Space E War Profile Topic.

Profiles for the dead.

Space E War Profile Topic.

Postby Anaclagon » Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:32 am

Post what your profiles here so we wont get lost and such

Name: (self explanatory)
Species: (As long as you or somebody else has already put in their details its ok)
Discription: (self explanatory)
Unique traits: (if your dragon/ape/slug happens to have anything special about him, will be 'none' most of the time)
Tech: (Any items/tools/weapons your character uses often)
Homeworld: (the planet they grew up on)
Bio: (Details about your character, try to include as much information here as possible)

And to just do Doc a favor...

Remember the Name
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Joined: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:50 am
Location: New York, New York

Postby dinoman666 » Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:39 am

Name: General Grievous
Gender: Male
Species: Trandoshan cyborg
Unique Traits: Grievous' arms can divide at the shoulder to become four, and he has amazing agility. Extremely acrobatic, he can utilize his "feet" to cling to walls and ceilings, and easily run circles around enemies. He is also very strong, capable of rending hull plating from even capital ships. Grievous is also a very capable tactician, though he lacks subtlety. He is also rather mentally unstable, and despises being called a droid. Grievous' cybernetic enhancements also give him a slight coughing problem, though this is not detrimental to him unless he talks for too long. He has mastered all seven forms of Lightsaber combat, and tends to mix them up, making his attacks seem random.
Tech: Lightsabers are Grievous' primary weapon (taken from Jedi he has killed), and he also wields a grappling hook in his right arm, along with several other tools. He also carries around a powerful blaster as a last defense, and is always protected by lethal droid bodyguards, who wield Electrostaffs that are nearly impossible to cut through. Grievous' legs have built in repulsorlifts, allowing him to, in theory, wield as many as six Lightsabers at once, though he rarely resorts to such a maneuver.
Homeworld: Trandosha.
Bio: Previously known as Hossk, Grievous was a Trandoshan who was well-known for starting a rebellion on his planet, driving the Empire off. However, an unfortunate shuttle accident (sabotage by the Empire) nearly killed him, and successfully killed his family. Desperate for help, the Trandoshans contacted the nearby planet Geonosis to use their technological skills to save him. The Geosnosians agreed, and turned Hossk into General Grievous, a deadly cyborg. The two races became allies, and Grievous requested a droid army to be built for him. He is bitter enemies with the Empire, as well as Force-users, and is, in fact, one of the main reasons the Jedi are a mere shadow of their former glory, in addition to Revan's purging of them.

Name: Graboid
Description: They are 30 feet in length, with a cylindrical, worm-like shape. They have brown, scaly skin and small spines encircling their limbless bodies. Their heads are made up of a large, black upper beak and a thinner lower one that's flanked by two mandibles. They have three snake-like tongues ending in toothy jaws with four hooks on them, used for catching prey. The tongues have a good six-foot reach. Graboids are eyeless, have orange blood, and give off an offensive odor.
Diet: Just about any piece of meat that fits in their mouths.
Natural Abilities: Being blind and living underground, Graboids sense food by vibrations or other noise, and this sense is extremely acute. They have surprising memory and can learn quickly. Utilizing the spikes on their bodies, Graboids can propel themselves incredibly fast, able to chase down light vehicles. They have surprising strength, able to pull small vehicles underground. However, they cannot dig through rock, and may actually kill themselves if they go too fast and hit a solid obstacle (like concrete).
History: Graboids (as well as Shriekers and Rockettails) originated on the planet of Marr, but humans have sent Graboid eggs to other planets. As they can survive on just about any planet with loose soil that's inhabitable by humans, they are surprisingly widespread.

Name: Shrieker
Description: Shriekers are only about the size of large turkeys, and are bipedal, lacking arms, with a short, stumpy tail. Their head is nearly identical to that of Graboids, but instead of three tongues, they have one, 6-foot long one that's covered in short, stiff bristles and lacks a "mouth." Their feet are three-toed, like a theropod dinosaur, and they have three flaps on their head. Upon lifting these, they expose a brain-like heat-sensing organ (they can see a little heat while these are folded, but open them to get a full view of prey). They are completely deaf and blind (with the exception of heat sense).
Diet: Anything that gives off heat or tastes good.
Natural Abilities: After several days, Shriekers rip out of an adult Graboid (anywhere from three to six), killing it. The Shriekers utilize a heat-sensing organ to hunt prey. Once they spot food, they give off a loud shriek. While this has no use (seeing as they're deaf), the scream gives off a lot of heat, luring more Shriekers to the area. Once they feed enough, Shriekers "barf" out another one, which immediately grows to full size in no more than a few hours. They can run extremely fast, and have the same intelligence as Graboids. After another twelve hours, they molt and become a new species: Rockettails.
History: See Graboid History.

Name: Rockettail (AKA "A**-Blaster")
Description: Rockettails look very similar to Shriekers, but are longer, thinner, and more low-slung. Their feet are more like talons, and they have three sail-like structures on their bodies: one on each side, and a vertical one on the back. They lack the Shrieker's tongue, but their heat-sensor (which is made up of two flaps, not three) has a wider range.
Diet: Identical to Shriekers.
Natural Abilities: By mixing two combustible chemicals in their colon together, Rockettails can basically "launch" themselves in the air with the power of the explosion. Their sails are used to glide incredible distances, allowing them to spread their cargo: a Graboid egg. For unknown reasons, they go into a coma upon feeding too much, instead of reproducing. They are highly explosive if stuck with heated objects, and will use their chemicals for methods other than flight, like melting through doors. Their intelligence is, unsurprisingly, like that of Shriekers and Graboids.
History: See Graboid History.

Native Name: Called Marr by humans.
Enviroment: Very earth-like, except most of the solid terrain is arid and open.
Regions: Most of the regions are merged into one supercontinent, not unlike Pangea.
Dominant Species: The Graboids, Shriekers, and Rockettails.
Technology Level: No species is sentient, and have basic animal instincts (no intelligent life has colonized the planet, as it's simply to dangerous).
Animal Life: Graboids and their later forms are the top predators, but there are many other species on the planet, such as minor predators, herd herbivores, and a few aquatic species (who are effectively safe from Graboids).

Native Name: Klendathu
Enviroment: Essentially nothing but arid desert, with intricate underground tunnels.
Regions: There are no separate regions, just desert.
Dominant Species: The Arachnids
Technology Level: Not incredibly advanced, but enough so to be able to colonize other planets.
Animal Life: No creature except the Arachnids live here.

Name: Arachnids
Description: All castes look different (explained in the Castes).
Diet: Voracious carnivores, they will eat anything that strays in their path. Many castes can also subsist on minerals, allowing them to survive on their barren colonies and Klendathu itself, but they prefer flesh over anything else. They even keep fungus farms underground to provide variety to their diet.
Natural Abilities: While all the castes have different abilities, they are well known for Zerg-like rushes and can be extremely dangerous when little is known of them.
History: The only known history of the Arachnids is that they came from Klendathu and appeared all over the solar system, colonizing every planet in their way. Their appetites ensured that they would continue to spread, slowly eating their way through each planet.
Castes: Queen-The Queen of an Arachnid colony is essentially a progenitor, similar to a queen bee or ant. They have never been seen in combat.
Brain Bug-Leader of an Arachnid colony. They share a telepathic, symbiotic relationship with the other castes and feast on other creatures' brains. They look like swollen beetles with a sucker-like mouth, and are carried by small, cockroach-like bugs called Chariot Bugs.
Warrior-The main fighting force of the Arachnids. Warrior are four-legged bugs approximately two to three meters long and are colored as to the terrain, such as desert warriors, which will be tan with black and yellow stripes. The rearmost pairs of legs are much longer than the two front forelegs, and serve as the primary locomotion, the forelegs being 1/3 shorter. Warrior are quite agile and fast, they can climb and burrow if needed. These Bugs utilize a powerful pincer-like mandible that is capable of crushing rock, metal and severing limbs as a means of attack. The two upper forelegs or "side mandibles" are utilized in the manner of swords for attack as well as defense. It is said that they can lose a limb and still fight at 86% efficiency.
Worker-The Workers do the manual labour for the Colony, digging and upkeeping the tunnels. They are semi-defenseless and will usually flee at the first sign of danger unless they have no way out. They are physically similar to Warriors but possess a non-aggressive mentality.
Plasma Bug-These giant, bombardier beetle-like creatures stand thirty meters tall, and their abdomens are protected by plates. These plates split apart when the Plasma Bugs prepare their main attack: a massive plasma blast fired from the abdomen. If attacked, they may retaliate with a corrosive acid they can spit at enemies. However, it's nearly impossible to kill a Plasma Bug unless you either aim for the head or the abdomen when they fire with a suitably powerful weapon. They also fire spores into space, which can spread to other planets and create new Arachnid colonies.
Hopper-Resembles a Warrior in many ways. It is green and has chitinous jagged wings it uses to great effect to gain high altitude. It glides rather than flies as its wings barely have the muscle tissue to lift it up for altitude. Hoppers are capable of decapitating men with their wings, as well as deliver a lethal sting. Its wings are used to gain altitude by angling like plane wings, and it gains altitude by jumping, in upwards to 50 meters.
Tanker Bug-Resembles a giant bombardier beetle. Tanker Bugs are generally black in color and are nearly as large as Plasma Bugs. Has the ability to spray a stream of flame from a tube on its head. They can burrow, and are extremely difficult to kill, unless you aim for the head with a powerful weapon.
Tiger Bug-Identical to Warriors in most respects, they always have a tiger-stripe pattern to their carapaces, and are more likely to be encountered in small groups. They are much more active in burrowing than Warriors, and are significantly tougher, virtually immune to light arms fire.
Recon Bug-Recon Bugs are tiny, mosquito-like creatures with long, rigid antennae. They travel in spores that can use a myriad of special abilities to hack into systems, break into ships, call other spores from space, etc. The bug itself is telepathically controlled by a Brain Bug on Klendathu, and regularly produces pheromones from its antennae that head off into space to relay information back to Klendathu. They're usually assigned to reveal information about enemies. They can also hold their breath for over an hour, and posses a telepathic link to their spore pod, able to control from any distance. In the case of emergencies, it can bite, leaving a welt that is intensely irritating, but not fatal.
Rippler-Identical to Hoppers in many ways, they are instead purplish in color and, though capable of tearing enemies apart, they prefer using a spray of explosive stingers on targets, enveloping them in a deadly explosion.
Space Bug-Space Bugs resemble massive beetles, easily a hundred meters long, with glowing red eyes and six spiked legs (used for clamping onto enemy ships). Their eyes can emit an energy ray that is lethal against most capital ships, penetrating shields with vicious ease. They propel themselves through space with their wings, which are protected by nearly impenetrable plates that can move up and down to reveal or protect the wings.
Space Rippler-The "starfighter" of the Arachnids. Space Ripplers are identical to normal Ripplers, except that they're black in color, camouflaging them in the vacuum of space. They can breathe in this vacuum and don't give off heat, rendering them nearly un-trackable by guided weapons. The explosive stingers they use are more powerful than those of the normal Rippler, capable of even destroying bombers with a small spray.
Bombardier Bug-These bugs function as a type of organic grenade, curling into basketball-sized spheres and launching themselves into knots of enemies, before uncurling and exploding with incredible force.
Scorpion Bug-Scorpions look just like Earth scorpions, but with steel-gray armor, are easily 10 meters long, and their stingers are replaced with deadly plasma cannons that can even shoot single ships out of the sky.
Stealth Bug-These humanoid insects are capable of clouding the minds of all around them, keeping them disguised as something else, and able to communicate with other species normally. Only insane people, or those who truly want to see the creature for what it is, are immune to this mind-blocking affect.
Burrower-These 50-meter-long armored worms are the creatures responsible for most of the Arachnids' tunnel systems. They move incredibly fast, gulping down tons of dirt and excreting it as nutrients, like a massive earthworm. Of course, they also excel at swallowing intruders smaller than they are.
Note: These are only the castes of the Arachnid species that have been seen away from Klendathu. It is entirely possible that other castes exist, but as all attempts to visit Klendathu have failed (with incredible loss of life), this has yet to be confirmed. It is also rumored that Klendathu is in fact made up of the "Brain Bug of all Brain Bugs," also known as Behemocoytl.

Native Name: Geonosis
Enviroment: Mostly arid desert, it's a very temperamental planet, with harsh radiation storms common.
Regions: Most regions are divided by each Geonosian hive. One area, the Ebon Sea, is one of the few bodies of water on the planet, though it's simply a stagnant pool of scum.
Dominant Species: The Geonosians.
Technology level: Very advanced, using sonic-based technology and even capable of creating huge droid foundries.
Animal Life: Other than the Geonosians, the only species on Geonosis are a red algae that coats the planet's surface, as well as gargantuan, three-headed insects called Geonosian Hydras that live on the bottom of the planet's bodies of water.

Name: Geonosian
Description: Like all insects, Geonosians have a hard exoskeleton that provides protection from physical impacts and bouts of radiation that occasionally shower their world, elongated faces, multi-jointed limbs, and speak in a strange clicking language. Some castes of Geonosians have powerful wings to give them flight.
Diet: They mostly eat the algae that grows abundantly on their world.
Natural Abilities: Despite being rather barbaric, Geos are technological geniuses, and utilize sonic energy to make most of their technology, like lamps and Sonic Blasters. They're also surprisingly powerful, despite their thin builds, and very agile in flight.
History: In the distant past, Geonosis's largest moon was hit by a rogue comet, sending out a massive debris field that hammered the planet's surface into ruin, before settling into a ring of orbiting rock. This event killed off more than 99% of Geonosis's native species.
Over millions of years, the few creatures who survived the devastation slowly reclaimed the planet. Random meteor impacts constantly weeded out the weaker species, leaving only the truly cunning, hardy, and ruthless species alive. The Geonosians, the dominant life form on the planet, constituted all three.

Native Name: Trandosha
Environment: High mountains, seas, grasslands, deserts, and Trandoshan villages.
Regions: Divided by villages and terrain.
Dominant Species: The Trandoshans.
Technology Level: Advanced, though their warlike mentality prevents them from going much further than space travel.
Animal Life: The scavenging Varren, carnivorous Skags, diminutive Grassrunners, brutal Vorcha, deadly Roggwarts, and monstrous Bonecrushers are the most common species on the planet, making Trandosha very dangerous indeed.

Name: Trandoshan
Description: Trandoshans are a large, bipedal sentient species, with scaly skin, which ranges in color from sandy brown to glossy green, and is shed roughly once every year. Cold-blooded reptiles, Trandoshans have two supersensitive orange eyes with vertical black pupils, which can see far into the infrared range. Trandoshans can regenerate lost limbs and skin until they reach their middle ages—around thirty-five years. Each of their four limbs ends in three razor sharp claws, which, although perfect for combat, they do not grant them manual dexterity, making a Trandoshan's finger movements somewhat clumsy and awkward.
Diet: Though carnivorous, each Trando has different tastes, like humans do.
Natural Abilities: They are physically much more powerful than humans, and easily overwhelm an average human in close combat.
History: Unknown, as they are rather reluctant to give away historical information to outsiders.

Name: OOM-6
Gender: Masculine programming
Species: OOM-series Battle Droid
Description: Nearly identical to normal B1 Battle Droids (like all OOMs), he is distinguished by yellow-orange markings on his torso and head, marking him as a Commander.
Unique Traits: Unlike the mindless B1, OOM-6 is independent and capable of abstract thought. Other than this, he is similar to most B1s and OOMs.
Tech: An E-5 Blaster Rifle, Thermal Detonators, and Marcobinoculars.
Bio: Manufactured on Geonosis, OOM-6 was put in command of General Grievous' ship when he wasn't there. When the cyborg was, however, he was simply second-in-command. Most of his battles have seen a near-100% success rate.

Name: Elch 'Masal
Gender: Male
Species: Sangheili
Description: He looks like any normal Sangheili, most notable for his red-and-blue, decorated armor, marking him out as a Field Marshall. He has a scar along the right side of his face, just under his eye.
Unique traits: Other than those unique to the Sangheili race, nothing.
Tech: His armor is incredibly durable and has very thick shielding, capable of taking point-blank shotgun blasts and holding. He wields an Energy Sword and Type-31 Needle Rifle as his main weapons, but will also wield other ordnance if necessary.
Homeworld: Sangheilios
Bio: Little is known of Elch, except he was born on the Sangheili home planet and joined the Covenant army at an early age. He has a particularly large fascination with the Needler and Needle Rifle, both of which are lethal in his hands.

Native Name: Skav
Enviroment: Mostly arid, but not enough to be devoid of life. The "underworld" of the planet is littered with a complex network of tunnels.
Regions: Mostly arid, there are few regions. However, there is a swamp known as the Blighted Marshes, underneath which the Skaven capital, Skavenblight, resides.
Dominant Species: Skaven
Technology Level: Very advanced, and everything is powered by the quarries of Warpstone across the planet. Warpstone is a very strange green ore that emanates a form of radioactive energy capable of powering technology. While dangerous, the Skaven don't really mind the possibility of collateral damage.
Animal Life: Mostly rats, which vary in size from normal to the size of horses. All other animals on the planet are usually mutations as a result of Skaven experimentation.

Name: Skaven
Description: Plan and simple, they're man-sized, bipedal rats. Their fur color ranges from light brown to black, and the darker, the more powerful in Skaven society.
Diet: Usually meat, but will eat any organic material they can.
Natural Abilities: They have very short lives of around a few years (though Warpstone can extend this lifespan by quite a bit), and they are naturally cruel, paranoid, and treacherous. Never try to make a deal with any Skaven. It's a good possibility that you will just be stabbed in the back, literally or otherwise.
History: Skaven history is mostly unknown, and no one will ask the mean-spirited creatures themselves. It's rumored they descended from mutated rats on their home planet. They are arranged in Clans, four of which are recognized as the Greater Clans: Clan Skyre, Clan Pestilens, Clan Eshin, and Clan Moulder. All Clans are led by a Warlord, who rarely lasts very long, often assassinated by his brethren. The eleven most powerful Clans, the fanatical Grey Seers, and (symbolically) their God the Horned Rat make up the ruling class, known as the Council of Thirteen.

Name: Warlord Gnawdwell
Gender: Male
Species: Skaven
Description: He has black fur, marking him out as particularly powerful on Skav. He wears a veritable trophy rack of skulls of his enemies on his clothing, usually during battle.
Unique Traits: None, other than his unnaturally long life and uncanny intelligence.
Tech: He wields a Warp Rifle, which has three firing modes: automatic, single shot, and a "grenade" launcher (actually larger chunks of Waprstone that have been modified to be extremely volatile), and is one of the most reliable weapons powered by the stone. He also has a pair of Warplock Pistols, which fire small hunks of Waprstone over short distances. He also carries a sword made of a strong metal called gromril (native to Skav) and Warpstone. He calls it the Fellblade. He also wears heavy body armor, covered in Warpstone charms as good luck.
Homeworld: Skav
Bio: He is Warlord of the most powerful "normal" Clan, Clan Mors. Gnawdwell reached this position like any good Skaven would: treachery. He has, surprisingly, avoided all attempts on his life and enacted his own brutal revenge. His Clan is powerful enough to challenge the Greater Clans, but Gnawdwell is smart enough not to try it. They could easily band together and obliterate him easily.

Name: Arqueek
Gender: Male
Species: Skaven
Description: He has dark brown fur, above-average status for a Skaven. He wears a rather inconspicuous shirt and pants that have a light brown color, as well as a black belt, in which are his pistol and knife.
Unique Traits: His only distinct characteristic is his unusual form of speech: that of a normal human, not a Skaven.
Tech: A Warplock Pistol and knife, as well as Warp grenades, small chunks of Warpstone that are stable until thrown with sufficient force, upon which they explode into a cloud of Warpstone energy and shrapnel when they hit something.
Homeworld: Skav
Bio: While he was born on Skav, Arqueek possessed an odd personality quirk, making him less power-hungry and more keen to explore the galaxy. It didn't take long for him to leave the hostile world of Skav behind and seek out employment in various odd jobs. He's been throughout much of the galaxy, and uses his Skaven keenness to get by without confrontation.

Name: The Gravemind
Gender: None, though it has a masculine voice.
Species: Flood
Unique Traits: Gravemind controls all of the Flood, functioning as a collective consciousness for them. It's made up of countless bodies of fallen enemies and Flood alike. His intelligence is generated from millennia of Flood and past Graveminds, giving him near-omniscience.
Tech: None.
Homeworld: Unknown
Bio: Nothing is known of the Gravemind, just like the Flood itself. The creature is a cunning beast, tricking other sentient beings into doing its bidding, even corrupting AI. the Gravemind often speak in rhyme, especially trochaic heptameter, and is capable of producing quadrilions of Flood spores just on his own. [NOTE BY MENDICANT BIAS]: Though the current Gravemind has been destroyed, there is quite possibly another one still in existence, which is why I have requested that the Monitors of the Halo Installations be prepared for the arrival of a possible Reclaimer, and a way to activate the rings.

Name: 666 Mendicant Bias
Gender: Male personality
Species: AI
Description: Like this, only gold instead of blue:
Bio: Bias is an AI of unknown origin, made specifically to study and contain the Flood. He has been studying them while they were hibernating for millennia, with only his fellow Sentinels to keep him company in a deep, dark shaft in the crust of Ka'Roll. It is possible that Bias is much more than he says, and may in fact be one of the Forerunners' most important AIs.
Unique Traits: Bias is almost frustratingly cheery, and may even be slightly insane from his years of isolation. He cares little for the loss of individual lives, or even the whole, though this is simply how he was programmed.
Tech: An energy shield surrounds him that is impenetrable to most forms of attack, even the destruction of a planet (it does have particular weaknesses, however). He can float, even through space, and if necessary he can fire a powerful beam from his eye.
Homeworld: Unknown, apparently Ka'Roll.

Native Name: Eayn
Enviroment: A single large ocean, sparse volcanic activity, and almost no glacification. As a result, the planet is predominantly jungle, and lies within its system's asteroid belt, as a satellite of the planet Chu'ot, which is a gas planet. Eayn's temperature and atmosphere is very similar to Earth's, only it can reach slightly higher temperatures. It's gravity is relatively lighter than most planets.
Regions: The ocean, as well as many villages where the Kig-Yar live.
Dominant Species: The Kig-Yar (though only one-third of their population actually live on the planet, as most live in the asteroid belt).
Technology Level: Covenant-style technology, though even before joining the Covenant, they had a rather advanced lifestyle, able to travel through space, though not extremely far.
Animal Life: Unknown, as the Kig-Yar keep their planet mostly secret from prying eyes, so no confirmed creatures, other than the Kig-Yar themselves, have been reported in the few eyewitness accounts.

Native Name: Doisac
Enviroment: Almost entirely tropical jungle, but also has high gravity (nearly twice the average) and heavy volcanic activity.
Regions: No discernable regions (the Jiralhanae fight over everything on the planet anyway).
Dominant Species: The Jiralhanae
Technology level: The Jiralhanae are one of the only known species who made it to a space-faring era, reduced themselves through internecine war to a preindustrial condition, clawed their way back to their former state, and learned nothing from the experience, until joining the Covenant.
Animal Life: The most well-known creature is the large Thorn-Beast, a delicacy among the Jiralhanae when cooked correctly.

Name: UNSC (United Nations Space Command)
Species: Humans
Homeworld: Unknown (outside the galaxy)
Description: The UNSC is a massive, human-controlled military-based government from a separate galaxy. Little is known of them, other than their bitter war with the former Covenant and resulting alliance with the Sangheili. They have recently sent out colonists into this galaxy, completely unprepared for the various things that await them...

Name: Zanthor
Description: They resemble humanoid lizards, with crocodilian heads and three clawed fingers on each hand and foot. Their tail ends in a cylindrical object, lined with spikes. THey have bat-like, membranous wings protruding from their back, but most unusual is their heads. They have black, pupiless eyes, and spiny, crescent-shaped crests growing from the backs of their heads. These are used in their hierarchal structure (the bigger, the higher-ranking). They also have two clusters of three, insectoid eyes, arranged in a triangular formation. Each cluster is on the end of their snouts, one cluster on each side. Finally, they have short, skinny antennae halfway between the main eyes and secondary eyes.
Diet: Meat, but will sometimes eat vegetarian food if nothing else is available.
Natural Abilities: Zanthors are excellent jumpers and fliers, and are surprisingly strong for their size (around six feet tall).
History: The Zanthors have a detailed history, involving everything but their earliest history as a civilized race to the present. They are a militaristic race, but are also crafty, and won't hesitate to make alliances where it suits them. Despite their capability of space travel, they've only colonized the moons of their planet, and mostly keep to themselves. However, they are quite hospitable to newcomers, as long as they don't start a fight.

Native Name: Zanthoria
Enviroment: An incredible array of environments, from oceans to deserts to mountains to forests to grasslands.
Regions: The regions are divided up into the separate niches of the environment.
Dominant Species: The Zanthors
Technology Level: Highly advanced, enough so to travel through space and use extremely deadly ships and weapons.
Animal Life: There is a wide variety of animal and plant life on Zanthoria, each species suited to a certain region of the planet.

Name: Preston Cole
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Description: Despite being in rather poor health, Cole looks staunch and commanding, with piercing green eyes and graying hair.
Tech: None, except for an M6C/SOCOM Magnum he uses in potentially dangerous situations.
Homeworld: Unknown.
Bio: Cole is the most famous Admiral in the UNSC, mainly because of his many campaigns against the Covenant, as well as newer threats in this new galaxy. His incredible strategic brilliance has made him the main officer in charge of the UNSC's colonization efforts in this galaxy...

Name: A-4D
Gender: Masculine programming
Species: Medical and supervisor Droid
Unique traits: A-4D has extensive knowledge on the cyborging process, as well as droid repair and management.
Tech: Arc welder, other medical tools.
Homeworld: Trandosha
Bio: A-4D was the droid who had made Grievous into what he is now, and has served him ever since. He has a bit of a snide sense of humor, especially towards Grievous, who only stands it because the droid is a necessity, in case Grievous should be wounded in battle. In truth, A-4D is extremely loyal to his master, and will serve him to the end.

Name: Ssi-ruuk (singular Ssi-ruu)
Description: The Ssi-ruuk are large bipedal lizards that are covered with a thick scaly hide, which varies in color. Despite being reptilian, they are warm-blooded. They are armed with huge, muscular tails and short well-muscled upper limbs with three clawed prehensile digits which are used as hands. They have long beak-like muzzles which contain sharp teeth. Their sensitive eyes rely on triple eyelids to help them quickly adjust to changes in light. However, they do not rely on vision as Humans do. Rather, they rely on their nose tongues.
An adult Ssi-ruu can stand over six feet tall and weigh close to 350 kg (750 pounds). The Ssi-ruuvi language is a series of honks, whistles, growls, and throat clicks. Instead of wearing clothing, they wear bandoliers which carry their tools, weapons, and other equipment (they find the idea of covering the body humorous).
Diet: Meat.
Natural Abilities: Thick, blaster-resistant skin, incredible strength, able to produce sounds above human hearing range, nose tongues that can even identify the emotions of a being.
History: The Ssi-ruuk usually stay on their world of Lwhekk, but have occasionally ventured into other galaxies to find slave for their entechment process (which involves putting a organic being's life force into a droid or other machine). They usually used P'w'eck slaves (similar to Ssi-ruu, but smaller and less intelligent) for this purpose, but they've found humans to be much better candidates (mainly because they last significantly longer).

Native Name: Lwhekk
Environment: Mostly humid jungle, broken by oceans, Ssi-ruuk spire cities, and volcanoes.
Regions: Mount Skar'lak, the Caves of Ss'laath, and the Cree'n'aak Palace, the Ssi-ruuk capital.
Dominant Species: Ssi-ruuk
Technology Level: Extremely advanced.
Animal Life: Other than the P'w'eck, the only known species on Lwhekk is the fft, a multi-legged lizard that is both the Ssi-ruuk's and P'w'eck's favorite food.

Name: Sh'tk'ith (AKA Bluescale)
Gender: Male
Species: Ssi-ruu
Description: A large, blue-scaled Ssi-ruu with black eyes.
Unique Traits: Is capable of hypnotizing some sentient beings, most notably humans.
Tech: Entechment rigs, when necessary.
Homeworld: Lwhekk
Bio: Bluescale is the Shreeftut, or leader, of the Ssi-ruuk, as noted by his vibrant blue scales, marking him as a member of the political caste of the Ssi-ruuk.

Name: Master Firwirrung
Gender: Male
Species: Ssi-ruu
Description: Other than his yellow scales, he has nothing particularly notable about him.
Unique Traits: None, other than his knowledge of Ssi-ruuvi technology.
Tech: Entechment rigs.
Homeworld: Lwhekk
Bio: Firwirrung is the head entechment specialist of Lwhekk, and an aide of Bluescale. His yellow scales mark him as a member of the technological caste of the Ssi-ruuk.

Name: Commander Ivpikkis
Gender: Male
Species: Ssi-ruu
Description: He's particularly large, with rusty-red scales.
Unique Traits: Incredibly accurate shooter, and very intelligent in combat.
Tech: Modified blaster rifle, thermal detonators, personal deflector shield.
Homeworld: Lwhekk
Bio: The Supreme Commander of the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium's armies, Ivpikkis is an extremely competent and deadly strategist and warrior.

Name: Shriwirr
Gender: Male
Species: Ssi-ruu
Description: Dark, cold eyes, lithe body, and pitch-black scales mark Shriwirr as a rare member of the Ssi-ruuvi Assassins.
Unique Traits: Very crafty and agile, even for a Ssi-ruu. Utterly ruthless when given a target.
Tech: Cortosis blades, heavy silenced blaster pistol, grappling hook, and a variety of other tools.
Homeworld: Lwhekk
Bio: Little is known of Shriwirr, except he is Bluescale's personal assassin and bodyguard.

Name: Lissarkh
Gender: Female
Species: Trandoshan
Description: Around the same as most Trandoshans, except that she has more golden-yellow than orange eyes, because of her Force-sensitivity.
Unique Traits: Force-sensitive, with a Lightsaber combat style similar to that of Grievous. She knows a wide variety of Force-related abilities, from both the Sith and Jedi arts.
Tech: A green-bladed Lightsaebr and a long-range comlink.
Homeworld: Trandosha
Bio: Lissarkh is, strangely enough, the only surviving relative of Grievous (his niece). She also happens to be Force-sensitive, and because of this Grievous has trained her in Lgihtsaber combat and also through Sith and Jedi Holocrons he has discovered throughout the galaxy. She considers herself neither a Jedi nor a Sith, and has a somewhat upstart attitude, except to her uncle.

Name: Tsavong Lah
Gender: Male
Species: Yuuzhan Vong
Unique traits: Other than his large height of over two meters, Lah's only unique traits are his horrifying appearance and masterful tactical sense.
Tech: Tsaisi, a smaller, baton-like version of the Amphistaff with more potent venom, a special living command cloak, special, resilient armor integrated directly into his skeleton, a left foot replaced with that of a vua'sa's talon, and a left forearm replaced with the claw of a radank.
Homeworld: Homeworld destroyed.
Bio: Warmaster Tsavong Lah is Supreme Overlord Shimmra's personal commander, and second only to him in terms of military power. He led the Yuuzhan Vong during the first invasion against the Empire, and was promoted quickly for his great many victories and fanatical devotion to the Gods.

Name: The Daleks
Description: Inside the robotic suit is an octopoidal, green-skinned, relatively small mutant (the actual Dalek).
Diet: Unknown, though they can probably eat just about anything, or don't require nutrients at all.
Natural Abilities: The Dalek itself is simply extremely technologically advanced, and has an intense hatred for anything non-Dalek. The suit is extremely tough, well-shielded, and is equipped with an eye-stalk, a plunger-like manipulator arm, and a specialized energy weapon that can be set to varying power levels, as low as stun to as high as leveling an entire building. They have a special antigravity device that allows them to float when needed.
History: Daleks are a mutated race from the world of Skaro, made into what they are by a nuclear war against a now-extinct race, also native to the planet. Since then, the Daleks have made a highly advanced civilization on their planet, and are almost megalomaniacal in their goals to enslave or exterminate every other race in the galaxy.

Native Name: Skaro
Enviroment: Essentially a nuclear wasteland with the occasional petrified forest or Dalek city.
Regions: A single continent, divided into the west and east sides, both of which are nearly identical.
Dominant Species: The Daleks.
Technology Level: Extremely advanced.
Animal Life: Other than the ferocious failed Dalek mutations that live in the lakes and forests, none.

Name: The Thing
Gender: Varies.
Species: Bio-engineered Skaven creation.
Description: Varies as the creature changes, but it's original form is An amorphous blob of flesh, tentacles, and fangs.
Unique Traits: The Thing can digest any living organism, absorbing it into its body in a variety of ways. After this, it can take the form of that individual or animal, mimicking it almost perfectly. However, the creature is made up of many organisms, and if the Thing's blood is tested with a hot object, it will instinctively flee from the heat, effectively revealing the Thing's nature. It can also divide into separate creatures, or combine into one, massive beast when it has assimilated enough biomass. The Thing is immune to most firearms, and can only be truly killed by large amounts of heat.
Tech: None, except those of its victims.
Homeworld: Skav
Bio: The Skaven of Clan Moulder have been working on the Thing for many decades, and have finally perfected the creature into a deadly weapon of war. However, the Thing happens to be startlingly independent, and may want to pursue its own goals...

Name: Ripa 'Moramee
Gender: Male
Species: Sangheili
Unique Traits: 'Moramee is easy to anger and hates his own kind. In fact, his personality is closer to a Jiralhanae than anything.
Tech: Customized armor (a foul mockery of the Sangheili Arbiter's armor) with extra-strong shields and Active Camouflage. Ripa also wields two basket-handled Energy Swords with deadly skill.
Homeworld: Unknown, most likely Sangheilios.
Bio: Ripa 'Moramee is a Sangheili criminal who escaped his incarceration (having been imprisoned for dishonorable murder) and fled to Doisac, where he soon became a very influential commander of the new Covenant, despite his species' animosity towards Jiralhanae. He added the "-ee" suffix back to his name to mark him as a member of the Covenant once again, and has set his sights on eradicating any who oppose him, especially the Sangheili and humans.

Name: Florn Lamproid
Description: These creatures are basically six-meter-long coils of pure muscle that ends in four short, photosensitive eyestalks and a large ring-shaped mouth that has four large mandibles on its edges. Lamproids have six long limbs ending in powerful pincers on their midsection, and could hold about 1.3 meters of their body (including the head and thorax, which is where the forelimbs are located) off the ground, but usually slither along the ground. They had a long, straw-like tongue in their mouth that was used to facilitate smell, taste, and ingestion, and their tail ended in a venomous stinger which could bring down even the strongest of creatures, but still be used as a fine manipulator. Their fangs are also venomous, and they possess enough strength to tear the head off a bantha. Many can communicate telepathically, or speak their own language and Basic in a hissing voice. Despite their vicious and hideous appearance, Lamproids can be surprisingly affectionate, and often form mated pairs for life.
Diet: Meat, specifically blood.
Natural Abilities: Incredible reflexes and strength that make them almost perfect hunters (a necessity on Florn, their lush ad dangerous homeworld), as well as telepathic abilities that can confuse or hinder their prey.
History: Evolved from intestinal parasites, Lamproids are fully sentient creatures, though this is hardly obvious, and because of this, they are often hunted for sport. Lamproids have aggressively colonized many planets around their homeworld, and prefer hot, humid rainforests to other places. Recently, the TGDA has stumbled upon the creatures, and the Lamproids have willingly joined the faction, if not just for the opportunity to hunt the TGDA's enemies (that, and fighting droids seemed almost boring to them).

Name: Calls itself Legion.
Gender: None, though referred to as "he."
Species: Geth
Unique Traits: Unlike most Geth, who contain the programming of about a hundred different Geth programs, Legion possesses 1,183, making him far more intelligent. He is also mostly free of the neural network that connects the rest of the Geth and is able to speak. Legion is an excellent fighter, especially from a distance.
Tech: Custom sniper rifle, well-shielded armor, personal cloaking device, and the Geth Shield Boost technology of standard Geth Troopers. Legion's sniper rifle, obviously of alien Geth design, is powerful enough to puncture tank hulls with a single shot. However, the sheer recoil of the weapon prevents any human or similar being from using it without shattering their arm. Legion is also armed with a powerful handgun for close-quarters combat.
Homeworld: Likely the Quarian homeworld.
Bio: Legion is an "AI Platform" constructed specifically by the Geth for studying organic life. He is capable of independent thought and his main goal is learning more about galactic civilization. Because most races distrust the Geth, Legion is the only mobile platform outside the Perseus Veil (where the Geth and former Quarian worlds are located). They have left the Citadel to the designs of the organic races in the galaxy, as it was built to sustain them instead of artificial beings.

Name: Turian
Description: The carapace of a Turian can be a variety of different colors, and is usually marked with artificial tattoos that distinguish which colony they are from.
Diet: Incapable of eating the food of other sapients (who evolved in levo-amino acid-based biospheres), Turians eat only specific cuisine for them, which is usually made up of items from their homeworld. Having integrated in galactic society so well, offworld Turians can eat just about anywhere. That being said, Turians are omnivorous, preferring meat.
Natural Abilities: Resistant to radiation. Having evolved from avian or reptilian predators, Turians are gifted with excellent eyesight and smell, as well as natural talons on their three-toed hands and feet. They are also extremely agile and quick on their feet.
History: Turians have a long history. The disciplined, militaristic society was eager to join the rest of the galaxy, and they have established trade with many other planets and species. While they are relatively distrustful of humans for the most part, they are no doubt invaluable soldiers in any army. Their defense fleet is second to none, and one of the most powerful mercenary groups in the galaxy, the Blue Suns, is mostly Turian.

Native Name: Palaven
Environment: Lush, but the planet's weak metallic core results in a weak magnetic shield in the atmosphere, allowing large bursts of solar radiation to reach the surface. As a result, many species on Palaven are protected by radiation-resistant, metallic exoskeletons or carapaces.
Regions: A number of them, similar to human cultures.
Dominant Species: Turians.
Technology Level: Very advanced. On par with the rest of the galaxy.
Animal Life: A wide variety of animal life. However, everything on Palaven is built around dextro-amino acids, unlike most carbon-based, oxygen-breathing life.

Name: Quarian
Description: Unknown, as their faces are hidden by their masks. What is known, however, is that they have three fingers and toes (like the Geth) and mostly humanoid features.
Diet: Because Quarians are built around dextro-amino acids like Turians, they can only eat special nutrient paste or purified Turian cuisine when not in their Migrant Fleet.
Natural Abilities: Almost nonexistent immune system, so they must wear enviro-suits, even when on their ships. Almost all Quarians are technical geniuses.
History: Quarians are infamous for, in ancient times, helping the Forerunners build the Geth. They were driven from their homeworld and colonies when the Geth uprising began and now live on a massive Migrant Fleet of 50,000 ships of varying models and sizes, and they house nearly 17 million Quarians. Because of this sterile environment, the Quarians have evolved to the point where their immune system is almost useless, even aboard their own ships. They rarely leave the fleet, except when on their coming-of-age ceremony, called the Pilgrimage. Thanks to the Quarians' mistake at making the Geth, they are looked down upon in most of galactic society, and despite claims that they did not help the Forerunners build the Reapers many centuries ago, they are not believed...

Name: Salarian
Diet: Omnivorous, like humans.
Natural Abilities: Extremely high metabolism and incredibly quick and alert minds. Unfortunately, they only have an average lifespan of about 40 years. Despite being amphibians, they are warm-blooded.
History: Like the Turians, the Salarians are a very successful species and have colonized many worlds. They are well-known and seen just about everywhere. Also like the Turians, there is an elite mercenary group known as Eclipse, led mainly by Salarians. Their intelligence makes them valuable medics, engineers, and even soldiers, though mostly only as Special Operations (a group known as the Special Tasks Group, or STG, is entirely Salarian and one of the most effective espionage groups in the galaxy).

Name: Batarian
Diet: Omnivorous, like humans, though verging on the carnivorous.
Natural Abilities: Mostly similar to humans, if a bit less genetically diverse. Their four eyes give them excellent eyesight and make them good debaters, since other species often have a hard time deciding which pair of eyes to look at when speaking to them.
History: Batarians are well-known for hating humans, and as a result they mostly keep to themselves, in a lawless sector of space called the Terminus Systems. This is mainly because slavery is an integral part of their caste system, and is frowned upon by most other sentient beings. Batarian raiders, pirates, and slavers are common, as are Batarian members of the Blue Suns. Aggressive and confrontational, they are rarely seen outside the Terminus Systems (unless part of the Blue Suns or other mercenary group).

Name: Vorcha
Diet: Just about anything edible they can find.
Natural Abilities: The vorcha are the most short-lived sapient species currently known, with an average lifespan of only 20 years. The vorcha are known for a rather unique biology that differentiates them from other known species and which carries with it a striking set of advantages and disadvantages. The vorcha have clusters of non-differentiated cells, similar to those found on Planarian worms. These cells allow the vorcha limited regenerative abilities, as well as the ability to adapt quickly to its environment, such as developing thicker skin after being burned or increased musculature to survive in high gravity. When a vorcha is injured or in distress, these cells move to the affected area and rapidly (~1 week) mature to specialized forms that will alleviate the issue. However, as a consequence of this, Vorcha no longer evolve as a species, and their equivalent of DNA has remained unchanged for millions of years. There is no need for them to evolve as a species when they can adapt as individuals.
History: Vorcha were discovered in the wilds of Trandosha and at first were thought of as only game to hunt. When it was discovered by the Trandoshans that these hostile and aggressive creatures were sentient, they turned them into mercenaries. A Trandoshan group, known as the Blood Pack, uses them, as well as Varren, in similar ways. The only difference is that Vorcha get guns. Nevertheless, they aren't treated as true mercenaries, and those who escape their homeworld to find a living elsewhere are considered scavengers, pests, and altogether a blight on galactic society. The unintelligent, but brutal, Vorcha couldn't care less either way.

Name: Volus
Diet: Omnivorous.
Natural Abilities: Volus are from the high-pressure, ammonia-based planet Irune. Therefore, to survive on planets with lower gravity or oxygen-based atmospheres, they must wear pressure suits and breathers. Most Volus aren't particularly strong or fast, but they make up for it by monopolizing trade and commerce in many systems. Their society is clan-based.
History: The Volus were discovered by the Turians many years ago. They have become clients of the Turian Hierarchy, and have been instrumental in giving the species a stable economy thanks to their mercantile prowess.
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Postby Raptor Llama » Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:51 pm

Name: Randy Iiop
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Discription: white, about 5' 6'', brown hair, black cape
Unique traits: None
Tech: Lightsaber, blaster pistol, sniper rifle
Homeworld: None, been on ship whole life
Bio: Born on a ship which is now his, Randy learned the Jedi ways from a Jedi on the ship. He had mastered poiloting the vessel, and now goes around in a new solar system. He rarely goes out of his ship. He knows so much of the force he knows even a hint of the dark side. He has a grey Lightsaber and has mastered many weapons.

A new character, for the heck of it:

Name: Alpha 27
Gender: Male
Species: human (Jango Fett clone)
Discription: A basic sniper stormtrooper, with white armour and the weird helmet

Tech: Sniper Rifle, Thermal Detonaters, Binoculars
Homeworld: Kamino
Bio: Part of the 501rst, Alpha 27 is the leader of an elite sniping group that formed together when they were still clonetroopers on Geonosis. When raven took over, they were on his ship, always ready. They usually like to keep a low profile, and Alpha and his group usually don't fight on a ship.

(Anacolodon, this shouldn't really effect your character in anyway, they may meet, but it doesn't change any history type struff)
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:40 am

Native Name: Emissary
Enviroment: The planet has cities composed of Space Pirate machinery and buildings.
Regions: Mixes of poisonous foggy swamps, hot deserts, a few almost dry lakes here and there. Also has a small unknown region, where a strange energy inhabits the crystals there. Known as Phaaze.
Dominant Species: The Beserkers
Technology level: Very high.
Animal life: Elephant sized mammals that walk on their knuckles, a rhino like head, minus the horns. Top predators are in the lakes, which are giant angler fish-like sea creatures. They have reptilian bird like animals that are usually hunted for their valuable beaks and claws. They are very rare.

Species Name: The Berserkers
Discription (A rough veiw of what most of them look like): Monsterous creatures that are humanoids: Two legged. The Humanoids are the size of large oak trees, glowing orange sytheclaws that replace for hands. They have Titanium skin-armor. They tend to wear heavy capes that drops down to the ground.
Some Berserkers have humanoid hands, with scythe like attachments.
Diet: Omnivorous
natural abilites: Extremely fast for their size, amazing strength, really well at changing habitats if needed.
History: The planet has a small region of Phazon. This may mean that there could be undiscovered strains of Phazon. The existence of Black Phazon Crystals was previously unknown until discovery of the planet.

Phaaze was first discovered by a Beserker Searcher. A once thought lost satellite began transmitting data on Phaaze. However, this data only revealed minor details about the strange energy. The Beserker Searcher learned that Phaaze was somehow "alive". Unfortunately, the data being collected was lost before the Searcher could analyze it. Further research about the energy was next to impossible, as Phaaze was incredibly far away, even for Searcher space travel standards.

There is a Phaazerker Federation base on the surface that houses 3 generators, 3 landing pads, and a large control tower that controls the orbiting defense cannon. The base is mounted with a large planet defence system.

Many years ago, before Phazon ever inhabited Emissary, the Beserkers were threatened by a massive invasion. A powerful species raided their territories. They began to slaughter the Berserker race, until near extinction! Soon, allies from Aether came and fought alongside the remaining Berserkers. The invading species were driven back and were forced to retreat.

Name: Khama
Gender: Male
Species: Berserker
Discription: ... irate.jpgp
Unique traits: Instead of a scythe, his left hand is a pincer.
Tech: Scythe Hand and Pincer Arm.
Homeworld: Emissary
Bio: Leader of the Berserk Troopers, which consist of Aerotroopers, Berserker Grenadiers, Ice Troopers, Assasinerkers, Shieldserkers, and BeserkHunters. He leads the Troopers into battle against the many invaders that threaten the planet.
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Postby C S » Sun Mar 16, 2008 2:10 am

Native Name Ozynmandias
Enviroment: Watery
Regions: Swampy and oceanic
Dominant Ascatis
Technology level: Sub primeval
Animal life: Aquatic Carnivrous

name: Dastux
Discription The form of a bow head whale with two large 3 fingured arms with 4 fins behind it. Can live on the 20% of land on the planet.
Diet: Carnivorous
natural abilites: Are highly territorial and tenasious, never giving up the hunt.
history: One of the creatures the Ascatis have battled. Claws and spears, teeth and claws.

name: Enctraz
Discription A giant great white shark
Diet: Carnivorous
natural abilites: Highly acidic digestive juices
history: One of the many fishes in the seas...

Name: Zitrax
Gender: Male
Species: Ascatis
Discription: A humanoid creature with a skinny yet muscular form. He had green scales and black pupil less eyes. Has a giant jaw, like an angler fish. Has spikes along his ack along with retractable fins on his arms and legs.
Unique traits: Developed the rare ability in his species to control the water of his surroundings (Freezing)
Tech: A spear coated with the black tough hide of the giant Dustax, the hardest sub species of the creatures to kill. The Zitrax tooth as the tip.
Homeworld: Oxynmandias
Bio: A war appentice made leader of the royal army of the Ozynmandias empire. He lives in the war house, a biosphere like dome with a bluish hue.
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Postby Zephyr » Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:59 pm

Name: Tehren Farelle (pronounced like Terran)
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Description: White, 6'2", short platinum blonde hair, semi-muscular
Unique traits: Skilled at not using the force in the heat of battle and engineer
Tech: Unique triple bladed lightsaber(all blades on one end), Correlian heavy blaster, carries with him a live ylasamari lizard
Homeworld: Korriban
Bio: Raised by the Prophets of the Dark Side, he has been sent on a mission to "keep an eye on Revan". Though capable of using the force he cannot while carrying the ylasamari, this lizard generates fields of anti force affecting all in the immediate vicinity. It also blocks the ability to detect force users from a distance so he cant feel the force in an individual far away but then again neither can they. This forces him to train with out the aid of the force to help guide his lightsaber and it is fairly difficult. It took several years to construct his lightsaber which the blades are red. His mission to spy on Revan ended in failure as he ended up lost getting himself lost on the planet they had attacked. He has recently been seen patrolling the vastness of the galaxy, but actual contact with Revans fleet has not occurred
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Postby Anaclagon » Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:14 pm

Galactic Empire

Native Name (what the dominant species calls it) Courscant
Enviroment: (The basic style of the planet) The planet itself is just one massive planetwide city
Regions: (Different areas on the planet)
City:Most of the planet is the entire city with the population greater then one trillion which only accouts for registered sentients.
Western Sea: Most of the water has been stored underground but atrtifical lake remains to be seen, islands populate it and its often used for tourist.
Dominant Species: (whoever runs the show, most likely the dudes you create) Mostly Human, other species include all sorts of aliens and even droids/cybrogs roam the streets.
Technology level: (how advanced the populous is) Very advanced, from faster then light hyperspace travel to massive warships and cities, heavily populated with droids, humans and all sorts of life.
Animal life: (the Type of npcs you can expect to see on the planet Perhaps no land animlas at all as the entire planet is dominated by all sorts of human and alien lifeforms.

As for the Galactic Empire itself, the astrography of the empire strectches over a million worlds with millions more of colones all over the galaxy. Each habitated world is heavily defended by the Imperial Army and Navy whose numbers continue to grow to strengthen the power of the Empire.


Name: Revan
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Description: ... dotomb.jpg
Unique traits: Revan is a prodigy..displaying the potential and skill to become one if not the greatest and most powerful Sith in Galactic History. As expected, Revan is a master of every Lightsaber style. The Dark Lord himself has killed some of the most powerful Jedi in his time along with countless of other Jedi and other enemies in a short span of time. Revan also has a very high ammount of force potential, clearly way beyond of normal force users. With this..Revan is a master of offensive Force Abilties such as Force Lighting and Force Storm or the ability of Force Push and Force Crush. Revan also can sense shatter points in his enemy's and events and can use the force to see through events before they actually happen. Revan himself is also a a highly charsmatic Leader...and believed to be the Sith'Ari or the perfect Sith who has achieved absolute perfection.
Tech: Lightsaber
Personality: Even as a child, Revan was highly dedicated and loyal to his cause and what he believed was right. But as he grew older and as a Jedi, he developed to be an arrogant warrior who was facsinated by wars and battle. In battle he was merciless and was known to cut down countless ammount of enemy troopers by himself alone and was known to use highly agressive tactics with overwhelming numbers and firepower. The Mandalorian Wars demonstrated his true abiltities as a Leader as he was highly charismatic and turned a beaten Republic into a deadly fighting force. Revan fought the Mandolorians in their own terms...bombading enemy poistions...slaughtering soldiers to the last man and refusual to retreat. Such battles were deadly as it was said Revan lost 10 soldiers for every Mandolrian killed. Revan however was known to care for his men and would not ask any of his soldiers something unless he was willing to do it himself. As the Dark Lord, Revan has been merciless and punishes traitors with no mercy and gladly welcomes orbital bomardment if needed. While he seems to be faceless and cares only for power...his relationship with his Empress is widely unknown but those close to both of the two figures understand that Revan is not as cruel and evil as most think who in reality simply desires stability, order and justice for the people of the Empire and his wife.
Homeworld: Coursant
Bio: Ever since as a mere child, Revan has displayed advanced capabiltites. He even used the force before he knew what it was. As time rew on, he became a Jedi Knight and quickly becoming a Knight in rapid succesion. His power level continued to rise swiftly and while he continued to grow strong...he displayed several flaws. He was arrogant...overly confident and was unusually attracted to wars and battle. When numerous civil wars errupted across the galaxy, Revan was quick to join then. The wars ended in succession soon enough and it wasnt long till he made numerous headlines for his bravely and skill which only fueled him. When the Mandalorian Wars would be Revan's defining moment and the event that woud change everything. While Revan was easily amoung the strongest Jedi...he was appointed to the Jedi Council but not made master. As the Mandaloirans continued to wage brutal war, Revan convined a great ammount of Jedi to defy the Jedi Council and go to war with him. Revan turned a beaten and weakned Republic into a unified and powerful military and while Revan's methods were very similar in terms of casualties and destruction, Revan was winning the war. When Revan finally killed Mandalore...he disappeared shortly after. The great Jedi Purge began...Revan declared himself as the new Dark Lord of the Sith as he lead his own personal army...the 501st into the Jedi Temple and slaughtered the entire temple. Revan would go on to hunt down remaining Jedi as the Sith began to take over. Those Jedi loyal to the former Jedi Knight turned Sith themselves but in the meantime...the current and true overlord of the Sith was using Revan. But when Revan achieved unity and order, he proceeded to march into the finished Imperial Palace...killing his former master and made a public apperance as the first and new emperor of the newly formed Galactic Empire. With an empire now in control and a vast military being created, rebellions were put down in weeks as the Empire displayed itself as the abosulute power. It was then time to move go to the hidden space and see what else can possibly add to the new Sith empire...The savior had begun the conquerer..

Name: Unknown, known as the Empress or Dark Lady of the Sith by others
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Description: A woman of peerless beauty. Her looks can easily catch the eyes of men who tend to easily fall in love with her and would do anything for her. Her rather very revealing outfit tends her to almost look like a slave in a sense. She doesn't seem to be bothered by the constant looks by in doing so, a fierce and dangerous warrior often kills those right on the spot to those who attempt anything to her. While she rarely fights, two lightsabers remain hidden in case she's combat. While she often wears her revealing outfit, the Empress has no problem into switching something more combat approved.
Unique Traits: Highly skilled and powerful in the force. While its mostly unknown, she does tend to show off when required.
Tech: Lightsaber
Personality: Calm and mostly quiet. She rarely does get angry. She is rather charming and can easily manipulate others to do what she wants. The Empress often and easily tends to seduce Revan even in the middle of the meetings. While anything else is hidden...its no doubt that she is completely loyal to Revan alone and she's considered the only thing that can calm a raged fueled Revan. Its said that Revan's love for her is beyond anything and that Revan would gladly give anything for her.
Bio: Coming from the homeworld of Courscant, the Empress was raised from a young child to become a Jedi. Her strong skills in the force made her a noticeable member as she grew up. Oddly, she had a great attraction to a certain young Jedi who also shared the same feelings. The two grew up together while having a secret relationship that was considered forbidden. While the infamous Jedi went to become a Warhero, the young female remained scared for the two them. Soon enough, both of them began to follow the ways of the Sith, discarding her former ways to be with the man now known as Revan. It was she who announced Revan as the first Galactic Empire and the Dark Lord of the Sith when the time came to reveal themselves. Standing by her now husband through the formation of the Empire...she had everything she could have ever want...Revan was her husband and she was now the Empress of a vast territory.

Individual Character:

Name: Dalton
Gender: Male
Species: Human ( Clone )
Description: ... =Boba-Fett
Unique traits: Dalton is faster and stronger and more combat effective then a standard human due to highly advanced training and genetics. Known for his deadly pinpoint accuracy, quick draw and deadly combat ability.
Tech: Mass variety of weapons, Fire Spray Class Star Fighter as main method of transport. Two reprogrammed Dark Troopers stored inside
Homeworld: Unknown
Bio: Dalton is one of the Alpha Class ARC Troopers who were deemed the elite of the elite of Imperial Troopers. They were highly advanced compared to their clone counterparts due to having their own, unique personality. Dalton was one of the best in this class due to his quick thinking and perception. As the Empire reached a "golden age" the elite military Advanced Recon Commandos were sent on missions that really didnt serve their needs. Having become bored, Dalton left the Empire and eliminated all traces of his existence, now serving as an elite bounty hunter. While recently coming into the game, he has already made a name for himself and is currently looking for a new employer that will make use of him. His variety of weapons, elite training and cunning ability no doubt makes him a strong adversary .

Native Name: Yuuzhan Vong
Species: Yuuzhan Vong
Tech: All of the Yuuzhan Vong's technology, whether it be starships, weapons, or simple everyday objects, was entirely biological.
They hated droids, machines, electronics, and anything manufactured. The Yuuzhan Vong referred to their technology as biots, as the word technology had mechanical connotations for them.
History: There history is a long and unknown one. The Vong are a group of aliens from a different galaxy. With a series of crusades, the Vong cleanse their galaxy of mechanical technology. But civil wars devastated the galaxy. In need of a new galaxy to thrive in, the Vong began the process of leaving their current galaxy into a new one led by the Supreme Overlord of the Vong known as Shimrra Jamaane. Finally arriving in a fresh new galaxy... they found several planets to call their own and the Vong began to thrive. However it wasnt long till they learned of the current situation.

They found an odd planet filled with mechanical technology and while it was very advanced, it was considered a disgrace to the Gods. The Vong prepared to assualt the planet only for a vast Armada to appear before the invasion fleet. Led by a gigantic warship and a armored man...the Fleet slaughtered the Vong. This caused the Overlord much anger who then begun a invasion and truely showed the forces their true strength. The first engagement with the Vong on solid ground resulted in over 70,000 deaths in the side of the armored troopers who served this Galactic Empire.

Multiple planets were assaulted in rapid succession as the Vong attempted to Terra-form them. In response, the Empire unleashed a brutal campaign as they preformed Base Delta Zero on every planet touched by the Vong...there was no survivors. The campaign lasted for a few short months as the Vong were driven off. While the Empire emerged as the winner... many Imperials were killed along with countless innocents.

When the Leader of the Empire known as Darth Revan leading a army of Sith Warriors in the final battle to drive off the Vong from the galaxy...the Vong discovered the Sith whose skills in battle caught their attention and soon the Vong declared the Sith their worst enemies. As Revan slain countless Vong himself, leaving no prisoners had caused great anger from the Supreme Overlord when the reports came in. The Supreme Overlord having lost his hold in the galaxy at the moment prepared a vast invasion...he began to prepare a fleet that would challenge the Empire itself.

Its been over a year but now...the Vong have returned and have prepared themselves for their Grand Invasion and this time...things would be much different...

Name: (self explanatory) Shimrra Jamaane
Gender: Male
Species: Yuuzhan Vong
Description: Heavily built and imposingly tall. He is a true terrifying sight to behold. His countless scars makes him look like a massive unhealed flesh wound. His massive set of armor and weapons truely gives him the appearance of a Dread Lord...
Unique traits: A highly powerful warrior who is considered the Vong's strongest...
Tech: Variety, wielder of the Scepter of Power
Homeworld: Home-world destroyed
A highly powerful and feared warrior even at a young age, Shimrra rose to power as he worked his way up the ranks. When information came in that a new galaxy has been found...Shirmma was delighted considering their current galaxy has been devastated by civil war. But the current Overlord decided not to inspect it out which caused much rage and a plan to overthrow the current Dread Lord came in...

After assassinating the former Overlord, Shimrra had sent a fleet to inspect a galaxy that has shown plenty of promise. However reports came back of how the Vong were slaughtered when they first came in contact with the Empire. Soon enough the Vong in the galaxy re-organized and fought back and matched the Empire in strength if not more. Several Empire planets had fallen and millions were killed. Only after extreme and brutal measures on the Empire's part did the Galactic Empire finally defeat the Vong in the galaxy. Now knowing what lies on the otherside, the Supreme Warlord prepared for a vast invasion to finally claim a new galaxy for its own.
Last edited by Anaclagon on Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:00 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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Postby The Kingpin » Fri Apr 04, 2008 11:51 am

Native Name: Vardia
Temperate zone: The area surrounding the equator. the most ecologically rich area on the planet. it is teaming with billions of animal species alone. many tropical rainforests litter the area within an 80,000 KM wide ring of land surrounding the planet. waterfalls, rivers, lakes, jungles, forests and sprawling oceans and seas cover the area there, spreading outwards into the lesser zones on the planet. due to the internationally agreed pact among the planet's people, the Temperate Zone is almost entirely off limits, set as a global reserve for the planet's wildlife diversity. however, for defense purposes, several military bases are placed evenly throughout the Temperate Zone, under ground and out of sight. said bases are also the hubs for the 3 phase planetary shield that covers the entire planet.

The Plains: the area between the desert and the Temperate Zone. named the Plains because that's one of the more common kinds of terrain in the area, though oceans, seas, a few giant forests and one or two jungles can be found within the area closer to the Temperate Zone. it is the area spreading from the Temperate Zone as a result of the Vardian Empire's Global Regeneration Project, a project put into effect soon after the Sardanian Empire was finally defeated, as an attempt to reverse the damage several decades of Sardanian rule had done to the planet, said damage having turned nearly 45% of the planet into deserts aside from the shores along the oceans and seas of the planet. the plains are temperate and are very richly populated by both Vardians and the natural wildlife of the planet. it is the perfect place for military bases of various types, most notably the VAMCEB HQ, and the F8 super fortress, both of which are placed on islands roughly halfway into the Plains and close to the Temperate Zone, surrounded by oceans and strategically dangerous waters to prevent a sea based attack. Leoraps are the top of this climate's food chain, with various raptor-like creatures, Wolves and Karaspas taking various places in the food chain, and various herbivores filling out the spaces left.

The Desert: nearly 45% of the planet's surface is desert. a dry, arid landscape where very little natural life exists. the herbivores are mostly very large lizards, which feed on the extremely spiky plants that litter this desolate place. the main predators of this part of the planet are giant Scorpion-like creatures, which are known for the extremely hard carapaces, and their subterranean life style. even considering the desolate nature of this place, there are many cities found throughout it...

Artic: the poles, made up of two large bodies of frozen water. they are home to the Space launch sites where Research Vessels too small to leave the atmosphere alone, are launched. the waters around the poles are home to gargantuan whales and other gigantic sea creatures, most notably a giant species of shark with segmented jaws, similar to that of a snake. the Carcharodon Gigantis is quite simply a very large great white shark, and is said to have descended from the prehistoric Megalodon. many species of squid-like creatures and odd mammalian fish enhabit these waters.

Dominant Species: Humans: Average height 7 feet
Technology level: Very High. from the simple home appliance to the advanced military technology that is used when at war, technological advancement has gone to very far lengths. of all forms of technology, the Vardians are almost unrivaled in medical science, nessecity from the Civil war that had engulfed the planet over a decade ago having pushed them to advance it as much as possible. there is almost literally nothing that can't be healed to Vardian Doctors, and illness is a rare issue on the planet, medical service being free of charge apart from the general use drugs that are in high consumption rates across the planet. the same can be said for genetic science. genetic illness was eliminated years ago, and now, it is considred standard routine on Vardia to check for potential genetic risks to the child and eliminate them months prior to birth.

Animal life: the wildlife in the Plains consists most notably of large, dinosaurian herbivores that feed off the rich plantlife in this part of the planet, though large semi mammalian, furred and feathered species can be found among them as well. their main predators are large, 4 legged, feline creatures with razor sharp, serrated teeth, long, powerful whip-like tails and slightly larger than natural curved claws on each of it's 4 feet. pack animals, the feline creatures, known as Leoraps, are lethal. they are descendants of Lions, and have retained alot of their ancestors' appearance, the mane, fur colouration and proportions almost the same, with the exception of the teeth and tails, though they're one and a half times the size of their predecessors. dinosaurian, raptor-like creatures can be counted among their competitors as well. aside from them, millions of bird, reptile, fish and amphibian species roam the planet, the birds of the planet having startling colours and a strange alien beauty to them, several species having evolved strange crests or beaks, or, as is the case with one particular species of bird of prey, known as a Nisr'Ankh, notable for it's strange, super light, blade-like feathers, meant to improve maneuverability and minimise effort in flight, the bird being noted for being able to catch just about anything smaller than itself, and even some things larger, having killed much larger birds mid flight on numerous occasions. it's hawk like beak is lined with small razor sharp teeth, barely visible normally, lining the insides of it's mouth, hidden by the beak. aside from that, it's most notable feature is the swept back, almost Gryphon-like 'ears', though these are actually used to help maneuver itself in mid air for sharp turns. large insect-like creatures known as Karasba [plural Karasbai] can be noted as some of the more unusual creatures of the planet. 8 large blade-like limbs carry a dinosaurian body, the tail of which ends in a bulbous tip covered in thick spikes arranged in such a way that they get longer near the tip, the center of the tip ending in a thick but sharp red spike, it's body being grey and white otherwise, with a large armoured head ending with a couple of forward pointing horns, with extensions growing backwards along the horns and pointing outwards, forming a crest. it's jaws are lined with massive serrated fangs, with several mandible like extensions along the sides of the dinosaurian jaws acting as tools to help readjust the carapaced food it eats. massive, 25 foot long, tan and silver Scorpion-like creatures related to Karasbai ruling the Desert sands from below. known as Skoruga [plural Skorugai], they have 6 thick, powerful, segmented limbs, their long, Karasba-like tails are covoured in tan armoured plating which surpasses steel, the same armour covering most of the scorpion-like creatures' bodies, though the bulbous spiked tail tip has two long whip like extensions, which it uses both to lure prey above the surface and to trap them and poison them when possible. the tips of these whip-like extensions are barbed, with paralysing venom filling them. their necks are much shorter, almost non existent, and a thick, wide frill hides what little of a neck it has, making it seem it's wide, powerful jaws are set right into it's shoulders. unlike Karasbai, Skorugai pincers extend sideways out of it's body, and are much thicker and more powerful, capable of crushing your average SUV like it was made of paper. a sub-species of Skorugai can be found that are silver coloured. these creatures are extremely dangerous if provoked, but are generally very docile and avoid aggressive contact with anything it doesn't consider food. the most common herbivores are long limbed seemingly reptilian creatures with very slim frames and long, thick tails covered in barbs, with a nose horn that extends backwards, a part of it branching off and expanding into a natural shade for it's head from the sun's scorching rays. it's crest is very broad and wide to act as a shade, and was used in old days as transport and carriers for goods of various kinds. it's thick tail is made up mostly of fat reserves to last long periods of time in the desert, and is almost whip-like when the reserves are almost empty. they are easily capable of feeding off the bristly, thorny plants found in the desert, and are often used to sniff out water reserves in some of the few rock-like trees that inhabit the area. it's wide feet allow it to walk through the soft sands of the driest parts of the desert almost unhindered, and when they aren't pointed in a certain direction by a rider, they will frequently head for the nearest end to the desert almost subconsciously, naturally following wind currents, scents, and instinct to more bountiful lands...

Global Oceanic life: several billion species inhabit the oceans of Vardia, coming in all shapes, sizes, colours and appearances. though native to arctic waters, many strange bioluminescent plankton varieties are known to inhabit the oceans all over Vardia, congregating in unfathomable numbers in winter, near the surface of the water from the poles all the way to the Temperate zone, resulting in the dark side of the planet's oceans and seas being lit up spectacularly with multi coloured flickering lights. during this period, giant Sailfin Whales come down from the poles, and rising from the depths to feed on these plankton species, their presence marked by a wild rippling of the waves as the larger creatures making up it's diet begin to leap from the water wildly and the spectacular sight of it's gigantic Sailfish-like fin shimmering with extraordinary shades of luminescent light pinks, greens, oranges, blues and yellows. it is conscidered one of the most beautiful sights known to the Vardian race, and it is a major tourist attraction to foreign races in nearby solar systems. these creatures are protected by the Planetary Regeneration Pact, and the harming or killing of any of them is a serious crime, though it has luckily exempted the collection and sale of the durable, beautiful Sailfin-Whale fin sheddings, which are used to make all sorts of memorabilia, ranging from clothing to jewelry to keyrings and various other things.

Name: Serephir
Gender: Male
Species: Human-Genetically Enhanced
Description: He is rather tall for a person, standing at around 7 feet 5 inches tall. he wears a black trenchcoat with a powerful metallic armour on his shoulders, as well as a highly resistent exo-skeleton under his black combat suit. he has 2 fairly large, but incredibly light weight katanas, one on either side of him, with a third one on his back. his black trenchcoat has a second layer of materiel on top, which is black with the end of it being white, having numerous white streaks starting off wide and rich and getting thin and fading to black half way up; the General's cloak. the 3rd sword is placed below that, but has a sheath that holds the cloak off it so that the sword has easy access to the sheath when Serephir is finished using it. he has waist length silver hair and bangs that are brushed so they form two upside down V shapes on either side of his face. he has what looks like an eyepatch over his right eye, though it is a well known fact that Serephir's eyes are perfectly fine. his eyes are a cyan colour. he has a very faint tan, and a 2 inch scar on his left cheek. he wears an X shaped strap on his chest, connected by a diamond shaped buckle. there are a number of weapons ranging from tiny smoke bombs to throwing knives to daggers, placed in pockets in the battle suit and straps.
Personality: Compassionate, but strict, and very observing. he has a knack for spotting every small detail in a scene before him, and making use of it. he is kind hearted when not on the battlefield. on the battlefield however, it's a different story. he is known for moving through targets with surgeon's precision, and the brutal efficiency and speed of his attacks have resulted in him being called "The Devil of Vardia". on a personal level, he is somewhat anti-social among those who are unwilling to socialise. but when with a group who are willing to converse with him, he can be quite an interesting person to talk to. a calm, focused and calculating person by nature, it's very hard to surprise him or worry him. a natural strategist, some say he should've become a general, though his combat skills prove that he's perfectly suited to life as a fighter as wel as general. as such, he's placed in a position to do both.
Unique traits: some people have claimed to have seen Serephir with black wings in battle, but no evidence has been found to prove it. they attribute his extreme speed compared to the other VAMCEB members to those wings. there is also a rumour that he has telekinetic powers, the rumour born out of the fact that an attacking tank suddenly stopped firing and moving when he slammed his sword down into the ground and stared directly at it for a few seconds. the tank was later investigated and it was discovered that the equipment within the tank had broken loose of their positions and ricocheted within the vehicle, killing all occupants. the true extent of this power, along with it's existence, is currently unknown, as Seraphir doesn't speak of it, and no event has presented itself that has required that kind of power to be used, since the occasion where the tank had attacked, where it had nearly crushed the trench that a platoon under his command had been hiding to avoid gunfire...
Tech: he has 3 extremely sharp swords, a silver machinegun that can be converted to a Sniper Rifle if needed, and a single side arm, a handgun of high caliber.
Homeworld: Vardia
Bio: The leader of the VAMCEB Forces. he is among the most capable individuals alive, his incredible speed and unmatched swordsmanship resulting in him becoming a legend throughout the planet's military divisions. of all his weapons, the most feared of them is the third sword he carries on his back. it's rarely ever used by Serephir, but people have seen it as Serephir's most dangerous sword, it having been the one that had been said to have slashed right through the powerful Collosus Imperial Battle Tank, destroying it with one swipe. they say he's an outstanding sniper, as well as a very athletic individual, being capable of executing acrobatic techniques that leave normal civilians as well as most soldiers staring, slack jawed. He began service for the Imperial forces that used to rule Vardia. however, him being young, naive and not very skilled, he was captured. the people of the freedom forces that were fighting the Empire decided that the best thing to do was to show him exactly what was happening to them as a result of the Empire's laws and acts. after a while of roaming, he realised that the cause he was fighting for was wrong. starving children in the street, homeless people of varying ages looking like they would die of starvation imminently, the injured in military camps screaming in agony as a result of the Empire's brutal weaponry. it was too much. so then Serephir began to train, using everything his former leaders had given him genetically to become as skilled and as powerful as he could be. he began learning how to use swords, the ancient weapons being a shock to enemy forces, and their capabilities being unimaginable by the enemies who simply saw them as large knives. he then improved his shooting skills and became an excellent sniper. after many years of hard work through the war, he finally marched into battle in the final confrontation, leading the Freedom Forces. the battle was long and hard, but soon, the Empire had been defeated. and Serephir was praised as a hero, and was offered the position of leader. he turned it down, saying that they didn't need a warrior in a leader's position. after the people attempted to protest, he pointed a finger at a young man. Aleron. a young boy who had been there when he was shown the Empire's cruelty. the young son of the man who had shown Serephir that he had been fighting for the wrong side. a young boy who had proved to be incredibly intelligent, very optimistic and constantly cheerful, as well as wise. he told the people that that was the one they needed as a leader, not him. and after the Vardians finally recovered, Serephir was contacted again, this time to become the leader of the Race's most powerful military force. Serephir himself has a disturbed past, but preffers not to talk about it...
Last edited by The Kingpin on Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:33 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Postby Warlock93 » Fri Apr 04, 2008 4:20 pm

Native Name:Nightstar
Enviroment: Earth like, constant night.
Regions: None. Unform of hillsides, mountains, and water.
Dominant Species: Three. The Novans, Lobi(plural), and Chiropterans.
Technology level: Highly sophisticated for Novans, one step lower for Chiropterans. The desgins are rounded and smooth and very archaic, respectively. Little is known about the Lobi.(pronounced low-buy)
Animal life: Nocturnal creatures similar to earth, but only on a larger scale.

Name: Novan
Description:A small(3ft), moth-like people. All have special eyes that can ONLY see in the dark. When leaving their homeworld, they MUST wear eyegear. All have wings, and antennae. Other than that, they're basically human.
Diet:Anything. Their stomachs have acidic gas instead of liquid acid.
Natural abilites:There are three types of Novans. Moon blessed Novans are shapeshifters. Earth blessed are warriors. Star blessed are natural magic users(magic is based on stars, moon, light, etc.). ALL Novans possess superhuman strength (lift 20 tons over head,), winged flight, and super senses.
History: The Novans are an opressed people. Their natural enemies, the Chiropterans, or Night-Raiders as they call them, have tortured their race for generations. They believe in an entity called the Brightstar, and are all very devout. They are knowledge seekers, so many are sent to wander the galaxy.
The Lobi and Chiropterans do not need complicated explanations.
My Characters

Name: Glintwing
Gender: Male
Species: [Star Blessed] Novan
Description: A small Novan, he is very brave and intelligent. He hopes to be Grand Librarian someday. He has a blue, tight, long-sleeved shirt with white sphere patters running down the arms and a white ring that goes around the neck/collar of the shirt. He wears black, Han Solo pants, and black boots.
Unique traits: His magic is about 5x more powerful than any other Novan.
Tech: He has a shield that is usually on his left arm as a vambrace. It can expand to about a foot in diameter. He has a forearm blade similar in function on his right arm.
Homeworld: Nightstar.
Bio: Glintwing was born into royalty, and is highly regarded by all Novans. He has had a pretty good life, reclusing himself in the Databanks most of the time. He is eager to leave Nightstar.

Name: Alexander Murphy
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Description:A handsome soldier, he stands an even six feet. He has been in the military for as longas he can remember, and is very much a soldier, although he is very kind.
Unique traits: Quite possibly the greatest pilot and engineer Earth ahs ever seen, he designed and is the pilot of the USSC Sojourn, the premier prototype ship for Earth, which is the first Earth ship capable of orbital strike.
Tech: (As a note, I am taking the liberty of swaying that the delivery system for Earth Human's weapons is electromagnetic[like a railgun])He carries a modified pistol that is effectively 3.785463 times more powerful. In combat, when not flying, he is a sniper.
Homeworld: Earth
Bio: He grew up in the miltary, and at age 14 won the StarCross, a race from Earth to Pluto, and has been renowned for his piloting skills ever since. Is currently the residing captian and pilot of the USSC Ship Sojourn, which is on it's maiden voyage. He also possesses psionic abilities which he has yet to really tap into.
The three will spread their blackened wings and be the vengeful striking hammer of God.
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Postby Zephyr » Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:30 am

Name: Auron Vulkar
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Description: 6'4", semi-muscular biuld, silver hair
Unique traits: a talented Gundam Pilot whose skill exceeds even his commanders
Tech: Elite Striker Gundam with dual beam swords, shoulder mounted chaingun
Homeworld: Earth
Bio: Auron has been fighting across the galactic war for 4 years. He has specialized and been in many stealth ops missions as well as full frontal assaults. He has masterful skill with his Gundam the ES (Elite Striker). Currently exploring this new galaxy with an Earth Exploration Fleet protected by several hundred trained Gundam pilots.
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Postby Raptor Llama » Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:35 am

Note: this is the future of the doom plot. They want to create another testing facility, and they travelled extremely far to aviod the creature outbreak (if there was any) to get back to earth. And they sent tons of space marines over. (if you are unfarmiliar with the doom plot, lemme some it up: on mars, the lab there lost contact, so space marines come to see what's going on then they find a lot of crazy monsters and they have to kill them.) The monsters were advanced upon and being ready for making into super soilders, when one night they breeded and after a few years the population increased so dramaticly they broke out. There was only one ship capable of reaching the planet and it was on mars. Now the marines most manuvere their way through the hordes and get to the ship and leave for earth, before they die.

Native Name: Junar
Enviroment: A huge desert, except there is giant oceans that go extremely deep, it snows in winter, and it's much colder.
Regions: there's mainly the outside and the lab facility
Dominant Species: Humans (technically, although other are competeing, but humans are the smartest, right?)
Technology level: Advanced, many weapons, guns, ect.
Native Species: all the speices I'm about to describe, so hold on!


name: Imp
Discription: A huge, hairy creature about the size of a 10 foot human with red eyes and dangerous claws. Is also very muscular
Diet: Anything it can get it's hands on
natural abilites: It can form fireballs and shoot it at it's foes
history: re-created at the Junar lab, this new breed of imp is bigger and holds a bigger punch in it's fireball. When the outbreak came, they slaughtered the scientist and marines alike, burning them or mauling them. They are heavily populated and are considered very dangerous.

name: Demon
Discription: a four legged creature with horns, red skin and muscular body. Also is about as big as a rotweiler.
Diet: Meat.
natural abilities: horns, claws, and teeth.
history: these re-made beast are now even stronger. There horns are extremely sharp, which was useful for breaking out. When they broke out, they slaughtered everything they could find. Although their numbers are relatively few, these beasts are a force to be reckoned with. By a lot.

name: Zamo (it's origanal)
Discription: a huminiod apperence with lots of veins coming out, it's face is simply a huge mouth with humongeous teeth, it's about the size of a person, the veins vary in color.
Diet: Meat
natural abilities: can extend its jaws to the size of its body
history: this creation was actually a prototype for a new creation. It was the creature that caused the breakout. There wasen't way too many, but they though of a way to break out, and they finally figuired out the passcodes. These things can't see: they use a "radar" to find and kill their prey. They covered the research lab and are considered dangerous because of their problem solving intelligance. They are a marine's worst nitemare.

Name: Richard Morrison
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Discription: Buff; he has a lot of muscle and is known for his more than 20/20 eyesight.
Unique traits:
Tech: Chaingun, marine armour, pistol, although can use a more array of weapons.
Homeworld: Earth (although he stays at Junar for this)
Bio: He has worked in the marines for a while. Although he did not get involved in the Mars incident, he has been in many other battles. He was sent to guard the Junar facility and was put as just a normal marine rank. When the breakout happened, he took command, as his cheif died. He now leads 3 other marines in a struggle to get out of the huge facility and into the docking bay so he can leave this place.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:58 am

Shadow Haven (Outdated)

Native Name: Shadow Haven
Environment: Earth-Like
Regions: All main landmasses resemble a moderate climate grassland, made this way by its occupants.
Dominant Species: Humans (Split faction from Earth and the rest of the humans)
Technology level: Very High. Shadow Haven is strictly a military planet, consisting of military officials and soldiers only. The soldiers themselves are genetically enhanced super-soldiers, capable of withstanding a barrage of bullets and still attack its target until it's final breath. The soldiers themselves are prime examples of the planet's technology, being enhanced and cloned, every last one being the perfect soldier for combat. With them in battle are Shadow Haven combat tanks (SHCT), capable of withstanding far more then a few rockets, making standard bullets absolutely worthless in a fight against them. Armed with a 120mm cannon, as well as dual reinforced armor piercing turrets facing the back and front, the tank is more then capable of holding its own. The next in the military's firepower, as well as the unstoppable machines that aid them in conquering so many planets, are the Metal Gears. They come in various types, from the amphibious Metal Gear RAY, to the pulse-laser launching goliath Metal Gear REX. Others include the GEKKOs, capable of fighting groups of beings with minimal destruction, being much smaller then the other mammoth machines. Another would be Metal Gear RAVEN, a version of the indestructible machines that operates mainly in space, aiding fleets to their target with vicious effectiveness. All Metal Gears, with the exception of the GEKKOs, are fitted with nearly indestructable armor; lasers, rockets, bullets, all have no effect on their metalic hides. On occassion, when in the process of invading a planet, Metal Gears have been struck down, mainly by targeting the insides of the machine, but few have seen one of the gargantuan machines fall. All Metal Gears are basically bipedal tanks, supported on two legs instead of treads. With this design frees the use of their legs as weapons as well, capable of crushing smaller machines and troops. With the case of Metal Gear RAY and RAVEN, they can also use arm-like appendages to swat things away. The individual designs, however, are very different in function and in weaponry.
Animal Life: Shadow Haven was stripped of its fauna long ago, only small cat-like creatures remaining as top predators, with other mammals such as mice and rats, very similar to those found on Earth. The ocean was also stripped of its wildlife, only now baring groups of small, strange looking fish, its top predators being close relatives to crocodiles.


Name: Frank "GrayFox" Jaeger
Gender: Male
Species: Human (Shadow Haven)
Description: A normal looking man of about 6 foot, Frank, who mainly is referred to by his codename, Grayfox, usually wears a black "stealth suit", a tight leather-like material that allows full body movement. The suit is also reinforced; able to stop normal bullets and weak lasers without causing much harm. He has white hair and dark green eyes, his mouth and chin hidden by an extension of the suit that comes up from the neck.
Unique Traits: Talented with both a blade and a gun, Frank is skilled in fighting and warfare, making him a force to be feared on and off the battlefield.
Tech: A "High Frequency" Blade, being lighter then most katanas, giving him extra speed. He also carries an MV94, a Shadow Haven-born weapon resembling modern M4s, its barrel and ammunition changed for the later times, as strong if not stronger then common laser-fire.
Homeworld: Shadow Haven
Bio: The commander and cause of it all, Frank is the head of "Dead Cell", a group of people that rule over Shadow Haven and the planets it controls. He is very experienced in both warfare and combat, having participated in a number of invasions. He is a skilled leader, leading his troops to many victories in the past.

Name: Johnny "Akiba" Sasaki
Gender: Male
Species: Human (Shadow Haven)
Description: Average height and weight of a normal soldier, wears a black combat suit, with a small tan vest used to carry supplies. Wears tan combat pants, allowing for full mobility and effectiveness, and also wears a black head-covering cloth mask, with a yellow glass area infront of his eyes, used to see while wearing the mask. Reference
Unique Traits: Is...less competent then the other soldiers, tends to screw up more then others.
Tech: Standard issue radio, a number of grenades, a handgun resembling modern SOCOM Handguns with the exception of enhanced rounds and effectiveness to match lasers and other projectiles, with a removable silencer. An MV94, a standard issue assault rifle in the Shadow Haven military.
Homeworld: Shadow Haven
Bio: A soldier trained in the Shadow Haven military, "Akiba" is not a GENOME soldier; he is a natural born soldier with nanomachines and other enhancers, like normal soldiers of Shadow Haven, but stuck out like a sore thumb, ending up getting himself removed from the military, now traveling in a small space ship, drifting from place to place, having kept his military gear...


Native Name: Sera
Environment: Earth-Like
Regions: Swamplands, Plains, Hollows (Underground)
Dominant Species: Locust
Technology Level: Mid-Level (Space travel, but very basic)
Animal Life: Rockworms (Large, bullet-proof worms that live in the Hollows), Kyrll (Cross between a bird and insect, inhabit the tunnels during the day, and feast on whatever they find at night, able to devour almost anything that lies on Sera, even Locust).

Name: Locust
Diet: Carnivore
Natural Abilities: Strong, durable (Can take multiple direct shots by normal weapons before falling), no need for sleep.
History: The Locusts' origins are largely unknown, only information known is that they live underground on every planet they inhabit, and are aided by creatures they appear to have enslaved, which are assumed to have lived in the underground world as they do, and may even be related to the Locust. Their only purpose is to conquer; the higher officials of the Locust believe they are the "Higher Beings" compared to other creatures around the galaxy, though they usually control planets that are uninhabited; most of the conflicts between them and other species are the result of the species coming to the planet thinking it is uninhabited, and the Locust immediately consider them enemies. The Locust are strategic even if they seem savage, but are most effective because of their numbers, usually overwhelming their opponents.

Drone - The main force behind the Locust, which are also in the largest number. Roughly the size of a human in most cases, the Drones are scaled humanoids, greatly resembling humans, but lack any kind of hair and their skin is usually a grayish white. They are also naturally muscular, a single Locust Drone capable of lifting something that would take 2 or more humans to lift. They are usually separated into different divisions depending on weapons, including snipers and machine gunners. Drone.
Theron Guard - The "Special Forces" of the Locust, the Theron Guard look identical to their Drone counterparts unarmored, but wear red and black armor that covers their entire bodies, even covering their face, with the exception of eye holes to allow them to see. Around their neck and shoulders they wear large neck brace-like armor, which along with the body armor set them apart from the Drones. They use Torque Bows, which are bows that fire explosive arrows that can even penetrate armor. Theron Guard.
Boomers - Boomers are, like the Theron Guards, identical to the Drones, but are even larger in size, reaching nearly 8 to 9 feet in height, and are just as muscular. But with large size comes slow speed, usually relying on Grenade Launchers and other heavy weaponry. If an enemy is foolish enough to confront a Boomer at close range, one punch from the brutes would be enough to shatter every bone in a human's body. They are separated into 4 groups: Boomers, which use Grenade Launchers, Grinders, which use portable machine gun turrets, Maulers, which use tank-class armor shields and massive maces, and Flame Boomers, which use flamethrowers. Boomer.
Wretches - Wretches are small, ape like creatures, which wear armor, despite their primitive and savage nature, and are scaled, as well as being a grayish white color like their Drone counterparts. They run on all fours and attack in packs, only using their large clawed hands as weapons. Wretches have small eyes, almost unable to be seen, and have large dagger like teeth that fill their mouths. They can also emit a piercing screech that usually forces their enemies into holding their ears in pain. Wretches.
Berserkers - Berserkers are the female of the Locust species, and are many times more animalistic then their male counterparts. They wear natural, rock like armor, which covers their entire body except for the neck and other joints, which are pure muscle. Their face is almost skeletal, with small, pupil-less eyes, having a bone-like mask on their heads, and are naturally blind. However, their sense of smell and hearing is greatly improved. Their bodies are massive; even larger then Boomers, Berserkers can reach 10 feet in height, and are almost completely muscle, unlike their Boomer counterparts. They do not use weapons, only using their massive strength, which is more then enough. A Berserker is completely immune to weak lasers and bullets, and can even withstand many tank shells before falling. The most effective way to kill a Berserker is to heat its armor to extreme temperatures before attacking, or to use only explosives. They are even known to kill other Locust to get to enemies, but are also very rarely encountered. Berserker.
Kantus - The Kantus are a lot like the Drones and other Locust, but are taller then the Drones, although dwarfed by the Boomers and Berserkers, they are thin and agile, the battlefield leaders of the Locust. They look almost exactly like their Drone counterparts, but have small dagger like teeth, are many times thinner, and are slightly taller. They wear light armor, which is the same red and black as the Theron Guards', and has the neck brace-like head dress on their shoulders and neck, as well as a Spartan-like helmet on their heads. They are the highest ranking Locust that accompany any major forces into battle. They are the strategic minds behind the Locust, and only defend themselves with machine pistols, which shoot in rapid bursts. Kantus.
Seeders - Seeders aren't actually Locust, but are rather the creatures that inhabit the same underground habitats the Locust do, and seem to aid the Locust without protest. They serve as the Locusts' anti-air units, firing Nemacysts into the air from their backsides, which are usually mistaken for their head, which is usually buried into the ground. They support themselves with 6 insect-like legs, and have armored bodies, all except their heads, which are protected by the dirt they bury themselves in. Seeders are almost completely immune to normal lasers and bullets, but can be killed by explosives and other high powered weapons. Seeder.
Nemacysts - Small, jellyfish like creatures that are covered in black liquid, which float in the air until a target appears, which they pursue and explode on contact. Nemacyst.
Reavers - Reavers are the most common mounted units of the Locust, and have large shark-like bodies, minus the tail, but instead of having legs or arms, they have many tentacle-like limbs on their body. Their heads, unlike sharks, don't end in a point, and instead are massive and just as large as their bodies, and have many glowing eyes, which are covered in armor, as is their entire body. Reavers have massive jaws, and a set of tentacles that have jagged spikes on them, able to bite and slash their enemies. Two Locust Drones or Theron Guards can ride a Reaver, with one commanding the creature, while the other operates a mounted turret on the creature's back. Standing on their many tentacles, a Reaver is around 15 feet tall, with a diameter of about 6-7 feet. They are able to withstand many shots before dying, but can be killed with normal weapons. A subspecies of Reavers, dubbed Hydras, are the same in basic appearance, but the Hydra is much larger in all dimensions, and is able to transport 4-5 Locust at once. These beasts are rarely seen. Reaver. Hydra.
Corpsers - Corpsers are one of the strongest, and one of the most fearsome of the Locust's units. Like the Seeders and Reavers, they are not actual Locusts, but instead are the creatures that aid the Locusts' cause without protest. The Corpsers walk on small, crab-like bodies, which have small insect like legs, but their chest and upper body differs greatly from their lower half. Corpsers have broad chests and a slightly humanoid head, with many, many eyes, and, as their most noticeable feature, have up to 8 massive spider-like appendages coming up from their backs, which they use to tunnel, attack, and even defend with. Corpsers are the most useful of the Locust units, being their main source of digging into the ground, as well as being fearsome enemies. A Corpser is heavily armored, but can be taken down with a barrage of armor piercing rounds or strong lasers, but all attacks are rendered ineffective if the Corpser uses its claws to shield its soft underbelly, the appendages able to withstand the strongest of explosives. Corpsers are around 45-50 feet tall, and are, like the other beast-like units of the Locust, armored both with metallic armor and natural armor, the most notable being the helmet like armor they wear on their heads. Corpser.
Brumak - The Brumaks are yet another massive Locust unit, and aren't Locust themselves either. They are therapod in stance and body structure, with a humanoid like head, like the Corpsers, and have many eyes. They have massive arms and a hunched back, which carries a large "backpack", which is actually a massive energy cannon, as well as a transport. Brumaks can transport 4-5 Locust, not including the pilot, who is positioned on the Brumak's neck. Brumaks are about 39 feet tall, but are much stronger then any other Locust unit, even the Corpsers lack the physical strength Brumaks have. On their arms, they have wrist machine guns, which fire armor piercing rounds at enemies, and are controlled by the Brumak itself. As with other beast units, it wears metallic armor and natural armor, and wears a helmet similar to a Corpser's.Brumak
Tickers - Tickers are one of the most effective Locust units, and are only about 2-3 feet long, and about a foot or 2 in diameter. They scuttle around on small crab like legs, and have two "arms" at their front, but never actually attack with them. Instead, they carry powerful bombs on their backs, which are actually in their skin, despite being metal and not a natural addition. Tickers are simply suicide bombers; they explode if shot, and will detonate themselves if they are near enemies via two small openings that shoot tiny jets of flames, which are enough to set off their explosive backsides. Ticker.


Name: General RAAM
Gender: Male
Species: Locust Drone
Description: Has the white skin of a drone, and the same body structure, with black Theron Guard armor, but lacks a helmet. RAAM is also slightly taller then a normal Drone or Theron Guard. General RAAM.
Unique Traits: Smarter then average Locust Drones or Theron Guards, and is the only being in the galaxy, Locust or otherwise, to control the terrifying Kyrll, which swarm around him as a shield and weapon.
Tech: Heavy Theron Guard Armor, Boomshot Grenade Launcher, Mini-Gun.
Homeworld: Sera
Bio: RAAM was the example of a terrifying advancement in Locust society. He was once, amazingly, a simple Drone in the Locust army, and quickly advanced to the Theron Guard, and eventually became one of the only Generals, higher in rank then even the Kantus. RAAM is a savage Locust, having no mercy to the foes he fights, and his terrifying appearance and reputation is once again reinforced by his most amazing weapon: A group of Kyrll under his control via pheramones. RAAM is not the leader of the Locust, however, that leader is still unknown, but RAAM's one of the most feared of the Locust, even more feared then the Brumak and Corpsers...

Name: Skorge
Gender: Male
Species: Locust Kantus
Description: The size of a normal Kantus, but instead of the Theron Guard-like armor, he only has a helmet and body armor, with many open parts of the armor. He also has the Locust equivalent of dreadlocks. Skorge.
Unique Traits: Advanced training in melee and ranged combat.
Tech: A Machine Pistol, and a double sided Chainsaw Staff.
Homeworld: Sera
Bio: Skorge is the leader of the Kantus Priests, and as such is even higher in rank than RAAM, though he leads a different part of the Locust army, commanding the Kantus as well as accompanying an army when a major attack was issued. Skorge's origins are largely unknown, but few have seen him and were able to live to tell about it. Unlike most Locust, Skorge relies on blinding speed rather than strong armor to destroy his foes, able to chop apart tanks with his chainsaw staff, which is one of the most feared weapons among the Locust. He is one of the few Locust to ride a Hydra into battle.

Individual Characters

Name: Organism 9672 Nicknamed "O-RLY" (Organism-Rarely Landbased Yzumzi)
Gender: Unknown
Species: Yzumzi
Description: Enormous, small-planet sized creature, has a squarish head, with ridges going up from its nose to its forehead, a hunched back, and long tentacles coming out of its chest. Has two massive, two toe feet on enourmous legs, usually a dull white color, black stripes going across its back, head, and tail. Large mouth, capable of expanding to an even larger size if needed. Has an enourmous, wide tail with plates running down in, making it ridged. Has deep, pupil-less black eyes. Arms and tenticles are tucked close to body as it moves through space.
Unique Traits: Can (And does) live in space, can fire a beam of white hot energy from its mouth, stored from the molten energy consumed from draining planets, can release small parasites that can infect lifeforms.
Tech: None.
Homeworld: Space (Though originated from an unknown planet).
Bio: A creature of monstrous size, it originated from a far away planet, who were constructing creatures of their own, trying to make the perfect combat animal, cheaply made and effective in battle. Out of the thousands of failed experiments, O-RLY was launched into space like the rest, but unlike its failed counterparts, it was pulled into the void of a black hole, and was eventually expelled from a white hole, staggering amounts of radiation and mutation occurring in the process. Now it wanders the void of space, feeding off of planets' geothermal energy, which it needs to survive. But like a snake, after a feeding, it will not feed for an extended period of time. It uses its main tentacles, two enourmous appendages acting as arms, to suck the energy from the planets, turning them into lifeless husks.

Name: Omega
Gender: Male
Species: Yautja
Description: Wears typical Yautja armor, his mask scarred and scratched from various fights, showing his experience. He is only a Hunter (Status in the clan, that is), but an experienced one at that.
Unique traits: Skilled using both melee and ranged weaponry.
Tech: All of the equipment other Yautja use, including a vial of blue liquid used to disintegrate bodies, if he doesn't want to be found while invading a planet.
Homeworld: Yautja Homeworld
Bio: A typical Yautja Hunter, he has hunted both by himself and with others of his kind, bringing back many trophies from his hunts. He is ranked as a normal Hunter, but has been on many hunts in his lifetime, which earns him some respect over the younger Hunters.

Name: Mal'Ganis
Gender: Male
Species: Zabrak (Darth Maul's Species)
Description: A normal looking Zabrak, Mal'Ganis has shoulder length black hair starting below the "horns" on his head, the horns being a trait every Zabrak has. He usually wears a dark gray robe with a hood, using said hood to hide his features, usually looked upon as evil or an enemy.
Unique Traits: Mastered the art of lightsabers, as well as the Force. Can also talk his way out've many situations.
Tech: Dual-phase double bladed lightsaber (Dual-phase meaning the beams are alot longer then normal, and double bladed meaning the saber extends on both ends)
Homeworld: Iridonia (Zabrak Homeworld)
Bio: A loner, a wanderer, Mal'Ganis drifts from planet to planet, searching for something, but doesn't know what. His entire family and tribe are dead, but because of his kind's reputation, he has been attacked many times without reason, which is why he usually wears a hood to disguise himself as a human. His skin is a reddish color, though, he is a Jedi, not a Sith. His lightsaber is one of the rarest and most difficult sabers, but he has managed to master the massive laser weapon, but usually talks his way out've situations before they get violent.

Name: Leviathan
Gender: Genderless (Though referred to as a "he")
Species: Tyranid Carnifex
Unique Traits: Immense strength, massive scythe-like appendages, very thick natural armor, ruthless, yet intelligent.
Tech: None
Homeworld: Unknown
Bio: Leviathan is simply a Carnifex within the Tyranids' enormous hordes. Having experienced many battles, Leviathan is very skilled in combat.

Name: Known as "The Doom of Malan'tai".
Gender: Genderless, but referred to as a male.
Species: Tyranid Zoanthrope
Description: Typical Zoanthrope, but with a spine-like growth along its back and extending onto its skull, resembling a hood. The spine crackles with energy.
Unique Traits: Psychic powers of a Zoanthrope, with the ability to consume its slain enemies' "souls"; feeding on the life energies of the slain.
Homeworld: Unknown.
Bio: The Doom of Malan'tai is a creature only whispered among the eldest of galactic historians. It got its namesake from the very first Tyranid incursion in the galaxy, against an ancient, extinct race few know about. Malan'tai stood as the capital of this ancient empire, a shining example of tranquility and power in perfect harmony. Far from the front lines, it served as a reinforcement point for the effort against the Tyranid Hive Fleet dubbed "Jormungandr", as well as a moral backbone of the empire. During the climactic battle that led to the undoing of Hive Fleet Jormungandr, one Hive Ship made a mad dash toward Malan'tai, the entirety of the ancient empire's forces focused on the frontier, letting the single wounded ship to pass through their defenses. Planetary defenses attacked the ship immediately, but in its death throes in launched its collection of spores toward the planet surface.

The planet's defenders were quick to respond, seeking out the deadly Carnifexs that would break apart their beautiful architecture, or the Venomthropes that would poison their civilians. But the true threat was cast aside: A strange Zoanthrope that landed in the most densely populated areas of the planet. This creature gorged itself on the souls of the helpless citizens, and by the time the defenders realized their mistake, it was far too late. Flesh, bone, and steel were but mere playthings to the creature. Many claim that the destruction of Malan'tai was brought on by this creature alone, all its invading brethren slain. The untouched jungle of the world was left barren and dead, its occupants wiped from the very universe they once ruled. Death by this creature was said to damn those killed for eternity, their souls in never ending torment. The creature has been seen only occasionally after this. But where ever it is seen, dread and fear follow. Although time has decayed the power the creature obtained from the ancient empire, fresh victims never cease to increase its tremendous power.
Last edited by TyrannoTitan on Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:11 pm, edited 14 times in total.

Postby Anaclagon » Mon Apr 21, 2008 5:10 pm

Native Name: Unknown...simply known as the "Predator Homeworld"
Enviroment: Very hot...desert like.
Reigons: Mostly all desert but they are several large cities
Dominant Spiecies: Yautja aka "Predator"
Technology level: Very high. The Yautja are a war like race. They travel around the galaxies hunting spieces of our sorts for their honor and trohies. They move around in their clans as they constantly move around hunting prey. To hunt their prey use a masssive ammount of highly powerful weaponry. From plasma firing Shoulder Cannons to the close range Wrist Blades, the Predators use a vast ammount of weapons. They travel around in simple ships large enough for one to several predators as they move around the galaxy to giant motherships that can possibly hold thousands..
Animal Life: Various ammount of animals that live through the dessert, many which are fierce and dangerous combatents.


Name: Simply known as Alpha real name Cetanu Bakuub
Gender: Male
Species: Yautja
Description: He looks like all of the other predators. His clothing consists of his red cape, a sign of his true status a Predator Clan Elder. Even a Predator Prince. His dark plasma forged armor make him look like a feared presence as his masterful hunting skills wear on. His helmet matches perfect with his armor. His helmet has rows of small spikes around the side with the top of it being covered in symbols that were incarved in, these symbols heavily indicate his status a Predator Elder. If anything about his personality he is a feared cunning warrior. Ruthless and merciless to his foes but does expreses honor, refusing to kill children or women or anything considered weak or cant defend itself. Any armed enemies are entirely treated differently..
Unique traits: A highly gifted, natural hunter and warrior. His skill with his personalized spear/glaive is well known and many can agree that his skill his unmatched. His mere presence often demands respect and honor to be given to him due to his high rank and skill. In other cases he is considered to be very charasmatic, taking up a leading poistion within the predator ranks. As an Elder he will share his knowledge with others and is willing to help others but with the actual fight itself he will not.

Tech: Alpha uses a variey of hunting weapons and tools in his hunt consisting off..

Glaive/Spear: This weapons is Alpha's signature weapon. This acid resistant plasma forged weapon is a truely savage weapon. This long bladed polearm has claimed countless lives. The Glaive consits of its main and large blades on both the front and the end of the polearm. Additional blades along the sids the main blade, 2 on each side were added. While smaller, they are just as deadly. Lightweight, this weapon often claims its victim as this weapon capable of slashing and thrusting leaves the dead in a brutal fashion. The main and large blades of the Spear/Glaive can easily take one's head off or chop of a wound or cleanly impale and screw a foe into the ground. In other cases, the plasma forged and very powerful blades that can slice a human in half.. Anything to have survived the blows often leave with large, devastating wounds and thats if they make it out alive..

Duel Shoulder Cannons: One of the Predator's signature weapons. Instead of one, Alpha uses 2 of these devasting weapons. This long range, rapid firing weapon fires bursts of plasma. Capable of firing on a lone or seperate targets the shoulder cannon can also be charged to put in more power into the weapon. However charged or not, a normal shot from even one of the Shoulder Cannons can kill a human in a single shot..

Wrist Blades: Another Predator signature weapon, these 18 inch acid resistant blades can slice and impale a human with relative ease as these plasma forged weapons are only used as a last resort or at extremely close range.

Shuriken: These retractable, bladed weapons can slice and impale humans into walls and such, a lone range weapon that can be stored in light weight small disks.

Whip: A long, medium and short range weapon that can be used to wrap around targets and rip them apart. These plasma forged and acid resistant weapon itself is light weight.

Speargun: Another long range weapon that fire spear like projectiles that work like a sniper riffle that can shoot itself right through a human's body at long range or even take one's head, pinning it to a wall..

Mask And armor: These acid resistant, plasma forged armor is Alpha's battle armor. These dark armor is capable of defending the predator from acid and projectiles. A red cape, another symbol of his status is equipped on him as well. His mask is used to hunt using its various hunting vision modes.

Other: Alpha uses multiple "bombs" these weapons such as fire bombs that can set a whole man on fire or EMP bombs that can be used to disable electic equipment.

Homeworld: The Predator Homeworld

Bio: As with most males of the predator society he was born into a life of a hunter. An all natural warrior, he has quickly risen the ranks giving him a massive ammount of worthy trophies. He has hunted in all sorts of planets and killed all types of species. Soon after years of fighting and hunting, Alpha became an Elder of his clan due to his immense skill and he still hasnt have enough of the "hunt" he still goes on with his clan...hunting, leading his clan and such. Now finding a new hunting ground, Alpha is now finding himself in a war torn galaxy where there are all sorts of dangerous prey...
Last edited by Anaclagon on Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Legendary Elite » Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:43 pm

Native Name: Sanghelios
Enviroment: A lot of forestry swampy areas but also has a number of capital cities. Sanghelios has mostly large landmasses but many of which are unknown.
Regions: Selone, the primary capital of Sanghelios. Iruiru, another region that is the home to the location called Yurma, a large war college where the Sangheili are trained, those who go to fight in the military.
Dominant Species: The Sangheili, also known as Covenant Elites are the dominant species of the planet, hence the planet's name: Sanghelios but there are other creatures that coexist on the planet including a number of predatory creatures. The Sangheili are a bipedal race of reptillian creatures that are proud and fierce warriors, masters of all sorts of combat and have a passion that burns for it inside them. They are wise and even the most civil Sangheili is an expert of military. The sangheili stand at an average height of 8 feet and weigh up to 144 kilograms. Their weapon, the Energy Sword is wielded by only the highest ranking officers. An Elite's rank in the military is determined by his or her coloured armour. Go to here to learn more about the Sangheili: Sangheili
Technology level: Depending on level, I'd say extremely advanced, they have their own ships and fleets not to mention know a lot about war.
Animal life: Dracmogalas, a large lizard creature that is bipedal and extremely vicious and grow to a size of 20 metres. Yarcov, another lizard-like creature but are mostly livestock for the Sangheili. There are other creatures but not so known.

Name: Kepe'Kulom (just Kepe for short)
Gender: Male
Species: Sangheili
Description: See above.
Unique traits: He's a great General and tactician. But he's just like any self-respecting Sangheilian. In terms of physical features his eyes are dark green which is unusual considering most elites have black eyes. As far as personality goes, he can at times always suspect the first thing that comes to him and that makes him behave rationally at times, other than that he demands total authority of his elites and respects them as if they were his family and would rather not waste them in battle worthlessly and will save those he can save if not all of his troops. He is a kind Elite but will get angered quickly but does have patience if necessary.
Tech: During battle he wields the mighty Energy Sword and uses it with a passion. He also will use a Covenant Carbine as his other favourite for it being a medium ranged weapon but is happy with Plasma Rifles.
Homeworld: Sanghelios.
Bio: Kepe'Kulom was like all male Sangheili, destined for joining the military which was the Covenant on High Charity, the Prophet's homeworld (search up on the link relating to "Sangheili" and look up "Prophets" as well as anything else you want to know about the Halo Universe, Halopedia has it) and in doing so aided in many wars against the humans and after slaughtering many his rank went up (Elite's ranks are determined by the number of kills they make) and was greatful for when he reached the rank of Ultra where he wielded the mighty energy sword for the first time. However, the Prophets betrayal really hurt him especially when his friends were the first to be slaughtered by the Brutes (once again, look up Halopedia on "Brutes) but also it made him begin to trust the humans who the Sangheili allianced with. He lead a full-fledged assault in High Charity, rallying up allies and a number of the Councilors, He eventually got them to escape in Phantoms as the Flood had arrived in High Charity. They then flew into Kepe's capital ship and commanding the rest of his surviving fleet, escaped to their homeworld. Upon his return he was promoted to the rank of Zealot as a Field Master, allowing him total command on the battlefield but as of this moment he is a Fleet Commander as his fleet lost their commander to a Brute Chieftain that killed him with a Gravity Hammer. Since then he has been a proud general. He knows that if the Brutes dare try to destroy his homeworld he will eradicate them all. Being a Zealot he has scars from his battles and many of which are permanent including a large wound on his left kneecap from a close encounter with a Scorpion Tank shell during one of his many assaults on human planets. He was not involved with the atrocities that took place on the planet Reach but he did run into Spartans at one point, a battle that he nearly died in but his squad managed to hold. As far as anscestry goes, one of his forefathers was the Arbiter that was involved in the war called "The Taming of the Hunters". The rest of his family is made up of militants and healers that most female elites do for the military using special plants. Kepe as of this moment, though not a Fleet Commander leads his fleet under the main Sanghelian fleet which is under command by the Imperial Admiral, the highest rank in Elite military. Being a General though his armour is gold and is pure combat to the full like all elites in military (excluding SpecOps and other sub-classes).
Last edited by Legendary Elite on Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Space E War Profile Topic.

Postby Iceking » Sun May 18, 2008 2:53 am

enviorment:It is somehwat swampy and has many mountains. There are also grasslands, but they divide the swamps form each other. There are lakes not far form the swaps and the lakes lead to rivers that aventually lead to the ocena of the planet.
Regions:Darkness swamp: a swamp with darkish waters and the aquatic animals that live in it have evolved lights of their own, somehwat similair to creatures of earth like the angler fish.
Dominant species:The black arms. THey are an alien race that are known for their crimson and black skin, giving them their name. They come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, but they are evil beings with no regard for other races, seeing themselves as the ultimate power.
Technology level:THough not as smart as predators, the black arms are smart enough to make their own laser guns, swords and armour. They also have guns that fire powerful explosives, their version of a rocket launcher. They have constructed bases on their planet, but they aren't as large as some such as the galatic empire might get. THey have telekinetic powers as well, but only the strongest ones have them.
Animal life:Large fish that resemble moray eels, but with lights that draw in small fish so that they cna be caught and eaten, Large sharks that live in the rivers that look like bullsharks, Large wormlike creatures that can burrow through the ground, deer like creatures and large wasp like creatures the size of a cat.

Name:Black doom
Description:He has a head with a lower jaw and two mandibles on it. His skin is black and crimson like the rest of his species. He also has a pair of wings that are crimson and black. He has two horns on the side of his head that point sideways and tyrannosaurus rex like feet. His tail is raptor like and he has a single eye on his head, making him look like a gargoyle and a cyclops with dinosaur features.
Tech:He does not use tech much and even then, only uses a laser gun or sword. He has telekinetic powers and as such, can lift things that are about the size of a baby elephant, can communicate with others telekinteically and can fly. He can also use his claws, tail and teeth for fighting.
Bio:Black doom is the leader of the black arms. Personality wise, He is calm, cold and cruel. He does not tolerat failure, no matter how hard the prder he gives may be. He considers himself to be the most supreme being in the universe and considers humans as pathetic beings to feed himself and his species.

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Postby Zephyr » Mon May 19, 2008 12:39 pm

Native Name: None
ID'ed as Wraith Homeworld
Environment: Earth like in most respects wit the exception of a lack of deserts and more forests.

Forests: covering majority of land on the planet
Deserts: minimal along the equator
Oceans: small seas really just dotting the planet
Dominant species: Wraith
Technology: Very high, but as a vampiric race turn technology capable of killing into technology that is meant for incapacitating victims.
Animal life: Mind controlling fungus like plants, small spider like creatures that have the wraith ability to leech a victims life force, a giant sea serpent and whales, earthlike fauna.

Name: Wraith
Description: Warriors are muscular and sturdy but faces are hidden behind mask like helmets. Wraith officers and queens have jagged teeth. All Wraith have a vampiric like ability to sap a beings life force. They all a white, long hair with the exception of queens which can have basically any known hair color.
Diet: Life Force
Natural abilities: sturdy and tough to kill and even harder depending on how recently they have fed for it heals them. Absorbing life force through a slit in the palm of their hand. Superior strength and prowess. Also have a minor ability to make non-wraith see things that arent there.
Technology: majority of there weapons provided in battles are designed for incapacitation; stun rifles, stun guns for example. Officers will soemtimes carry intricately designed swords or simply fight bare handed in hopes of leeching their foes life. Swords made from an impossibly rare metal called Orichalcum which is literally indestructible and light weight. Wraith Hive ships are a plague on the galaxy. The ZPMs that power them make them formidable with great power and protection capable of lasting for centuries powering a ships systems 100% for the entire period. Small football shaped projectiles called Drones are fired and controlled by the mind of the gunner and has the destructive force of a nuke. Particle cannons add to an already powerful but lack of variety, set of weaponry.

Name: Tyldak
Gender: Male
Species: Wraith
Description: Pale green skin with long straight white hair. Black uniform and orange eyes.
Unique traits: Great melee prowess and strength and great deal opf patience and discipline
Tech: Stun pistol, Officer sword
Bio:superior melee talents has allowed him to reach his high ranking officer position and he leads many battles carring a stun pistol and his finely crafted sword.
History: He was in the war that was believed to have destroyed the Atlantean race was and for all. He led the army that stormed the great palace and wiped out all who they could find. Now they search the galaxy for new feeding grounds.
Last edited by Zephyr on Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Doc 42 » Sat May 24, 2008 12:07 am

Due to a recent increidibly frustrating mistake, i'm making my own post for my profiles.


Native Name: Charon
Enviroment: Arid-light jungle. Geographically extreme.
Charon is the only planet in the Tekandrova A/B system.
Tekandrova is exceptional in being a twin star system, however, it is unique in that both Tekandrova A and B have long since gone Supernova.
Both black holes orbit each other, swinging past each other eternally getting closer and closer.

Through cosmic coincidence, Charon's orbit keeps it from being sucked into either blackhole eternally. It travels inbetween the two black holes as they pass each other, but by the time they reach the apex of their swing, Charon reaches the far end of it's current black hole. It rapidly falls into the black hole, but before it reaches the horizon line, the combined momentum of it's orbit around the black hole, and the black holes acceleration towards it's partner ends up slinging Charon too close to it's neighbour, and it starts the cycle again, going around the other black hole.

As such, Charon eternally rings around them in a figure of eight, coming a few thousand kilometres away from total obliteration regularly throughout it's erratic year.

Light on Charon is provided by what is essentially a fire ball. A super dense mass of gas and rock orbits around Charon lazily, held in place by the conflicting gravitational pulls. Interestingly, when it is facing off into space, away from both Charon and it's parent singularities, it collects more fuel from the matter being dragged towards the two dying suns. Essentially, it burns with renewed vigour every day.

Regions: Entire planet is covered in extremes. mostly, it is an arid somewhat dusty planet but with heavy jungles sprouting up in parts, mainly in the mountainous areas. The geography of the planet is twisted beyond belief in some regions. the tug of war pull of gravity between Tekandrova A and B have elongated the planet, however, it does not experience the seasons of other tilted planets, as it's source of light, or 'sun' orbits it, instead of the other way around. Charon has no recognisable poles.

Charon also holds a drone facility. The facility is largely docile and does not interfere with the eco system. It does monitor Tekandrova A and B, and the interesting nature of Charon as being almost completely undectable. It is unclear how the facilty arrived on Charon, as it is extremely difficult to land on the planet, and almost impossible to escape it.

in some regions of the planet, huge towering pillars of rock have sprouted up, mountains twisted out of shape by close call incidents with Tekandrova.

Dominant Species: Raka-anra
Technology level: Primal/Scavanging
Animal life: Paka-anra, Darma-anra, four legged mammal life, diverse birds, small oceanic life forms.

name: Paka-anra
Description: Essentially large ants, with up to 8 limbs. Fore limbs have hands with opposable thumbs.
Diet: Omnivorous
natural abilites: Co-operation, gene growths, opposable thumbs
history: The Paka-anra are quite intelligent, working in large colony groups. They can cultivate plants and coloneys often form a symbiotic relationship with their habitat. Depending on one's inclination, the Paka-anra are either domesticated by the more aggressive Raka-anra or enslaved.

The Raka-anra allow the Paka-anra to thrive where in certain areas, allowing them to cultivate areas to grow food. Paka-anra are much more capable of defending important plant life from other predators than the Raka-anra, so the Raka leave them mostly alone so that they can exploit the abbundance of food themselves. The Raka-anra also prey on the Paka-anra, often raiding colonys, capturing and killing and bringing their prey home as for food. The Raka-anra some times take larve as well, to intentionally create a new Paka-anra colony or to 'domesticate' some Paka-anra for a particular task (When domesticated Paka-anra have served their purpose, they are usually devoured.)

While intelligent as far as animal life is concerned, and considered sentient by some, the Paka-anra consider this relationship as the natural course of life. The death of a worker is nothing to the colony as a whole. While the Raka-anra benefit much more than the Paka-anra in the long run, the Paka do recieve some benefit in protection from predators. While the Raka do inflict many casualties on the colony, it is still able to grow. If the Raka were to ignore a Paka colony, it is very possible that a larger predator would arrive with no concept of preserving balance and completely decimate the colony.

The Paka-anra is separated into the usual castes of workers and warriors

name: Darma-anra
Discription: Huge predatory beetle like creatures
Diet: Carnivorous

name: Raka-anra
Description: The Raka-anra generally resemble Hornets, but every caste is different.

Your typical Raka-Anra is about 4 metres long and one and half metres tall when low to the ground. Colours vary from yellow and black to red and black or to pure black.

Not shown in pictures:

The Raka-Anra have extremely long legs, and when 'standing' at their tallest, can be over 3 metres tall. Their limbs are much stronger than the hornet pictures shown here, and longer too. In addition, the Raka-anra's limbs end in varying graspers or tools depending on their caste. (eg: scythes, or claws)

Unlike hornets, the Raka Anra generally stand half way through flat to the ground and full height, keeping their leg's bent in a cage like stance.

Raka-Anra hold 2 pairs of wings for a total of four. While they fold next to each other while idle, in flight, the wings operate in opposite pairs, making them extremely manoeuvrable.

Raka-Anra have two smaller limbs close to their chest, which are unnoticeable most of the time. They can hold cargo with these, keeping their main limbs free to work or fight.

Raka-Anra also bare a number of 'bond-points' along their body, generally on their shoulders or chests. More will be explained under Castes.

Diet: Omnivorous

natural abilities: Explained further under 'Castes'
Commonly, Raka-anra are armed with powerful stingers full of nuero toxin, strong limbs, hard carapace and powerful wings.

Most (but not all) Raka-anra have inner proboscis which they can use to probe other creatures. This violent procedure allows them to absorb their targets knowledge. Being already quite intelligent, they can instantly put this knoweledge to use. For instance, they could learn an alien language and speak it effectively. (however, emotions would be muddled up and would not make sense to most native speakers)

History-sociality description: The Raka-Anra race is an accomplished species of startling intelligence given it's primal status. Thousands of years ago, they spread over their entire planet. Every Raka-anra queen is linked telepathically and as such, the species is completely unified. Being highly resourceful, they domesticated the Paka-anra, careful not to damage the population when feeding. The Raka-Anra live in hive structures, colonies of individuals working together, generally in underground networks. Hives can be small or impossibly large, depending on their environment and diet.

The Raka-anra are odd in their aggressiveness. As a race, they could sustainably expand without any conflict. They can spread to other planets through long range spores and their bizare form of space travel, all based around their appocolyptic parents, Tekandrova A and B. However, they are drawn to hunting and subjugating other species, using them in some way. One of the contributing factors to the Raka-anra's fast evolution is that a hive won't simply sit still. Individuals constantly explore, often nomadically, only returning when they have found something useful to the hive. In the case of other races, often huge wars could be fought with massive loss of life, with very few Raka-anra surviving and returning to their hives. However, each of those Raka-anra will bare the knowledge gained by the entire swarm, information which will greatly benefit the Hive.

This occurs even when the Hive needs no improvements. It is a thing of honour, a Bee with no contribution to society is a Bee without worth. Raka-Anra which have yet to complete this rite are often referred to as drones. After their return, they gain elevated status, for example, a warrior drone might become a Thinker Bee on it's return. Elevated Bee's will often take part in invasionary forces to instruct and augment the local forces.

A Raka-anra invasion will generally start with a scout. The scout carries hundreds of eggs and can inject them into any number of organisms, which will hatch rapidly, feeding on their hosts and growing swiftly. Within a week or two, a whole hive of Raka-anra can have formed. The scout can release a signal which will call it's home hive (on an interplanetary scale) to mark the planet as a target. The hive will often dispatch spores to help with colonisation. However, the 'insurgency' will not be able to properly communicate with the other Hives until they produce or recieve their own Queen. An insurgency can rapidly intensify and explode beyond containment during this period, as the Hive experiences rapid advance to match the maturity of other Hives.

Currently the Raka-Anra inhabbit over 7 planets, all in different systems.

The Raka-Anra are split into numerous Castes, with hundreds of variations. Essentially, there are three main castes of Raka-anra. Augmentals, Bee's and finally Tyrants.
Augmentals are small and serve a single purpose generally. Bee's are your typical Raka-anra, such as warriors and workers, and then Tyrants consist of Queens and the such.
However, not only do each of these castes have their own variations, but they can connect together into colonies of organisms operating with a single purpose. Generally, Augmentals will form symbiotic colonies with Bees and Tyrants. (Imagine a Portuguese Man-o-War on a much smaller scale and with a single host creature)

This is partially the explanation behind the huge amount of castes. When an Augmental bonds to a Bee, it changes it's genetic make up. Originally, many of the worker's vital organs were augmentals, eventually replacing the original ones throughout the centuries. Through this, the Raka-anra race evolves rapidly, combining natural selection with self determination and cutting reproduction out of the loop entirely. Raka-anra reproduction serves no purpose other than to bolster numbers. An interesting result of this is that the Raka-anra don't decline if for some reason bad genes survive, as with other species.

Scientifically (or as scientific as I can get), when a Raka-anra individual bonds with an augmental or another caste, both organisms copy each other's genetic code. Workers for instance, would bond with an augmental organism capable of breathing Sulphur dioxide. The worker could then work in Sulfer environments by letting the augmental breath for it, forming a symbiotic relationship. The hive's queen will continuously produce new workers, but to speed the process up, it produces the worker with it's augmental simultaneously, as the worker/sulphur augmental combination has proven itself successful. By maintaining a link with it's various subjects, the Queen will take note of what organs have failed (from lack of use, for example) and phase these out of new generations, thus, permanently mutating the caste to specialise in working in those particular environments.

To prevent cluttering my already cluttered post, I'm going to create a second topic dedicated to the Raka-anra castes.

Name: Black Fire (originated from the Black Earth colony)
Gender: N/A referred to as 'she' considering it's carrying young
Species: Raka-anra, Scout Caste
Discription: Looks like a typical Raka-Anra bee. Black base with, dark red stripes.
Unique traits: Can meld with it's surroundings, camouflaging itself and mimicking normal readings
Armed with a dart-wasp augmental, uniquely designed to inject potent neuro toxin, for paralysing prey. attached to shoulder bond points
Web-spinner augmental, for trapping and holding prey, attached to fore limb bond points
Several other augmentals for surviving in various environments.
Tech: (Any items/tools/weapons your character uses often)
Homeworld: Black Earth
Bio: A new Scout. History will be written when it has been made.


Native Name: Maricas
Temperate zone: (located near the equator) A mild area, mostly covered in forests and rocky cliffs, densely populated
The Plains: A huge section of the planet which used to be a desert. A climatic shift brought on by an asteroid strikeing the planet hundreads of years ago has slowly changed into a much more habitable area, plain like area. There is a diverse range of species living there...
Artic: Near the planets south pole, where the asteroid hit. The crater was so huge that the sun never directly shines into it due to the rims size. Inside it is extremely icy with many frozen lakes and very few animals.
Dominant Species: Humans
Technology level: Very High, the people of Maricas use complex technology often in every day life and in combat
Animal life: large 6 legged spider like herbivores are the most common sights, most predators are either birds or two legged, dinosaur style pack hunters. Gigantic beatle like creatures inhabit the planet aswell. These extremely dangerous creatures are thankfully extremely rare.
Very little sea life. The Ocean is extremely cold

Native name: Ka-Rol
Enviroment: Very moist Atmosphere, much more oxygen than normal, meaning life is significantly larger and generally angrier Razz
Regions: The whole planet is covered in massive trees. It is swampy all over cuaseing almost permanent dense fog.
Mountains: A large ring of volcanos and the most habitable part of the planet, Only 3 active volcanos here, the rest are extinct
Dominant Species: The Koult
Technology level: High
Animals life: Mostly large insects and birds, Top of the food chain are 3 meter long Dragonflies named Swamp Skippers

Im assumeing that everyone knows what a human is, so I wont bother writeing a lengthly discription of them

name: Koult
Discription (A rough veiw of what most of them look like): The Koultians are a race of bipedal, blueish wolf like creatures. They have lots of fur over their bodies and thus, only wear light cloaks for clothing. They have 8 fingers on each hand, perfect for climbing and for crafting objects, however, not so perfect for useing said objects.
Diet: Omnivore
natural abilites: extremely fast and agile runners, well capable of traverseing both mountainous and their native swamp like terrain.
history: In earlier years, the Koult fought many wars over everything from fertile land to rocky plattoues, even religious reasons. Whenever a new peice of technologoy was created, there was always someone who opposed its moral values. It was only after a strange metal structure crashed into their capital city that they realised technologys full poitential. Their forays into space had mostly been attriubted to finding out more about their planet but the this... Probes arrival told them that there was infact life out there that was exploreing space. when these ideas spread around, everyone had a different idea of what it would mean for them. Some thought it ment more land, therefore, it was pointless fighting for land on their homeworld. Others thought they would be able to do what ever the hell they wanted on these other planets, so quickly public favor powerd technology ahead and within 20 years, first contact was established. A bunch of strange ape like creatures had arrived in a smallish shuttle, traded some stuff with a small villiage and then left. Nearly 40 years after that, Space became a much more controversal thing. A bunch of Koultian buissness moguls had the idea of stripping asteoirds of their minerals and taking them back home. When the mineing team arrived, they found a group of humans already there, mineing away. One thing led to another, and out of both suprise, shock and mis comunication, one of the koultian ships was destroyed, blown apart by the humans mineing weapons. The other ship managed to flee, but left many koultians stranded on the aseteriod, who were blind with revenge, wanting to slaughter the humans. The Koultian Council exploded with rage. Nobody knew what was going to happen after that. When long range telescopes spotted over 30 human ships heading towards Ko-roll, it was thought that the Koultians first inter-steller neogeotions were about to take place. A week later, the Koultian capital city, Calara, was in absalout chaos. old exploration ships were being quickly transformed into make shift battle cruisers for what was surely going to be armageddon. On closer inspection, massive weapons could be seen mounted on the human ships, the formation in which they flew through space was identifyed as perfect for invasion. The Koultian armadas orders were not to fire the first shot. The enemy had to prove hostile first. The battle was quick and decisive. To the Koultians great suprise, the humans communicated perfectly with them. A single human ship landed on the borders of Calara and thats when things went screwy. The Humans were obviously prepared for the worst, instead of strange ape like suits, they looked more like machines, thick armoured suits with all sorts of dangerous weapons built into their arms.
The koultians had guns that fired thick barbs and were armed with spears. These seemed as effective as sticks in light of the humans weapons and armour. It was this that most likely led to the first shot being fired. What started out as a simple greeting ended up into a fire fight in which both civillians and Koultian guard were slaughtered. The humans armour turned out not to be as spear proof as hoped and casualitys on both sides were staggeringly high. The second news got out about the fighting, both the human and koultian armadas immeidiately opened fire on one another, their weapons decimateing eachothers ships within a day.....

Now, nearly 47 years later, the fight continues.....

Name: Alex Haroween (Har-ho-When)
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Discription: A tall man with short brown hair. He has a scar running down his cheek. He usually wears a black tank top and jeans. He always has a pair of sun goggles with him, though he rarely uses them.
Unique traits: He is very skilled in hand to hand combat and is an able pilot
Tech: His personal Combat suit is completely jet black and has an intergrated jetpack on its back. It has a cheap targeting system meaning it can be hard to land shots on fast moving targets. He uses a rather simple assault rifle, mainly because he cant get his hands on a better weapon.
Along with the rest of his mercs, he travels aboard The Arrow. A small and fast ship with not much weapons or armour. With a crew of 6, they dont have the man power to pilot a larger ship. When under attack (or when attacking) the ship can deploy two smaller fighters.
Homeworld: Maricas
Bio: Alex is a mercineary captain, in charge of the 'Supernova' Free company. At least thats what he calls it. Others would more to brand him with the label of a pirate and a murderer. Richer folk would refer to him as a 'nesscessairy part of life'
History: Despite that a war is going on with Koultian forces and the human armada clashing on various planets seperateing maricas and ka-roll, many people hadn't let go of their original plans. Those plans mostly revolved around money, where money was involved, greed was involved, where greed was involved, people like Alex were in high demand....

Name: Martain Highlander
Gender: Male
Species: Human, Marican
Discription: Tall man, rarely seen without camoflauge on, even when inside his own ship. His hair is usually dark brown with dark streaks of green in it. He never really goes anywhere with out Olive Darb face paint.
Unique traits: Scar across his cheek, received during sparring, in training.
A Scout class predator combat suit, designed for both planetary and spacecraft warfare. The suit's armour is clamped on rather than straped to maintain its interior status independant of the outside world.
All life support and mechanical systems are housed inside his backpack while targeting and communications systems are in his helmet.
Suit's default camoflauge is set for Jungle terrain but can be changed at any time. Has a red, line shaped visor with a built in HUD. Jump jets are built into the back pack and heels for movement in zero Gravity.
In-built weapons include a wrist rocket launcher and smoke grenades.

He ussually carries an assault rifle with him, loaded with ammunition for dealing with armoured and unarmoured targets.
He has a silenced pistol as a side arm. His final back up weapon is a vibro blade knife, capable of stabbing through tough armour and sliceing through most weaker armours.
Homeworld: Maricas
Bio: Martain joined the Marican military when he was 23 and has been in service ever since. As with most soilders of his catagory, his physical abilities have been mastered and are extroidinary even without the enhancments of his suit. With his suit's enhancments they become almost inhuman. He is captain of a Marican foreward scout craft with a crew of 4 others. The crew consists of an enginier, a pilot, a fighter pilot and another soilder. Their missions mostly involve keeping law and order amongst the more bloodthirsty colonies but with recent conflicts they have been transfered to active front line combat operations.
Personality wise he is usually a quiet and suspeicious man. He has seen alot of action in the military and many beleive that its starting to affect him. These beleifs are compounded upon finding him geared up for combat on daily basis inside their own ship.

The Minds
note: All minds have the magical (for lack of a better term) ability to manipulate digital information even without a logical connection or processor.

Name: Ark-aran (meaning 'The Builder')
Gender: None, but essentially male
Species: Sentinent Artificialy Inteligent Machine. Aka: A Mind
Discription: Ark-aran is merely a program. He has no physical presence. However, the program must be constantly running for his life to be sustained and needs something to be mounted on. As with all Super Drones, he is physically represented as a cube, resideing within the Superdrones main system core which is connected to the rest of the ship. However, he is capeable of spreading to nearly any digital machine capeable of holding him. This makes it extremely hard to completely destroy him as he can hold inactive copies of himself within other machines. However, once created these copies cannot be updated. Any experiance or knowledge he gains after makeing them wont be present in the copy.
Unique traits: Ark-aran was originally designed as both a mass repair and production controller. His purpose was to build and repair other drones in mass quantity and while on the move. Since his Frames Destruction by the hands of a Koult commando raid, Marican production has been hindered severely.
Tech: When takeing over the systems of a machine, he automaticcly analizes everything on it and works out how each limb, tool or just function should be used. (eg: fireing a laser and activateing its targeting system, or createing a play list on an Ipod)
Homeworld: Ark-aran was developed on Maricas.
Bio: Ark-aran, along with the other 8 super drones within the Marican fist were designed to be the ultimate War reaction force. The Tarantulla Class Super drones (eg: Climterix and the super drone that the imperials destroyed) were to be the general fighting force strong points. There was a different Super Drone known as the Cypher which was a fast reaction weapon, capeable of decimateing enemy fleets in lone strikes. Cere'kan (meaning Hive Mind) Super Drone was basicly a communication and planning system that analiesed every single possible outcome of any possible action. Useing it the Marican forces were capeable of amazing feats of what seemed like luck. From manageing to sling shot a warhead around the galaxy into a target from manageing to deflect a planet off its orbit pateren into another planets path. Another Drone with the alias Myro (meaning a 'Shroud') Was designed for stealthily monitering anything to do with enemy communication, and even allied communication. It could foil most detection systems and form accurate ideas of the enemies perception of a conflict through analiseing the smallest bits of information. Two other Super drones known as the Ma'jal (deceivers) were spies, having extremely small frames and rarely used them. Unlike the other Super Drones, these were designed to act alone and largely independant of the others. They infiltrated an enemy society, useing mainly Cyber Warefare and manipulation rather than physical strength. Many rebellions and Civil Wars were largely orchestrated by one of the Ma'jal. Lastly, Ank'aran was the powerhouse of production behind all of these. Doubleing as a 'medic' of sorts. Ank'aran removed the need for building factories and bases as it was completely mobile and could easily be upgraded for different purposes.

This combination of semi-sentinent Ai's kept the Maricans in total dommination for a long time. Being able to detect conflicts before they began and avoid them just as easily. However, the obvious weakness of such a strong combination was that, if a key part of it failed, it could easily pancake down on the rest of the Marican forces. For an army based on being as liquid and adaptable as possible, communication and knowledge was the most vital component. When a virus of unknown origin back fired and completely currupted Cere'kan, the Marican war machine was halted in its tracks. They were thrown into confusion as they lost all contact with eachother. They were forced to move closer togethther and retreat on all fronts. The Koult, who up till now had been attemting to hold the Marican advance off useing blockades, took full advantage of the situation. When the Maricans should have just retreated completely, they were unwilling to let such a blow hinder them. As a result they attempted to halt what seemed like a Koult attempt at expansion. However, it was an ambush and one of the Cypher Super Drones was critically damaged, its Frame being completely crippled and lost into the nothing ness of space. After this loss, the Maricans did what they should have done in the first place and retreated back to their home world to reform their armed forces. Fortunately the Koult held off as they didn't want to attempt to tackle such a large concentration of Marican war machines and a stale mate begun with only minor skirmishes surfaceing every so often. In the following reform, Traces of the mysterious virus were found in every one of the Super Drone's mind cortexs. Its spread was quickly halted but never fully destroyed. After a long wait, the Maricans continued in pursuit of their previous goals. However, they made little progress. The force they hold now is only a shadow of the previous dominance created by the Super Drones. The Drones are still in wide use, but the Marican war machine is now dominated by Human inteligence, rather than machine. Admirals use the Super drones as they would anyother ship in combat. Tactical ships such as the Myro fell into menial tasks such as masking a fleets movement. Ank'aran particularly was reduced to a near stationary factory, churning out ships and repairing the damaged Tarantualla Class Drones who were now the power house of the Marican battle units.

Some Drones were never recovered after the Reform. Many small ships and cruisers were left isolated off in space, those of which that had human crews mainly landed on planets and tried to survive there. Any Drone ships merely hung in space, awaiting orders which would never come. Cere'kan, the drone responsible for the catastrophe was never found. After its curruption, it used the Myro to both hide itself and cripple the Marican infastructure. The Myro was thankfully reclaimed before it could its infestation could manifest itself with such disastrious conseqences as the Cere'kan's virus. One of the Ma'jals was lost into the infinety of space, unfortunately, well into a mission at the time of the accident.

Very Recently, the Koult attacked Ark'aran. During the battle with his Escorts, a commando team of Koult warriors landed onto his hull and managed to steal his Mind Cortex before detonateing the entire Frame. Only one Koult ship escaped the battle and Ank'aran now resides aboard it....

Name: Mei'dia aka: a Cypher
Gender: Referred to as Male
Species: Cybernetic entity, Mind
Discription: Varies- His normal Space Frame is an enourmous turtle like machine with telescopic limbs and many fold out parts for use in any situation. He uses a modified OWL spacefighter as his personal Frame
Unique traits: Mei'dia is the ultimate ambusher and fast strike soilder. He has a permanent database of every vehicle and species he has ever encountered. He can use this database to lethal effect in taking down targets. He also boots advanced diagonstic tools, able to determine the best course of action in moments
Tech: Varies
Homeworld: Was built on Maricas
Bio: -currently unavailible

Name: Marbh aka: a Majal
Gender: Referred to as Male
Species: Cybernetic Entity, Mind
Discription: Varies
Unique traits: Can manipulate digital information even easier than most, is the ultimate spy availible.
Tech: varies
Homeworld: was built on Maricas
Bio: -currently unavailible

Name: Eden-4
Gender: Referenced as Male
Species: *none* Cybernetic entity part of a rogue drone group with no established 'faction'
Discription: A large badly damaged seeder ship. Similar to a dragon fly in structure. Eden's main body and head are roughly intact, however, his cargo bay is completely crippled, the jagged wreckage forming a long tail leading out behind the ship. Several patches of make shift armour are visible around it's hull, where it conducted field repairs. The ships primary com's spire (a large structure on it's back) is destroyed, only a few pieces of tangled wreckage remaining.
Unique traits: Self Aware
Tech: Carried a full contingent of drones, however, only 4 primary engineer bots, 7 service bots, 16 Sentinels, 2 ARIS, a single OWL Gunship and Hawkmoth Dropship, and lastly a flanker class tripod, remain.
The ship's tactical missile launcher and main gun (Naval Pulse Ion-cannon)
Thrusters are damaged
Homeworld: Constructed in space and on the move within Swarm 1
Bio: Eden-4, a seeder ship en route to colonise a new planet, was ambushed by Koult marines far away from the primary war zone. Eden-4 fought with the Marines but was cripplied in the short battle. Since then, Eden-4 has been attempting to escape, the Koultian's in close pursuit. They have fought several minor skirmishes throughout their long chase, and Eden-4 managed to severely damage the Koultian's ship, resulting in a stalemate, where neither party has the confidence to engage the other head on. Eden-4 is at the biggest disadvantage. While it's armour and bulk give it extra staying power against the smaller Koult ship, a handful of commandos managed to board the seeder ship during one of the skirmishes and completely destroyed one of the drone pods, annihilating Eden-4's entire compliment of fighters. To add insult to injury, by the time the explosives detonated, the commandos had long since jetisonned into the vaccum of space, to be picked up by their own ship later.

Name: Thara
Gender: Male
Species: Koultian
Discription: Thara usually wears a brown tunic and the Koultian equivlent of shorts. He wears simple sandles and his fur is light grey. He has green eyes. He is well built and physically adept
Unique traits: None
Tech: customised 'Mako' Extreme Conditions suit with Clamp armour. It is the usual Koultian jet black The suit has a backpack which contains both the resources needed for its jets and a few of its controls, such as its full body regulator for keeping his body tempature stable. He has multi purpose propulsion jets attached to his ankles and just below his elbows on his arms. He also has a clip on the side of the backpack which he can attach a rifle or a similar weapon onto. The suits helmet is eliptical with Three different visor slides. The first slide is tinted green and acts as a sun shield and general air tight all environment protection cover. The second slide is blue, acting as a balistic shield for gunfights and the outtermost layer is basicly and extention of the suits with three red eye peices protrudeing from it. These are completely cybernetic. When The third slide is activated, Thara is relying completeingly on his suits sensors rather than his own. Various green quills stick out from the suit at different parts, both for show and as specilist sensors.
Homeworld: Dumpheys Backreach (Wasteland planet with three major City states)
Bio: Thara grew up in the city with an average Wasteland family. There really isn't anything special about his childhood. His life really took off the ground when he took up his career as a Freelancer. Aiding his skills as an escort to traders. He is a very talented scout and is adept at dealing with Extreme Environments. He is also a capeable star fighter pilot, though it depends on what ship he is flying.

Name: Joey Kong
Gender: Male
Species: Human-Marican
Discription: Short man with a young looking face and blonde hair. He has large blue eyes often giving him a suprised look.
Unique traits: None
Tech: An Invader class War Tripod.

Homeworld: Maricas
Bio: Joey is a rookie Invader pilot. He is just out of training and has been recently asigned to Sky Fire company. They are on their way to a planet resisting Marican progression as part of an assault team. Their mission is to touch down within an industrial city near the coast, take out several strategic targets before retreating out of the city via the sea and circleing around to target a Planetary cannon. Upon the cannon's destruction, they will be extracted out.


Invader Tripod
The War tripod's design was originally stolen from a redish planet in an unexplored solar system. After marican scientists had analised the great machine and its functions, they realised its designs poitential as a war machine. Soon after, the military begun designing their own version of the tripod. What they came up with was a large slanted cone shaped shell with over lapping armour plates held up on a gyro sprouting 3 enourmous telescopic legs with large square feet capeable of seperateing into 4 different parts for maneuvering over uneven ground.

The Invader has no visible eyes, but is equiped with two search lights which usually point towards where the pilot is looking. The tripod is designed to fold up into a compressed pod, hence the over lapping armour plates, these conceal both its weapons and its legs during transit from the atmosphere to the ground. Its weapons are based in pairs, held on tenticled arms to allow for full directional targeting. Its top two weapons are cylndrical in shape, its barrel split into 3 with a central cannon extrudeing out. the 3 different portions are almost always glowing white when the weapon is active. These are Ion cannons.

Weapons and systems

Marican Ion cannons work by ioniseing atoms in a line, when the line hits something, its entire surface is instantly ionised, however there is a limit to how much it can keep ionised at one point. When the weapon is fired, the ionised atoms are annihilated, explodeing in a white flash and burning any non ionised atoms around them with intense heat. the weapon uses chain reactions through the line it has originally cast out. the explosions speed along the line of ions like lightning down a wire. The result of this is a whiteish beam connecting the weapon with the target as the atmos explode and eventually the surface targeted lighting up and explodeing too.

The ion cannons are extremely useful against lightly armoured targets of any kind, esspeicially planes. Because once the target has been ionised, it doesnt matter where the weapon hits, the entire surface of the plane will be damaged, often detroying vital aerodynamics or destroying engines. It can be used in a varity of ways, some orbital ion cannons tag large portions of ground allowing them to selectively destroy targets over a wide area. The Invader mostly uses its ion cannons as either A) single shot weapons designed to cripple a single target or B) a continous beam, allowing large amounts of small targets to be hosed down, however, as the ions arent given a chance to spread out, is very ineffective against larger targets.

While being a very usefull weapon, it is rendered mostly useless against tough armour. The explosions triggered will not be enough to severely damage the armour leaving the only effect of the weapon being a small shallow crater in the armour.

Its next weapons look kind've like torches, with domed glowing faces giving off blue auras. They are Gamma-Ray projecticle cannons or Gpc's.
GPC's work by fireing out a consintrated burst of gamma rays along with a laser based pulse bullet. The result is a swirling ball of blue energy with the penetration power to tear through tough armour yet the explosive poitential to leave a tank as nothing more than flameing rubble. When fireing, the dome opens up into four parts and seems to release the projectile before closeing again. In reality, the dome is reflecting the gamma rays back in on itself, so when the dome opens, the projectile is expelled out.

The GPC's only apparent weakness is that the same tech used within it to keep the projectile contained can be used as a shield to deflect the projectile away. Many Marican nano shields, includeing ones mounted on the Invaders are fitted with this technology.

Its main weapon pair are dual Disintergrator repeater cannons. These weapons fire out disintergrator plasma, a substance which can melt through practically anything without losing momentum unless it hits tough armour, in which case it explodes. This makes it an extremely useful weapon against nano shields or lightly armoured vehicles, even infantary. The weapon is shaped like a large rifle with a long barrel. It has two firing modes, the first sends out large shots with an average rate of fire, good for dealing with vehicles, while the second splits the shots into four, firing them one after another, resulting in a storm of small shots. Excelent against infantary but largely useless against any sort of armour.

The Invader also has a missile module on the top of the 'cone.' These missiles are mainly designed for long range use against static targets, limiting the usefullness.

The only other tools on the Invader that could be classed as weapons are two tenticle like arms that hang down from its 'chin' These end on 4 clawed graspers and are used for carrying objects. Most of the time they are fully retracted though. In combat, their main use if for removing enemies attempting to cling to the Invaders shell if they get past its shields.

The Invaders Shields are its most important asset, not includeing its power core. Marican shield technology is not up to par with that of the Empire. They do not possess pure 'energy shields.' Instead, Marican nano shields are comrised of microscopic robots. When a Shield is activated, billions of these robots are released, forming a shell around whatever they are protecting. Most projectiles aimed at the Invader will hit the nano bots instead of the Invader. The sheer amount of nano bots make a direct hit nearly impossible.

Though, as you can imagine, the nano bots cant survive being hit by any sort of weapon and are instantly destroyed. A powerful laser will incinerate nano bots in their thousands, however, more are released in their place. Though once an Invaders supply of nano bots are depleted, holes will appear in the shield. The pilot can direct the nano bots to protect critical areas, leaving areas not in the line of fire exposed. The Invader can create nano bots quite easily within its shielding chamber, all it needs is the matter to do so. For long missions, pilots often collect wreckage with their graspers and used the metal to create more nano bots.

What makes a nano shield so effective is 'special-bots' these special bots can be given any sort of role depending on how they are built. Some are equiped with the technology used within GPC's, allowing them to deflect gpc shots. Others are designed to fly out past the rest of the shield, releasing shockwaves that will set off incoming explosives and missiles.

Invaders are equiped with both of these special bot types, but in small amount. The pilot must direct the shield for maximum effectiveness. He/she can direct it into incoming shots to blow them off course. In the case of the anti explosive shields, he must fire flares of them foreward towards incoming projecticles. Even if the explosion is close to the rest of the shield, the shockwave will deal very little damage to it, just merely displacing the nanobots.

Jr-10 (2nd Generation)

A curiously shaped craft, reflecting just how inhuman drone crafts are in comparison to their manned alternatives.. The JR-10's central body is shaped like a slightly elongated hexagon. Its main sensors are infact located on its arms and the top of its chasis, however, it bares three large eyes, two blue, one red purely for fear factor. The sides of the hexagon shape are larger than the centre and pulled back slightly with the ship's main thrusters located on their rear. On its central back, the JR-10 holds two missile silos. Next to this, it holds a drone hive (Hangers built for drones are referred to as drone hives because of their compact and cramped interior) on each shoulder, each hive housing 15 Sentinels and 2 OWL gunships, giving the JR-10 a fighter wing of 30 Sentinels and 4 OWL's. While the JR-10 is designed for space combat, it also holds a siege rack on its 'chin' for covering ground troops.

The Jr-10 is about 150 meters in diameter, counting its arms, 300 meters.

The JR-10 has six 'arms' mounted in groups of 3 on each side. Each arm is comprised of two moving parts, with thrusters mounted on its elbows.

The JR-10 is armed with two different sensor arrays. A radial array and a directional one. The radial array has a diameter range of 1 parasec. Its directional sensors are mounted on its nose and have a range of up to 3 parasecs in a cone, extending out infront of it.

The Jr-10 is also equipped with several mobile sensor amplifiers, which can act as counter measures or spotters. They are launched via its missile silos.

The 2nd Generation JR-10 is MUCH more sophisticated than the old versions. As with all 2nd Generation craft, they have a much greater sense of awareness and experience a spectrum of senses so huge that it would take your average human weeks to process a single second of information.

The JR-10's main weapons are mounted on its arms, save its missile launchers and Siege rack.

It holds dual Proton rifles, an Auto-cannon, A GPC and Dual Ioncannons as its primary armament.
It also holds disruptor guns and phasers along its forearms.

I will go into more detail about these weapons when I have time.

Tempest (2nd Generation)
Description: Linky



A diplomat of sorts. The Commodant, unlike most drones, is designed to reason with foes. It is well armed, but most of its weapons for show, emphisizing a point. Esspeicially to races who percieve strength as the biggest factor in respect. The Commodant was originally created around the fall of the Superdrones. Many races took the Marican retreat as an oppertunity to enroach on their territory, as such, the commodants would be dispatched to resolve the conflict without having to respond with military force. They became so usefull and effective at their purpose that they were kept in service long after the reform and are still used today on the boarder worlds...

ARIS (Alternating-Role Infantry Soldier) Drone
pernounced: Air-iss
Base Description:

(Image is purposely vague, I will go into more detail when explaining the different Variants)

The ARIS Drones were created to make up for the loss of human soldiers within Cere'kan's ranks. Originally they made do with conventional Soldier Drones, things like Sentinels and smaller single purpose models, however, these were all outmatched by human opponents. A single video of combat data gave birth to the concept of the ARIS Drone.

The video showed a team of humans in combat against a squad of Soldier drones. The Drones seemed to win at first, sniper fire picking off the enemy anti-armour soldiers but quickly the tables turned. An enemy scout managed to recover one of the AT soldier's rifle's and used it to bring down the soldier drones heavy troops from safety. The heavy troops had moved in thinking the anti tank threat was destroyed.

This showed clearly the difference between the two forces. While the drones were essentially more organised and efficent due to being assigned specific purposes, it also hampered them greatly. If a soldier drone armed with a long range rifle were to be shot down, then that weapon would be essentially lost to the rest of the team, however, the human's all-round skills allowed them to make up for the lose of other squad members.

All-round combat ability often trumps efficiency when overwhelming numbers isn't an option.

The ARIS drone's main hardmounts are the rectangular shapes on its fore arms. The picture shows an unarmed ARIS drone. Weapons and tools can be mounted into and onto it.
Each arm typically holds a large slot taking up the upper part of the mount for holding primary weapons eg: Assault rifles or flame throwers,

a medium slot, taking up the area near the rear of the mount, below the large slot, for holding secondary weapons or tools eg: Rocket launchers or weak pulse lasers

and finally a small slot, below the tip of the large slot and infront of the medium slot. This versitile slot generally holds non-ranged weapons and tools eg: Bayonets or plasma cutters
or sometimes long ranged low power tools, such as TAG lasers or high powered flash lights.

Some heavy weapons take up both the large and medium slots. Eg: heavy GPC's and Anti-Material Guns.

An ARIS Drone has two more hardpoints on its upper and lower back. These are generally for holding large area of effect tools. Most common examples would be jump-jets, Stealth suites, Nano-shield suites and powerful transmitters for maintaining long range communication. (Note: Stealth Suite takes up both hardpoints, as it includes a Nano-shield emitter as well, used to negate advanced detection methods but not for actual defense.)

MIS(Mobile Infantary Support) Variant

AKA: Atlas, Support Gunner

Description: Camouflage is mission dependant. Normal is desert colours.
The Atlas's job is simple. Aeriel Reconnaissance when on the move and fire support when in combat. Its heavy machine gun is designed with the thesis "more is better" in mind and is used to keep enemies from firing back until such a stage where the other ARIS can pick them off with their more accurate weapons. It also serves admirably against light vehicles.

Large slot holds a high caliber rapid fire heavy machine gun. This large weapon chews up ammo but makes up for it with the coverit can lay down. While not being as accurate as assault rifles, the bullets contain explosive warheads which scatter shrapnel around on impact. Rather than using clips, the HMG uses an ammo belt connected to the ammo storages on its back. The HMG has 3 barrels in a triangle. They are fixed in place, the ammo belt feeding ammunition to all 3 at once. They fire at different times, ensuring a constant spray of rounds.

Medium slot contains a grenade launcher

Small slot contains a Bayonet


Both the Large and Medium slots are taken up by a peculiar launcher which catapults small scout drones into the air. These drones are used when the ARIS squad needs aeriel support but can't wait for aeriel drones to arrive. The launcher also repairs and refuels drones attached to it, so that they can be used multiple times. The Atlas carries a spare drone attached to its back, in case the first is shot down.

Small slot contains a seismic sensor

Upper Back:
Jammer/Transmitter array
This powerful communications device is used to both lock down enemy communications and to maintain a perfect link with off world assets, allowing for better co-ordination.

Lower Back: Ammo pack
Contains ammo reserves to resupply the squad if the need arises.

AA (Anti Armour) Variant

AKA: Tank Hunter

Description: The Tank Hunter is the ARIS comprehensive anti-vehicle support soldier. It is effective against all manners of medium and heavily armoured targets but is ill-equipped for dealing with lightly armoured foes.

Harpoon missile launcher. This huge weapon takes up the all 3 hardpoints on the ARIS's left arm. Rather than a tube, it has 4 rails as a locking system. The missiles it fires are large and bulky, well over a meter in length. They fly at high speed to minimise the amount of correction necessary for moving targets. The missile works in a 3 stage system. At the tip of the warhead is an extremely dense spike, designed to bring as much pressure as possible in on a single point to maximise penetration. After the spike cracks (or is other wise pushed back into the missile) Stage 2 is activated and the rear part of the missile detonates (using a small charge, which also detonates any remaining fuel) this pushes the missile further into the target and 4 breach charges detonate just below the spikes base, sending a cone of red hot shrapnel down the missile's path, clearing the way for the main warhead to enter and detonate. The Warhead continues as far as it can before exploding, to maximise chances of disabling the target.

However, the Harpoon is a 'smart' missile. Using target data provided by the launcher or manually set in its parameters, the missile can be ordered to detonate at a certain depth or to change the timing of a certain stage. For example, the missile could be ordered to strike a target but leave the warhead dormant to be remotely detonated.

The system's main drawback is ammo size and weight, requiring a second attachment to make the launcher viable


Shrike-5 anti armour rifle. The shrike-5 takes up the Tank Hunter's large and medium slots (large for main rifle assembly, medium for ammo storage and coolant) It is an ugly weapon, rectangular in shape with large hydrolic supports for absorbing the enourmous recoil generated when the weapon fires.

The shell's the Shrike-5 fires are about 30 cm long and once fired, the projectile part is launched through the weapon's barrel at mach 3. The projectile is kept on target by magnetic fields within the barrel to ensure that it is on the correct course when it leaves.
The front of the projectile is actually a disintergrator bolt, designed to penetrate. The shot sinks through armour in its path before detonating, releasing a thermobaric wave, melting metal and flesh alike. Along with this wave, numerous sharp fletchetes are scattered inside the target, causing further structural damage and guaranteeing the death of the crew.

The small slot contains a multi purpose bayonet.

Upper Back:

Lower Back:

SFR (Special Forces and Reconnaissance) Variant

AKA: ARIS Assassin

Description. Pitch black armour, colourless eyes. Joints move noiselessly and its spiked toes can clip back to reveal pads for silent movement.

Large slot holds a silenced precision gauss rifle. Best described as looking somewhat like this: Linky

Medium slot holds a security Effector. An Effector is a tool that generally uses nanobots (but not always) to effect the world around in someway. The Security effector is designed to bypass and access security systems. It can open locked doors (by using the nanobots to simulate the key) access conventional computers (nanobots directly connecting to and interfacing with the device and allowing the Assassin to plug into it) and even interface with normal electrical devices, albeit, in a severely limited way. The Assassin can use it to trigger a switch by bridging a connecting with nanobots, this can sometimes completely bypass more lax security doors.

The small slot holds a very small boundary sensor, designed for use in short pulses in order to scan targets.

Large slot: Ion Cannon
Infantry grade pulse Ion cannon. Pulse Ion-cannons differ in that the ionic spread goes for depth rather than surface area. This means that, when concentrated on small area, can burn right through extremely tough metals. However, like all Ion-cannons, it is an extremely versatile tool. If set to a wide surface area, it could literally disintegrate a hole in a pane of glass big enough for the Assassin to pass through in complete silence.
Its also a servicable weapon if the Assassin is at a disadvantage. Set to a small surface area, it could penetrate helmets and kill human targets instantly, set to a long thin surface area, it would serve as a guillotine, able to slice off entire limbs, as long as there wasn't too much armour to get through that is.

Medium slot: Grenade Launcher: Holds Breach grenades (grenades that release a liquid so intensely hot that it can melt through practically anything, useful for breaching very tough walls or bringing down tough supports)
Fragmentation grenades (For enemy infantry)
and Stun grenades (Stun grenades release a blinding flash, loud bang, a weak pulse wave and an EMP burst)

Small slot: Bayonet. short spear like telescopic blade. Designed as a thrusting weapon, able to piercing tough armour with ease but would have trouble trying to cut through anything tougher than wood. Used mostly as a last resort weapon or for dispatching human targets quietly.

Stealth Suite-nanofield emitter
Stealth Suite-Primary section

Non-modular weapons/tools
Drug Injection System
A rectangular retractable gadget inserted into the right wrist of the Assassin's primary arms. It is located on the underside, to avoid obstructing the hard mounts. The DIS is comprised of a dart launcher, a special syringe and a storage compartment. The dart launcher is capable of silently firing a specially prepared dart at distances of up to 15 meters. It has proven some what reliable and quite accurate, but its safety is often in question.
The syringe siphons the contents of any chosen dart and injects it directly into the blood stream of the target. It is much safer than the dart launcher and is considerably more comfortable for the target in question, reducing the likelihood of the target screaming out in surprise.
The storage compartment holds a single dart of each type for quick use and can be reloaded via one of the ARIS's secondary arms if needed (from the ammunition pouches on its sides. Its primary weapons are loaded in a similar fashion)
The D.I.S typically utilises the following:

Sedation dart
Hypnotic drug which is tailored to initiate almost immediate unconsciousness in a wide range of species

Paralysis dart:
The chemicals within this dart rapidly obstruct the basic functions of the targets nervous system, often rendering a target's entire body unresponsive to either commands or feeling within seconds.
Doubles as anaesthetic

Instant incapacitation dart:
Immediately and permanently shuts down the targets nervous system, rendering them dead in all but medical terms.
Has the added bonus of insult in the case of many alien religions in which the body is sacred

Slow Kill dart:
A poison that is undetectable at first but lethal after a period of time has passed. The time period is scalable between a few seconds and a few hours. Can be inaccurate depending on natural resistance of the target

Pain synthesis dart:
the chemicals within this dart generally cause havoc all over the target's body, targeting nerves and making them send false signals to the central nervous system. The result is often noisy, with the target suffering the pain of simultaneous phantom injuries all over their body. Used mostly in interrogation

Interrogation aid dart: AKA the "happy valley" dart
An extremely potent hallucinogenic drug which leaves the target in a high so intense that literally nothing matters, social species often not even caring about loved ones. The Happy Valley dart is so addictive that once the high has passed (often less than 8 seconds long) that victims often enter a state of such ultimate desperation that they will do literally anything to get it once more. Both of these states are extremely useful for extracting intelligence.

The Assassin can be armed with darts loaded with a dose of Syn-arma, but only very rarely due to the virus's nature. There are much more efficient and less destructive ways to kill somebody.

ACS (Aerial Combat and Scout) Variant

AKA: Icarus, Aerial Infantry

Description: Camouflage is mission dependant, but normal colouring is dark blue/grey with flame patterns on its jets.

The Icarus has square jets attached to its shins

Large slot: Multi-fire air-to-air missile launcher. The MFML can be used against ground targets, but its serves primarily as an air to air combat weapon. It is capable of loading and firing up to 4 missiles at a time, but the Icarus holds many more within its storage.
Medium slot: Nano shield emitter
Small Slot: Bayonet

Large slot: Gaussrifle OR MAR multi purpose assault rifle
Medium slot: Flame thrower. This weapon sprays out a stream of burning liquid which sticks to whatever it hits. The weapon has a secondary mode in which it fires a single glob of this liquid as a fireball at a much longer range. This fireball explodes into a shower of droplets on impact, making it excellent for torching vehicles at range. A tube runs from the flame thrower to its engine's fuel tank on its back, removing the need for clips or ammo storage space.
Smallslot: Ion-cutter

UPPERBACK: Flight suite, mainly consisting of two wings folded down the back, which extend out to the sides to help with gliding. Jet exhausts line the back of the wing and provide the main thrust, the jets on the ARIS's shins providing direction and control. This pack also contains a large fuel tank on his back.

LOWERBACK: Countermeasure suite.

Assault Variant

AKA:"Assault Trooper" sometimes referred as the "Ass-RIS"

Description: Camo is changeable on the move, but its basic form is desert colours of brown and tan. While its spiked toes generally penetrate nearly any surface it happens to be standing on, they can clip back to reveal a single padded foot, excellent for reducing the pressure exerted by its feet.
The Assault Trooper is designed for a versatile mix of medium-long range fast paced combat and dealing with light to medium armour targets. The Assault trooper's loadout is variable, as most squads will have a significant number of them in action at any one time.
The Assault Trooper's eyes are often a visible cyan colour as it makes use of low level boundary sensors. These are shut off if complete secrecy is required.

Large slot: Multipurpose Assault Rifle
The MAR is a well rounded conventional ballistic long ranged rifle. It fires a variety of projectiles (most commonly armour piercing) at dazzlingly high speeds capable of critical hits at over 1.5 miles. (even higher if the target is stationary)

In short ranged combat the MAR is mostly used firing 3 bursts to ensure significant damage while it uses single fire for medium to long range.
The Assault Trooper sports dual MAR's. While this doesn't significantly increase its firepower due to its precision nature, it makes landing a critical shot much easier as the Assault Trooper can trap the enemy between two lanes of fire

Medium slot: Pocket Rocket Launcher.
A rectangular launcher which extends out of the side of its hardpoint, holding up to 3 rockets at a time. The rockets travel around the same speed as a bullet and are designed to puncture through armour before exploding. These can be used to bring down heavily armoured foes swiftly if the team works together. Other types of rockets can be fired as well, including incendiaries and EMP.

Small slot: Bayonet
(see above, Assasin)

Large slot: Multipurpose assault rifle
(see above)

Medium slot: Nano-adv shield. A Special, directional heavy nano shield with numerous special bots. when activated, the density of the bots blots out the area directly infront of the shield. (Can even hold off light saber strikes)

small slot: Plasma blowtorch
Blowtorch for welding or cutting

UPPER BACK: Nano shield emitter- A light overlay shield to protect the Assault trooper from harm
Last edited by Doc 42 on Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:25 am, edited 23 times in total.
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Postby Iceking » Mon May 26, 2008 12:59 am

Native name:tatoonie
Enviorment:Desert for much of the planet with oasis's providing much of the watter to the life on the planet and with occasional rain fall.
Regions:Krayt canyon:A canyon home to the canyon krayt dragons and during the matting season, their booming matting calls can be heard by those who venture near or into the canyons.
Oasis:THey look like an oasis on earth with what look like palm trees and Large lakes of water that is a very precious resource on the planet.
Dominant species:Humans. However, the jawas and tusken raiders have some technology as well and could be considered rivals to the humans.
Technology level:Zommers, blasters, spaceships and droids. There are jedi on the planet as well, but they exist in very few numbers.
Animal life:Large bettle like creatures that burrow through the sand, Large tortise like creatures with rides along their tails, Fist sized mouse creatures that construct burrows to live in, desert wampa, a subspecies of wampa, sandswimmers, creatures that look like a large flea, but with plant like fins and banthas, ox like creatures with coats resembling those of a wolly mammoth and curling horns like those of big horn sheep.

Name:Canyon krayt dragon
Natural abilities:Thick scaled hide, claws, venom in fangs, tail and teeth.
Histroy:The canyon krayt dragons are a species of krayt dragon that have existed for far longer than before humans colonised the planet. There are many subspecies of krayt dragon, but the canyon krayt is one of two main species.

Name:Greater krayt dragon
Natural abilities:Claws, tail, teeth, can burrow through sand.
Histroy:one of two main species of krayt dragon, The greater krayt is a species tha grew so large that it needs ten legs to support it's bulk.

Description:An adult sarlaac on tatoonie remains beneath the ground, but it has a mouth that seems to have roaws of spiked teeth, tentacles for greabbing prey and a "Beak" Which is actually a second mouth. A fully grown sarlaac resembles a massivep lant with a bulb like body.
Abilities:Tentacles, "Beak" can digest prey for over a thousand years to counter the fact that they rarley have prey stumble into the pits that they dig when burrowing into the sand.
History:The sarlaacs were discovered by early humans on the planet, but how long they have existed is not known.

Name:Blade fins
Description:Identical to the cephalos form the mh series. The leaders look like cephadromes from the mh games.
Abilities:They seem to "swim" through sand, but they burrow through it in truth, teeth, fins have very sharp points and there are sacs inside the fins that produce a toxing which can cause one to become paralyzed briefly.
Histroy:The blade fins are thought to have originated form a creature that once lived in the water, but adapted to the desert climate and moved onto the land. They live in packs and their leaders are larger and have black scales to mark them as alphas among the others of their kind.
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Postby Zephyr » Sun Jun 22, 2008 4:07 pm

Ive thought about it and ive realized. Dam the tyranids are the best thing i have ever used throughout the whole of the space e-war

Prepare for the return of Hivefleet Scylla

Name: Tyranids
Dscription: These creatures resemble skeltal reptiles armed with talons and hard shell like plating: They breed rapidly and attack in massive swarms. In space they take their hivefleets into battle leaving none alive. If they lose they do not retreat for long.
Diet: Carnivorous
Natural abilities: Basically use bio-weapons which are biogenerated and grafted into their bodies, guns firing symbiont insects and their talons sharp enough to rend the thickest armor. Some are even resilient to certain weapons.
HIstory a traveling swarm of alien lifeforms that devour all they coem across. 3 hives have been destroyed thus far with terrible losses for the victorious species. The tyranids discovered this new galaxy. To them however, they view the planets as ripe fruit, waiting to be harvested.

Name: Eviscerator
Species: Tyranid: Reaver
Gender: N/A (refered to as a he)
Description: A large snake like creature with 6 arm like limbs that end in scythe shaped talons. His skin is red and the carapace plating is black with a single red stripe running down the spine. His chest carapace is brown. He is 30 feet long and stand 15 feet tall when upright like a snake.

Unique traits: His body is resilient to heat based energies and weapons and they do no harm to him unless corresponding with solid bullets or explosives. His talons are far sharper than most of his kind, a bio-engineered trait he was made with by the hive. He is wickedly fast and can burrow as well as being extremely stealthy in his snake like form. Large adrenaline glands give him extreme reflexes and rapid strikes with his talons.

Tech: Razor-Scythe Talons

Bio: A long surviving member of hive fleet Scylla, named after the mythical greek seamonster. Has died many times but the hive re-engineeers him each time to be more effective killing machine.

Also im using Gaige from Supersoldier single writer fiction i made. This for him will be 5 years after his and his partners rebellion in the story and he is now a smuggler, spy, recon, and "delivery system"

Name: Gaige Valker
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Description: He has silver hair that has pushed back spiky style. He wears grey camo cargo pants a black t-shirt and grey camo vest. and when on smuggling operations changes to a brown trenchcoat to look less conspicous if "pulled over". He is roughly 7 feet tall with muscles that appear between large and moderate size but he is clearly much stronger physically.

Unique Traits: superior physical strength, fighting prowess and pinpoint marksmanship. He was a skilled supersoldier in the worlds he once lived in.

Tech: He has a highpowered pistol that looks like the revolvers of earth but functions like a normal handgun. He also wields a sword that belonged to a dear friend and is indestructible for it was produced for the purposeful use of high ranking supersoldiers

His ship is weaponless but can be easily modified to fit any weapons array. It is meant to be fast and despite its size can achieve flying into warpspace. It is a ship no longer being produced, Comet-tail. Engines can last forever if taken care-of and can easily use the parts of other ships if need be.

Bio: Once part of an organization called SOLDIER. He believed he was protecting his home galaxy until he discovered the truth and rebelled.

Learn more as i go farther in the single writer.
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Postby Lolburst » Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:04 pm

Native name: New Ocanforstania
Environment: 40% landfill and wasteland, 30% forest, %20 seas, 10% networking. The trees of forest eliminate very efficiently the fumes and pollutions caused by landfills and wastelands. Of course, global warming is still possible, but that would be just suiciding own planet in the plot.
Regions: The capital, or more of an industrial grid, Grid 01#, is just a part of processing of galactic wastes brought here. Here is the main factory of producing robotic Wastarks, or giving "births" to workers, warriors and other. To north of the Copicaci forest is the Lake District, which is a network of 20+ lakes, which later break into massive river delta, which flows into Lasedian Sea.
Dominant species: Wastarks.
Technology level: Military technology is Medium-High, but not yet high. In less canon, they can recycle very well.
Animal life: Landfill death worms, perilous, dark grey worms that roam wastelands and landfills and search for food from waste brought. They also eat everything organic, like humans or similar. There is also an unnamed specimen of massive bird, which only appears in midnights. It looks like Quetzalcoatlus, but is completely midnight blue. Several eyewitness and pictures have been took, but none of them have for this time made a good scientific name for it.

Name: Wastarks
Description: They are floating, perfectly spherical, factory produced, with different shapes of blue, depending on what type they are. Dark blue are workers, Light blue are soldiers, black with blue distorted lines are classified from everybody. Four sharp long wings (or fins) emerge from their back.
Diet: Nothing, but prototype human-wastarks are omnivore.
Natural abilites: Every produced drone has an ability to manipulate small-moderate objects, but not any spaceship, was it big or not. They cannot manipulate the organic.
History: "Real" Ocanforstania was billions of light-years away from the new. The Wastark empire started from Old Ocanforstania, when a sentient organic race A'fos domesticated the planet with theirselves, developing all kinds of technology. They were known for their fine work and inventions, so whole planet was converted into a big market grid in order to get enough fundings for array of military projects. The success was great - their most sold invention was hyper-antimatter drive, which consumed minimal amounts of antimatter, but could warp triple as fast than normal antimatter drive. Enough money was gained from selling of hyper-antimatter drive, but it's existence ended sadly that time, when a massive flagship carrying one of these exploded into parts along with its whole crew. It was discovered, that the hyper-antimatter drive had fatal design error - the outlet would clog in massive amounts of oxygen, since it was not made from stainless steel. Being very prone for rust, the machine was not sold anymore, and A'fos had to pay it for good. Wastark fell again into it's stone age, but gained again popularity, by selling for space-travellers useful equipment. A'fos civilization became again a great stop for everything, everybody. Business, private or such. The space left for government's military projects got again steady funding, and led in continuation of military researchs.

July 5: Military researchs are relaunched after the hyper-antimatter incident had calmed down.
July 30: Government starts planning a spaceport.
1 year later, November 15: Building of spaceport has been started by government officials.
12 years later, September 14: The spaceport has been completed. No information has been yet published about it's name.
September 24: Name has been released: Wunderburg Air Force base, nicknamed Area 88.3.

No other news have been released about Wunderburg Air Force base, but something lied below the surface: the spherical Wastarks, robots that have been developed without any knowledge of population. The Wastarks were developed to withstand water, and to be military robots. Their brains almost functioned like organic, expect they were mechanic and less developed, but year over year, the could figure out that in what they were in. The Wastarks were completely loyal to their creators, until that day came, when they were developed enough to become sentient. They no longer wanted to be slaves of another race, and therefore, fleed to wilderness. Only few actually survived in one piece. The survivors lived in caves, in a community, serving themselves. The colony constantly expanded, with the danger of getting completely eliminated by A'fos military. Searching day by day their creations, they failed in it. Hard to believe, how a completely domesticated race cannot find their OWN creations. No tracers were build for them, and it was completely inconceivable that they would search caves with helicopters and tanks. The Wastark colony expanded even more, by producing themselves with parts they could find. The A'fos citizens were raising their suspicions, as more military activity could be seen at outskirts of the market. Not too long, until the Wastarks had to move out. Sightings of bright lights moving on ground and noisy winged spheres disturbed sleep of whole market. Black outfit A'fos were seen entering and leaving apartments and houses of eyewitnesses, or atleast moving near. Some of individuals have been abducted, even. This springed out in a conspiracy theory of the "winged spheres" conquering the whole planet. The government acknowledged their existence, trying to cover any suspicion: "We have seen the "winged spheres", as four days ago, we found destroyed remains of one near a forest. We do not know where they come from, but our scientists have figured out that they are sentient. The main evidence is their relatively big, brain-shaped, mechanical chunk. When our scientists researched even more, we found that there was destroyed nanobots everywhere. This could mean, that the nanobots are workforce of their brains, combining their high modernity, they have created a nanite brain with incredible capabilities. We fear that they could take over our planet, if we let them to develope. That is the reason for all sudden military activities. And now, talking about the black outfit A'fos: They are ASFO's agents. All A'fos Special Force's agents are strictly ordered to follow the black outfit dresscode. All abductions that involve ASFO's agents, their backgrounds will be checked."

The conspiracy was eliminated by this speech, and the black outfit A'fos have completely disappeared. However, the Wastarks haven't. Continuing their colony, they dig deeper into ground like moles, and civilize the caves. Developing technology right under feet of A'fos and government, both are uninformed of their great collapse.

Results of independent development and stealing of technology have brought clear advance to Wastarks. It is 4 a.m. A giant rumbling is heard, waking up some A'fos. The rumbling continues, until whole ground cracks with loud noise, and thousands of Wastarks explode from their nest like ants, swarming all over, including some heavier and bulgier war machine Wastarks, and then, rises a massive figure, very slowly, which casts shadow all over the market. The figuirine stands on it's eight telescopic, tubular legs with massive claws at end. There is dozens of mechanical tentacles with claws mounted all over the sphere, and they seem to have also added lasers at pit of the claw. The figure stops for ten seconds, and then makes a blazing, loud roar. It creates fear for everything living. Then, in few ten seconds, it charges it's lasers on the claws. Zap, and few dozen lasers are fired in same second, cutting everything into small chunks. Exploding sounds, terror and awe are last elements of the doomed planet.
The military is not a problem - the primitive technology is quickly deflected by good armor and some kind of green forceshield. Debris disappears in swarms of Wastarks and into tornado of lasers. The tentacles of Titanus, the massive sphere, finally rip off the parliament house into pieces. Nothing is left anymore of the Old Ocanforstania, other than few helicopters that didn't get cut into pieces.

Wastarks migrate to New Ocanforstania in ride of Titanus and shuttles. New Ocanforstania starts it's life as waste dump planet, and Titanus is buried under ground, with waste covering it to ensure nobody finds the ultimate doomsday weapon again.

Name: Walton, Wastark-Human A588.3
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Species: Wastark-Human alpha prototype
Description: Walton is 43th Wastark-Human prototype. He is the most human-looking of them. Half of his body is covered by machinery and nanites. His arms are completely plated.
Unique traits: He is the latest Wastark-Human, the 43th.
Tech: His manipulation ability, multi-purpose nanobot utility tool.
Homeworld: Transhuman colonization, but abducted in one spacetravel and converted into Wastark-Human.
Bio: Walton (no specified last name) was a transhuman being in an unknown planet, very, very far away from Earth. He enjoyed very much surfing as adoscelent, and was master in it, until when he became an adult. He became just another space-traveller with tendency to explore alot. He used to work in space weather platform. His appearance was just like a normal human, expect that he had pectus excavatum, and small deform around his right arm. Top of his head is spherical, and he has a fauxhawk haircut. He always wears a targeting utility on his right eye. (you know, attack aircraft pilots use those, like helicopters) He wears a dark blue coat. He was abducted into a big research ship of Wastarks, while travelling near New Ocanforstania, due to default human identification system of the ship. Even when in development of the Wastark-Human phase, he still had his personality remain. Wild and free. Walton was just made for experimenting, just like other Wastark-Humans, since Wastarks still had in their veins A'fos' way to make money and learn. Expect this time, they get it from waste depositing prices. Walton has access to hyper-blitz laser, which has two modes. The first one is solid laser, hypercharged by rods all over, having enough power to cut through 4cm thick steel wall, but disolves into any kind of forcefield. It also takes time to recharge the solid mode. Blitz mode loosely charges small photon bolts into every 10 holes, making a machinegun that has also hidden capability of forming into heavy weapon. Walton's companion is Advisor Wastark 6, a Wastark with sense of humour, and frequently makes fun of Walton, but also advises him in situtations. Walton never lost his spirit to surf - there is a natural phenomenon of large concentrations of methane exploding, causing a massive wave of waste to almost become liquified, travelling even miles before ceasing out, like a tsunami. Specialized surfcraft exist for surfing these waves. They are launched from their magnetic bases, and then just in nick of time attached into the wave. The surfcraft can rotate 360 degrees into any direction, if there is enough space to do such in the wave. Of course, there are dangers of the wave suddendly collapsing, but the surfcraft can be deattached off from any metallic base or what ever that is magnetic. He owns his own surfcraft.
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