Zombie Outbreak RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby Doc 42 » Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:49 pm

Kierán leaned up against the window frame, staring out across the city... moans reverberated through the floor from downstairs... He was in an old office block, having entered through the fire escape. thankfully, the route down to the lower levels was blocked off and no zombies had made it upstairs, so it would be relatively safe for one night. He sighed and walked away from the window, searching through the floor until he found a room with no windows and easily barricaded doors. It was a mostly untouched typical office, computers, water coolers, cubicles, even a coffee cart in one side of the room. He went around to all the doors, closing them and pushing tables infront of them before heading off into the maze of cubicles, setting down his bag inside one near the middle and unrolling his sleeping bag. He spent a minute blowing air into his blow up pillow before finally relaxing, taking a bag of raisins out of his rucksack, poping them into his mouth one by one. He took a note book and his pen out of his pocket and flicked through his pages of handy information before finally reaching a blank page, scribbling out a shopping list and tearing it off before returning the note book and pen to his pocket. He often made those lists, finding them useful when deciding where to search for supplies or if he ran into another survivor, what to ask about. Besides the usual stuff like food and water, he had a few special items on the list. He needed a hammer and a toothbrush. He lost his last one a week ago, when he dropped it with some zombies after him. While most survivors went without such pleasures, it seemed horribly ironic in his mind to survive the zombie appocolypse and then starve because his of his teeth falling out. He also had to get his hands on a new medkit, his current one was running out of supplies...
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:14 pm

Charles darted into the room without a second thought, not exactly about to question where Alec was going, knowing he knew the complex better, for obvious reasons. Charles glanced around the room, which he identified as a boiler room, trying to understand where they were going...

Postby C S » Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:22 pm

Alec ran down the metal walk way that had many holes riddled into it. The room was lit by a faint red light. Alec turned around a boiler, running to the wall behind it. He waited to Charles to catch up. He being unarmed, would be the smartest choice to go first if the zombies broke into the boiler room. All in all, it was pretty safe, as Alec observed, the nocturnals were one tracked with their thinking, almost all of the undead doing a single task in mass numbers and would be too focussed on breaking into the school and setting up a new nest by morning than focuss on two fleeing humans, much less notice them...
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Postby The Kingpin » Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:27 pm

Ben ran wildly through the alleyways, having thrown safety to the wind, trying desperately to escape the monster that now pursued him. he slammed his way through a doorway and out the front of a shop, nearly getting caught by a zombie that was feeding off a corpse near the counter. the man jumped over the hood of a car, staring back behind him fearfully. he couldn't die like this. not like this. not at the hands of such a beast. the deep, gravelly, throaty roar of the creature, hearable from a considerable distance, only scaring him further. the man tripped over a bike on the ground and fell face first, hitting the ground and skidding to a hault with his face to the floor, a gash being ripped into his chin from a particularly sharp stone.

Ben wasted no time, scrambling to his feet, tears in his eyes from both pain and fear of death. he dashed into a side alley and jumped over a fallen part of fire escape stairway, going around a wrecked SUV as he prayed for mercy, for salvation, for sanctuary from the horrible beast. he spotted a small restaurant, the idea of hiding in the kitchen, under a stove or in a freezer, coming to mind. he charged towards it, thinking he may still have a chance at escaping his grizzly fate...

A loud thump was the next thing he heard, his blood running cold and his face going paper pale as his greatest fear, his most horrible nightmare, was realised, the black coated beast rising to it's full height, a rumbling roar resonating powerfully from it's throat as it stretched it's arms to it's side. he wasn't going to make it. he skidded to a halt, turning around wildly and rushing for the nearest route from the area. a low growl came from the beast as it grabbed ahold of his arm, dragging him back before grabbing him by the shirt and lifting him off his feet, the gargantuan brute raising him to eye level. a low snarl came from it as it stared into his fearful eyes, the man looking away, tears rolling freely as he struggled madly to get free, the beast's grip making the chance of it impossible. as Ben looked away, not wanting to see the horrible face of death itself, a tendril tore through his chest, impaling the heart, a pained gasp coming from the man as the beast then threw him aside like a ragdoll, his hood falling over his head, the beast letting off a roar before walking away with heavy thumps as the world around the man began to darken...his life fading away before his eyes, all his memories, his happiness, his sorrow, all flashing by in his mind. the first time he played baseball with his father, the day his brother taught him how to shoot, the day he met his best friend Jose [where was he now anyway? roaming the streets as some undead monster? feeding those monsters? did he escape? did he find shelter? was he safe?]. all of it seemed to flash by in an instant as his world was plunged into darkness, the virus injected in him already effecting him, rapid itchiness and painful thirst and hunger beginning to take hold of him as he slipped further into unconsciousness, destined to turn him into some abomination. thus was the fate of all who met the beast. of all who met the Nemesis...
Last edited by The Kingpin on Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:40 am

Charles charged down the walkway, mop still in hand, eventually coming to the wall Alec was standing by. "What are you waiting for?!" he said frantically, panicking, starting to question their safety, despite not actually seeing any zombies, yet...

Postby C S » Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:44 pm

Alec pointed to the retangular hole in the wall, slightly wider than a man, but it's height was a tight fit. "Go, if Im right, the nocturnals will be too kept up trying to find a way in to focus on us, they seem like they cant process two tasks as once and attack in masses.."
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:48 pm

"I really hope you're right..." Charles breathed before walking into the vent, crouched. He progressed further, noticing that the vent was getting darker by the second, having to slide his mop along the ground to actually fit it into the duct...

Postby boswell25 » Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:31 pm

As the slasher prowled across the rooftops,he heard a loud ruckus coming from a block or so away,deciding to track the sounds,he headed off in the direction they were coming from.

(OOC:I'm heading towards Alec and Charles if you're wandering.)
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Postby C S » Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:23 am

Dull thuds sounded as, at the main entrance, zombies slammed their fists into the door. The spikes on their knuckles cracked as they drove into the metal, leaving large dents. A few lucky hits on the part of the undead were placed where Alec's latch was, bending it slightly...

Alec followed after Charles, dragging his book bag after himself through the vent...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:30 am

Charles continued through the darkened vent, dragging the mop along as quietly as he could, heart racing. He didn't know where the vent led to, unless it was the same vent he escaped into the night before, which was a distinct possibility...

Postby C S » Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:34 am

Faint moon light would've been visable by Charles now, and the noises would have been louder and the chaos...well, more chaotic, as the zombies crowded at the school's entrance, some going around the school. Going outside now and being ignored by the very things that have made the world a living hell would've been surreal. Alec crawled behind the other survivor, hoping his observations were right
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:40 am

Charles almost froze completely at the horrific noises, eventually forcing himself to continue. He could start to see what he assumed was their next exit...things would be even more chaotic once they reached the end, Charles not exactly sure where Alec intended to go...

Postby C S » Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:45 am

"Once you get out, run, for the love of all that is still good, run" Alec said. "Ill cover you if they start to chase"
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Postby boswell25 » Sun Apr 26, 2009 2:53 am

After reaching his target,he noticed the zombies wondering around outside the school or attempting to destroy the door.Deciding that the zombies may have found food,he pushed aside some of them before he slammed his large blades into the door and slowly began cutting a chunk out.
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Postby C S » Sun Apr 26, 2009 2:56 am

Suddenly, the new commer was swarmed. 10's of the monsters descended upon it, ravanously ripping at it's flesh, biting and punching, the mob had turned into a frenzy, trying to eliminate the competition, which would've been easy if the frezy continued as it did..
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:22 am

"Good plan." Charles said somewhat sarcastically, heading toward the exterior grate. He looked back at Alec, as if silently asking if he was ready, taking little notice of the louder commotion away from their possible escape path...

Postby C S » Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:27 am

Alec let out a soft grunt, as if saying get it over with. He whispered "Just punch the grate out, I took out the screws a while ago"
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:33 am

Charles nodded, bringing the mop forward, jabbing the wooden end at the grate. Knocking out the metal grate with ease, Charles threw himself forward, still holding the mop, stumbling to his feet as he ran directly away from the sounds, which were now focused to their side, as if the zombies were distracted by something...

Postby C S » Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:40 am

Alec followed suit, taking a few seconds to put his book bag on and draw his gun, running after Charles. He turned around every now and again, making sure that the zombies werent following, which they weren't. They were flocking towards the school's entrance, snarling and wet crunching could be heard as they seemed to be..eating something
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Postby boswell25 » Sun Apr 26, 2009 4:27 am

Realizing that trying to get in was a mistake,he quickly began cutting left and right,trying to get out of the frenzy.He caught a glimpse of a pair of humans running away from the building,and let out a roar/gurgling sound and began swiping the in their direction,in an attempt to get the mob to focus their attention on them instead.
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