Skull Island RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby Anaclagon » Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:54 am

It closed in on a dead carcess..most likely taking the dead carcess he killed earlier. Decided to make sure it was gone...the massive V-Rex broke out in a light jog as his feet moved him foward, crushing branches and broken down trees and the Skull Island ground as he ripped his way out of the jungle with a mild snarl as he closed in on the border. It was still nearby, prehaps still in the territory but he smelled it all right. The massive Rex snarled as he tried to exactly pin point it and confront it if needed...

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Postby Iceking » Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:55 am

Ooc:my venotosaurus will be my last new charecter in the rpg for a long time, tt.

Black fang knew that he was in the lowlands, where the v-rexes lived. He very alert now, all of his senses alert for the signs of a v-rex. However, the venotosaurus had an idea. If he could have a v-rex as an ally, he would be safer. He began to head westward(towards the southern part of my v-rex's territory.), feeling that he had a chance of getting an ally as much as any other venotosaurus did.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:01 am

OOC: I don't mean a LONG time, just saying you should wait until the RPG progresses to add more characters. Its ok, really.

Destivus turned around, the carcass still hanging from his mouth, now near the border of their territories, still in the other Vrex's territory however. Despite getting the carcass and was almost home free, he wanted to confront the creature and size it up incase they would never meet again. He didn't need the extra territory; an older male like him was less likely to have a mate, and he had enough space for himself...

Postby C S » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:02 am

Screen poked his head out of the surface, his super sharp hearing detecting sounds of what may e a fight, and when that happens, food to store. The crocodile forced himself up to te surface, shaking off the dirt. He walked to where he heard the noises.
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Postby Iceking » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:05 am

Emerald fin swam forward with sudden speed, closing the area between him and his prey with suprising speed. By the time the udosaur had seen him, it was already too late. It was now caught within the jaws of a much larger carnivore and it knew now that it would have no hop of escape. THe pirahanadon shook his head about, intending to speed up the death of his prey.
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Postby C S » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:23 am

Screen blinked, the area infront of him strewn with the scent of blood. He walked in, bones scattered about the leaf litter got his attention. Plants dripped with blood. Pools of blood were diluted by the rain. A mist rolled in from the north of the island, almost blanketing the island to the extent of obscuring all vision.
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Postby Legendary Elite » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:38 am

Deathfang and the pack prowled along through the jungle. They had hopes of hunting Ligrocristus today. Deathfang was leading along the front with 2 others in a formation or pattern like wolves when they hunted. Venatosaurs were possibly one of the most successful predators on Skull Island aside from Vastatosaurs and a few other carnivores. With their social hierachy, they could change between tactics if needed to bring down something difficult. Deathfang was the one who sniffed out the prey and was like a sout to the pack meaning he was their eyes and ears as well. Very crucial roles were played among their pack in order to keep them in line and to survive as well. They proceeded head-on toward the lowlands where big game was abound. Deathfang quickly directed them down a large hill, stepping over small logs and hopping over a few large ones...
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Postby dinoman666 » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:41 am

A large shape stalked the Venatosaur pack with surprising silence. Hmm... a free meal... the creature thought to himself as he lithely worked his way through the trees.
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Postby Pyronychus » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:43 am

Name: Brutalon
Age: 26
Species: Brutornis
Length: 9.5 feet
Height: 6.5 feet at the hip
Weight: 900 lbs
Personality: Usually fairly calm, but will become very aggressive if threatened. Uses speed and agility to his advantage. Has been a loner his whole life, and doesn’t plan on joining others of his kind in the near future. He does hope to find his long lost brother, the only surviving member of his family, someday.
Description: Brutalon has dark blue-gray feathers over most of his body, fading into lighter blue near his off-white head feathers. His beak is rusty red at the base, blending into black at the tip. Has a row of small dark gray feathers sticking up from the back of his head and trailing down his neck. His scaly lower legs are a dark burnt orange color, tipped with sharp, dull black claws.

A three toed, dinosaur-like foot slammed down on the head of a juvenile Termitosaurus, crushing the young creature's skull under the weight of the huge flightless bird. Brutalon cocked his head to the side, looking over the kill with a single yellow, eagle-like eye. Then he glanced up, surveying the surrounding lowlands for signs of other, possibly more dangerous predators. Satisfied that he would be able to eat his kill undisterbed, the terror bird dug the tip of his beak into the creature's side and tore back a flap of skin, exposing its tender insides, and began to feed.

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Postby Legendary Elite » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:53 am

A Dinocanisaurus darted away making small barks as Deathfang almost stepped on it as he proceeded toward the lowlands. Around the dense forest seem to give way to them as if the pack was in a hurry which they weren't. It was good day for hunting and feasting and Deathfang was looking forward to it. Quickly he passed another log and saw the lowlands was becoming more closer by the minute...
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Postby C S » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:56 am

Screen sniffed the carrion he found, making sure it was actually meat and not bone. He tasted the meat, liking the taste. He bit into it and began dragging it from its resting place. The crocodile looked up, scanning the foggy area for other predators, especially the one that killed the morsel he had. Hhe saw none and continued dragging the dead meat, hoping to store it some where where he and only he could get at it.
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Postby dinoman666 » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:03 am

Interfectus cursed under his breath upon sighting the lowlands ahead. He would have to sneak through the long grass to stay unseen until he could get some meat for himself. Because of his large size, that would be a rather difficult endeavor...
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Postby Legendary Elite » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:08 am

Deathfang made low hisses to the pack in order to be sure they were still together. The pack didn't move bunched up necessarily but kept close to each other. This was useful in case an animal they were chasing ran through, they could pounce on it from different locations. Still they had to be careful, there were other predators out there that could easily hunt them down...
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Postby Anaclagon » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:10 am

Tyrant after several moments of tracking the other V-Rex...he was in quite for a suprise. In its jaws it carried the ventosaur it killed earlier at the same time it was a large and by the looks of it, an older male. The massive V-Rex snarled as he began to approach the other as he started to quicken his pace as he began to size it up. He wasnt sure if could just simply take it on, kill it and take his territory but that meant more land to protect and he still did not get a mate. He had a vast territory by himself but regardless he loved to challenge others to show of his dominance but when it came to older males like this thats when problems occur.

He pressed on as he approached as he kept his mouth open...showing his teeth as he shifted his body a bit to show of his size as he unleashed a small snarl as he approached. His eyes were narrowed angrily as he prepared to charge foward as his jaws were poised to kill not hunt but if he were to make a stupid mistake then he could have gotten himself killed..
Last edited by Anaclagon on Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby dinoman666 » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:10 am

Interfectus swiftly dropped down behind a tree, and watched the Venatosaurs from a distance. He eyed the wide plains ahead, spying a herd of Ligocristus. Being a rather slow runner on the ground, he preferred to wait for the Venatosaurs to catch one of the herbivores.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:14 am

"Its good to finally see who makes all that noise..." Destivus growled, a chunk of meat falling from the corpse as he spoke, his voice muffled. "I've only come for the meat, which you willingly left behind...Fair game..." he rumbled, turning his massive body around, lumbering off toward his own territory.

Postby Anaclagon » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:16 am

Tyrant growled back in return. "I've got some problems of my I'll watch you leave...still I dont see why your here when you got a territory of your own" Tyrant narrowed his eyes as he began to approach the other V-Rex from the side, he was still behind but he if needed to lash out, he would.

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Postby Iceking » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:17 am

Black fang had been walking west for about twenty minutes now. He didn't see or smell any v-rexs yet, but he was going to search until he found one or a pack of venotosaurs. The venotosaurus ignored the rain that fell onto his head and walked on, HIs goal and determination keeping him going to try and find an ally.
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Postby Legendary Elite » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:17 am

Eventually the Lowlands caught up to the pack as they entered the clearing. Deathfang loved entering this place, he felt that his arrival meant something important as if the lowlands welcomed him, welcomed him so that he could hunt. A Ligocristus herd was not far off. As the pack moved behind some smaller palms and carefully moved in Deathfang froze and hissed at the others, motioning his head towards something not far off. Not far from this herd was a Brontosaur herd moving off into the distance but nearer to the Ligocristus was a Vastatosaurus Rex chewing up a young Brontosaur. Deathfang knew it was extremely risky and he certainly did not want to be chased by the enormous dinosaur. The pack quickly moved the other way to a different set of shrubs, a good tactic if anything life-threatening was nearby. They could then move into a position where they had a better chance of being unnoticed by the V-Rex and easily snatch a meal. But they had to be quick or the Ligocristus would pick up their scent and their tails might do some damage not to mention being trampled alive was another thing to be aware of. Deathfang knew he had to lead the first strike and then the others would soon follow. He lowered himself down carefully before getting ready to strike...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:21 am

"I can't visit someone I've lived by for so long?" Destivus growled, turning his head to one side, his eye staring at the Vrex. "Destivus." he snarled, turning back as he headed across the border, open and closing his jaws to get a better hold on the carcass. As Destivus arrived, he saw a Foetodon in the distance moving an old kill toward a patch of trees, the massive Vrex snarling, thundering forward, the corpse still in his mouth.


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