to his miracle cure..." Before Adrian could reply the heavily built man infront of him checked his watch and exlaimed "Aww crap! its my shift for the sub today! I was supposed to be at the bay 5 minutes ago, see ya later Adrian!" he quickly ran through a door connecting the hub to the main complex and then dissappeared down another corridor. Adrian yawned and walked out of the door aswell and into the main complex. A loud bell rang through the complexs intercom followed by Mikes gruff voice "Jacob Klaffard get your slimely *** to the sub bay NOW" adrian rubbed his eyes tiredly and walked over to another connecting bridge and into the messhall, waveing at three people who were siting down eating their breakfest. A bald black man who was half way through an impression of someone, that would be Jeff... a red haired woman who had already finished her meal and was just sitting around, that would be sarah she was kind but had an annoying habit of rushing everything... lastly there was thin short haired man who looked almost permanetly nerveous, that was Frank, couldnt keep his hands from shakeing if his life depended on it. Adrian walked over to the group after selecting some bacon from the self service cafeiteria and sat down with them. he said brightly "Hi guys, where's Jennifer?" Jeff quickly responded "Shes off on sub duty with jacob today now pipe down and listen, Its kinda rude when you burst in half way through me mocking Adam and Dorris behind their backs." The group laughed slightly and Jeff continued on with his impression which included lots of falling over and slamming into things....

Chapter 2

Jeffs impression was cut short when a womans voice called over the intercom "Supplies arrived in docking bay 2, asigned loading personal are to proceed there immiediately" Jeff stood up and said "Thats me, geuss who else is doing it today? George.." Adrain cringed and answered "Ohhh nasty, drop a crate on his foot for me will ya?" Jeff just waved a hand at him and walked away from the table out onto another connecting bridge leading to the information center. There was a bridge leading to the docks from there... Sarah muttered idely as she flicked through a magazine "Hear that? Mike has Lara running the intercom again, I assume he can't tear his eyes away from the new shark..." Frank nearly fell off his chair at the mention of it. He had been asigned to feeding the live subjects two days ago and something about the scarlet Shark really freaked him out. Adrian bit his lip slightly. Today he was asigned to feeding them and he really didn't want to see what was so scary about the Scarlet Shark... Luckily, that wasn't till after lunch, for now he was on mantanence.
He stood up and said with a yawn "Well I better get to the Divers dock... Probably going to be patching up Adams room.. See ya later guys.."
Without looking up from her magazine Sarah responded in a sing song voice "Bye..." Frank stuttered something out but Adrain didn't really hear him... He walked over to the same door Jeff left from, pushing it open and walking across the bridge into the information center. There was two floors to it, the bottem floor which only had a single desk and then the second floor which housed almost entirely computers. It ran everything in the station from the security locks to the oxygen levels.
He walked along whistleing and across the bridge leading to the docking area. As he walked passed docking bay 2 he heard a loud crash followed by a shout of pain. He just managed to hear Jeffs muffled voice saying "opps, I droped that" He chuckled to himself and continued on to the last door which led into the divers bay. The room wasn't as plesant as the bright corridors. It was covered in pipes and dials. He walked over to his locker and took out his diving suit, quickly pulling it on. As he was fitting on the oxygen tank, another man walked into the chamber. He merely grunted a good morning and started putting on his suit aswell... He was Joe, he tended not to talk much. Adrain didn't really know why and didn't really care all that much either. Once he had his oxygen tank and goggles on, he walked into the air lock awkardly and waited for Joe. Joe walked over, almost falling over his flippers and pressed a red button next to the door. It closed down, sealing them both in. Slowly, water started to fill the small gap. When it was completely full, the second door opened, allowing them to swim out into the ocean. Adrain raised a hand to his head and flicked a switch on the side of his goggles two bright lamps above his eyes turned on, illuminateing the dark water. Below him, he could barely see the ocean floor. The station was held up by 16 massive pillars, each connected to a hub. Adrian started swiming around the information center and towards his hub. He enjoyed being out in the water, but not for mantanence, the suit was uncomfortable and he constantly felt like the water was about to crush him. He ignored the feeling and continued on past the messhall. he glanced in one of the windows to see Sarah and Frank both still in there, talking. He waved but they didn't notice him... He finally arrived at the wrecked compartment and he and joe both waited for the sub to arrive with the materials. All they would have to do is lock a water tight seal over the damaged area and then drain it. The actual repair work would be done from the inside. He spotted the faint glow of the subs headlights infront of him, the glow got brighter and came closer. The green sub sailed through the water powerd by two propellors at its back. It slowed down as it approached, a large shell like object dangeling from beneath it. Joe let out a muffled scream from behind his mask and tried to swim back from it as it came to close and almost decapitated him with its fins. Adrain chuckled as he heard an angry voice over the subs P.A. "Jacob! pay attention you almost crashed into him!" An alarmed voice responded "Hey! I just got out of bed and I skipped breakfest, cut me some slack! Adrian turned on his communicater and said "Give it a rest guys I don't want to be out here any longer than I have to" Jennifers flustered voice replied "Sorry Adrian" Followed by Jacob's tired mumble "My bad dude"
The sub raised gracefully through the water by a few feet and the shell like object detached. The sub turned around and zipped away from them, heading for a different part of the facility. Adrian watched its lights disappear behind a wall and then got to work trying to fit the seal over the wreckage. It was a tireing and annoying job, the latches and bolts constantly coming loose and needing to be re-done. While he fastend the latches in place, Joe would fasten it in place with the bolter. When they finally had everything in place, Adrian went to the top of the shell and twisted the lever with some effort. The locks clicked into place around the latches and the green light blinked on to tell them that it was working correctly. Adrian let out a deep breath, sending a cascade of bubles flying out of his mask. He laughed slightly and turned to Joe saying "Unless they manage to blow something else up we wont be having to do this-" He was cut off when a dark shape to the right caught his eye. He squinted into the darkness, shineing his lights towards where he spotted it. he heard Joe asking "What is it?" but he didn't reply. He looked downwards and then he saw it a moment too late. First thing he noticed, it had spots. Second thing he noticed, it had teeth. By then he had worked out that it was a shark and it was moving very very fast. The spotted shark zipped upwards towards him, but suddenly turned away, blinded by the lights above his eyes. Adrian's releif was cut short when he heard a shout of pain behind him. He wheeled around to see a small cloud of red, the shark darting away from it, holding Joe in its mouth. The long shark started shaking from side to side viciously, trying to kill the screaming man. Adrian acted quickly, he grabed the fallen bolter and did the first thing that came into his mind. He lunged foreward, aiming the bolter and fired. He was just close enough to the shark for it to be effective. The long nail thudded into the sharks tail and it stopped trying to tear Joe up, distracted by the pain. Adrian was hopeing that it would drop Joe and leave, or at least try to attack him, in which case he could probably kill it with a bit of effort but it didnt do either. With Joe still in its mouth, the spotted shark swam away around the hub and out of sight...

Chapter 3

Adrain stared on in shark at the trail of red. Shark attacks were almost non existant. The last one to occur (and the only one in his memory) was during an attempted capture the shark broke free... He quickly snapped back to reality and started swimming upwards franticly trying to see where the shark had gone. Hopeing that someone had seen it. He was hammering his hand on his radio trying to get a signal but it seemed to be malfunctioning, talk about luck... He tried desperately to calm himself or else he would use his air to fast... He didn't have enough to stay out here much longer as it was. His ear peice suddenly crackled back into life for him to hear Mike shouting at someone over the open channel "... I said don't fricken kill it! No!" Classic Mike talk, by the sounds of it, Mike wanted the shark alive and Mike always gets what he wants. The cool calm voice of Gunther responded "No can do capp'n..." Mike didn't bother responding and Adrain let out a sigh of releif. Gunther wasn't one to let a man eatting shark just escape. He calculated everything and acted accordingly, no matter what Mike said.
He squinted through the darkness, towards the red trail and saw the shark in the distance, a limp figure in its mouth still. After a quick look around, he spotted Gunthers suit. Gunther was one of the few people on board the station with weapons training. He was on full time security and could be trusted with to take care of anything. The suit quickly maneouvered after the shark, powered by two propellers attached to his shoulders, unlike the Mantenince ones, the combat suits were top notch in comfort and utility. Gunther raised his arm, aiming slender rifle at the Shark. A *click* issued through the water and bubbles jumped from the end of the rifle. The effect was instant. A jet of red burst out from the sharks back and it struggled around in pain before going limp, the spear having gone straight through its head. Gunthers voice crackled through the radio "Target down, Jacob get into the bay fast and see if Joe is still alive, Adrain? You there?"
The sub sailed mournfully over to the dead shark, its mechanical arms catching it around the chest before it glidded off towards the sub bay. Adrain responded "I'm here...." Gunther started talking but was cut off by Mike who growled "In that case you can your *** to command hub and you can tell me what the hell you two did, Over and out" The channel went dead and Adrain turned around, swimming glummly back towards the divers bay. He went into the air lock and stood there as the water was sucked out. The door opened and he stepped back into the equipment room. He took off his helmet, throwing it towards his locker in a short burst of anger. He was angry about Joe, but also because he knew that this could mean alot of trouble for him. The Sharks around the station never attacked unless provoked, if it was somehow proven that Adrain had provoked it, endangering Joes life, then he was, to put it bluntly, quite and utterly screwed. The fact that he had shot it with the bolter didnt help... He pushed open the door and walked straight on down the corridor, ignoreing two people who stared at him as he passed. He pushed open the door into the command hubs first floor, the desk empty. He swallowed and let himself through the gate and walking up stairs to the next level, to his suprise and despair, Mike was standing there waiting for him. Gunther was there aswell and so was Jacob. He braced himself for the incoming torrent of insults and then Mike said in a worried tone "Adrain! There you are, where there any others??" Adrain opened his eyes and saw what the 4 were stareing at, on a large flat screen attached to the wall, he could see the shark that had attacked Joe laid flat on a table, a few of the Lab rats exameine it. Gunther looked at him, his face tense, apparently Mike hadn't exploded over the sharks death. He stutered "Wah? Uhh no just that one..." Mike sighed with releif and said "Oh thank heavens..." It was a strange thing to see the ussually cherry faced and bald Mike scared of something... Gunther, a russian man with short black hair noticed his confusion and growled "Turns that the Shark was a female Scarlet one, the one in captivity is going nuts, thrashing all over..." Mike said "Joes head cam survived the attack so we know it wasn't provoked, your in the clear..." Adrain looked around at all of them, noticeing the most of the command hubs staff all franctilly working on their computers. Jacob said in other worldly voice "err Ya, joe is alive by the way... Barely, but alive..." He shruged and they all fell into silence for a few moments... Mikes face took on its normal beet root colour and he grunted "You two, dismissed, get out! go go GO!" Jacob and Adrian didn't need to be told twice, they both walked huridely down the stairs and didn't say anything as they headed for the recreation area. Everyone would be taking their break around now so work could wait till later... Jacob broke the silence by saying "You know what? Mike is some B****rd"

Chapter 4
*2 days later*

Within 48 hours, life on SubAqua station 1 had almost returned to normal. It was if the horrifc shark attack had been just some shop talk to keep things intresting for awhile. Well, everything was normal besides the extra work load to cover for the past few days. Adrian was making his way towards one of the supply docks to carry out the most boring and feared job in the whole complex; ferrying the supply crates to where they need to be and then distributeing the contents to the proper places..

Adrian and Jacob walked into the supply dock to find three crates remaining. No labels to tell them where to put them. Jacob suggested carefully "Well lets just open it..." Adrian looked around the sides and said "With what? The thing doesnt have a lid..." Jacob shruged and said "The lets just bring it to the infirmary, chances are its new medical supplys and if it isn't the docs will know what to do with it." Adrian couldn't say anything to that so he picked up the heavy metal crate, heaving it onto the cart. Jacob pushed it out through the door and they brought it off towards the Infirmary. Dorris and Adam were mid way through a heated arguement which the doctor didn't do anything to stop. He turned and said "Whats that? New supplies?" Adrian said "Probably is, but were not sure. No label" The doctor examined it and said "Oh well, it was probably torn off in the machine, put it over there will you?" He pointed it over towards Joes bed. jacob wheeled it over and heaved the crate up onto the desk next to the bed. Joe had been unconcious since the attack and people doubted he would wake up. The attack had been pretty vicious....

The two men strolled back through the complex towards the supply docks in silence. They rolled the second, lighter crate onto the cart and brought it back to the infirmary. This is what made the job so boring. Going back and forth doing the same thing over and over and over again... When they brought in the second crate the Doctor asked them how many they were bringing. When they told him that there was one more he said that he didnt have room, so they were to leave it in the supply docks. When they got to the supply dock, Adrian wheeled away into the store room and when he was leaving, passed jacob who was crouched down by the last crate. He asked "Hey man, come on" Jacob waved him away and said as if entranced "You go ahead, i'm gona try get this one open, it isn't sealed aswell as the others..." Adrian shruged and walked off towards the canteen, decideing to go grab some lunch. He spotted Jennifer, Frank and Sarah sitting together. He sat down with them after helping himself to the self service and they talked mostly about what happened to Joe. Jennifer ending up telling a thrilling albeit completely false account of the events which Frank and Sarah seemed to throughly enjoy. He didn't ruin her moment of attention and decieded to play dumb, pretending to have missed most of what happened.

Adrian woke with a start, shocked by the fact that he had been asleep. He could hear screaming... He gasped out "Whahellisgoon?" Frank was diving for cover and sarah said "The hell was that?" Jennifer mused "It came from the suplly dock!" Straight away it hit him. Adrian cringed and said "**** Jacob! lets go!" They stood up and ran out of the canteen (Frank rather reluctantly) towards the Supply dock. They were the first to reach the door as it was almost right next to the Canteen. The door automaticly slid to the side to reveal Jacob writhing on the floor, a strange creature dead next to him. It looked like a cross bewteen a snake and a crab. It seemed as if it had stung him with something. he ran foreward and grabed Jacobs shoulder, hoisting him to this feet. Sarah grabed the other shoulder to help. They started pulling him towards the doorway to get him to the Infirmary. With a sickening crack, Jacobs chest exploded. Adrians eyes were blocked by a sticky liquid which he rubbed out only to find blood on his hand. Sarah screamed and droped Jacob, Adrian doing the same. His freinds eyes were glazed over and his expression seemed set in stone... A horrible, blood covered snake like creature hissed from them, slithering out of the gaping hole in Jacobs chest. Frank's foot steps could be heard thundering down the corridor, being drowned out by Jennifers shocked screams. Doing the first thing to come to his mind, Adrian kicked it full force in the head, blasting it across the room. It hissed angrily and coiled istelf before springing into an open vent on the wall. Despite his dead freind on the floor and his other freinds panic his mind landed on one thing. He muttered "Oh ****! The Infirmary!"

Chapter 5

Adrian tore down the corridors, leaving his freinds behind. Various people ran out of other door ways towards the supply dock to see what was going on, there was lots of screaming coming from its general direction but Adrian wasn't consintrateing on it. He needed to be at the infirmary... He jumped over someones bag left in the middle of the corridor and hurtled through the last door into the observation room. He slamed into the glass. He pulled his cheek away from it and franticlly looked in, expecting to see some snake like creature attacking one of the paitents. Instead he saw nothing. The lights were off. He opened the door and walked in. He reached for the light switch, his fingers touching off something warm and sticky. Only then did it occur to him that the snake like creature would be in here... He flicked the switch, takeing a sharp breath. The lights flickered on, illuminateing the blood stained room. Computers were smashed and lying on the ground, The doctor was slumped on the ground next to him, it was him who pressed the light switch, accidently or not. With a horrible feeling inside, his eyes moved down to the hole in the doctors chest. He looked up rapidly, not wanting to see it anymore. Sadly, this time his eyes rested on Dorris, who seemed to have shared a similar fate. Adam was covered in blood and clearly dead, clutching onto the medical equipment to his side. His shocked face begging the question "Whats all this then?"
To his right, the two crates looked like they had burst open. Miracleously, Joe was alive and awake. Except he was muttering words under his breath which sounded like "sharkcrabsnakexplodebloodeverywhere"
One of the covers on the airvent had been torn open by what appeared to be bite marks. Vents were vital in a place like this where all oxygen was rotated artifically... Adrian ran his hands through his hair, his breaths hard and drawn out. Unable to comprehend what he was seeing. Other people ran up behind him, stareing through the window, breaking into screams... One of them openly puked onto the glass, making the scene inside the infirmary even more daunting and nightmarish. A gruff voice broke above the others "Get out of my way! What the hell is going on?!" Mike pushed the workers out of his way and Adrian turned to face him. He roughly threw Adrian into the others and stepped through the door way, stopping dead in his tracks. He turned to everyone and barked "Everyone to the presentation room, NOW!" Nobody questioned what he said, they stuck together, scared of what ever killed the others... Adrian wasn't looking foreward to explaining. Why did everything always happen when he was around?
For a full 5 minutes Mike interrogated him on what he had seen while everyone was in there seats, waiting for Mike to explain things. When he was allowed go, Adrian wandered over to his friends and sat down next to Sarah. She was in shock as well. The second after he sat down she was clinging onto his arm as if afraid of being left behind. He didn't bother try comfort her. He didn't listen to Mike either. He was replaying what he saw happen to Jacob in his mind. The snake seemed to just, explode out of his chest...
He snaped back to reality a few minutes later just in time to catch Mikes words... "...The left vent connects to this one here, where this snake thing entered the system. That was about 40 minutes ago, it could have moved all over the system by now so we are going to shut things down section by section and clear each one by one" Jeff raised his hand and asked "What there was more than one?" Mike bit his lip and said "We continue to check each section untill we have made sure we got it, or all of them... Any other ques-" just then, a massive clattering sounded from above and scrapeing was heard. The sound moved across over their heads and a strange hissing sound echoed through the room before fading away. Nobody said anything. Mike shouted "Get off your asses and get moving morons! Shut that thing up there!!!"

Everyone paired up set off for a different section of the complex. Adrian was with a guy called James and they were headed towards the living quarters. James spent the whole time rambleing on about the "monster" while Adrian didn't even listen to him. Eventually it got to the point of such severe annoyance that he stopped in his tracks to complain. James kpet walking foreward and talking. Just as Adrian started to speak, James seemed to jump and a sickening thud filled the air. A strange blood covered knife jutting out of his back. Adrian blinked at it in wonder as James was lifted off the ground by the knife. Adrian gasped and lept into action, shineing his torch on the dark roof. A strange hideious monster was crouching on top of a shelf, its long tail stabed through James chest. Its massive domed head, dripping with liquid. It hissed slowly, its eyeless stare freezeing Adrian in place. James thudded to the floor, falling off its tail as it hissed louder and more agressive. The sound woke him up. Adrian wheeled around and sprinted out the door way, running as fast as he could down the corridor. He heard a clattering of claws on metal and he glanced behind to see the tip of its domed head protrudeing from the door way. He turned his gaze ahead and sprinted through the door way, slamming it shut and hammering his fist onto the lock button. A man who had been passing through looked at him with confusion in his eyes. With a a massive hammering sound, a dent bubbled up in the door way, causeing both Adrian and the other man to stumble back in shock. Adrian, at a loss for words, barely managed to whimper "Why me...?"

Chapter 6

Adrian woke up back in the presentation room, laid down across 3 chairs. He could hear muffled voices around him. He sat up groggily, not exactly sure what had happened. The lights were in 'night' mode, so he must have been out for a few hours. This deep, time was almost irrelevant, no sun light made it down this far, but the station maintained an artificial day/night cycle. At one point, Mike had attempted to make them all work longer hours by subtly altering the cycle, there was absolute war when people realised what he was up to.
Jeff got his attention "Up and at 'em buddy. You ok?"
"Yeah, I think so." Adrian replied.
After a pause, he asked "Uh, James?"
Jeff shook his head gravely.

"Jesus... What the f**k is going on Jeff?"
Jeff looked grim, eventually answering "I have no idea Aids, you were out for about an hour. We got a lot of the vents sealed, but as you can testify we couldn't get to them all. We had to seal the doors into those sections, so the infirmary and the upper lab are off limits. Same with Hab block C."
He paused before adding "George and Morris were supposed to close the vents in there, but they didn't come back, so Mike had us seal the place off."
Adrian stared forward blankly, thinking to himself "George was a prick anyway."

Mike's voice shouted across the room "Ok listen up! We've still got the info centre secured and Gunther and Damien were able to retrieve their weapons. I know things have gotten pretty messed up in the last 12 hours or so, but we're gonna be ok. The security specialists will never be too far away.

As for the... hostiles, we're gonna drown the f**kers.
He turned around, gesturing to a map of the facility he had thrown up on the projector.
"We have enough secure ventilation to be able to flood the compromised sections of the station. We should be able to flood the infirmary and lab via the control centre, but we're gonna have to pull the plug on Hab block C manually."

Frank lost his cool. "Are you f**king KIDDING me? Manually? That's just asking us to get torn to pieces, have not seen a single f**king horror movie, why the hell can't we do it remotely? This is-"
Damien cut him off "Shut up! F**kin' 'ell..."
One of the techies, Belinda, put her hand up, glancing to Mike "If I may?" He nodded for her to proceed.

She stood up, continuing
"The Hab block valves run on a separate more secure network than the rest of the sections. It's a safety feature, to protect the lives of the inhabitants."
The room fell silent. Mike continued.
"We'll do the manual flooding using the maintenance sub. I'm going to ask for volunteers to do it, however if nobody comes forward, I'm going to pick two members of general staff. I'd ask that if you feel up to the task you come forward, rather than leave it it to be forced on someone who isn't faring as well. I'd ask that you don't begrudge the medical and technical staffs, their expertise are needed here.

"We've decided to have people sleep here in the presentation room, if you want to go collect personal items, blankets or food from your Hab blocks, you are free to go get them, but for gods sakes, if anything looks strange turn back immediately, if you're not sure, then either leave it, or ask one of the security specialists to come with you. Any questions? Okay, dismissed.

Quiet conversation slowly fell on the room. Jeff came up behind Adrian, tapping him on the shoulder. "Hey bud, you ok?"
Adrian nodded, replying
"Yeah, I'm doing all right, you?"
Jeff sat next to him and nodded "Yeah, the others not so much."
Adrian looked around frowning. Sarah was sitting by herself, shaking. She had been with him when Jacob had been killed, she hadn't taken it very well. Jennifer was in better shape, she just looked exhausted. Frank looked ready to combust. Adrian instantly realised what Jeff meant.
"S**t. We're the ones who gotta open the valve."
Jeff nodded "Yeah, I think we're the best able for it."
Adrian stood up, taking a breath. "Right, lets get this over with before I get a chance to think about what I'm doing. If we get torn to shreds it's your fault, Jeff."
Jeff shot a glance at him "Is this really the time to joke?"
Adrian replied back blankly "Who said anything about joking?" and walked off to tell Mike.
Jeff just stopped still for a few moments, then started to laugh quietly.
Last edited by Doc 42 on Thu Feb 14, 2008 4:27 am, edited 6 times in total.
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Postby dinoman666 » Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:51 am

Sounds good so far, with the character development.
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Postby mega raptor » Fri Jan 04, 2008 4:57 pm

I like it, I'm happy to see an emphasis on characters rather than humor here.
It's you and me against the world. We attack at dawn.

This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but with a whimper. - T.S. Eliot
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Postby Ravenger Lizard King » Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:23 am

Very nice...curious to see on how it plays out.
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Postby Doc 42 » Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:01 am

Thanks for the comments,
posted chapter 2
I dont think its as good as the other seeing as im exhausted right now...

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:19 am

Its a great chapter, Doc. Like the others said, the character development is awesome. Keep it up.

Postby Doc 42 » Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:39 pm

Thanks guys
and now we have Chapter 3... *waves tiny flag*
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Feb 14, 2008 3:38 am

Cool chapters. Finally someone died! (Even though thats in a chapter you haven't announced it yet... <.< >.>)

Yes, it is now truely an Alien/Predator fanfic with its first gruesome death :P

Postby Doc 42 » Thu Feb 14, 2008 3:39 am

Next chapter up <_< >_>
or is it...?
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Re: SubAqua station 1. -800 meters...

Postby Doc 42 » Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:51 pm

Well, chapter six is up.
About 4 years late, admittedly.

I've come a long way since SubAqua station 1. and while it isn't exactly a shining beacon of literary skill, it was definitely fun to write. I think this is one story that deserves an ending, so I've decided to return to it and do it justice.

I started SubAqua a year after I joined the site, if anything, it is a testament to how much my writing improved thanks to RPGT. So, welcome back, lets do this ****.
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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