Isle Sorna RPG

Got something to say that isn't fitting anywhere else? Post it here!

Postby chook151 » Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:04 pm

look, im sorry for what zor did, its my first time playing, plus, kingpin, about 10 pgs later in the story line i could bring in zors smaller but faster brother, hex, he was told by the spinos that crusher killed his bro, and he wants to kill zor and allys with the spinos, does that sound good? or would you hate another zor, (this time it will be much better :D ) plz. :wink:
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Postby The Kingpin » Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:24 pm

well, i would allow it...on the condition that you give me a demonstration of what your RPing with that character will be like. so that i can tell how well you RP with them. some people can RP better as small characters, while others are better as larger characters...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby TyrantTR » Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:57 am

In my personal opinion, the spino war is a horrible idea. To whoever thought of the idea I strike the down!-unless it's a mod/Admin if it is I won't strike the down. But anyways the original amount of Tyrannosaurs on Jurassic Park was 2, and one was an adolecent, this is site B so I was thinking mabye 5 or 6 Rexes, now a spino is supossedly twice as mean, so why in the world would they clone forty? I have taken into acount that they do reproduce, but also, The spinosaurus ate fish, why would they attack an entire Trex pack, witch is a bad idea by itself, and attempt victory? They have nothing to gain besides a bit of territory, for me the Spinosaur war is just a way for the creator of the idea to breathe life, and some action back into the subject, and I don't think it is working on the realism level. Yet it is my opinion.
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Postby The Kingpin » Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:35 am

Well, let me put it this way, TTR: The little Final Confrontation of Spinos vs. Rexes was the idea twisted badly by a certain few members a few pages back. im steering it in the right direction via conversations with MR, but i dont know if we can redirect it in time. i have 2 more days left before school begins, and this time i'll barely be able to get online at all. however, im hoping that players of the RPGs arent slowed down by my abscence, and continue to RP as normal [contrary to what they did before my holiday, to my disappointment]. considering the short amount of time i have to get this right, i need a bit of help. people coming on for about 5 minutes, just to have a look and not post at all, is NOT what's gonna help me pull the RPGs' acts together. members participating in ANY RPGs, make sure you post when you come online, for the sake of others. i know that several people wait for others to post. in RPGs, there is no such thing as waiting for others. members who arent around much, but have vital characters, should hand control over to the member who knows the member's character best, temporarily, while they're away. before i start school, im going to distribute my characters over the members i know that know my characters' personalities. [eg: ERC will take control of Crusher and his family and James [REORPG], Yuke will take control over Davy Jones and James [PotCRPG], HG will take control of Inferno...etc].

BTW: unless you didn't hear, the site B in ISSRPG is about 4 times the size of the original, and INGEN is a bigger genetical powerhouse than in the movie. Crusher's territory alone is around 600 KMs in width all 'round. and his is roughly a 5th of the island's supposed size, and is the biggest territory on the island. Also, since the beginning of the RPG the Rexes adn Spinos have a feud running, due to the killing of Crusher's father, Spectre, along with his entire family other than his brother [who still roams the island, and will be included in the little fight that may soon start]. Crusher thought it had ended when he got revenge for it by killing Thrasher, the top Spino and the most dominant predator at the time. however, the Spinos want revenge for that, completely forgetting the fact that Crusher's family was killed by Thrasher and his family. so now, Crusher's found that the feud evidently ISN'T over, and now Thrasher's son Sawfang wants revenge, and is planning, along with his mate Rainbow, to turn the entire Spinosaur presence on Isla Sorna against Crusher and the rexes. HOWEVER, most of the Rexes envy Crusher anyway, so they wont do anything. they fear him and respect him, yes, but they wont do anything, since all of them want his title of Most Dominant Predator. because of that, Crusher needs the help of the friends he has made in the past [nearly all the other players in the RPG with the exception of Snowstalker and MR's Bronx] to give him the ability to fight them off without his family [he wont allow them to join him in the fight, fearing the death of another family member will cause him to go insane]. i will only say one more thing. the rest are actually considered spoilers for the little plot and will put people off playing, knowing what's gonna happen. i'll tell you that the "war" isn't going to happen...
Last edited by The Kingpin on Wed Jul 30, 2008 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby chook151 » Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:35 pm

uhh..... i hardly get on because im goin 2 school in 10mins :D
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Postby TyrantTR » Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:33 am

My suggestion is if you really want to save this and any other RPGs you should make a guide to good roleplaying for beginers and such, then the new people will understand what we expect them to post.
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Postby The Kingpin » Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:56 am

i'll do that next time i find time. for now though, i need to go. im really sleepy. it's 4:56 AM!!!
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby TyrantTR » Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:00 am

Maaaaaaaaaaan. o.0 Here it is only 6:00 in the afternoon.
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Postby The Kingpin » Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:03 am

im practically on the other side of the world from you, so that explains the huge time difference. anyway, see you all tomorrow
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby chook151 » Sat Feb 17, 2007 9:16 pm

umm, hey, want me to advertise this site, so more people can join? because no-one plays on dino talk no more! :cry:
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sat Feb 17, 2007 9:30 pm

Err I got the advertising department. Hence my movies about the site....

Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Fri Apr 13, 2007 7:19 pm

so kingpin...can we make mutiple Dinos? So i could give Shadow a mate?
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Postby The Kingpin » Fri Apr 13, 2007 7:30 pm

do i really need to say so when i have a family of 7 Rexes under my control, as well as a raptor? of course you can! :)
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Apr 13, 2007 7:30 pm

Ya, your allowed to make a mate, child/children but you can't have 1000 characters and they must be of the same species (if its a totally new dino, it must have a character sheet but if its your main dino's mate, it doesn't need a sheet though, you could make one if you wanted.)

Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:55 am

Cool! I'll make one...still thinking of a name though..
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Postby Legendary Elite » Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:47 am

Hey all, I saw your RPG advertised on Youtube, I decided to investigate. I have always wanted an RPG like this. Oh and don't worry, I have had experience with Role-Play's MANY times. So I know how to play the game. I aint a noob at it. I first started doing Role Playing on Bungie forums who are the creators of the Halo series. I still role play but also on other websites with forums too. I think I am going to enjoy this one in particular called Isla Sorna Stories! :D

And since my favourite dinosaur Brachiosaurus is unavailable, I have decided Giganotosaurus is better. Reason being because they were true terrors of their time, they even hunted in packs! Oh and yes, I am a Dino Expert. A fan of Jurassic Park series too. I hope to see you all around in the Role-Play sometime. I have met some of you there and have read so far 15 pages in it. But I doubt that is gonna help much.

If it's alright a suggestion would help. How about someone creates a summary. A quick recount of what has taken place in the RP thread in case ppl have a hard time to catch up, no need to list EVERY detail but get down all the important bits.

Just a suggestion like i said. Anyway see you all around! :D
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:15 pm

Legendary Elite wrote:Hey all, I saw your RPG advertised on Youtube, I decided to investigate. I have always wanted an RPG like this. Oh and don't worry, I have had experience with Role-Play's MANY times. So I know how to play the game. I aint a noob at it. I first started doing Role Playing on Bungie forums who are the creators of the Halo series. I still role play but also on other websites with forums too. I think I am going to enjoy this one in particular called Isla Sorna Stories! :D

Thats good! We need as many experianced players as possible!

Legendary Elite wrote:And since my favourite dinosaur Brachiosaurus is unavailable, I have decided Giganotosaurus is better. Reason being because they were true terrors of their time, they even hunted in packs! Oh and yes, I am a Dino Expert. A fan of Jurassic Park series too. I hope to see you all around in the Role-Play sometime. I have met some of you there and have read so far 15 pages in it. But I doubt that is gonna help much.

Ya. You can say that your character is in a pack, its allowed. I'm sorry if I missed (in the RPG) that you already named the dinos :D . I don't pay attension well.

If it's alright a suggestion would help. How about someone creates a summary. A quick recount of what has taken place in the RP thread in case ppl have a hard time to catch up, no need to list EVERY detail but get down all the important bits.

Just a suggestion like i said. Anyway see you all around!

KP can do that. He's kinda good at it. When I stopped playing for a bit, he kinda sumed it up for me. But that was only a tiny bit of it I missed. Just wait untill he comes online.

All I got to say is, I'm REALLY glad your not a spambot. They are getting WAY to smart. I had two yesterday that (thank god) I caught before they advertised anything. There accounts were completely normal too. Never trust anyone... :P .

Welcome to RPG Topia!

Postby Legendary Elite » Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:45 pm

Well have no fear, you have an expert here. I know much from Role-Playing since I started doing it near the start of last year. Yeah can some ppl reply, I added in two more characters called GoldFang and a T-Rex with a name i forgot. GoldFang will arrive soon, my T-Rex is coming in later on. I must admit, you have a good storyline going there. Especially with the Lost World added in, only that I felt that it ended a little too quick. But yeah, still good, still good! :D
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:53 pm

Welcome to RPGTopia, Elite. nice to have you aboard. i was getting bored of all the Spambot deleting. no real members, it was kinda getting depressing. anyway, i'm looking forward to seeing you on the RPGs as well. I will make a summary, but unfortunately, i cant do so earlier than mid-late June due to exams [im in my 3rd quarter finals, after which i'll have about a month of studying, then an Exam preperational holiday, during which i'll be preparing for my final exams. everything between now and then is riddled with small exams, so i'm going to be quite busy. i promise though, as soon as im done with the exams, i'll be doing some MAJOR changes. Artists will have ap lace to show their work, RPGs will be reorganised, with new, improved ones showing up, old, abandoned ones being deleted, and a basic reorganisation of the way RPGs are made and played. i'll also be taking an active part in the improvement of the Site's security, forum management, and rule making [the current rules will be changed as i see fit, based on votes i'll make in the Site Stuff forum, with which i'll choose which rules to remove and which ones to add]. my RPing will shoot to record numbers [provided im not too busy with Spore and swimming :P ], and i'll be spreading the word about my site actively on the English community over where i am [the englsh people are usually found in some of the private clubs here in Kuwait. i wont find them around in schools, shops, streets...etc]. so just so you all know, major changes and improvements are planned, and im looking forward to seeing you around. all of you. Elite, im glad you've showed up, since new members mean new ideas, new RPGs, more random fun on the site, and, of course, more friends to chat with when im bored :P .

the TLW Plot did indeed go by too fast. this ISSRPG is actually the second of it's kind, the first one being made on a Jurassic Park Operation Genesis modding site, which was closed down due to the disruption it caused [it sucked the life out of the forums :P ]. the TLW Plot played out on that one was actually far better. however, keep in mind there are millions of people in the world. a repeat of the events in TLW are bound to occur again, eventually :roll: .

one of the keys in RPGs in my opinion is character depth. i tried to pull that off as much as possible with Crusher. my other characters didn't get that depth the way i wanted, but it's partially due to time. Crusher was made before school started, and i had plenty of time to develop his character. the others were during the school year, and thus, weren't as deep plot-wise. as such, im hoping that the ones who aren't yet very skilled at RPing, to try and implement that as much as possible. give your characters a good story, and you will not only make it more fun for you, but you'll also pull in more members who are interested in your character and want to join in on the fun.

wow....looks like i let my tongue run a bit too much this time :lol: . anyway, Welcome to RPGTopia, Elite. i look forward to seeing you in the RPGs...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
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Postby Doc 42 » Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:35 pm

Welcome to the site LE, good to see some new "actual people" joining.
And KP I really couldnt be bothered reading past page 16 so that summary would really help, good luck with your exams.
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