emo-hate it or love it

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Postby C S » Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:11 pm

meh, if you cant take it, and you know there will be bashing, dont read it.

Ya, emo's freak me out. I got this one that thinks im his friend, and I wouldn't think twice to smack him into a dumpster because he's getting on my DAMNED NERVES!!!!
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Postby The Kingpin » Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:28 pm

well, we know that you can be considered somewhat emo, but, in this case, I was personally talking about the full package, namely: constant depression over uncontrollable things in life [that nobody can avoid, but most can fight through], cutting themselves [ok, no offense but: what's the point? it just gives you another place to get some kind of awful infection through anyway, it hurts, and it's a waste of perfectly good blades [be it knives or razors]...not to mention the risk you take of hitting something...important], isolation instead of opening up in a regular way, to people they know and are close to, rather than just going to any random person who may or may not freak out at their actions and call them nuts or emos [true, but hey, it would still hurt to be called one!]...

THEN you have the people who enjoy it and are proud to be emo [they can't be taken as serious emos, but i think they're the worse of the two]. they PRETEND to be emo because, seeing as they've been getting into the spotlight in places lately [bands...etc], they see it as a quick way to become cool [or at least get plenty of attention fairly fast]. they wear black for the heck of it [though there are people who have a tendency to wear black that are not event remotely emo or pretending to be (like me on some occasions :P )], seem to have an addiction to skin products to make them as pale as possible, listen to ultra sad rock songs that have been named after them and always carry small pocket knives with them [i've heard of a few cases of people like that claiming they use it to cut themselves, even though there's not a scratch on them]. they are, as can probably be seen, one of the things making the true emos [that, in some cases (albeit very few) can be sympathised with to an extent] look bad, acting basically as the figurehead for the stereotype [similar to the case with Terrorists making Arabs in general look bad]
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Postby Cpt.Yuke » Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:54 pm

:shock: i'm sorry to say but cutting yourself is not a solution to solve anything hope you reconsider that and never ever ever ever do that again please
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Postby Doc 42 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:24 pm

Eaurgh, I hate when topics like this get bumped.
most of the time my past posts in places like this make sound like a complete *** (which I admit, I am alot of the time...)
Meh, my stance towards emos has changed since those posts. I don't agree with it in anyway but there are people out there whose lives offically suck. Hurting themselves is a way to releive stress and try calm down. Low self-esteem being the main problem, which is a spiral towards doom. If you don't respect yourself no one will respect you and if you no one respects you respecting yourself gets a whole lot harder
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Postby Shade » Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:02 am

Dude this is harsh stuff, personally I think I'm a little emo, because I like dark stuff and like some of that dark/gothic rock songs. I'm into Evanescence, it's awesome! Anyway, I look at emos as sensitive, dark, likeable people and what you're saying here hurts and by saying these things, I really don't think you're helping the concept.
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Postby Doc 42 » Sun Sep 13, 2009 12:38 pm

Yeah its harsh. But it all depends on perspective. Your definition of Emo.
For instance, you said you see them as sensitive, dark, likeable people. From that, someone who is sensitive and dark but isn't very likeable isn't Emo.

Hell, from that, everyone who is likeable is a little emo according to you :P
Dark/gothic stuff isn't Emo only either. There are like, 20876895 other scenes with their mits on that stuff.

As far as I'm concerned, emo is restricted to one thing and one thing only: Self harm.
Where Emo's get their bad rep is from people who start innocently like you, who see Emos as cool people, or how you put it, sensitive, dark likeable people, but then go onto start cutting themselves simply to fit into the Emo clique.

I do agree with you though. The things said here really don't do anything to help the concept, as I said in my earlier post, I deeply regret my old posts here.

About Evanscene, haven't heard much of them. I've mostly associated Emo music with stuff like MCR
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:10 pm

Ya I agree with Doc's ancient statement, that these old topics make us seem like raging idiots -_-

But I still personally don't like emos, but your definition, Shade, isn't very accurate. Emo equates to someone who is full of self-pity, strives to get attention by talking about how bad they've got it, and hurting themselves to relieve said pain. Half the time they don't even have it that bad, they just want the attention.

That is why I don't like emos. They are whiners who really don't know how good they've got it. People who like dark or gothic things are...goths. Not emos :P

I myself like quote unquote "dark" stuff. But that doesn't mean I cut myself and act like an attention *****, now does it?

Postby UltraGrunt117 » Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:25 am

tsk, tsk, tsk, emo's...
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Re: emo-hate it or love it

Postby foxman666 » Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:51 pm

i dont have any problems with emos them self's . hell i am friends with one , but there music annoys the crap outta me bunch guys whining about how there feelings are always hurt and how there never going to get laid .
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Re: emo-hate it or love it

Postby Godzilla Forever » Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:40 pm

Meh. I don't see what's the ponit in being emo. Life is a winding road that cannot be seen until it is too late. You just have to go with your buggy, steer it towards certain palces and hope all your work pays off. If not, well, it sucks, but life goes on and there's always another chance. Emos don't really seem to udnerstand that, since the mroe extremeones pity themselves usually more thna anything.....
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Re: emo-hate it or love it

Postby Cpt.Yuke » Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:02 pm

lol this is an old topic
i rather not see people as emo's,metalheads,hiphoppers

like me i'm not hardcore/metalcore/beatdown i'm martijn and i love these music gerne's but i'm still myself
everybody should be as they are not try to be as someone else
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