Steve's Dead

Got something to say that isn't fitting anywhere else? Post it here!

Postby The Kingpin » Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:51 am

woah woah woah, hold it Yuke. think about the situation here for a bit: it's people talking about a dead guy who they respect. if you were talking about your grandfather [may he live a long, fruitful life] or a close friend, or maybe just someone you know and respect after he passes away, and some bigshot know-it-all comes up to you and says shut up, for no reason whatsoever, would you like it? i know i wouldn't. let the guys talk about Steve.

Topia, UNLOCKED :roll:
Last edited by The Kingpin on Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Hopeflower » Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:40 pm

YAY! Thanks, KP.

Steve was a great guy. I remember being 8 years old and asking my mom if we could go to Austrailia when I was older. She said maybe, and now he's dead. -sigh- If I ever DO go to Australia, I'll be sure to visit his zoo.
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Postby Cpt.Yuke » Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:56 pm

ok but why break the rules tsk tsk
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Postby The Kingpin » Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:58 pm

the rules dont apply everywhere. there are some exceptions. for example: the Site Rules topic is the only place where double posts are allowed by the staff, to inform members of changes in the rules so that they see that it's been updated. see what i mean?
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:15 pm

Ya, Yuke. Bad call. I dug up the System of A Down topic and posted but it was for a good reason. Same with this topic.

Steve was AWESOME. After he died, I tryed to convince myself he was faking it....or the media didn't know he survived...

Postby Hopeflower » Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:34 pm

Too bad that couldn't be true. Stupid stingray. The heart of all places possible to be impaled on a poisionous stinger!
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Postby Doc 42 » Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:50 pm

Stupid stingray

No offence but Steve would crucify you for saying that. He would say that the stingray was acting natrual and was only defending himself. He would never blame the animal. But it is shame, he was a good man and one of the worlds most important conservationists. R.I.P steve
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Postby Hopeflower » Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:43 pm

-shrugs- Just saying what was on my mind when I found out he was dead. Actually, there was a whole lot of curses I wanted to say, but I just mourned him the only way I knew how--silently.
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Postby TyrantTR » Thu May 03, 2007 2:13 am

The incident of Steve's death has caused deep regreat and sorrow. But as I have said before, within a bad thing a lesson is learned, a hole is filled, and without knowing it those lessons teach us everything. Steeve was a hip new star, but over time people got bored of his constant words, we directed our attention to the danger, what he did, he got close to the animals, he lept away with a single, amazing move. He got bitten and took the pain, people were directed away from what the show was actually about. And then he went to go on what would turn out to be, his last voyage. My mom, the day of his death, told me he died. I asked: "Steve Irwin? He was a Superman," After that I dashed to my room, it wasn't fair. How could he die, instead of all the people who deserve a death, why him. All my thoughts were jumbled together, for this great man. And what good came of this? We realized again, what he worked for. He was a Superman. People critisize him, saying he gets to close, calling him head strong or foolish, and he could have improved upon his work, but he was awsome. And don't you dare blame it on the ray. It did what came natural, it defended itself against what may have seemed at the point and time, like a visious monster. It is not a murderer by all means. So stop treating it like one. Steve Irwin did all he could to protect these animals, yet because of his death everyone wants to destroy them. Is this what he wants? I pity those who sceam and plot about how they will kill a Sting ray, with those empty threats of makeing them all extinct. You have all officially become human. Good Job, no seriously, cheers to you, slimeballs. Rest in Peace Steevo, I will always remember yo as he who wrestled with crocodiles, and swam with sharks.
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Postby Cpt.Yuke » Thu May 03, 2007 5:29 am

well ok,i admit my decission of locking this topic was wrong but i thought digging up old topic was against the rules cause it might result in that players are posting for Quantity instead of quality

but ok

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Postby chook151 » Thu May 03, 2007 7:28 am

die stingy.........DIE STINGY!!! :x :x
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Postby The Kingpin » Thu May 03, 2007 7:35 am

...TTR...went to all the trouble of writing that speech....just for you to come and do the exact thing he says shouldn't be done? wow...very clever. now we'll just have a flame war like in the Random topic. which means this page MAY get locked. hey, where's the Slimeball stamp. Chook needs it stamped on his forehead... :roll:
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Postby Legendary Elite » Thu May 03, 2007 8:07 am

*sigh* it has to happen especially to a thread like this. Its not right...the flame-war and all...
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Postby Dinonerd » Thu May 03, 2007 11:12 am

RIP Steve

RIP Zyzz
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Postby Doc 42 » Thu May 03, 2007 12:21 pm

moving speech TTR and as both of us said above, Steve would not blame the Sting ray.
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Postby Hopeflower » Thu May 03, 2007 1:29 pm

Okay, I was being a little harsh when I called the stingray stupid. It was just such a shock, seeing as it happened the first day of school for us Americans. In my homeroom alone, almost half the kids were late!

But it's really disturbing how fast the news turned from disasters to boring stuff. I mean really! Who wants to hear about Bush vetoing some law? Pa-the-tic.
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Postby Doc 42 » Thu May 03, 2007 1:36 pm

lol the news around here is boring too. Danm elections.
I wasnt in that much shock when I heared of his death. Dont know why, it just didnt really affect me that much at the time
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Postby TyrantTR » Fri May 04, 2007 1:17 am

chook151 wrote:die stingy.........DIE STINGY!!! :x :x

That sickens me. Did you read what I said? Did you actually give it though? If Steeve Irwin was such an animal savior why would we want to kill what he was protecting. That... That is just disgusting. I have been in study of human behavior, for me future in directing. I poke, and mess with it to see what interesting behaviors come out of it. And this, my freinds, is what happens when an idol is killed by an animal. For every Shark attack nearly fifty sharks are killed. Is this what Steeve wants? For every crocodile encounter, the same creature is disected in humanly. If you are so pasionate for Steeve Irwin, and his work why would you want to destroy what he was working for. Sting rays are not in anyway a murderer. Neither are Sharks, neither are Crocodiles, they are, get this, SURVIVEING. I don't care what you say, but that isn't even something to joke about.
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Postby chook151 » Fri May 04, 2007 6:31 am

uhh, yeah, about that, wrong topic, i hate stingrays because my grandad got killed by one, so leave me alone..... :evil:
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Postby Doc 42 » Fri May 04, 2007 10:40 pm

No.1 sorry about your grandad man :(

No.2 My Cousin was killed in a car crash caused by a women driving a really fast car.

No.3 I dont hate all women.

You cant blame something over what its speices has done. If everyone did, why then humanity would proberly be culled due ti the amount of whole speices we have killed off, not metion how many of ourselvs we kill in wars.
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