Deadly Creatures

Video game reviews and discussion.

Deadly Creatures

Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Apr 04, 2008 5:53 am

Amazing new game coming out for the Wii. Its basically about the brutal, violent life of insects, where you play as a scorpian or tarantula. The game has a story, however, and its not a completely freeform game in a sense, but has alot of free aspects to it, aswell as complete brutality coming from a game most people would think it would lack.

When I mean brutal, I mean BRUTAL. The two playable arachnids can perform finishing moves on insects-or even lizards, other arachnids, and snakes-that completely destroy them in a bloody, epic fasion. In the first trailer given, it shows many finishing moves, including the scorpian braking a lizard's neck and crushing beetles by smashing its claws on their backs. In the gameplay videos, they show the full extent of the beetle kill. It crushs it, grabs it with one claw, swings it around and impales it with its tail. Its THAT brutal. Other animals are featured in the game, including, as I said, lizards, small and large (The larger being mainly bosses it seems), snakes, insects, and arachnids.

For a Wii game, it has a surprisingly dark atmosphere, aswell as amazing graphics in such an early stage in development. I can't wait to play this game, it looks VERY promising.

Gameplay Videos.
IGN Hands-On Preview.

Postby Legendary Elite » Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:52 pm

Indeed you are right, a very dark atmosphere to it unlike most games. Lately the developers of Wii games have been making these MMORPG's like in that sea game where you swim around and explore the ocean without dieing at all. Looks like they are doing more games like that with this one in particular. I don't really like bugs that much and I think the graphics in this game are a little outdated and the fighting doesn't look really that worthwhile either (when the enemy hits you the reactions don't look very realistic more like pushing you back and making merely look like you were only scared, not hit) as it looks like it's doing what Mortal Kombat has done for so long now but now with bugs. Still, that's my opinion and it is likely this game might be successful. The blood splatter I've already seen in Gears of War when you chainsaw your enemy online that the blood goes across the screen. They've done it exactly like that in this game but it just doesn't look as impressive. I'm sorry I just feel the game lacks a lot but then again that's just the trailers and it could change once it's finally released by I doubt by a huge amount. Still this and a few other MMORPG's that have come to the Wii are truly the beginning of the evolution in RPG's on all platforms (like Mass Effect for Xbox 360).
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Apr 04, 2008 4:13 pm

You have to understand, its in VERY early stages of development. The graphics and such will improve. Also, with the other bugs, they DO attack, its just most of them are lightening quick, so you can't see it that well.

Postby Doc 42 » Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:08 pm

Looks cool and promiseing. Just Im wondering, is it a fighting game like Mortal kombat or Tekan, or is it an adventure/action game?
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:26 pm

Platformer mainly. Theres a "story" to the game, as I said, so its not just bug VS bug.

Postby Legendary Elite » Sat Apr 05, 2008 12:53 am

ok then, as long as it improves I'm happy.
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