Choice game Mk. II

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Postby Legendary Elite » Tue May 13, 2008 5:28 am

That means a tie between B and A.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed May 14, 2008 12:19 am

A. Ballista would do more damage then an arrow.

Postby Legendary Elite » Wed May 14, 2008 12:23 am

3 for A. That means Option A wins.
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Postby Doc 42 » Wed May 14, 2008 5:28 pm

The peoples choice: A

You leap off the arch, powering foreward with only one target in mind, you stretch out with your talons ans snatch the bow of the Balistae, ripping upwards and destroying it in a crash of splinters. The crew, who had been ducked below the ramparts, are thrown to the side, screaming in pain from shrapnel embedded in their faces. One of them stumbles into a bazair of hot coals used for lighting the points of the bolts. A pitch casket falls towards him and he bursts into flames. You glance back as the screaming man charges into the guard toward shouting for water. Your eyesight can pick out a row of archers within it, takeing aim. You barely hear one of them shouting "No! Thats pitch not wa-" The voice is drowned out by a whoosh of flames as the entire guard tower is consumed with fire.
You Continue foreward, knowing that you haven't escaped yet. You hear the bangs of balistaes fireing behind you, but feel nothing. You don't even here the bolt whistle past you... you are out of its range...

2 days later you are in the mountains, haveing adopted a small cave as your tempory home and having avoided the Di'mara... You are unsure of what to do. The humans will attack you on sight and there is no telling how far their influence spreads...
A) Decide to leave your tempory home and follow the map the Samuraii's gave you to seek out the Tigress empire.

B) You decide to go on a human slaughtering rampage with intent on instigateing full revenge. You do this through stealthily eliminateing weak targets after gathering enough information.

C) You leave your home in search of nothing. Just flying and wondering what you will find.

D) You think "man im hungry again... I need something to eat... or someone" and go off in search of food.
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Postby Anaclagon » Wed May 14, 2008 6:37 pm

B! Come on people lets play sucide not safe! fight to the end prehaps or slaughter them!.... in a quiet manner

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Postby Iceking » Wed May 14, 2008 8:32 pm

a, find the empire and see if they might be of help to you.
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Postby Legendary Elite » Wed May 14, 2008 11:20 pm

A is the best option I think. Don't fight the enemy JUST yet because you barely know a thing about them.
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Postby Doc 42 » Sat May 17, 2008 4:34 pm

The peoples choice: A

After weeks of searching, and following the inaccurate map, you finally see one of the things you have been looking for. A bunch of riders in the distance, one of them holding up a flag with the same symbol on it as is on the amulet given to you by one of the Tigress Samuraii's... You glide down towards the riders, a horn bleeting into the sky to greet or warn you. You beat your wings, slowing your decent and thud lightly onto the ground several hundread meters infront of the riders. You sit down, watching them approach. The men are dressed in white cloaks with hoods and all. Their faces tatooed and scarred. Their weapons mainly consisting of spears and bows. The lead one leaps off his war horse and walks towards you. You notice the amulet symbol etched into his forehead as a tatoo. He shouts "Dragon... Speak" Its refreshing to avoid the normal dragon-human encounter elfcrap.
A) Smile, retreiveing the Amulet from your carrying bag and hold it up saying "Freind."
B) You say "I dont mean you any harm" and go through the normal Dragon-human freindly encounter elfcrap
C) You scream in terror at the sight of his weapons, proceeding to incinerate the entire platoon in fear of them attacking you.
D) You suddenly decide that your stomach matters more than your diplomatic stance and you eat the man quickly.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat May 17, 2008 4:35 pm


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Postby Iceking » Sat May 17, 2008 4:44 pm

A, they could be useful allies.
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Postby Legendary Elite » Sun May 18, 2008 2:01 am

A would be my option.
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Postby C S » Sun May 18, 2008 2:09 am

A. Hope its not a cult or something
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Postby mega raptor » Sun May 18, 2008 3:11 am

A, they could be useful allies and if they react poorly it can't be difficult to fight them off.
It's you and me against the world. We attack at dawn.

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Postby Doc 42 » Sun May 18, 2008 12:02 pm

The peoples final choice: A

You smirk to the man, leaning over and fishing the amulet out of your bag, you hold it up, letting it dangle down off its chain. You growl clearly "Freind." The man frowns and walks foreward, clearly not afraid of you. He takes the amulet in his hand and then grins. He says "Freind indeed... Who gave this to you?" You growl "A soilder, he said he was from the Tigress empire, I helped him and his partner escape from a Di'mara prison under Jehircho" The man gives you a broad grin and says with a tone of satisfaction "Well then, it looks like the prohercy was true after all... I am captain Carthos, leader of the Tigress movements in this area... I am the one to speak to, should you be looking for a freind... Your comeing will garuntee our victory and ensure peace. Do you follow the name of the prohercy?" Your heart thumps with excitement, you are no longer alone in this world, you have allies. For the past week or two you have been sneaking around, avoiding confrontations, but it looks like those days are over. You remember what the wizard from the prision called you... Moonbeam... It seems that both armies had prohercised a dragon comeing to help them, little did they know it was the same dragon. Just different names. Rather than show weakness in asking what your real name is, you growl "No, I am Mal'airk Death Bringer... It is a pleasure to meet your accquintence, captain..."

---------------------------------End of Story--------------------------------------

You suddenly wake in your bed, sweating... you look around your dorm, all the other teenagers are still asleep, lying in their bunks... Above you, you can hear the steady breathing of your best freind in his own bunk... Rubbing your temples, you sit up, trying to ward off the nightmare that had plauged your dreams... an enourmous orange slit... threatening to consume the whole world... the third nightmare like this in the last month. You are simply known as Mip. Your real name? You have abslaoutly no idea, which you are slightly proud of actually. You arrived at the 'school' with amneisia. Here, you are learning the skills required for you to survive in the dangerous world... well, not exactly the average run off the mill skills. Here, your teachers; Kathrine Kane, Strova and King Zim furnish you with the skills of stealth, persuasion, theivery and ultimate perception... There is approximately 28 teenagers at Dark Blade hall, half girls, other half boys...
You feel a knot rise in your chest and you groan, realiseing what day it is. Friday... The last day of normal lessons before the weekend. The weekend usually means going out into the village and talking the locals, who naively believed Dark Blade hall to be Alexanders School of Learning for the Nobel. Rubbing your eyes, you think about what to do...
A) You get up and get dressed, being up early will probably get you some favour from the elders
B) F**k that, you need your sleep. You collapse back in your bed
C) Up in the morning on your own? Not likely, you siwftly kick your freinds bed to wake him up.
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Postby Legendary Elite » Sun May 18, 2008 12:22 pm

Well it does seem that that story wasn't a long one but hey a good ending nonetheless.

Ok option A, that is how I would think.
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Postby Iceking » Sun May 18, 2008 5:27 pm

I'm going with A.
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Postby mega raptor » Sun May 18, 2008 7:42 pm

C-I'm betting the Elders are some conspiracy group plotting to take over the world or somesuch and are trying to draft an army out of the students, so sticking with friends is probably best.
It's you and me against the world. We attack at dawn.

This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but with a whimper. - T.S. Eliot
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Postby Legendary Elite » Wed May 21, 2008 11:19 pm

*sigh* Once again, I have revived it, so far it's 2 for A and one for C.
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Postby Doc 42 » Thu May 22, 2008 7:33 pm

I was planning to post the next part of it yesterday, but the low turn out of votes really annoyed me, I'm hopeing at least two more people will vote before I do anything
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Postby Legendary Elite » Sun May 25, 2008 4:03 am

Come on people we need voters in order to keep this alive!
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