Skull Island RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby Anaclagon » Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:04 pm

Tyrant eyed the border...another V-Rex and a dead scent. Going over there to check it out as a possibe territory he could take over was a logical idea but at the same time, driving out V-Rexes werent easy especially if it was an older male and one that did not intend on giving up its territory usually resulted in a brutal battle. It was male all right but he wasnt sure if he should check out the area..Tyrant eyed the border as he moved slowly along. He needed to see the V-Rex first to see on how and when he could just move in. He wasnt selfish, it was just all about survival and he wanted the best for his future family or at least thats what he hoped for. Tyrant then made a full stop unleashing a mild snarl as he glanced over towards the jungle over where those ventosaurs were and where he intended on having a little nap...

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Postby C S » Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:50 pm

Screen was out run by by the raptors. He growled with anger. The moved back to his home as the grey sky let loose a drizzle of rain.
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Postby Iceking » Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:33 pm

Emerald fin swam through the water almost lazily. He was alert for the slightest sign of any creature that was in his power to kill that might decide to lower it's head to drink, making itself vunerable. The pirahandon's teeth were white at the momment and were something that only brave or large creatures might look at.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:26 pm

Destivus was sheltered from the small amount of rain thanks to the trees, still watching the kill carefully. Sure enough, other predators came to find the source of the smell of blood, including an Ambulaquasaur, which was unusual to see in the lowlands, the creatures mainly fish eaters. Destivus wasn't worried about it though; they were small carnivores that didn't eat any of his prey. It was the larger predators, aswell as the swift and cunning Venatosaurs that he was worried about. After the fish eater had left, another creature showed up. A Tartarusaurus, the long, but short predator devouring the carcass hungrily. Though it wasn't a threat to his prey, Destivus still didn't feel comfortable with a predator that size in his territory. Getting to his feet, the massive predator unleashed a chilling roar, alerting the Tartarusaur of his presense, the creature roaring back threateningly. Destivus roared again, stepping foward, trying to ward off the intruder. The Tartarusaur took the hint. It wasn't stupid; it would never stand a chance against a V-rex. It turned and galloped into another patch of trees, soon disappearing toward the coastline. Destivus snorted, glancing around for any sign of other predators. He ripped a piece of flesh from the carcass, swallowing it as he returned to the shade of the trees...

Re: Skull Island RPG

Postby Iceking » Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:31 pm

Name:bone breaker
species:vastasaurus rex
length:40 feet
height:20 feet
weight:7 tons
personality:calm and smart, he is often quick to learn from past mistakes so that he isn't as likley to make them again.
Description:greenish grey scales alternating over his body with a scar on his right leg that came from a bite by a rival male v-rex.
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Postby Anaclagon » Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:39 pm rained common in the Island but Tyrant was used to it. Heading towards the jungle for some shelter and maybe a nap prehaps but a bigger reason was to deal with the ventosaurs who could have been eating his skill or planning to kill what he slept mainly due to the fact Tyrant killed several members of theirs a while ago and they seemingly followed him, prehaps looking to see if they could kill his mate or a hatchling if he had one. Regardless Tyrant didint have to worry about that...still he sniffed the air and they where around. Suddenly with sharp barks came from the side..

Tyrant turned to see some younger males, most likely from the pact as they continued to hiss and snarl fiercly. Taking this a threat, Tyrant stood at full height and unleashed a terrifying roar as he gave pursuit. The raptors were scared off as he began to follow them to the jungle.. Tyrant smashed through a smaller tree as he gained towards them with his long strides, they werent adults but they were fast. His massive feet moved quickly, crushing branches undereneath as he found himself in the jungle. Catching up one of them, Tyrant sank his jaws at one of them as he slowed...his enormus jaws crushed the sub adult's body with ease as blood oozed out, its body broken. Tyrant then threw the body into a tree...the tree snapping as the ventosaur body disappeared behind a bush of grass.

Tyrant began to pursue the other one as suddenly 2 more appeared from the green underbush...more sub adults as they appeared snarling, they were a good distance away and this only angered Tyrant. As soon as their pack member ran past them, Tyrant gave pursuit as he followed. However one apperantly was too slow, his inexpirece would cost as he fould become another failure in the ventosaur pack's plan... As birds in the area began to fly away from the tree tops as the silence in the jungle was disturbed by the snarling and cries of the carnivores as the earth shook underneath the massive V-Rex as followed. The green jungle which normally hid numerous creatures had a clear path where long necks went through leaving a massive V-Rex in pursuit of these ventosaur prey..Tyrant caught up to these sub adult as he rammed his head in a brutal manner, his armored skull, breaking ribs as the small creature flew through the air slightly before crashing into the ground ahead of him. The injured raptor can only look up and snarl in fear Tyrant gave chase to the 2 others as his massive foot stepped, crushed and killed the raptor underneath as Tyrant gave another echoing territorial roar..the adults were somewhere hiding and he was aware of that but right now he had fear, size and strength at his side.

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:45 pm

OOC: ....There is now an uncomfortable amount of V-rexs in this RPG. Remember: Be open minded people.

Destivus turned his head as he heard a roar in the distance. It wasn't unusual, roars, screechs, and grunts echoeing from all over the island, coming from various places. The Vrex laid his head back down, not putting much thought into it. His uproar with the Tartarusaurus probably attracted unwanted attention aswell, he didn't need to risk an intrusion on his territory to investigate a roar...

Postby Iceking » Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:55 pm

Bone breaker was patrolling his terriotry, looking for any sneaky intruders that might be getting ideas. He was currently checking the western area of his home, stopping and listening for the sounds of creatures that might be hidden nearby. The v-rex scented the wind and so far, he couldn't smell anything that didn't belong in his terriotry.
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Postby Anaclagon » Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:57 pm

In fear that its sibling would...another came from the was a clear path with nothing but some broken down trees and glass. The Raptor came from Tyrant's right side as he gave pursit as the raptor jumped up and landed its killer weapons upon The V-Rexes heavy armor. Its claws slashed as it tried to bite through but it did little other then to piss Tyrant even more and reopen some old scars. The hatching's grew tired along with the V-Rex as he slowed down as he attempted to bite the Ventosaur attacking him.

After a short struggle, Tyrant finally got a grip as his immense jaws slammed shut on the lower body of the ventosaur...Tyrant let go slightly as bite down on the mid section and thats when its life ended. The jaws of the evoled Rex crushed the body, breaking its spine and ribs...death was just about instant. Tyrant then slammed the body into the floor and unleashed a fierce terriorial roar towards the fleeing ventosaurs. The adults got the message and they failed this time as you could hear them running out of the way, using the hatchling's as bait to draw and draw them towards the adult location which was still further down the path even if the hatchings survived...they failed terribly resulting in brutal deaths to their pack.

Tyrant sniffed the body before picking the carcess up with his jaws as he swallowed the creature. Tyrant eyed the area as he sniffed the air and unleashed another roar to make sure they fled. He may been attacked later but that was typical behavior. The Rex then entered the jungle...heading for his casual sleeping spot where it was sheltered by the trees as the smell of dead dinosaurs that were dragged over and killed along with their skeletons and dead flesh often attracted smaller predators but once they realized it was not a safe place...usually after seeing one of their own get eaten thats when it became obvious to go there..
Last edited by Anaclagon on Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Iceking » Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:49 pm

As emerald fin swam on, he passed a young pirahnadon. He could have killed and eaten it, but it was one of his species and it wouldn't satisfy him much anyway. What the green finned predator wanted was perhaps an adult venotosaurus that would be a very good meal for him.

Bone breaker's eyes scanned the jungle near him, watching for even the smallest sings of intruders. Nothing stirred from what his eyes could see and that was what he wanted to see. The v-rex wasn't going to leave any area of his home unchecked as intruders would want him to do that so they could enter.
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Postby Legendary Elite » Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:52 pm

Quickly Brutus charged onward, going after a young Brontosaur at the edge of the herd. He roared and as he came within reach smashed the smaller animal with his head, the sauropod fell over in pain and so the V-Rex had a kill at the ready. The herd began to flee the area. Quickly he pinned the young Brontosaur down and began to bite down slowly on its neck and pulling it at the same time. He tugged with little pressure implyed and then harder and the pressure became harder. Finally after a few seconds there was a snap and the Brontosaur lay motionless. Brutus let out a roar to ward off any predators that might be within reach...
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Postby Anaclagon » Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:56 pm

Tyrant layed down as the rain went on. He snarled...the raptors could have taken advantage but he would only take a light rest. Finding himself in comfortable poistion the V-Rex eyed the area in case anything was nearby. His senses were focused...yet there was nothing other then the typical roars and other sounds of animals far off. If anything...there was only one thing that seemingly challenged him in terms of territory, it was just another V-Rex. Killing hatchlings or other younglings may have had to be killed in a attempt to keep population low..

Shutting his eyes, the V-Rex fell asleep...breathing slowly now as the high thick tree's above covered him from the rainfall.

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:01 am

Destivus glanced up once more, seeing the rain finally slowing itself to a stop, the sky still clouded and gray. He stood, used to the short bursts of rain, sniffing the air once more, the stench of rainwater filling his nostrils. Destivus screwed up his face in disgust, trying to scent anything other then the rainwater, smelling blood not to far off. A free kill was something he'd gladly take, regardless of who killed it or how long it had been decaying. But this smelled fresh...and in large quantity. It came from the territory next to his, not far from the border. Destivus lumbered off to invesigate, ready to confront the territory owner, or just to bring a kill back to his territory...

Postby Anaclagon » Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:08 am

After a short session of sleeping which lasted for about few minutes, Tyrant's eyes reopened. Something was out in the distance closing in but wasnt a ventosaur, it smelt too large. Yet was a scent from before and it was the one creature that annoyed him the most. Another V-Rex. He had no problems with females but this one obviously came from the border and it was closing in. In the low lands it often meant another male and this was most likely the case. Tyrant slowly got back and snarled as the rain had stopped. The massive V-Rex headed for the border to see what was going on or at least head for the scent, walking through the jungle as his massive feet crushed fallen wooden branches and trees..

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Postby Iceking » Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:08 am

Emerald fin spotted up ahead of him a udosaur, not aware of his prescense. The pirahanadon slowed his swimming speed to keep it in his sight and not to attack carelessly in case it might see him first. The prey was busy feeding on small fish, not aware of the danger coming ever closer towards it.

With a snort, Bone breaker turned and began to head for the southern part of his terriotry. It was raining now and though it wouldn't do anything to harm him, it could prove to be annoying if it became a downpour. The v-rex's footsteps shook the ground near him as his large feet touched the wet ground.
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Postby C S » Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:21 am

Screen walked through the underbrush, now at the verge of entering the grass land. Big prey that can easily succumb to bite wounds, wounds that can cause a bad fall. Screen shook his head, digging away at the ground, making a hole for an ambush.
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Re: Skull Island RPG

Postby Iceking » Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:35 am

Name:Black fang
species:Venotosaurus Saevidicus
length:20 feet
height:13 feet
weight:1 ton
Personality:calm, Thinks his actions first before making them and a skilled lone hunter
Desciption:his jaws are a light black, his head greyish and yellow with his body being brown, his legs and tail being green
History:exiled form his pack after he disagreed over a decision his leader made, blackfang now seeks to try and find an ally or new pack.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:40 am

OOC: IK, easy on the characters, the RPG just started...

Destivus was now at the border of his territory scenting the air to pinpoint the source of the blood. Another scent caught his attention, that of another Vrex, assuming it was the territory's owner. Destivus snorted, lumbering off into the other territory, slowly closing in on the source of the blood...

Postby Anaclagon » Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:45 am

Tyrant smelt the scent as he began to move through the jungle..what drew that othertowards the territory, prehaps a dead carcess which was nearby or prehaps it wanted to challenge him for territory. Tyrant stepped foward as he threw his head back back standing at full height unleashing a booming territorial roar, as a sign that this was his territory and to make his claim over it and as a sign that he was aware of him. Tyrant snarled as he pressed foward, following the scent of the other V-Rex...he did not know if was going to leave but if it was small enough or looked like, he would challenge it for his territory in other cases if it was another older male looking for territory, it would be the typical engagement..

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:51 am

Destivus heard the roar, deciding to ignore it for now. The best outcome would be if he grabbed a carcass and left, but he knew very little about the territory's owner, despite living beside since the time it claimed the territory. Destivus finally reached a mangled carcass of a Venatosaur, sniffing the ground catiously, the scent of another Vrex on the kills. Without another thought, he lifted the corpse into the air and headed back toward his territory...


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