Monster Hunter E-war

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Monster Hunter E-war

Postby Zephyr » Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:24 pm

Any one who has played the game has an idea of how everything works and the whole idea of the enviroment in the world

if not...

This world is covered in many environments from the snowcapped mountains to the humid jungles, rolling hills and dry deserts. In the world there are civlizations biult by man, great cities populated with merchants and traders. The most noticable of these people however are the Hunters. Great warriors who defend these cities from the raging creatures beyond the city walls. Adventure on the outside collecting great treasures and materials to reach fame glory or just to be rich, while bfringing down the great beasts that improve your ranking as a hunter. now is your chance, sharpen your sword don your armor and head out into the world of Monster Hunter.


1. NO powerplaying
2. NO killing off another memeber's character
3. stick with the technology in the game; no tanks or cars etc.
4. fights must be realistic no single hit kills and such
5. making weapons and armor requires materials that you must obtain from hunting or gathrering materials whemn hunting.
6. be detailed in the posts


fighting style is NOT limited the way it is in the game. monsters that would normally not have certains attacks have those attacks so long as they are consistnet with the type of monster; EX: Cant have a plesioth thats breats fire, its a water dragon for crying out loud
Same goes for weapons which are not limited to the basic attacks in the game like upswing for greatsword or the hameer tornado attack


profile should be like this:

Age: 18 is the yougest age you can start with
Class: (blademaster, gunner)


if you are a monster character

wingspan: (if it has wings)

my character:

Name: Reaver Flamberge
Age: 21
Height: 6'8"
Class: Blademaster
personality: Aggresive and skilled hunter who pushes himself to the limit when hunting rarely using supporting items and traps and is a full brawler who risks his life far more then most hunters because of this.
Description: black spiked hair with tribal warrior braid on a lock of his hair hanging down off to the side of his face. He has Silver ratholos armor which was actually made from the black scales lining the center of the rathalos shell plates. His weapon is a Shining Rathalos Sword (SRS for short).
Last edited by Zephyr on Thu Feb 21, 2008 11:31 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:32 pm

Name: Arathorn Strife
Age: 18 is the yougest age you can start with: 23
Class: (blademaster, gunner) Blademaster
height: 6'3
personality: Dark cold and ruthless in combat to all enemies. When working with others, he is often quiet, arrogant and confident. Still he is loyal to his men and will attempt to help them and at the same time he'll take the leadership poistion if he must. A highly elite and famous hunter skilled in all aspects of absoulte master of the Great Sword.
Description:Dark, cold brown eyes with medium length hair. Wears Black Dragon Armor and uses Eternal Annihilator Great Sword, his armor making him look like a feared Dark Knight which is comparable to his reputation

Name: Siegfried Strife
Age: 18 is the yougest age you can start with 19
Class: (blademaster, gunner) Blademaster
height: 6'0
personality: Young but confident, desires to be a great hunter like his brother. While at times envious, he will follow orders from him and usually goes hunting with his brother, starting to make a name for himself as a master of the giant hammer.
Description: Has slightly longer hair then his brother with a lighter tint of brown with lighter brown eyes. His main weapon the Graviton Hammer and wears Black Gravios Armor
Last edited by Anaclagon on Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Postby dinoman666 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:57 pm

Name: Bullhorn
Age: 25
Species: Black Diablos
Wingspan: Same as a usual Black Diablos
Abilities: Extremely good digger, horns, claws, teeth, tail, hard shell that can reduce the durability of weapons that hit it, and limited flight.
Personality: Very aggressive, territorial, and proud, Bullhorn won't hesitate to attack anything that gets in his way, even other Diablos. He will go to great lengths to drive out or kill enemies in his territory, and may resort to dirty tricks to get rid of them.
Description: That of a usual Black Diablos, except his hide is laced with scars from fights.
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Postby Zephyr » Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:26 pm

Reaver walked into the towns bar and approached the manager. He spoke silently and a smile could be seen as he listened. A few minutes later Reaver left and the manager hung a paper on the notice board on the far wall in the room.

Hunters to join a quest for Black Gravios
I will not take any bodily materials for myself anyone who wishes to join me may take any materials they wish

Some hunters crowded around but almost all left it alone after reading Black Gravios, while others thought of the prospect of getting the materials for themselves only...
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Postby Iceking » Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:42 pm

species:crimson fatalis
wingspan:forty feet
abilieties:claws, tail, teeth, can launch fireballs and can fly
personality:calm and never underestimating of any enemy, he is a skilled fighter that will first try to frighten enemies off before resorting to attacking.
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:47 pm

Arathorn walked through town, just returning from a Rathalos hunt. He looked by when several hunters began to left after reading it...curious he looked himself...reading it.

"Intresting.." Arathorn decided that this would be profitable and worth while anyway...Ratahlos and Rathians were almost too easy now..

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Postby Iceking » Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:50 pm

in the volcanic zone, a crimson and black beast was on a ledge, surveying this part of it's terriotry. the yellow eyes were watchful and the movement of an intruder would bring a response. for now, moribalken saw nothing unusual and planned on going hunting in half an hour, his hunger now unable to be ignored.
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Postby Zephyr » Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:58 pm

Reaver stood at the city gate chatting with a the gaurd. I'm only waiting to see if anyone will join the...Gravios hunt with me. I wont be hear long it is not likely many will join me. The gaurd chuckled, yeah well thats hunting for you, well i have to get back work so good luck to you Reaver. Reaver smiled and walked away heading back to the bar to see if any hunters were planning on joining him...
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:02 pm

Arathorn looked towards the direction where another was approaching the bar. He looked towards him, he already looked like an elite hunter and might have puted this up.

"You put this up?" he asked as he looked at him.

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Postby Iceking » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:04 pm

moribalken waited for another thirty minutes before he moved his wings and took to the air, begining his hunt. he flew over a small pack of ioprey, frightening the smaller creatures into a cave that was nearby. what the dragon wanted was an apercos as they would be a good meal to take the edge off his hunger if they didn't satisfy him completely.
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Postby Zephyr » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:05 pm

Reaver turned his head toward the voice and stopped where he was, Yes,yes i did, you interested? Reavere was surprised that somone actually wanted to join one of his crazed hunts...
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:07 pm

"Sounds crazy but why not, I've been on more crazier hunts" Arathorn replied.

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Postby Zephyr » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:10 pm

You do realize its just the too of us, Reaver was testing this hunter to make sure he was truly up to the challenge. He after all never used anything to support him even in near death experiences and he didnt want this hunter to die because of him...
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:12 pm

"Like I said, I've been on crazier hunts...come on look at me, do I look like a rookie" Arathorn replied as he just stood there in his Black Armor armor that him look like a Dark Knight as the sight of it also looked dark and evil as well, possibly intimidating to the other younger hunters.

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Postby Zephyr » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:17 pm

Reaver smirked, alright you're in, do you have everything you need? we need to leave. Reaver began heading back to the bar door and head back to the city gate...
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Postby Iceking » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:17 pm

moribalken flew on for 5 minutes and he spotted a lone apercos, resting and unaware of the danger. without making any noise, the dragon swooped down and hit his prey, knocking it onto it's right side. he approached the struggling herbivore and slashed it's throat, ending it's life quickly. with a satisfied growl, the dragon began to feed on his kill, begining with the belly.
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:34 pm

"Yea let's go.." Arathorn replied but a familar voice stopped him.

"Hold on, I'm coming to" Seigfried appeared running along and stopped. "I'm going to come along with you guys.." He repeated, though he was shorter then both of them and much younger, his already giant hammer kept most people puzzled..

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Postby The Kingpin » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:34 pm

the rich blue katana was drawn out of the skull of a large red Dragon, it's two large lower fangs sliced off, along with it's tail and wing-spikes, one of it's hind feet slashed off in the final moments of the battle. pulling out his carving knife, he stabbed the fallen creature in the chest, a jar in his hand held below the wound as blood began to pour out of a previously damaged part of it's chest scales, quickly filling the jar as a nother came to take it's place. after about 5 jars had been collected, the hunter then started carving the other useful parts off of the creature, even it's scales and shell being increasingly handy parts. he had carved a large amount of it's right side off, it's left side under it's immense body and unaccessable. puting away his carving knife, he drew his sword, slashing the creature's horns off and putting them in a large bag, putting it's head in another larger bag, finally deciding he had enough, he placed the equipment he had on the backs of two large creatures, finally heading for home. "Another job well done" he said to himself with a grunt, as he started his return trek through the desert sands to the town a couple of days away...
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Postby Zephyr » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:42 pm

Alright lets go, Reaver looked at the newcomer curiously with a grin before walking out.

Not long later the three were past the city walls and Reaver showed them how they were going to reach there destination. How do you like it, its one of the few airships in use. A short man approached from the ship, Oy, Reaver the ship is all set to go you bring it back in one piece you hear? Thanks professor, well you what do you two think.
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Postby Iceking » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:44 pm

a group of remorbras watched the crimson and black dragon eat it's kill. they were hoping to get their share of the body once the larger creature had eaten it's fill and left. moribalken didn't take any notice of the wyverns and continued to feed, his teeth tearing off a chuck of flesh from the neck of the dead apceros.
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